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Huffman of Code

Binary search is one of the fundamental algorithms in computer science. In order to explore it,
well first build up a theoretical backbone, then use that to implement the algorithm properly and
avoid those nasty off-by-one errors everyones been talking about.

Finding a value in a sorted sequence

In its simplest form, binary search is used to quickly find a value in a sorted sequence (consider a
sequence an ordinary array for now). Well call the sought value the target value for clarity.
Binary search maintains a contiguous subsequence of the starting sequence where the target
value is surely located. This is called the search space. The search space is initially the entire
sequence. At each step, the algorithm compares the median value in the search space to the target
value. Based on the comparison and because the sequence is sorted, it can then eliminate half of
the search space. By doing this repeatedly, it will eventually be left with a search space
consisting of a single element, the target value.

For example, consider the following sequence of integers sorted in ascending order and say we
are looking for the number 55:

0 5 13 19 22 41 55 68 72 81 98

We are interested in the location of the target value in the sequence so we will represent the
search space as indices into the sequence. Initially, the search space contains indices 1 through
11. Since the search space is really an interval, it suffices to store just two numbers, the low and
high indices. As described above, we now choose the median value, which is the value at index 6
(the midpoint between 1 and 11): this value is 41 and it is smaller than the target value. From this
we conclude not only that the element at index 6 is not the target value, but also that no element
at indices between 1 and 5 can be the target value, because all elements at these indices are
smaller than 41, which is smaller than the target value. This brings the search space down to
indices 7 through 11:

55 68 72 81 98

Proceeding in a similar fashion, we chop off the second half of the search space and are left with:

55 68

Depending on how we choose the median of an even number of elements we will either find 55
in the next step or chop off 68 to get a search space of only one element. Either way, we
conclude that the index where the target value is located is 7.
If the target value was not present in the sequence, binary search would empty the search space
entirely. This condition is easy to check and handle. Here is some code to go with the

binary_search(A, target):
lo = 1, hi = size(A)
while lo <= hi:
mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2
if A[mid] == target:
return mid
else if A[mid] < target:
lo = mid+1
hi = mid-1

// target was not found

Since each comparison binary search uses halves the search space, we can assert and easily prove
that binary search will never use more than (in big-oh notation) O(log N) comparisons to find the
target value.

The logarithm is an awfully slowly growing function. In case youre not aware of just how
efficient binary search is, consider looking up a name in a phone book containing a million
names. Binary search lets you systematically find any given name using at most 21 comparisons.
If you could manage a list containing all the people in the world sorted by name, you could find
any person in less than 35 steps. This may not seem feasible or useful at the moment, but well
soon fix that.

Note that this assumes that we have random access to the sequence. Trying to use binary search
on a container such as a linked list makes little sense and it is better use a plain linear search

Binary search in standard libraries

C++s Standard Template Library implements binary search in algorithms lower_bound,
upper_bound, binary_search and equal_range, depending exactly on what you need to do. Java
has a built-in Arrays.binary_search method for arrays and the .NET Framework has

Youre best off using library functions whenever possible, since, as youll see, implementing
binary search on your own can be tricky.

Beyond arrays: the discrete binary search

This is where we start to abstract binary search. A sequence (array) is really just a function which
associates integers (indices) with the corresponding values. However, there is no reason to
restrict our usage of binary search to tangible sequences. In fact, we can use the same algorithm
described above on any monotonic function f whose domain is the set of integers. The only
difference is that we replace an array lookup with a function evaluation: we are now looking for
some x such that f(x) is equal to the target value. The search space is now more formally a
subinterval of the domain of the function, while the target value is an element of the codomain.
The power of binary search begins to show now: not only do we need at most O(log N)
comparisons to find the target value, but we also do not need to evaluate the function more than
that many times. Additionally, in this case we arent restricted by practical quantities such as
available memory, as was the case with arrays.

Taking it further: the main theorem

When you encounter a problem which you think could be solved by applying binary search, you
need some way of proving it will work. I will now present another level of abstraction which will
allow us to solve more problems, make proving binary search solutions very easy and also help
implement them. This part is a tad formal, but dont get discouraged, its not that bad.

Consider a predicate p defined over some ordered set S (the search space). The search space
consists of candidate solutions to the problem. In this article, a predicate is a function which
returns a boolean value, true or false (well also use yes and no as boolean values). We use the
predicate to verify if a candidate solution is legal (does not violate some constraint) according to
the definition of the problem.

What we can call the main theorem states that binary search can be used if and only if for all x
in S, p(x) implies p(y) for all y > x. This property is what we use when we discard the second
half of the search space. It is equivalent to saying that p(x) implies p(y) for all y < x (the
symbol denotes the logical not operator), which is what we use when we discard the first half
of the search space. The theorem can easily be proven, although Ill omit the proof here to reduce

Behind the cryptic mathematics I am really stating that if you had a yes or no question (the
predicate), getting a yes answer for some potential solution x means that youd also get a yes
answer for any element after x. Similarly, if you got a no answer, youd get a no answer for any
element before x. As a consequence, if you were to ask the question for each element in the
search space (in order), you would get a series of no answers followed by a series of yes answers.

