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Miami Open presented by Ita

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Roger Federer
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
comes up, you want to play well.
Q. Can you explain to us exactly what happened to
you and what has happened since? You got to play aggressive. Novak plays very well
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, well, I mean, it happened aggressive himself. Don't let yourself be frustrated by,
the day after the Djokovic match. I woke up, I don't you know, his retrieving or whatever it is, his
know exactly remember what happened, I think I was confidence.
going to run a bath for the girls. I made a very simple
movement, turned back, heard a click in my knee. You got to make it difficult for him to beat you. That's
Went to the zoo. My leg was swollen. what he's going to do with you, too.

Came back and had an MRI done in Switzerland. Saw In a way it's very simple going forward. But you have to
a doctor right after the MRI. He said I had to have believe from the first point to the last, for sure.
surgery on Tuesday. I did that in Switzerland.
Q. How do you come to this match tomorrow with
Here I am seven weeks and two days later. I'm very both of you coming from injuries? How do you feel
happy how it went, but clearly that was very sad when I to play this?
did get the news I did have to have an operation ROGER FEDERER: It's very exciting, to say the least.
because I thought I was going to get through my career I like Juan Martin. We've had good matches over the
without any. It was a big shock and, yeah, years, Paris, five sets twice, US Open obviously. Other
disappointing when I got the news. places.

Q. How do you feel at this point getting ready for It's nice to see him back. I haven't seen him play at all
tomorrow's match? What expectations do you since he's been back, so I'm not quite sure what to
have? expect, even though my coach went to see his match
ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, pretty good. I mean, yesterday.
beating (indiscernible) a little bit, so a bit tired.
Obviously, humidity here, getting back into it, it's been At the end I'm going to focus on my own game
energy-consuming to say the least. tomorrow, my own mind, you know, managing my
problems that I've had the last few months.
I'm excited. Anxious to find out how it's going to react,
is it going to be different day-to-day, how is it going to Yeah, just also enjoy it out there. We're both in a
feel after the match and so forth. similar situation. His injury was much, much greater.
That's why I'm really pleased for him that he was able
I'm just really pleased that I'm here. Couldn't be more to find a way back onto the tour.
happy how rehab has gone. It's baby steps. Still at the
same time you go from crutches to walking to running Q. Quite a bit has happened since you've been
to jumping to sprinting. It's pretty incredible to see the away.
progress I've been able to make in a short period of ROGER FEDERER: Do you want to fill me in? How
time. much time do we have? You've been waiting for this
moment, haven't you (laughter)?
I had a great team around me, had great support. It's
nice to be back here, show everybody that it was Q. Equal prize money, which was an issue. Do you
worthwhile to put in the work. believe that men and women, irrespective of the
obvious commercial realities, should be paid the
Q. What would you coach Roger Federer to beat same?
Djokovic? ROGER FEDERER: Everywhere? We are getting the
ROGER FEDERER: I don't know. It would be the same prize money at slam levels, and some events.
same thing. I mean, you got to take it to him. Got to
wait for the right moment. When the right moment Q. Not in all events. What are your views on that?

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ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, we don't always get I'm a big believer in that.
the same like the women, as well. I think it depends on
what tournaments we are talking about. I think you I've been in Dubai now for 10 years there and been
have to be very specific what you're talking about. tested once. That's not okay for me.

I mean, I'm all for equal prize money. When I was I get tested more in Switzerland because the guy from
fighting for prize money increases, especially at the Switzerland lives in my village. He comes sees me the
slam level, I was always very aware of the fact that it day after my surgery, one week later. In Dubai they've
was always going to impact the women's game, which I only come once, the Asia games. In certain countries
was very happy about. Both at the same time were maybe the testing is not as serious as in Switzerland.
growing. I'd like to see that across the board to be the same way
and fair, you know.
But then you have to look at the history of each and
every event, where it came from. Some tournaments But I think tennis is doing more and more. Sure, it was
were a men's tournament, then the women joined or very disappointing news, to say the least.
vice versa, it was a women's tournament and we joined
them. Q. It's been a while since you won here. The
people love you here. What are some of your
It's sometimes hard to make equal prize money there. memories from this tournament? Were you
It's up to the tournament director to decide if he wants actually running the bath when you hurt your knee
it to be that way. or were you on your way?
ROGER FEDERER: I'm not sure anymore what
Sure, you could imagine something like that. It's happened. I remember I turned, I felt my knee was
already happening here, Indian Wells, Miami, Madrid funny, I turned back. That's when I heard a click. I did
as well, all the slams. feel that something was strange in my knee.

