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All About Thickness

Understanding Moyo and Influence


Ishida Yoshio, 9-dan

translated by

Stuart Dowsey

The Ishi Press, Inc.

Published by
The Ishi Press, Inc.
CPO Box 2126
Tokyo, Japan

Copyright 1990 in Japan

by The Ishi Press, Inc.

All rights reserved according to international law. This book

or any parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the publisher.

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ISBN 4-87187-034-0

First Printing April 1990

Printed in Japan
All About Thickness iii

About the Author

Ishida Yoshio was born in 1948 in Aichi prefecture. He be-
came a disciple of Minoru Kitani at the age of 9. He became a
professional shodan in 1963 and was promoted rapidly there-
after. In 1971, he defeated Rin Kaiho in the 26th Honinbo title
match to become the youngest Honinbo in history and held
the title for five succesive terms. In 1974, he defeated Rin in
the 13th Meijin title match, thus becoming the third contem-
porary player, after Sakata and Rin, to hold the top two titles
concurrently. In recognition of this feat, he was promoted to
9-dan. Ishida has also won and challenged for many other
major titles and is recognized as one of the leading players of
his generation. He is an outstanding all-round player but is
particularly skilful at overall positional judgment and at the
endgame. In this regard he is know as the 'computer'.
IV All About Thickness

Foreword vi
Translator's Notes vii

Example 1 Connect Up the Star-points 2

Example 2 Blockade The Enemy 6
Example 3 The Attach-and-Extend Joseki: A Good Example
of Thick Shape 10
Example 4 Thickness and Extensions from a Star-point Joseki 14
Example 5 Keep Your Nose in Front 18
Example 6 The Large-Scale Push 22
Example 7 Make Thickness During the Opening 26
Example 8 The 3-3 Invasion 30
Example 9 Creation of Thickness Requires Flexibility 34
Example 10 Variations on a Joseki Designed to Take
Outside Influence 38
Example 11 The Power and Range of Thickness 42
Example 12 Pincers and Extensions 46
Example 13 Attack or Defense 50
Example 14 The Grand Sacrifice 54
Example 15 The Enemy's Vital Point is My Vital Point 60
Example 16 Combining an Extension with an Approach Move 64
Example 17 Use Thickness in Your Strategy 68
Example 18 In a Case of Opposing Thicknesses,
First to Play Has the Advantage 72
Example 19 Take Territory While Attacking 76
Example 20 Protecting the Cut is a Thick Defense 80
Example 21 Choose a Thickness Joseki According to
the Corner Situation 84
Example 22 The Ladder and the Outward Facing Joseki 88
Example 23 The Ideal-Thickness Trap 92
Example 24 Taking the High Ground 96
Example 25 Thickness and Profit in Simple Versions of
the Taisha Joseki 100
Example 26 One Line Can Make All The Difference 104
Example 27 Maneuvering For a Territorial Moyo 108
Example 28 Pushing Out to Utilize the Sanren-sei 112
All About Thickness v

Example 29 Inviting the Opponent Build Thickness is a

Grave Error 116
Example 30 How to Make Territory and Thickness in
Actual Play 122
Example 31 The Balance Between Territory and Thickness .126
Example 32 Turn a Wall Into Large-scale Real Territory ,130
Example 33 Clear-cut Spheres of Influence and
Settled Territory 134
Example 34 The Perfect Solid Connection and
the "Thousand Dollar' Bend 138
Example 35 The Early Bird Catches the Worm 142
Example 36 Don't Get Too close to Thickness 146
Example 37 Playing at the Boundary of Influence 150
Example 38 Play in the Corner and Build a Large Moyo 154
Example 39 The Point That Connects in Three Directions
Can't Be Bad 158
Example 40 Imperfect Thickness Can Be Erased Completely 162
Example 41 Thickness as the Basis of Large Moyos 166
Example 42 Eliminate the Cutting Point 170
Example 43 Cover the Center With Thickness 174
Example 44 The Capping Move and Thickness Makt
Good Partners .178
Example 45 Widen Your Horizons .182

'Thickness' in Go Proverbs ,186

Index: Types of Thickness 193
vi All About Thickness

What is thickness? Ifs difficult to define in just one sen-
tence. If forced to, we could say it is the power of solid, secure
Beginners can understand the concept of territory with
relative ease. Moreover, they can count the number of points
in a piece of territory more or less accurately. However, it is
much more difficult for them to handle and use what is called
thickness or thick shape.
As regards thickness, large territories can be made in its im-
mediate vicinity, thickness can aid attack on an opponent's
weak stones and in other circumstances, its power enables the
creation of new territory elsewhere. This explanation is
straightforward, but words alone are inadequate.
For this book, we have chosen situations that occur fre-
quently in actual play, in joseki and in the fuseki, in even
games and in handicap games, to develop in the reader an
intuitive grasp of the subject and to show him how to use
thickness, how to make thickness and how to cope with an
opponent's thickness. Also, as it is useful to know how many
points thickness is worth, we have touched on this subject to
a limited degree.

Ishida Yoshio, 9-dan

December 1985
All About Thickness vii

Translator's Notes
The term 'thickness' is a direct translation of the Japanese
word 'atsumi'. Its use in the game of go is quite specialized
and not readily understood. The nearest equivalent is
'strength', but it is that special strength which radiates from a
strong connected position into empty areas nearby. Perhaps a
brief explanation, starting from basic principles, will help.
Every stone placed on the board is in direct relationship
with the adjoining points, its liberties. By placing a friendly
stone on any one of these adjacent points, stones can be con-
nected together. If the adjacent point is occupied by an enemy
stone, the number of liberties and the directions in which con-
nections can be made are correspondingly reduced.
However, the same single stone also exerts an effect on the
other surrounding points. The further from the stone the
weaker this effect is. A stone situated by itself, in isolation,
will have an equal effect in all directions. The presence of
other friendly stones nearby add to this effect or in the case of
enemy stones detract. When this effect is unimpeded we say
that the stone or stones are strong and vice versa.
The strongest positions arise when stones are securely con-
nected together. Connected stones combine their effect and
have a strong influence on the surrounding area. The larger
and more secure a group of connected stones is, the greater its
influence will be. However not all strong positions are called
thickness. This term is reserved for lines of connected stones
at right angles to the edge of the board and quite often walls
of stones facing in towards the center. When the strength of
such a position has a significant effect on adjoining areas and
must be taken into account, it is referred to as 'thickness'.
Vlll All About Thickness

Proper use of thickness in games is most enjoyable. This

book contains examples of every conceivable type of thickness
making that pleasure attainable by more and more players.