Careful readers may note that binary search can also be used when a predicate yields a series of
yes answers followed by a series of no answers. This is true and complementing that predicate
will satisfy the original condition. For simplicity well deal only with predicates described in the

If the condition in the main theorem is satisfied, we can use binary search to find the smallest
legal solution, i.e. the smallest x for which p(x) is true. The first part of devising a solution based
on binary search is designing a predicate which can be evaluated and for which it makes sense to
use binary search: we need to choose what the algorithm should find. We can have it find either
the first x for which p(x) is true or the last x for which p(x) is false. The difference between the
two is only slight, as you will see, but it is necessary to settle on one. For starters, let us seek the
first yes answer (first option).

The second part is proving that binary search can be applied to the predicate. This is where we
use the main theorem, verifying that the conditions laid out in the theorem are satisfied. The
proof doesnt need to be overly mathematical, you just need to convince yourself that p(x)
implies p(y) for all y > x or that p(x) implies p(y) for all y < x. This can often be done by
applying common sense in a sentence or two.

When the domain of the predicate are the integers, it suffices to prove that p(x) implies p(x+1) or
that p(x) implies p(x-1), the rest then follows by induction.

These two parts are most often interleaved: when we think a problem can be solved by binary
search, we aim to design the predicate so that it satisfies the condition in the main theorem.

One might wonder why we choose to use this abstraction rather than the simpler-looking
algorithm weve used so far. This is because many problems cant be modeled as searching for a
particular value, but its possible to define and evaluate a predicate such as Is there an
assignment which costs x or less?, when were looking for some sort of assignment with the
lowest cost. For example, the usual traveling salesman problem (TSP) looks for the cheapest
round-trip which visits every city exactly once. Here, the target value is not defined as such, but
we can define a predicate Is there a round-trip which costs x or less? and then apply binary
search to find the smallest x which satisfies the predicate. This is called reducing the original
problem to a decision (yes/no) problem. Unfortunately, we know of no way of efficiently
evaluating this particular predicate and so the TSP problem isnt easily solved by binary search,
but many optimization problems are.

Let us now convert the simple binary search on sorted arrays described in the introduction to this
abstract definition. First, lets rephrase the problem as: Given an array A and a target value,
return the index of the first element in A equal to or greater than the target value. Incidentally,
this is more or less how lower_bound behaves in C++.

We want to find the index of the target value, thus any index into the array is a candidate
solution. The search space S is the set of all candidate solutions, thus an interval containing all
indices. Consider the predicate Is A[x] greater than or equal to the target value?. If we were
to find the first x for which the predicate says yes, wed get exactly what decided we were
looking for in the previous paragraph.

The condition in the main theorem is satisfied because the array is sorted in ascending order: if
A[x] is greater than or equal to the target value, all elements after it are surely also greater than
or equal to the target value.

If we take the sample sequence from before:

0 5 13 19 22 41 55 68 72 81 98

With the search space (indices):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
And apply our predicate (with a target value of 55) to it we get:

no no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes

This is a series of no answers followed by a series of yes answers, as we were expecting. Notice
how index 7 (where the target value is located) is the first for which the predicate yields yes, so
this is what our binary search will find.

Implementing the discrete algorithm

One important thing to remember before beginning to code is to settle on what the two numbers
you maintain (lower and upper bound) mean. A likely answer is a closed interval which surely
contains the first x for which p(x) is true. All of your code should then be directed at maintaining
this invariant: it tells you how to properly move the bounds, which is where a bug can easily find
its way in your code, if youre not careful.

Another thing you need to be careful with is how high to set the bounds. By high I really mean
wide since there are two bounds to worry about. Every so often it happens that a coder
concludes during coding that the bounds he or she set are wide enough, only to find a
counterexample during intermission (when its too late). Unfortunately, little helpful advice can
be given here other than to always double- and triple-check your bounds! Also, since execution
time increases logarithmically with the bounds, you can always set them higher, as long as it
doesnt break the evaluation of the predicate. Keep your eye out for overflow errors all around,
especially in calculating the median.

Now we finally get to the code which implements binary search as described in this and the
previous section:

binary_search(lo, hi, p):

while lo < hi:
mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2
if p(mid) == true:
hi = mid
lo = mid+1

if p(lo) == false:
complain // p(x) is false for all x in S!

return lo // lo is the least x for which p(x) is true

The two crucial lines are hi = mid and lo = mid+1. When p(mid) is true, we can discard the
second half of the search space, since the predicate is true for all elements in it (by the main
theorem). However, we can not discard mid itself, since it may well be the first element for
which p is true. This is why moving the upper bound to mid is as aggressive as we can do
without introducing bugs.
In a similar vein, if p(mid) is false, we can discard the first half of the search space, but this time
including mid. p(mid) is false so we dont need it in our search space. This effectively means we
can move the lower bound to mid+1.

