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Why is the Earth warming?

Earth absorbs and releases energy of the sun. Its temperature depends on the balance between these
energies. When energy of the sun is absorbed by the planet,it warms. On the contrary,it cools when
it releases energy of the sun.

Are we responsible?This is the question.

Both natural and human factors can change the energy balance. Before humans,climate changed as
a result of natural causes such as variation in solar radiation received by Earth,changes in Earths
orbit,movement of Earths crust or volcanic eruptions. Now(nowadays, this days),humans emit
greenhouse gases which affect the amount of heat retained by Earths atmosphere. The most
important greenhouse gases emitted by humans are CO2, CH4 and N2O.Other gases contribute to
greenhouse effect like O3,CFCs or water vapor.

Can we stop the global warming?Is it too late?.

The temperature of Oceans is warming and the warmer water contains less plankton. As a result,
some marine species are at risk of extinction. On the other hand,glaciers are melting and the level
sea is increasing. In the future,will seas cover lands?

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