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wikiHow to Write Movie Scripts
Four Methods:Sample ScriptsGetting StartedWriting the ScriptFormatting the
ScriptCommunity Q&A
The world of film is very, very competitive. You may have the best movie idea of
all time, but if your script isnt formatted correctly, theres a high chance it
will never even get read. Follow these steps to maximize your chances of seeing
your writing on the big screen.

Sample Scripts

Sample Film Overview

Sample Beat Sheet for Film

Sample Script

Getting Started
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 11
Understand what a script is. The script, or screenplay, outlines all of the
elements (audio, visual, behavior, and dialogue) that are required to tell a story
through movies or TV.
A script is almost never the work of a single person. Instead, it will go through
revisions and rewrites, and ultimately will be interpreted by the producers,
directors, and actors.
Movies and TV are visual mediums. This means that you will need to write your
script in a way that encompasses the visual and auditory aspects of the story.
Focus on writing pictures and sounds.
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 22
Read the scripts of some of your favorite movies. Find movie scripts online and
decide what you like (and dont like) about them. Get a feel for how the action is
portrayed, dialogue is written, and characters are developed.
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 33
Flesh out your concept. Assuming you already have an idea you want to write about,
sketch out all the necessary plot details, relationships, and personality traits
that will guide your story. Which elements are the most integral to your concept?
How do your characters interact and why? Whats your larger point? Are there any
plot holes? Write notes addressing these points in any format you see fit.
Writing the Script
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 41
Outline your story. Begin with a basic flow of your narrative. Focus on the
conflict of the story; conflict drives drama.
Keep length in mind. When in script format, each page is roughly one minute of
screen time. The average length of a two hour script is 120 pages. Dramas should be
around the 2 hour mark, comedies should be shorter, around one and a half hours.
Also keep in mind that unless the writer is already known, has connections, or is
extremely bankable, a long screenplay doesnt have a realistic chance of getting
picked up. If the story you need to tell cant be condensed into less than two
hours of screen time, you might be better off turning it into a novel.
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 52
Write your story in three acts. The pillars of a screenplay are the Three Acts.
Each act can operate independently, and when taken together provide the full arc of
a story.
Act One: This is the set-up for the story. Introduce the world and the characters.
Set the tone of the story (comedy, action, romance, etc.). Introduce your
protagonist, and begin exploring the conflict that will drive the story. Once the
protagonist is set towards the objective, then Act Two begins. For dramas, Act One
is typically 30 pages. For comedies, 24 pages.
Act Two: This act is the main portion of the story. The protagonist will encounter
obstacles on the path to the resolution of the conflict. Subplots are typically
introduced in the second act. Throughout the second act, the protagonist should be
showing signs of change. For dramas, Act Two is typically 60 pages. For comedies,
48 pages.
Act Three: In the third act, the story reaches its resolution. The third act
contains the twist of the story, and ends with the final confrontation of the
objective. Because the story has already been established in the second act, the
third act is much faster-paced and condensed. For dramas, Act Three is typically 30
pages. For comedies, 24 pages.
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 63
Add sequences. Sequences are parts of the story that operate somewhat independently
from the main conflict. They have a beginning, middle, and end. A typical sequence
will be about 10 to 15 pages in length. A sequence tends to focus on a specific
Sequences operate with a separate tension from the main story, and often affect how
the main story will play out.
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 74
Start writing scenes. Scenes are the events of your movie. They take place in
specific locations and always serve to drive story forward. If a scene does not do
this, then it should be cut from the script. Scenes that serve no purpose will
stick out in the audiences mind as flaws, and will drag the story down.
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 85
Begin writing dialogue. Once you have scenes, you will have characters interacting.
Dialogue can be one of the hardest things to write. Each character needs to have
its own distinct, believable voice.
Realistic dialogue is not necessarily good dialogue. Dialogue should be focused on
moving the story forward and developing characters. You should not worry about
trying to capture reality with dialogue, because in reality conversations are often
dull and lifeless.
Read your dialogue aloud. Does it sound halting, stereotyped, or over-the-top? Do
all of your characters talk the same way?
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 96
Cut away the dead weight. Now that all your ideas are on paper, look for weak
links, distractions, or anything that drags. Does the story ever get sidetracked?
Are there unnecessary details or repetitions? Do you give your audience enough
credit? If it over-explains or doesnt move your story forward, cut it.
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 107
Show your finished work to a few friends. Choose people with different tastes and
backgrounds to get a variety of opinions. Be sure to ask for the cold, hard truth;
you want constructive criticism, not flattery or lies.
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 118
Revise your work as many times as necessary. This may be painful at first, but when
all is said and done, youll be glad you took the time to properly convey your
Formatting the Script
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 121
Set your page size. Screenplays are written on 8 x 11 paper, typically 3-hole
punched. Top and bottom margins are set between .5 and 1. The left margin is set
to 1.2-1.6 and the right margin is set between .5 and 1.
Page numbers go in the top right corner. The title page does not get numbered.
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 132
Set your font. Screenplays are written in Courier 12 point font. This is mainly
because of timing. One script page in Courier 12 is roughly one minute of screen
Image titled Write Movie Scripts Step 143
Format your script elements. There are several different parts of the script that
require specific formatting so that they conform to industry standards:
Scene Heading: This is also called a slug line. It sets the stage for the reader
by describing the location. The scene heading is written in all caps. First, denote
whether it is an interior or exterior scene by writing INT. or EXT. Then,
follow that with the location, then the time of day. Never end a page with a scene
heading, push it down to the next page.
Action: This is the descriptive text of the screenplay. Write in the present tense
and an active voice. Keep the paragraphs short to hold the readers attention. A
good paragraph size is 3-5 lines.
Character Name: Before dialogue starts, the character speaking is typed out in all
caps and indented 3.5 from the left margin. The name can either be the characters
actual name, a description if the character is not named in the movie, or by
occupation. If the character is speaking off screen, then (O.S.) is written next
to the character name. If the character is narrating, (V.O.) for voice-over is
written next to the name.
Dialogue: When a character is speaking, the dialogue is indented 2.5 from the left
margin, and between 2-2.5 from the right. The dialogue goes directly beneath the
characters name.
Community Q&A

