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The purpose of this tutorial is to provide an introduction to the simulation program Simnon.
The conceptual framework is described in Chapter 2. The tutorial then proceeds by giving
examples. Chapter 3 shows how to solve simple differential equations. The solution of
difference equations is described in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 describes the simulation of more
complicated systems, which are composed of subsystems. Some advanced features are
described in Chapter 6. A few remarks on the implementation are given in Chapter 7. Chapter
8 contains information on how Simnon can exchange data with other programs and
computers. Some more advanced simulation examples are given in Chapter 9. Each chapter is
provided with exercises.
Do not forget to experiment on the screen as you progress with the reading. Remember
that you can always use HELP and that a detailed description of the language construction is
given in the reference section of this book. Also remember that a good way to learn Simnon is
to start by learning a few commands and expand the vocabulary gradually.
All Simnon specific words are written in capital letters in the manual , but Simnon does
not distinguish between upper and lower case letters.

Simulation means to imitate the behaviour of a system. Through simulation it is possible to
make investigations without having access to the real system. It is an experiment inside the
computer. In the simulations, the effects of different initial conditions and parameter values
can be studied. For instance, in a control system different regulator structures and parameter
settings can be investigated. When the performance is satisfactory in the simulation, the
regulator may be tested on the real process. Simulation is also a good aid to train operators.
For instance, pilots of aeroplanes are trained on a regular basis in simulators.
V\VWHPV. A typical example of a discrete event simulation is the simulation of queues and
operating systems. Simnon is intended for the simulation of continuous time as well as
discrete time dynamical systems. Numerical integration routines are used to simulate
differential equations. Difference equations describing discrete time systems are solved by
iterating the equations.

Simnon is designed for solving ordinary differential and difference equations and for
simulating dynamical systems. The systems may be described as an interconnection of
subsystems whose behaviour is characterised by differential equations or by difference
equations. Models of this type are common in mathematics, biology, economics and in many
branches of engineering. Simnon has an interactive implementation, which makes it easy for a
user to work with the system. The user interacts with the system by typing commands.
Parameters, initial conditions and system descriptions can be modified interactively. The


results are displayed graphically or numerically on the screen. The layout can easily be
modified and the results can be documented using a hard copy facility. Simnon may be used in
a very simple way to find solutions to difference or differential equations. This requires only
six commands. There are over 40 commands in Simnon. The built-in macro facility lets you
create your own commands.



This chapter gives an overview of system descriptions and interaction principles used in

To use Simnon it is necessary to have a basic understanding of dynamical systems,
in particular to be familiar with the notions of input, output, and state.

An ordinary differential equation is a simple form of a dynamical system. The generic form of
differential equation is

= f(x, t) (2.1)

where [ is a vector of state variables.

Simnon can also deal with difference equations. The generic form used is

x(t k +1 ) = f(x(t k ), t k ), k = 1,2,... (2.2)

Here {t k :k = 1,2,...} is a sequence of discrete time instants called sampling times or sampling
instants and [ is a vector of state variables.

Simnon can also describe more complicated systems, which are interconnections of
subsystems. The subsystems can be continuous time systems described by differential
equations or discrete time systems described by difference equations.
The generic form of a continuous time system is

= f(x, t)
dt (2.3)
y = g(x, u, t)

where X is a vector of inputs, \ a vector of outputs and [ is the state vector. A system like 2.0 is
specified as a CONTINUOUS SYSTEM in Simnon. The analogous form for a discrete time
system is

x(t k +1 ) = f(x(t k ), u(t k ), t k )

k = 1, 2, (2.4)
y(t k ) = g(x(t k ), u(t k ), t k )


The next sampling time WN+1 can be a function of, for instance, [(WN), X(WN), and WN. A system
like (2.0) is specified as a DISCRETE SYSTEM. In Simnon the state variables of a discrete
time system are viewed as piece-wise constant functions of time, which change abruptly at the
sampling instants.
Simnon allows a system or a subsystem to be described by either of the forms (2.3) or
(2.4). It is also possible to have interconnected systems where the subsystems can have the
forms (2.3) or (2.4). Connections are described as a CONNECTING SYSTEM.

Simnon displays information to the user via a graphical screen, which can show curves, text
and numbers. It is also possible to get a hard copy of a picture and to list system descriptions
and display data. Simnon receives information from the user by commands from the keyboard.
The commands have the form
where COM is the name of the command and ARG1, ARG2, etc. are the arguments.

It is desirable that commands are both short and flexible. One possibility to achieve these
conflicting goals is to use short forms where the arguments are omitted. The arguments are
then given default values, which in many cases are the previously used values. Most
commands also have initial default values given by the system. The idea is illustrated by an
example. The different forms of the command SIMU, which executes a simulation of a
system, are found from
SIMU [<start time> <stop time> [<increment>]
[-{CONT|MARK}] [/<filename>[<increment>]]
This description is called the extended Backus-normal form (EBNF), or the extended
Backus-Naur form. The symbol <...> denotes an argument i.e., a number or an identifier.
The symbol [a1 a2 ...] denotes options which may or may not appear and {a1| a2|
...} denotes options where one alternative must appear. An asterisk (*) denotes repetitions.
The syntax for any command is obtained by typing the command HELP followed by the name
of the command. The syntax is then shown in the extended Backus-Naur notation along with
some examples.
For example the command
SIMU 0 100
simulates a system from time 0 to time 100. If we want to repeat the simulation a second time
it suffices to write
The previous values of the arguments, i.e., 0 and 100, are then used.
You can also use the menu to run a simulation and this is described in Part 2, chapter
2.1.4 Simulate.
It follows from the description that start and stop times and the initial time increment may
be specified. It is also possible to mark curves by using the optional argument MARK. A
simulation may also be continued by using the end conditions of a previous simulation as
initial values. This is done by the command option CONT. The results of a simulation may also
be stored in a file. The time spacing between the stored values is specified by <increment>.
The command


gives the current values of the simulation times and increments.

2.1 You start Simnon simply by double clicking the icon simnon. You exit Simnon by typing
STOP. Practice this.

2.2 The HELP command has an hierarchical structure. Try to find out about Simnon by using the
command HELP.

2.3 Type HELP AXES to learn about the command AXES. Experiment with the command and find
the same thing by using Help plot instead.


The solution of ordinary non-linear differential equations is a simple application of Simnon. In
such an application Simnon can be viewed simply as a calculator for differential equations.
There are two minor differences compared with a calculator. Simnon can display curves. In a
calculator a function is activated by pushing a dedicated key. In Simnon functions are
activated by typing a command on the keyboard. How Simnon may be used to solve an
ordinary differential equation is illustrated by an example.

Suppose that we would like to know the character of the solution to the van der Pol equation

d2 y dy
+ a(y 2 b) + y = 0 (3.1)
dt dt

for different initial conditions and different values of the parameters D and E. The van der Pol
equation is a model for an electronic oscillator. The solution to the problem can be divided
into the following steps:

1. Enter the system description

2. Simulate
3. Analyse the results
4. Change parameters and initial conditions

where steps 2, 3 and 4 are iterated until a satisfactory result is obtained. The different steps
will now be described in some detail.

The equation (3.1) is first rewritten as a system of first order differential equations. Since the
equation (3.1) is of second order an extra variable has to be introduced. Choosing this variable
x= the equation (3.1) can be written as

dt = x
dx (3.2)
= ax(b y 2 ) y


"The van der Pol equation


DER dx dy

/LVWLQJ Simnon system for Equation (3.2).

This is the standard state space form used by Simnon. The variables [ and \, which appear
differentiated are the state variables of the system.
A file, which describes the system, should now be prepared. This file, named vdpol, is
given in Listing . The first line indicates that it is a continuous time system with the name
vdpol. The state variables x and y and their derivatives, which are called dx and dy, are
declared. The differential equations are then defined. Notice the strong similarity with
equation (3.2). Finally, values are assigned to the parameters D and E. Simnon distinguishes
between SDUDPHWHUV and YDULDEOHV. Parameters can be assigned values interactively using the
command PAR. The notation : is used to assign parameter values in a system description.
Variables are defined using the notation =.
The file can be edited using the command
EDIT <filename>
where the argument <filename> is an identifier.
When you refer to files in Simnon you should not enter any file extension. The files that
you edit are automatically given the extension .T. The syntax of the system descriptions is
described in detail in the reference section. You can list a system description on the screen
with the command
LIST <filename>

To run the system vdpol it must first be activated. This is done by the command
SYST vdpol
If there are any errors during the activation an error message will be given and the error
must be corrected. After the correction a new SYST command must be given.
If we would like to see the solution curves as they are integrated we must first draw axes
in a plot window. This is done with the command
AXES H 0 20 V -6 6
which means that the ranges of the horizontal (H) and vertical (V) axes are chosen as [0, 20]
and [-6, 6]. The command
PLOT x y
instructs the program to plot the variables x and y as functions of time during the simulation.
To perform a simulation it is necessary to give appropriate initial conditions to the state
variables. The command
INIT x:1
assigns the initial value 1 to the state variable x. Initial values are automatically set to zero if
no assignments are made. We are now ready to make a simulation. The command
SIMU 0 20
performs a simulation from time 0 to time 20, and the result shown in Fig. is obtained. If
you have forgotten the order given in the PLOT command you can check the current plot list
by giving the command


How to label the plots is described in Section 6.2.

)LJXUH Simulation of the van der Pol equation for D=1 and
E=1 with initial values [(0)=1 and \(0)=0. The state variables
[ and \are plotted as functions of time.

Sometimes when you make a simulation you will find that it does not proceed as expected. It
is then useful to be able to break the operation immediately. The status line will contain a
"progress bar", showing how far the simulation has gone. At the same time the simulation
button in the toolbar will be modified to a red stop symbol. Click this button to stop the

Suppose that it is of interest to explore how the solution to the differential equation depends
on the parameters D and E. The command
PAR b:2
assigns the value 2 to the parameter E.
Just type SIMU to repeat the simulation over the same time interval as in the previous
Current values of all states, derivatives, variables and parameters may be displayed. The
displays all current data on the screen. Selective displays of the parameter a, the states x and
y is done by the command
DISP a x y
The display may also be directed to the log file. A simple way to find out how the
command DISP works is to type


It may be useful to store some results, to compare results from different simulations and to
plot different state variables in different diagrams. Suppose for example that we would like to
compare the results for the parameter sets D=1, E=1 with those for D=1, E=2. Two data files are
first generated. The command
PAR a:1
PAR b:1
sets the parameters. The command
tells that the state variables x and y should be stored. The current list of variables to be stored
is obtained by the command
The command
then performs a simulation and stores x and y in a file called B1. The value of b is set to 2 by
PAR b:2
and the command
simulates and stores the results in file B2. The command
splits the screen into two rows with one plotting area each. The command
plots the variable x from file B2 in the first window using automatic scaling. The command
plots the variable y from file B2 in the second window.

