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Reod ond sog whg.

# I Look ot these words.Whot do theg stort with? Whg?
Yes. Bettg Miss Block London Tuesdog August Engtish


Write onother exomple of eoch kind of word in the emptg boxes.

2 Whot's ot the end of eoch of the sentences in o ond bf
q Are gou reodg?Whot time does gour plone leove? Sorrg?Thot's gour
cousin Poul, isnt it?
b Yes.Thot's right. I hod o greqt time todog.
3 Whg is there on opostrophe (') in these sentences?
You shouldnt do thot. Ji[['s gone home.
Jqne's o verg good singer. John's dog is verg noughtg.
Write the sentence then choose onother sentence to foltow it.
I thetorrgcontgounderthotbridge,
It's foo low.
2 congouturnthemusicdownpteose

3 icouldntdomgmothshomeworklostnight

4 inwinterwecontplogfootbollofterfiveoclock


It's not cold enough. Becouse it's too dork. I wos too tired.
It's too toud. 'ltbto+lorq, I didnt hove enough time.
ifii Answer these questions. Use too or enough in gour qnswers.
I Whg don't gou live in the jungte?
2 Whg cont gou pick up o giroffe?

3 Whg do gou need to turn on the light ot night?

Whg cont gou climb Mount Everest?

5 Whg dont gou drive o cor?

# @A Listen,then write the missing words.

Mum: Woke up, woke up!
It's time to go (1) to
John: I'm tired. (2) bock
h urts. o storm outside.
I wont to stog (3)
It's roining 0) hqrd
bed. ond itl too cold.
Mum: No, John, no! Mum: No, John, no!
You must ,,,.... . .. . ....... up It! sunng (8)

now it's lote! worm.

John: lt's not. lt's too eqrtg. I'm not You're (e)...... hotidog.
You were hoving
I'm not going ongwhere! (10)............... bod dreom!

Look ot these two pictures.Which things qre different? Speoking

# Port I

{"tr Ptog the gome! Guess mg four things.

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