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-to warrant time- to deserved

-be earned to gain

-to tackle that
-obesity really stood out
-accurately reflected my opinion
-I was informed meant
-distinguish between
-to process your claim
-tossed the junk mail
-a mockery
-endeavors of countless people
-the casual gesture
-she trampled upon- destroy
-heartless person
-hurled their creation back to
-tore up
-the huge pulping plant
-a pointless joke
-wiped out
-congenitally born with it
-beverage drink
-a hob burner top of a cooker
-assiduously extremely carefully
-subscribe believe
-cope without it
-subliminal subconscious
-inextricably tide with, bound to
-to soldier on to continue with difficult circumstances
-reminisce remember sth
-wistfully with regret, sadness
-musty damp
-Stale smell old, uneatable
-stale unexcited
-rancid butter it isnt fresh
- rush into
-we felt the friendship that had drawn us together in the first place was just too valuable to throw away
-splitting up
-put a bit more effort into
-no-hoper at school
-class me as an idiot
-behave myself
-be a failure
-ended up in prison
-all the time on my hands
-immense satisfaction
-got their backing
-throw into sth
-it is a real eye-opener
-stuck it for
-constant moaning
-the looks of mild horror
-the problem is essentially solved
-greatest assets
-essential element
-mapping out
-wasted effort
-unmet expectations
-serve to put
-major obstacle
-too snowed under
-press for time
-close to tears
-on edge
-achieve/ enjoy
-take up/ rise to
-end in/ result in
-improve/ lack
-wholly subconscious
-overwhelmingly negative
-perfectly strapping
-perfectly intelligent
-completely arbitrary
-quite realistic
-pot belly
-Sagging parts
-Dwell morbidly
-experience a fleeting lucid
-pretty dull slow business
-make a real effort to remember
-are not over in a flash
-strange fantasies that the brain concocts
Ponadto transofrmacja 1 ze str 41
iwyraenia, swka:
stale smell of cigarette smoke
putsth by
all this burying buissness
throw yourself into the work
be bound to do sth
overall responsibility
scooped up
tucked away
vote for
stand a chance
read up on sth