Stuart Dowsey
March 1990

aji: potential
aji-keshi: erasing or destroying potential
atari: the threat to capture a stone or a group of stones on
the next move.
byo-yomi: overtime. The time given a player (usually 30
seconds or 60 seconds per move) to complete his move after his
clock time has run out.
furikawari: a trade, a swap
fuseki: the opening
hane: a diagonal move played against an enemy stone
joseki: a standard pattern of good play (usually in the corner)
moyo: territorial framework potential, not actual, territory
sabaki: settling a group by making a flexible and resilient
sensei: literally 'teacher'. Professional go players are usually
referred to as sensei.
tesuji: the most skilful move in a local situation
All About Thickness l

All About Thickness

Understanding Moyo and Influence

Forty-five examples from handicap and non-hand-

icap games, graphically teaching you how to build
thickness and the fundamental principles of how
to use it once you have constructed it
2 All About Thickness

Example 1

Connect up the Star-Point Stones

Settled territory
All About Thickness 3

Playing here
is misdirected. The settled territory
here isn't very large.
4 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. In 5 or 6-stone handicap games, Black has to utilize

his handicap stones from the beginning in such a way as to
constantly outdo White. This is the actual sequence leading to
Example 1. The pincer of Black 2 is a positive move. After the
double approach by White 3, attaching and extending with
Black 4 and 6 is easy to follow. After White 7
All About Thickness 5

Dia. 2. The steady block of Black 1 leads to a simple,

elegant joseki. Following White 2, Black wedges in and con-
nects with 3 and 5 which is the thick way of playing. In con-
trast to White's many cutting points, Black hasn't a single
weak spot.
If White plays 6 at 'a', followed by Black V , White V,
Black 'd', once again Black gets thickness.
6 All About Thickness

Example 2

Blockade the Enemy

All About Thickness 7

This sanren-sei isn't bad, b u t . . .

The black and white

strengths overlap.
8 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. This is the start of the sequence which leads to the

previous diagrams. After White 3, Black splits the white stones
with 4. The double approach by White 5 is quite a common
tactic. Black then plays contact with 6, extends out with 8 and
looks for a way to create thickness.
All About Thickness 9

Dia. 2. If White pushes in towards the corner with 1, Black

is almost certain to play the bamboo joint of 2, as this is the
thick way of playing. Taken as an isolated situation, Black will
play 'a' after White 3, but in this context, to utilize the marked
pincer stone, he will bend round at V and blockade White on
a large scale.
10 All About Thickness

Example 3

The Attach-and-Extend Joseki

A Good Example of Thick Shape

Anywhere around here is big.

All About Thickness 11

harmony and balance.

12 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Following White's extension to his marked stone,

the one-space defense by Black 1 is steady and reliable. White
can now enter the lower side with a midway placement at 2 if
he wishes. Black 3 blocks White off from the right White 4 is
inevitable, even though he has to accept the diagonal contact
play of Black 5. The sequence to Black 7 is to be expected and
represents a satisfactory development
All About Thickness 13

Dia.2 Dia.3

Dia. 2. Going back to the example diagrams, Black might

not feel able to extend as far as the marked stone if he doesn't
know how to handle White's counterattack, the push through
and cut of White 1 and 3.
The descent of Black 4 is sente threatening a cut at 'a'; 5 is
White's strongest response, but Black seals him in with 6 and
Dia. 3 The diagonal move White 1 may look disconcerting,
but Black simply descends to 2. When White jumps to 3, the
wedge in by Black 4 is a tesuji. The sequence up to White 9
leads to ko after Black's atari at 'a'. As Black has the cut at V
to provide him with ample ko threats, he cannot lose.
If White plays 5 at 9, Black can then atari from 7 and again
is in no danger.
14 All A b o u t ThirWnpss

Example 4

Thickness and Extensions

from a Star-Point Joseki

The right point is around here.

All About Thickness 15

A good extension, achieving both

vertical and horizontal balance
16 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Black can also consider playing the high extension

at 1 but this is vulnerable to a deep invasion. For example, the
invasion at 'a', the peep at White V in combination with 'c',
and so on. In many instances, when building a position on
the fourth line, it is necessary to be aware of possible in-
vasions on the third line.
All About Thickness 17

Dm. 2. The lower move, Black 1, will probably result in the

capping move White 2 but Black's reply at 3 is quite adequate.
White 2 is well inside the sphere of influence of the marked
stones, so sabaki will prove difficult. When surrounded by
reinforcements, the low extension of Black 1 has great ter-
ritorial potential.
18 All About Thickness

Example 5

Keep Your Nose in Front

The sequence in this corner follows

a standard handicap joseki.
All About Thickness 19

Black is virtually guaranteed

30 points of settled territory.
20 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. In this situation, White can further enclose the right

side with moves such as 1 and 3. To make counting easy lefs
assume White 'a', Black 'b'', after which White's territory on
the right side is worth about 30 points. This is equal to Black's
settled territory on the lower side, but remember White only
has one position on the right while everywhere else is Black's.
All About Thickness 21

Dia. 2. Many players might play Black 1 to reduce the

thickness of White's two marked stones. However, this allows
the hane of White 2 and is a mistake. The shortage-of-liberties
trap White 'a', Black 'b', White V now comes into play. To
avoid this, Black had better play 3 at 4, which, though bad
shape, is the only way to fight back.
22 All About Thickness

Example 6

The Large-Scale Push

The white territory here is about 10 points.

All About Thickness 23

The shaded area could

be as much as 30 points This white area is still
only 10 points or so.
24 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Black 1 is considered the proper move as it prevents

White coming to the aid of his isolated stone with a jump out
to 'a'. Black can expect to get territory between the dotted line
and the edge. However, if you want a really large-scale
utilization of the black star-point stone on the right side then
play as in the previous diagram.
All About Thickness 25

Dia. 2. This is the actual sequence which produced the ex-

ample position. The sanren-sei of Black 4 is a fine move. Black
could equally well have played the large knighf s move at 'a'.
Black 6 is also good. The 3-3 of White 7, leading up to
White 15, is a common joseki. After this, Black 'b' is the way
to make thickness.
26 All About Thickness

Example 7

Make Thickness During the Opening

The sequence in this corner follows

a standard star-point joseki.
All About Thickness 27

The one-space jump here Pressing down with

B l a c k 1 is ver
instead Black 1 is a bit weak. y severe-
28 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. This is a possible continuation. Once Black has

pushed ahead as far as the marked stone, White may choose
the capping move of 1, a familiar tactic, but once again the
proverb 'answer the cap with the small knighf s move' proves
White is going to find sabaki in the middle of Black's
sphere of influence hard to come by, while Black still has the
blocking move of 'a' as a treat to look forward to.
All About Thickness 29

Dia. 2. Returning to the earlier sequence (page 27), White

may counter Black 1 with the push through and cut of 2 and
4, but this is nothing to be afraid of.
The battle will unfold from Black 5 to 11 and thereafter
White will forever be anxious about the situation around the
two stones 4 and 6 lest they be ensnared by Black.
30 All About Thickness

Example 8

The 3-3 Invasion

Up to Black 6 is
White's territory is 6 points. a typical joseki.
All About Thickness 31


This block is the

only forcing move.
White's territory is 6 points.
32 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Here is another example of the 3-3 invasion when

Black has played the one-space jump. After Black 2, the hane
and connection of White 3 and 5 is normal. White 3 at 'a' is a
bad mistake, as the block by Black 'b' is nigh perfect.

Dia. 2. The slide to White 1 is the right move. Black can

stop White at 2. The sequence up to Black 8 is one joseki.
Compared with White's 7 points in the corner, Black's outer
thickness is extremely powerful.
All About Thickness 33

Dia. 3. The 3-3 invasion by White 1 is not so good against

Black's small knighf s shape. One has the sense of burrowing
away in a tight little spot. It is quite different from the large
knighf s shape and life will be very restricted.

