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Volu m e 48A | Issu e 14 | M on , 7/ 19/ 17

Th e Squ i r r el s St r i k e AGAI N!
By Raluca

Hello! Today I am her e to tell you som ething you should

know for your ow n good: squir r els ar e actual dem ons. I don?t
even under stand how this happens, but it seem s like som e sor t
of squir r el gang w as for m ed ar ound my house and ever y tim e
they have the chance to enter the house, they do it effor tlessly!
So, I should star t my stor y about how squir r els can r uin lives.
Let?s star t!
Last Week Of Cam p I w as just ar r iving hom e fr om cam p. After a long day of
By Fr eya hear ing cow bells and Walker talking w ay too m uch (as usual);
after the r eally aw kw ar d m om ents that take place betw een
Hello cam per s! This w eek is the per iods w hen you say ?Hello? to som ebody and they don?t say
last w eek of the fir st session of anything back because they don?t r ealize you ar e talking to
CRCAP. If you?r e com ing to the them because you ar e so shor t no one notices you. So you get
second session of cam p, aw esom e! it, a nor m al day at cam p! I w as about to say ?I sur vived another
If not, so sor r y for you. Ther e is day!?, w hen I saw it! The m ess! I appr oached the disaster
alw ays next sum m er. Anyw ay, the slow ly and car efully as I w as feeling m or e and m or e tense by
last w eek is w hen you have to the second. The bags w er e scr atched and the clothes w er e
finish all your w or k fast because ever yw her e, but looking even closer I saw her m otivation: my
it?s only a w eek . bag of M &M s w as destr oyed. At fir st I w as confused, but an
idea cr ossed my m ind. Just to be sur e, I looked at the w indow.
M y eyes w er e w ide open- as I w as looking at the m ost ter r ible
thing that is my pr oof for this stor y. The scr een w as chew ed!! I
THE SHORTEST ARTI CLE I N DD fr eaked out! They w er e not only attacking the house but now
(NOT DUNKI N?DONUTS) HI STORY they w er e attacking my r oom ! I locked the w indow and
BY OSCAR WALLENSTEIN cleaned up as I w as thinking about ever ything that just
A So, lock your door s and w indow s, dear people. Buy food
supplies and hide them as w ell as you can for the apocalypse,
the ter r or , is upon us. I hope this w ill be my last update on the
Squir r els. Pr ay for m e!
W hy CRCAP Needs Dor i t os
By Anthony Bor r elli M i n i r an t s
Lily Br inkm an and Kaia Robinson
Last year w hen w e w er e
hungr y, w e w ould go dow n to the 1) I hate people that scr ape their knives on a plate. Yeah, that
cafeter ia to gr ab a snack . We still m akes m e w ant to scr eam .
can, but w e can?t have chips! Those 2) I hate people that lie a lot. I especially hate people that lie to
w er e the good days. We used to their par ents. Your par ents ar e the people that car e about you
have dor itos. Fr uit?s tasty and all, so just don?t lie.
but w her e is the gr eat taste of nacho 3) I hate people that alw ays say ?like my r ecent?because w hy
cheese or cool r anch? It?s GONE! should the am ount of likes m atter. That?s like saying you need
So, you?ve all hear d the people to com plim ent you to be happy.
saying ?An apple a day keeps the 4) I hate w hen my hair tie tr ies to destr oy my hair.
doctor aw ay? but m aybe a dor ito a 5) I hate Tr oian Bellisar io?s fake br itish accent. Cr ingey.
day keeps the doctor aw ay. You 6) I hate w hen people show up to your house unexpectedly.
never know ! So all of you out ther e, 7) I hate w hen people think M ar tha the dog is actually ugly.
LET?S BRING BACK DORITOS! 8) I hate w hen I take a bite out of a sandw ich and all off the
peanut butter and jelly spills out
9) I hate having no plan for the day.
10) I hate w hen people tar get you by sending r ude snaps.
?Fact s? Abou t t h e US Pr esi den t s i n Or der - Fr anklin Pier ce?s idol w as Hogw ar ts Pr ofessor
By Roxanne Glassenber g Sever us Snape.

- Geor ge Washington w asn?t toothless, he had - Abe Lincoln w as all of the follow ing: a hair less
double r ow s of teeth w hich he shar pened to cat, Nor w egian, a fem ale, a Nazi, a suppor ter of
deadly points. slaver y, and the pr esident of the confeder acy.

