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4 Cell injury

4.1 Processes involved in cell injury 29 infection by micro-organisms, e.g. bacterial, viral,
fungal infections (such as tuberculous infection of the
4.2 Cell death 30
lung or damage to respiratory mucosa by influenza
Self-assessment: questions 34 virus)
genetic, e.g. Duchenne muscular dystrophy or sickle
Self-assessment: answers 35
cell disease
physical, e.g. radiation (such as sunburn due to UV
light damage to the skin), trauma, heat, cold
Overview chemical, e.g. acid damage to oesophageal mucosa
(accidental or deliberate).
Cell injury may be reversible (sublethal) or irreversible (lethal).
Many causes may result in reversible injury initially; if severely
injured, the cell may be unable to recover and cell death Mechanisms of cell injury
(necrosis or apoptosis) follows. The structure and metabolic function of the cell are
interdependent. Therefore, although an injurious agent
may target a particular aspect of cell structure or func-
4.1 Processes involved in cell tion, this will rapidly lead to wide-ranging secondary
injury effects. Recognised mechanisms of cell injury include:
cell membrane damage
complement-mediated lysis via the membrane
Learning objectives attack complex (MAC)
bacterial toxins
At the end of this section you should be able to:
free radicals
List the main causes of cell injury and give examples. mitochondrial damage leading to inadequate aerobic
Distinguish reversible from irreversible cell injury.
hypoxia (lack of oxygen)
Discuss the principal mechanisms of cell injury. cyanide poisoning
ribosomal damage leading to altered protein
Describe how the consequences of injury depend on cell-
related factors and on cause-related factors.
alcohol in liver cells
antibiotics in bacteria
Causes of cell injury nuclear damage
The causes of both reversible and irreversible cell injury radiation
are similar. Many of those listed below may result ini- free radicals.
tially in reversible injury. If the injury is of sufficient
severity, the cell reaches a point of no return and irre-
Free radicals and cell membrane damage
versible injury culminating in cell death will occur.
Free radicals are highly reactive atoms which have an
Possible causes include:
unpaired electron in an outer orbital. They can be pro-
hypoxia, e.g. myocardial ischaemia (reduced blood duced in cells by a variety of processes, including radia-
flow to, and therefore oxygenation of, the heart) as a tion, normal metabolic oxidation reactions and drug
result of coronary artery atherosclerosis metabolism processes. The most important free radicals
immunological, e.g. thyroid damage caused by are derived from oxygen, e.g. superoxide and hydroxyl
autoantibodies (antibodies produced by the body ions. Free radicals can injure cells by generating chain
against its own tissues) reactions, producing further free radicals, which cause

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Cell injury
cell membrane damage by cross-linking of proteins and Severity The ability to survive an injury will also
by critical alterations of lipids. depend upon its severity, e.g. is the lack of oxygen
partial (hypoxia) or complete (anoxia).
Ion transporter function and intracellular calcium
A large proportion of a cells energy consumption is
used by the ion transporter mechanisms (membrane Irreversible cell injury
pumps). Failure of ATP synthesis (usually because of
When does reversible injury become irreversible? The
hypoxia) can result in failure of these mechanisms.
exact point of no return from reversible to irreversible
Consequently, there is a rise in intracellular calcium and
cell injury (leading to cell death) has not yet been
sodium ions and a reduction in intracellular potassium
defined, although severe mitochondrial damage and
ions. If the endoplasmic reticulum is damaged,
cell membrane destruction via free radical generation
sequestered calcium is released resulting in a further
have been proposed. The light microscopical changes
increase in intracellular calcium.
seen in injured cells are well described:
Raised intracellular calcium can have a number of
effects. It may initiate the caspase cascade (see Section Early changes These are reversible and include:
4.2) causing apoptosis. It can also activate proteases and cytoplasmic swelling and vacuolation
phospholipases causing further damage to cell mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum
cytoskeleton and membranes, and thus contribute to
necrosis. clumping of nuclear chromatin.
Late changes These are irreversible and include:
Consequences of cell injury
densities in mitochondrial matrix
The consequences of cell injury depend on both the cell cell membrane disruption
and the injurious agent. nuclear shrinkage (pyknosis)
Cell features nuclear dissolution (karyolysis)
Certain features of cells make them more vulnerable to nuclear break up (karyorrhexis)
serious sequelae of cell injury. lysosome rupture.
Specialisation Cells that are enzyme rich or have Death of the cell will follow the development of the
specialised organelles within the cytoplasm may be late morphological changes.
more vulnerable. The presence of specialised proteins
within the cell may make it prone to certain types of
injurious agent. 4.2 Cell death
Cell state Cells that have an inadequate supply of
oxygen, hormones or growth factors or lack of essential
nutrients may be more prone to injury. Learning objectives
Regenerative ability The potential of a cell popula-
tion to enter the cell cycle and divide is important in the At the end of this section you should be able to:
response of tissues to injury. Damaged areas in tissues Define autolysis, apoptosis and necrosis.
made up of cells which can divide may be restored to
normal, while populations of permanent cells will be Describe the features distinguishing necrosis from
incapable of regeneration. apoptosis and give examples of these processes.

