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A Modern versus Vedic Astrological Perspective of Saturn

featuring Baba Ram Dass horoscope

Linda Kaye 2003

The mythology of the ancients has weaved a continuous melodic thread into our modern
Astrological significations. Through the myths of yesterdays gods and goddesses astrology
remains ever rich with profound significance. Astrology, as well as the exploration into ancient
mythology, endows us with a continual journey of self-discovery in which we are invited to
invoke the planetary gods and goddesses that exist within each of us. Many astrologers feel that
Saturn is to be given the highest of respect and worship, as it is his grace and divine duty to
bestow upon us the teachings, that, left to our own devise, we would all to gladly avoid.
By reviewing both the modern and Vedic Astrological systems one can gain a larger holistic
perspective of Saturns role within their life. For it is through Saturns myth of these two great
systems that we learn to willingly embrace his lessons with endurance and humility. Therefore,
the first section of this paper will focus on a modern astrological view point of Saturn. While, the
second half will depict Saturn from a Vedic perspective.

Saturn: A Modern Observation

Greek mythology portrays Cronus (Saturn) as part of a lineage whereby the son adheres to his
mothers request and chooses to rise above his father. Cronus rose above his father, the sky God
Uranus, due to Uranus suppression of his own creation; his children, who he shut away deep
within the earth. It is through the combined act of severing Uranus genitals and then tossing
them into the sea that Cronus allows creation to continue. This brave deed credited Cronus with
the inspired birth of the warm, gentle and beautiful goddess, Aphrodite. Known as the goddess of
pure and ideal love, as well as immoral and degrading love, Aphrodite inspired procreation
through her beauty, ensuring the continuation of the manifestation of creation.
During the governmental rein of Cronus, creation did in fact continue Night gave birth to
Doom, Death, Fraud, Incontinence, and Old Age, Strife gave birth to Sorrow and Forgetfulness,
and Hunger gave birth to Disease. These births are grave and recognizable symbols of Saturns
significations in todays modern world of astrology. Eventually Cronus and his sister, Rhea,
married and had six children of their own, all of which Cronus swallowed at birth out of his fear
of being overthrown, as he had overthrown his father. As foreseen by an Oracle, it came to pass
that a son (Zeus) overthrew Cronus. Zeus caused Cronus to vomit up the children he had
swallowed, and then vanquished his father, severing his power. The myths tell different stories of
the place Cronus now resides. Some tell of his being cast from the sky and enchained to the
depths of the universe. Others tell us that he was sent to the ends of the earth to dwell in bliss.
It is within the above myth that we often find strong Saturnian aspects, in the modern western
horoscope, coinciding with inner conflict in regards to responsibility. These conflicts of
responsibility are typically projected by the individual towards the collective, ones self, and/or to
ones father. Approval by ones father, or the overthrow of ones father, may be prominent
themes within a Saturnian individuals life. This is frequently the result of a father who is
abdicating a dictatorial parental mindset, which is often a generational pattern that can only be
severed by the child breaking free and developing constructive Saturnian traits. Ariel Guttman
and Kenneth Johnson remind us that the Gnostics and early Kabbalists viewed Saturn as Yahweh
of the Old Testament, the tyrannical father God obsessed with rigid enforcement of the law.
Saturns association with Yahweh is recognized with the Sabbath Yahwehs holy day, devoted
to Saturday, Saturns Day.i
Additional themes associated with Saturn are competitiveness, introspection, karma, darkness,
doom, delay and endings. Astrologers frequently refer to Saturn as the planet which brings