- John Adam s w as actually an intr icately designed - Fun fact: the fir st CRCAP dir ector w as
puppet contr olled by Geor ge Washington. seventeenth pr esident Andr ew Johnson

- Thom as Jeffer son?s favor ite food w as spleen - Ulysses S. Gr ant?s r eal nam e w as Walker
pudding and kidney beans. Ander son VII! * Gasps*

- Jam es M adison w as our nation?s shor test - Ruther for d B. Hayes w as m ade out of r ubber.
pr esident at thr ee and one half inches on his Tr ue stor y.
tippy toes.
- Jam es A. Gar field?s thir d cousin w as Gar field the
- Jam es M onr oe w as an accom plished bass cat.
guitar ist, and had his ow n band, ?M onr oe and the
Oar sm en.? - Chester A. Ar thur had the W hite House?s finest
and fir st m old gar den. It w as under neath an ar m
- John Quincy Adam s w as, to date, our only chair in the Red Room .
half-puppet com m ander -in-chief.
- Gr over Cleveland w as distantly r elated to Gr over
- Inter estingly enough, Andr ew Jackson never left fr om Sesam e Str eet.
office and is still technically pr esident. They haul
his cor pse out ever y few w eeks for cabinets - Benjam in Har r ison designed elabor ate
m eetings and a m anicur e. labyr inths and tr ied to have one installed
beneath the r ose gar den. Ther e?s a r um or that it?s
- M ar tin Van Bur en w as the dr um m er for Jam es still ther e.
M onr oe?s band. He m ade m utton chops the
hottest hair style of the m id-to-late eighteen - W illiam M cKinley w as an over sized cabbage.
thir ties.
- Teddy Roosevelt had tw o heads- one on the fr ont
- W illiam Henr y Har r ison w as tucked into bed and one on the back . The second one w as
and r ead a stor y ever y night. W illiam How ar d Taft. Or Voldem or ts?! Idk .

- John Tyler w ent thr ough an em o phase in the - W illiam How ar d Taft gr ew out of the back of
eighteen teens. Teddy Roosevelt?s head. Also, he w as Voldem or t.

- Jam es K. Polk had a habit of going up behind - Our fir st unicor n pr esident? Woodr ow W ilson!
people, poking them , and yelling, ?You just got
Poked!? and then r unning off, giggling.
- War r en Har ding had a belly button pier cing.
- Zachar y Taylor w as the com eback tour m anager
- Calvin Coolidge w as the ver y fir st judge for the
for ?M onr oe and the Oar sm en.?
Past-Pr esident?s Chopped Challenge. Benjam in
Har r ison w on w ith a sim ple kale salad w ith
- M illar d Fillm or e w ent by M illie Ann, and w as w alnuts and a r aspber r y vinaigr ette.
the only pr esident ever to give his inaugur al
addr ess in dr ag.
- Her ber t Hoover w as him self a vacuum cleaner.
- Jam es Buchanan star ted the USA?s ver y fir st - Fr anklin Roosevelt w as into death m etal.
polyester m useum . It closed after thr ee year s.
- Har r y S. Tr um an w as polydactyl. (He had like Qu est i on s #5
tw elve toes). By Calvin Kocher and Stephen Fitzpatr ick

- Dw ight Eisenhow er ?s r ole m odel w as Cr uella How will the world end?
DeVille. Elon M usk is alr eady w or king on this. He
is an alien. His plan is to utilize his SpaceX
- JFK had a tattoo of a r ever se m er m aid (head of pr ogr am to extinguish the sun. As w e ar e
fish, body of a w om an) tattooed on his back . speaking he is filling up a r ocket w ith a
w ater bor on com pound. Elon w ill thr ust
the r ocket into the sun using the
har nessed pow er of solar ener gy. This w ill
r each the sun in 2019 and r elease the
w ater to extinguish the sun. W ithout the
sun?s pow er , it cannot w ield the pow er of
gr avity, causing the sun to fall dow n to
ear th and destr oy ever yone and
ever ything on it, except for Elon M usk,
that silly alien.

How do I access the dark web?

The only w ay to access the deep w eb is
w ith the incognito tab in Google Chr om e.
Once you have an open incognito tab, you
need to plug in a USB w ith dar k m atter in
it. The USB w ill set up m any applications
like ?illegal Lego? building techniques?
and ?r obux gener ator s?. M y per sonal
- Lyndon Johnson's toupee w as m ade out of Dw ight favor ite is the ?illegal ner f gun m ods?.
eisenhow er.
* Editor?s note: This a work of fiction.
- Richar d Nixon w as, in past lives, a m uppet, a
tr uck dr iver , and a piece of aspar agus. Th e Al pacal ypse Dest r u ct i on Fi l e
By Gr iffin Atw ood
- Ger ald For d w as one-four th sedan.
Read this at your ow n r isk . You have been
- Jim my Car ter w as the fir st pr esident to r ock w ar ned
m er m aid hair.
Nico Di Angelo has said that the
- As an actor , Ronald Reagan star r ed in m any alpacalypse is star ting. HE?S RIGHT! For
sum m er shor ts videos. pr oof, LOOK UP ALPACALYPSE M EM ES.
The alpacalypse star ted w hen the ice
- Geor ge Bush w as a topiar y. cr eam shar pening guy w ould not let the
alpacas get shar pened ice cr eam , so M ar ia
- Bill Clinton?s favor ite food w as Lucky Char m s in a and Alpaca Num ber 1 have star ted the
bow l of tom ato soup. alpacalypse ! They ar e going to steal ever y
shar pened ice cr eam they can find and
- Geor ge H. W. Bush?s w ool is w oven into sw eater s kill ever y hum ane sour ce they can!!!!! As I
for the tr oops. said befor e,
still have to pass the test) ARE PART OF
- Bar ack Obam a has an exoskeleton cover ed in
THE ALPACA ARM Y!!!!!!!!!!
hum an skin and m ade out of m elon r inds.
p.s this w as supposed to be r eally big and
have a r eally cool font but unfor tunately I
- Donald Tr um p is a peach w ith som e odd m old m ay not use the font
spouting on it...oh w ait, that?s tr ue!
8-Year -Olds

