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Holi is look upon as one of the most significant and oldest Hindu festivals.

Various illustrations in the

form of sculptures in some of the ancient temples and caves give an insight to the origin of Holi as a
festival. Many Hindu scriptures also tell the story of how Holi came to being. Like all other Hindu
festivals, Holi is intricately linked to tales from mythology. Though exact origin of Holi is not known, but
several historians have claimed that Holi celebrations were introduced by Aryans. This is the reason Holi
is celebrated with immense gaiety in the more Aryan dominated regions of the country. But the over the
period of ages, Holi has spread across the sub-continent of India and even abroad. In modern times, Holi
is known as a 'festival of colors' everywhere in the world. But few know about the origin of Holi, which
dates back to centuries.

History behind Holi Festival

These are some common legends associated with Holi.

Legend of Holika and Prahlad

Once there was mighty demon king named 'Hiranyakashyap', who had conquered the three worlds of
heaven, earth and underworld and had thus, become very arrogant. Drunk with pride, he thought he
could even defeat Lord Vishnu and therefore decreed his kingdom to stop worshipping Vishnu and pray
him instead. But his little son Prahlad, an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu, refused to adhere to this law.
This incensed the king and he ordered his soldiers throw Prahlad down a mountain which would kill him.
But Prahlad continued to pray and surrendered himself to Lord Vishnu, who, appeared in the last
moment and saved the boy. Agitated by this, Hiranyakashyap asked the help of his evil sister Holika, who
had boon to walk into fire unharmed. Prahlad was then made to enter fire with his aunt, but then the
brother and sister forgot that Holika could come out intact only if she entered alone. Thus, perished
Holika and Lord Vishnu saved Prahlad yet again. Till today people prepare a bon fire, which represents
Holika and throw cow dung, shouting obscenities to insult the evil aunt.

Legend of Radha and Krishna

This legend depicts the immortal love of Radha and Krishna, through which is celebrated every year
through the festival of Holi. Once young Krishna complained about his dark complexion to his mother
and asked for the reason why Radha is fair. His Mother Yashoda advised him to apply color to Radha
face and see how her complexion would change. So, a young and naughty Krishna played a prank by
throwing colors at gopis or the cowgirls. Thus, originated the festival of colors, Holi.
Legend of Kamadeva

When Lord Shiva married his love interest Sati, against the wishes of her father, Daksha Prajapati, one of
the first sons of Lord Brahma, the couple was not invited to a grand yagya arranged by him. But Sati
thought that her father would not mind her presence and therefore went to participate, despite Shiva's
warnings. Upon reaching there she found that her father had not yet forgiven her or her husband and
insulted the latter. An enraged Sati realized her mistake and as penance for what she had done burnt
herself to death. On hearing the news of the death of his wife, Lord Shiva was infuriated and in order to
control his anger he renounced everything and began severe meditation. But this led to misbalance on
earth as Shiva was the protector, without whom the world would crumble. Meanwhile, Sati was reborn
as Parvati and tried to win Shiva's heart and awaken him. When all her efforts went in vain, she
appealed Kamadava, the Indian cupid-god, for help. In response, Kamadava shot a love-arrow into
Shiva's heart which disturbed his trance and woke him. An angered Shiva opened his third eye which
launched fire and destroyed Kamadeva. Later, when Shiva understood his blunder, he blessed Kamadeva
with a second life and immortality in invisible form. Therefore, many worship people Kamadev for his
sacrifice on the day of Holi.

It is interesting learn how several incidents which took place at different places and times led to the
origin of Holi. Each legend has its own significance and contribution to the festival. Therefore, on the
basis of each of these legen

Holi (pronunciation: /holi/; Sanskrit: Hol) is a Hindu spring festival celebrated in India and
Nepal, also known as the "festival of colours" or the "festival of love".[7][1][8] The festival signifies the
victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter, and for many a festive day to meet others,
play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships.[9][10] It is also celebrated as a
thanksgiving for a good harvest.[9][10] It lasts for a night and a day, starting on the evening of the
Purnima (Full Moon day) falling in the Vikram Samvat Hindu Calendar [11] month of Phalgun, which falls
somewhere between the end of February and the middle of March in the Gregorian calendar. The first
evening is known as Holika Dahan or Chhoti Holi and the following day as Holi, Rangwali Holi, Dhuleti,
Dhulandi,[12] or Phagwah.[13]ds several customs have arisen and are practiced till date.

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