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L&T Engineering PD-DP-0005 0A Guidelines for Air Cooler Modeling >~ Page 1 of 11 Guidelines for Air Cooler Modeling Issued for Use ‘AD, hiker | te DOCUMENT REVISION DETAILS BY cHKD APPD Electronic documents once printed are uncontrelled. Convot documents ate electronic documents on designetod servo. @ LST LTen 2006, Cantaine confidential arv¥or propsetay information lo LAT and its afflated companies which shall not be used, Jlosed of reproduced in any format by any no”-L&T perty without L8Ts prior written permission. All rights reserved. 4068 a Format not EN-FT. Lat Engineering PD-DP-0005 0A Guidelines for Air Cooler Modeling Page 2 of 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE. ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.0 INPUTS. Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.0 AIR COOLED HEAT EXCHANGER (ACHE) . Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.0 GUIDELINES FOR MODELING OF ODD PASS ACHE .. . Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1 GENERAL POINTS. 3 4.2 PROCEDURE OF MODELING ACHE WITH ODD PASS ARRANGEMENT IN CAESAR II. 4.3 PROCEDURE OF MODELING ACHE WITH ODD PASS ARRANGEMENT IN AUTOPIPE. 5.0 GUIDELINES FOR MODELING OF EVEN PASS ACHE. Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1 GENERAL POINTS...... 8 5.2 PROCEDURE OF MODELING ACHE WITH EVEN PASS ARRANGEMENT (BOTH INLET AND OUTLET NOZZLE) IN CAESAR II. 9 5.3 PROCEDURE OF MODELING ACHE WITH EVEN PASS ARRANGEMENT (BOTH INLET AND OUTLET NOZZLE) IN AUTOPIPE.... . Eteatronic documents once printed are uncontrolled. Control documents are electronic documonts on designated server. ‘@LAT- LTen 2008. Contains confidential andlor proprietary information to LAT and ils afféated companias which shall ot be used, sclased or reproduced in any format by any non-LE party without L&T's prior written permission Alrighte reserves, Format now EN-FT-4064 L&T Engineering PD-pP-0005 | 0A Guidelines for Air Cooler Modeling Page 3 of 11 10 Scope ‘This document states the guidelines to model Air Cooler in CAESAR I! and AUTOPIPE. 2.0 INPUTS ‘© Mechanical datasheet, GA of Air Cooled Heat Exchanger (ACHE) + Layout © Rack Drawing 3.0 AIR-COOLED HEAT EXCHANGER (ACHE) ‘Air cooled heat exchangers are considered as one of the critical equipment in a process plant because of two phase flow, high level location, symmetrical an free drain piping requirements that calls for elaborate pipe supporting and supporting structure, Depending upon the requirement the Air coolers can have the following arrangement: 1) Odd pass In this type of arrangement the infet and the outlet nozzles are located on separate header boxes (opposite ends). The Inlet header box is fixed: and the outlet header box Is floating in type. 2) Even pass In this type of arrangement the inlet and the outlet nozzles are located on the same header box, Guidelines for modeling of odd pass ACHE 44 General Points ‘+ Air Cooler shall be modeled as rigid. + Inodd pass header box configuration, tube bundle shall be modeled for analysis of nozzle on floating header. ‘+ Average of the inlet and the outlet temperatures shall be used while modelling the tube bundle. '» Total weight of the tube bundle given in ACHE GA drawing shall be distributed among Individual tube bundle modeled. + Header shall be modeled as a weightless rigid element «Header box shali be simply supported and guides and axial stops shall be provided to ensure the movement parallel and perpendicular to the header. * Gaps shall be provided as per the GA of ACHE. = Aircooler is rested on Teflon pads. Friction co-efficient of 0.1 shall be considered. ‘+ Node numbers mentioned in Autopipe modelling procedure are indicative only. Node number will be auto generated In Autopipe. Eloctonle documents once printed are uncontrolled. Control dacumonts are elactronic documents on designated sorver. @LaT- Len. 2005. Contains conigontel anc/or proprietary Information to LAT and its afliated companies which shal not be used, ‘disclosed or reproduced in any format by any ren-L&T parly wthout LAT's prior written permission. Alrights reserved, Format no# ENFT-4064 | = feed L&T Engineering Pp-pp-o005 | 0A eee Page 4 of 11 Guidelines for Air Cooler Modeling 42 Procodure of modeling ACHE with odd pass arrangement in GAESAR Il. a gt Og 7 See Suto Ik Ta 5030 ou Bie. 5030 06 Sono Fig. 4 ‘+ 5000 to 5010 shall be modeled as weightless rigid element. It s the projection of header box {from supporting column as per GA of ACHE. The dimension and thickness for it will be that of header box. Operating temperature (inlet), design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure willbe as per ACHE GA drawing. ‘+ 5010 to 5020 shall be modeled as a weightless rigid element. Itis the point of intersection of first nozzle on header box. + 5020 to 6030 shall be modeled as a weightless rigid element. Its the point of intersection of seoond nozzle on header box. * 8030 to 6040 shall be modeled