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iiEPI, B L 1C C"O.

,{iii'L IPP IN ES
l)lrP.{RT\tF\T OF lri\.\i'j t.E

i6 December 2015

REVET.IU E MTM{}ftAruDUM CIRCULAR ilIO. .t l-u - yit/lt\:

SUBJECT : eircularizing the Price of Sugar at Millsite for Week-Ending Decenrber 6,

Z0iS, as provided by the L!censing anrl Monitoring Divlsicn, Regulation
ilepartment, Sugar Reguiatery Administration {SftA}

TR Ail lnternal Revenue Officers and Gth*rs Concerned'

For the information and guidance of all internal revenue officiais, employees anci
others ccncerned, attached herewith, as Annex "A", is the Priee of Sugar at Millsite for
Week-Ending December 6, ?-ALI, provided by rhe Licensing and Monitoring Division,
Regulation Department, Sugar Regulaiory Administration (5RA), to this Bureau pursuani io
Revenue ilegulations (ilF.) No. 13-2015 (ciateo Cctober i2,2A15i.

All revenue officials ancl empicyees are enjoined io give this Circuiar with the Pric-o
of Sugar Price at Millslie r'cr Week-Ending December 6,2AL5 as wide a publiciiy as ocssibie'

t,?'' '." "'

M 5. JA.C[|\IYO-I{ EzuARES

Commissioner cf Internai Revenue

A.q: ,1 A
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B'r"iftjiAu 0F ii{fdB}iAl REIENUE

Drc 17 2lri5

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