conclusion to the areas in our lives that are no longer meaningful, or to those areas that instill
unhappiness. The Saturnian solstice season is a time of patient, quiet introspection, a time of
waiting. It is during the wintry Capricorn season we celebrate the death of the old calendar
year. Guttman and Johnson explain in their book, Mythic Astrology, that Saturns sickle was
symbolic of cutting down the elderly in winter, by performing his grim reaper task while the
zodiacal Sun passed through Capricorn.ii
The Saturnian house in modern astrology is the apex, or the zenith point, in the horoscope.
When we find a prominent 10th house in a persons nativity we can be sure that they will
experience a climb to the summit with one or more of their outer life experiences. Through
Saturns trials and tribulations we mature in awareness and perspective. In Liz Greens book,
Saturn; a New Look at an Old Devil, she postulates that Saturn is the key to an invocation with
the self, and the selfs transforming potential. It is within the esoteric teachings that she reminds
us of Saturns knowledge, Saturn is the planet of discipleship, and a disciple is simply someone
who is learning.iii This perspective of Saturns influence is neither negative nor malefic and, for
those who embrace his presence in their lives, Saturn is the bringer of strength and wisdom.

Suffering Comes When You Try to Hold on To Continuity. iv Baba Ram Dass

Many astrologers would contend that Saturn brings suffering for those who rigidly cling to the
security of the old and familiar. Saturn is the master of destroying that which is no longer needed
in our lives, that which no longer brings growth to our psyche and spirit. Referred to by
interviewers as ahead of his time, Ram Dass has lived his life as a pioneer, leader, servant and
mystic. His teachings and contributions helped to precipitate the New Age movement, while
simultaneously aiding to bridge the gap of understanding between the spiritual philosophies of the
East and the West.
The planet Saturn resides in its own sign within the 7th house of Ram Dass astrological
horoscope (see chart 1), which Kathleen Burt refers to, in her book Archetypes of the Zodiac, as a
calling to unselfish love.v Alan Oken takes an esoteric stance on astrology in his book Soul
Centered Astrology, whereby he indicates that Saturns placement will reveal where our dharma
and duty lies and that the 7th house is the path of union between the soul and the
Ram Dass 10th house is radiantly displaying an almost exact Sun/Uranus conjunction in Aries,
with the North Node in very close proximity by 1-degree. With Aires and Uranus so intimately
involved with the Sun in the 10th house, it gives one the ability to revolutionize society by
exposing large groups of people to new experiences and new ways of thinking.
Born Richard Alpert, the youngest of three boys, into a prominent Jewish family surrounded
by wealth, Ram Dass was afforded many opportunities. As is appropriate for a 10th house Sun,
his father was a successful lawyer, president of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford
Railroad, and the founder of Brandeis University, as well as the Albert Einstein School of
Medicine. Rex E. Bills reminds us, in The Rulership Book, that the planet Uranus rules
railroads.vii The following quote from the Philadelphia Inquire, regarding his father embodies
familiar undertones to the ancient Greek Saturn myth:

I was with my father when he died; he was in his 90s. During our lives we had two
monstrous egos and we fought all the time. Then during the dying we shifted our roles.
We were no longer father and son but just two souls. viii Ram Dass

Upon obtaining his Ph.D. from Stanford University, Ram Dass taught and conducted research
at the Department of Social Relations, and the Graduate School of Education at Harvard
University, from 1958 to 1963. During his short tenure at Harvard he became involved with the
study and exploration of human consciousness, which eventually led him to conduct intensive
research using psychedelic drugs, such as LSD. This pioneering and controversial exploration is

another strong signature of his Uranus/Sun in the 10th house personality. He was a risk taker and
explorer, which eventually led to his dismissal from Harvard, due to the controversial and
dangerous nature of drug usage.
In 1963 he was dismissed from Harvard, while transiting Saturn was in the sign of Aquarius,
squaring transiting Neptune in Scorpio, the ruler of his 9th house, a signature of a scientist using
unfavorable drugs. Transiting Saturn was also squaring his natal Chiron, while transiting
Neptune was opposing his natal Chiron. Chiron, as the wounded healer, involved with the
spiritual planet Neptune, reflects his painful desire to sustain a heightened spiritual awareness.
While no longer at Harvard, Ram Dass continued with his research through a private foundation
until 1967. Through the experimentation of psychedelics, Ram Dass maintains that he was able
to access mystical states of consciousness which allowed him the freedom and capacity to
identify himself as a spiritual being.
Saturn in Capricorn, Oken exclaims, gives one an opportunity to build a Spiritual Mountain,
a ladder up from the material to the Spiritual, as well as down from the heavens to the Earth.ix
Ram Dass research and continual mystical longing eventually led him to India, where, in 1967,
destiny led him to his guru, Neem Karoli Baba Maharajji. It is Maharajji who bestowed the
name Ram Dass, meaning servant of God, unto his student. Through Maharajjis teachings
Ram Dass practiced yoga and meditation, soon realizing he no longer needed psychedelics to
obtain the state of spiritual consciousness he so desired. In 1967 Saturn and Chiron were both
closely aligned in Pisces, where they were transiting his 9th house of travel, and philosophy, while
preparing to conjoin his MC. The transiting North Node was in aspect to his natal Chiron by
conjunction, and in July the North Node was conjunct his Mercury. Transiting Jupiter was
passing through his first house, conjoining his natal Mars, while trining his Sagittarian Moon.
These transits are strong indicators of an expansion of consciousness through a healing teacher.