By t h e
Ph ot oj ou r n al i sm
Cl ass

I n t er v i ew w i t h Lu ca:

W hat is your favorite TV show? Han n ah i n t er v i ew s Nassar

-I don?t have one.
Favorite TV show?
W hat is the coolest thing you have PBS kids
ever done?
-Par asailing and sw im m ing w ith Favorite camp class?
dolphins. Gam e On

W hat is your favorite area at camp? W hat?s your coolest camp experience?
- I don?t r eally know. Looking for natur e.

Do you have a favorite lunch or Do you go to lunch bunches?

dessert? I w ent to one. It w as w ith Nellie
- I br ing lunch, but my favor ite
lunch to br ing is M ac and Cheese. Have you been in the noontime show? W hat did you
And I like to have the popsicles do?
I have been in the noontim e show and I w as
they give out.
playing the dr um s.

Have you ever been in the noontime Do you want to be in the noontime show more?
show, if not, do you want to be? Yes it w as fun
-No and no.
W hat?s your favorite festival period offering?
How do feel about the end of camp? M onster s eat m onster m eat.
-I w ill pr obably feel tir ed.
Do you go to both sessions? If not what will you do
W hat is your favorite festival with the free time?
offering? Only this session then I'm going to Jam aica
-Playing w ith Olive. But it?s a secr et
festival offer ing. Have you found any new talents?
I lear ned how to play Wallball
Do you have any summer plans?
-Going to Cape Cod. Have you been to Festival Day before?
No. I am excited.
vs. 15-Year -Olds W hat is your favorite kind of
I n t er v i ew w i t h Ju l i a:
How do you feel about the
end of camp?
Do you have a coolest camp -I?ve been her e for a good, 5
experience? year s. And I have been r eally
-Being in the noontim e show happy, but I w on?t go back .
w ith the Acapella gr oup. So this m akes m e sad.

Do you have a favorite place at Have you found new talents

camp? at camp?
-Under the Tent! -Sew ing and singing.

I n t er v i ew w i t h Ceci l l a: Do you have a favorite dessert at

Do you have a favorite place -Chipw iches!
at camp?
-Textiles Suite. Have you taken one same class
every year?
How long have you been at -CRCAP Runw ay 7 tim es!
-This is my eighth year. Do you have an embarrassing
moment from camp?
Do you have a favorite meal -Once I w as at M aking Collages
at camp? [festival offer ing] and I thr ew
-I can?t choose! up.

I n t er v i ew w i t h W i l l : How do you feel about the end of

W hat is the coolest thing -Extr em ely sad.
you?ve ever done?
-Pr obably going to Afr ica. W hat is your favorite Festival
offering so far?
W here is your favorite area -M addie evicting people.
at camp?
-Tent Stage Do you have a most
embarrassing moment from
Have you ever been in the camp?
Noontime Show, if not, do -W hen I cut my ar m and it w as
you want to be? bleeding ever yw her e!
-M or e tim es than I can
count, also I w ould like to Do you have any other summer
be in it again. plans?
-Just cam p.
Dozen s of I n n ocen t Cl ay Bow l s Dest r oyed For Li gh t n i n g Rou n d Jou r n al i sm
En t er t ai n m en t Pu r poses By Jacob Gr assi
By AnoNYm OuS777 (Ben Cr able)
I?m out of Ideas now. So I?m going to get
Dur ing the Noon Tim e Show on July 14, the Clay other people to w r ite this ar ticle. But her e?s
Class had an act w her e they shatter ed DOZENS the catch. Ever yone has 60 seconds. And that
of INNOCENT clay bow ls, just for our 60 seconds star ts as soon as they?ve r ead this
enter tainm ent! This is a sim ilar issue to how par agr aph. And w hatever they w r ite is going
TINA sm ashes their guitar as a for m of ?ar t?. in the Daily Double as is, w ith no gr am m ar
This is unnatur al cr uelty to clay cr eations cor r ections. Star t.
ar ound the w or ld, and setting a bad exam ple for
our kids that destr oying clay bow ls is ok . We M ichael: M y favor ite color is gr ey. Gr ey goes
have to stop this. We m ust stand up to the clay w it anything and i think it per fectly
class and dem and an apology fr om the Clay com plem ents my eyes. ;) I live in Roslindale
Class to the m illions of innocent clay bow ls that and its danger ous to live ther e, i live next to
saw these clay bow ls sm ashed to pieces. This is this r ussian cur ch and things get m ad sus. !!
another r epor t by your w ell know n but not {Tim e?s Up!}
unknow n w r iter.
Oscar : bananas ar e aw esom e!!!! I like dr um s!
Dem on s Am on g Us! Jacob could you count slow er please!!!! Fish
By Henr y Thacher cow s icecr eam bang done. {Tim e?s Up!}

