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Vocabulary: unit 1

ring the changes

Stand in the way if block Upwardly mobile: que asciende socialmente.
skills training coaching Sacarellos clients are upwardly mobile.
not particular wealthy modest
price charged fee Sinonims of change
in the public eye high profile
increase boost adapt
successful achiever high-flier alter
a useful and valuable resource asset amend
willing to help or please - obliging convert
plough through (move across with difficulty) fluctuate
abrirse paso entre mutate
...ploughed her way through trays of canaps... revise
spouses: cnyuge. transform
to be the bread and butter metamorphose
skirt off : quedarse al margen.

Phrase spot

Idiom spot

she soon changed her tune: to change your opinion completely, especially because you know it
will bring you an advantage
to change hands: change owners.
to change his ways: to improve your behavior
to change his mind
to change place: to exchange positions with someone
to change of clothes: having a different set of clothing you can change into.
Lets change the subject

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