What is needed is a Guru, a Savior who will awaken us to

Bhakti (devotion), and to perceptions of Truth. x Swami Sri Yukteswar

The primary point Ram Dass has passed along to us from Maharijji is his message of love, and
service. When asked how to obtain enlightenment Maharijji simply stated, Love people, serve
people, and feed people.xi This was a profound and inspiring message for Ram Dass, for it is at
this point in his life that he so willingly embraced his future destiny of humane service to others.
While reviewing Ram Dass life journey we are brought back to his natal Capricorn Saturn in the
7th house, whereby Liz Green points out, It is usually the work of Saturn in Capricorn to give
structure and form to some group idea.xii His dedication and inspiration has founded several
non-profit organizations that have brought healing to thousands throughout the world.
Published in 1971, his book Be Here Now is considered by many a classical spiritual guide.
It is currently in its 34th printing and has sold over a million copies. It was on his birthday, April
6, 1971, that Be Here Now was released. At this point in his life transiting Saturn in Taurus was
making a trine aspect to natal Saturn, while a transiting Neptune/Jupiter conjunction was
conjoining his natal Moon, trining his 1st house Mars, and preparing to trine his 10th house planets
in Aries. Rob Hand reminds us, in his book Planets in Transit, that Saturns transit through the
11th house should bring about the results of your ideals, and all that you have tried to attain.xiii
Saturn offers us his favors when transiting through the 11th house, indicates Georgia Status in her
book Business Astrology 101, provided we have finally surrendered to the needs of the collective
through helping others, and through contributories to community organization.xiv The above
transitory signatures reflect the publishing (Jupiter) of a spiritual (Neptune) book with enormous
potential (Saturn trine/Moon-Mars Transits) for public success.
Ram Dass spent the next twenty-five years in service. His many accomplishments and
contributions are hugely significant and meaningful to thousands throughout the world.

Ironically, while in the process of writing a book on aging, he became the reluctant recipient of an
aging health crisis; a massive cerebral stroke that has left him with numerous threatening health
problems and extensive paralysis. The stroke occurred on February 19, 1997 while Saturn was
making its 3rd passage through his 10th house, and had just entered into the constellation of
Andromeda The Chained Woman, which begins at 6 degrees of Aries. The symbolism for
chain is bondage, helplessness, restriction and sacrifice, affecting men as well as women. On an
earthly plane a chain signifies social or psychic integration which can only be overcome by
positive, affirmative thinking.xv
This unexpected crisis, he admits, was traumatic, similar to an earthquake! His spiritual focus,
during this time, became the desire to integrate two opposing notions within his conscious reality;
his gurus grace and the stroke, which he now refers to as Fierce Grace. Once again he found
himself observing his consciousness as a scientist, only this time it was through the physical
body. He describes his stroke, pain, and suffering as captivating to the consciousness, and as an
experiment of consciousness. He indicates that he can stay in the stroke and suffer, or remove his
consciousness from the stroke and be free. His soul becomes the witness to his physical pain and
a worthy advisor of his spiritual practice.xvi Ram Dass is an inspiration to all. His positive,
affirmative thinking is an incredible parallel to the remedy Diana K. Rosenberg describes above
for those who fall under the influence, not only of the constellation of Andromeda, The Chained
Woman, but also Saturns great teachings.