If we wanted to find the last x for which p(x) is false, we would devise (using a similar rationale
as above) something like:

// warning: there is a nasty bug in this snippet!

binary_search(lo, hi, p):
while lo < hi:
mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2 // note: division truncates
if p(mid) == true:
hi = mid-1
lo = mid

if p(lo) == true:
complain // p(x) is true for all x in S!

return lo // lo is the greatest x for which p(x) is false

You can verify that this satisfies our condition that the element were looking for always be
present in the interval (lo, hi). However, there is another problem. Consider what happens when
you run this code on some search space for which the predicate gives:
no yes

The code will get stuck in a loop. It will always select the first element as mid, but then will not
move the lower bound because it wants to keep the no in its search space. The solution is to
change mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2 to mid = lo + (hi-lo+1)/2, i.e. so that it rounds up instead of down.
There are other ways of getting around the problem, but this one is possibly the cleanest. Just
remember to always test your code on a two-element set where the predicate is false for the first
element and true for the second.

You may also wonder as to why mid is calculated using mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2 instead of the usual
mid = (lo+hi)/2. This is to avoid another potential rounding bug: in the first case, we want the
division to always round down, towards the lower bound. But division truncates, so when lo+hi
would be negative, it would start rounding towards the higher bound. Coding the calculation this
way ensures that the number divided is always positive and hence always rounds as we want it
to. Although the bug doesnt surface when the search space consists only of positive integers or
real numbers, Ive decided to code it this way throughout the article for consistency.

Real numbers
Binary search can also be used on monotonic functions whose domain is the set of real numbers.
Implementing binary search on reals is usually easier than on integers, because you dont need to
watch out for how to move bounds:

binary_search(lo, hi, p):

while we choose not to terminate:
mid = lo + (hi-lo)/2
if p(mid) == true:
hi = mid
lo = mid

return lo // lo is close to the border between no and yes

Since the set of real numbers is dense, it should be clear that we usually wont be able to find the
exact target value. However, we can quickly find some x such that f(x) is within some tolerance
of the border between no and yes. We have two ways of deciding when to terminate: terminate
when the search space gets smaller than some predetermined bound (say 10-12) or do a fixed
number of iterations. On TopCoder, your best bet is to just use a few hundred iterations, this will
give you the best possible precision without too much thinking. 100 iterations will reduce the
search space to approximately 10-30 of its initial size, which should be enough for most (if not
all) problems.

If you need to do as few iterations as possible, you can terminate when the interval gets small,
but try to do a relative comparison of the bounds, not just an absolute one. The reason for this is
that doubles can never give you more than 15 decimal digits of precision so if the search space
contains large numbers (say on the order of billions), you can never get an absolute difference of
less than 10-7.

At this point I will show how all this talk can be used to solve a TopCoder problem. For this I
have chosen a moderately difficult problem, FairWorkload, which was the division 1 level 2
problem in SRM 169.

In the problem, a number of workers need to examine a number of filing cabinets. The cabinets
are not all of the same size and we are told for each cabinet how many folders it contains. We are
asked to find an assignment such that each worker gets a sequential series of cabinets to go
through and that it minimizes the maximum amount of folders that a worker would have to look

After getting familiar with the problem, a touch of creativity is required. Imagine that we have an
unlimited number of workers at our disposal. The crucial observation is that, for some number
MAX, we can calculate the minimum number of workers needed so that each worker has to
examine no more than MAX folders (if this is possible). Lets see how wed do that. Some
worker needs to examine the first cabinet so we assign any worker to it. But, since the cabinets
must be assigned in sequential order (a worker cannot examine cabinets 1 and 3 without
examining 2 as well), its always optimal to assign him to the second cabinet as well, if this does
not take him over the limit we introduced (MAX). If it would take him over the limit, we
conclude that his work is done and assign a new worker to the second cabinet. We proceed in a
similar manner until all the cabinets have been assigned and assert that weve used the minimum
number of workers possible, with the artificial limit we introduced. Note here that the number of
workers is inversely proportional to MAX: the higher we set our limit, the fewer workers we will
Now, if you go back and carefully examine what were asked for in the problem statement, you
can see that we are really asked for the smallest MAX such that the number of workers required is
less than or equal to the number of workers available. With that in mind, were almost done, we
just need to connect the dots and see how all of this fits in the frame weve laid out for solving
problems using binary search.

With the problem rephrased to fit our needs better, we can now examine the predicate Can the
workload be spread so that each worker has to examine no more than x folders, with the limited
number of workers available? We can use the described greedy algorithm to efficiently evaluate
this predicate for any x. This concludes the first part of building a binary search solution, we now
just have to prove that the condition in the main theorem is satisfied. But observe that increasing
x actually relaxes the limit on the maximum workload, so we can only need the same number of
workers or fewer, not more. Thus, if the predicate says yes for some x, it will also say yes for all
larger x.