Injury features Describe the characteristics of five major types of necrosis.

In addition, the character of the injury will also affect the
severity of the damage.
Type of injury The injury may be ischaemic, toxic, There are three main forms of cell death: autolysis,
chemical, etc. Different cells will be more susceptible to apoptosis and necrosis.
some injurious agents than others (heart muscle cells are
more susceptible to oxygen depletion than connective
tissue cells).
Exposure time The length of time of exposure to a Autolysis is the death of cells and tissues after the death
toxin or reduced oxygen concentration will affect the of the whole organism. It is also seen when tissue is sur-
chance of a cell surviving the insult. Even relatively gically removed from the organism. The cells are
resistant cells will be damaged if the duration of expo- degraded by the post-mortem release of digestive
sure is prolonged. enzymes from lysosomes.
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Cell death
Apoptosis Physiological or pathological insult
triggers cell to activate/synthesise
Apoptosis is also known as programmed cell death. It autodestructive enzymes
can occur in normal tissues, for example as a means of
regulating the number of cells in a tissue or organ, and
during embryological development. It is also seen in
pathological processes.
Examples of physiological apoptosis:
embryogenesis: e.g. formation of digits from the

limb buds
menstrual cycle: endometrial cell loss

breast feeding: reversal of changes in the lactating

breast once breast feeding is finished

immune cell development: deletion of immune

cells (T cells) that may react with the bodys own Triggered enzymes may cause
changes in cell morphology

Examples of pathological apoptosis:

tumours: the balance between apoptosis and cell
proliferation is disturbed in neoplasia DNA cleavage
atrophy: cell loss in atrophic tissues is by apoptosis
Cell shrinkage
Cell detachment
(viral illness: e.g. hepatitisindividual hepatocytes
can be seen in apoptotic forms)
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome): loss Surface signal
of lymphocytes is by apoptosis.
Apoptosis is brought about by a complex system of
cell signalling pathways and enzyme-induced events. Cell disrupts into apoptotic
An important group of enzymes is the caspase family, bodies which may be
engulfed by neighbouring
which acts as an enzyme cascade. As seen in other normal cells or professional
enzyme cascade reactions, such as the complement sys- phagocytes i.e. macrophages
tem (see Ch. 5), this process serves to amplify the initial
apoptotic signal. Some caspases activate other
enzymes; others have a direct effect on the structure of
the cell by breaking down components of the Receptor
cytoskeleton. Endonucleases break down DNA
into regular fragments at internucleosomal sites, and Macrophage
phospholipases change the configuration of cell
Morphologically, apoptotic cells shrink and the Fig. 7 Apoptosis.
nucleus condenses. The organelles and nucleus break
up, and then the cell breaks into fragments called apop-
totic bodies. These express ligands on their surface
membranes that are recognized by phagocytes, promot- Necrosis is the death of cells in living tissues charac-
ing their uptake by phagocytes and, uniquely, neigh- terised by the breakdown of cell membranes. It is
bouring normal cells (Fig. 7). always pathological. In necrosis, death of a large num-
In contrast to necrosis, the cell membrane pumps ber of cells in one area occurs, as opposed to the selec-
remain viable and continue to function until the termi- tive cell death of apoptosis (Fig. 8). These changes
nal stages of the process. Apoptosis does not provoke an occur because of digestion and denaturation of cellu-
inflammatory response. lar proteins, largely by release of hydrolytic enzymes
The control of apoptosis is crucial in the process of from damaged lysosomes. In fact, the final appearance
neoplasia. Some genes involved in cancer formation of the necrotic area will depend on the balance
(e.g. the bcl-2 oncogene) seem to be able to switch off between these two processes. There are several forms
apoptosis, allowing cells to live forever. of necrosis (see below).
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Cell injury
A B The results of cell death include:

Necrosis Apoptosis cessation of function of a tissue or organ

Pro-inflammatory Non-inflammatory release of cellular enzymes; these can sometimes be
detected in the blood and used as markers of the
extent or timing of damage to a particular organ, e.g.
cardiac enzymes after myocardial infarction
Altered initiation of the inflammatory response (vital
blood flow reaction).

Types of necrosis
There are five main types of necrosis (Fig. 9):
Coagulative necrosis Denaturation of intracellular
Cells of tissue/organ
protein (analogous to boiling the white of an egg) leads
Polymorph neutrophils to the pale firm nature of the tissues affected. The cells
show the microscopic features of cell death but the gen-
eral architecture of the tissue and cell ghosts remain dis-
cernible for a short time. Coagulative necrosis is the
commonest type, typically seen in, for example, the
Apoptotic cell kidney and heart, and is usually caused by ischaemia.
Caseous necrosis This cell death is characteristic of
Fig. 8 Diagramatic comparison of necrosis and apoptosis. tuberculosis (TB) and is seen only rarely otherwise. The

Caseous (TB) Liquefaction

(brain infarct)


Fat necrosis Coagulative


Fig. 9 Types of necrosis.

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Cell death
creamy white appearance of the dead tissue resembles
Table 4 Apoptosis versus necrosis
cheese and is probably a result of the accumulation of
partly digested waxy lipid cell wall components of the Apoptosis Necrosis
TB organisms. The tissue architecture is completely
Membrane integrity preserved Membranes breached
destroyed. No inflammation Inflammatory
Liquefaction (colliquative) necrosis This is charac- response
terised by tissue softening with destruction of architec- Single cells Contiguous cells
Active process; requires protein Passive process
ture. The result is an accumulation of semi-fluid tissue.
synthesis and consumes ATP
It is usually seen in the brain and spinal cord.
Fat necrosis This can result from direct trauma
(common in the fatty tissues of the female breast) or gangrene ensues. An example is gangrene of the lower
enzyme release from the diseased pancreas. Adipocytes limb caused by a poor blood supply and superimposed
rupture and released fat undergoes lipolysis catalysed bacterial infection. This is a life-threatening emergency
by lipases. Macrophages ingest the oily material and a and the limb should be amputated.
giant cell inflammatory reaction may follow (see Ch. 9). Sometimes, the word gangrene is used to describe the
Another consequence is the combination of calcium necrotic death of part of a limb when there is little or no
with the released fatty acids (saponification). infection. In this case, the term dry gangrene is used
Gangrenous necrosis (gangrene) This life-threatening and the process resembles mummification.
condition occurs when coagulative necrosis of tissues is
The principal differences between apoptosis and necro-
associated with superadded infection by putrefactive
sis are summarised in Table 4. In many pathological
bacteria. These are usually anaerobic Gram-positive
circumstances, both processes may be involved. For
Clostridium spp. derived from the gut or soil which
example, in myocardial infarction the damage at the
thrive in conditions of low oxygen tension. Gangrenous
centre of the infarct is mainly due to necrosis, but at the
tissue is foul smelling and black. The bacteria produce
periphery (where the hypoxia is less severe) apoptosis
toxins which destroy collagen and enable the infection
may be more important.
to spread rapidly; it can become systemic (i.e. reach the
bloodstream, septicaemia). If fermentation occurs, gas

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Cell injury
Self-assessment: questions