I?m Henr y Thacher , and I?m r epor ting on how Gr iffin: i r eally like the class cr eepy cr eatur es
ther e ar e dem ons am ong us. At the Noontim e aloooooooooot
Show , they docum ented their m agical pow er s, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
using the Anim ation class as a fr ont for their I also like com ic gr aphic novel and daily
ow n m agical pur poses. Be on the lookout; they double tim es up {Tim e?s Up!}
can m ake them selves look like or dinar y hum an
beings. We believe they ar e r esponding to a Leila: I have no idea w hat to w r ite about so I
signal sent out by Walker , w hom they sent up to think I am going to just star t w r ityeing about
the hum an lands m any year s ago. They have how it feels, ner ve w r acking. And that is just
been w aiting for him to send out a signal that about it because my tim e is alm ost up.
m eans w e ar e disor ganized enough that they Ahhhhhhhhh! {Tim e?s Up!}
can safely sur face. Their actual pur pose is as yet
unknow n. This is Henr y Thacher , signing out. Ben: Ho i jhave no vlye w shat to eit eabout so
my spelling i'll be as bafd as possible as a joke
Editor?s Note: We are impressed by Henry?s use ops so cj=i'll xcho;;cho;;;chioll plzzz.alsos, I
of ?whom? correctly in this article. illike m aens. I am aualeoaiaior am dom w or ds.
I am r eally out of ideas. If you see this copied
it w as calvin kocher w atch out plzzzzz {Tim e?s

So those w er e ever yone?s 60 second

ar ticles done w ith no pr epar ation or tim e to
pr oofr ead. But don?t think you?r e safe just
because your editing this ar ticle, Walker. You
have 60 seconds. Star t.

Walker : This is r eally str essful. I?m just tr ying

to get the Daily Double together and now
Jacob puts m e on the spot like this! Well
played, Jacob. Well played. This is a ver y
funny idea for an ar ticle and I?m a fan, though
I w onder if anyone actually r ead all the w ay to
the end of this ar ticle.
Hou se of Sn aps: Com par i n g t h e Sn apch at Soci al Com e t o Pr obl em M an agem en t Du r i n g
Hi er ar chy t o Pol i t i cs Fest i val Per i od
By Gr ace Gor don By Rose Kor itz and the Pr oblem M anagem ent
Cr ew
Snapchat : Ever yone?s favor ite social m edia
app. Politics: CNN?s Favor ite Subject.m How ar e Do you w ant to have fun and talk about your
they r elated, you ask? It?s a closer r esem blance pr oblem s and have fun dur ing Festival Per iod?
than you think . Fir stly, you could ar gue that If you do, com e to the Theatr e of the Absur d
snapchat is all about claw ing your w ay to the top r oom dur ing Festival Per iod, and tell us your
in the w or ld of getting left on open (editor ?s note: pr oblem s! Pr oblem s include anything, fr om
w e don?t know w hat this m eans, but Gr ace assur es angr y pets to cr azy fr iends! This w ill be a lot of
us that if you ar e dow n w ith the kids and you fun!
snapface and instachat you w ill know.) and
m aintaining str eaks. Holding your ow n am ongst
hundr eds of your fr iend?s acquaintance's
W h at Does B.I .G. f r om B.I .G. gen er al Spor t s
acquaintances can get challenging. How ar e you to
St an d For ?
know w hat filter to use? W hat w ill you do to
By M ar ia
change the public?s opinion of you once you lose
your longest str eak? The answ er is sim ple: br iber y,
solicitation, lies, blackm ail, and cor r uption. If you have B.I.G. or w alked past the Activity
Well, that escalated ver y quickly, you say. building (that has a BIG banner ) you pr obably
Well you?r e r ight. It?s on YOU to keep that house not taught about it, but people like m e did and
fr om falling dow n, that one car d that alw ays caves. for those people I am her e to think about 10
Your fr iend Alyssa, w ith w hom you have a blue possibilities of w hat it m eans.
hear t, an octopus, and a pizza em oji, is off to 1. Bor ing Inter national Ger m s
sleepaw ay cam p! Oh no, you had an 120 day str eak 2. Biblical Intelligent Gr andpa
w ith her. How w ill you go on? So m any points 3. Bilingual Inspir ing Gym nast
subtr acted and days of w or k lost, for nothing. How 4. Belated (it m eans late appar ently) Im possible
about your fr iend, Kevin? His extr a-cur r icular Gecko
activity is coding. You have plenty of scr eenshots to 5. Beheaded Ignited Gnu
use against him . Tw ist his political m etaphor of an 6. Blur r y Im m or tal Ghost
ar m far behind his political m etaphor of a back 7. Bur nt Innocent Goat
until he hacks into snapchat to add 50 days to all 8. Bow n Illegal Gladiator
your str eaks; ther efor e m aking you the snapchat 9. Big Im aginar y Goal
queen or king of your school. 10. Bubbly Insane Gam er s
Could this be useful in the r eal w or ld too?
W hy, yes. You know Sam antha is w ith Logan, and
Logan is your m ain com petition. You also know
he?s been snapping Jessica behind sw eet, dear
Sam antha?s back . EXPOSE him . M ake sur e
ever yone in the school know s. W ho car es w hat you
have to do? Hir e a pr ivate detective! Call Vladim ir
Putin and team up w ith Kevin and the Coding
Cr ew. You w ill be invincible, bur ning a tr ail of
political fir e thr ough your w hole school DISTRICT.
This br ings m e to the snapm ap. Know
w her e your enem ies ar e at all tim es. Do not only
keep tabs on them in snapchat, know w ho their
fr iends ar e, use Kevin and your infor m ants fr om
the CIA to uncover texts fr om them saying they
w ill be som ew her e else and expose them som e
m or e. Be r elentless. Do not stop until ever yone
either fear s you, is in aw e of you, or w or ships you.
Get r espected by EVERYONE. Never lose a str eak
again, even at the sm all pr ice of a jail sentence
possibly exceeding 2 decades and m any
r estr aining or der s.
W h i ch Pol i t i cal Dr am a ar e you ? Don al d Tr u m p Adv i ce #7
By Gr ace Gor don By Donald Tr um p