)LJXUH Solution of the van der Pol equation for E = 1 and E = 2.

The commands
AREA 1 1
AREA 2 1
plots the variables x and y from file B1 in the first and second windows respectively. AREA
selects the active plot area. The advantage of the combination of STORE and SHOW (or
ASHOW) over the PLOT command is that several variables can be stored and displayed in
different diagrams after the simulation. The disadvantage is that it is not possible to see the
result until the simulation is finished.
To document the results it is useful to generate a hardcopy of the curves obtained. The


takes a snapshot of the graphs on the screen. Further details are obtained by giving the
The command
resets plotting to just one area in the current plot window.

)LJXUH Phase plane plot of the van der Pol equation for
D = 1, E = 1, [(0) = 1, \(0) = 0.

For second order differential equations it is often useful to visualise the results as phase plane
plots. This may be done simply by
AXES H -4 4 V -3 3
SHOW y(x)/B1
This command plots y as a function of x. The result obtained by using this command is
shown in Fig..

The general way of using Simnon as a "calculator for differential equations" will now be
given. The generic form of a system description is given in Listing .


"General differential equation comment
STATE < identifier > < identifier >

DER < identifier > < identifier > declarations

TIME < identifier >
computation of auxiliary variables

computation of derivatives
parameter assignment
initial value assignment


/LVWLQJ Generic form of system description for simulation of differential equations.

The system description starts with CONTINUOUS SYSTEM <identifier>. It is terminated

by a line which contains END. An identifier is a letter followed by at most 7 letters and digits.
Both upper and lower case letters may be used. Simnon does not distinguish between them.
The system description has two parts, a declaration part and a body.
There are three types of declarations. The state variables and their derivatives are declared
by the keywords STATE and DER followed by a list of the state variables and the derivatives.
The derivatives and the state variables are associated by their sequential order in the lists. A
time variable may be declared for simulation of time varying differential equations. This is
done by the keyword TIME followed by an identifier.
The body of the system description specifies the derivatives of the state variables in terms
of state variables and parameters. Auxiliary variables may also be used. The body also
contains assignment of parameters and initial values. Please note that a variable may only be
defined once. The order of the statements in the body is unimportant. The statements will be
sorted into appropriate order by the SYST command.

The expressions available in Simnon are similar to those in a procedural language like Algol
or Pascal. An expression may be a numeric constant or a variable. It may also be combinations
of variables, operators and functions. Conditional expressions of the form
IF...THEN...ELSE are also permitted. Simnon has arithmetic, relational and logical
operators. All variables are floating point numbers. The numbers are written in the
conventional way as 4, 1.1, or 6E7. The result of a Boolean expression is 1.0 if it is true and
0.0 if it is false.

The arithmetic operators are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation.
They are denoted as
+ - * / ^
respectively. For instance,
2a 5
v = -
b + c

is written

v = -2 * a^5 / (b + c)

There are two relational operators, namely greater than, and smaller than. They are denoted by
> <
Please note that there is no equality.

The logical operators are AND, OR, and NOT.

The standard mathematical functions are available. The details are given in the reference
section. See Part IV-Section 2.6.


We have seen that Simnon can solve ordinary differential equations in a very simple way. To
do this the differential equations are first written as a system of first order equations like

= f(x, t)

where [ and X are vectors. A continuous time system is then generated in Simnon by declaring
the state variables, i.e., the components of the vector [, and their derivatives. The function I,
which defines the right hand side of the differential equation, is then introduced using ordinary
mathematical expressions and assignments of parameters. There is no vector notation so all
equations must be written in scalar notation. The command LIST can be used to list files. A
simulation may be performed by as few as six basic commands, namely: SYST, AXES, PLOT,
In order to edit, manipulate and document results from several different simulations it is,
however, also useful to use six additional commands, namely STORE, SHOW, DISP, SPLIT,
The HELP command acts as a condensed reference manual.

3.1 Use EDIT or File|New|Continuous to enter the system description in Listing .

3.2 Use the command LIST to list the system you have edited on the screen.

3.3 Repeat the simulation described in this chapter on your own.

3.4 Practice to interrupt a simulation.

3.5 Change parameters with the command PAR and initial conditions with the command INIT and
investigate how the solutions to the van der Pol equations change.

3.6 Experiment with the commands AXES, SPLIT, SHOW, ASHOW, and AREA.

3.7 Use HELP to investigate the basic simulation commands AXES, PLOT, INIT, PAR, SYST, and

3.8 Introduce a formal error in the program in Listing  by changing the assignment of dx to dx =
a*x*(b-y*y-y). Try to activate the incorrect program using the SYST command.

3.9 Use HELP to investigate the auxiliary commands STORE, SHOW, DISP, ASHOW, SPLIT, and

3.10 Look at the commands LIST, LP, and HCOPY and learn how to get hardcopies of listings and
plots on your system.

3.11 Consider the following van der Pol equation

y'' + (y - 1) y' + y = a
Investigate the limit cycles obtained for = 0.05 and 0.993 < a < 1.


3.12 The following equations called the Volterra-Lotka equations represent a simple model for the
development of two competing species
dt = (a by)x
= (cx d)y

3.13 Make a Simnon system to study the equations. Start with the following nominal values: D = 2.7, E
= 0.7, F = 1 and G = 3.

3.14 A simple model for an orbiting satellite is given by

dr dj 2 k
r =
dt r
dj 2 dr dj
dt + r dt dt =

where U is the radius from the centre of the earth, the azimuth angle and N a gravitational
constant. Write a Simnon system and simulate the equations.

3.15 Simulate the differential equations

= a(y x), x(0) = 8
= bx y xz, y(0) = 8
= cx + xy, z(0) = 24
where D = 10, E = 28, and F = 8/3. Look in particular at ] as a function of [. The equation, which
is called the Lorenz equation, is an example of a deterministic system, which has a very irregular (chaotic)

3.16 A Simnon system, which describes a three-body problem, is listed below


"A planar threebody system

STATE x vx y vy
DER dx ax dy ay

r1=sqrt(x*x+y*y) "distance to the earth

r2=sqrt((a-x)*(a-x)+y*y) "distance to the moon
F1=k*m1/(r1*r1) "gravitational force of the earth
F2=k*m2/(r2*r2) "gravitational force of the moon
ax=-F1*x/r1+F2*(a-x)/r2 "x-component of acceleration
ay=-F1*y/r1-F2*y/r2 "y-component of acceleration

"The total energy is computed to check the results


"Scaled variables used for plotting




x:-6.37e6 "satellite initially behind the earth

vy:11080 "initial velocity [m/s]

k:6.67e-11 "gravitational constant [Nm^2/kg^2]

m1:5.977e24 "mass of the earth [kg]
m2:7.349e22 "mass of the moon [kg]
a:3.844e8 "average distance from moon to earth [km]


Write the differential equations that describe the system.



It is also possible to simulate difference equations with Simnon. This is done analogously to
the simulation of differential equations. An example is first given and the general principles
are then stated.

Consider the following difference equation

x k +1 = x k + rx k (1 x k ), k = 0,1,... (4.1)

This is a simple model of a population dynamics. The variable [Ndenotes the number of
individuals at time N in a normalised scale. There is an equilibrium value [=1 at which the
population remains constant. For [N 0 the population increases by the factor 1+U in each
generation. For [N>1 the population will decrease. Assume that it is of interest to investigate
how the population changes with time. A difference equation is represented as a DISCRETE
SYSTEM in Simnon. The description of a system which simulates the difference equation (4.1)
is given in Listing 41.


"Simple model for population dynamics
NEW nx

/LVWLQJ41 Simnon system for simulation of the difference equation (4.1).

The state variable is declared in the same way as for a continuous time system using the
STATE declaration. The declaration NEW is used to declare the variable nx, which denotes the
new value of the state variable i.e. [N+1. NEW is thus the analogy of DER for continuous time
When simulating difference equations it is necessary to provide a mechanism for making
the state variables change at certain sampling times. For example the state variable in equation
(4.1) changes periodically at N = 1, 2,... In the general case there may, however, be irregular
sampling. The mechanism used to describe this in Simnon is to introduce a variable of the
type TSAMP which gives the next sampling time. In Listing (4.1) the first assignment
statement is simply a definition of the right hand side of the difference equation (4.1). The
second line: ts=k+1 assigns the value k+1 to the TSAMP variable ts. This variable gives
the time when the system is run the next time.


)LJXUH41 Simulation of population dynamics with U=0.2, 2.7, and 2.83.

Discrete time systems are run in the same way as continuous time systems. A simulation is
thus executed by the commands

SYST popdyn
AXES H 0 80 V 0 2
PAR r:0.2
SIMU 0 80

This generates the uppermost curve in Fig 41. The commands

PAR r:2.70
PAR r:2.83

repeat the simulation for U = 2.70 and U = 2.83, and plot the corresponding curves shown in
Fig 41. Notice that the behaviour of the solutions changes drastically with moderate changes
in the parameters.


)LJXUH42 Graph of the function I([) = [([+3)([+2)([-2)([-3) generated by Simnon.

Simnon is conveniently used to obtain a graph of a function. Assume for example that we
want a graph of the polynomial

f(x) = x(x + 3)(x + 2)(x 2)(x 3)

This is accomplished by the following system.


"Defines a polynomial

The commands

SYST pol
SIMU -3.6 3.6

will then generate the graph in Fig 42. Please note that the curve is not smooth because the
function was defined using a discrete time system. The variables in a discrete time system are
assumed to be constant between the sampling instants. If a smooth curve is desired it is better
to use continuous systems.
Simnon is also conveniently used to generate level curves, field plots and conformal maps.
To illustrate such applications consider for example the problem of finding the image of the
lines arg ] = /2 and arg ] = 3/4 in the conformal map
G(x) = e z = e x + iy = e x (cosy + isiny)
This may be accomplished by the system



"Generates the function exp(z)


The commands

SYST expz
AXES H -1 1 V 0 1.5
SIMU 0 3.14
PAR alpha: 135
SIMU 0 4.44
then generate the curves shown in Fig 43.

DISCRETE SYSTEM <identifier>

"General difference equation comment
STATE < identifier >... < identifier >
NEW < identifier >... < identifier >
TIME < identifier >
TSAMP < identifier >
computation of auxiliary variables
computations of new values of the states

update the TSAMP variable body
parameter assignment

initial value assignment

/LVWLQJ42 Structure of Simnon system for simulating difference equations.

