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Name: Hanna Jane B.

Maureal Date: June 30, 2017

Subject: English for Academic Purposes Grade & Section: XII- Sparrow

Topic Outline on the article From Hand to Mouth

I. Communication through Spoken Language
A. Advantages
a. functions autonomously
b. grammatical structure
c. distinguishes confusable actions or objects
d. efficient abbreviations
e. identifies things for hunter-gatherers
f. relays message more accurately
g. sound travels in the dark
h. sound travels through obstacles
h. independent alerting medium
i. effectively divide attention (i.e. visual, auditory)
j. provides additional texture and richness in messages
k. freer rein for mimetic expression
l. frees hands to do other activities
m. cultural transmission
B. Disadvantages
a. less convenient for sending confidential messages
II. Communication through Signal Language
A. Advantages
a. platform for language
b. silence in hunter-gatherer environment
c. deaf communities
d. arbitrary
e. easier to learn in initial stages of linguistic acquisition
B. Disadvantages
a. iconic representation on similar things
b. ineffective in the dark
c. susceptible to occlusion and interference
d. space-dependent alerting medium

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