Firstly, what is your dream job? * Author?s note* : I?ve been getting lots of
A. Public Relations hate, but just to let you know, I don?t
B. Pr esident actually support Trump?s views on
C. Secr etar y of State basically anything. I?m just running an
D. New s Repor ter advice column. LEAVE M E ALONE!
W hat is your worst trait?
A. I focus on the past too m uch M or e questions w er e asked, so, I?ll
B. I am a com plete and total psychopath answ er !
C. I can?t balance my hom e and w or k life ver y w ell
D. I obsess over one thing w ay too often. Q: Fav sport?
A: M y favor ite spor t is r unning.
W hat is your best trait? Running the countr y, that is. Ha. Ha.
A. I?m successful Ha. Get it? Do you think I?m funny? I
B. I?m so m anipulative it?s scar y do. M any people tell m e I?m a funny
C. I?m know ledgeable in a num ber of differ ent subjects. guy. I think I am , r eally.
D. I?m ver y r eliable.
Q: W ho was your first celeb crush?
How do you plan on getting ahead in the world? A: M y fir st celebr ity cr ush w as Bar bar a
A. I shouldn?t have a pr oblem as long as my past doesn?t Adachi, an Am er ican businessw om an.
r esur face? The w ay she handled m oney and
B. I w ill claw my w ay up the political ladder , taking out business w as ver y, ver y pr ofessional.
w hom ever and w hatever I need to. I w ill lie, sw eet talk,
br ibe, blackm ail, destr oy- I?m getting a little ahead of Q: Do you have pasta with or without
myself, ar en?t I? sauce?
C. I?m happy for now. A: I don?t eat pasta. Tr ying to cut dow n
D. I?m alr eady the best and m ost tr ustw or thy ther e is! on my car bs.

Lastly, W hat is your favorite color? Q: W hy?

A. Red, idk . A: To m ake Am er ica gr eat again. That?s
B. Black like my deep dar k, unr elenting, unfor giving soul. w hy I do ever ything that I do for this
C. A nice, br ight, color. M aybe Pink? countr y.
D. Gr ey, like the color of the tr uth.
Q: Spuped
If you got m ostly A: you ar e Scandal. You have a dar k past A: Um , ok?
and a hopefully br ight futur e, you?r e ver y sassy, and that
can be a good thing and a bad thing? Thanks for the questions, Am er ica!
If you got m ostly B: You ar e House of Car ds. I am Sor r y my answ er s w er e r ather shor t
genuinely scar ed of you. Saying you alw ays get w hat you today, I m ight?ve skipped my bedtim e
w ant is pr obably an under statem ent. You also r eally of 7:30 last night.
r eally r eally need help. Please don?t com e near m e. Ever.
If you got M ostly C: You?r e M adam e Secr etar y. You?r e a
fair ly nor m al per son. I applaud you for that. You?r e r eally
good at thinking outside the box, and super sm ar t.
If you got m ostly D: You ar e CNN. If ther e is anyone w ho
talks 24/7, it?s you. You?r e honest, som etim es br utally so,
and congr ats for being the best new s channel on TV!
If you got a m ix: You ar e Br eitbar t, ther e ar e no w or ds to
descr ibe you at all. Just keep on keepin?on.

Editor?s Note: The Daily Double in no way endorses

Breitbart, a national embarrassment that spews hate-filled
propaganda and retrograde views of the world.
15 Fu n Fact s Abou t M e, a 15 Year Ol d L.N. M oj o vs. Aar on
By Nina Kahn By Leila