The general form of a description of a discrete time system is given in Listing 42. The
standard form used in Simnon is a system of first order difference equations. It may be
necessary to introduce auxiliary variables to obtain this form. The description of a discrete
time system is analogous to a continuous time system.
The only difference is that DER is replaced by NEW and that the sampling variable TSAMP
must be declared and assigned.


)LJXUH 43 Graph of the map of the rays arg ] = /2 and arg ] = 3/4 in the map *(]) = H].

Difference equations are simulated in the same way as differential equations. The system
description DISCRETE SYSTEM is used instead of CONTINUOUS SYSTEM. The
simulation commands are the same as for differential equations. The six basic commands
AXES, PLOT, INIT, PAR, SYST, and SIMU and the six auxiliary commands STORE, SHOW,
DISP, SPLIT, AREA, and HCOPY are very useful.

4.1 The difference equation
1 a
x k +1 = xk +
2 xk

is a well known algorithm for computing the square root of D. Write a discrete system in Simnon
and explore the algorithm.

4.2 Modify the simulation program in the previous exercise so that the stationary solution to the
equation is computed and plotted.

4.3 The following is a simple Keynesian model of a macro economic system

y(t) = c(t) + i(t) + g(t)

c(t) = ay(t 1)
i(t) = b(c(t) c(t 1))

where \ is the gross national product, F consumption, L investment and J government
expenditures. Write the equations as a system of first order difference equations and simulate the equations.
Investigate the response of the system to a sudden increase in government spending. What are the influences of
the parameters D and E? Try the values D = 0.75 and E = 0.5, 1 and 2.

4.4 Investigate the properties of the following difference equation

x(t + 1) = r(x(t) + y(t))e0.1(x(t)+ y(t))
y(t + 1) = x(t)


for different values of the parameter U.

4.5 Modify the simulation which gave Fig 42 so that a smooth curve is obtained.



Many systems can often be viewed as interconnections of subsystems, which are represented
by differential or difference equations. The difference equations typically arise when
modelling regulators implemented by digital computers. To represent subsystems, declarations
of inputs and outputs are added to the system descriptions. The system descriptions are
otherwise the same as the CONTINUOUS SYSTEM and the DISCRETE SYSTEM described
previously in Chapters 3 and 4. A special type of system is introduced to describe the
interconnections. This system is called a CONNECTING SYSTEM. The possibility of
decomposing a model into subsystems may also be useful in other contexts, particularly when
dealing with large systems.
Consider the control system shown in Fig.51 which is a combination of two subsystems: a
regulator, which is a discrete time system, and a process, which is a continuous time system.
The subsystems can be described as follows


INPUT yr y



where the details of the system descriptions are omitted. The interconnections between the
systems are described by a CONNECTING SYSTEM as follows


"Connecting system for pireg and proc

It may be tempting to place a connecting system in a file called con. This cannot be done
on 06'26 machines because con is a reserved word that refers to the console device. See
your 06'26 manual for this and other reserved words. Notice that states, variables, and
parameters are local to each subsystem. Variables belonging to different subsystems can be
addressed by appending the system name in square brackets to the variable name. Notice that
expressions may be used to describe the interconnections. Constructions like
y[pireg] = IF t1 THEN 0 ELSE SIN(k*y[proc])
are thus possible.


The simulation of an interconnected system is done using the same commands as was used
to simulate difference or differential equations. The only difference is that it is necessary to
activate all subsystems that describe the interconnected system. This is done by the command
SYST proc pireg conn
The connecting system must be the last subsystem in the list. The order of the subsystems
is otherwise irrelevant. Continuous and discrete systems may be mixed freely.

Regulator Process

)LJXUH51 Block diagram of an interconnected system.

A continuous time process controlled by a computer implemented regulator is conveniently
described as an interconnected system. The process may be represented as a CONTINUOUS
SYSTEM and the digital controller as a DISCRETE SYSTEM.
Listing 51 describes a feedback loop consisting of a continuous time process called proc
and a digital PI regulator called pireg. The process is an integrator with input saturation.
The interconnections are described by the connecting system conn.


"Integrator with input saturation
DER dx
upr=IF u<-0.1 THEN -0.1 ELSE (IF u<0.1 THEN u ELSE 0.1)


"Discrete time PI regulator with anti-windup
INPUT yr y
NEW ni
u=IF v<ulow THEN ulow ELSE (IF v<uhigh THEN v ELSE uhigh)
k:1 "regulator gain
ti:1 "reset time
h:0.5 "sampling period
ulow:-1 "lower limit of control signal


uhigh:1 "upper limit of control signal



"Connecting system for pireg and proc

/LVWLQJ51 Simnon description of a simple control loop consisting of a continuous time process and a discrete
time PI regulator.

The following annotated dialogue illustrates how Simnon is used.

SYST proc pireg conn Activate the system.
STORE yr y[proc] upr Select variables to be stored.
SIMU 0 40 Simulate.
SPLIT 2 1 Form two plot areas.
ASHOW y yr Draw y and yr with automatic scaling
in the first area.
ASHOW upr Draw upr with automatic scaling in second

Please note that the names are local to each subsystem. To distinguish between variables
with the same name in different subsystem the name of the subsystem is appended to the
variable name as in y[proc]. Variables can be transmitted between subsystem by declaring
them as inputs and outputs.
The results of the simulation are shown by the oscillatory curves in Fig 52.
The discrete nature of the control actions generated by the control computer are clearly
visible in the curves. It should be noticed that the outputs and the state variables of a discrete
time system are defined for all times. They are constant between the sampling instants and
they change abruptly at the sampling instants. These curves show that there is a considerable
overshoot due to wind-up of the integral. This can be avoided by telling the regulator what the
process limitations are. The commands

PAR ulow:-0.1
PAR uhigh:0.1

change the necessary parameters. The commands

SIMU 0 40
AREA 1 1
AREA 2 1
SHOW upr

show that the overshoot is reduced significantly. Compare Fig 52.


)LJXUH52 Results of simulation of process control with a PI regulator. The curves

with a large overshoot correspond to an ordinary regulator. The welldamped set of
curves are obtained with a regulator with overshoot inhibition (anti reset wind-up).

Simnon allows three types of system descriptions, namely CONTINUOUS SYSTEM,
model a subsystem represented by ordinary differential equations. A DISCRETE SYSTEM is
used to model a subsystem described by difference equations. The CONNECTING SYSTEM
describes how the subsystems are interconnected. The complete syntax for the system
descriptions is given in the reference section in Part IV of this manual.

5.1 Look at the syntax of the commands SYST and SIMU using HELP. What are the differences
between simulation of a single system and an interconnected system?

5.2 Assume that the variable y is used in two subsystems in an interconnected system. Use the digital
control example to find out what happens when you try to display or plot the variable. What diagnosis is
produced? How can the variables be separated?

5.3 Consider the system in the example. Repeat the simulation on your own computer. Investigate
the consequences of changing the sampling period h.

5.4 Study the general form of the system descriptions.



Simnon may be used in many different ways. So far we have described problems, which may
be solved by using only a dozen commands. This is sufficient for many applications. For more
demanding problems there are, however, several additional features. These may all be
explored by using HELP or by reading the reference section in Part IV of this book. A brief
description of some useful features will be given here to indicate some possibilities.

The command SAVE stores the current parameters and initial values in a file. The values may
be retrieved by the command GET. These commands are very useful when working with large
models, because parameters and initial values for different operating conditions can then be
stored in files instead of in the system descriptions.
Assume for example that the systems pireg, proc, and conn have been activated as in
Section 5.1 by the command
SYST pireg proc conn
The command
SAVE par51
then generates a file par51.t of the form


The parameter values can be retrieved later by giving the command

GET par51

When preparing plots for reports it is convenient to label the plots. This can be done using the
commands TEXT and MARK. With the command
TEXT <string>
the text defined by <string> is displayed at the top of the current plotting area. The text is thus
placed in a predefined place. It is also possible to place text at any place in a plot window
using the command MARK. For instance
MARK A 3 4


will move the text cursor to position x=3 and y=4 in the displayed coordinate system from the
reference point. This is defined as the lower left corner of the plot area. The text cursor can
also be moved relative to its current position by giving the command
MARK R 1 -2
This will change the horizontal position with 1 unit and the vertical with -2 units. Text can be
inserted at the current position by the command
MARK "<string>
The text string after the quote is then displayed. For instance the marking procedure can be
done as follow.

TEXT State variable x and y marked red and blue

MARK A 22 1.2
MARK "Time t

A more natural method is to control the co-ordinates for text interactively with the mouse.
See the command GIN in the reference section in Part IV.

Commands are normally read from the terminal. It is, however, useful to have the option of
reading a sequence of commands from a file instead. This is done by the construction

MACRO name arg1 arg2 ...

This implies that the commands 1 and 2 are not executed directly but stored in a file. The
macros may also have arguments as shown above. The command sequence or macro is
activated simply by typing name followed by possible arguments.
Macros are very useful. Once created, a macro can be used like an ordinary Simnon
command. The macros can thus be used to extend Simnon with user defined commands. This
is convenient for implementation of a dialogue. Command sequences, that are commonly
used, may be defined as macros. A simple macro call will then perform a whole sequence of
commands. A typical example may be creation of standard plots for a given simulation. The
usefulness of macros may be extended considerably by introducing commands to control the
program flow in a macro, facilities for handling local and global variables and by allowing
macros to have arguments. The macro facility used in Simnon has these features. By having
commands for reading the keyboard and for writing on the screen it is also possible to
implement question and answer dialogues using macros. The macros are also very convenient
for documentation. When a successful simulation is completed we can just create a macro
which contains the commands of a complete simulation. The simulation is then repeated
simply by typing the name of the macro created. As an illustration we give the following
macro which generates Fig 52.

MACRO mpireg
SYST proc pireg conn
STORE yr y[proc] upr
SIMU 0 40/wup
PAR ulow:-0.1
PAR uhigh:0.1


SIMU /nowup
ASHOW y yr/wup
SHOW y/nowup
TEXT Output y and yref
MARK A 21 8.8
MARK "Time t
ASHOW upr/wup
SHOW upr/nowup
TEXT Control variable u
MARK A 21 1.2
MARK "Time t

Macros for generating all the figures in this tutorial are given in Appendix A. Even a
casual user is strongly recommended to learn simple uses of the macro facility. More
examples using macros are given in Chapter 9.
It is possible to get help on user-defined programs and macros. For instance the command
HELP mpireg
gives the reply
Generates Fig 52
The help given consists of the first contiguous block of comment lines in the program or


Writing x=3 (or x:3) in a system description and LET x=3 from the keyboard or in a macro
are two completely different things. In the first case, an auxiliary variable (or a parameter) is
assigned a value in a system description. In the second case, a command variable is assigned a
value in a macro or from the keyboard. Although the variables both happen to have the name
x, they have nothing to do with each other. However, it would be valuable to be able to use
simulated values to control simulation experiments, e.g. within macros.
Simnon provides a means of FRS\LQJ simulated values from a system description to global
command variables. By using the following form of DISP, the value of the simulated variable
<variable> will be copied to the global command variable <ident 1>.[<ident 2>]:
DISP <variable> / <ident 1>[-<ident 2>].
The macro below carries out a parameter sweep, i.e., varies the parameter a in the system
tank over an interval in order to find an optimal value, based on a goodness number calculated
on the variable x:

MACRO asweep
LET avalue=0 "Initialize parameter value
LET gvalue=0 "and goodness number

FOR sweep=1.5 TO 2.5 STEP 0.2

PAR a[tank]: sweep "Change the parameter
DISP x[tank] / x-tank "Copy x[tank] (from system
"description) to x.tank (global "command variable)


LET r=x.tank*x.tank "Compute the goodness number

IF r LT gvalue GOTO continue "Any improvement?