To wrap it up, heres an STL-driven snippet which solves the problem:

int getMostWork( vector folders, int workers ) {

int n = folders.size();
int lo = *max_element( folders.begin(), folders.end() );
int hi = accumulate( folders.begin(), folders.end(), 0 );

while ( lo < hi ) {
int x = lo + (hi-lo)/2;

int required = 1, current_load = 0;

for ( int i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
if ( current_load + folders[i] <= x ) {
// the current worker can handle it
current_load += folders[i];
else {
// assign next worker
current_load = folders[i];

if ( required <= workers )

hi = x;
lo = x+1;

return lo;
Note the carefully chosen lower and upper bounds: you could replace the upper bound with any
sufficiently large integer, but the lower bound must not to be less than the largest cabinet to
avoid the situation where a single cabinet would be too large for any worker, a case which would
not be correctly handled by the predicate. An alternative would be to set the lower bound to zero,
then handle too small xs as a special case in the predicate.
To verify that the solution doesnt lock up, I used a small no/yes example with folders={1,1} and

The overall complexity of the solution is O(n log SIZE), where SIZE is the size of the search
space. This is very fast.

As you see, we used a greedy algorithm to evaluate the predicate. In other problems, evaluating
the predicate can come down to anything from a simple math expression to finding a maximum
cardinality matching in a bipartite graph.

If youve gotten this far without giving up, you should be ready to solve anything that can be
solved with binary search. Try to keep a few things in mind:

Design a predicate which can be efficiently evaluated and so that binary search can be
Decide on what youre looking for and code so that the search space always contains that
(if it exists)
If the search space consists only of integers, test your algorithm on a two-element set to
be sure it doesnt lock up
Verify that the lower and upper bounds are not overly constrained: its usually better to
relax them as long as it doesnt break the predicate

Binary search algorithm

Generally, to find a value in unsorted array, we should look through elements of an array one by
one, until searched value is found. In case of searched value is absent from array, we go through
all elements. In average, complexity of such an algorithm is proportional to the length of the

Situation changes significantly, when array is sorted. If we know it, random access capability can
be utilized very efficiently to find searched value quick. Cost of searching algorithm reduces to
binary logarithm of the array length. For reference, log2(1 000 000) 20. It means, that in worst
case, algorithm makes 20 steps to find a value in sorted array of a million elements or to say, that
it doesn't present it the array.

Algorithm is quite simple. It can be done either recursively or iteratively:

1. get the middle element;

2. if the middle element equals to the searched value, the algorithm stops;
3. otherwise, two cases are possible:
o searched value is less, than the middle element. In this case, go to the step 1 for the part
of the array, before middle element.
o searched value is greater, than the middle element. In this case, go to the step 1 for the
part of the array, after middle element.

Now we should define, when iterations should stop. First case is when searched element is found. Second
one is when subarray has no elements. In this case, we can conclude, that searched value doesn't present
in the array.

Example 1. Find 6 in {-1, 5, 6, 18, 19, 25, 46, 78, 102, 114}.

Step 1 (middle element is 19 > 6): -1 5 6 18 19 25 46 78 102 114

Step 2 (middle element is 5 < 6): -1 5 6 18 19 25 46 78 102 114

Step 3 (middle element is 6 == 6): -1 5 6 18 19 25 46 78 102 114

Example 2. Find 103 in {-1, 5, 6, 18, 19, 25, 46, 78, 102, 114}.

Step 1 (middle element is 19 < 103): -1 5 6 18 19 25 46 78 102 114

Step 2 (middle element is 78 < 103): -1 5 6 18 19 25 46 78 102 114

Step 3 (middle element is 102 < 103): -1 5 6 18 19 25 46 78 102 114

Step 4 (middle element is 114 > 103): -1 5 6 18 19 25 46 78 102 114

Step 5 (searched value is absent): -1 5 6 18 19 25 46 78 102 114

Complexity analysis
Huge advantage of this algorithm is that it's complexity depends on the array size logarithmically
in worst case. In practice it means, that algorithm will do at most log2(n) iterations, which is a
very small number even for big arrays. It can be proved very easily. Indeed, on every step the
size of the searched part is reduced by half. Algorithm stops, when there are no elements to
search in. Therefore, solving following inequality in whole numbers:

n / 2iterations > 0

resulting in

iterations <= log2(n).

It means, that binary search algorithm time complexity is O(log2(n)).

Code snippets.
You can see recursive solution for Java and iterative for C++ below.