measles rozyczka
top bits
coarse looking
plump = chubby
appendix scar
broad shoulders
scrawny too thin
blob- shapeless
puny weak
shoulder sprouts
chicken neck
a hallmark
bare flesh
to gauge
close fitting
strapping strong
arbitrary by chance
to well morbidly
eliciting reassurance
morbid unhappy
lucid/ vivid dream
-time capsules are usually buried under the ground
-he was unable to find sufficient information on ancient civilization
There is a distinct possibility that people wont ever have seen a pound coin
The time capsule is a part of everyday life, so something representing that would be of interest.
Future generations would be intrigued to see a model of our underground system.
The mobile phone would demonstrate very clearly how we communicate with each other.
The DVDs might conceivably be obsolete by the time the capsules opened.
People are unlikely to be using ovens in 100 years time.
1. it made a/an pleasant refreshing welcome change to see him in suit.
2. the government has announced plans to make far-reaching significant sweeping changes to the tax system
next year
3. the pace of economic social political change has been rather slow.
4. the lottery win brought about a/an dramatic sudden considerable change in her circumstances.
o It took him a while to adjust to being a parent.
o You can adjust the height of the chair by pulling this lever here.
o The old windmill has been converted into a small guest house.
o Ben converted to Catholicism at the age of 21.
o Prices vary according to the time of year you decided to travel.
o We were advised to vary the childrens diet as much as possible.
o Members of the rock group were asked to modify their behavior or else leave the hotel.
o We had to modify the design of the car to take account of the rough terrain.
o 12 European countries switched over to the euro on January 1st 2002.
o I switched shifts with Sam so I could go to my sisters wedding.
+it was the first time I had been abroad.
+Having achieved his ambition, he promised to spend more time with his family.
+since Ive known him he has worn that suit twice.
+he was to have played in the final, but he was injured.
+its years since I was taken out to dinner.
+when we were little, my dad would often tell us a bedtime story.
+Id have liked to have been granted a second chance.
+I wasnt allowed to see the film, but they did let me read the book.
Adjust to UN life
Adapt to UN life to get used to it
Adjust a piece of clothing move it slightly
Alter a piece of clothing make changes to it
Convert a farm into a hotel
Transform a farm into a hotel change it completely
Change your ways
Modify your behavior small change
Change your ways
Change your tune behave differently
Vary the menu change it regularly
Adapt the menu suit someone, sth
Change sides
Switch sides
Switch to the euro euro is a new currency
Convert into euros
- Vary the menu/ your routine/ in size
-convert to Islam/ dollars into euros/ the loft into a bedroom
-adjust your belt/ the straps on a bag/ the brakes on a car
-switch tv channels/ UN courses/ from dictatorship to democracy
-modify your language/ your views/ a piece of equipment
Seeking a new life
Significant change
A new life soon turned sour for many
In many cases
Some did not adapt easily
the majority of west Indian
the immigrants moved into the inner cities
social tensions caused by poverty and poor housing
Riots broke out in
Despite the numerous difficulties they encountered
They manage to adjust to new conditions
Speeding up the pace of economic change
It transformed western Europe into
-this isnt a very efficient/costly/convenient/unreliable/frustrating method of
getting/obtaining/accessing/finding/gathering inf.
-they can provide/give/broadcast/publish inf which is biased/misleading/accurate/up to date/useless/limited.
Allergy allergic
Science- scientific
Drama dramatic
Approach approachable
Apply applicable
Believe believable
Argument argumentative
Administer administrative
Provoke provocative
Introduce introductory
Contradict contradictory
Prepare preparatory
Chat chatty
Mud muddy
Rock rocky
Luxury luxurious
Mystery mysterious
Monster monstrous
End endless
Price priceless
Sleep sleepless
Persist persistent
Appear apparent
Obey obedient
Manager managerial
Secretary secretarial
Territory territorial
-hes far too incompetent to be put in charge of a school
-her work has been acclaimed for its sensitivity of style and imaginative use of imagery
-her performance at work was considered unsatisfactory and her contract was not renewed
-it is becoming increasingly difficult for artist to obtain public funding for their work
-the assistant are unhelpful and discourteous.
-my grandfather was extremely knowledgeable about astronomy.
-we strayed from the path at some point and got hopelessly lost.
-although several companies made substantial losses.
-the bookcase was placed strategically near the door.
The stale smell of cigarette smoke and sweaty bodies
The mouth-watering aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon
The acrid odour /odor of burning rubber and petrol fumes
The rancid smell of sour milk and butter that has long since passed its sell-by date
The pungent aroma of herbs and spices and ripe tropical fruit
Positive: fresh, sweet
Negative: sickly, overpowering
Neutral :musty, strong, faint, unmistakable
-true-truly passes
-globe global information
-suspect suspicion
-aware awareness
-fact factual as they claim
-edit editing powers
- object objective
-rely reliable
-accurate inaccuracy
-controversy controversial issue
-expert - expertise
- trust trustworthy
Highly influential
Desperately disappointed
Utterly exhausted
Comparatively unknown
Fiercely independent
Wholly unacceptable
Academically successful
Unnecessarily aggressive
Extremely embarrassed
Quiet quiet
Mysterious disappearance
Separate accommodation
Eight month guarantee
Business arrangement
Memorable occasion
Unconscious decision
Overall responsibility
Frequent occurrence
Guilty conscience
Government committee
To bear someone a grudge
To play a role
To achieve a position
To face pressure
To be in contract of something
To be offered a favor
To rise through the ranks
To hand in your notice

Achieve- achievement
Motivate motivation
Fail- failure
Publish latest publication
Refresh - light refreshment
Approve disapproval of
Eager eagerness to
Proceed standard procedure
Signify paled into insignificance
Simple simplicity
Secret sworn to secrecy
Member the costs of membership
Break pay for any breakages
Likely is every likelihood that
Depend valued his independence
Anxious to experience a certain amount of anxiety
Notorious - notoriety
Various- variety
Sober sobriety
Please - pleasure
Expose - exposure
Close - closure
Appear - appearance
Annoy annoyance
Rely - reliance
Store - storage
Short - shortage
Pack - package
Rehearse - rehearsal
Renew - renewal
Propose - proposal
Efficient - efficiency
Intimate - intimacy
Vacant - vacancy
Enjoy- -enjoyment
Require - requirement
Commit - commitment
Prosperous - prosperity
Original - originality
Familiar- familiarity
Leader - leadership
Companion - companionship
Partner - partnership
Neighbor - neighborhood
Father - fatherhood
Adult- adulthood
Absent - absence
Persistent- persistence
Evident - evidence
Selfish - selfishness
Tired- tiredness
Careless - carelessness
Explain - explanation
Interpret- interpretation
Apply application
o Motivate motivation
o Expect expectation
o Pay payment
o Perform performance
o Recognize recognition
o Able ability
o Academic academically
o Difficult difficulties
o Finance financial
o Fail failure
o judge judgment
-strong possibility
- Slightest chance
-every likelihood
-stand a chance
-close to tears
-delighted to meet u
-enjoyed overnight success
-rose to the challenge
-lifelong ambition
-light refreshments