LET avalue=sweep "If so: Remember the current

LET gvalue=r "parameter value and goodness
LABEL continue
NEXT sweep

WRITE Optimal parameter value: avalue


There are several facilities which are useful when working with large systems or with large
amounts of data. System descriptions and macros are stored as text files. Please note that
lower case letters may be used to get a more readable code, although Simnon does not
distinguish them from upper case letters. The subsystems also have a name which is the
identifier given on the first line of the system description. Notice that the file name and the
system name may be different. This is very useful when simulating different versions of a
model because the same macros and the same connecting systems may be used provided that
the names of the inputs and the outputs are the same. The selection of a particular model is
made when the systems are activated by the command SYST. To illustrate the ideas consider
the simulation in Section 5.1. Assume that we would like to perform the same simulation with
a different process model. Let the new process model have a system name proc defined by the
first line in the description. The system is stored in a file called proc2. Furthermore assume
that the model has input u and output y. The systems are activated by the command
SYST pireg proc2 conn
where the connecting system conn and the regulator pireg are the ones used in Section 5.1.
The simulation can now be performed with exactly the same commands as in Section 5.1.

It is often useful to keep a running log of an interactive session. The commands


generate a file simnon.log of all commands in a session. A very convenient way to

document a simulation is to create such a file and use it to edit suitable macros. It is also
possible to enter text into the log file by using the command WRITE. System descriptions can
be entered into the file by the command LIST and parameter values can be entered by the
command DISP. By a proper use of these commands it is possible to create a file, which is a
rough draft of a report for a simulation. The diagrams created in a simulation can also be
given a useful format. The axes can be marked and text can be added by the commands MARK
and TEXT. This feature has been used in the macros, which generate the curves in this tutorial.
See Appendix A.


Simnon uses numerical integration to solve the differential equations in a continuous system.
The default integration method in Simnon is a Runge-Kutta algorithm of order 4/5 due to
Fehlberg, RKF45. There is, however, several other integration algorithms implemented and
the user can choose which one to use with the command ALGOR. Another way is to select
Options... under Simulate in the menu where the algorithms are presented. The
possible choices are

EULER Simple first order integration algorithm.

RKF23 A Runge-Kutta algorithm of order 2/3 due to Fehlberg.
RKF45 A Runge-Kutta algorithm of order 4/5 due to Fehlberg (default).
DOPRI45R A state of the art Runge-Kutta algorithm of order 4/5 due to
Dormand and Prince.
The accuracy of an integration algorithm is related to its order. High order implies better
accuracy, but it also requires more calculations at each step. This is compensated for by the
fact that high order algorithms take longer steps and hence need fewer to solve a specific
problem. Which algorithm to use depends on the circumstances, but in general a high order
method should be preferred to a low order. (For a thorough discussion of different integration
algorithms see the referenced books in Chapter 10 of this tutorial.)
The current integration algorithm is displayed by giving the command

All the integration algorithms except EULER include algorithms for automatic step-size
adjustment. The integration algorithm will internally try to estimate the error of the numerical
solution, and choose a step-size such that this error does not exceed the error tolerance (the
error tolerance is set using the ERROR command). The default value is 10-3. The current value
is displayed with the command
The algorithm can use long steps when the differential equation is easy to solve
numerically and short steps when it is hard to solve. However, with a fixed step-size it is
necessary to choose it as short as the shortest step-size needed during the whole integration
interval. It is often very inefficient to use this step-size throughout the whole simulation
Automatic step-size adjustment normally works very well. There are, however, cases
where the standard algorithm may fail. The implementation of the DOPRI45R algorithm
includes a new regulator algorithm for step-size adjustment. This algorithm is superior to the
standard algorithm in RKF23 and RKF45, and will in general handle the cases where the
default algorithm fails.
It is important to note that keeping the error estimate below the error tolerance does not
imply that the numerical solution will have an accuracy of the order of the error tolerance.
Small errors may add up during the integration and eventually become much larger than the
error tolerance. It is therefore good practice to simulate a problem at several tolerance levels
and compare the results in order to get convinced that the solution is sufficiently accurate.


The EULER algorithm uses a fixed step-size. It is up to the user to choose a step-size so
that the error in the numerical solution is acceptable. The step-size is chosen through the third
argument in the SIMU command, i.e.
SIMU 0 200 0.5
means simulate from 0 to 200 using the step-size 0.5. If the third argument is omitted, it will
be inherited from the previous SIMU command. Specifying a value of zero causes SIMU to
adjust the step-size to one hundredth of the simulation interval (this is the start-up default).
If the third argument in the SIMU command is supplied when using an integration algorithm
with automatic step-size adjustment it is interpreted as the maximum allowed step-size. This
user-imposed limit on the step-size may force the integration algorithm to use shorter (and
thus more) steps than necessary when solving the differential equation. Consequently, the
integration will take unnecessary long time. If the aim is a solution with better accuracy then
use the ERROR command instead of limiting the step-size.
A high order integration algorithm will due to its better accuracy in general take longer
steps than a low order algorithm. When simulating combinations of discrete and continuous
systems the integration algorithm can never take longer steps than the sampling interval. If the
sampling interval is short, it may therefore be more efficient to use a low order algorithm.


To demonstrate how the ERROR command effects the accuracy of a simulation an example
from astronomy, the restricted three-body problem, will be studied. Consider two bodies with
masses 1- and , and a third body with negligible mass moving around in a plane. The
equations are

y1 + y (1 )
y1 = y1 + 2y 2 (1- ) 1
D1 D2
y2 y
y 2 = y 2 2y1 (1- ) 2
D1 D2

D1 = (y1 + ) + y 2 )
2 3/ 2

D 2 = (y1 (1 )) + y 2 )
2 3/ 2

y1 = 0.012277471

Using the initial values

y1(0) = 0.994 y1(0) = 0

y2 (0) = 0 y2 (0) = 2.001585106

results in a periodic orbit with period 7 = 17.065216560. It should be remarked that this
problem is very sensitive to small changes in the initial values. The single precision
calculation in Simnon is not sufficient to generate a periodic solution. The solution should,
however, be close to the starting point at time 7.
The problem was simulated in Simnon (the Simnon code is shown in Listing 61) from 0
to 7 using the standard Simnon set-up, i.e. an error tolerance at 10-3, the integration algorithm
RKF45, and no third argument in the SIMU command. The result is shown as curve 1 in
Figure 61. The curve is clearly not periodic, and although the error estimate was kept below


10-3 the final errors are much larger. The reason is that small errors in the beginning of the
simulation will propagate and eventually cause a large global error.

)LJXUH61 The satellite orbit simulated using RKF45 and error tolerance 10-3 (1) and 10-4 (2).
The state y2 is plotted as function of state y1.


"Three body system for Fig 6.1 and 6.2
STATE y1 y1dot y2 y2dot
DER dy1 dy1dot dy2 dy2dot
dy1 = y1dot
dy2 = y2dot
dy1dot = y1+2*y2dot-(1-mu)*(y1+mu)/d1-mu*(y1-(1-mu))/d2
dy2dot = y2-2*y1dot-(1-mu)*y2/d1-mu*y2/d2
d1 = ((y1+mu)*(y1+mu)+y2*y2)^(3/2)
d2 = ((y1-(1-mu))*(y1-(1-mu))+y2*y2)^(3/2)
mu : 0.012277471
y1 : 0.994
y1dot : 0
y2 : 0
y2dot : -2.001585106

/LVWLQJ61 Simnon code to implement the equations in Example 6.1.

The result can be improved by decreasing the error tolerance. Using ERROR it was set to 10-4
and the simulation was redone. The second curve in Figure 61 shows a notable improvement
re-made over the previous simulation.
To improve the accuracy by limiting the step-size, i.e. supplying a third argument to the
SIMU command it is necessary to limit the step-size to a very small value, and consequently
the simulation will take a very long time.


Again, consider the astronomy example in Example 6.1.

Figure 62 shows the result of simulating it using RKF45 (curve 1) and RKF23 (curve 2).
In both cases the error tolerance was set to 10-4 and no third argument was supplied in the
SIMU command. Still, the result from RKF23 is inferior to the one from RKF45. The reason
is that RKF23 has lower order than RKF45 and therefore requires more steps to solve the
problem. Both methods will at each step keep the error estimate close to the error tolerance,


but since the number of steps are larger for RKF23 the resulting global error will also be
The previous example should not be regarded as a general criticism against RKF23. The
result only reflects the order difference between RKF45 and RKF23. A step in RKF23
requires less computations than one in RKF45, and there are situations where this would
make RKF23 favourable to RKF45. Suppose, for instance, that the problem includes a
discrete system with short sampling interval. If the sampling interval is so short that it restricts
the step-size of RKF45 then it would be better to instead use RKF23, since that would require
less computation, thus making the simulation run faster.

Simnon allows the user to define systems with discontinuities, e.g.
dx = if t<t1 then amp1 else amp2
Such systems are hard to integrate numerically. The numeric solution to the problem is only
calculated at discrete points, and the result may be different depending on how these points
are related to the time instant of the discontinuity. If the time instant of a discontinuity is
known it is good advice to place the generation of that signal in a discrete system. When
Simnon integrates combinations of continuous and discrete systems it will integrate up to the
sampling instance of the discrete system, execute the code in it, and then continue the
integration up to the next sampling. Hence, by choosing the sampling instances of the system
containing the discontinuous signals sensibly, it is possible to make Simnon always handle
these signals correctly.

