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Memory based AFCAT 2016 Answer Key released: Candidates who appeared for AFCAT 2016 on
21 Feb 2016 have informed that after the exam their question papers and rough sheets were taken by
the center invigilators. As question papers are not available, it is difficult to create complete answer
keys. Memory based answer key of AFCAT 2016 is given here.

G.K. Questions asked in AFCAT 01/2016

The questions have been recalled from memory and given here in an objective brief fashion.
Gravity on moon : 1/6.
Do or Die during: Quit India Movement
War between Maratha and Mughals during Aurangzeb: During the time of Shivaji.
Operation Maitri: Nepal rescue mission.
Lothal and Rangpur: Gujarat.
Solar eclipse during: New moon.
Amoga: One anti tank missile.
1 Degree = 4 minutes of Earth's rotation.
Hemoglobin carries blood.
All enzymes are: Proteins.
62nd Movie award court.
French national honor: Yashwant Sinha.
A.C. to D.C. rectifier.
Ebrrrarer Aircraft: Brazil.
Jakarta: Place where Sania Nehwal lost.
Sean Abbot: Was the bowler whose bouncer killed Philip Hughes.
The year of runways: The book was written by Sanjeev Suhota.
Rajya Sabha: Is a permanent house, does not get dissolved.
Finding the odd one out
RJD: This is the only party, rest are alliances.
India: Rest all are continents.
Sania Nehwal: Is the only who is from badminton rest all lawn tennis players.
The train to Pakistan: It is the only book not written by R.K. Lakshman.
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The pass starting from K is wrong: As Shipkila, Rohtang and all are passes.
Correcting Words
Maths Questions
7:8 on adding three the ratio becomes 8:9 : 21:24.
Average question Where average is 25 and then 7 is subtracted from all observations : 25-7 =18.
Question on average age 34 students average age: 49.
Profit based question CP of 10 pens = SP of 9 articles profit: 11 1/9%.
Question on boat and stream Stream and boat with speed of boat 9 speed of stream 1.5
distance 105 km time taken 24 hours.
A question about weight Where the weight was under weighed to extent of 900 gms: Answer is 11
1/9 percent.
Average speed between 2 point one was 55 other 70 answer was 61.6.
Speed of boat 6 and then find the speed of the stream so that time taken is three times upstream and
downstream speed of stream: 3.
Verbal Reasoning
Energy : dissipate Money: squander.
Arrows: quiver Money : bank.
Sculptor: Atelier Miner : quarry.
Coin : Mint Grain : field.
Humanitarian : Altruist Host: hospitable.
Hole and corner
To pick a bone
By the rule of thumb
Venn Diagrams
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Apple, Orange, Mango: All three circles separate.

Machine, Lathe, Mathematics: All lathes are machine but mathematics is separate all together. So 2
conc. circles and the last one completely different.
Sea, Island, Mountain: In sea you have island mountain is separate all together. So 2 conc . circles and
the last one completely different.
Tall men, Black haired people, Indians: All 3 circles to be touching each other as some Indians are tall
men and some tall men are black haired people.

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