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Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him, and he will
your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

We must trust the Lord and not just our own understanding. We cannot just depend upon our own ability to understand everything
God is doing because only God sees the whole picture, while we only see our tiny corner of it. If we always to choose to see things in
our own perspective, then we will not see Gods true intentions. We must approve of Gods ways, even when we cant comprehend
them. To trust in the Lord with all our heart means we can't place our own right to understand above His right to direct our lives
the way He sees fit. Do not lose faith in God even if we face troubles and hardships where it doesnt seem to make sense why it is
happening to us. He has plans to prosper us and he will never leave us if only we learn to surrender everything to him.

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