Consider a first order system with two input signals
x= x + p1 + p 2
40 10 < t < 10.025
p1 =
0 otherwise
40 20 < t < 20.025
p2 =
0 otherwise

Both p1(t) and p2(t) are short pulses with energy equal to one, and when simulating the system
from 0 to 30 one expect to see the impulse response of the first order system, once at W=10 and
once W=20. The simulation was made (the Simnon code is listed in Listing 62) and the
resulting [ is plotted in the upper diagram of Figure 63. Only the first pulse response appears
in the plot. The reason is that the differential equation is easy to integrate numerically and
consequently Simnon will use long steps. These steps are much longer than the duration of the
pulses and Simnon will pass the time of pulse 2 without noticing it. The code to generate p1(t)
is identical to the one for p2(t), but instead of being included in the continuous system it was
put in a separate discrete system. This discrete system calculates its sampling instances so that
it will be sampled only when p1(t) changes value. Simnon integrates up to these time
instances, notices the change, and then continues the integration.


)LJXUH62 The astronomy example simulated using 5.) (1) and 5.) (2).
In both cases the error tolerance was set to 10-4, and y2 is plotted as a function of y1.

Simnon could be forced to notice also the second pulse by manipulating the value of the
maximum step-size. The lower diagram of Figure 63 shows the result of SIMU 0 30
0.025, i.e. the step-size is restricted to a maximum value which is equal to the pulse
duration. Simnon will now manage to detect also the second pulse, but the integration is very
inefficient due to the small step-size.


"Generates discrete time pulse
p1=IF t<t1 THEN 0 ELSE (IF t<t1+eps1 THEN 1/eps1 ELSE 0)
ts = IF t<t1 THEN t1 ELSE (IF t<t1+eps1 THEN t1+eps1 ELSE
t1 : 10
eps1 : 0.025


"First order system
DER dx
p2=IF t<t2 THEN 0 ELSE (IF t<t2+eps2 THEN 1/eps2 ELSE 0)
t2 : 20
eps2 : 0.025


)LJXUH63The output of the first order system simulated using 5.) and error
tolerance 10-3. The upper diagram shows the result of 6,08 and the lower one the
result of 6,08.


"Connecting system for firstord and pulse

/LVWLQJ62 Simnon code to implement the equations in Example 6.3.

6.1 Test the relation between accuracy, error bound, and step-size by experimenting with Examples
6.1 and 6.2.

6.2 Experiment with the system in Example 6.3 to find out how a discrete time system can be used to
include discontinuities.



When using Simnon it is helpful to have some insight into how the program works. For
example, when activating a collection of subsystems using the command SYST we may get a
diagnosis "algebraic loop detected". This is explained in this chapter. Further the computations
performed at the simulation are explained.

The activation of systems by the command SYST is central to Simnon. It causes Simnon to
read one statement at a time from the files mentioned in the command line. If a statement is
correct, it will be translated to instructions for the "Simnon machine", a hypothetical
computer. (For the technically interested person, the Simnon machine has a pure stack
architecture, and its instructions are referred to as Pseudo-code or just P-code.) When a
subsystem is completely translated, Simnon checks that all local quantities are defined exactly
once. When all subsystems are translated, their interconnections are checked for consistency.
Once the P-code is complete, it will be sorted into a correct sequence for execution. This
allows the user to write the statements in an arbitrary order. (Section 7.2 describes a special
situation, where the sorting fails.) The sorting also minimises the computation work for the
simulation engine by treating time-invariant, initial, derivative, discrete and continuous
computations separately. The P-code is finally translated into machine code, which permits
very efficient simulations.
It is possible to store the sorted statements in a text file by using the optional argument
/<filename>. The command
SYST pireg proc conn/dummy
generates a file called dummy.t with the content:



conn yr[pireg] = 1


proc y = x
conn y[pireg] = y[proc]
pireg e = yr - y
v = k*e + i
u = IF v<ulow THEN ulow
ELSE IF v<uhigh THEN v
ELSE uhigh
conn u[proc] = u[pireg]
proc upr = IF u<-0.1 THEN -0.1
ELSE IF u<0.1 THEN u
ELSE 0.1
dx = upr




pireg ni = i + k*e*h/ti + u - v
ts = t + h

The subsystem name is given to the left and the statement to the right. The statements are
sorted so that the calculations may be performed in sequential order so that all variables
needed at a particular stage have already been computed.
The order of the sorting can be influence by the user by introducing the keywords
INITIAL and SORT in the system descriptions. This means that all statements between the
keywords are sorted as a group before the statements after the keyword SORT. This feature is
useful, for example, when some calculations are required to obtain initial conditions for a

When systems are interconnected it may happen that the statements cannot be sorted so that
the variables may be calculated sequentially. A simple example, which illustrates what may
happen is given below.

y = u

y = u

yr = 1
u[s1] = yr + k*y[s2]
u[s2] = y[s1]
k: 0.5

When the command

SYST s1 s2 c
is given the error diagnosis "algebraic loop detected" is given. The attempt to sort the
statements results in

s1 y = u
c u[s2] = u[s1]
s2 y = u
c u[s1] = yr + k*y[s2]
s1 y = u
The variable u[s1] thus cannot be solved sequentially. A simple calculation shows that the
variable is given by the following algebraic equation:


u[s1] = yr + k*u[s1]
This explains the name algebraic loop. In this particular case it is easy to solve the equation
for u[s1] if k 1. In the general case the algebraic equation may be non-linear. It is then
difficult both to determine if a solution exists and to find it when it does. Simnon will not
attempt to find a solution. It will just give an error message. The presence of an algebraic loop
is often an indication of poor modelling.

When a simulation is triggered by the command SIMU, the following steps will be taken:
Time-invariant computations are first made. Then initial computations follow, provided that
the user did not inhibit them with the CONT (continued simulation) option.
The repetitive part of the simulation is now entered. If a discrete system is due, then its
states will be updated. Connected derivatives and continuous time variables will also be
computed. Finally, the future values of the discrete states and the sampling time are computed.
All variables in the discrete system are then kept intact until the next time it is due (zero-order
hold action).
Continuous systems will now be processed collectively up to the nearest future sampling
instant (or to the end of the simulation interval, whichever is closest). Two kinds of
computations are made: function evaluations (static) and numerical integration of differential
equations (dynamic).



Since Simnon is a pure simulation tool, data exchange paths to other programs are desirable.
The following methods for data exchange with other programs are supported by Simnon:

Import and export of time series
Export of plots
Importing Linear, Time-invariant Systems

Simnon/PCW supports dynamic data exchange links to other programs. This is a sophisticated
feature in Windows. In such links, data is shared among two or more programs. The program
that supplies the data is called the VHUYHU, and the program that initiates the request for data
and receives the data is called the FOLHQW.
The DDE feature makes Simnon an excellent tool for simulators, where an animation
program such as InTouch (Wonderware Corp, Irvine, California, USA) can be applied as a
user interface. The simulation can be controlled (Start, Stop and parameter change commands)
from the interface, and the Simnon model gives the simulator realistic properties.
It is most important that you study and fully understand the DDE documentation that is
supplied together with your client program to get full advantage of Simnons DDE


DDE is a form of inter-process communication that uses shared memory to exchange

information between applications. Simnon acts as the DDE server and one or more
applications are DDE clients. Basically, information can be exchanged between Simnon and
the client(s) in the following ways:

5(48(67 Whenever Simnon receives a UHTXHVW from a client, information is

$'9,&( If a client has specified that it wants to be DGYLVHG whenever
information has been modified, the information is continually kept updated.
81$'9,&( Unadvice is used whenever a client wants to inform Simnon that
advice of a variable is no longer wanted.
32.( For certain topics, Simnon accepts that the client can SRNH information
to the server.
(;(&87( The client can request that Simnon H[HFXWHV a specified command.

Please refer to the documentation for your specific client program for detailed information
about its capabilities to send various message types to Simnon.



The DDE information is defined by three properties; 6HUYHU, 7RSLF and ,WHP.

6HUYHU is always 6LPQRQ

7RSLF and ,WHP can be any of the following:

Topic Item Description Note

6\VWHP 6\V,WHPV List of all available items in topic System

6\VWHP 7RSLFV List of all available topics
6\VWHP )RUPDWV List of all available formats
6\VWHP FRPPDQG! Send command to Simnon E
6\VWHP +HOS Brief help information
'DWD 6\V,WHPV List of all available items in topic Data
'DWD 6\VW6WDWXV Status flag: 1 if SYST has been successfully
completed, otherwise 0
'DWD 6LPX6WDWXV Status flag: 1 if simulation is in progress,
otherwise 0
'DWD 3URJUHVV Simulation progress in percent (0-100)
'DWD 6WHS Number of simulation steps since the
simulation was started
'DWD 6WHS'LYHUJH If poked; min. no. of simulation steps before P
'DWD 7LPH%HJLQ Simulation begin time
'DWD 7LPH(QG Simulation end time
'DWD 7LPH Simulation time
'DWD 7LPH'LYHUJH If poked; min. time diverge before each 7LPH P
'DWD 9DOXH'LYHUJH If poked; min. diverge before each 9DOXH P
'DWD FRPPDQG! Send command to Simnon E
7LPH 6\V,WHPV_WLPH! Item list | Topic for WLPH variables
6WDWH 6\V,WHPV_VWDWH! Item list | Topic for VWDWH variables
,QSXW 6\V,WHPV_LQSXW! Item list | Topic for LQSXW variables
2XWSXW 6\V,WHPV_RXWSXW! Item list | Topic for RXWSXW variables
,QLW 6\V,WHPV_LQLW! Item list | Topic for LQLW values P
'HU 6\V,WHPV_GHU! Item list | Topic for GHU variables
1HZ 6\V,WHPV_QHZ! Item list | Topic for QHZ variables
7VDPS 6\V,WHPV_WVDPS! Item list | Topic for WVDPS variables
3DU 6\V,WHPV_SDU! Item list | Topic for SDU parameters P
9DU 6\V,WHPV_YDU! Item list | Topic for YDU auxiliary variables


P: This item can be poked.

E: Use EXECUTE communication mode to this topic to execute a Simnon command.



To transfer data from Simnon to a cell in Excel during simulation of the Lorenz equations (an
example shipped with Simnon) you enter the following formula in the cell:

A progress bar that shows the simulation progress can easily be designed in Excel:

1. Enter 6LPQRQ_'DWD3URJUHVV in a cell.

2. Make a bar diagram of the content of the cell. Scale 0-100.
3. Ready!


Commands WR Simnon can be sent in several ways:

As a System Command, which is in the format

6LPQRQ_6\VWHP6 LPXODWH_ %UHDN sent to topic System. This is a way to
emulate menu commands. The & character precedes underscored menu characters, and is

An alternative to sending a system command in this form is using the numeric equivalent,
as defined in the SADK documentation, e g 6LPQRQ_6\VWHP which equals
Break Simulation

As a Command Line Command, corresponding to any command normally entered on

Simnons command line. The topic is Data, and the correct format is
6LPQRQ_'DWD6LPX The command line prompt ! may be included:

If the command line prompt is included, a Simnon command can also be sent to topic System:

Please refer to the documentation for your specific DDE client program regarding the correct
use of the characters |,  and .