as a weightless rigid element. it's the part of header box up to second support. * 5040 to 5050 shail be modeled as a weightloss rigid element. It is the proj from supporting column as per GA of ACHE. ‘+ 5020 to 5500 shall be modeled as a weightless rigid element. Its of length as half of width of Header box. ‘+ 8500 to $510 shall be modeled as pipe. It is the nozzle neck with projection and dimension as per equipment GA. + 5510 to 5520 shall be modeled as flange. It is the connecting flange of the equipment nozzle. Details are as per equipment GA. ‘+ 5030 to 5600 shall be modeled as a weightless rigid element. Its of length as half of width of Header box. + 5600 to 9610 shall be modeled as pipe. It is the nozzle neck with projection and dimension as per equipment GA. * 5610 to 5620 shall be modeled as flange. It is the connecting flange of the equipment nozzle. Detalls are as per equipment GA of header box tectronie documents once printed are uncontoled, Control documents are electronic documents on designated server. ‘@LBT- Len 2008. Contains confidential anclor proprietary Information to LAT and ils afllated companies wich shall not be used, dsciosed oF reproduced in any formal by any non. &T party witout L&T prior wniten permission, All igh reserved. Format not EN-FT-4064 L&T Engineering PD-DP-0005 0A Guidelines for Air Cooler Modeling Page 5 of 11 ‘+ 5000 to 5700 shail be modeled as a weightless rigid element. It is the projection of header box from supporting column of Inlet fixed) header to supporting column for outlet (floating) header as per GA of ACHE. Operating temperature shall be average of inlet and outlet, design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure will be as per ACHE GA crawing ‘+ Outlet (floating) header shall be modelled, through node numbers 5700-5750 by following the same steps that are taken for modelling Inlet header along with nozzles. Operating ‘temperature (outlet), design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure will be as per ACHE GA drawing ‘* 5750 to 5050 shall be modeled as a weightless rigid element. itis the projection of header box from supporting column of Inlet (fixed) header to supporting column for outlet (floating) header 188 per GA of ACHE. Operating temperature shall be average of inlet and outlet, design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure will be as per ACHE GA drawing + 6020 to 5720 shall be modeled as an individual tube bundlo. Itis a rigid element with weight ‘equals to weight of each tube bundle given in AGHE GA. Operating temperature shall be average of inlet and outlet, design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure will be 2s pet ACHE GA drawing ‘+ 5030 to 5730 shall be modeled as an individual tube bundle. It isa rigid element with weight ‘equals to weight of each tube bundle given in AGHE GA. Operating temperature shell be average of inlet and outlet, design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure will be as per ACHE GA drawing ‘+ Provide support at nodes 5000 and 5050 as follows: +Y with 1=0.4 Guides in X and Z and gap shall be as per ACHE GA. Provide rotational stops Rx, Ry and Rz + Provide support at nodes §700 and 6750 as follows + Y with y=0.1 Guide in X/Z and gap shall be as per ACHE GA. Electronic documents once printed sre uncontrolled. Contiol dacuments are electronic documtens on designated server. @LBT- LTen 2008, Contains confidential and/or proprietary informaton o LAT and ts aflatod companies which shal rot be used, ‘dsclosed or repraduced in any format by any nor-LAT parly wihou! L8T'S pro wren permission, Al ights reserved Format noft EN-FT-4064 PD-DP-0005 0A Guidelines for Air Cooler Modeling = >~— Page 6 of 11 4.3 Procedure of modeling ACHE with odd pass arrangement In AUTOPIPE. Fig. 2 ‘© AQO shall be created as a first supporting point. Define pipe identifier as ‘header’ and enter properties of header box from ACHE GA drawing. ‘© A00 to AO‘ element shall be modeled with pipe identifier as ‘header. Its the projection of header box from supporting column as per GA of ACHE. Operating temperature (inlet), design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure will be as per ACHE GA drawing. Convert the element into weightless rigid element. * AQ! to A02 shall be modeled as a valve with type "NS" and pressure rating "NS". Enter length ‘dt’ as shown in Fig 2 and weight as “0°. + A02 to A03 shall be modeled as point of intersection first nozzie on header box. Itis of length 25 mm.Choose pipe identifier as “header” and converts it to weightless rigid element ‘© 03 to A04 shall be modeled as an element of length 25 mm.Choose pipe identifier as “neader" and convert it to weightless rigid element, ‘= A04 to AOS shall be modeled as a valve with type “NS” and pressure rating *NS’. Enter length ‘d2! as shown in Fig 2 and weight 2s °0". ‘© AOS to AO6 shall be modeled as point of intersection second nozzle on header box. It is of length 25 mm.Choose pipe identifier as "header" and converts it to weightless rigid element. © A06 to A07 shall be modeled as an element of length 25 mm. Choose pipe identifier as "header" and convert it to weightless rigid element. «AQT to A08 shall be modeled as a valve with type "NS" and pressure rating “NS. Enter length ‘3! as shown in Fig 2 and weight as ‘0". Electronic documents once printed are uncontroled, Corral doouments are electronic documents on designated server. @L&T- LTon 2006, Contaiis confdental andor proprietary information to LAT and ls affilated companies which shall not be used, ‘closed or reproduced la any format by any non-L&T party without L&T's pror written permission. Allrights reserved. Format nof EN-FT-4064 L&T Engineering pte ae Guidelines for Air Cooler Modeling Page 7 of 11 ‘* 08 to AO9 element shall be modeled with pipe identifier as header’. It is the projection of header box from supporting column as per GA of ACHE. Convert the element as weightless rigid element. ‘* Convert point A03 as “cross” with type as “other” and SIF IN and SIF OUT as‘t” * 03 fo B01 element shall be modeled with pipe identifier as “header”. Itis of length as hatf of width of header box. Convert the element to weightless rigid element. © B01 to B02 shall be modeled as nozzle neck with pipe identifier as "NOZ" Itis of length equal to projection of nozzle from header box. Properties of the identifier will be that of corresponding nozzle given in GA of ACHE. Insert nozzle flange at point B02 as per equipment GA. Convert point A06 as “cross” with type as “olher’ and SIF IN and SIF OUT as‘t” ‘A06 to CO1 shall be modeled with pipe identifier as “header. Its of length as half of width of header box. Convert this element as weightless rigid element. * C01 to C02 shall be modeled as nozzle neck with pipe identifier as “NOZ". Itis of length equal to the projection of nozzle from header box, Properties of the identifier will be that of corresponding nozzle given in GA of ACHE. + Insert nozzle flange at point CO2 as per equipment GA. © Convert A00 as "tee “with SIF In and OUT as "1". An element 00 to DO1 shall be modeled with pipe identifier as ‘header’. tis the projection of header box from supporting column of Inlet ({tced) header to supporting column for Outet (floating) header as per GA of ACHE. Operating temperature shall be average of inlet and outlet, design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure will be as per ACHE GA drawing. Convert the element into weightless rigid element. + Outlet (floating) header shall be modelled, through node numbers DO1-D10 by following the ‘same steps that are taken for modeling Inlet header along with nozzles. Operating temperature (outle!), design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure will be as per ACHE GA drawing. * Anglement D10 to A09 shall be modeled with pipe identifier as ‘header. It is the projection of header box from supporting column of Infet (fixed) header fo supporting column for Outlet (floating) header as per GA of ACHE. A09 should be converted into “tee” with SIF IN and OUT as "1" Operating temperature shall be average of inlet and outlet, design temperature or any other analysis temporature and pressure will be as per ACHE GA drawing. Convert the ‘element into weightless rigid element. * 03 fo G1 shall be modeled as an element of length 25 mm.Choose pipe identifier as “header” and convert it to weightless rigid element. Operating temperature shall be average of inlet and outlet, design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure will be as per ACHE GA drawing + G01 to G02 shall be modeled as an individual tube bundle of length as d4 given in fig.2. tis modeled as a valve with type "NS" and pressure rating “NS"and weight equals to weight of ‘each tube bundle given in AGHE GA. * G02 to DO4 shall be modeled as an element of length 25 mm.Choose pipe identifier as “header” and convert it to weightless rigid element. ‘+ A06 to HO1 shall be modeled as an element of length 25 mm.Choose pipe identifier as “header” and convert it to weightless rigid element. Operating temperature shall be average of inlet and outlet, design temperature or any other analysis temperature and pressure wil be as per ACHE GA drawing + H01 to H02 shall be modeled as an individual tube bundle of length as dé given in fig.2. Itis modeled as a valve with type *NS" and pressure rating "NS’and weight equals to weight of ‘each tube bundle given in AGHE GA. + H02 to D07 shall be modeled as an element of length 25 mm.Choose pipe identifier as “header” and convert it to weightless rigid element ‘+ Support shall be provided at nodes A00 and A09 as follows: \V-stop with gap-below=0 Gap-above = 2540 mm and y= 0.1 Electronic documents once printed are uncontrofad. Control documenis are elactranic documents on designated server. @LAT-LTon 2005. Contains confidential anc/or proprietary information to LAT and its afliated companies which shall nt ba used,

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