* searches for a value in sorted array

* @param array

* array to search in

* @param value

* searched value

* @param left

* index of left boundary

* @param right

* index of right boundary

* @return position of searched value, if it presents in the array or -1, if

* it is absent


int binarySearch(int[] array, int value, int left, int right) {

if (left > right)

return -1;

int middle = (left + right) / 2;

if (array[middle] == value)

return middle;

else if (array[middle] > value)

return binarySearch(array, value, left, middle - 1);


return binarySearch(array, value, middle + 1, right);



* searches for a value in sorted array

* arr is an array to search in

* value is searched value

* left is an index of left boundary

* right is an index of right boundary

* returns position of searched value, if it presents in the array

* or -1, if it is absent


int binarySearch(int arr[], int value, int left, int right) {

while (left <= right) {

int middle = (left + right) / 2;

if (arr[middle] == value)

return middle;

else if (arr[middle] > value)

right = middle - 1;


left = middle + 1;

return -1;

1. Binary Search in Java Applets Centre

Two responses to "Binary Search Tutorial"

1. Guest on Oct 20, 2009 said:

The last value is never readed. For example...

int[] a = { 0, 3, 1, 7, 2, 8, 12, 53, 64, 95, 6, 71, 84, 9 };

and i want to search number 9

it returns that 9 is not in the array

Algorithm requires that source array is sorted in order to work correct.

2. Andres on Nov 5, 2008 said:

Hi, greetings from Argentina. I don't know whether this site is too old or very new.
Anyway, I believe there is a mistake with the binary search. I noticed that when "if
(arr[middle] > value)" is true, it means that you discard the first half of your array,
considering 0,1,2,...,n. Then, in that case, the next sentence should be left=middle + 1
instead of right=middle-1, which makes you consider only the first half of the array. Best
wishes, Andres from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

There is no mistake. If condition "value < arr[middle]" is true, it means, that value may
present only in the first part of an array. In this case second part of an array is discarded
and search continued in the first part. Thanks for your reply.

Euclids Algorithm
void remainder ( int a, int b) //Remainder function Recursive version:
int x, remainder; int gcd(int a, int b) {
remainder = 0;
if ( a > b) if (b == 0)
x = a; return a;
a = b;
b = x; return gcd(b, a % b);

remainder = a; }

while (remainder != 0)
x = remainder;
remainder = b % remainder;
b = x;
cout << "GCD is " << r << endl;

if (b > a)
x = b;
b = a;
a = x;

remainder = b;

while (remainder != 0)
x = remainder;
remainder = a % remainder;
a = x;
cout << "GCD is " << r << endl;
Iterative version:

int gcd(int a, int b) {

int t;

while (b != 0) {

t = b;

b = a % b;
a = t;

return a;

Given three integers a,b,c

, can you write c

in the form


for integers x

and y

? If so, is there more than one solution, and what are they? Before answering this, let us answer a
seemingly unrelated question:

How do you find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two given integers a,b

We denote the greatest common divisor of a

and b by gcd(a,b), or sometimes even just (a,b). If (a,b)=1 we say a and b

are coprime.

The obvious answer is to list all the divisors a

and b, and look for the greatest one they have in common. However, this requires a and b

to be factorized, and it is not known how we can do this efficiently.

Amazingly, a few simple observations lead to a far superior method: Euclids algorithm (also
known as the Euclidean algorithm). First, if d

divides a and d divides b, then d divides their sum. Similarly, d must also divide their difference, a - b,
where a is the larger of the two. But this means weve shrunk the original problem to a smaller size: we
just need to find gcd(a,ab)

. We can repeat this and eventually reach a trivial case.

Hence we can find gcd(a,b)

by doing something that most people learn in primary school: division and remainder. We give
an example and leave the proof of the general case to the reader.

Suppose we wish to compute gcd(27,33)

. Then first we divide the bigger one by the smaller one:


Thus gcd(33,27)=gcd(27,6)

. Repeating this trick:


and we see gcd(27,6)=gcd(6,3)

. Lastly,


So since 6 is a perfect multiple of 3, gcd(6,3)=3

, and we have found that gcd(33,27)=3

This algorithm does not require factorizing numbers, and is fast. We obtain a crude bound for the
number of steps required by observing that if we divide a
by b to get a=bq+r, and r>b/2, then in the next step we get a remainder rb/2

. Thus every two steps, the numbers shrink by at least one bit.

Extended Euclidean Algorithm

The above equations actually give us more information than just the gcd of two numbers. We can
use them to find integers m,n

such that


First rearrange all the equations so that the remainders are the subjects:


Then we start from the last equation, and substitute the next equation into it:


And we are done: m=4,n=5

. (If there were more equations, we would repeat this procedure, until we have used all the equations and
found m and n


Thus in general, given integers a

and b, let d=gcd(a,b). Then we can find integer m and n

such that


using the extended Euclidean algorithm.

The General Solution

We can now answer the question posed at the start of this page, that is, given integers a,b,c

find all integers x,n

such that


Let d=gcd(a,b)

. Now xa+yb is a multiple of d for any integers x,y, thus if c is not a multiple of d

then there are no solutions.