Normally, a DDE link supplies data from only one variable to the client.
However, if you want to transfer a large amount of data, this method can be very inefficient,
as a lot of computer capacity is consumed just for the communication itself, rather than on the
numeric information that you want to convey. Also, in some cases the number of DDE
channels that can be opened simultaneously is limited.
For this reason Simnon has, from version 3.0, a new proprietary function called Block
DDE. When this is called, the message returned from Simnon contains information about
two or more variables.


Example: You want to read an objects position in a three dimensional co-ordinate system
during a simulation:
Alternative 1: Create three different DDE links, transferring x, y and z respectively.
Alternative 2: Create a Block DDE link, specifying that x, y and z all shall be part of every

Topic Item Descriptio Note
%ORF <variable Item list
N list>

The <variable list> has the following syntax:


where <variable type> is WLPH, SDU, YDU or VWDWH and <variable name> is any variable that is
part of a sub system which has been SYSTed in Simnon. <variable type> can be omitted, as
long as the type of the following variable(s) is (are) the same as last specified type. If the
Simnon system name is part of the variable name, it should be placed within brackets ([ and
Example of <variable list>:


The only limitation in the <variable list>specification is the length of the total string. It may
not be longer than 255 characters.

The return value from Simnon is a string containing the actual values for each variable, with
space (ASCII character 20) as delimiter. Please note that when Simnon cannot return a certain
value, the text NAN (Not A Number) is returned. Hence, the number of characters in a return
string can vary.

Time series are the inputs and outputs of a simulation. They are stored in a binary format,
which only Simnon understands: the store file. The store files have the extension .D. There is
a two-way conversion utility between store files and printable form. The latter can be thought
of as an "esperanto" between such diverse applications as CAD programs, maths/statistics
packages, data bases, spread sheets, etc. Its simplicity also permits migration between
different computers and operating systems. A printable time series file is also referred to as a
flat ASCII file.

One important reason to import time series to Simnon is to validate models. This involves two


First a time series has to be translated from printable form to Simnons binary store file
format. This is done with the command IMPORT. Then a simulation has to be carried out,
where the time series file is made to drive the input signals of the model. This is done by
calling the function RFILE from the model and by supplying the name of the time series file
via the command SIMU.
A printable time series file containing Q records of P variables should have the following

W  Y  Y   YP 
W  Y  Y   YP 


Here W denotes the time variable (which is recommended but not necessary, since the
command IMPORT is capable of generating a time ramp). Y1, Y2, , and YPdenote the
recorded variables. Thus a variable corresponds to a column and a time instant to a line.
The format is free, which means that values are separated by one or more spaces, and that e.g.
the values 12.34, 1.234e1, 1.234e+1, 1.234E+1 and 1234e-2 are identical.
Suppose that we have a printable time series file, named data1.t, with a time column
and two variables. To translate it into a store file named data1.d and naming the variables
temp and flow, we type the Simnon command:
IMPORT data1 < data1 1 2 temp 3 flow / 3
If we accept the default names v1 and v2 for the variables (they are only used by the
commands ASHOW and SHOW anyway), it would have been sufficient to type:
IMPORT data1 < data1 / 3
To plot v2 as function of v1, we type:
ASHOW v2(v1)/data1
In order to drive a simulation from the variables v1 and v2, we need the discrete system
ILOHUHDG described together with the function RFILE in the reference manual.
Assuming that we want to drive a process model called p1 with inputs u1 and u2 from
the data file, we have to supply the following statements in a connecting system, named e.g.
The following commands activate the model and trigger a simulation that will read inputs
from the store file data1.d:
SYST p1 fileread conn
SIMU 0 10 // data1
Notice that the simulation will stop prematurely if the data file does not cover the entire
simulation interval.

A store file is translated into printable form by the command EXPORT. Suppose we have a
store file named data2.d containing the variables x, y and z. The following command
translates the entire contents of the store file data2.d into the printable time series file
EXPORT data2 < data2
Notice that the time column will appear as the first column in data2.t, x as the second, and
so on. The time column will be omitted, if we instead type:
EXPORT data2 < data2 -NOTIME


If we want to export at most 100 lines, starting at time 3.5, we type:

EXPORT data2 < data2 100 3.5
If data2 had contained a large number of variables, then each logical line in the printable file
would have been split into a number of physical lines, each one at most 80 characters long. If
we would like to have longer physical lines, say 256 characters each, we type:
EXPORT data2 < data2 / 256
Finally, if we would like to remove the limitation on the physical line length, we type:
EXPORT data2 < data2 / 0
In order to utilise the printable time series file data2.t in Matlab, we enter Matlab and
type the following command:
load data2.t
Notice that Matlab, in contrast to Simnon, requires the extension .t. Within Matlab a matrix
named data2 will result. It will be organized exactly in the same way as the file data2.t.
Other program packages have similar mechanisms for receiving tabular data.

Very often you want to export a plot, created in a Simnon plot window, into another program
such as a word processor or presentation program. There are basically two ways to do this: use
Windows Clip Board, or create a file from the plot.
Using Windows Clip Board is of course straightforward. Just activate a plot (click on it to
highlight its title bar), select (GLW_&RS\ from the menu and switch to the other application,
where the plot now can be pasted into the document.
If you use the command +&23<, a file is created. This file can be in EPS, HPGL or bitmap
formats. EPS and HPGL files are vectorised, and give print quality output. For further
information about this facility, see the +&23< description in the Command Language section
of this manual.

Models comprise the highest level and the most difficult one to standardise. For that reason
Simnon is limited to importing linear, time-invariant dynamic systems, either on state-space or
on transfer function form.

Many simulation packages are block oriented, i.e., models are described as networks of
interconnected building blocks, e.g. adders, multipliers, elementary functions, integrators, etc.
Automatic control literature contains many examples of systems composed of first and second
order linear transfer functions. This special case of a system description is fairly easy to
translate into the state space form required by Simnon by means of the macro SIMNONTF
(Simnon Transfer Function).
As an example, consider the transfer function J82(V) = 1/(0.03V + 1). To create its Simnon
representation, we enter the Simnon command:
SIMNONTF g82 1 0 0 1 0 .03 1
which yields the file g82.t containing:



DER ndx

" S i m n o n (tm)
" Department of Automatic Control,
" Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, SWEDEN
" 1*(0 0 1)/(0 3.E-2 1); 0s; 0 0



a: -33.3333
b: 33.3333

In general, the transfer function

b 2s + b1s + b 0
name(s) = g
a 2s + a1s + a 0

is introduced to Simnon by the command

SIMNONTF name g b2 b1 b0 a2 a1 a0
For a discrete transfer function (sample and hold action), a 9th argument, the sampling
interval, has to be supplied as well. Furthermore, if another two arguments, b21 and b20, are
entered, an extra output corresponding to:

b 21s + b 20
a 2s + a1s + a 0

will result without introducing extra states.

Finally, the interactions between the transfer functions have to be expressed as a
CONNECTING SYSTEM. At present this has to be done manually.

Linear time-invariant, dynamic systems can be transferred from Matlab to Simnon. Although
Matlab also has simulation capabilities, Simnon offers faster turn-around, multi-rate sampling
and the ability to combine continuous and discrete subsystems.
Given a matrix-set $, % and & and, optionally, a '-matrix and an [0-vector in Matlab, the
function simnon (which is a Matlab-function!) is invoked to produce a continuous or
discrete system and, optionally, a template for a connecting system.


Consider the continuous system

= [2,1,2,0]x + [0,1]uy = [10]u


By typing the Matlab command

simnon(sc1, 0, [-2, -1; 2, 0], [0; 1], [1, 0])
the Simnon system description file sc1.t will result:


" Linear, time-invariant Simnon system
" Note: Needs a CONNECTING system to drive input signals
" Created in Matlab by simnon.m V1.00 at 1989-11-2 15:32:33
" Dept. of Automatic Control
" Lund Institute of Technology, Lund SWEDEN
" **Code optimization attempted; opt=0 overrides
STATE x1 x2
DER dx1 dx2
a1_1: -2
" --3 redundant adds removed (37%)
" --7 redundant mults removed (87%)

The general syntax for the Matlab function simnon is:

linsys name of Simnon linear system description (file linsys.t)
dt sampling interval (0 for continuous time)
a,b,c,d system matrices (d is optional; default 0)
x0 initial state vector (row or column; optional; default 0)
consys name of Simnon connecting system template; merely defining linsys
inputs as 0 (file consys.t; should be edited by the user; optional)
opt optimisation = 0 or 1. If 1, redundant adds and mults will be removed;
use opt=0 if structure matters (optional; default 1)

Simnon needs a connecting system to drive the input signals. For large systems auxiliary
variables named _1, _2, etc. may appear. To omit an optional argument, do not enter it or
specify it as [ ].
Typing help simnon within Matlab will display the above information on the screen.


In this chapter two examples are given to illustrate the potential of Simnon. The first example
is a simulation of a wind power plant. The attempt is to show how a larger simulation in
Simnon may be organised. The full details of the process are, however, not discussed. In the
second example it is shown how the command language can be used to make computations in
connection with simulations. A simple one-dimensional search is implemented to tune one
parameter in a system.

A mathematical simulation of a large horizontal axis wind turbine system is presented in this
section. The model is developed for a wind power plant in Maglarp, Sweden. The wind power
plant is run by Sydkraft AB and has a rated power of 3 MW. The rotor has a diameter of 78 m
and the height of the tower is 80 m. The model is discussed in detail in Mattsson (1984) and
Bergman et al. (1983). See Chapter 10 of this tutorial. The intention is to show how a larger
system can be modelled and simulated in Simnon. The model can be used to investigate
situations such as synchronisation of the wind turbine against the utility grid, influence of
wind disturbances, and emergencies caused by faults in the plant or in the electrical network.
When developing a model for a complex system it is important to use a modular and well
structured approach. Particular attention should be given to the modularization. The model is
divided into subsystems to make it easy to modify the model and adapt the complexity of a
subsystem to the case to be simulated. To make the model manageable some simplifying
assumptions are made.

1. The synchronous generator is connected via an impedance to an infinite bus.

2. The moment of inertia of the gearbox and shafts is neglected.
3. The rotor is perpendicular to the wind.
4. The blades of the rotor are torsionally rigid and the pitch servo is not affected by the wind.

