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Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Properties and Side Effects


SUMMARY The purpose of this brief review is to separate the characteristic properties and side
effects attributable to the pharmacology of the whole class of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors from those attributable to the chemical structure and kinetics of each particular ACE
inhibitor. The former would be predictable and probably similar for all agents and, therefore, would
be expected to recur with each agent, whereas the latter are likely to be characteristic of individual
compounds and may be avoidable by changing to another compound with similar pharmacology but
different molecular structure. (Hypertension 11 [Suppl II]: H-37-II-41, 1988)

KEY WORDS * angiotensin converting enzyme Inhibition * class effects * toxic effects
pharmacodynamics kinetics
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A NGIOTENSIN converting enzyme (ACE) inhi- and inhibition of the degradation of bradykinin. Ac-
/ \ bition is the newest approach in the treatment cordingly, all lead to suppression of angiotensin II with
X \ . of hypertension, and in the last few years, it 1) decrease of blood pressure, which may be normal-
has become increasingly popular as the first choice in ized in over 50% of an unselected population with mild
the pharmacotherapy of this disease. As with other to moderately severe hypertension when the ACE in-
classes of antihypertensive drugs, such as thiazide hibitor is used as monotherapy and in about 85% when
diuretics and /3-adrenergic blockers, the pharmacody- a diuretic is combined with ACE inhibition5-6; 2) vaso-
namics of this mode of treatment have been most ex- dilation varying in degree in various tissues (depend-
tensively investigated using the first agent of this class ing on the sensitivity of each organ's vascular tree to
that became available, captopril. '2 After the effective- angiotensin) and leading to increase in cardiac output
ness of this treatment was established for hyperten- and redistribution of regional blood flows in favor of
sion, congestive heart failure, and other indications, vital organs at the expense of the less-sensitive muscu-
the search continued for the production of the second loskeletal tissues7; 3) partial suppression of aldoster-
generation of such drugs with similar pharmacological one production by the adrenal zona glomerulosa
actions but different chemistry, kinetics, and ancillary (though stimulation of aldosterone production contin-
properties. The aim here was at reducing side effects, ues to be exerted by the other two major mechanisms,
improving convenience of administration, etc., while that is, plasma K + and adrenocorticotropin); 4) in-
maintaining efficacy. The first drug to become avail- crease in circulating levels of plasma renin due to inter-
able from this second generation is enalapril, 34 with ruption of the negative feedback control exerted nor-
several others currently being investigated in clinical mally by angiotensin II on the release of renin; 5)
trials. potentiation of the vasodilatory effect of bradykinin
The purpose of this brief review is to separate the (although the physiological significance of this effect
properties, effects, and adverse reactions attributable has not been fully evaluated); and 6) in the long run,
to the pharmacological action of this class of drugs, decrease of the activity of the sympathetic nervous
that is, the ACE inhibition, from those attributable to system with diminished levels of plasma catechol-
the particular chemical structure, kinetics, and ancil- amines as well as other hormones whose secretion is
lary characteristics of each individual agent. partly dependent upon the stimulus of angiotensin II
(e.g., vasopressin).
Effects of ACE Inhibition As a result, all ACE inhibitors share the same hemo-
All ACE inhibitors share the same mode of action, dynamic and metabolic effects,8 that is, a blood pres-
that is, elimination of the production of angiotensin II sure fall due to decreased peripheral vascular resis-
tance, increased cardiac output, relatively increased
From the Department of Medicine, Boston City Hospital, and renal, cerebral, and coronary blood flow (provided
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts. there is no local anatomic obstruction or excessive fall
Supported in part by United States Public Health Service Grant of perfusion pressure), and tendency toward increased
HL 18318 and National Institutes of Health Grant RR-533. elimination of fluid and sodium with retention of po-
Address forreprints:Haralambos Gavras, M.D., Boston Univer-
sity School of Medicine, 80 East Concord Street, Boston, MA tassium by the kidneys (due to partial suppression of
02218. aldosterone). Moreover, by changing intrarenal hemo-