-allocate, be pressed for, devote, find, free up, invest, kill, manage, run out of, set/put aside, take up, waste TIME
-free, leisure, spare, kick-off, injury, half, qualifying, winning, record-breaking, arrival, departure, flying, peak
viewing, off-peak, viewing, prime, opening, closing, sale, sowing, milking, harvest TIME
-at a specific/set/predetermined time
-in the time allocated/allowed/available
Extend/fail to meet/miss/set/work to a deadline
-take time off work
-time is against you
-a matter of time
-make time for oneself

Approachable, arrogant, attentive,caring, clumsy, conceited, considerate, creative, dedicated, determined,
disorganized, easy-going, flexible, impatient, indecisive, insensitive, knowledgeable, likeable, loyal, mature,
moody, outgoing, patient, pompous, responsible, self-assured, self-center, self-confident, sensible, single-
minded, slapdash, stubborn, trustworthy, unreliable
-adopt an enthusiastic/a positive approach to ones work
-show great potential/ dedication/ ability/ patience
-show/lack/develop/display/possess the right personal qualities
-show/have strong leadership qualities
-have a/an helpful/outgoing/sensitive nature
-have a strong tendency to be domineering/take things to heart/worry over detail
-have/acquire/develop advanced/outstanding/the necessary computer skills

Business, communication, interpersonal, language, management, managerial, organizational, personal, practical,
problem-solving, secretarial, social, technical, technological, telephone SKILLS

-effort, attempts, willingness, opportunity, capacity, ability, decision, determination, tendency, refusal

-to bear someone a grudge
-to play a role
-to achieve a position
-to face pressure
-to be in contract of something
-to be offered a favor
-to rise through the ranks
-to hand in your notice

Prickly- full of difficulties
Rocky- unstable

Heated, furious, fierce, pointless ARGUMENT

Courting, elderly, married COUPLE
Adoptive, extended, single-parent FAMILY
Inner, mixed FEELINGS
Best, close, mutual FRIEND
Brother, first, true, unrequited LOVE
Family, rising, heightened TENSION

Call someone names

Call someone by their first name
Fall for someone
Fall out with someone
Get on like a house on fire- get well with someone
Get on someones nerves
Have it in for someone-have revenge
Keep oneself to oneself
Keep in touch with someone
Look up to someone-admire
Look down on someone
Put a great strain on a relationship-put pressure
Put someone down- humiliation
Take an instant dislike/liking to someone
Take after someone
Take to someone
Turn ones back on someone
Turn to someone for help/advice
A relationship can turn sour
Turn someone down- reject
Keep in touch- stay in contact
Get in touch
Break up with someone
Show your emotion
Show physical affection
Take pains to do something- make sure
Express your feeling
Let down your defense
Feeling pressure
Morally obliged
To inject
Initial attitude- the beginning attitude
A religious service
The expense
A small-scale event
Parents approval
Financial problems
Long-lasting effects
Nearly- almost
Quite violent
Current marriage
Decisive- showing decision and firmness, putting end to a dispute
Wandering around
To catch the first train
Looking as a wreck
Fairly open
Male contemporaries- person living at the same time
Be a mummys boy
A world of short-term contracts
Downsizing/ downsize- to reduce in number, to lay off from work
Redundancy/ redundancies- too much, nadmiar
Hit a depth
The nest- gniazdo
Be able through the mask
Maintain- to continue, keep in good condition
Invincible front
Siege- prolonged period of troubles
Prevail over/against- to win, succeed
To keep someone at bay- push someone away
Drop someone off
A confidential mood- wants to talk to someone, tell a secret
Take pains to..
In vain
Motherhood best-kept secret
Diminish- to make or become smaller, less important
Volume of confidence
To empathize with someone
Reluctance- dont want to do something
Be cuddly
Human frailty
Reticent- being able to speak your thoughts
A bond
Go through
See through
Let down
A bad patch
A sure source of affection
Hugely important figure
Indulgence/indulge- to allow someone to do or have what he wishes
Telling tales
Naughty children
Despite the fact
Backbone of childhood
A cohort of happy children
Match the facts
Juggling job- to manage the requirements of several activities at once
Wear someone out- make someone very tired
Valuable part
Beanpole family-A family whose living members come from many generations, but with few members
in each generation
Be delighted
Walking down the aisle
Lavish- giving things generously
Have access to something
Registry-office job
Less fuss
Be besotted with/ besot- infatuated, be stupefy with drink
A great deal of passion
Honeymoon period
Domestic bliss
Trivial things
Fight over major issues
Put a tremendous strain on something
Be truthful with someone
The hard bit is to stick at something/it