The process can now be represented by the block diagram in Figure 91. The block diagram
defines input and output connections for the different subsystems. The different subsystems
are described as continuous time Simnon systems. To increase the flexibility, the inputs and
outputs of the subsystems are chosen as unscaled physical quantities in SI units. However, to
improve the numeric, scaled quantities are used inside the subsystems. Figure 92 shows a
block diagram of the used voltage controller. Listing 91 is the Simnon system VOLTCONT,
describing the controller. The voltage controller is a simple system with only three states. The
listing shows, however, how a large Simnon program may be structured. Notice, for instance,
that the program is called VOLTCONT while the file is stored under the name VOLTC1. This
makes it possible to use the same connecting system for simulation of different voltage
regulators or other subsystems. The comments contain a short description and references to
the author and articles. All the parameters are collected into one section, which gives the
names and units for the parameters. The other Simnon programs needed for the simulation are
included in the distribution kit of Simnon.


)LJXUH91 Block diagram showing the model structure of the wind power plant simulation.

)LJXUH92 Block diagram of the voltage controller described in Listing 91.

The wind power plant is simulated using the macro in Listing 92. After the SYST command
initial values are obtained from the file inival. The file gives, for instance, the initial values
for the states and parameter values. The simulation shows the responses when the wind is
changed. Figure 93 shows the wind disturbance, the generated power and the pitch angle of
the rotor blades. The increase in the wind speed around W=10 increases the generated power,
and the pitch angle is controlled to keep the generated power around 100%. The macro shows
how a simulation can be documented for later inclusion in a report. Table 91 gives a summary
of the complexity of the simulation. For instance, the total number of states is 36 and there are
139 parameters in the subsystems.



"File: VOLTC1
"Version: 1984-02-23
"Author: Sven Erik Mattsson
" Department of Automatic Control
" Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden
" IEEE Type 1 excitation system representation including
" nonlinear saturation effects for a continuously acting
" regulator and exciter without input filter.
" IEEE Committee Report (1968): Computer Representation
" of Excitation Systems. IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus
" and Systems, Vol. PAS-87, June 1968, pp. 1460-1464.

INPUT vt vs



DER dxA dxF dxE

" vt terminal voltage [V]
" vs auxiliary input signal [V]

" vf generator field voltage [V]

" xA rectifier voltage [pu]
" xF internal state in feedback loop [pu]
" xE generator field voltage [pu]

Verr = (Vref - vt + vs)/Vnorm

dxA1 = (KA*(Verr+yF) - xA)/TA
dxA2 = if (xA>VRmax and dxA1>0) then 0 else dxA1
dxA = if (xA<VRmin and dxA2<0) then 0 else dxA2

SE = 0.17*xE*abs(xE)
dxE = (xA - SE - KE*xE)/TE
vf = Vnorm*xE

bF = KF/TF
dxF = (bF*xE - xF)/TF
yF = xF - bF*xE

Vref: 6800. "reference voltage [V]
Vnorm: 6600. "base voltage [V]
KA: 400. "regulator gain


TA: 0.02 "regulator amplifier time constant [s]

VRmax: 7.3 "maximum rectifier voltage [pu]
VRmin: -7.3 "minimum rectifier voltage [pu]
KE: 1.0 "exciter constant
TE: 0.8 "exciter time constant [s]
KF: 0.03 "regulator stabilizing circuit gain [s]
TF: 1.0 "regulator stabilizing circuit time
"constant [s]

/LVWLQJ91 Listing of the program describing the voltage controller in Figure 93.

MACRO mwindpow
SYST gust1 bus1 gen1 gear4 voltc1 servo1 turb6 pitchr2 cwind
GET inival
STORE Vvel Pep betadeg
ERROR 0.0001
PAR tg0:1.0
AXES H 0 40 V 14 24
AXES V 90 140
AXES V -12 -2
AREA 2 1
SIMU 0 40/simures
AREA 1 1
SHOW vvel/simures
AREA 3 1
SHOW betadeg/simures
MARK A 2.33 14.64"1 13.5
MARK "[m/s]
MARK A 2.33 9.53"1 9
MARK "[%]
MARK A 2.33 4.42"1 4.5
MARK "[deg]
MARK A 4.86 14.64"3 13.5
MARK "Wind speed
MARK A 4.86 9.53"3 9
MARK "Generated power
MARK A 4.86 4.42"3 4.5
MARK "Pitch angle


/LVWLQJ92 Listing of macro to simulate the wind power plant.


[m/s] Wind speed




0 10 20 30 40

[%] Generated power




0 10 20 30 40

[deg] Pitch angle




0 10 20 30 40

)LJXUH93 Simulation of the responses to a wind disturbance of the wind power plant.


:,1' 0 8 9 0 3
%86 0 0 9 0 3
*(1 7 53 22 7 6
*($5 1 12 9 2 2
92/7&217 3 6 10 2 1
6(592 1 1 3 1 1
785%,1) 11 121 29 5 2
3,7&+5(* 13 79 48 3 1

7DEOH91 Summary of the number of states etc, for the wind power plant simulation.


Consider the problem where one regulator parameter has to be optimised based on evaluations
of the results from several simulations of the step response of the control system. The
optimisation is made by Golden Section. This algorithm is based on the assumption that there
is only one local minimum of the loss function. Only function evaluations are used and no
information about partial derivatives is used.

A motor for positioning is controlled using feedback from measurement of the angle \(W) and
the velocity. The system is described by the differential equation for the motor

dy dy
+ = u(t)
dt dt

and the regulator

u(t) = K(y r (t) y(t)) T

where \U is the reference value, is the proportional gain and is the velocity feedback. It is
assumed that =1 and that the parameter should be optimised. The step response is
evaluated according to the ITAE criteria.

J(T) = | y r ( ) y( )|d

The optimisation algorithm is based on the only assumption that the loss function has one
local minimum. The algorithm uses only information about the value of the loss function. No
information about partial derivatives is used. Initially, an upper and lower bound of the
parameter to be determined must be given . The algorithm evaluates the loss function for a
small number of different values of the parameter in the interval. The algorithm is in fact
optimal in the sense that it uses the least number of evaluations of the loss function for a given
desired accuracy.
The algorithm is easy to understand. The idea is shown in Figure 94. Start with three
evaluations of the loss function -(3): at the end of the interval 3ORZ and 3KLJK, and at a third
point 3PLQ. 3PLQ is the value of the parameter, that gives the current smallest value of the loss
function. Based on these values a fourth point 3 is chosen and the loss function is evaluated.
Based on the value of the loss function at this point, the interval of uncertainty of the optimal
parameter can be reduced. The fourth point 3 is chosen symmetrical with respect to 3PLQ in
the interval of uncertainty, since no a priori information about the location of the minimum is


)LJXUH94 The principle used in the golden search algorithm.

This rule to choose "the fourth point" in the remaining interval of uncertainty is applied in
each iteration. Thus, the initial choice determines subsequent choices of 3 to be evaluated. A
good choice of initial value is dependent on how many evaluations that should be made. An
analysis shows that the optimal choice of initial value 30 when 1 evaluations should be done

FN 1
P0 0 = Plow + (Phigh Plow )

where )1 and )1-1 are two subsequent Fibonacci numbers. The final uncertainty of 3 is after
1 evaluations (3KLJK-3ORZ)/)1. These results can be found in for instance Luenberger (1984).

The performance of the control system should be evaluated by simulation for each value of the
regulator parameter. The different simulations are used by the optimisation procedure and the
results displayed. The macro facility in Simnon could be used to make the optimisation.
However, it is more convenient to write the optimisation algorithm as a discrete time system
and let this subsystem control the start-up of each "simulation" of the control system. Thus,
the many simulations are combined to one long simulation where the optimisation is viewed
as a dynamical systems and for each step, the process is reset and the step response evaluated.
Three subsystems are connected by the connecting system tune. They are: process,
which contains motor and regulator, the loss function loss, and the optimisation algorithm
linopt. Each step in the optimisation starts with a given value of the velocity feedback 7
from linopt, then the step response of the process is evaluated by loss, and the value
of -() is obtained at the end of the step. linopt then uses the value -() to calculate the
next value of to be tested, and the initial values of the process and loss are reset. Since
loss depends on time, a local time tau is introduced, which is set to zero at the start of each
step response. A practical device is the signal alarm. If the loss function -() grows above a
certain level, alarm is set true and the output in process is frozen. In this way a poor
choice of that gives unstable control actions will not cause overflow and terminate the
whole simulation. The programs are found in Listings 93 - 96. The subsystem linopt can,


of course, be used in other applications where one parameter should be optimised. However,
the reset of process and loss is done from linopt. Thus, these lines of the code must be
changed when linopt is used in another application.

After the user has specified the loss function and how long simulation time that should be
used for evaluation, it is only needed to give a simple command that runs the optimisation. A
macro search has been written for this purpose. See Listing 98. The input parameters are
the bounds 3ORZ and 3KLJKand the desired accuracy of the optimal 3. Given this information,
the number of evaluations needed is calculated and displayed for the user. At this point the
command SUSPEND is given. If the user decides there are too many evaluations and does not
want to start the optimisation, he gives the command END. Otherwise, he gives the command
RESUME and the optimisation is started with the calculated optimal starting point 30, and it
runs to the end.
It is a good idea to follow the optimisation and plot the different step responses for each
value of the parameter as they are evaluated. After the optimisation the final step response
can be inspected. It may also be interesting to take a look at the actual loss function -() and
how the parameter converged. The macro msearch generates Figure 95 along these lines.

)LJXUH95 The result of an optimisation of one parameter.

See Listing 97. Note the command TURN DARK ON, which affects how the diagrams are
plotted. It implies that the lines are eliminated that combine the end point of one evaluation
with the start point of the next. In Figure 95 the result from one optimisation is shown , where
the optimal value of is searched over the interval [0,2]. To obtain the desired accuracy 12
evaluations of the loss function are made. The parameter converges to a value that gives the
closed loop system a damping of about 0.75. Without velocity feedback (=0) the closed loop
damping is 0.5.


"Discrete system to perform optimization of one parameter
OUTPUT Peval tbegin
STATE Plo Phi Pmin P Jmin
NEW qPlo qPhi qPmin qP qJmin



"Update the search state:

left = P<mid
decr = J<Jmin
PloFix = IF t<1.5*teval THEN 1 ELSE MOD(left+decr+1,2)
PhiFix = IF t<1.5*teval THEN 1 ELSE MOD(left+decr,2)
unc = newPhi-newPlo "Uncertainity interval.
mid = (Phi+Plo)/2 "Midpoint of the interval.
newPlo = IF PloFix THEN Plo ELSE IF decr THEN Pmin ELSE P
newPhi = IF PhiFix THEN Phi ELSE IF decr THEN Pmin ELSE P
newPmin = IF decr THEN P ELSE Pmin
qJmin = IF t>0.5*teval AND decr THEN J ELSE Jmin
qPlo = IF t>1.5*teval THEN newPlo ELSE Plo
qPhi = IF t>1.5*teval THEN newPhi ELSE Phi
qPmin = IF t>0.5*teval THEN newPmin ELSE Pmin
qP = Peval
"Calculate the new evaluation point Peval:
Peval = IF t>0.5*teval THEN newPhi+newPlo-newPmin ELSE Pmin
"Reset process and loss-function after each test:
x1[process] = 0
x2[process] = 0
x1[loss] = 0
"New sample:
ts = t+teval
tbegin = t

"Initial values that should be set by the user

Plo : 0.0 "Lower bound of parameter
Phi : 1.0 "Upper bound of parameter
P : 0.61803 "Golden section ratio
Jmin : 1E33 "Max real value
teval: 20 "Simulation time for evaluation


/LVWLQJ93 Simnon code /,1237 for the optimisation algorithm.