dynamics9 (i.e., reducing to a large extent the tone of inhibition and not simply the result of overall de-
both the afferent and the efferent arterioles so that creasedrenalperfusion. The postulated mechanism for
glomerular capillary pressure is usually maintained un- this side effect is the diminished renal blood flow due
changed despite either fall of systemic arterial pressure to anatomic obstruction in combination with the alter-
or increase in renal blood flow), ACE inhibitors tend to ation in intrarenal hemodynamics occurring from the
maintain glomerular filtration rate and decrease the elimination of angiotensin's constrictor effect on the
preexisting proteinuria associated with parenchymal renal arterioles, in this case the efferent ones whose
renal diseases or diabetes mellitus.10 tone is necessary for the maintenance of adequate glo-
Since their antihypertensive effects are obtained merular filtration rate.9'l3 Though clearly functional
mostly by alteration in the peripheral action of hor- and totallyreversibleupon discontinuation of the ACE
mones, all ACE inhibitors are free of the common side inhibitor, this adverse reaction may become particular-
effects originating from the central nervous system that ly detrimental in patients with kidney transplant who
have been associated with other classes of antihyper- develop stenosis at the site of the arterial anastomosis;
tensive drugs." For example, drowsiness, fatigue, loss it has been described as causing deterioration of the
of mental acuity, depression, impotence, vague weak- graft's function14'l5 and can pose diagnostic problems
ness, and loss of energy are not associated with ACE if confused with a rejection reaction.
inhibition. In fact, patients who have lived for long Hyperkalemia is another potential side effect of
periods of time under the influence of such side effects ACE inhibition, attributable to some decrease of aldos-
and who are subsequently relieved of them when terone secretion after elimination of angiotensin II.
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switched to an ACE inhibitor sometimes experience an Normally, the small rise in plasma K+ levels itself can
intense feeling of well being on which they comment again stimulate the secretion of aldosterone so that a
spontaneously. new homeostasis is achieved without reaching hyper-
By the same token, all ACE inhibitors share a num- kalemic levels. However, in patients with advanced
ber of potential adverse reactions that are inherent in renal insufficiency, in elderly diabetics, in patients
their mechanism of action. Excessive hypotension is treated with nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs, in
always a possibility, especially in patients with ma- those using salt substitutes, or in those receiving con-
lignant hypertension who may have intense renin- comitantly potassium-sparing diuretics, a potentially
dependent vasoconstriction, in patients with hypona- dangerous hyperkalemia can develop.16
tremia and congestive heart failure, or in patients who Two other peculiar and rare reactions seem to be
are already being treated with diuretics or who may be particular, although ill-defined, side effects of ACE
dehydrated or volume depleted for other reasons.l2 Hy- inhibition: angioedema17'18 and a persistent dry cough
potension is more profound and abrupt with the fast- sometimes accompanied by wheezing.1920 Angio-
acting captopril, which frequently produces a "tripha- edema has been reported to have an incidence of 0.2%
sic response" characterized by an immediate blood with enalapril and 0.1% with captopril17 and is self-
pressure drop occurring within 20 to 30 minutes that is limited and reversible upon discontinuation of the
followed by an intermediate rise and a subsequent, drug. Although triggering of previously dormant asth-
more gradual fall over the next few days. The long- ma has been described with ACE inhibitors,21 in our
acting agents like enalapril can produce a gradual but experience, chronic asthma is not necessarily exacer-
more protracted and persistent hypotension. In either bated by ACE inhibition. In fact, many hypertensive
case, the excessive blood pressure response to ACE patients whose asthma had worsened by the use of
inhibition can easily be corrected by salt repletion (by sympatholytic agents (e.g.,reserpine)reportedsignifi-
i.v. saline on symptomatic cases or by oral salt supple- cant improvement when switched to an ACE inhibitor
mentation in milder cases). (H. Gavras and I. Gavras, unpublished observations).
Other symptoms attributable to hypotension may However, a chronic dry cough has lately been reported
also arise in such cases and may become severe or lead with increasing frequency since it was first recognized
to other complications in elderly arteriosclerotic pa- as a side effect of ACE inhibitors.
tients with coexisting vascular occlusive disease. Dilutional hyponatremia has been described in pa-
Tachycardia, coronary ischemia with angina, cerebral tients with congestive heart failure treated with multi-
ischemia with syncopal episodes, and decreased renal ple drugs including ACE inhibition22; however, other
perfusion ranging from mild azotemia to acute renal studies have reported correction of this condition by
failure with transient oliguria or anuria have all been the use of an ACE inhibitor,23 which may be explained
described as adverse reactions after initiation of ACE by the suppressing effect of ACE inhibition on vaso-
inhibition; however, all are reversible and should in pressin release.
fact be preventable by cautious assessment of the pa-
tient's clinical condition, coexisting diseases, and con-
current treatment, and they are no different from what Additional Side Effects of ACE Inhibitors
might be expected from any potent vasodilator. In addition to the side effects attributable to their
On the other hand, the functional renal insufficiency mechanism of action (i.e., the so-called "class ef-
that has been described in patients with bilateral renal fects," which would be expected to occur more or less
artery stenoses or with stenosis of the renal artery of a with any one drug from the same class), individual
solitary kidney appears to be characteristic of ACE ACE inhibitors may display different adverse reactions
ACE INfflBITORS/Gavraj and Gavras 11-39

