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Testing Workflow

Objective: Test if all services are working (For a given request, endpoints return
response as expected) individually in an environment
1. Specify {env}
2. Build all git repos from {env} branch [config: list of git urls] Assumptions:
All git branches have a branch named {env} {env} branch has env specific
3. Run junits*, Create report for each component If succesfull, upload to
nexus ??
4. deploy to boxes of {env} [config: map(full component name, sys_path(if
jar)/ tomcat_manger_api_string )] Assumptions: runtime requirements
are satisfied on target boxes
5. Poll/Wait until all services are up (check by hitting endpoint / parse logs
6. Run job of Api tests [check responses from different request], create reports.


How to Test PUT/POST/DELETE endpoints ?

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