Dia. 4. Black blocks confidently at 2. After White 5, Black

has the highly efficient small knighf s connection at 6 to make
his thickness almost impregnable. Set against White's 7 points
in the corner, Black is even less worried about White 'a' than
in Dia. 2.
34 All About Thickness

Example 9

Creation of Thickness Requires Flexibility

Start with this atari.

All About Thickness 35

Black 8: captures

Black has sente.

36 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. If White plays 'a' and so on after Black 1, as seen in

the previous diagrams, he allows Black substantial thickness,
so perhaps this is the moment to think again. How about
giving up the chance of capturing two black stones in the
corner and sacrificing two white ones instead?

Dia. 2. The more correct way to proceed is push out at

White 1 and take away Black's liberties. Then White 2 would
put Black on the spot. Black is forced to play 2 to capture the
two stones, White extends to 3 and finishes with a satisfactory
shape. In consideration of this, Black had better choose the
alternative answer to the crosscut, as shown in the following
All About Thickness 37

Dia. 3. After the crosscut of White 1 and 3, Black typically

strengthens himself with 4 for a far more peaceful joseki. The
proverb says 'Against the crosscut, extend'. Now there are no
complicated variations.

Dia. 4. White will play atari at 1, followed by the double

open connection at 3. Black must take the crucial point 4 to
safeguard the corner. Black 6 brings this episode to its natural
conclusion. Black has a secure position, and White, through
the sacrifice of one stone, has taken sente.
38 All About Thickness

Example 10

Variations on a Joseki Designed

to Take Outside Influence

White's territory is
about 10 points.
All About Thickness 39

This is to prevent Black

getting outside influence.

Whichever way he pushes,

his stones get tangled up.
40 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. To avoid the trap laid in the previous diagram, after

White 4, Black 'a', White 'b', Black V gives a good result, but
Black 5 straightaway is much easier to grasp.

Dia. 2. The ensuing moves to Black 8 form one pattern.

Black hasn't constructed thickness, but he is satisfied to have
positions along both edges.
All About Thickness 41

Dia. 3. Up to Black 5 is the same as Dia. 1. However, in

place of 'a', White has simply played the contact move at 6.

Dia. 4. Black pushes out with 1, followed by atari with 3

and 5. The outward influence gained here is even thicker than
that shown in the initial diagrams, so Black has done well.
42 All About Thickness

Example 11

The Power and Range of Thickness

Against White 1, Black 2 to 12 produce thickness.

The value of the star-point

stone is 10 points.
All About Thickness 43

White has 6 stones.

Black has 7 stones.

stone than White, his area can be thought of

as about 20 points.
44 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Taking the thickness in the upper left corner as our

starting point, Black can develop his position as far as the
marked stone. The reasoning behind this relates to a white
entry at 1. Because White is unable to make a two-space jump
in the direction of the arrow, he cannot get a stable base on
the side.
A deep invasion such as White 1, given insufficient room to
make a two-space extension, is very dangerous. That is why
Black can develop as far as the marked stone.
All About Thickness 45

Dm. 2. In view of the strength of his thickness, Black might

also consider extending as far as this marked stone. However,
if White now invades at 1, he has sufficient room to make the
two-space extension to 'a'. For this reason, as a general rule,
Black will count 5 spaces from the leading marked stone in
the wall to V to find the limits for an extension.
Moving away somewhat from this example, we find the
same principles apply when making pincer moves against
enemy stones. So as not to allow the opponent to make a two-
space extension, the limit is set at a three-space pincer. Four
spaces left open would allow room for a two-space extension,
so such a move would not qualify as a pincer.
46 All About Thickness

Example 22

Pincers and Extensions

The full extension Narrower extensions

serves also as a pincer. ^axe not good.
All About Thickness 47

If it were White's move, he

would play this extension.

The two-space extension

is appropriate. This is too far.
48 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. For White to extend with 1 to 'a' comes too close to

Black's thickness. Black could then aim at the invasion point
of V. Even though it may be a little limited, the two-space
extension of White 1 is the right move. Black will probably
play the diagonal contact move at V, and White has no op-
tion but to extend up with 'd'.
All About Thickness 49

Dia. 2. White might think of the slide into the corner with
White 1 before extending, because if Black answers at 'a',
White 'b' is ideal. However, Black is unlikely to answer with
'a'; instead he will choose the pincer at 2.
The black position after White 1, Black 'a', White V is
without merit.
50 All About Thickness

Example 13

Attack or Defense

This move utilizes -four"

Black's thickness, across
and also acts as a
pincer against White.
All About Thickness 51

If White were to play first, he

would play a three-space extension.

According to circumstances,
this move is also possible.
52 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. When Black, using the formula '3 up, 4 across', ex-
tends four spaces with 1 from his three-stone wall, this be-
comes a three-space pincer against the marked stone, a good
move which kills two birds with one stone.
Faced with the squeeze, White can play the sequence from
the diagonal contact at 2 up to 6 in order to settle himself.
All About Thickness 53

Dia. 2. If White chooses to neglect the marked stone by

playing elsewhere, Black can play the diagonal-contact move
of 1, followed by 3.
As the two white stones have no secure base and are under
attack from Black 3, things are looking very difficult for
54 All About Thickness

Example 14

The Grand Sacrifice

This is 'Kaizen's Great Masterpiece'.

An evaluation of Black's outside thickness is

difficult but it is correct to say that Black's
position is superior to White's settled territory.
All About Thickness 55

This is the start of the sequence which

leads to the previous diagram.

An aggressive block
56 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Continuing from the previous diagram, after Black

cuts with the marked stone, White is able to pull out to 1 be-
cause he has a stone at 'a'; if the ladder didn't work he
wouldn't have been able to play here.
For example, after White 1, Black 7, White 6, Black 10, Black
can start the ladder with V .
Suzuki Tamejiro, honorary 9-dan, commented that it would
have been better for White to play 11 simply at 13.
All About Thickness 57

Dia. 2. Black plays atari at 1, followed by the capture of 3. If

White plays 4 at 'a', he can capture five black stones, but it
would be enough for Black to capture at 4 in sente. Similarly,
after the loose geta at 5, if White plays 'a', Black can force
replies to 6 and 12 to build a flawless wall in the center. As
these results are bad, White resists with 6 in an attempt to
hack his way out into the center.
58 All About Thickness

Dia. 3. Yet again Black produces an exquisite loose geta at

1. White plays atari after atari from 2 up to 8 in the hope of
eventually breaking out into the center.
Black plays 11, which, while reducing White's liberties,
seems to knock him on the head. White's retreat from 12 to 16
is galling.
All About Thickness 59

Dia. 4. Black plays the forcing sequence from 1 to 5 and

finishes up with the capture by 7 of one white stone in the
center. Thickness billows out like towering clouds, wondrous
to behold.
Kaizen was a monk at Zojoji Temple in Sanenzan Moun-
tain, Shiba. He was an extremely strong 5-dan with no profes-
sional status but on a par with Shinomiya Maizo and
Sekiyama Sendaiu.
60 All About Thickness

Example 15

The Enemy's Vital Point is My Vital Point

All About Thickness 61

White to play this extension.

