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Usually, the no,of phases employed at any intersection is kept to a minimum compatible with safety NORMAL ASPECTS OF A CYCLE PLL The nonnal aspects or indivations-ol'a phase ae three: A 1. A green light indication. This gives right-of-way to the trailic controlled by that phase. Its duration is calculated to ensure minimum total delay at the intersection, 2. An amber or yellow light indication. This follows the green aspect. It gives a warning that right of way is about to be denied. The normal duration is 3 seconds, to enable vehicles which ¢, when unable to stop due to speed, enough time to get out of may have crossed the stop the intersection, 3. A red light indication. This follows the amber aspect. It det contralled by that phase, while another pl is being piven tight of way. The duuation depends on the durations of the green aspeets of the other phases. However, in modetn traffic signals, a combination of red and amber light indications is given for the last two scconds of. the red aspect, to warn traflic that the light is about to change to green, THE JNTERGREEN PERIOD This is the period between one phase losing right of way and the next phase gaining right of way, ic. the period between the termination of green on one phase and the commencement of green on anotier phase. This period is given a minimum duration of 4 seconds, but where left-turning velsieh:s are likely to become trapped in the middle of the intersection during the imergreen period, then it may be increased in duration, thereby resulting in a prenter margin of satiety Hiletyieen perinds ate kept to a minimus consistent with salety because in every intergreen period there is a loss of running time for both approaches where the signal indications are changing, OPERATION OF VEHICLE-ACTUATED SIGNAL FACILITIES 1. ‘The minimum green period This is te first facility. It is the shortest period of right of way that is given to any phase. It should be Jong enough to clear the vehicles waiting between the detector pad and the stop linc. ‘The minimum green period may be extended beyond the minimum value as vehicles pass over the detector on the approach. The length of this vehicle-extension-period is related to the measurd speed of approach at the detector, At the end of the vehicle-extension petivnl of the last vehirle ripht of way is tatesferted fo another pliase AY ekes alae fe eerste 2. he maximum green period Tie application of successive vehicle-extension periods would result m a continuous green indication: if there was a continuous passage of vehicles along the approach. ‘The length of the green dis limited by a prese}t maximam,ereen period, when right of way is transferred to another s right of way to the traffic pe ae Toes tales to preven? ‘exkension ba tome « TE oR SATURATION FLOW OF A TRAFFIC-SIGNAL APPROACH ity of a traffic-signal controlled intersection is limited by the capacities of the individual approaches to the interseetiong. ay the Hoge signal omot ‘Ths capacity is measured independently of traffic and Gontral factorgfannt is expressed as the saturation Haw : ‘Saturation flow is defined as the maximum flow, expressed as equivalent passenger cars, that can cross the stop line of the approach when there is a¥continuous green signal indication and a continuous queue of vehicles on the approach, ‘The saturation flow is affected by, roadway and environmental factors. These are the physical layout of the approach, in particular its'width, the Yadii along which rightor lefi-turning vehicles have to travel, and the’gradient of the approach and its exit from the intersection. Values of saturation flows s (pewh) with no parked vehicles: suns SSW, where w is the approach width in metres. : When w < 5.5 m, s is chosen from the table below: w 3 45) 4 ames) 55 s 1850 1875 1975 2175 2: 2900 Amendmentif Gaereecta 98 Le Hleet ot dient Vor every 1% uphill or downhill gradient of the approach. s is deer used or increased by a, ay Where vehicles crossing the stop line have then to travel immediately around a curve, the rate of discharge across the stop line will be reduced. x . a {300 oa ite \ Forsingie-tile streams, ¢ 2 or 1600 (pewh) (whichever is smaller) re 2" lista For double-file streams § = 22°92, 012700 (pewh) (whichever is sm=ller) cn y_ and 3, Vor a good site, e.g, dual carriageway approaches, no niotigeuble pedestrian interferen parked vehicles, no interferences to tallic flow from lefttuming vehicles, good visibil Adequate turning radii, then s is increased by 20%. (120% of the standard value). Vor poor environmental conditions, i.e. low average speeds, interference from standing Vehicles and left-turning vehicles, poor visibility and poor alignment, then s is reduced by 15% (85% of the standard value). Examples: Find s in the following situations: I Sirapproach with goo environmental conditions where all vehicles discharge straight across