THIS, THAT- before noun, on its own

THESE, THOSE- before noun

come up with
theory of multiple intelligences
put somebody on neighboring pedestals
intelligence as a single quantity measurable by pen-and-paper tests
Separate categories ranging from.. to..
Provoke vigorous debate
How society treats somebody
Sit at the top of the academic heap
Subsequently complain that.- following in time or order
Withdrew somebody
The sort of mental agility- activity
Sphere of achievement- area
Take a reasoning approach to sth
Seek underlying principles
Be a standard-bearer of a group-a leader of a group which has the same aims
Musical intelligence
Spatial intelligence- architect
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
Personal intelligence
Naturalists intelligence
Existential intelligence
The ability to gauge ones mood
Be particularly adept at
Embodiment of quality- its the most characteristic thing in them
Have tentatively
A spectrum of human ability ranging from-range of a particular things
Sole form of learning- the one
The usual stuff
The practical-minded kids
Gain confidence
Get sbd to express themselves
A mean of developing abilities
The brainy kids
Leading questions
To have a go
A bright child/a child prodigy/a whiz kid-informal
A brilliant/brainy-informal/gifted student
I have a flair for languages-be good at it/I have a gift for music/Im dab hand at painting-info
Im an ace at tennis-info/Im a skillful card player/Im a strong swimmer
Im weak at maths/Im hopeless at cooking-info/I have a poor memory
A competent skier
A proficient typist
A skilled craftsman
An expert cook
A computer expert
An accomplished musician
Highly, naturally, academically ,musically GIFTED
Highly, exceptionally, enormously, hugely TALENTED
Highly, extremely, very, quite PROMISING
Sitting in tubs of water
Magical symbols
Use as props
Want to overcome insomnia or weight
Problems are psychological in origin
Be sound- be good, well
Get a good nights sleep
Sleep soundly
Give a sedative
Feel into a deep sleep
Be fast asleep
To sleep rough- homeless people
Feel/be wide awake
Have sleepless night
Be a light sleeper
Threat sbd with the sack- dismiss
Be baffle to puzzle
Its like a blind is drawn
Its lie someone switches the lights off
Be inebriate-to stupefy as if with alcohol
Taken aback
A high-pitched squeal
To snap out of sth
Come around
Be remarkably fresh-faced- rested
Leveled out
To look at the bright side
BORN artist
GIFTED musician
PROFICIENT pilot-good
SKILLED worker
SKILFUL card player
STRONG swimmer
Be brilliant, weak, terrible at a subject
BE AN ACE AT solving puzzle
BE A DAB HAND at painting-be good at sth
Have a natural flair for languages
Have a natural gift for music
Have an ear for music
Have an eye for detail
Have a head for figures
Have a nose for a good news story
Academically, exceptionally, highly, intellectually, musically, naturally GIFTED
Highly, incredibly, remarkably INTELLIGENT
Enormously, exceptionally, highly, hugely, outstanding TALENTED
Extremely, highly, very PROMISING

Be a heavy/light sleeper
Be fast asleep-fully asleep
Be/feel wide awake
Doze off/drop off/nod off
Fall asleep
Fall into a deep sleep
Get a good nights sleep
Get to sleep
Have/take a nap
Have a sleepless night
Have an animal put to sleep- kill it
Keep somebody awake
Lie/stay awake
Lose sleep over something- to worry about something
My arm/leg went to sleep
Send someone to sleep
Sleep like a log- sleep very well
Sleep on it- think about something over night
Sleep through the night
Sleep through a storm- heavy sleeper
Snooze- a nap
Stay up
Suffer from insomnia
Toss and turn
Wake up to the fact that- be aware of the fact
Absorb- absorb information like a sponge
Roles- change roles/ reversed roles
Offence- take offence at something
Seriously- take something/responsibilities seriously
Notice- take no notice
Pieces- to pieces/take things to pieces
Credit- take credit for something- be praised for something u didnt do
Suck- to suck in-get somewhere and dont know anything about it; suck at
Snap- snap at- be angry at something; snap up- take something very seriously
If only I had gone to krakw in the summer I would have
I wish I had travelled to Milan with my brother, I would have.
Id rather have travelled to Milan then.
Id rather my brother had travelled
Id sooner have eaten less at Xmas
Id sooner my sister had eaten
Im going to.

Doze off
To come around
Take sth for granted
To fight a constant battle
To snap out of sth
To catch up with my sleep- sleep longer during the weekend
To sleep in- sleep to long and be late for sth

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