Saturn: A Vedic Perspective

Saturn is the darkness, death and sorrow we must overcome
for the revelation of the true light.xvii David Frawley

Vedic Astrologers refer to Saturn as the most powerful and the most dangerous of the nine
Grahas (planets). Throughout the centuries Indian Astrologers have come to respect and trust the
mythology passed down to them portraying Saturn as the great master who controls the duration
of time, and the cycles of death and rebirth, which every individual is destined to endure. Saturns
release of karmic forces is often followed by immense suffering, which results in a balancing of
the karmic scales. In the end, one is free to proceed on his or her evolutionary journey.
Consequently, astrologers of the Vedas associate Saturn as the divine teacher whose primary
mission is to return the evolving soul back to its source.
Saturn, according to the Vedic myths, was born from Surya (the Sun), the celestial form of fire
that brings forth and dries up life. His mother is Suryas wife, Chaya, the daughter of the celestial
architect. Bepin Behari illustrates in his book, Myths & Symbols of Vedic Astrology, that the
Suns demanding manner was too oppressive for his wife Chaya, causing her to retreat to her
father for relief. In order to keep the Sun unaware of her absence she left behind her shadow
Chaya, the literal meaning of her name. This is the union of which Saturn was born, whereby
Behari suggests, The casting of a shadow denotes that the pure radiance of the Sun has been
obstructed by matter.xviii Depicted as dark blue or black, Saturn is portrayed as having four arms
in which he holds an arrow, a javelin, a bow and, with his fourth arm, he bestows his blessings.
He travels throughout the universe perched upon a vulture.
The bow, javelin and arrow represent the special instruments of attack. The arrow Behari
describes is shot at the victim to relieve him of the karmic debt that keeps him from obtaining
enlightenment. The Javelin creates short and quick actions similar to a dart that inflicts pain,
disease, and injury, along with loss of support and status in society. The bow represents the
psychological foundation made by Saturn for spiritual enfoldment of the individual. xix The
arrow is successful only if the divine plan, or purpose, has a carefully prepared foundation. The
vulture upon which Saturn rides, feeds and survives upon dead bodies, whereby the symbol of
death is established.

The vulture, having a close connection to the Sun, exists as a symbol throughout many
cultures. The Indian Phoenix is the emblem of regeneration, and purification. The Greeks saw it
as a symbol of heaven and earth, spirit and matter, good and evil, guardian and avenger. In Egypt
the goddess of truth, Matt, is seen carrying a vulture feather. Ted Andrews tells us, in his book
Animal Speaks, that the ancient alchemists viewed the vulture as a sign of the emergence of the
psychic and cosmic forces. It was seen as a promise of temporary and necessary suffering, which
brought with it an understanding that a higher purpose was at work. This purpose eventually led
to a forthcoming rescue in ones life, such as the rescue of Prometheus by Hercules.xx The Hindu
teachings tell us that the Sage Kashyapa, who is one of the seven progenitors of the universe,
gave birth to the feathered tribe of birds. The Sanskrit word for vulture is Gridha, which also
means greed and a covetous nature.
Saturn is the Son of the Sun, and vultures fly toward the Sun. Saturns arousal of discontent
and disillusionment with ones life leads to a purification by the Sun, and later to that which is
sustaining and enduring, a connection with ones true self. The ability to further the divine
mission of the solar light and obtain spiritual mastery over materiality is the gift that all the Suns
progeny offer. Although Saturns shadowy light can create obscurity, gloom, confusion, and
feelings of isolation, it is through his painful lessons we are encouraged to renounce all that was
previously associated with living. The ability to gain mastery over the material world is Saturns
domain, but only after he creates sorrow, limitation and frustration first. It is Saturns duty
through the solar shadow to uncover a souls underlying true character. Through his restricting
influence, the individuals real nature becomes more prominent, eventually revealing itself. The
limitations of the veil are what is experienced before one can see the goal of liberation, the vision
of ones true self.xxi