The enemy's vital point

is my vital point
62 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Faced with the attack by Black 1, White will settle

himself with moves such as the diagonal contact move of 2 ,
then 4 and 6. After Black 7, White has two ways to reduce the
black area: either lightly with 'a' or more forcefully with the
shoulder-hit at 'b'.
A deeper penetration at 'c' is out of the question because of
the presence of the marked stone.
All About Thickness 63

Dia. 2. The standard 5-4 point joseki ends with Black 7.

Applying the extension rule '3 up, 4 across', Black's three-
stone wall with 3 and 5 should provide the basis for a four-
space extension by Black 7 as far as 'a'. However, Black 'a'
allows White the small knighfs move 'b' and next the quite
severe invasion at 'c'. To guard against this would require an
extra move, one which negates the purpose of the extension.
Although Black 7 is one line narrower, ifs a very thick and
reliable extension.
Moreover, in Example 15 Black chose to play 7 as the small
knighf s move at V and it was that shape which decided the
ultimate extension.
64 All About Thickness

Example 16

Combining an Extension with

an Approach Move
Black to play

A three-high wall gives

a three-stone thickness.
All About Thickness 65

Black 1 is a four-space extension

in keeping with '3 up, 4 across'.

The '3 up, 4 across',

Four lines four-space extension
is a good point
66 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Black can also give serious consideration to the ap-

proach move 1 to prevent White making a corner enclosure.
White now needs to stop Black extending to 'a', but White 2 is
as close as he can come to the wall.
Black makes good his position with 3, getting another fine
The choice between the two is a matter of taste.
All About Thickness 67

Dia. 2. After Black 1, White might try to order Black about

with the contact move of 2. If Black responds with 3 and 5,
then he has done White's bidding. In addition to settling the
corner, White can play 6 on an ideal spot which is both an
extension and a pincer move. It is better for Black to extend
with 3 to 6, in which case the exchange of Black 1 and White
2 is counted as a black forcing move.
68 All About Thickness

Example 17

Use Thickness in Your Strategy

Black 1 to 5 is a splendid development

Strong thickness
The wily 5-3 point
All About Thickness 69

Black is satisfied
with his structure.

Pressing from above

is a good method.
70 All About Thickness

Did. 1. The 3-4 point of Black 1 is of course another way to

play. While standing a little further from the thickness on the
left, this move uses that thickness indirectly while getting
profit in the corner. The midway placement of White 2 is a
calm move, to which Black plays 3 and White 4. If White
decides to approach the corner stone instead of 2, Black will
play a pincer move backed by this thickness.
All About Thickness 71

Dia. 2. The 5-3 point of Black 1 is a little too contrived and

is somewhat unsuitable. White 2 is a good point; after Black 3,
White's extension to 4 is well away from the black thickness
on the left side. In other words, Black has just been reduced in
strength, so this is unsatisfactory.
72 All About Thickness

Example 18

In the Case of Opposing Thicknesses,


First to Play Has the Advantage

White to play:

Prospects of about 30 points Good aim

All About Thickness 73

Black to play:
he can extend as far as this.

White's moyo has

been sharply reduced.
74 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. The black one-space enclosure in the lower right

corner is by no means weak and has quite a powerful effect
along the lower side. For this reason, Black 1 isn't overex-
tended, and when White invades at 2, Black can fight back
satisfactorily with 3.
The slightly more restrained Black 1 at 'a' is another fine
All About Thickness 75

Dia. 2. The high extension to White 1 is a bit problematic.

There are two bad aspects. Firstly, because White 1 is a lit-
tle too close to the influence of the two marked stones, it
amounts to a duplication of effort. Secondly, as Black can slide
underneath with moves at 'a' and so on, it is a bit weak ter-
76 All About Thickness

Example 19

Take Territory While Attacking

White to play:

White's thickness to
the left is reduced.
All About Thickness 77

The close pincer works

This stone seals off The only move

White's boundary and
stops Black's entry.
78 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. After the pincer of White 1, Black is likely to poke

his head out at 2. White will push up again at 3; by attacking
like this he transforms the lower left thickness from a ter-
ritorial moyo into real territory. White could also play 5 at 'a'.
A two-space pincer at 'b' instead of White 1 is a little on the
All About Thickness 79

Dia. 2. If, for argument's sake, Black were to play first, then
the two-space extension to 1 would show correct judgment.
To extend any further to the left would only invite an in-
From Black's point of view, the long-range reduction of
White's thickness in the lower left is quite satisfactory.
80 All About Thickness

Example 20

Protecting the Cutting Point

is a Thick Defense

If White has a stone on any intersection

^ - ^ i i i - III.III.III U i ...I |

also be here. i his is an excellent move

to defend against White "A'.
All About Thickness 81

The two-space An unbroken

extension is wall of thickness
very secure.
82 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. White 1 may have been played to reduce black

thickness as much as possible but it is somewhat over-ex-
As White has come so close to the thickness of the marked
black stone, Black's invasion at 2 hits the spot White won't be
able to fight effectively.
All About Thickness 83

Dia. 2. In a case where the ladder works, the cut of White

'a' being successfully countered by Black 'b', the defense just
seen would be omitted in favor of an extension up to Black 1.
This is an example of 'Attack linked to defense'.
Black 1 could also be played back at V.
84 All About Thickness

Example 21

Choose a Thickness Joseki According

to the Corner Situation

This pincer is to Black's profit

This joseki works when there

is a white stone in this corner.
All About Thickness 85

If this were Black, the

joseki wouldn't be used.
86 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. White plays the marked pincer stone with the back-
up of a white stone in the corner. If Black decides to get his
stone out into the open, White will attack by capping him
with 2. Against Black 3, White plays 4 and now has the pos-
sibility that the left side will become territory. This result was
possible because of the thickness on the upper side. The
balance between thickness and territory is very important.
All About Thickness 87

Dia. 2. If earlier, after White had pressed Black down along

the upper edge with 1 to 5, Black wished to avoid White's
pincer, he could have extended to 6 or 'a' down the left side.
White wouldn't miss the chance to play the thick block at 7.
In this case, White has made thickness toward the upper
right. This is quite different from the previous diagram and
will lead to a different game.
88 All About Thickness

Example 22

The Ladder and the Outward Facing Joseki

The cutting stone is captured

If a white stone lies on any of these

intersections, Black's ladder will not work.
All About Thickness 89

The cutting stone White gets the outside.

is captured.
90 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. When Black, in face of the push by White's marked

stone, doesn't want to answer directly, he can play the
diagonal to 1. Then again, he can play elsewhere.
After this, White and Black exchange 1 and 2. Black's posi-
tion may seem a little flattened, but his corner territory is
secure while White has made outside thickness.
All About Thickness 91


Difl. 2. If White doesn't play the push at 'a', then 1 becomes

the vital point for Black. If White replies with 'b', then this
Black 1 becomes a forcing move. In addition to territory in the
corner, Black has gained influence along the upper side. In
the ensuing fight, the white position can still be attacked.
92 All About Thickness

Example 23

The Ideal Thickness Trap

with White's eyesight?

What can he be thinking of?
All About Thickness 93

If you remove the same number of black and

white stones from inside, this is exactly
the same as the previous shape.
Six black stones
Six white stones have been
have been
returned to the opponent
94 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. The usual response to Black 1 would be either White

8 or 3 but the indirect reply at White 2 is a famous trick from
ancient times. To an inexperienced player, this would seem
too good an opportunity to miss, so Black pushes down with
3 and blocks at 5.
Once White pushes out and cuts with 8 and 10, if s too late
for Black to pull back.

