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Study carefully the layout showing the arrangement of the fuel oil system (FOS) of a typical
marine diesel engine

Step One: After you read the text Fuel Oil system and you traced the circulation of the
heavy oil and diesel oil (by using a different color for each).
Step Two: Now, compare the terminology used in the text and the following diagram to write a
paragraph describing how the system of fuel oil works.
Take into account the following notes which are useful to write your paragraph
Sample paragraph 1
1. Introduction:
1.1. Purpose of fuel oil system
Store,transfere, and clean the oil prior to injection
1.2.Separate Fuel oil systems:
H.F.O. used in navigation
D.F.O. used in maneuvering
2.Body: How does the system work from the double bottom to the engine?
1 Oil is taken from ..................tanks and pumped into a..................
2 Then, it is heated in ................( the sediment and the water are drawn off. )
3 Next, the fuel is purified in ................( This later, is a unit usually consisting of a purifier and
a clarifier.)
3.1. A purifier .............contaminants and a clarifier .............. high density impurities).
4. Then it is admitted into a...................
5. From the service tank the oil is passed through a heated the ..................( or fuel
delivery pump ).
5.1 In ................... or a .................:
a) H.F.O. and M.D.O. are mixed in it;
b) it recives a surplus fuel not consumed by engine .

Eventualy it is discharged into ...................through a fuel heater, viscosity regulator and a fine
Importance of pumps duplication
-A relief valve
-A viscosity regulator
-A fine filter.
Best of luck

5.1 Oil is taken from the double bottom tanks and pumped into a settling tank.
5.2 Then it is heated in the settling tank ( the sediment and the water are drawn off. )
5.3 Next, the fuel is purified in a centrifuge ( a centrifuge is a unit usually consisting of a
purifier and a clarifier.)
5.3.1. A purifier eliminates contaminants and a clarifier eliminates high density
5.4 Then it is admitted into a service tank.
5.5 From the service tank the oil is passed through a heated buffer tank to the booster
pumps ( or fuel delivery pump ).
5.5.1 Buffer tank or a mixing tank:
a) H.F.O. and M.D.O. are mixed in it;
b) it recives a surplus fuel not consumed by engine
5.6 Eventualy it is discharged into injection system through a fuel heater, viscosity regulator
and a fine filter.

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