"There are people who want to use the name guru for me," he said with a snort. "When I hear
that, I feel they just haven't seen a real one." xxii Ram Dass

The nakshatra Uttara Ashadha is ruled by the Sun, and with its symbol an elephants tusk,
reflects Ganehsas blessing on our activities, states Dennis Harness in The Nakshatras, The
Lunar Manions of Vedic Astrology.xxiii This lunar mansion is referred to as the Universal Star
and it is the mansion in which Ram Dass 7th house Sagittarian Saturn resides, at 29 degrees and
48 minutes (chart 2). Although the nakshatras are primarily related to the Moon sign in a
nativity, they are helpful in event prediction and in understanding an individuals character based
on the planets that occupy them. Natives of this mansion quest for the spiritual unknown, and it
is spiritual liberation that is this individuals primary goal in life. Blessed with affluence in life,
it is here that Harness claims the individual has completely integrated the manifestation of God-
like power. For the native possesses the power, support and recognition of alliances with all the
gods.xxiv Maharijjis Sun was located in this lunar mansion revealing the karmic spiritual
connection between him and Ram Dass.
Malefics such as Saturn in the 7th house, Behari reminds us; lead the vital energy towards a
spiritual quest by subduing the urge for sensuality. The presence of a malefic in the 7th house is
seen as valuable to the spiritual seeker, because if the urges are not suppressed the spiritual
journey cannot unfold.xxv Saturn in the 7th house is therefore challenging in terms of traditional
marriage karma, perhaps pointing to Ram Dass choice of an alternative relationship lifestyle.
Ram Dass was in his Venus-Rahu Dasha in 1967 when his Guru bestowed the title Servant of
God upon him. In his book Beneath a Vedic Sky, William Levacy tells us, Dasha theory holds
that the significations or effects promised by planets in the birth chart, manifest mainly during the
Dasha-Bhukti periods of those specific planets. xxvi Although the exact date this occurred is not
known, we do know that during 1967 the North Node was conjoining Ram Dass natal Chiron,
and transiting Saturn was making its passage through his 9th house of travel, teachers, and