Dia. 1 Dia. 2
8: connects

Dia. 2 After Black 13, the slide into the corner in the pre-
vious diagram, White pushes down at 1 and cuts at 3. Against
Black 4, White plays 5 and the first stage of the sacrifice
strategy unfolds.
This sequence has become a one-way street; Black cannot
avoid being caught in White's web of intrigue.
All About Thickness 95

Dia. 3. White now turns his attention to the right side with
the block at 1. Black descends to 2, whereupon White plays 3
and 5 to enclose Black in an ever-tightening noose.
Even Black 6 offers no reprieve. Black is forced to occupy
the remaining liberties as White cracks his whip with 7 and 9.
Finally, with the exchange of White 'a' for Black V, Black
has been completely tricked.

Dia. 3 Dia. 4

Dia. 4. Ifs very easy to sidestep the trap. After pushing

down to 3, Black calmly steps back with 5. White plays 6 to
defend against 'a' and Black embraces the left side with 7.
White's position on the upper side is kept low while the
white stone on the left side is under pressure and almost sur-
96 All About Thickness

Example 24

Taking the High Ground

The lower right corner

To extend to here instead

of White 8 is uninteresting.
All About Thickness 97

In this position, it is White to play.

In one bound, the jump

takes control of the game.

This area has increased. This black area

has been reduced.
98 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. In actual play, the position in the lower right was

arrived at. The jump of White 1 has come to occupy a crucial
point and exert profound influence towards the center.
If Black replies with 2, the right side almost certainly be-
comes black territory but in comparison, White 1 is a much
larger-scale move, in a class of its own, affecting as it does the
upper side down to the center.
All About Thickness 99

Dia. 2. If White, instead of playing the jump in the previous

diagrams, decides to go for settled territory along the left side,
Black now expands his influence with 2 and 4. The sequence
to Black 8 can be expected and this time it is Black who has
taken the high ground and whose game is on the larger scale.
100 All About Thickness

Example 25

Thickness and Profit in Simple Versions

of the Taisha Joseki

ends the OpWended
sequence position
All About Thickness 101

A different version of the joseki

in which Black takes profit and
White is granted thickness.
With this move,
Black takes territory.

his is

Black and White have used

the same number of stones.
102 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. After White 1 to 7, Black can cut at 8 to produce

another simple version of the Taisha. Black neatly avoids
White's provocation which could have led to more tortuous
and convoluted variations of the joseki.

Black 4 takes ko (to left ofl); Black 6 connects (to left of 2)

Dia. 2. White captures at 1 and by 7 this stage has ended.

Viewed locally, White's position is superior but then as
Black's aim was simplicity, this can't be helped.
All About Thickness 103

Dia. 3. Another version of the joseki, which avoids compli-

cated variations, starts with Black playing 2, a solid connec-
tion, after White 1 and leaves the points of 'a' and 4 as miai.
This version is hardly ever seen nowadays as it gives White a
much better shape than the joseki in Dia. 4. White can also
restrict Black severely with V.

Dia. 4. Lef s have a look at another joseki, which starts with

White 1, proceeds to Black 4, and which resembles Dia. 3
somewhat. The result is even, but this time White cannot pin
Black down with 'a'.
104 All About Thickness

Example 26

One Line Can Make All The Difference

This is the only
move for White.
4 rows 5 rows
All About Thickness 105

One line lower

brings problems.
106 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. This is the sequence which leads on later to Example

26; it gives us another example on the lower side of the im-
pact of thickness. The strength of White's three-stone wall,
comprising White 8, 10 and 12, points to a four-space exten-
sion to the strategic point of 'a', following the maxim 'three
up, four across'. However, Black has prevented this.
All About Thickness 107

Dia. 2. To continue, White plays the first move of the

Taisha at 1, Black avoids unnecessary complications with 2
and 4, and by 10, we have an example of a joseki which
produces profit for Black. On the other hand, White has built
thickness in the result up to 9.
The example presented in the previous pages dwelt on
how best to utilize this thickness.
108 All About Thickness

Example 27

Maneuvering For a Territorial Moyo

It is White's move and he should make

This approach is The original sequence

the only move.
to produce this joseki is
shown on page 110.
All About Thickness 109

This extension
misses the point

He reduces White's
thickness in a
controlled way.
110 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. The sequence from White 4 up to Black 9 also ap-

peared on page 109. White connects at 10 and from 12 to 16
strengthens his thickness toward the lower side.

Dia. 2. Following White's good approach with the marked

stone, Black counters with 1 and the crosscut of 3, intending
to make White over-concentrated in relation to his right-side
All About Thickness 111

Dia. 3. When White takes on the black stone with 1, Black

settles things with the atari at 2. White's lower side thickness
becomes settled territory, but Black has achieved his aim of
restricting White's development. Now Black plays 4 and 6 to
get a good development on the left
After this, 'a' becomes a vital point in the contest between
the two moyos.
112 All About Thickness

Example 28

Pushing Out to Utilize the Sanren-sei

The small knighf s

Sphere of influence
All About Thickness 113

This becomes White's

sphere of influence.

This move heralds

the disintegration of
Black's strategy.
114 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. If, after the exchange of the two marked stones,

Black plays the approach move at 1, this too marks a break-
down in his strategy. When White bends round the corner at
2, this is very thick move and occupies a make-or-break point
for both players. By taking liberties from Black's three stones,
White's thickness becomes stronger.
All About Thickness 115

Dia. 2. In other words, Black must not miss the chance to

play 1. At this point, White can turn his attention to the lower
side and play 2. Against this Black has three alternatives: the
small knighfs move at 'a'; enlarging his moyo with Black 'b',
then White V, followed by Black 'a'; or he could leave the
lower side and block White's path along the upper side with
116 All About Thickness

Example 29

Inviting the Opponent to Build

Thickness is a Grave Error

This white move takes territory while
directing Black to build thickness.
All About Thickness 117
118 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. If, after White has played the shoulder-hit with his
marked stone, Black pushes at 1, White simply jumps to 2 and
brings pressure to bear on the isolated black stone in the
lower left corner. Next, when Black plays 3 to turn his thick-
ness into a large moyo, White will play the high approach at
4, each player going his own way.
All About Thickness 119

Dia. 2. In these circumstances, the capping move of White 1

is inappropriate for the reduction of Black's thickness. Black
answers with the small knighf s move of 2 which brings help
to Black's marked stone in the lower left and seems to con-
solidate Black's left-hand territory on a larger scale. Moreover,
White 1 itself is too close to Black's thickness on the upper
120 All About Thickness

Dia. 3. Lef s look at the sequence which led to White's ter-

ritorial strategy. The sequence of White 4 to 12 in the lower
right is a joseki.
Black plays 13 in the center of the left side to draw together
the stones in the niren-sei. Up to this point, there is nothing
special to comment on in this development.
All About Thickness 121

Dia. 4. White's choice of the irregular corner enclosure with

1 signalled the start of his territorial strategy.
White's plan is to tempt Black to play 2 and then immedi-
ately invade at 3-3 with 3. Had White 1 been played at 'a',
Black at 'b', White 2, followed by Black V, this would have
oeen another game altogether.
Black 4 blocks from the right direction, White plays 7, and
31a"k continues with 'a' and so on.
122 All About Thickness