the infers etiun andl whete #he ppiotch width is 7,1 Sal flow = 525w= 525 x 7.5 = 3833 peu/h (envy factor): x 1.20= 4600 pew/h 2. Aw approach with poor environmental conditionswith a continuous uphil! gradient of 3%, shore all vehicles discharge straight across the intersection and where the approach width is 105m Sat flow = 525 x 10.5=5513 (env. Factor): x 0,85 = 4686 ( guadlicut effect of 6.5 .So S09) Od peat 3. An approach with normal eavironmental conditions from which all vehicles turn fell in a double file stream on a path with radius of 30m. Sat flow 3000 = 2857 pewh t+ Le 4, An approach with good environmental conditions and downhill gradient of 4%, where all Vehices discharge straight across the intersection and where the approach width is 5.20m. Sat flow 2700 pew/h ony, Factor) x 1.2 =3240 yradient effect of x Me S112 1029 pout OWS OF A TRAFFIC-SIGNAL APPROACH These are affected by traffic and factors. he effect of varying vehicle types are given as their equivalents relative to the passenger car. Bus 2.25 peu Heavy or medium goods vehicles 1.75 Light goods vehicle or car 1.00 Motoreyele 0.33 Bicycle 0.20 2. gg Where leficturning vehicies are mixed with straight atwad vehicles un the approach, the actual flow is calculated as if all vehicles traveled straight ahead but the Passenger car equivalents of the Jeft-\uming vehicles are increased by 75%, £ pe sppiealont 3 DEGRET OF TRATVICKING OF AN APPROACIL iy) 2 pF fare whi ce combed y = Actual flow *s Saturation flow Example The hourly traffic flow on a signal approach is composed of 400 passenger cars, 240 heavy Boods vehicles and 60 motorcycles. One-fifth of all the vesicles tura left. The width of the approach is 5.5m. Galculate the degree of traflicking of the approach, Solution: 320 sir tight-ahead cars 320x 1 =" 320peu 80 left-turn cars RON 1.78 to 160 sitaiglit-aliead heavy goods vehicle 160 x 14675 280 40 leli-turn heavy goads vehiele 40 x 1.75x1.75 122 48 straizht-ahead motoreycles 48 x 0.33 = 16 12 lefi-turn motorcycles i2x023 mys) a 7 885 peu Saturation flow = 525 x 900 peu. y=885 = 0.31 2900 ECTIVE GREEN TIME the fective prcen time of a pliae ts the tine that vebiel grea time Actual green time + Amber time (3 see ~~ Lost time duo to starting delays (2 secs) OPTIMUM CYCLE TIMES ag Rumber of vehicles crossing the stop line in a given period of time is dependent not only gn aie saiuration flow (capacity), but also on the proportion of the eycle time during which the signal effectively green, EF have to cross the stop fine, i.e. Max ilow = Sat, flow x Eff green time nee eee a (option cata tore: eyele time : e va st He di or Max How = LIT. green time Satflow Cele time To determine the optimum cycle time Cy: The length of the cycle tne under fixed-time operation is dependent on traflie conditions. Cycle times for heavily trafficked intersection (where the approaches have large values of y) must be longer than those for lightly-trafficked intersections, Fo. any given traffic-flow conditions with the signals aperating -d-time control, the duration of the eycie must affect the average delay to vehicles passing. throu the intcrseethne ag Mhow the evele time is stunt, the piopertion of ihe eyete time vecupied by the lost firme in the deo 0%, intergroen period and by skuting delays is high, making the signal control inctlicient and ee" causing lengtiry delays. be When on the other hand the oyele time is too long, waiting vehicles will clear the stop line ng the early part of the green period and the only vehicles erossit the stop Tine during cdenPatt of the green period will be those that subsequently aruve, often at extended “""hendways. As the saturation flow (discharge rate) across the,stop line is gr-atest when there is 2 qucue on the approach this also results in inefficient operation The optimum eyele time for whieh the total delay at all spproaches itn auininnany ta phe nbs t where L = total lost time per eycle Y = — Syi.e.sum of the max. degrees of trafficking for all the phases comprising the cycle. Jost time during green period + lost time during intergreen period f oft Siauting delays 1 F Amber time — LIT; Green time tsecn jee Actua! green =2 sees. per phase Lost time during intergreen period = Intergreen period ~ Amber period Example: Design-hour traffic flows at a four-arm three —yhase intersection are givien in the table below. The intergreen period is 5s, and starting delays are 2s per green interval. Calculate the optimum eycle time. Approach | Pass. | Med, Gus | Heavy: Loucks “ N (strand right) | 500 | 100 10 Nileft) so |10 aie S(sir & right) [400 | 150 0 S (left) AOS (Ue ee W (str &right) | 400 5 | eft) Sut) = 0 | sir & right) [200 _| 180 4 | # PF (lent a0 [0 (Cae! Solution: ‘The th ee major traffic movements are: NiS ~all directions of movement LAW ~ straight-ahead and right-turning movements 1/W — left-turning movements. Each of these is given a separate ph Phase A~ Movements 1, 2,3 & 4 s