So say c=kd

. Using the extended Euclidean algorithm we can find m,n such that d=ma+nb, thus we have a
solution x=km,y=kn

Suppose x,y

is another solution. Then




Since d

is the greatest common divisor, b/d does not divide a. But it must divide the right-hand side (since b
appears there) so (xx) is some multiple of b/d

, that is

for some integer t

. Then solving for (yy)



Thus x=x+tb/d

and y=yta/d for some integer t

But if we replace t

with any integer, x and y still satisfy c=xa+yb

. Thus there are infinitely many solutions, and they are given by


for all integers t

Later, we shall often be given this case: coprime integers p

and q are given, and we wish to solve 1=xp+yq

. Then the above becomes

The Euclidean Algorithm

Suppose a and b are integers, not both zero. The greatest common divisor (gcd, for short) of a and b,
written (a,b) or gcd(a,b), is the largest positive integer that divides both a and b. We will be concerned
almost exclusively with the case where a and b are non-negative, but the theory goes through with
essentially no change in case a or b is negative. The notation (a,b)
might be somewhat confusing, since it is also used to denote ordered pairs and open intervals.
The meaning is usually clear from the context. We begin with some simple observations:

Lemma 3.3.1 Suppose a

and b

are not both zero.

a) (a,b)=(b,a)

b) if a>0

and a|b then (a,b)=a

c) if ac(modb)

, then (a,b)=(c,b)

Part (a) is clear, since a common divisor of a

and b is a common divisor of b and a. For part (b), note that if a|b, then a is a common divisor of a and
b. Clearly a is the largest divisor of a, so we are done. Finally, if ac(modb), then b|ac, so there is a y
such that ac=by, i.e., c=aby. If d divides both a and b, then it also divides aby. Therefore any
common divisor of a and b is also a common divisor of c and b. Similarly, if d divides both c and b, then
it also divides c+by=a, so any common divisor of c and b is a common divisor of a and b. This shows
that the common divisors of a and b are exactly the common divisors of c and b

, so, in particular, they have the same greatest common divisor.

It perhaps is surprising to find out that this lemma is all that is necessary to compute a gcd, and
moreover, to compute it very efficiently. This remarkable fact is known as the Euclidean
Algorithm. As the name implies, the Euclidean Algorithm was known to Euclid, and appears in
The Elements; see section 2.6. As we will see, the Euclidean Algorithm is an important
theoretical tool as well as a practical algorithm. Here is how it works:
To compute (a,b)

, divide the larger number (say a) by the smaller number, so a=bq1+r1 and r1<b. By 3.3.1(c),
(a,b)=(b,r1). Now b=r1q2+r2, r2<r1, and (b,r1)=(r1,r2); then r1=r2q3+r3, r3<r2, and (r1,r2)=(r2,r3),
and so on. Since r1>r2>r3, eventually some rk=0 and (a,b)=(rk1,rk)=(rk1,0)=rk1; in other words,
(a,b) is the last non-zero remainder we compute. Note that (a,0)=a

, by 3.3.1(b).

Example 3.3.2


If you have done some computer programming, you should see just how easy it is to implement
this algorithm in any reasonable programming language. Since it is a very fast algorithm it plays
an important role in many applications.

With a little extra bookkeeping, we can use the Euclidean Algorithm to show that gcd(a,b)

is actually a linear combination of a and b

Example 3.3.3 Again taking a=168

and b=198:


Notice that the numbers in the left column are precisely the remainders computed by the
Euclidean Algorithm. With a little care, we can turn this into a nice theorem, the Extended
Euclidean Algorithm.

Theorem 3.3.4 Suppose a

and b are integers, not both zero. Then there are integers x and y such that (a,b)=ax+by

The Euclidean Algorithm proceeds by finding a sequence of remainders, r1
, r2, r3, and so on, until one of them is the gcd. We prove by induction that each ri is a linear combination
of a and b. It is most convenient to assume a>b and let r0=a and r1=b. Then r0 and r1 are linear
combinations of a and b, which is the base of the induction. The repeated step in the Euclidean Algorithm
defines rn+2 so that rn=qrn+1+rn+2, or rn+2=rnqrn+1. If rn and rn+1 are linear combinations of a and b
(this is the induction hypothesis) then so is rn+2

Exercises 3.3
Ex 3.3.1 For the pairs of integers a

, b given below, find the gcd g and integers x and y satisfying g=ax+by

a) a=13,b=32

b) a=40,b=148

c) a=55,b=300

Ex 3.3.2 If p

is a prime, and a is a positive integer, describe (a,p)

Ex 3.3.3 Suppose g

is the gcd of a and b. If i and j are integers and c=ai+bj, prove g|c

Ex 3.3.4 Suppose g

is the gcd of a and b. If g|c, prove that there are integers i and j such that c=ai+bj

Ex 3.3.5 If g=(a,b)
and x=ab, prove g2|x

Ex 3.3.6 Suppose that d|a

and d|b. Prove that d|(a,b)

Ex 3.3.7 Suppose g>0

and x is a multiple of g2. Show that there are integers a and b such that (a,b)=g and ab=x. (Hint: there is
an n such that x=g2n; aim for a trivial case remembering that you get to define a and b


Ex 3.3.8 Show that there are, in fact, an infinite number of ways of expressing (a,b)

as a combination of a and b

. (Hint: use one way to generate an infinite number of other possibilities.)

