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notice; only articles have been kept, useless pages and

publicity have been removed

From the Desk of Chief Editor 2

Dr. B. V. Raman
SUN in Politics 3

Bangalore Niranjan Babv

Muhurtha The jlrt of Time Management 6

Raman S uprajarama
Future of India in 2012 9

Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara

Ramayana guide to (Duties of Rings, Rulers, (Priests and Others 12

lyothisha Chinta Nidhi 15


Masamm MaRGAsinsosMi 17

William R. Levacy
Ashtama Guru 25

Dr. S. Madhavan
Commentaries on Brihat lataka 29

Venkata Giri Kumar

Astronomical Significance of Calendars 32

Dr. E. S. Neelakantan
Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas 35

Shaniputra 37

K. Chandra Hari
Ancient Horoscopes, Zodiac and Yoga Rationales 39

This Year for You 2012 45

This Month for You JANUARY 2012 53

Sunrise and Sunset Timings for January 2012 58



Lead Article





IN OUR LEADING article published in an earlier issue formulae how these mutual influences interweave with
pf the astrological magazine, we have endeavoured beautiful and subtle complexity; and the result is the vast
to highlight the importance of the Sun in horoscopic astrological literature which we have inherited.
interpre-tation. According to the Austrian scientist Ernest
Mach, every particle of matter in the entire uni-verse is The Sun is the aristocrat He represents rulers, government
interlinked with every other. Our planet is constantly and those in high authority. He is the ruler of the father,
bombarded by a variety of radiant energy. The infra-red heart, blood circulation and vitality. He is hot and dry aiding
and ultra-violet radiations, primary and secondary cosmic construction if unafflicted and bringing destruction when
rays containing high-energy electrons, gamma-rays, etc. much afflicted. His position in the horoscope is of the
play no mean part in influencing terrestrial affairs. The utmost importance. He displays firmness and stability,
influence is visible and has a direct relation to inhabitants justice, dignity, achievement, unsullied diplomacy,
of the earth. reputation, and generosity. He presides over what is called
atmashakti or soul force, personal magnetism, inspiration,
To the Hindu sages of yore, the Sun was the visible god devotion, courage, honour, integrity; and right values, self-
Suryanarayanathe Soul of the uni-verse. To the respect, individuality and authority come under his sway.
scientists of today the Sun is the chief symbol of life. Solar He represents gold and bones in the body ; of medium
flares, solar spots, etc, are caused by certain planetary height, he is dark-red in complexion, and has broad
dispositions and this is now a recognised scientific fact. It shoulders and a well-proportioned body. Siva's temples,
is again the declination position (Kranti) of the Sun that open areas, waterless regions, the eastern quarter, ruby,
seems to regulate the flow of corpuscular streams either copper, red colour, solstice, up-ward gaze, eye-sightall
from the northern or southern hemisphere of the solar come under his sway. The Sun also represents patrimony,
globe. Whatever be the theoretical explanations offered political and national influence, satwa-guna, morals and
by the scientists for the influences on living beings religion, noble and sublime ideas, masculine power, windy
occurring through changes in the electro magnetic field and bilious temperaments and hot or pungent taste.
of the earth, there can be no doubt that just as the ancient
seers recognised, either by intuition or by study and If the Sun is well placed in a horoscope, i.e., if he occupies
observation, the prime position of the Sun in its relation to the 3rd, the 6th, the 9th, the 10th or the 11th not joined by
Saturn or Rahu and the constellations of these two
the earth, we shall witness in the very near future a fusion
of two most ancient sciencesmedicine and astronomy malefics are not involved, we can declare the native is a
man of character and above board. When the ascendant
this new branch of science going under the name of helio-
biology. for instance is Capricorn and the Sun is in Libra, inovlving
Rahu's constellation, it is clear that the native's public life
According to some of the scientists, the gravitational pull and image can only be unfortunate. Selfishness will be
of the two massive outer planets. Jupiter and Saturn, when the motto. Not selfreliant but leaning too much on others,
they occupy certain geometrical positions from the Sun, he cannot succeed in his public or political life. Indolence,
produce a gravitational 'jerk' capable of significantly dogma and conceit will mar his prosperity.
affecting human behaviour. This study of the Sun's
influence on terrestrial affairs had been developed by the To differentiate between the various shades of influences
sages to a nicety that they could enumerate by means of generated by the Sun's situation in different houses, signs
and constellations and in different aspectual positions with