religion. Here we find Saturn traveling through the nakshatra that is ruled by Saturn, Uttara
Bhadrapada, and as indicated by Harness, this is the mansion referred to as lucky feet. The
native enjoys travel to far away lands and exhibits a priest like demeanor, which emphasizes their
desire for spiritual growth. Spiritual evolution leads to detachment from earthly existence and
worldly matters.xxvii This is the point in Ram Dass life that he denounced living within a material
realm and gave away everything he owned to help those in need. He began several organizations
that helped to cure blindness for thousands of suffering people and has continued to devote his
life to the needs of humanity.
On April 6th 1971 Ram Dass publicly released his book Be Here Now, which thirty years later
is still widely distributed. Just before the books release on March 14th 1971 he entered his
Venus-Saturn Dasha. The Qualities associated with the planets linked to the Dasha-Bhukti period
in question indicate when the specific karmic lessons and experiences are released. Venus resides
natally in his 9th house of publishing and travel, and Saturn was transiting through the 11th house
conjoining Chiron and trining natal Saturn, whose ruler is Jupiter. Transiting Jupiter, the ruler of
Saturn, was conjoining the Moon in the lunar mansion Anuradha. The ruling planet for the
nakshatra Anuradha is Saturn and is called the Star of Success. Its primary motivation,
according to Harness, is that of right activity, or dharma. It can lead to fame, and recognition,
which is attained through cooperation with others. Success can come through travel and residing
in foreign lands. With the Moon in this lunar mansion the native is wise, truthful and kind
hearted, but can experience problems through maternal connections.xxviii The energetic influence
of this nakshatra aptly explains the success of his book, for it was with his gurus permission and
guidance that it was written.
Ram Dass had entered his Mars-Saturn Dasha on October, 3rd 1996. Planetary transits
affecting the specific planets of a Dasha period are often timing indicators for predictable effects
during a Dasha Bhukti period. At the time of his stroke, February 19, 1997, we find that
transiting Saturn at 11 degrees of Pisces was opposing transiting Mars retrograde at 10 degrees of
Virgo. Mars is the ruler of his natal Scorpio Moon and the 6th house of health. Both Saturn and
Mars were dangerously close to the transiting Nodes at 5 degrees of Virgo/Pisces, with Rahu
conjoining Mars and Ketu conjoining Saturn. The Moon, ruler of his natal Mars, was transiting
his natal Mars during the early morning hours when he said he had tried to get out of bed and
collapsed. These transits are clearly emphasizing an impending health crisis and, in fact, Ram
Dass indicates he had received early warning signs, which he did not recognize. The Moon on
this day was traveling through the nakshatra Hasta, where its influence can result in health issues
that lead to hardships, restraints, and impediments.xxix
Although he miraculously lived, the results of the stroke did, in fact, lead to many hardships
of pain and suffering. His right arm and right leg are now numb and he suffers from speech
aphasia, which affects the language center of the brain. He openly talks of the depression
following his stroke, when the transit of Pluto was conjoining his Moon in Scorpio. Ram Dass
maintains that the stoke led him into a whole new incarnation where he found qualities within
himself that he never new existed, qualities that would not have surfaced without the stroke.
Saturn has been recognized in many cultures as the most important of the planets.
Astronomically, Saturn is the most remote of the inner planets, indicating that we are far away
within. As Robert Svoboda brilliantly illustrates in his book The Greatness of Saturn, this does
not mean that we have lost something, but rather our inner relationship to ourselves has been lost.
He further suggests this distance is indicative of people who are isolated from the daily life of the
rest of the world. Anything that makes us withdraw, physically or mentally, from the thick of
things is a function of Saturn. xxx
The Astrological teachings tell us that Saturn is ready to bestow blessings even during periods
of arduous preparations and unbearable pain. His lessons are the most difficult and yet,
simultaneously, offer the most reward. Although feared as the bringer of death, disease and
poverty, through Saturns pursuit of spirituality one is presented with discipline, asceticism, and

solitude. True disciples attempt to control their own natures, that they may influence Saturns
influence on themselves. As Svoboda reminds us, A disciple is someone who surrenders to
reality and studies minute by minute everything Saturn has to teach.xxxi Ram Dass dedication to
humanity and spirit is a true testament of this ability.

Peace isnt something out there. Peace comes from within and then spreads out into the
world. The greatest social action we can accomplish is to dig deep into our hearts until we find
that new consciousness, that place of peace.

"Heart to Heart Resuscitation"

by Ram Dass

Linda Kaye is a fulltime Senior at Kepler College and a practicing astrologer. She is a Reiki
Master having studied and worked with Rajul Joshi from the Sai Reiki Centre of India. She also
maintains a fulltime position at Hewlett-Packard as a project manager for HPs Workforce
Management Programs

