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Ant stands for another nice tool

How to install and setup ant?

wt is build.xml in ant?
wt is target?
wt is task?
Explain the project tag in build.xml?
how to call a specifi target of build.xml in ant?
what is dependency?
what is an artifactory server?
Diff between Jar/War/Ear
What is our responsibility if build fails?
How to see ant version?
What is property? How to use it?
what is antcall?
Explain fileset/pattern set / Filter set/ path/
Explain copy/javac/delete/mkdir tasks.
How to create a jar/war?
How to trigger the ant build if the xml file name is other than build.xml?
what is the option to debug the ant build.xml file ?
How to pass property values dynamically?

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