reference to other planets is simply impossible. Therefore In other words the Sun is completely spoiled by the
only generalisations can be made which can be duly combined influences of Rahu and Saturn. The Sun being
adapted to suit individual horoscopes in the light of their afflicted by Rahu has an explosive quality and tends to
own peculiar structures. the unexpected leading one to extremes. It indicates lot
of opposition, strange attractions, and abrupt endings,
besides making one restless, very independent, daring and
radical. If there were no Rahu in the 10th, Subhas Bose
would perhaps have wielded power like Prasad or Nehru.
Here what is to be noted is, while the position of the Sun
in the 10th is excellent, his affliction by Rahu and Saturn
has incapacitated the Sun.

The Sun in Virgo has a significant role to play provided it

happens to be the ascendant or the 9th or the 10th, the 4th
Hitler (Chart 1) has the Sun in the 7th house in the or the 7th, preferably the 9th or the 10th. When such a
constellation of Ketu associated with Mars and aspected Sun is associated with Rahu or Saturn and otherwise
by Saturn, Yogakaraka. The Sun is the planet conferring afflicted, the Sun does not really lose his inherent power.
honour and authority. Hitler indeed gained honour and This appears to be a special feature of the sign of Virgo
authority as the dictator of Germany. The moral nature of only. Spiritual inclinations and the urge to delve into the
the authority given by the Sun was spoiled by his situation unknown appear to be a gift of this "affliction". The Sun
in Ketu's constellation. With the solar and Kethu influences in Virgo gives discrimination arising from a fine
mingling and augmented by those of Mars and Saturn combination of idealism and realism, versatility, self-
Hitler could only be a cruel leader, excessively aggressive analysis, self-discipline, analytic approach to problems but
and delighting in human suffering and death, and daring slightly unfavourable to health until the age of 24. If
Capricorn is the ascendant and the Sun is in the 9th, there
to exterminate a race of people. The Sun gave a driving
is no political power indicated for the native unless Venus
desire for power but the SUN also caused his destruction.
is disposed in the 10th which should not relate to the
The situation of the Sun in the 7th is not generally constellation of Jupiter. The horoscope* of Wells furnishes
recommended. This makes one a sexual pervert unless an example for such a combination. The Sun is in the 9th
there are relieving features. One wielding power can be associated with Rahu and aspected by Mars and this gave
a profligate having his evil eye on any good-looking damsel. him practical idealism and an inclination for spirituality.
Saturn's situation in the 4th is not a desirable feature. The The Sun in the 9th gave success and honour, intellectual
authority and dignity generated by the Sun will be crippled. development and prophetic power. Rahu's association
In the case of Hitler this circumstance exists and the could have been adverse but for the fact the sign involved
affliction of the Sun invited on the German dictator the is Virgo. The aspect of Mars on the Sun cum Rahu gave
wrath of the civilised world because of his own misdeeds. him the capacity to project the revelations of his
The Sun's involvement with Ketu, i.e., by conjunction or subconscious mind. Usually the Sun-Rahu conjunction
situation in the constellation of Ketu, tends to make one afflicted by an adverse martian aspect occurring in the
over-ambitious, egoistical, proud, haughty, immoderate, 9th tends to make one impulsive, rash, erratic, radical, fond
domineering, and one can only meet with disappointment, of risks, danger of scandal, disgrace and even fall. But
mis-fortune and ultimate collapse. according to our studies and experience, the affliction
seems to get automatically diluted if the sign is Virgo.
Let us take the chart of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose
(No. 2) and concentrate on the position of the Sun. As The 10th house position of the Sun can be considered as
lord of the 5th he is in the 10th aspected by Saturn and an ideal combination. Here again the nature of his results
associated with Rahu. The qualities which shaped his depends upon the ascendant and the constellation the Sun
career by virtue of Jupiter's aspect on the Lagna, and the occupies. Unafflicted, the Sun can confer honour, success
situation of lord of Lagna in the constellation of the benefic and distinction, independent spirit, prosperity, good birth,
Moon aspected by Saturnhighest impulses of patrio-tism good breeding and ideal parents, positions of trust,
and lofty motiveswere entirely different from those that
shaped Hitler. The Sun, the planet of authority, occupies the *The Sun, 157 52'; the Moon 300; Mars 76; Mercury 148 25';
10th house and has digbala. But the Sun being echpsed by Jupiter 271 64'; Venus 204 9'; Saturn 199 11 ; Rahu 162 15'; and
Rahu and aspected by Saturn, echpsed Bose's political career. Lagna 273 16'.