Example 30

How to Make Territory and

Thickness in Actual Play

resisted will start the Taisha with T7

All About Thickness 123

White 1 to 13 follows
White has a strong sphere
i I.M-- S r MI A I. ii
one joseki.
i i i

The value of White's

Black's territory is
entire field of influence
about 15 points.
is about 25 points.
124 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. After Black has played his marked contact stone in

the joseki sequence shown in the previous diagram, it is a
mistake for White to block at 1. Black cuts at 2 and White is at
a loss. For example, White 'a', Black V , White 'c', Black '&'
and White's position is in tatters.
Deviate from the joseki and you risk getting neither ter-
ritory nor thickness.
All About Thickness 125

Dia. 2. The last move in the lower left corner, the block of
White 'a', is a very important point for the completion of
thickness. Neglect this move and play White 1 on the other
side of the board, for example, and Black will jump out at 2,
so White's thickness is left incomplete.
Never leave a job half done.
126 All About Thickness

Example 31

The Balance Between

Territory and Thickness

Black to play

This thickness is the

focus of the game.
All About Thickness 127

Now White has made about

15 points of territory
Though weak on
. territory, this move

The black move reduces the thickness

of the two marked white stones.
128 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. How about the black approach move at 1? White

replies with the large knighfs move at 2 to give him good
balance along the left side. The six-space gap between White
2 and the marked stones is virtually territory. It has to be said
that Black's fuseki is unsatisfactory.
All About Thickness 129

Dia. 2. Apart from the shoulder-hit in the actual game,

Black could have approached with 1 from another direction
entirely. The fuseki calls for White 2 and Black 3.
This is quite different, but once again the thickness in the
lower left has become the focus of play.
130 All About Thickness

Example 32

How to Turn a Wall into

Large-scale Territory

This is White's
Black's territory is
sphere of influence
about 17 points.
All About Thickness 131

White's territory is This move, extending

about 20 points. as far as possible,
is imperative.
132 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. White 1 to 3 is a standard corner joseki, but such

wanton neglect of White's thickness on the lower left is tragic.
Black erases cautiously with 4, which is a big move. The value
of White's thickness has gone into sharp decline.
All About Thickness 133

Dia. 2. This is the continuation of the correct answer. White

plays contact at 1 in the lower right corner and Black cuts at 2
to cramp White's style. This strategy makes sense, as this area
has already become settled territory for White. Black 2
defends against the push through by White 'a'. Black can also
play V to force the response of White V; constraints have
been placed on the expansion of white territory and in-
fluence. These are Black's countermeasures.
134 All About Thickness

Example 33

Clear-cut Spheres of Influence

and Settled Territory

Black to play.

This is almost territory.

All About Thickness 135

This is almost 30
points of real territory.

This area is Black's sphere of influence

and a little difficult for White to enter.
136 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. The one-point jump of Black 1 is a thick move.

There are many instances when a one-point jump towards the
center from a stone on the third line is a good move. In addi-
tion to boxing in the territory in the upper portion, the sphere
of influence on the lower side is enlarged. Moreover, if Black
can next occupy the point of 2, his large moyo will assume
such gigantic proportions that White cannot afford to ignore
this point.
All About Thickness 137

Dia. 2. Black could also play at 1 first Now the cap at

White 2 is the only move. Black 1 stops White enlarging his
upper side while White 2 interferes with Black's large moyo.
Here we have mutual reduction of moyos.
Both 1 and 2 are good points and can be treated as miai.
138 All About Thickness

Example 34

The Perfect Solid Connection and

the 'Thousand-Dollar' Bend

First, Black has to tidy up

It is bad to omit this move.

All About Thickness 139

Next if s White to play.

This is called The bend of White 2
the 'thousand is a thick move.
dollar' bend!

In this fuseki, the players are

locked together in combat
140 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. The solid connection of Black 1 is a good example of

a thick move. If, instead of the bend at 'a', White plays else-
where and chooses a move like 2 on the left side, Black can
then play the small knighf s move at 3, a brilliant large-scale
In the rivalry between the two moyos, Black is definitely
All About Thickness 141

Dia. 2. Going back to the start, if Black doesn't play the

proper solid connection at 'a' and chooses instead Black 1 on
the left side, in reckless disregard of his own safety, White can
push through with 2 and 4, putting Black in a right fix. If he
defends the two cutting points at 'a' and V, the two corner
stones are going to find things very tough indeed.
142 All About Thickness

Example 35

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

If s White's move. How should

This is an urgent point The side to play

here first will gain the advantage.
All About Thickness 143

*2 up, 3 across' in This is the ideal spot

combination with
the pincer.
144 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. White's marked stone occupies an ideal spot, as it

combines both the balance of a 'two up, three across' exten-
sion with an attack on the marked black stone.
After White has played his marked stone, Black will find it
difficult to come to the aid of the single stone right away. The
best move for Black is the shoulder-hit of 1, but the timing is
All About Thickness 145

Dia. 2. There is also the pincer of White 1, but the balance

with the two white stones on the right is poor. Black is likely
to invade at 'a', and it becomes difficult to say which has the
stronger position. White 1 is too close to Black's strength on
the left side, while the gap separating it from the two white
stones to the right is too wide.
146 All About Thickness

Example 36

Don't Get Too Close to Thickness

How should White play next?
Using the principle 'the enemy's vital
point is my vital poinf , consider the

The focus is around here.

All About Thickness 147

White 1 is the appropriate move.

Black 2 is to be expected; White 3
on set limits on Black's area.

This is a critical mpve.

148 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. White could also try one line further at 1. This is the
large large knighf s move. If next Black 'a', White counters
with 'b' and vice versaso White has nothing to worry about
White 'c', on the other hand, comes too close to the black
thickness. Black can play 'd', after which White has to survive
in the face of Black's wall. This will be no easy task.
All About Thickness 149

Dia. 2. Confining this discussion to the left side, if Black

were to play first, Black 'a', White V , Black 'c' would be right
and proper. At this stage, it is difficult to quantify the ter-
ritories, but suffice it to say that Black can make a large ter-
ritory and at the same time prepare a reception should his
opponent decide to invade.
150 All About Thickness

Example 37

Playing at the Boundary of Influence

Black to play
The sphere of influence
of the white thickness.
Whiter thickness

The right point for

Black is around here.
All About Thickness 151

Black 1 is
a calm move.
White is satisfied
with this compromise.

Although a little restrained,

this is a fine move.
152 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Black 1 is the very best spot. Against this, there is no

way that White can reply at 'a'. If he chooses to invade with
White 2, Black jumps out with 3, which also reduces White's
thickness. Even after White 4, Black's two stones aren't weak
at all, as Black can extend as far as V .
All About Thickness 153

Dia. 2. The lower move Black 1 is dubious, however. White

will cap with 2, and this move, in combination with the thick-
ness above, will establish White's domination of the center of
the board.
Black 1 at 'a' is a little too close to the thickness. If pincered
by White V, Black's position will become quite painful.
154 All About Thickness

Example 38

Play in the Corner and Build a Large Moyo

Black to play

How do you plan your fuseki to take full

The focus of attention is around here.

