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gobercs hoffidry &osc sunnmiletr

Moke o storu with the seven pictures.


() (i
Reod the storg. Choose o word from the box.Write the correct word
next to the numbers l-S.There is one exomple.
Reoding &
Pdrt 4

Everg summer, Robert goes to tn" ....hgggh.... with his porents, qunt, uncle ond
two cousins, Kotg ond Sqroh for o week. One ofternoon lost geor, the children
soiled to o smsll islqnd thqt wos obout q kilometre owog.Theg took o
(1)........,......... with them qnd ote it on the rocks
Kotg jumped up ond soid,'Let's wolk round the istond.We might find something
exciting here!'Theg did! Theg found o big dork (2) .................. where the seo
went in ond out.'Perhops o seo monster lives here!' Robert whispered ond
loughed.'Or pirotes (3) .................. treosure here!' Kotg soid.
Theg spent o long time looking for shells.Then Soroh sqid,'lt's holf post six!
Come on!We must go bock!'Theg (') .................. round ond sow q mon. lt wos
too dqrk to see his foce.
'lt's o pirote!' soid Soroh.'No, it isnt! lt's mel' Robert's dqd colled.'Wow! Whot o
.................. ploce! But gou're totel lt's time to go bock to the hotel.'

beoch mop turned lost greot reodg hide picnic fottow cqve
Now choose the best nome for the storg.Tick one box.
A picnic on the beoch T
A dongerous visit to o cove n
Whot we do in the summer T
#@ Robert
Look ond drow lines.
Michoel Bettg Kotg Soroh Emmo Richqrd Horrg

Complete the sentences.

I Two of the peopte in the picture hove got their eges ......gJ9..9.9C...... ona
ore sleeping.
2 There is o mon sleeping inside o ...................... thqt's got stripes on it.
3 The mon with the .. hit the botl ond then fell on the sqnd.
4 The bog who wonts to stop the bott hos got two honds in the
5 The green ond pink butterflg is smoller thon the white butterllg with block

5 Four of the peopte in the picture ore enjoging o gome of

Ptog the gome! The verb-noun choin.

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