responsibility and honour. He will be a man of character power will enable one to overcome the most difficult
and for him the means is as important as the ends. A man situations; but the forces of the Sun, Saturn and Mars
of high moral standards, he cannot brook indecency, converging on the 4th and aspecting the 10th can only
indiscipline and unethical or immoral character. One born bring about ultimate destruction unless a benevolent Jupiter
with Sagittarius as ascendant with the Sun in the 10thcan casts his divine eye. The lower qualities of the Sunvile-
be considered a fortunate person. The native prefers ness, cunning and crueltywill get the upper hand.
freedom of action, and happiness and duty are more Consistent with the nature of Mars, one with the Sun in
important than wealth. Consistent with the nature of Scorpio likes fighting and quarrels and is a dangerous
Virgo, he prefers scientific work and his ambition is to do politician playing hell with his colleagues always wearing
something original. The Sun in Virgo in his own star the mask of innocence. If this combination receives also
favours success in politics, while in a constellation of the the aspect of Mars, indomitable pride, arrogance and an
Moon the goal will be more idealistic. Such a disposition over-bearing attitude and a tendency to drop a person
denotes success in business concerned with design and quickly will highlight his nature. But an aspect of Jupiter
production of scientific equipment of a high standard of can work miracles. Throuh continuous fighting one can
excellence. The same results can happen even with get over obstacles. Despite this benefic touch of Jupiter,
reference to the Sun's position in the constellation of Mars if the aspect involved is an opposition, pseudo-leadership
but greater self-discipline is required. Impatience and and arrogance will be the hallmarks.
irritability make one disliked by one's colleagues. Several
Here is another chart (No. 4) belonging to a British
natives with this combination have produced astrologers
statesman, an out and out imperialist, the Sun occupying
of intuition, who have attained a certain eminence.
Scorpio, the constellation involved being Anuradha.
While the Sun corresponds to the individuality of the person, Leaving aside the configurations such as the disposition
the Moon is more particularly concerned with his personahty. of the intellectual planet Mercury in the ascendant which
A person may have a well-marked individuality, yet be conferred on him writing abilities of no mean order, it is
possessed of a weak personality. An impressive facade but the situation of the Sun in Scorpio, in the 11th from Saturn
nothing behind it is certainly not desirable. that is of relevance to us in this article. The Sun and Saturn
in the 11th and 3rd from each other is a desirable
Jupiter Ketu Rahu combination as it confers statesman-like qualities,
doggedness and frequent threats to political or social
Saturn prestige. There are so many other factors such as Saturn
Ascdt. 29 being situated in his own sign and in the constellation of
the Moon lord of the 10th, Mars, occupying the 11th from
Mars I Saturn the Sunall of which are to be considered for a full
Ascdt. 17 assessment of the horoscope; but our concern is only the
Venus J upiter
Rahu Venus Sun 16 ,Mercuiy
. Mars Sun. The Sun in Scorpio has given almost all the results
Ascendant, Ketu ascribed in text-books, viz., egoism, tremendous will-power,
the fighting spirit, insensibility to the reactions of others
The Sun's situation in the 4th house in not favourably plain and blunt speech and ability to face critical situations.
considered by most of the classical works: no happiness, But in this case, as the ascendant happens to be Libra,
no relations, no lands, no friends and no house but the the native had the ability to approach problems from a
native will serve the State. When the 4th Bhava is practical point of view; unlike when the ascendant is
Scorpio no matter whether the ascendant is Cancer or Cancer and the Sun is in Scorpio, the approach will be
Leo (see Chart 3) a Raja Yoga arises and the native, ideological or Utopian, creating chaos where order exists,
consistent with the strength and structure of the horoscope, creating misunderstandings where cordiality exists and
may attain high political creating division where unity exists.
power but may fall down frustrated and persecuted. The We have to make it clear to our esteemed readers that, in
constellation of Anuradha ruled by Saturn is the most these articles we simply propose to deal with the solar
undesirable place for the Sun to stay in, when it happens and lunar influences and give some illustrations and our
to be the 4th house. The native will have "inhuman discussions will have nothing to do with the other aspects
insensibility" towards the feelings and reactions of others. of the example horoscopes except in so far as they are
Stubbornness, ruthlessness egoism and tremendous will- relevant to the subject under discussion. (FOR)




