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Unidad educativa

Emilio Bowen Roggiero

Materia: Ingles
Integrantes: Marlon Mendoza Jacob Castro
Alisson Anchundia
Curso: 1ro A
Licda: Ana Roldan

Location of Uruguay
Uruguay is located in the southeast of South America
and is bordered to the south by the Atlantic Ocean,
between Argentina and Brazil.


Carnival: the longest in the world The festivities of the
Uruguayan carnival are the longest in the world : it
extends throughout the month of February and much of
March. For 40 days, the streets are filled with street
parades, color and joy. The two great events of the
carnival are the Inaugural Parade and Call Parade,
celebrated during two consecutive nights in the first
days of February of each year. Creole Festivities

The typical food of Uruguay

Typical Uruguayan food

The tourist stays and the rural restaurants are the best
places to try the typical Uruguayan meals, that maintain
the vigor of the Creole cuisine of the time of the colony.
In any city, you will find excellent barbecues where you
can taste the best Uruguayan meats, as well as
pizzerias and Chiviteras
where you can order chivitoes, empanadas,
mozzarellas, Milaneses and other classic minutes.
Unidad educativa
Emilio Bowen Roggiero
Materia: Ingles
Integrantes: Marlon Mendoza Jacob Castro
Alisson Anchundia
Curso: 1ro A
Licda: Ana Roldan

The Italian influence is present not only in the pizzas,

but also in the pastas, available in almost any menu,
especially at lunch time. In the coastal area are native
fish, simple and tasty, following many traditions
brought from Spain. The Port of Montevideo Market is
the perfect place to enjoy the flavors of the sea and the
country's most famous roasts. Accompanying, there
are excellent Uruguayan wines, with the variety Tanat
as absolute ambassador worldwide.

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