Chart #1

Chart #2

Guttman, Ariel & Johnson, Kenneth, Mythic Astrology, Archetypal Powers in the Horoscope,
(St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications; 1993), p. 132.
Ibid., p. 359
Green, Liz, Saturn, A New Look at an Old Devil, (York Beach, Maine, Samuel Weiser, Inc:
1976), p. 194.
Dass, Ram, Fierce Grace, A Film by Mickey Lemle, (Zeitgeist Films; 2003), as quoted by Ram
Burt, Kathleen, Archetypes of the Zodiac, (St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications; 1990),
p. 391.
Oken, Alan, Soul Centered Astrology, (Freedom, CA, The Crossing Press; 1996), p. 303/343.
Bills, Rex E., The Rulership Book, (Richmond, Virginia, Macoy Publishing; 1971), p. 118.
Interiew, Dass, Ram, Philadelphia Inquire
Interview; Oct 2002.
Oken, Alan, Soul Centered Astrology, p. 308.
Yukteswar, Swami Sri, The Holy Science, (US, Self Realization Fellowship; 1990), p. 39.
Dass, Ram, Fierce Grace, (Zeitgeist Films; 2003), as quoted by Ram Dass.
Green, Liz, A New Look at an Old Devil, p. 52
Hand, Robert, Planets in Transits, (West Chester, Pennsylvania, Whitford Press; 1976), p. 325.
Green, Liz, Saturn, A New Look at an Old Devil, (York Beach, Maine; Samuel Weiser, Inc:
p. 189.
Rosenberg, Diana K. Excerpts from Diana K. Rosenbergs Manuscript combined with her Web
Page, Kepler College, (September, 2003).
Dass, Ram, Fierce Grace, (Zeitgeist Films; 2003).
Frawley, David, Astrology of the Seers, A Guide to Vedic/Hindu Astrology, (Twin Lakes,
Wisconsin, Lotus Press: 2000), p. 80.
Behari, Bepin, Myths & Symbols of Vedic Astrology, (Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, Lotus Press;
2003), p.91.
Ibid., p. 94
Andrews, Ted, Animal Speaks The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small,
(St. Paul, Minnesota, Llywellyn Pulbicaitons; 1993), p. 204-5
Behari, Bepin, Myths & Symbols, p. 91.
Dass, Ram, Interview ( Philadelphia
Inquire Interview; Oct 2002).
Harness, Dennis, The Nakshatras, The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, (Twin Lakes,
Wisconsin, Lotus Press: 1999), p. 83.
Ibid., p.83.
Behari, Bepin, Myths & Symbols, p. 134.
Levacy , William, Beneath a Vedic Sky, A Beginners Guide to the Astrology of Ancient India,
(Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc: 1999), P. 261.
Harness, Dennis, The Nakshatras, p.103.
Ibid., p. 67-8.
Ibid., p. 51-2.
Svoboda, Robert, The Greatness of Saturn, (Tulsa, OK, Council Oak Books; 1997), p. 165
Ibid., p. 167.


Andrews, Ted, Animal Speaks The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small, (St.
Paul, Minnesota, Llywellyn Pulbicaitons; 1993).

Behari, Bepin, Myths & Symbols of Vedic Astrology, (Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, Lotus Press;

Bills, Rex E., The Rulership Book, (Richmond, Virginia, Macoy Publishing; 1971).

Burt, Kathleen, Archetypes of the Zodiac, (St. Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications; 1990).

Dass, Ram, Fierce Grace, A Film by Mickey Lemle, (Zeitgeist Films; 2003).

Dass, Ram, Interview ( Philadelphia Inquire

Interview; Oct 2002).

DeFouw, Hart & Svoboda, Dr. Robert E., Light on Life, An Introduction to the Astrology of India,
(Panshsheel Park, New Delhi, Penguin Books India: 1996).

Frawley, David, Astrology of the Seers, A Guide to Vedic/Hindu Astrology, (Twin Lakes,
Wisconsin, Lotus Press: 2000).

Green, Liz, Saturn, A New Look at an Old Devil, (York Beach, Maine, Samuel Weiser, Inc:

Guttman, Ariel & Johnson, Kenneth, Mythic Astrology, Archetypal Powers in the Horoscope, (St.
Paul, Minnesota, Llewellyn Publications; 1993).

Hand, Robert, Planets in Transits, (West Chester, Pennsylvania, Whitford Press; 1976).

Harness, Dennis, The Nakshatras, The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, (Twin Lakes,
Wisconsin, Lotus Press: 1999).

Levacy , William, Beneath a Vedic Sky, A Beginners Guide to the Astrology of Ancient India,
(Carlsbad, CA, Hay House, Inc: 1999).

Oken, Alan, Soul Centered Astrology, (Freedom, CA, The Crossing Press; 1996).

Rosenberg, Diana K. Excerpts from Diana K. Rosenbergs Manuscript combined with her Web
Page, Kepler College, (September, 2003).

Svoboda, Robert, The Greatness of Saturn, (Tulsa, OK, Council Oak Books; 1997).

Yukteswar, Swami Sri, The Holy Science, (US, Self Realization Fellowship; 1990).


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