"Motor process with proportional and derivative controller
INPUT T alarm
STATE x1 x2
DER dx1 dx2

dx1 = IF alarm<0.5 THEN -a*x1 + u ELSE 0
dx2 = IF alarm<0.5 THEN x1 ELSE 0
y = x2

u = K*e-T*x1

e = yr-y




/LVWLQJ94Code for the motor control system SURFHVV.


"Evaluates the ITAE loss function
INPUT e tau
OUTPUT J alarm
DER dx1

"Loss ITAE:
dx1 = IF NOT alarm THEN tau*abs(e) ELSE 0
J = x1

"Alarm test:
alarm = IF J>Jmax THEN 1 ELSE 0

Jmax : 1000


/LVWLQJ95Code for the loss function ORVV.


T[process] = Peval[linopt]
e[loss] = e[process]
J[linopt] = J[loss]
tau[loss] = t-tbegin[linopt]
alarm[process] = alarm[loss]


/LVWLQJ96Simnon connecting system WXQH.

MACRO msearch
AXES v -0.1 1.2 h 0 20
TEXT All step responses
AXES v -0.1 1.2 h 220 240
TEXT Optimal step response
AXES v 0 5 h 0 2.0
TEXT Loss function J(T)
AXES v 0 2 h 0 240
TEXT Convergence of T

SYST process loss linopt tune

STORE y[process] tau J[loss] T[process]


ERROR 0.0001
AREA 1 1
PLOT y(tau)
search 0 2 0.01
AREA 1 2
AREA 2 1
SHOW 220 240 y
AREA 2 2


/LVWLQJ97 The macro that generates Figure 95.

MACRO search plow phigh acc; nmax

"Generates the number of evaluations and starting value for
"optimization of one parameter
LET unc0.=phigh-plow "Initial uncertainty.
LET f1.=1.
LET f2.=1.
FREE qfi.
FREE qf2.
FREE x. "Ratio fn-1/fn.
FREE uncn. "Uncertainty after N evaluations.
FREE n. "Required number of evaluations.
FREE p0. "Initial optimization starting point.
FREE teval. "Simulation time for evaluation.
FREE toptim. "Total simulation time.
DEFAULT nmax.=50 "Maximal number of evaluations.

FOR i=1. to nmax. "Calculation of required number

LET qf2.=f1.+f2. "of evaluations
LET qf1.=f2.
LET f1.=qf1.
LET f2.=qf2.
LET x.=f1./f2.
LET uncn.=unc0./f1.
LET n.=i
IF uncn. LE acc GOTO exit
LABEL exit

WRITE Required number of evaluations : n.

LET p0.=x.*unc0.
LET p0.=plow+p0.
INIT p:p0.
INIT pmin:p0.
INIT phi:phigh
INIT plo:plow
DISP teval/teval
LET toptim.=n.*teval.
SIMU 0 toptim.



/LVWLQJ98 A macro that from a given parameter interval to search over and a desired final accuracy of the
optimisation, calculates the optimal starting point and runs the optimisation.



Simnon inherited many ideas from the tradition of analogue and digital simulation in the
control engineering field. An overview of digital simulation languages is given in the book:

KORN, G.A. (1978): 'LJLWDO&RQWLQXRXV6\VWHP6LPXODWLRQ, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,

New Jersey.

This book also contains much useful information on simulation. Early digital simulation
languages like CSMP and CSSL were implemented using batch calculations. The languages
also inherited several constraints from the analogue simulators. For example the state space
notation which is so natural was not supported by proper language constructs. When Simnon
was developed the main idea was to provide a tool which supports the state space notation
with good man-machine interaction based on interactive computing.
Integration of ordinary differential equations is a key feature of Simnon. A good
introduction to differential equations, which also deals with numerical aspects is:


,QWURGXFWLRQ, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.

A classic which treats integration methods in more detail is:


&RPSXWDWLRQV, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

A thorough discussion of numerical solution of differential equations can also be found in:


,1RQVWLII3UREOHPV,Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Examples of simulation of control systems are given in the textbook:

STRM, K.J.,and B. WITTENMARK (1990): &RPSXWHU&RQWURO6\VWHPV, 2nd edition, Prentice-

Hall, New Jersey.

All graphs giving simulation results in the book are generated by macros in Simnon. The user
can easily reproduce and modify the simulations.

The macros are also available on disk from SSPA Systems, Gteborg Sweden
The wind power plant in Chapter 9 is further described in:


PhD Thesis TFRT 1026, Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology,
Lund Sweden.

BERGMAN, S., S.E. MATTSSON and A.B. STBERG (1983): "A modular Simulation Model for
a Wind Turbine System", -RXUQDORI(QHUJ\, 7, No.4, July--August, 319--324.


The optimization procedure used in Chapter 9 is based on:


Reading, MA.



A PC running Simnon with 5HDO7LPH&DSDELOLW\ can be used to control a physical process. In

this way a new regulator algorithm can be tested with greater realism than an off-line
simulation could offer. Conversely, the PC could emulate a physical process thats too delicate
to tamper with. Hopefully, this could let you test control hardware in a more convenient way
than before. As a result, development times will be shortened.
Simnon 3.0 has unique capabilities to carry out real time simulation under Windows.
Chapter 2 presents some fundamentals with respect to Real Time Simulation under
Windows. Chapter 3 and 4 respectively explains Yield Threshold and Synchronisation
Threshold. Chapter 5 is a summary of Diverge Setting technique. Chapter 6 finally is a general
discussion about real time simulation performance and the factors that influence the overall
An important feature in Simnon/PCW related to real time simulation is DDE linking to other
programs. Read the chapter Data Exchange with Other Programs in this manual to learn more
about this.



tA tB tD tE tG
Simnon calculations during normal real time simulation

tA tB tC tD tE tF tG tH
Simnon calculations during real time simulation where another Windows
process interferes with the time syncronisation

tA-B: Simnon calculation

tB-D: Time period when Simnon is ready to permit external processes to be activated (Yields are
offered to Windows)
tC: External process invoked. Must take place before tD to be permitted by Simnon
tC-F: External process running.
tD-E: Yield treshold.
tE: By Simnon requested moment for beginning of next step calculation
tE-G: Syncronisation treshold
tF: External process returns control to Simnon. As tF comes later than tE but before tG, a new
calculation is started immediately. If tF had come after tG, the simulation had been interrupted
with message Syncronisation error
tF-H: Simnons next calculation

Real Time simulation under Windows is quite different from ordinary real time processes run
in a PC. The major difference is found already in the basic principle of Windows. While any
program run under DOS has full control over the process and processor, in Windows the
operating system is always ready to accept calls from sleeping processes, these calls often
being initiated by mouse movements and clicks.
Such a call can cause problems with the time synchronisation. For example, you can
hardly expect Simnon to run smoothly if you try to format a diskette during a simulation.
Simnon has certain built in features that help the user to optimise the performance. Yield
threshold and synchronisation threshold control the programs behaviour between simulation


steps, while diverge settings control how often DDE-messages are sent between Simnon and
the DDE client(s).

Between simulation steps, an ongoing simulation can yield to other processes, that may be
called by the operator or by the computer itself. The \LHOGWKUHVKROG is a safety margin set in
Simnon, and is represented by the period tD-tE in the diagram above.
This margin is the shortest time that may be left from the beginning of an external process
call until the next Simnon calculation is scheduled.

When an external process returns the control to Simnon, we must ensure that a proper
synchronisation is re-established between the simulation and the real time, represented by the
clock built into the computer.
If the return comes after a new simulation step has been scheduled, a synchronisation error
occurs. It is up to the operator to decide the maximum acceptable level of this error. This is
called V\QFKURQLVDWLRQWKUHVKROG (time period tE-tG in the diagram). Default is 1000 ms, and
new values can be entered in the dialog box that is opened by the menu command
When Simnon encounters a synchronisation error that lays within the set threshold, the
program automatically tries to catch up with the real time. Synchronisation errors are not
lost during the further process consider the synchronisation threshold as the maximum
integrated synchronisation error that is permitted at any moment during the total simulation.

One of the great features with Simnon is the possibility to export data during simulation by
means of DDE-links. Simnon is the server, and the program that receives the data is called
It is important to understand that from Simnons point of view this process is similar to a
subroutine call, and hence not a yield. The time consumed by the client is in the diagram
above a part of Simnons calculation (it is part of the period tA-tB and/or tF- tH).
The number of DDE conversations can be controlled by means of diverge settings. These

6WHSGLYHUJH sets how many integration steps that should be done between each DDE

7LPHGLYHUJH sets what time that must elapse between each DDE update.

'DWDGLYHUJH sets the minimum value by which any data variable (state, der, var) must be
changed before a DDE transmission is initiated.


A thorough description of Simnon DDE functions, including diverge settings, is found in the
chapter Data Exchange with Other Programs in this manual.

A common and justified question is how complicated a real time simulation can be without
loosing the time synchronisation.

From the above, it can be seen that there are many parameters that influence the total picture:

The complexity of your model that has been 6<67ed

Simulation step time

Simulation time (for a simulation run during a fixed time e g 6,08, Simnon sets
the initial integration step to 1% of the total time)

Integration algorithm. Some algorithms can take longer time than others

(UURU setting for the integrators

Yield threshold

Synchronisation threshold

Number of DDE-links

Diverge-settings (please refer to the chapter Data Exchange with Other Programs)

The DDE client performance

Hardware: processor, clock speed, graphics adapter

Probably the most important matter is what is the performance of the DDE clients. If you have
time consuming processes like interpretative animation programs or human interaction with
Simnon via DDE (parameter changes etc), chances are great that you must increase the
synchronisation threshold. If an animation is made by the client program, the performance of
the graphics adapter can be the most important item.

As a service to the user, Simnon after each simulation reports the overall performance. In the
Command Dialog History box you will find how much of the yield threshold that was used,
the number of yields that were offered to Windows and the maximum synchronisation error
that was encountered.
Use these data to adjust your simulation settings to fit your particular needs.


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