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A Big Mess of Ideas: Creating a Story with Sharon Creech

C 1. When Sharon Creech writes a story, she starts with ______.
A. an outline of the events in the story
B. the main problem that she wants to solve in the story
C. a character and a place
D. none of the above
A 2. Sharon Creech gets some of the ideas for her books from her
own life. One place that keeps popping up in her stories is a
fictional town of ______, Kentucky.
A. Bybanks
B. Lexington
C. Hilltop
D. Quincy

3. How many brothers does Sharon Creech have?


A 4. Sharon Creech has lived in ______.

A. Switzerland
B. Denmark
C. Oregon
D. all of the above

5. As an author, Sharon Creech gets asked a lot of questions by

her readers. What is one of the hardest questions that someone
can ask her?
Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

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