Ex 3.3.9 In the proof of theorem 3.3.4, suppose that rn=xna+ynb

and rn+1=xn+1a+yn+1b, by the induction hypothesis. Write rn+2 as an explicit linear combination of a
and b, and identify xn+2 and yn+2

Ex 3.3.10 The Euclidean algorithm works so well that it is difficult to find pairs of numbers that
make it take a long time. Find two numbers whose gcd is 1, for which the Euclidean Algorithm
takes 10 steps.

Ex 3.3.11 Prove that (Fn,Fn1)=1

where Fn is the n

th Fibonacci number. (See exercise 7 in section 2.4.)

Ex 3.3.12 Write a computer program to implement the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. That is,
given a and b, the program should compute and display gcd(a,b), x and y.

Euclid's GCD Algorithm

One of the earliest known numerical algorithms is that developed by Euclid (the father of
geometry) in about 300 B.C. for computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two positive

Let GCD(x,y) be the GCD of positive integers x and y. If x = y, then obviously

GCD(x,y) = GCD(x,x) = x

Euclid's insight was to observe that, if x > y, then

GCD(x,y) = GCD(x-y,y)

Actually, this is easy to prove. Suppose that d is a divisor of both x and y. Then there exist
integers q1 and q2 such that x = q1d and y = q2d. But then

x - y = q1d - q2d = (q1 - q2)d. Therefore d is also a divisor of x-y.

Using similar reasoning, one can show the converse, i.e., that any divisor of x-y and y is also a
divisor of x. Hence, the set of common divisors of x and y is the same as the set of common
divisors of x-y and y. In particular, the largest values in these two sets are the same, which is to
say that GCD(x,y) = GCD(x-y,y).

A Java method that implements Euclid's algorithm is as follows:

int gcd(int K, int M) {

int k = K; // In order to state a simple, elegant loop invariant,
int m = M; // we keep the formal arguments constant and use
// local variables to do the calculations.
// loop invariant: GCD(K,M) = GCD(k,m)
while (k != m) {
if (k > m)
{ k = k-m; }
{ m = m-k; }
// At this point, GCD(K,M) = GCD(k,m) = GCD(k,k) = k
return k;

As an example, suppose that we use this method to compute the GCD of 420 and 96. If we were
to take a snapshot of the method's local variables immediately before the first loop iteration and
immediately after each iteration, we'd get

When k m
-------------------- ----- -----
Before 1st iteration 420 96
After 1st iteration 324 96
After 2nd iteration 228 96
After 3rd iteration 132 96
After 4th iteration 36 96
After 5th iteration 36 60
After 6th iteration 36 24
After 7th iteration 12 24
After 8th iteration 12 12

A significant improvement in performance (in some cases) is possible, however, by using the
remainder operator (%) rather than subtraction. Notice in the above that we subtracted m's value
from k's four times before k became less than m. The same effect results from replacing k's value
by k % m. (In this case, 420 % 96 is 36.) Using this approach forces us to change the loop
condition, however, as here what will eventually happen is that one of k or m will become zero.
(Indeed, k == m is impossible to arrive at unless K == M.) Note that GCD(x,0) = GCD(0,x) = x. (After
all, x's greatest divisor is itself, which is also a divisor of zero.)

Our new method is as follows:

int gcd(int K, int M) {

int k = K; // In order to state a simple, elegant loop invariant,
int m = M; // we keep the formal arguments constant and use
// local variables to do the calculations.
// loop invariant: GCD(K,M) = GCD(k,m)
while (k !=0 && m != 0) {
if (k > m)
{ k = k % m; }
{ m = m % k; }
// At this point, GCD(K,M) = GCD(k,m) = max(k,m)
return Math.max(k,m);

Using this version of the method, we get the following snapshots:

When k m
-------------------- ----- -----
Before 1st iteration 420 96
After 1th iteration 36 96
After 2nd iteration 36 24
After 3rd iteration 12 24
After 4th iteration 12 0

Notice that the number of loop iterations has been cut in half. Further code-simplification
improvements are possible, however, by ensuring that k m. We can achieve this by replacing,
on each iteration, k's value by m's and m's by k % m. This way, no if statement is needed:
int gcd(int K, int M) {
int k = Math.max(K,M);
int m = Math.min(K,M);
// loop invariant: k m GCD(K,M) = GCD(k,m)
while (m != 0) {
int r = k % m;
k = m;
m = r;
// At this point, GCD(K,M) = GCD(k,m) = GCD(k,0) = k
return k;

Using this version of the method, we get the following snapshots:

When k m
-------------------- ----- -----
Before 1st iteration 420 96
After 1th iteration 96 36
After 2nd iteration 36 24
After 3rd iteration 24 12
After 4th iteration 12 0

Solution for Tower of Hanoi C++

What is Tower of Hanoi?

