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Moby Dick Quiz Score:

1.What is the famous first line of Moby Dick?

A I account it high time to get to sea.

B Call me Ishmael.

C I am in the habit of going to sea whenever I begin to grow hazy about the eyes.

D I always go to sea as a sailor.

2.Ishmael is a sailor.
A True

B False

3.Who did the barman say was the finest whaler on the ocean?
A Ishmael

B Queequeg

C Moby Dick

D Ahab

4.Where is the setting of the story?

5.What is the name of the whaler Ishmael has to share a bed with?
A Ahab

B Tipegu

C Starbuck

D Queequeg

6.Which inn does Ishmael stay at while in New Bedford?

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7.Why does Ishmael sign up for a whaling voyage?
A He thinks that going to sea provides fresh exercise.

B He wishes to study cetology.

C He has lost his wife and has no reason to stay on land.

D He has debts that he needs to repay quickly.

8.Which historical person does Ishmael compare Queequeg to?

A Julius Caesar

B Thomas Jefferson

C Oliver Cromwell

D George Washington

9.What happens after Ahab kicks Stubb in the leg?

A Ahab pulls a gun on Stubb.

B Stubb breaks Ahab's ivory leg

C Ahab demotes Stubb.

D Stubb has a strange dream about the incident.

10.Why is the hawk considered an ill omen?

A The hawk foreshadows a mutiny on the Pequod.

B The hawk replicates the story of Tarquin.

C The hawk falls from the sky after stealing the hat.

D The hawk does not return Ahab's hat.

11.When Ahab receives his harpoon, which of the following does he not do?
A Speaks in Latin.

B Baptizes it "in the name of the father"

C Howls

D Claims he wants it tempered with the blood of Dagoo, Tashtego, and Queequeg.

12.Which character is the only survivor of the Pequod?

A Ahab

B Starbuck

C Ishmael

D Queequeg

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13.What is the importance of the color of the whale?
A It perfectly mirrors the color of Ahab's skin.

B It is not a color but is in fact the absence of color.

C Moby Dick represents purity and innocence.

D It changes depending on one's perspective of the whale.

14.Which of the following terms does Ishmael not use to describe Queequeg?
A Executor

B Agent

C Lawyer

D Bosom Friend

15.Why does the Pequod pursue and kill a Right Whale?

A They believe that it has ambergris.

B It is good luck to have the head of a Right whale and Sperm whale on the sides of a ship.

C The Right whale is among a group of Sperm whales.

D Stubb mistakes the Right whale for Moby Dick.

16.Which character nearly dies when he falls into the whale's tun?
A Queequeg

B Dagoo

C Tashtego

D Pippin

17.Who does Ishmael consider to be the first whaleman?

A Ahab

B Jonah

C Mercutio

D Perseus

18.Which character is described as having "drowned in the infinite of his soul"?

A Pippin

B Ahab

C Stubb

D Ishmael.

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19.What does Ahab promise to whoever first spots Moby Dick?
A Use of his cabin.

B A share of the Pequod's profits.

C A gold doubloon.

D An antique harpoon.

20.What is the connection?

A Ahab drinks a lot of coffee.

B Ishmael sells coffee to the Pequod.

C Character named Starbuck.

D The Pequod uses coffee to lure Moby Dick.

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