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How long does it usually take to complete a script?
wikiHow Contributor
This will depend on how fast you write, how much time you have to work on the
script, and how long the script will be. Having the entire plot already outlined
before you begin will help the process go by much faster. Short, simple scripts may
take only a few hours, while longer, more complex scripts may take a few months.
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Do I have to write 120 pages for my script to qualify?
wikiHow Contributor
You do not need to write 120 pages. That is for a 2 hour movie (about). Most movies
are between an hour and a half and two hours. A 100 page script will do you, or
halve that for a short film.
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How can I not get bored while writing the script?
wikiHow Contributor
Writing out a script can be a tedious task. If you get bored try listening to music
or take a break and exercise every once in a while.
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Can a script consist only of dialog?
Theoretically, yes. Practically, not really. You are leaving a lot of work to the
director if you have no basis of who and what the characters are supposed to look
like, where they are and what they are doing. Unless your movie is just two
mannequins talking in a blank room, it's best to at least include settings and
character descriptions.
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Can you provide an example of a script?
wikiHow Contributor
Just search "movie scripts" or "screenplays" on Google and find some, or even
"Movie Scripts Aspiring Screenwriters Need to Read." Classic ones are out there,
like "Pulp Fiction" and "When Harry Met Sally," but I also found "Inside Out" and
"Minions" online.
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Is there software I could use to write a movie script on my laptop?
wikiHow Contributor
Yes. There is a website named that is very helpful. It doesn't require
any pay, but you can subscribe to it and get more features if you want to. The best
part about this website is that it's set up like a studio. You can invite all of
your friends and share scripts and assign jobs for films.
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How long does an action movie need to be?
wikiHow Contributor
There is no requirement on how long an action movie, or any movie, needs to be. The
important part is having a beginning, a middle, and an end. You can tailor your
plot to the amount of time you would like it to be. On average, though, many movie
run up to 2 hours.
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I want to write a comedy script. How long should the script be? How long will it
take me to write it?
wikiHow Contributor
The script should be around 85 - 100 pages, and could be done in a month if you're
able to dedicate a sufficient amount of time to it.
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Can a script be written in Hindi?
wikiHow Contributor
Yes, if the studio will accept scripts written in Hindi; this especially applies to
Bollywood productions.
Yes No
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Where can I submit my script?
wikiHow Contributor
Thwre are various script competitions, some more reputable than others. The two top
screenplay competitions are Nichols and Page Awards. Some competitions offer
connections and contracts, while others offer collaboration and funding such as And then there are some that only offer funding/prizes or
table reads. All competitions require you to submit the script in appropriate
screenplay format, so learn that first.
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What is the proper age to send scripts to Hollywood? What age is proper to get an
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I am very young looking to write scripts. How should I get my scripts to Hollywood?
And how long will it take for me to know if they want to film it?
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What are the script elements for the title, name, and contact info?
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How do I send my script to a producer or director?
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Try to develop the story so that it progresses naturally. Many first-time
screenwriters feel that every second should be more exciting than the last; others
jump suddenly between excitement and no excitement at all. Make sure your plot
progresses gradually so that the excitement builds to a climax.
Consider purchasing script-writing software. Several programs are available that
will guide you through the formatting or even convert an already-written script
into the correct layout.
Participate in script-writing forums. You can learn tips and trade ideas with
fellow writers, and you might even get some contacts and interest in your work.
Your hook (i.e. concept or main point of interest) should be presented within the
first ten pages. The first ten pages are what get the producer to read further!
Take creative writing courses. Screen-writing is just as difficult and time-
consuming as other forms of writing and will be even more difficult if had little
writing practice in school.
Look up books on screenwriting at your local library. Many former filmmakers have
written good books to help people in your situation.
Consider getting a formal education in screen-writing. The best US college for this
purpose is the University of Southern California. Columbia University, UCLA, SF
State, NYU, UT-Austin, and the University of Iowa are also good choices.
Take your time to think about the dialogue and names of the characters.
Draw inspiration from the work of others but never directly use someone else's
ideas in your writing. This is illegal and morally reprehensible.
Dont just hand your script out to anyone; ideas are easily stolen. A good way to
prevent this, or at least document that you wrote the script, is to register the
completed script with the Writer's Guild of America. The WGA is a union
representing all working writers and their website is full of information
pertaining to the craft of screenwriting.
Things You'll Need
Word processor
Authoring software (optional)
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Sources and Citations
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Featured Article
Categories: Featured Articles | Plays and Screenwriting

In other languages:

Franais: crire un scnario de film, Italiano: Scrivere la Sceneggiatura per un

Film, Espaol: escribir guiones para pelculas, Deutsch: Drehbcher schreiben,
Portugus: Escrever um Roteiro de Filme, ???????: ?????? ????????????, ??: ?????,
Nederlands: Een filmscript schrijven, Cetina: Jak napsat filmov scnr, Bahasa
Indonesia: Menulis Naskah
Film, ???????: ????? ??????? ????, ??????: ???????? ?? ????? ?????, ???: ?? ?? ?? ?

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