1. I have a tw in sister : I suppose you have Okay cam per s, thank you for your tim e to w r ite
questions (ever yone does) so I?ll just answ er all of this pr etty shor t ar ticle on how I think that w e
them r ight now : No, w e ar en?t identical/No, w e should vote on M ojo or Aar on. I per sonally
don?t have tw in telepathy/Yes, w e ARE r eally think M OJO. but som e of you m ight be thinking,
tw ins/Yes, our par ents can tell us apar t/No, w e AARON. And that is w hy I w ill tr y to convince
haven?t sw itched classes pr etending to be the you of M OJO, so her e ar e my r easons:
other. 1. M ojo is soooooooooooooooo ador able.
2. M ojo is so sw eet so w hy don?t you give him
2. I?ve w atched all 7 seasons of Gilm or e Gir ls at the cr edit.
least 6 tim es: I know. It?s a pr oblem . 3. M OJO IS AW ESOM E.
So I hope you vote for M ojo in the voting
3. I?m a Ravenclaw , my per sonality type is INFJ, pocket in the athletic center the day after this
and I?m an Aquar ius: For a w hile, I thought I w as com es out.
a Hufflepuff, but as I?ve gr ow n older I?ve r ealized
my tr ue allegiance. Funnily enough, INFJ is the
r ar est type and Aquar ius is the r ar est sign

4. I?ve never seen Star War s: Sor r y.

5. The m usical I?ve seen the m ost tim es is

Som ething Rotten!: I?ve seen this show 4 tim es.
Yeah, four. Is that too m any tim es? Per haps, but it
w as w or th it. M y second m ost-seen show is Gr eat
Com et (w hich I?ve seen 3 tim es, and m ight see
again soon). I?m distr aught SR! closed, it w as so
gr eat. Luckily, it?s on tour at the m om ent.

6. I alm ost never cr y dur ing TV show s/m ovies/etc:

I?ve been told I have a cold, dead hear t because of
this. Never cr ied at a m ovie. The only tim es I?ve 10. A m onth later , I?m still upset about the 2017
cr ied at a TV show w er e at the end of Tw in Peaks Tonys: M y nightm ar es becam e r eality the
and How I M et Your M other , both because of their fateful night of June 11th. I?ll never get those 3
aw ful finales. I?m still r ecover ing. hour s back . I w ish I could.