attributable to their particular chemical structure or serious reaction associated with captopril. Neutrope-
kinetics. nia with agranulocytosis, 3839 ' 40 thrombocytopenia,41
Captopril contains a modified proline molecule with aplastic anemia,42 and pancytopenia43 have all been
a mercapto moiety that binds with the zinc atom of the encountered with this agent. Although at least three
metalloenzyme ACE, thus inactivating it. It is easily fatal cases have been reported to date, 44 ' 43 ' ** these re-
absorbed by mouth in the active form, provided it is actions should be reversible upon discontinuation of
taken on an empty stomach (because food has been the drug, provided they are diagnosed before causing
reported to diminish its bioavailability,24 although this other complications. Again, as with other side effects,
may not always be the case). Its onset of action is the probability of blood reactions rises from 0.02% in
apparent within 20 to 30 minutes, and its duration of otherwise healthy hypertensive patients receiving
action is probably in the range of 12 hours, usually small doses of the drug to 0.4% in those with serum
requiring twice-daily administration. Within the body, creatinine over 2 mg/dl to 7.2% in those with coexist-
it undergoes constant interconversion with its active ing collagen disease concurrently receiving immuno-
metabolites, which are excreted in the urine.23 suppressive drugs.47
Enalapril and the other second-generation ACE in- It should also be pointed out that the incidence of
hibitors that are presently undergoing clinical trials drug-induced leukopenia may be exaggerated because
differ from captopril in that they compete with the many perfectly healthy subjects, especially from cer-
renin substrate for binding sites of the ACE; therefore, tain racial or ethnic groups, have an idiopathic tenden-
their effect does not depend on the chelating action of a cy to wide cyclic changes of white blood cell counts,
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mercapto moiety on the zinc atom of the ACE.3 which, if previously unnoticed, could be mistaken for
The lack of a mercapto group should theoretically a drug effect.48
render these agents free of several side effects. Indeed, There is one case of reversible neutropenia reported
because these adverse reactions (listed below) are to occur 6 hours after administration of the first 0.6-mg
common to all sulfhydryl-containing drugs, regardless dose of enalapril.49 No other blood reactions have been
of their particular pharmacological actions (drugs as reported with the usual 5 to 20 daily doses of this drug,
disparate as heavy metal antagonists and antithyroid even in patients with renal failure. In fact, in a multi-
agents26), it is speculated that they are attributable to center trial, most of the adverse reactions associated
this structure. with enalapril had an incidence similar to that observed
Enalapril (and several other second-generation ACE with a placebo.50
inhibitors) is a prodrug, the ethylester of the active A nephrotic syndrome, presenting with intermittent
diacid compound. It is easily absorbed after oral ad- proteinuria and accompanied by immune-complex
ministration, not hindered by the presence of food, but neuropathy with pathological changes suggestive of
must be deesterified in the liver, which acts as a reser- membranous glomerulonephritis or acute interstitial
voir and gradually releases the active diacid. There- nephritis, is also one of the potential adverse effects of
fore, it has a delayed onset of action of about 2 hours, a captopril. 5152
peak at 4 to 12 hours, and usually lasts for 24 hours, This nephrotic reaction should be differentiated
thus permitting once-daily administration. The active from the reversible acute renal failure attributable
drug is not further metabolized but is excreted in the to ACE inhibition as mentioned earlier, which is
urine unchanged. 2728 These different kinetics explain characterized by absence of such pathological
some of the differences in pharmacological properties changes.53'** 35> x It is also possible that some degree
between the two drugs. of subclinical glomerulonephritis may exist in the hy-
The most common adverse effect with any chemical pertensive population without being necessarily drug
is the possibility of an allergic reaction, with a maculo- related.57 These side effects of captopril, that is, the
papular pruritic rash, that may be accompanied by bone marrow suppression, the nephrotic syndrome,
eosinophilia. Both captopril and enalapril have been the severe skin reactions, and taste alterations17 rang-
described to cause such reactions, but their incidence is ing from transient or persistent loss of taste to peculiar
higher in the former (ranging between 2.5 and 10% in sulfuric or metallic taste, have been attributed to the
various reports depending on the dosage used12'13) than molecular structure of the drug and, in particular, to its
in the latter (1.2% 17 ). These are usually mild, self- sulfhydryl moiety. In support of this view is the fact
limiting reactions that are more likely to occur in that they appear to be equally common to drugs with
patients receiving higher doses and having underlying different pharmacological properties but similar mo-
conditions that place them at risk, such as renal lecular structure, such as penicillamine and thio-
insufficiency. ureas. 26 ' 50 In fact, there are cases in the literature of
In addition, captopril has also been reported to cause patients developing the same reactions to more than
a wide variety of more severe skin conditions some- one drug from these different classes, for example,
times accompanied by drug fever, including lichenoid captopril and methimazol.59
eruption,29 a bullous pemphigus-like rash, 3031 rosa- On the other hand, the majority of patients with
cea,32 erythroderma with exfoliative dermatitis,33 previous adverse reactions to captopril could be un-
tongue ulcers, 3433 necrotizing blepharitis,3* and fatal eventfully treated with enalapril.17'w> 61 There are also
Stevens-Johnson syndrome.37 reports of patients with allergic reaction to enalapril
Bone marrow suppression is another potentially (mild skin rash with eosinophilia) treated successfully

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Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Properties and side effects.
H Gavras and I Gavras

Hypertension. 1988;11:II37
doi: 10.1161/01.HYP.11.3_Pt_2.II37
Hypertension is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Copyright 1988 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
Print ISSN: 0194-911X. Online ISSN: 1524-4563
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