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Name: _____________________________________________________

Word Works
List 15

Trans Across, beyond

1. Transplant to remove from one place and plant in another.

2. Transmit to move forward, as to a recipient or destination;

dispatch; convey

3. Translate to turn from one language into another or from a

foreign language into ones own.

4. Transformation change in form, appearance, nature, or


5. Transportation the act of carrying or moving things from one

place to another.

6. Transaction the act of carrying out or conducting business to a

conclusion or settlement

7. Transcend to rise above or beyond; overpass; exceed

8. Transcribe to make a written copy

9. Transferred moved from one place or person to another.

10. Transfixed to hold motionless with amazement, awe, or terror.

Name: _____________________________________________________

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