Yeah, I'm happy that tennis has produced some of the Very simple movement, probably a movement I've done
greatest female athletes in the world. I think that's a million times in my life for sure.
great. It's a great platform. Yeah, equal prize money is
a good thing. So I'm happy it didn't happen on a tennis court. I'm
happy it didn't happen in a moment where I could
I think that debate was talked about a long time ago. I maybe strain it more.
know it came up again.
It was very simple. All I did after that was walking.
Q. The other big story that's developed since you Maybe that's why I'm also here seven weeks later. I
were off the tour. Can I ask what your reaction was came into the surgery totally fit because I just came off
to Maria's announcement a couple weeks ago? Do a great training block in tennis, a lot of tennis in Jan.
you think it backs up what you said before about My body was really in good shape. It would have been
more rigorous testing in tennis? tough to recover if I had been on vacation for two
ROGER FEDERER: Well, I mean, I definitely think that weeks and then injury struck.
tennis is doing a lot, better than what we have in the
past. This way, it was a faster recovery because of it.

We're getting more professional. The program is Q. And memories?

getting bigger and stronger. You could always do more ROGER FEDERER: Memories from here?
testing. You could probably ask somebody here in 50
years and he could say, It could be more. But do you I have a lot of them, good and bad. Mostly good,
want to be tested four times a day at a certain stage? though. Because once you win a tournament, it
washes out all the bad ones.
Clearly I was very surprised. I thought she was going
to announce retirement or something, so I was I remember getting a wild card here in '99 after winning
completely surprised by the news. But it also shows the Orange Bowl on this court in '98. Played a very
that, you know, also the famous players can get caught disappointing match. It was a learning curve to me
in the system that seems to be working. after losing that match in '99 on an outside court.

I still believe we should keep blood samples for 10 I think it was a big finals for me in 2002 maybe, playing
years, store them, let athletes and tennis players know against Agassi in the finals, four sets. I beat Lleyton in
that's the case. You could be punished retroactively.

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the semis. It was a big great 32 for me, confidence Q. The Miami tournament, they talked about the
from the Sampras win I had at Wimbledon, then I won future might be in jeopardy. What does this
Hamburg. It was the beginning of the rise in the top tournament mean, keeping it here? Also, the
10. Then I was able to win (indiscernible). attacks in Brussels, you're a world traveler, you
have to travel for your job. With the way the world
Q. How long were you on crutches? When did you is today, do you think twice about some of the day-
actually begin full training? As far as playing here, to-day things you have to do?
your first event since the Australian, what are you ROGER FEDERER: I mean, this tournament clearly is
expecting out of yourself? a big tournament in the calendar. Used to be best-of-
ROGER FEDERER: So I was on crutches for 12 days, five sets. Considered the fifth slam, all these things. I
maybe. Full training, no restrictions whatsoever, always enjoyed coming here. Came here a ton. I hope
probably a week ago, nine days ago. Just managing, that this tournament stays successful for years to
as well, progress, not wanting to overdo it, but also come.
pushing it so I knew I could play three-hour matches
and all that. It has a nice vibe, you know. Here in Florida, here in
Miami, I think it's a beautiful place to play tennis in.
Also a lot of testing, making sure the knee does hold
up. I've been coming here to Miami since I was 14 years
old. It's one of the places I know best really. If I think
If I feel something tomorrow, I won't play. It's very back as a player, it's the first big trip I had when I was
simple. Expectations are really low, which is nice for a 14, coming over here for the Orange Bowl at 14 at the
change. Just see where I am, go out there. Biltmore.