The Jlrtof Time Management


respectively are considered positive. As a rule avoid

I and destructive forces of time in Jyotisha is highlighted remainders 3 and 7 referred to as Vipat and Naidhana.
in its manifestation as Kalapurusha. Apart from the
Five Source Energy (Panchaka)
importance of time in the natal horoscope and horary chart,
we have its unique importance in Muhurtha. Any work Though this is not important for day to day muhurthas, it
started at an auspicious time can many a time override is necessary to check on the Panchaka for important
the limitations indicated by a birth chart. Muhurtha is that events like marriage, nuptials, house warming, etc.
instant of time when the invisible metaphysical celestial Panchaka is defined as the planetary, stellar and zodiacal
energies work in harmony with the known and unknown. energies. The lunar day, the day's constellation, the
When the energies work in disagreement, it means that weekday and the ascendant (counted from Aries) are
the forces embedded in the womb of time create added and divided by nine. The remainders 3, 5, 7 are
impediments and deprive one of achievement one's desired said to denote good.
object. Generally for electing a Muhurtha certain
Lunar Strength ( Chandrabala)
guidelines have to be followed.
The day's Moon should not occupy the 6th, 8th and the
Constellation Compatiblity (Tarabala) 12th from the native's Moon sign (Janma Rasi).
Compatiblility of the day's constellation with the native's
Strength of Constellations
constellation is looked into. The number of days arrived
is divided by nine, (if the number crosses nine) and the Different constellations are recognized to have different
remainder obtained decides the compatibility or otherwise. strengths. The following table identifies the strengths of
Remainders two, four, six, eight and nine referred to as different constellations and their auspiciousness to certain
Sampat, Kshema, Sadhana, Mitra and Paramamitra events.