will ‘now be converted to the passenger car The tulle Now for cach off these phas equivalents, ‘The saturation flows will also be calculated. Note that the vehicles that are given their own left-tuning lane are not given a pass*ar equivalnt 1.75 times greater than the corresponding straight-ahead valiic. However, the reduced saturation flow applicable to a lefi-turning traffic lane is used. Med &TPuses [M/] Actual | Sawa [Dew oF Heavy ©} ftows | -tion | iv tucks | Mows | ching. y 175 23 B |30 19 [401s [0.21 263 0 30 4015 88 1900 Tose 0 @ 1900 Toon vi li ‘Total Jost time during eycle L: Starting delay x No of phases 28x3=6s Lost time during intergreen period = (Intergreen— Amber) x No of phases =(5-3)x3=6s Lost time during green period 1 =646=12s VO Hd on Ents Odd = 88 sees THE TIMING DIAGE The optimum cycle time which would result in minimum overall delay when employed with fixed-iime signals Co has now been calculated. The intergreen periods have also been selected before hand. n order to be able to describe the whole sequence of signal indications we now need b> ealeulate the ducation of the preet siyual indications, The durations of these green aspects can then “be employed with vehivle-actuated Wallis ‘They then will be the maximum green times at the end of which a phase change will occur regardless of any demands for vehicle extensions. signals, 1, Calculate the amount of effective green time available 4 --ing each eyele. Available effective green time/eycle = cyele time — lost time per eycle =Co-L green time per cycle = 88 ~ 12 = 76s. ce green time is then divided between the p Wee a aden Available effecti 2. This available effe Sy aslue ul one pha 04 in proportion 10 the Hy a Ot athe ad ee BU eae ae wl 3. Calculate the actual green times. ate jee atime Eat Green time ¢ Delay Amber de = Eff Green time + 2-3 Ef. Green time ~!s. ; phase C= 25s. Actual phase A = 20s; phase B The Intergreen period Allercd periud K (when all ignals display red including red + amber) = Intergreen period ~ Amber time. Allred period 8 40 ‘This is drawn for each phase with the intergreen period nreceding each green period, end the 3 secon amber period following the green period. a 038 as 39 Hote: fe. Relecgreen pee i a_i aust precocks enc ° presn periods Gore, felergeatn yered hes been giver 02 58) 7B yahne ikea otf cp 2 Dit ree i dasigns control signal: Amber alps precedes Boma fons movst be pollard sek “Bat * tht Ren 1G velo cms be een 3970 Ao along as BEe 7 he following are the steps in the design of a traffic 1 Select desiga-hour traffic flows 2. Consider the tratlie flows to determine the no. of phases 3. Cetermine suitable intergreen periods and lost times 4, Convert the traffic flows into peu’s 5. 6. 7 Fetermine the saturation flows for each approach, end calculate the 1H amtne the wus ca ste the optimum eyele Hl 1 8. Calculate the available effective green time = Co— Lost time. 9, Share hetwveen the phases in the proportion of the Yin Values 10. Calculate the actual green times 11. Draw the timing diagram. Haxauples L ‘An intersection is contolled by four-phase attic signals, with a eyele time of 100s, fhe minimum inter-green period is employed and a value of lost time per green period of assumed. Saturation flows on all the approaches are identical, but the maximum traffic flows on two: of the phases are twice the max. flows on the remaining two phases, Caleulate the series of actual green times. Solution Minimum intergreen period = 4s. Lost time in intergreen period = =~ 4s ~ Amber time * 4s—3s=ls Total lost time per eyele L = No of phases x (Lost time in intergreen period: + Lost time in starting, alelays) 21+ 113) = 16s The ratio of the max flows for the phases ‘The saturation flows are equal. 2 The ratio of the y values is also 2:2:1:1 ‘Available effective green time per eyele = Cycle time ~ Lost time/e; - 100-16 = 84s. is 2:2: 1:1. Divided in ratio 2:2:4:1, We have 788, 288, 14s and 14s, Actual picen Hine FelL queen time # starting, de LIT. green time + 3s — 38 .. The actual green times are 283, 28s, 14s and 14s. 3. Measurements of actual flows and saturation flows at a particular 2 are as follows: ays Atmber fine phase, 4-way intersection value @ more Sat flow, veh/h_ Sone 2400 mae | Oe Critical) sifudhon [2000 4} 0.225 Ee | 30) 0.300. 0300 | w ‘190. SOW) | u.2s0 | Lost times are as follows: Starting delays 2 sees per phase Intergreen period 9s Determine the controller settings which will give the minimum 0 Solution 5 Total list time per eycle L =n (starting delay + Loss in IG peri Last time in JG period 9 468 ni 2x(216) Josee. 2 = LSxX1G+5 64sec. 10.550 Available eff. green time = 64 — 16 = 48s. Divided in ratio 0.250:0.300 gives 22s and 26s. Actual green times are Eff. green time + Starting delay ~ Amber time Eff green time +2~3 = Eff. yreen time 21s and 25s respectively, “ Vining diagram: TPAD 1 Atay to vehicles.

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