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Genre: Time Travel Romance

Story Location: A European locale rich in history

Plot Overview: Girl from Future meets Boy from Past

Chapter One: Introduce the heroine and her external conflict.

Heroine on the way to visit old ruins/castle/archeological site. Talks to her friend about why she didnt
want to visit. (external conflict) It would be so boring. But her history professor had insisted that she do a
dissertation on this. Hopes that she will grab some quick notes from the caretaker/guide.

Enters the historical site. Guide talks about history. She jots a few notes. Starts to get bored. A
portrait/statue/door grabs her attention. Moves away from the guide tour. By mistake activates a hidden
Time portal.

Chapter ending hook: There was a flash of blinding light and everything turned dark.

Chapter Two: Introduce the hero and his external conflict.

Chapter starts in past. ex. 1600 AD. The Kings trusted advisor rushes towards the King. Informs that
neighboring kingdom is restless and may attack them. (external conflict) King brushes off fears. Our
kingdom has stood the test of time.

Prince (hero) overhears the conversation. He loves his father, but at times thinks he is arrogant. Calls
Friend and tells him to find if there is truth to this. Friend rushes away.

Prince thinks about neighboring kingdom and their past history. (won war or peace accord signed) They
promised allegiance to his father, but Prince has always been suspicious of the neighboring king.

Chapter ending hook: If they make any false moves, I promise they will pay dearly.

Chapter Three: The hero and the heroine meet.

Heroine wakes up in the past. She finds herself in a remote corner of the castle. Confused as to how
everything looks different compared to a second ago. Historical site is rich and full of life. She moves
around. Sees that the broken stairway/pillar/monument is intact. Shocked. Tries to remember what
happened and remembers activating Time portal. Realizes that she is now in past. Horrified. I have to get
out of here. Starts searching for Time portal

Prince is walking in garden and sees a servant talking with courtier/noble. Finds it highly unusual.
Becomes suspicious. Follows courtier. Courtier goes to remote part of castle. Prince wondering why he is
going there. Stays well behind courtier.
Heroine finds the Time portal. Twists it. Nothing happens. Goes in denial mode. Feels she is trapped
forever. No, this cant be. She starts running.

Chapter ending hook: Bumps directly into Prince.

Chapter Four: An internal conflict arises between hero and heroine.

They look at each other. Sparks fly. They are strongly and irresistibly attracted to each other. Prince finds
her perfume, rouge and make-up alluring. Herione is attracted to his royal looks. Prince steps back and
sees that she is weirdly dressed. Who are you?

Heroine realizes she is in royal presence. Fumbles at her answer. Unable to explain. Prince draws sword.
You are a spy. (internal conflict) Heroine implores that she isnt. Prince relents after some time, but still
suspicious. Directs her to a guestroom and tells her that she will be monitored by the guards and she
cant leave. Heroine dejected.

Heroine asks servant who brings her food about where she is. Servant tells her about the king, prince
and the kingdom.

Chapter ending hook. Heroine remembers that this was the history the guide was talking about.

Chapter Five: The attraction grows between hero and heroine

The Prince comes to visit her. The two of them talk about magnificence of castle/hobbies/dreams. Prince
finds her intelligent. Both of them are falling for each other.

Prince orders the number of guards to be reduced and gives more freedom for her to move around the
castle provided one guard is there to oversee her.

After Prince leaves, she realizes she is falling in love with Prince. Realizes she is from future and she is
afraid to commit to a relation with a person from past. While thinking, she accidently discovers the notes
from the guide in her pocket.

Chapter ending hook: She goes over her notes. She freezes as she reads the last line.

Chapter Six: The external conflict intensifies.

Friend returns and tells Prince that the rumors are true. Neighboring king is readying a large army.

Prince goes to King and informs him. King outraged. He orders the army to prepare for war.
Chapter Seven: The heroine tries to resolve their conflicts, but fails.
Heroine meets the Prince and says that Kingdom is in danger. They should not fight a war. Prince
suspicions rise. Who told you that we are going to war? Heroine knows that he wont believe her if she
told the real reason. She says shes a kind of an oracle. Prince laughs and then glares. Thats a poor
excuse for a spy.

He orders her to be thrown in the dungeons.

Chapter ending hook: As the guards drag her away, she screams, Your father will be mortally wounded
in the war and will die.

Chapter Eight: The hero tries to resolve their conflicts, but fails

King and Prince go out to war. Confronts incoming enemy army. Battle breaks out. Enemy archers
decimate Kings army. King is wounded. Prince orders a retreat.

Medic says that King is badly wounded and may not survive. Needs the Royal doctors attention. Prince
hurries along with trusted aides to carry the wounded King back to castle.

Chapter ending hook: He now realizes that what Heroine predicted had come true.

Chapter Nine: The hero and heroine realize that they will have to work together to solve their
Reaches castle. Frees the Heroine. Apologizes to her. They rush to Kings side. King is fatally injured.
Doctor is bleeding him. Heroine questions, What are you doing? I am doing my work is the arrogant
reply. Heroine tells Prince to intervene and stop the bleeding.

Prince tells Doctor to stop. Doctor stops. Whats next, Prince asks.

If he loses blood he will die. I need a few things. She tells kitchen servant to bring turmeric powder and
she applies it over all her wounds. She asks for clean cloth and washes Kings wounds. She advises the
Doctor to change the cloth every half hour.

Heroine tells Prince they dont have time to waste. The enemy is approaching the castle. Prince says that
the castle is fortified and can hold itself in a siege.

Chapter ending hook: Heroine reveals that the enemy will take over the castle by tomorrow and kill the
Chapter Ten: All conflicts are resolved.
Heroine tells her that a traitor will open the secret door to the castle to the enemy. The enemy will enter
from the secret tunnel.

Prince remembers where the secret door is. It is in a remote part of the castle. The same place the
courtier had gone when he met the Heroine.

He catches the courtier. Courtier confesses he is the spy. Prince orders the tunnel to be boobytrapped.
(Acid or Oil+Fire). Large number of enemy soldiers die as they enter the secret tunnel.

The Prince also orders the troop to attack from the other end of the tunnel. Enemy is trapped and

Doctor announces that King is recovering from wounds and will live. Prince happy. Heroine saved not
only the Kings life but also his own. Eternally grateful to her.

Ending: Prince and Heroine live happily ever after

Alternate Ending: The Heroine reactivates the Time Portal, returns back and gives an excellent
dissertation to her Professor.

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