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A treat for you (and me!) today, Hoodoo Loves! This is an actual excerpt from the
candle reading book, that I promise I really am working on! This is not the final
draft, but it has some really good information about the very basic foundation of
how to read a candle. Check it out!

Candle Zones

To do candle reading one of the first things we have to understand is the different
zones of the candle. The zones are the areas where wax formations will occur. The
zone that a wax formation is found in will change the meaning of that particular

There are four general zones that govern the past, the future, as well as the
physical and nonphysical worlds.

How To Find The Zones

To begin reading our candle we first have to define where the zones are and what
they mean.

To do this, place a candle at the center of your plate or work surface. The candle
is now your center-point for the work. When you stand directly in front of your
candle and look at it head on and this is the area that we referred to as the

When you look at the candle from directly above the zones are divided as follows;
from the center of the candle to the left, from the center of the candle to the
right, from the center of the candle going directly up or away from the front of
the work, and from the center of the candle going down towards the front work.

If you have a work using multiple candles each candle will have its own separate
zones. In advanced candle reading we can take into account the overall zones of the
entire work, but for now don't worry about that.

The Four General Zones

Each of the four general zones specifically deals with different areas of reality
and how your candle work is affecting them.

The zones to the left and right of the candle deal with time. The candle itself
represents this exact present moment. It can also represent the space of time
covered by the work itself. It is also important to remember that the candle itself
represents the present and the farther a flow of wax goes from the candle the
farther it is reaching into any one given direction of time. (More on this below.)

Everything to the left of the candle is the zone of the past. This deals with
things that have either already occurred or are still occurring but began before
the work itself started.

Everything to the right of the candle represents the future. This handled anything
that is starting shortly or has not yet begun. It can also cover things that will
begin sometime between the beginning and the end of the work itself.

The centerline from top to bottom that aligns perfectly with the candle also
represents the present even though it passes through the zones dealing with the
physical and non-physical worlds.
This brings us to the other two general zones. Everything above the candle, or
going away from the front of the candle toward the back, deals with the non-
physical world.

This covers spirituality, emotions, mind, the realm of dreams, and the realm of the
dead. It also deals with anything that is electronic or nonphysical in a digital
sense; email, text messages, digital photos, digital money, computer code, and all
things that exist purely in a digital reality.

The zone below the candle, or anything from the candle moving towards the front of
the work, is the zone that deals with the physical and material realm.

This covers money, sex, the physical body, matters of health, physical objects,
property, housing, food and drink, and basically anything that can be experienced
in a purely physical way.

The straight-line flows in between these two zones represents the balance point
where the nonphysical in the physical meet. Most wax formations that occur a right
on that line will have both a physical and spiritual/digital component to them.

The Diagonals

One more important point about the zones is that there are four diagonals existing
inside of the previously mentioned four general zones. These diagonals are
left/above, left/below, right/above, right/below.

The diagonal zone of left/above is the area that is to the left and also above the
centerpoint of the candle.

This deals specifically with things in the non-physical world that have occurred in
the past. Past spiritual influences, departed ancestors, past emotional or mental
trauma, and passed communication or connection through digital means will show up
in this area.

The diagonal zone of left/below is to the left and front of the candle, and deals
with that which is from the past but specifically physical or material.

Things pertaining to past business dealings, past sexual relationships, past health
issues, and events in the past that affect the physical body, housing, property
rights, inheritance, or other material matters will be found here.

The right/above diagonal zone is to the right and back of the candle.

This area focuses on non-physical things which have not yet occurred. This is where
you will look for future emotions, predicted crossings over, future digital
transactions, and future mental or spiritual transformations.

Lastly, the right/below zone occurs to the right and front of the candle.

This is zone deals exclusively with physical things that have not come into being
at this time. Future relationships of a physical nature, future property, money
that has not yet come into your life, future changes in the physical body, and as
yet unseen business or financial opportunities.

Overall Distance From The Candle

The last thing to take into consideration when looking at the zones of your candle
work is the overall distance that any one wax formation is from your actual center-
point, which is your candle.
The most efficient way to measure this is to put the candle in the center of a
defined area such as a plate.

The candle represents the present moment. Edge of the plate represents the
boundaries of the current targets lifetime. (The far left side of the plate will be
birth; the far right side of the plate will be final crossing over.) The farther
you go away from the candle in any direction on the plate, the farther out in time
you are going.

If you are headed into generally left direction from the candle then you are going
into the past. If you are headed into generally right direction then you are going
into the future.

Although this is not the most efficient thing to look at to determine where
something that shows up in your candle work has occurred or will occur, it is
important to know this system of measuring time as you will occasionally have wax
formations that don't line up very well with the crosshatch system of the zones
described above.

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