All About Thickness 155

Black's forcing sequence from 1 to 11

quickly results in a strong wall.

This area is an almost This extension binds

certain 30 points for Black. the moyo together.
156 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. Black could play 1 and 3 with the idea of staking out
the right side, but, because this joseki is too far away, it fails
to make proper use of the thickness of the three marked black
stones. White can now get a base in the corner with 4 and 6.
Black 7 is a good point, but Black's strength lacks something
in grandeur and vigorousness.
All About Thickness 157

Dia. 2. In playing the commonplace extension to 1, Black

demonstrates a complete lack of grasp in his overall game.
White 2 immediately takes the spot vital to both players. He
has managed to defend against pressure from Black 2 and set-
tle his corner. The scale of Black's strength is much reduced
and there is no way he can use his thickness to build a large
158 All About Thickness

Example 39

The Point Which Connects in

Three Directions Can't Be Bad

White profit Black to play

White profit
All About Thickness 159

The sanren-sei is ideal.

The sanren-sei strengthens these connections.

It is difficult for White to push

into the center from here.
160 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. If Black plays 1, one line lower, he can be capped by

White 2. Just one line difference has a dramatic effect on the
whole game. White 2 breaks the lines of black influence
radiating out into the center and it is difficult to see how an
effective attack can be mounted against this move.
All About Thickness 161

Dia. 2. Black could have played 1 with the idea of enlarg-

ing the central moyo. This is a non-urgent point and in the
wrong direction entirely. White will play elsewhere, with the
midway point of 2 presenting itself. The distance across the
center is too wide and the overall thickness becomes ill-
162 All About Thickness

Example 40

Imperfect Thickness Can

Be Erased Completely
White to play
Should the erasure Use this stone
be deep or shallow? indirectly.
All About Thickness 163

The deep invasion will

erase Black's thickness.
164 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. If Black caps White 1 at 2, White activates his

marked stone with 3. Black plays 4 to prevent White pulling
the stone out, White plays 5 and 7, finally descending to 9,
and is almost certainly alive.
If White can wreak destruction while securing life for him-
self, his game becomes the more promising.
All About Thickness 165

Dia. 2. For a shallow erasure, White 1 is normal, but while

Black turns the upper side into settled territory with 2, White's
two stones 1 and 3 are not yet stable. This insecurity will
present problems to White. It is much safer to go the whole
hog, make a deep invasion and commit oneself to securing
life, as in the correct answer.
166 All About Thickness

Example 41

Thickness as the Basis of Large Moyos

Here's an ideal chance to build

a large moyo from thickness.
All About Thickness 167

The moyo has grown

to this extent

This is the way to build a large

moyo based on thickness.
168 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. After Black 1 has enlarged the moyo, if White at-

tempts to erase it from above with 2, Black can fight back
with 3. Black exchanges 5 for White 6 to create some useful
aji. Against the push of Black 7, White answers with 8 and by
Black 13, both have enclosures with Black satisfied by his
result. This development occurred in an actual game, with the
whole of the right side unified into one large black moyo.
All About Thickness 169

Dia. 2. For Black to play 1 and 3 to aid the marked stone is

a terrible strategic error. White jumps out with 2 and 4 and
Black's all-important thickness simply withers away. The in-
vasion at 'a' now appears possible and with no undue effort
White has gained the upper hand.
170 All About Thickness

Example 42

Eliminate the Cutting Point

Black to play Where is the move

White has just This is uncharted

connected here. territory.
All About Thickness 171

The order of
Black 1 and 3
White may not be able to is important
enter this area of thickness.

White 2 is also a thick Almost 50 points

and proper move. of settled territory.
172 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. After Black's solid connection at 1, White might well

think of capping at 2 to erase the moyo. However this gives
Black the chance to activate his single stone in the lower left,
with 3 and 5, leaving White at a loss. White V in the previous
diagram should have been played and indeed must be played.
From Black's point of view, Black 1 looks to both pos-
All About Thickness 173

Dia. 2. If Black first jumps out to 1, White can cut at 2,

bisecting Black. The attendant shortage of liberties rapidly
makes Black's position untenable.
Territory can on occasion be made naturally by playing
thick moves, and if, when required to defend, a defensive
move can be used which is also a thick move, this is doubly
174 All About Thickness

Example 43

Cover the Center With Thickness

Backed by thickness, Black plays the
shoulder-hit of 1 against White's 3-3 stone
After Black 7, White will
find erasure quite difficult.

is about 20 points.
All About Thickness 175

White's moyo has grown.

Once the central thickness is reduced,

White can aim at reactivating this stone.
176 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. How about playing the shoulder-hit of Black 1 to

prevent White from enlarging his position on the upper side?
It is shrewd for White to ignore Black 5 and build a new posi-
tion at 6. You can't expect White to reply with 6 at 'a' or such
like. In this result, Black hasn't used his stones in the center
well at all.
All About Thickness 177

Dia. 2. Against the correct shoulder-hit Black 1, it makes

little difference whether White pushes with 2 in this direction.
By 7, Black enjoys the same degree of success as in the answer
diagram on p. 175.
Black has made a majestic structure in the center simply by
restricting the movement of the marked white stone from afar.
178 All About Thickness

Example 44

The Capping Move and Thickness

Make Good Partners

Black to play
The marked group of white

of black influence.
All About Thickness 179

The field of influence

has grown.
180 All About Thickness

Dw. 2. Black 1 snuffs out White's light in the center and is

the key move on the entire board. It is very difficult for White
to find an effective answer to Black 1.
If White plays 2 and 4 to strengthen the right side before
tackling the upper side, Black will play 5 and 7 in order to
settle matters for the whole board.
All About Thickness 181

Dia. 2. Black 1 is also a good point, but White will jump out
at 2 without hesitation.
As you can see, White 2 drastically reduces Black's thick-
ness on the lower left This move also stabilizes White's large
group. The outcome of the whole game is now unclear.
182 All About Thickness

Example 45

Widen Your Horizons

This move encloses the moyo,

White to play \,Qt more 8 e e m 8 ca iied for.

some finishing touches.

All About Thickness 183

A large territorial moyo

White is ahead in
has been made possible
territory by the
size of this area,
Use this stone
about 5 points.
184 All About Thickness

Dia. 1. White 1 is a most conventional way of constructing

the moyo but too honest for its own good. This move doesn't
take full advantage of the situation, so Black plays 2, By White
7, the game has become extremely close.
White 1 at 'a' is too small in scale and can be dismissed as
All About Thickness 185

Dia. 2. White might consider 1 to forestall Black's hane at

the head of two stones, but this is from the wrong direction.
Black caps at 2 and immediately White's moyo is reduced. If
steps aren't taken to consolidate thickness into a territorial
moyo, the territory can easily be lost and become insufficient.
186 'Thickness' in the Go Proverbs

'Thickness' in Go Proverbs

The shoulder-hit and the capping move for shallow

These methods are effective for reducing both moyos
and thickness when a deep entry is impossible.

You can't win on thickness alone

If, finally, thickness doesn't turn into territory, you'll

Don't make territory from thickness

While thickness is very useful for fighting, it is ineffi-
cient when it comes to enclosing territory in the center.

Don't approach thickness

Get too close to it and thickness will provide the back-
ing for the most savage attack.