Once you're out there, you want to win, it's clear. I'm a I clearly want to see this tournament continue to be
competitor. I'm just really pleased I'm back. I didn't good, prestigious, all that. I think they're trying to figure
expect myself to be back here so soon after surgery. it out as much as they can, but it's clearly a difficult
Q. (Question about playing in Brazil and the best
memories there, and excitement about coming Yeah, of course, when you're traveling, you're always
back to Rio.) aware of things that are going on. This one now, I'm a
ROGER FEDERER: It's big. I had a great time in Sao bit further away from things where I'm on the other side
Paulo the one time I went to Brazil. Rio, I've never of the planet. When the Paris attacks happened, we
been there. This is my first time to Rio. I'm excited were in London. We just came from Paris, so that was
about that. scary. Not that this wasn't, but it sure makes you
wonder. You're aware of the fact when you do travel
Olympic Games is obviously massively important for about all these things, yeah.
me. I love playing in the Olympics. I love representing
Switzerland. I think it's going to have a very special Q. You mentioned this is your first injury.
flair, a unique flair to all the other five that I've been in. ROGER FEDERER: First operation.
It's going to be different. It's one of the main goals for
me of the season. Q. Rehab is a personal journey. Would you share
some of those personal thoughts during the rehab.
Q. Right knee? ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, sure.
When I got the news that I had to have the operation, I
Q. Were you turning to the right and then came kind of took it like a man: I guess so. I see the
back and a weight shift? pictures. I trust my doctors. It's the only way out of this
ROGER FEDERER: I turned to my right, turned back, I one.
think (laughter). Honestly, it was such a simple, small
movement. I was doing stuff that I didn't think much of When I was in hospital, about to go in the operation
it when it did happen. room, that's when I got really nervous and sad about it
all. When I woke up, I kind of looked at my knee, it
Q. Were the kids right there? doesn't feel like my leg. I can't believe I did the
ROGER FEDERER: I'm not sure they were in the operation. I hope it will come back from here. That's
room. But they were coming to take a bath, so I figure when I got scared.
they were somewhere close.
Then literally one day, two days later I had no more

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pain. I realized I could already move my leg again. Q. Back to the situation with Maria. Do you think
You learn how to walk on crutches and all that, which tennis has a doping problem?
I'd done once before in 2005 when I tore the ligaments ROGER FEDERER: I don't think so. I'm nave maybe
in my foot. in the fact that I believe athletes, I trust what they're
doing. Clearly when they get caught, you turn. You're
Then honestly, it sounds weird, but I kind of enjoyed like, I can't believe they tried to do that, forgot about it,
the process of improving every day. I had a positive whatever.
mindset. We worked two to three times a day. We
were in Switzerland for five straight weeks, which it's I really don't think there is a major problem. I don't
rare for us to be in one place, especially our home for know many people. All I can talk about is myself. I
so long. know what I take. What you take, you've got to be
sure. That's why I quadruple check whatever I take
Enjoyed everything about it, being there, away from the because I don't want to take any chances whatsoever.
tour, time with my family. Nothing to do other than
rehabbing and spending time with the family. It was a
really nice process.

Then I got motivated because I saw progress. Then I

expected that it was going to be more massaging, feel-
good stuff that is going to make me improve. Actually it
was through hard work that I got the confidence back
and I realized I was making the biggest improvements.

Never had any setbacks. That was very crucial that I'm
here today. Interesting, to say the least, but I kind of
enjoyed the process, if that makes any sense for you

Q. You spoke of expectations coming back. What

is the pressure on a guy like Djokovic who is on
top? Does tennis need the rivalry thing? I know
you're all trying to catch him.
ROGER FEDERER: I think both are okay. I think it's
good when many guys win the biggest tournaments
and I think it's fine if one guy wins it. It's always going
to change. It's not possible it stays like this for decades
or years or months, whatever. It keeps changing a little

You can have a good season or a great career side-by-

side, like we are all showing. So I think it's very
interesting every step he takes further. It's more and
more impressive. History gets written. It's good. It's
good stories, good news, other than some other ones
we heard today. I'd rather talk about that than other

Unbelievably impressive to say the least. Obviously

other guys have to figure out their game, reconsider
their work ethic. It's interesting in many ways.

I came through phases where when I came about,

many different guys. I thought that was very cool. I
enjoyed it more when I was winning everything. Then
again, you enjoy the rivalry you have with Rafa, as well,
Murray, all these guys, Djokovic coming up. It's
interesting. I like it.

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