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Adapted from:

Senior Project Design Rubric

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh.

Sophisticated Competent Not yet Competent

Research & Design

Identifies project objectives All important major and minor All major objectives are identified but Many major objectives are not
based on general description objectives are identified and one or two minor ones are missing or identified.
and client requirements appropriately prioritized. priorities are not established.

Identifies relevant & valid All relevant information is obtained Sufficient information is obtained and Insufficient information is obtained
information to support decision- and information sources are valid. most sources are valid. Design and/or sources lack validity. Design
making. Design recommendations are well recommendations are mostly supported recommendations are not supported by
supported by the information. by the information. information collected.

Generation and analysis of Three or more alternatives are At least three alternatives are Only one or two alternatives are
alternatives. considered. Each alternative is considered. Appropriate analyses are considered. Inappropriate analyses are
appropriately and correctly analyzed selected but analyses include some selected and/or major procedural and
for technical feasibility. minor procedural errors conceptual errors are made.

Identifies relevant constraints All relevant constraints are identified Most constraints are identified; some Few or no constraints are identified or
(economic, environmental/ and accurately analyzed. are not adequately addressed or some constraints are identified but not
safety sustainability, etc) accurately analyzed. accurately analyzed.

Generates valid Recommended solution is based on Solution/decision is reasonable; further Only one solution is considered or
conclusions/decisions stated criteria, analysis and constraints. analysis of some of the alternatives or other solutions were ignored or
constraints may have led to different incompletely analyzed. Many
recommendation. constraints and criteria were ignored.

Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, Carnegie Mellon University 1

Adapted from:
Senior Project Design Rubric
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh.

Sophisticated Competent Not yet Competent


Written Communication Report is well organized and clearly Report is organized and clearly written for Report lacks an overall organization.
written. The underlying logic is clearly the most part. In some areas the logic or Reader has to make considerable
articulated and easy to follow. Words are flow of ideas is difficult to follow. Words effort to understand the underlying
chosen that precisely express the intended are well chosen with some minor logic and flow of ideas. Diagrams are
meaning and support reader exceptions. Diagrams are consistent with absent or inconsistent with the text.
comprehension. Diagrams or analyses the text. Sentences are mostly grammatical Grammatical and spelling errors make
enhance and clarify presentation of ideas. and only a few spelling errors are present it difficult for the reader to interpret
Sentences are grammatical and free from but they do not hinder the reader. the text in places.
spelling errors.
Presentation Slides are error-free and logically present Slides are error-free and logically present Slides contain errors and lack a
the main components of the process and the main components of the process and logical progression. Major aspects of
Visual Aids recommendations. Material is readable recommendations. Material is mostly the analysis or recommendations are
and the graphics highlight and support the readable and graphics reiterate the main absent. Diagrams or graphics are
main ideas. ideas. absent or confuse the audience.

Speakers are audible and fluent on their Speakers are mostly audible and fluent on Speakers are often inaudible or
Oral Presentation topic, and do not rely on notes to present their topic, and require minimal referral to hesitant, often speaking in incomplete
or respond. Speakers respond accurately notes. Speakers respond to most questions sentences. Speakers rely heavily on
and appropriately to audience questions accurately and appropriately. notes. Speakers have difficulty
and comments. responding clearly and accurately to
audience questions.

Body Language Body language, as indicated by Body language, as indicated by a slight Body language, as indicated by
appropriate and meaningful gestures (e.g., tendency to repetitive and distracting frequent, repetitive and distracting
drawing hands inward to convey gestures (e.g., tapping a pen, wringing gestures, little or no audience eye-
contraction, moving arms up to convey hands, waving arms, clenching fists, etc.) contact, and /or stiff posture and
lift, etc.) eye contact with audience, and and breaking eye contact with audience, movement, indicate a high degree of
movement, demonstrates a high level of demonstrates a slight discomfort with the discomfort interacting with audience.
comfort and connection with the audience. audience.

Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, Carnegie Mellon University 2

Adapted from:
Senior Project Design Rubric
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh.

Sophisticated Competent Not yet Competent

Team Work
(Based on peer evaluation,
observations of group
meetings and presentation)

Delegation and Responsibilities delegated fairly. Each Some minor inequities in the delegation of Major inequities in delegation of
fulfillment of member contributes in a valuable way to responsibilities. Some members contribute responsibilities. Group has obvious
Responsibilities the project. All members always attended more heavily than others but all members freeloaders who fail to meet their
meetings and met deadlines for meet their responsibilities. Members responsibilities or members who
deliverables. regularly attended meetings with only a dominate and prevent others from
few absences, and deadlines for contributing. Members would often
deliverables were met. miss meetings, and/or deadlines were
often missed.

Team morale and Team worked well together to achieve Team worked well together most of the Team did not collaborate or
cohesiveness objectives. Members enjoyed interacting time, with only a few occurrences of communicate well. Some members
with each other and learned from each communication breakdown or failure to would work independently, without
other. All data sources indicated a high collaborate when appropriate. Members regard to objectives or priorities. A
level of mutual respect and collaboration. were mostly respectful of each other. lack of respect and regard was
frequently noted.

Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence, Carnegie Mellon University 3

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