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txt of ZMC




The "readme.txt" a simple help file. It is best to read "readme.txt" before install ZMC. The

contains the following sections:

WHAT IS ZMC General description of ZMC software.

INSTALLLATION How do install ZMC software.

UNINSTALLLATION How do uninstall ZMC software.

RELATED SOFTWARE Other stuff you should get.

Other documentation files in the distribution are:

*.tar.gz This is released packet, the "*" means installation name.

tools There are somes need needed dependencies in the path.



The ZMC is a application software for Linux and it is a manager for the mobile device. It will allow

you to stablish a connection to the Internet using 2G/3G cards, and it will also allow to send and

receive short messages from your computer.

In order to use your 2G/3G device, you should run a fairly recent version of the Linux kernel.

The application has been tested on Linux 2.6.20 and newer. If you have an older version installed,

would recommend to update it before going on.

ZMC currently runs under Fedora 8/9/10/11, uBuntu8.04/8.10/9.04, Debian





Before installation, make sure you have the needed dependencies installed (qt3 and wvdial).

The steps of installation are as following:

- Copy the installation packet to Desktop or other path;

- extract and get a directory that is same name with the installation packet;

- Double in the directory to install ZMC;

- If installation is ok, then show infomation "After setup, you will find the "/opt/ZMC/ZMC"
in "Applications->Internet->ZMC". Click the "ZMC" and the application will run"

System Requirements: Linux Kernel version 2.6.20 or higher




The ways of uninstallation are as following:

way 1: Double in the directory "/opt/ZMC" to uninstall ZMC

way 2: Open a shell-terminal as root and run a shell-command "/opt/zmc/" in the





- the related libs with qt3: libqt3-mt_3.3.8,libaudio2;

- the related software with wvdial: pppd2.4.4 or newerwvdial 1.5.6 or newer;

- the related software with sound: aplay (If it doesn't exist in your Linux operating system,please
get it and copy it to /usr/bin/ and make it executable: chmod +x /usr/bin/aplay ).

you can get these related softwares in the directory "Linux/tools" in the ZTEMODEM.ISO. you
also get them from
following websites:




ok, dau dublu clic pe si in terminal apare:

..................start install.................
*** Check for root - failed
*** Please retry as root user.
press any key to exit....

Incepi cu terminalul. Il deschizi.

Apoi scrie


sudo nautilus

si dupa asta navighezi in directorul cu pricina si instalezi programelul.

instaleaza din synaptic usb-storage si usb-storage-data dai un restart adugi modemul ZTE si


Modem ZTE mf110 en Ubuntu

11 02 2010

Hola todos. Tena tiempo de no hacer un how to por problemas de tiempo pero creo que este
si se lo merece.

Pues bien, si tienes un modem ZTE mf110 puedes hacerlo funcionar en Ubuntu 9.10 siguiendo
estos pasos(en Ubuntu 10.04 funciona de una):

1. Descargamos e instalamos via synaptic el paquete usb_modeswitch o si no posees internet an,

descrgatelo desde aqu, y lo instalas con doble click.

2. Una vez instalado, abrimos una terminal y editamos el archivo de configuracin del paquete
(copia y pega):

$ sudo gedit /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf

y pegamos al final del archivo lo siguiente:

# ZTE MF110

# Contributor: Fernando Anthony Ristagno








Ahora creamos el siguiente archivo:

sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/55-ztemf110.rules

y pegamos lo siguiente:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idProduct}=="2000", SYSFS{idVendor}=="19d2",

Una vez hecho esto podemos reiniciar el equipo y listo, a crear nuestra cuenta de conexin mvil.

Para crear nuestra cuenta hacemos los siguiente:

1. Conectamos el dispositivo, esperamos un minuto a que reciba la seal, y pinchamos el cono

de red. Nos debe aparecer un cuadro como el siguiente y seleccionamos la conexin mvil de
banda ancha
. Nos aparece el asistente de configuracin para la conexin y sequimos los pasos.

3. Elegimos el pas de nuestro proveedor, en mi caso es Colombia.

4. Seleccionamos nuestro operador.
. Elegimos nuestro plan. Si no es el predeterminado podemos contactar al servicio al cliente de
nuestro proveedor y verificar la informacin.

6. Confirmamos la configuracin de la conexin.

Ahora podemos establecer la conexin:

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