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Lecture 1

Apollolian vs Dionysus
Classical vs non-classical impulses
Moral vs Emotion
Moderation vs Excess
Rationality vs Passion/Chaos

Balance and structure

Monophony, imitative/non-imitative polyphony

Homophony = Melody/accompany (choral texture blocks of sound moving TOGETHER


Lecture 2:
Late 1500s - >Mannerism: grotesque, exaggeration of features

Prima practica, Seconda practica (Artusi Monteverdi)

Early Baroque: Monteverdi, late Baroque: Bach

Barocco; flashey
Ornamentation, chaos

Melodies: dramatic virtuosic vocal and instrumental, irregular lengths

Rhythm: driving, motoric,
Rise of middle class, New Order

Basso continuo (establish bass line and chord progression)

Basso ostinato (persistent riff eg canon in D)

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