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ES6, The Next Generation

of JavaScript
Daniel Stern, Code Whisperer
What is ES6?

ES6 stands for EcmaScript 6

Basically, ES6 is JavaScript with a lot of extra features added
ES6 is not fully supported yet in browsers you need to compile it
ES6 Compilation Process

Download and install Node.js

Use NPM to install Babel
Use the command line to compile ES6 - `> babel myFile.js`
ES6 Features

ES6 introduces lots of features to JavaScript

These features are mostly for developer convenience
They include a new kind of function, two new variable keywords, classes and
Summary of Practical ES6 Features

Arrow functions reduce to footprint of functions in numerous ways

Let and const make your code more easy to understand by removing
confusing scoping
Rest, spread and default add functionality to the function interface that is
commonly shimmed
Classes have a lot of features and provide a better interface for creating
object instances

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