Constellation (Nakshatra) Favorable for

Fixed Coronations (taking oath MPs, MLAs, MLCs!) laying
Rohini, Uttara, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadra foundation, sowing and activities of permanence
New clothes, learning music, dance and fine arts, sexual
Chitta, Anuradha, Mrigasira, Revati
Light Wearing new ornaments, games and sports, medication,
Aswini, Pushya, Hasta starting new factories and industries, travel
Moola, Jyesta, Aridra, Aslesha, Pubba, Not recommended
Poorvashada, Poorvabhadra, Bharani, Makha
Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Punarvasu, Gardening, new vehicles, route marches and processions
Assignments of day to day importance
Krittika and Vishaka
Constellation Par Excellence o Tueday with Chaturthi (4th) and Ekadasi (11th)
The most favorable constellation, Dr. Raman tells us, is o Thursday with Dwadasi (12th) and Trayodasi (13th)
Pushya. It has the power to neutralize all imbalances o Friday with Chaturthi (4th) and Ashtami (8th) and
that arise due to unfavorable combinations. Texts say
o Saturday with Prathama (1st) and Dwiteeya (2nd)
that if there are a number of misplaced combinations in a
natal chart, selecting a Muhurtha, with Pushya as the Avoid the last muhurtha (48 minutes - 2 ghatis) of
constellation, has the power to cancel the negatives of lunar days Panchami (5th), Dasami (10th) and Pournami
the birth chart and assert its benefic character. Though (15th) and the first muhurtha of Prathama (1st), Shashti
Pushya constellation is said to be par excellence for all (6th) and Ekadasi (11th) going under the name
activities, readers are cautioned that Pushya tithigandanthara.
constellation is forbidden for marriage muhurthas. Avoid the first two degrees of Leo, Sagittarius and
Aries and the last two degrees of Cancer, Scorpio and
Mahadoshas Pisces.
Muhurtha also speaks of many adverse evils Avoid the last 48 minutes - 2 ghatis - of Aslesha,
(mahadoshas) that need to be avoided for important Jyeshta, Moola, Revati and Aswini and the first 96
events. One of them Panchanga Suddhi tells us that the minutes - 4 ghatis - of Makha
five limbs - thithi (lunar day), vara (week day), nakshatra
Avoid Venus in the 6th, particularly for marriage
(constellation), yoga (luni solar day) and karana (half a
yoga) have to be good. These limbs are said to represent
the five sources of metaphysical energies and when Avoid Mars in the 8th.
properly selected contribute to good health, better harmony o This could be destructive.
and much happiness. Another dosha that should be avoided For marriage muhurthas the ascending lagna should
while fixing a Muhurtha is Surya Sankramana. When not be the 8th from the birth lagna of the boy or girl.
the Sun leaves a sign and enters the next sign there is Avoid the constellation occupied by the Sun at a given
much disturbance of solar forces and fixing a Muhurtha moment.
during this phase of change of sign is not appropriate.
o The preceeding and succeeding constellation also
Dr. Raman says that sixteen ghatis (6 hours 24 minutes)
should be rejected.
before and after the change of sign should be rejected.
Neutralisation of Doshas
General Guidelines
Abhijan Muhurtha, Dr. Raman says, is Sarva
While not going to other doshas, the following guidelines
Doshagna - removing all doshas.
in fixing a proper muhurtha can be taken into consideration.
o Based on the day's sunrise and sunset
Avoid two malefic planets on either side of lagna Tuesday's evil is minimized in the afternoon
Venus, Mercury or Jupiter in ascendant is said to
Avoid the Moon in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses from destroy all evil.
Moon or Sun in the 11th can nullify the muhurtha evils.
Avoid the association of other planets, malefic or
Exaltation of a planet nullifies the evils.
benefic, with the Moon.
Imbalance created by an unfavorable weekday,
o Take particular care of this while fixing marriage
constellation, lunar day and yoga is removed with
Jupiter or Venus in a Kendra (quadrant) and malefic
The lagna and the seventh house should be strong, Mars, Saturn and Rahu in 3, 6 and 11.
o Lords of Rasi lagna and Navamsa lagna should Reinforcement of Lagna and its lord can strengthen
occupy their respective lagnas and vice versa the Muhurtha.
Durmuhurthas should be avoided.
Vastu and Time Management
Weekdays coinciding with certain lunar days should
be avoided. We will now see how to manage time at various stages of
th construction. Celestial time management or Muhurtha as
o Sunday and Chaturdasi (14 lunar day)
is generally referred to is needed at four stages of
o Monday with Ashtami (8th lunar day) and Dwadasi construction. This apart orientations or main door
(12th lunar day)