Topics relating to cell injury are often asked in multiple Case history
choice questions or vivas. However, necrosis is a
common short answer questionparticularly the
types of necrosis. A 59-year-old man, a heavy smoker for much of his
adult life, was brought into casualty at 4 a.m. with a
three hour history of crushing, band-like chest pain.
Multiple choice questions He was seen immediately but died while being exam-
ined. His past medical history included diet-controlled
1. The following statements are correct: (Type 2) diabetes mellitus, hypertension and intermit-
a. Caseous necrosis is characteristically caused by tent claudication. He had had several attacks of chest
pain over the five years before his death. A post-
mortem examination was performed.
b. Carbon tetrachloride causes cell injury through
free radicals.
c. Disaggregation of polyribosomes is an
ultrastructural feature of reversible cell 1. What is the likely cause of death?
injury. 2. At post-mortem, the pathologist found no
d. The brain is a common site for gangrenous morphological evidence of acute myocardial
necrosis. infarction. Why was this?
e. Autolysis is characterised by a vital reaction to 3. What changes might have been present in the heart
dead cells. muscle and coronary arteries?
4. How do the medical and social history relate to his
2. Apoptotic cells: terminal event?
a. Exclude vital dyes.
b. Provoke an acute inflammatory reaction. Short note question
c. May be phagocytosed by neighbouring cells.
d. Contain enzymatically degraded nuclear 1. Write short notes on necrosis.
e. May be seen in areas of tissue necrosis. Viva questions
3. The following are correctly paired: 1. Define necrosis. How does this differ from autolysis?
a. Gangreneanaerobic bacteria. 2. Describe the main categories of necrosis, with
b. Karyorrhexisreversible cell injury. examples.
c. Fatty changealcohol. 3. Define infarction. Give examples.
d. Free radicalscell membrane damage. 4. What are free radicals and how do they cause cell
e. Venous infarctiontesticular torsion. injury?

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Self-assessment: answers
Self-assessment: answers