All must be well aware of the problem of Tower of Hanoi, for those who dont know, lets
discuss it once again.

The Tower of Hanoi (also called the Tower of Brahma or Lucas Tower, and sometimes
pluralized) is a mathematical game or puzzle.
It consists of three rods, and a number of disks of different sizes which can slide onto any rod.
The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest
at the top, thus making a conical shape.

The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following
simple rules:

Only one disk can be moved at a time.

Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of
another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack.
No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.

We can solve it in 2 ways:

1. Using Recursion
2. Using Stacks

Using Recursion:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void towers(int, char, char, char);

int main()
int num;

cout<<"Enter the number of disks : ";

cout<<"The sequence of moves involved in the Tower of Hanoi are :n";
towers(num, 'A', 'C', 'B');
return 0;
void towers(int num, char frompeg, char topeg, char auxpeg)
if (num == 1)
cout<<"n Move disk 1 from peg "<<frompeg<<" to peg "<<topeg;
towers(num - 1, frompeg, auxpeg, topeg);
cout<<"n Move disk "<<num<<" from peg "<<frompeg<<" to peg "<<topeg;
towers(num - 1, auxpeg, topeg, frompeg);

Sample Output:
Enter the number of disks : 3
The sequence of moves involved in the Tower of Hanoi are :

Move disk 1 from peg A to peg C

Move disk 2 from peg A to peg B
Move disk 1 from peg C to peg B
Move disk 3 from peg A to peg C
Move disk 1 from peg B to peg A
Move disk 2 from peg B to peg C
Move disk 1 from peg A to peg C

Program to solve Tower of Hanoi C++ using Stack

using namespace std;
struct node1
int data1;
node1 *next1;
}*top1 = NULL, *p1 = NULL, *np1 = NULL;
struct node2
int data2;
node2 *next2;
}*top2 = NULL, *p2 = NULL, *np2 = NULL;
struct node3
int data3;
node3 *next3;
}*top3 = NULL, *p3 = NULL, *np3 = NULL;
void push1(int data)
np1 = new node1;
np1->data1 = data;
np1->next1 = NULL;
if (top1 == NULL)
top1 = np1;
np1->next1 = top1;
top1 = np1;
int pop1()
int b = 999;
if (top1 == NULL)
return b;
p1 = top1;
top1 = top1->next1;
void push2(int data)
np2 = new node2;
np2->data2 = data;
np2->next2 = NULL;
if (top2 == NULL)
top2 = np2;
np2->next2 = top2;
top2 = np2;
int pop2()
int b = 999;
if (top2 == NULL)
return b;
p2 = top2;
top2 = top2->next2;
void push3(int data)
np3 = new node3;
np3->data3 = data;
np3->next3 = NULL;
if (top3 == NULL)
top3 = np3;
np3->next3 = top3;
top3 = np3;
int pop3()
int b = 999;
if (top3 == NULL)
return b;
p3 = top3;
top3 = top3->next3;
int top_of_stack()
if (top1 != NULL && top1->data1 == 1 )
return 1;
else if (top2 != NULL && top2->data2 == 1)
return 2;
else if (top3 != NULL && top3->data3 == 1)
return 3;
void display1()
node1 *p1;
p1 = top1;
cout<<"Tower1-> "<<"t";
while (p1 != NULL)
p1 = p1->next1;
void display2()
node2 *p2;
p2 = top2;
cout<<"Tower2-> "<<"t";
while (p2 != NULL)
p2 = p2->next2;
void display3()
node3 *p3;
p3 = top3;
cout<<"Tower3-> "<<"t";
while (p3 != NULL)
p3 = p3->next3;
void toh(int n)
int i, x, a, b;
for (i = 0; i < (pow(2,n)); i++)
x = top_of_stack();
if (i % 2 == 0)
if (x == 1)
else if (x == 2)
else if (x == 3)
if (x == 1)
a = pop2();
b = pop3();
if (a < b && b != 999)
else if (a > b && a != 999)
else if (b == 999)
else if (a == 999)
else if (x == 2)
a = pop1();
b = pop3();
if (a < b && b != 999)
else if (a > b && a != 999)
else if (b == 999)
else if (a == 999)
else if (x == 3)
a = pop1();
b = pop2();
if (a < b && b != 999)
else if (a > b && a != 999)
else if (b == 999)
else if (a == 999)
int main()
int n, i;
cout<<"enter the number of disksn";
for (i = n; i >= 1; i--)
return 0;

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