7. I think they should r eally stop m aking Har r y 11. A lot of people have m ixed up m e and one of
Potter spinoffs: Har r y Potter w as my childhood, my Daily Double colleagues, Roxanne: I?m
and w hat w e had in ter m s of stor ies w as enough. pr etty sur e this is just because w e both have
The 7 books and 8 m ovies w er e fine as they w er e. br ow n cur ly hair.
None of this is necessar y. Let it r est, JK Row ling,
w e?r e all so tir ed. 12. M y favor ite m ovies ar e Pan?s Labyr inth,
M oonr ise Kingdom , and The Br eakfast Club:
8. I once spent over a w eek w r iting an Please go w atch all of these, they?r e gr eat.
unnecessar ily long stor y last year in w hich the
counselor s w er e tr apped in a zom bie apocalypse: 13. I never paint my nails: M y nails ar e far too
This is pr obably the best thing I?ve w r itten at shor t. Besides, if I do paint my nails I just pick
cam p, m aybe ever. If you w er e her e in 2016 the nail polish off the next day.
second session, you m ay be fam iliar w ith it.
14. I?ve never br oken a bone or been stung by a
9. I have a slight addiction to Say Yes to the Dr ess: bee: I hope this stays tr ue for a w hile longer.
Once I star t w atching this show , I can?t stop. It 15. I have no idea w hat to put as my last fact:
never ends. w hoops
We Ar en ?t Too Jazzed Abou t Th e 2017 Ton ys an d -Com e Fr om Aw ay should have w on m or e!
Her e?s W hy It?s a gor geous m usical, and accor ding to
By Nina Kahn and Lily Oelkher s Nina?s sister , w ho saw it tw ice, it should
have w on best book .
* DISCLAIM ER: This is only our opinion, and w e have
no intent of bashing those w ho disagr ee* -Nina: I think Stephanie J Block should have
w on Best Featur ed Actr ess for her
Hi, w e?r e Lily and Nina. We like m usicals. We ar e also per for m ance as Tr ina in Falsettos. I saw
r ecover ing fr om the 2017 Tony Aw ar ds. Let?s just DEH and Falsettos, and as you pr obably
addr ess the elephant in the r oom r ight aw ay: know , Rachel Bay Jones w on the aw ar d for
Natasha, Pier r e & the Gr eat Com et of 1812 w as her r ole as Heidi in DEH. I think her
r obbed. We hear you scr eam ing, ?BUT DEAR EVAN per for m ance w as spectacular , but Tr ina is
HANSEN IS THE BEST!?!?!!?, w e r eally do, but w e such a dem anding, com plex r ole, and
ar en?t the biggest fans of that show. Although it is Stephanie J Block r eally ow ned it. Not to say
undoubtedly an im por tant show , it has a lot of Heidi isn?t an inter esting char acter (she
pr oblem s (a stor y for another day, per haps), and w e 100% is), but playing Tr ina r equir es som e
w er en?t im pr essed by the m usic. It doesn?t sound like ser ious guts. All in all, Falsettos should have
anything new. Not ever y m usical has to have a new w on at least ONE aw ar d. It?s an am azing
sound, but it has to have som ething fr esh to offer show.
m usically, w hich, in our opinions, DEH does not. If
you like the show , that?s totally fine, w e just like to -Bette M idler ?s infam ous speech w as
keep it at an ar m ?s length. If you w er e paying painful. We get it, you?r e fam ous, but like,
attention to this Br oadw ay season, you w ould m aybe don?t be super obnoxious about it,
pr obably have seen that the tightest r ace w as Bette.
betw een DEH and Gr eat Com et. Gr eat Com et is our
favor ite m usical, w hich of cour se led to a slight bias, -Okay okay okay w e DO think Ben Platt
but w e think it should have w on because of how deser ved his Tony. Though w e don?t r eally
cr eative, innovative, and or iginal it is. Ther e w as like his show , his per for m ance w as
nothing like it this year , and hasn?t been anything fantastic.
like it ever. It w as pr aised for ever ything last year ?s
sm ash hit Ham ilton w as (diver sity, unique m usic, -We have absolutely nothing against Gavin
etc), but som ehow , it didn?t w in m or e of its 12 Cr eel w inning the Tony for best suppor ting
nom inations, only w inning Set and Lighting. We?r e actor. We?r e happy he w on!
super happy that they w on those aw ar ds, as they
w er e w ell deser ved, but the show should have w on Lily: He had a fantastic per for m ance in
so m any m or e. One of the biggest outr ages of the Eloise At Chr istm astim e, as my fam ily likes
night for us w as Gr eat Com et?s Dave M alloy losing all to r em ind m e. How ever , w e think it is about
3 of his nom inations (Book, Scor e, and tim e Andr ew Rannells w on a Tony. He
Or chestr ations) to DEH. Don?t get us w r ong, the som ehow didn't w in a Tony for his
m usic for DEH is nice and all, but it?s just one style: phenom enal per for m ance in Book of
contem por ar y. The book for DEH w as fine, so w e?r e M or m on, and his acting and singing ability
okay w ith them w inning, but the m usic aw ar ds ar e just as highlighted w hen he played
should have gone to Gr eat Com et in our eyes. It W hizzer in Falsettos. Although I haven't
incor por ates at least 4 differ ent styles and sounds, seen the show (it w ill be show ing in
and som ehow it w or ks so w ell. If you don?t get w hat theater s on July 12 though!!) I have listened
w e?r e saying, listen to ?The Duel? and ?No One Else?. thr ough the soundtr ack m any tim es, and
Yep, sam e m usical. The podcast Jim and Tom ic?s Nina has seen the show befor e. W ith those
M usical Theatr e Happy Hour m ade a gr eat point that exper iences m ixed together , w e can agr ee
the w inner of Best M usical should be the show that that Andr ew Rannells did an am azing job in
not only is, you know , the best, but the m usical that this r ole. If you don't believe us, just listen
m ar ks a specific point in the Br oadw ay tim eline. to the r evival. You w on't r egr et it.
Gr eat Com et is that show , pushing the boundar ies of
theatr e and show ing the possibilities and r isks w e (Nina: Andr ew Rannells w as
can take. Tw o w ins out of 12 nom inations is an HEARTBREAKING in Falsettos. I hope he
injustice. We could r ant about this for days, but for w ins a Tony soon, he?s incr edible.)
the w ellbeing of our editor s, w e w on?t.
(continued from previous page) Sh ak espear ean I n su l t s
by Shakespear e aka Oscar
-Lily: In gener al, the live Tony
per for m ances w er e pr etty w eak . I think the Source for insults 1 through 5:
gr eatest w eakness m ost of the show s had Source for insults 6 through
w as that they did big solo num ber s, 10: myself.
som etim es fr om the ver y end of the show ,
and w er en't ver y exciting to w atch. The WARNING: DO NOT LET ANY CHILD UNDER
?Hello, Dolly!?song w as nice, but just EIGHT READ THIS OR ELSE THEY W ILL GO
featur ing one char acter isn?t the w ay to go AROUND SAYING THEM TO EVERYONE THAT
w hen your show has such star pow er ; THEY SEE.
?Waving Thr ough A W indow ? w as a gr eat
highlight of Ben Platt?s singing abilities, and (I m ean ser iously, you don?t w ant your little
is one of the only DEH songs that w e think br other , sister , son, or daughter to tell your best
is honestly good, but it w as a pr edictable fr iend or your boss that they ar e a br ainless
choice and didn't featur e any of the other m ashed potato.)
nom inees. Kind of a slap in the face to M ike
Faist and Rachel Bay Jones. Can they #1 Thou elvish-m ar k?d, r ooting hog.
PLEASE per for m a differ ent song for once? #2 I w ould str ike thee, but I w ould infect my
And the ?Gr oundhog Day? per for m ance w as hands.
just kind of bor ing and not ver y #3 Would thou w ouldst explode!
m em or able. It w as cute though. #4 Thou poisonous bunch-backed toad!
#5 Thou hast no m or e br ain than I have in m ine
(Nina: I?ve hear d fr om people w ho like elbow s.
Gr oundhog Day that they chose the w r ong
song to do.) #6 Thou banana slug!
#7 Thou life is w or thless! Oh! I for got! Thou hast
-The r eal live per for m ance w inner s w er e not any life!
Gr eat Com et, Com e Fr om Aw ay, and #8 Thou br ainless m ashed potato!
Falsettos. We m ay be slightly biased #9 Thou bear s a str iking r esem blance to a
because those ar e our faves, but com e on, baboon?s backside!
they w er e the best per for m ances. All of #10 Thou pigeon-liver ed, sheep-biting,
them w er e ver y char acter heavy, new t-br ained, cow ar dly abom ination!
accentuated fun par ts of the show s, and the
Gr eat Com et per for m ance even br ought in Well, I?ll be seein?ya?ll banana slugs!
per haps one of the coolest par ts of the
show : inter action. Due to a contest held
ear lier , lover s of the show 18 and up w er e
w elcom ed to com e up on stage dur ing the
show and sit, egg shaker s and all, just like
the audience does in the show. The cr itics
ar en?t w r ong w hen they say Com et is the
biggest par ty on Br oadw ay. Falsettos and
Com e Fr om Aw ay?s per for m ances w er e nice
uplifts to the ter r ible night, so at least
ther e?s that?