Multiple choice answers b. False. Karyorrhexis is when the nucleus

fragments, denoting severe irreversible cell injury.
1. a. False. Caseous necrosis characteristically occurs c. True. Fatty change is commonly seen in liver cells
as a response to TB infection. which have been damaged by alcohol. The cells
b. True. Carbon tetrachloride poisoning is one of the accumulate triglycerides as droplets within the
prototypic examples of free-radical-induced cell cytoplasm, rather than exporting them
injury. complexed to proteins in the form of lipoproteins.
c. True. Although electron microscopy is rarely used Fatty change is reversible.
to examine cell injury/death in day-to-day d. True. Free radicals seem to be one of the final
pathology, it is important to have a working common pathways of cell damage and affect the
knowledge of the ultrastructural appearances of cell membrane and the nuclear DNA.
reversible and irreversible cell injury, if only for e. True. Torsion (twisting) of the testis on its cord
exam purposes. leads to a reduction in the arterial flow to the
d. False. Gangrenous necrosis characteristically organ combined with obstruction to the venous
occurs when a tissue/organ that has a resident drainage. The infarct is haemorrhagic and fills the
population of bacteria dies. The organisms then testis with venous blood. Infarction of the testis
can invade the tissues; depending upon the can be prevented if the cord can be untwisted as
amount of liquefaction caused by bacteria, the soon as possible. This is not an uncommon
gangrene is termed dry or wet. surgical emergency in young men with sudden
e. False. Autolysis is the process by which post- pain in the testis. Venous infarction can also be
mortem tissues liquefy as a result of cellular seen in the ovary and the gut.
autodigestion. There is no inflammatory reaction
to this process (unlike necrosis). Inflammation Case history answer
(see Ch. 9) can only occur in living and vascularised
tissues. 1. The likely cause of death in this man is ischaemic
heart disease caused by coronary artery
2. a. True. One of the essential differences between a atherosclerosis. The chest pain he describes is quite
necrotic and apoptotic cell is that the latter characteristic of pain owing to an ischaemic
remains alive until late on in the process. myocardium (heart muscle deprived of blood
Therefore, some dyes, which enter dead cells, are supply and thus oxygen). Severe atherosclerosis
excluded by apoptotic cells. (furring up) of his coronary arteries would account
b. False. Apoptotic cells are disposed of by for this.
neighbouring, similar cells or macrophages. No
acute inflammation occurs; therefore tissue 2. This is an important point. The macroscopic (naked
damage does not occur. eye) and microscopic changes that characterise all
c. True. See answer (b). forms of necrosis take time to develop. There is a
d. True. Soon after apoptosis is triggered, nuclear significant lag, in this and in any case, between the
material in the apoptotic cell is chopped up by onset of ischaemia and any changes in the
endonucleases. myocardium that can be seen by the naked eye. This
e. True. The processes of necrosis and apoptosis are is not an unusual scenario at autopsy. A patient who
not mutually exclusive; for example, apoptotic has died instantly from myocardial ischaemia
tumour cells are often seen at the invasion edge (clinically causing a lethal abnormal heart rhythm
of a cancer where extensive necrosis may also be such as ventricular fibrillation) because of complete
apparent. blockage of one or more coronary artery will have
no evidence of acute infarction. If, however, the
3. a. True. Gangrenous necrosis is caused by infection patient had lived for three to four days after this
of ischaemic necrotic tissues by anaerobic bacteria event and then died, established myocardial necrosis
such as the Gram-positive bacillus Clostridium with its attendant inflammatory response would
welchii. The bacteria may produce enzymes such be seen: a pale and haemorrhagic area with
as collagenases and hyaluronidases which enable typical microscopic features of cell death and
them to spread through tissues planes. inflammation.
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Cell injury
3. The history of previous attacks of chest pain suggest Autolysis is the death of cells and tissues after the
past ischaemic events and the pathologist may find death of the whole organism. Autolysis results from the
fibrosis (scarring) of the myocardium (cardiac release of lytic enzymes from lysosomes.
muscle cells are permanent cells and regeneration
2. There are five main types of necrosis:
cannot occur). The patient suffered from
hypertension (high blood pressure); therefore coagulative: denaturation of intracellular protein,
hypertrophy of the myocardium is likely. The typically seen in the kidney and heart and is
normal heart weighs about 250350 g, but in severe usually caused by ischaemia; it is important to
hypertension the weight can double and much of note that there is preservation of cell outlines
this will be because of hypertrophy of the left caseous: tissue architecture destroyed with a
ventricular myocardium. The coronary arteries will characteristic vital reaction around, typically
be atherosclerotic (see answers 2 and 4). including multinucleate giant cells; cell outlines
are not apparent
4. The pathological process that led to this mans death
liquefactive: accumulation of semi-fluid tissue
was atherosclerosis and he had several important
through the action of lysosomal enzymes, usually
risk factors for this, namely smoking, hypertension
seen in the central nervous system
and Type 2 diabetes mellitus. The fact that he
fat: adipocytes rupture releasing fats that are
suffered from intermittent claudication (cramping
broken down, the oily material can be ingested by
pains in the calves, usually caused by exertion-
macrophages to give a foreign body giant cell
induced muscle ischaemia and, therefore, oxygen
reaction or combine with calcium; fat necrosis can
lack because of atherosclerotic limb arteries)
result from direct trauma, e.g. in the breast, or
emphasises the widespread nature of this process.
from pancreatic diseases, e.g. acute pancreatitis
gangrenous: infection of coagulative necrotic
Short note answer tissue by putrefactive anaerobic bacteria
(Clostridium spp.); toxins destroy collagen or
1. Irrespective of the length or detail of the written fermentation produces gases leading to systemic
answer, always begin by defining the term, in this infection; occurs most often in lower limb; if there
case necrosis. Then outline the classification with is marked liquefaction of the tissues (as a result of
examples of the causes, appearances (naked eye and the bacteria or inflammatory reaction) the
down the microscope) and long- term consequences appearance is often referred to as wet gangrene.
or complications of the processes.
3. Infarction is the death of tissue within the living
body, due to ischaemia (lack of oxygen supply).
Viva answers Myocardial infarction is the death of cardiac muscle
as a result of occlusion of coronary arteries by
1. Necrosis is the death of cells within the living body: atherosclerosis and/or thrombosis.
causes: ischaemia, trauma, infection, 4. Free radicals are highly reactive atoms which have
immunological injury, chemicals an unpaired election. They can injure cells by
types: coagulative, gangrenous, fat, liquefactive, generating a chain reaction of free radical
caseous production which causes cell membrane damage by
consequences: enzyme release, e.g. creatine kinase cross linking of proteins and alterations to
(CK) after myocardial infarctiontotal CK levels membrane lipids.
in the blood will start to rise about five hours after
a heart attack and peak at about 36 hours
inflammatory reaction follows: healing and repair.


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