You can't win by capturing stones

If you concentrate on capturing stones, oblivious to all
else, the opponent can employ sacrifice strategy to
make thickness.

Avoid getting tied in a knot

If you don't want to be presented with an impenetrable
wall or thickness, don't allow yourself to be tied in a
knot by throw-ins or sacrifice stones.

The one-point jump is never bad

As in Dia. A, one-space jumps breaking out into the
center are rarely bad.
All About Thickness 187

Dia. A Dia. B

Make a large sacrifice to seal off an area

Play forcefully from outside to sacrifice stones, create
overconcentration in the opponent and make thickness
for yourself.

Erase large moyos with the capping move and the

This has the same importance as the proverb 'The
shoulder-hit and the capping move for shallow erasure'.

The tortoise-shell is worth 60 points

The strength of the thickness of the tortoise-shell shown
in Dia. B can be compared to 60 points of territory.

Divide and conquer

When trying to split up positions into two or more por-
tions, the presence of thickness has a profound effect.

A single cut may be the key to success

A single cut may help you to rescue your own groups
or cause your opponents thickness to crumble.
188 Thickness' in the Go Proverbs

Pushing the cart from

behind is an example of
bad go
The more you push, the
more territory you give
the opponent. As in Dia.
C, pushing helps the op-
ponent to split you into
two while making him-
self thick. Dia. C

Attack is the best form of defense

Attack positively; while the enemy struggles to survive,
you build thickness.

Don't push along the 5th line

Thickness may be made by pushing along the fifth line,
but the result will be inferior to the opponent's ter-

A gote move may be sente later

Although gote, a thick defensive move, strengthening
weaknesses, can hold promise of severe maneuvers

Crawling along the 3rd line is joseki

Territory made by crawling along the third line will
balance the thickness gained by the opponent.

3 up, 4 across
When three stones joined vertically rise away from the
edge, an extension of four spaces is possible.

Each stone added to a ladder loses 7 points

For every stone added to a ladder that doesn't work, the
All About Thickness 189

loss, in terms of thickness granted the opponent, is said

to be seven points.

Let the opponent hane at the head of four stones, but

not at the head of three
Let the opponent hane at the head of four stones but
not at the head of three. If you let him hane at the head
of three stones in a row, he'll reduce your liberties, take
the initiative and build thickness.

Learn to sacrifice and take a

big step forward
In Dia. D, by sacrificing one
stone at 1, White is able to
play 3 and 5 to amass thick-
Dia. D

Take territory while attacking

If you can use thickness for attack, territory will appear
quite naturally.
Attack is linked to defense
This proverb is the same as "Attack is the best form of
defense". Useful gains can be made by attacking.

The enemy's vital point is your vital point

Look for the point the opponent wants to play: it may
also be the vital point for you.

In a symmetrical position, the side to play first takes

the advantage
When equivalent thicknesses or strengths oppose each
other, there is usually a vital point midway between
them that you want to seize before the opponent.
190 'Thickness' in the Go Proverbs

Don't enclose the center

Thickness may be made in the center, but it is ineffi-
cient to try and use this thickness to enclose territory.

Learn the two-step hane and you're nearly shodan

The method of play which follows one hane with
another to build influence is strong and severe and al-
most never used by a weak player.

The second line is the losing line

Crawling along the second line may produce some ter-
ritory, but the thickness gained by the opponent is far

Add a second stone and sacrifice

When a second stone is added before a sacrifice, the
enemy has to use many more moves, which allows you
to build a profitable wall or thickness.

Play hane at the head of two stones

Hane can be played at the head of two stones in a row,
almost without thinking. This builds up your influence.

Two up, three across

As seen in Dia. E, White 1 can extend three spaces from
his two-stone wall.

All About Thickness 191

When you can't pincer, play contact

In the case of strong stones which cannot be pincered,
play contact moves and lean on them to become thick-

Use the whole of the go board

Don't fuss around with small bits of territory: realize
your dreams by building magnificent moyos.

Poor open-connection, good solid connection

The duffer makes open connections, the expert solid
connections. In many cases the solid connection will
enable you to play strongly in struggles for influence.

The star-point always has the 3-3 invasion

The star-point is weak on territory, but in compensation
making thickness is relatively easy.

Ponnuki is worth 30 points

Even though the actual point
count doesn't amount to
much, the power of the shape
left by the capture of a single
stone, as in Dia. F, when
turned into thickness is
equivalent to 30 points. Dia. F

The bend-contact is priceless

Bending round in contact to block the enemy's route
also occupies a key point vital to the development of
both players' influence.

Cap in the heart of the moyo

The move which can obstruct an expanding moyo is
the capping move.
192 'Thickness' in the Go Proverbs

Never cede to the opponent the key point for building

both moyos
In moyo contests, there's often a crucial point for ex-
panding both moyos.

Leant on in two directions, the game is lost

If you come under pressure from two directions at once,
the opponent's thickness will become very strong.
All A b o u t Thickness 193

Index: Types of Thickness

Thickness in the Opening

Arrangements of stones which lead to thickness
a. Handicap go
2-stones, 6-stones, 9-stones (Ex. 1, p. 2; Ex. 2 p. 6)
b. Niren-sei
c. Sanren-sei (Ex. 28, p. 112; Ex. 39, p. 158)
d. Miscellaneous (Ex. 21, p. 84)

Josekis to produce thickness

(Ex. 3, p. 10; Ex. 4, p. 14; Ex. 5, p. 18; Ex. 6, p. 22; Ex. 7, p.
26; Ex. 8, p. 30; Ex. 9, p. 34; Ex. 10, p. 38; Ex. 11, p. 42, Ex.
14, p. 54; Ex. 22, p. 88; Ex. 23, p. 92; Ex. 25, p. 100)

Thick moves
e. Jump (Ex. 24, p. 96; Ex. 33, p. 134)
f. Bend (Ex. 34, p. 138)
g. Push (Ex. 1, p. 2; Ex. 2, p. 6; Ex. 6, p. 22)
h. Press-down (Ex. 7, p. 26; Ex. 38, p. 154)
i. Connect (Ex. 20, p. 80; Ex. 34, p. 138; Ex. 42, p. 170)

Thickness in the middlegame

Utilization of Thickness
j . Expansion of thickness (Ex. 33, p. 134; Ex. 41, p. 166; Ex.
43, p. 174; Ex. 44, p. 178; Ex. 45. p. 182)
k. Extending from thickness
Striving for safety (Ex. 16, p. 64)
Making territory (Ex. 18, p. 72; Ex. 26, p. 104; Ex. 27, p.
108; Ex. 32, p. 130; Ex. 39, p. 158)
Attack combined with making territory (Ex. 12, p. 46;
Ex. 13, p. 50; Ex. 15, p. 60; Ex. 17, p. 68; Ex. 19, p. 76; Ex.
35, p. 142)
194 Index: Types of Thickness

Reduction of thickness
1. Light erasure of thickness and escape (Ex. 29, p. 116; Ex.
36, p. 146; Ex. 37, p. 150)
m. Deep erasure, taking the fight to the thickness (Ex. 40,
p. 162)

Thickness in actual play

One move that can make the difference between thickness
and territory (Ex. 30, p. 122; Ex. 31, p. 126)

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