-Sor r y Kevin Spacey, but you w er en?t a good

host. All of your jokes w er e just about how
you w er e the last per son they asked to host.
You gotta have var iety.

Okay, w e think that?s enough for now. W hat

ar e YOUR thoughts on this year ?s Tony
Aw ar ds?
How Ol d I s Wal k er ? Hat e Col u m n #4 (Cat s vs. Dogs)
By Henr y Thacher By Ar iel Reinstein

I?m Henr y Thacher , and today I w ill M other of GOD. Ar e you guys ser ious? NINE
talk to you about the volatile subject of subm issions all about the sam e thing. Guys, w hy
Walker ?s Age. W hat Walker w ants us to m ust you do this? Have you no or iginal thoughts? I
believe is that he is only in his late under stand that you guys feel str ongly about the
tw enties. How ever , w e her e at the cats ver sus dogs debate, but this cr osses som e type
Daily Double have r eason to believe of line. Never theless, you?ve subm itted, w hich
other w ise. We have uncover ed an er a m eans I r ant.
in Egypt w her e ther e ar e vir tually no
w r itten r ecor dings. How ever , r ecently, 1. Dogs [2] ? It?s not new to people w ho know m e
evidence has com e to light show ing that I deem cats super ior to dogs. Som ething in my
that ther e w er e w r itings back then, but soul m akes m e r espond to kitties better than
in an unknow n language. Our top puppies. I just think that cats ar e cuter , and their
scientists ar e w or king on cr acking the independence is w onder ful, w her eas dogs ar e too
code, but until w e do, you?ll just have to obedient. I assum e dogs ar e better is you?r e m or e
w ait, unless fur ther evidence is active, but I?m not.
r evealed. We have liter ally hundr eds of
ar chaeologists in the field, at least one 2. Cat?s rule bogs Drule ? Though that?s both
in ever y countr y on the planet. We?r e liter ally and figur atively tr ue if you r ead it cor r ectly,
bound to lear n m or e about Walker I think that w e should be far m or e concer ned w ith
sooner or later. Until then, Henr y your spelling and gr am m ar er r or s. If you haven?t
Thacher , signing off. alr eady figur ed it out, ?Cats? ?dogs? and ?dr ool.?

3. Cats are the best! ? Gosh, guys. It?s like you don?t
r ealize that it?s my job to state the opinions. You
guys r eally don?t under stand how this w or ks.
4. Cats! Especialy [not a typo that?s how they spelled
How m any people out ther e like ?especially?] Ben Boyd?s cats Carl and Lela! She has
football? I know I do! But sadly, the one eye but she is awesome! ? How do you expect
football season?s over and w e w ill have m e to r ant or even w r ite about cats I don?t know ?
to w ait. So, in the m eantim e, how did You guys ar e being so annoying.
football star t?
5. Cat w[?]in M eow ? I think you need som e sleep.
Football star ted out based off of I?m r eally concer ned for your w ellbeing.
soccer and r ugby. The fir st ever
football gam e w as on Novem ber 6, 6. Would you eat a dog or a cat ? How about next
1869. This gam e w as against tw o tim e you ask AN ACTUAL ADVICE COLUM N. I
college team s and w as played like a w ouldn?t eat either because I'm a pescetar ian and I
nor m al gam e of soccer , but this w asn?t don?t know how to cook cat or dog m eat.This does
exactly football yet. After year s have br ing up the w hole thing about how they ar en?t
passed, the sam e tw o team s (The Tiger s r eally advice colum ns if they?r e answ er ing stupid
and the Scar let Knights) m et again to questions like this one. They?r e just answ er
change the r ules. They m ade it so you colum ns.
can use your hands and r un w ith the
ball. This gam e w as know n as r ugby. 7. Dogs Rule! ? Honestly I don?t think it?s your place
Later on, this gam e w as changed up to say. Since this is a colum n full of M y opinions you
and tur ned into football. Now , it is shouldn?t subm it this nonsense.
played in college, high school, the NFL,
and even as backyar d football. So w hat 8. Cats ? I?m done.
ar e you w aiting for ? Get outside and
LET?S PLAY FOOTBALL! You guys actually ar e so infur iating som etim es. Still,
I appr eciate subm issions. Just tr y thinking of
* W ikipedia som ething m or e cr eative next tim e.

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