placements can also be made compatible to one's Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are good
astrological signs. weekdays.
The Ascendant should be a fixed sign.
1. Ground breaking or B hum! Puj a.
Generally entry into a new house is not recommended
2. Digging well or drilling a bore, creating an underground
when the lady of the home is an advanced stage of
tank or a swimming pool.
3. Placing of the Main door.
6. Directions compatible to your Moon-sign
4. Entering the New Home.
(Janma Rasi)
5. Compatible Directions North Feo, Virgo, Fibra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and
1. Groundbreaking or Bhumi Puja Capricorn
Jyeshta, Ashada, Bhadrapada, Aswiyuja, Margasira, East Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius,
Pushya, Pisces and Aries
Phalguna lunar months are not recommended. South Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini,
The lunar months of Chaitra, Vaisakha, Sravana,
Kartika and Magha are good. West Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Feo, Virgo and Fibra
The constellations Rohini, Mrigasira, Chitta, Hasta, Though, generally, North and East are the favored
Jyeshta, Uttara, Uttarashada and Sravana are good. directions, Vastu does not prohibit orientation to other
Sun on that day should be in a fixed sign. directions. Texts very clearly indicate that certain
All odd lunar days (except ninth) are favorable. Even directions are more compatible to certain moon signs or
dates 2, 6 and 10 are also good. Janma Rasis.

Of the week days Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Time management or muhurtha at different stages of
Friday are recommended. construction will minimize the imbalances of Vastu
1. Digging well or drilling a bore, creating an inappropriate construction and at the same time optimize
underground tank or a swimming pool the positives of Vastu apt constructions.
The constellations Revati, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Though a flawless muhurtha may be difficult, one can
Anurdaha, Makha, Sravana, Rohini and Pushya are work out a muhurtha with less doshas and more gunas.
good. Jupiter or Venus in conjunction with the ascendant or in a
Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn rising signs are Kendra and malefics in 3rd, 6th and 11th can considerably
recommended. reduce the doshas and strengthen the muhurtha. Fet us
see what my great grand father Prof. Suryanarain Rao,
2. Placing of the Mahadwara or Main door
and one of the greatest scholars in astrology, says :
The Ascendant should be a fixed sign.
"To despise to hold a bright lamp in darkness
The constellations Rohini, Mrigasira, Uttara, Chitta,
indicates stupidity, while to try to secure it at
Anuradha, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadra and Revati are
any cost and hold the same to shed light on our
future path really shows consummate wisdom.
Of the week days Wednesdays and Fridays are Choose your own lot as you please, and either
recommended. control the planets and stand a victor in the
struggle for existence and comfort or yield to
3. Entering the New Home
their evil influences without personal exertion
In the Uttarayana period when Venus and Jupiter are on your part and be a miserable coward".
exalted the day is good.
Of the lunar months Vaishaka, Jyeshta, Magha and Concluding, a powerful muhurtha, worked out by an expert
Phalguna are good while Kartika and Margasira are (it could be you too!), can neutralize the afflictions of the
moderate. birth chart considerably and assist you to be healthy,
wealthy and wise!
Of the constellations Rohini, Mrigasira, Uttarashada,
Chitta, Uttarabhadra, Anuradha and Revati are good. Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu!



Future of India
in 2012


TlHE ONGOING WINTER sessions are making a mockery of India. The political leaders, both
mling and opposition, are at loggerheads. The Congress and its allies are trying to hide the
recent scams that have got exposed, while BJP (also equally scammed) and its allies are taking
a chance to collapse the ruling party. How does the future of India look like? Are we, citizens of this
oldest and spiritual country, safe guarded? Are our interests taken care of? And can we citizens live

Political Parties and Future

Vimshottari style of time division allocates the Sun, Mercury and Rahu in that order, as the influencers
in January 2012. It is commonly referred in the astrological community as "having Sun Mahadasa,
Mercury Antardasa and Rahu Pratyantardasa" and denoted as Sun>Mercury>Rahu. The role of the Sun,
as the main influencer started as early as August 2007, when the NDA government was ruling.

' ~ ' In the Indian Independence horoscope, the Sun is the lord of the
Ascendant Mars fourth house and is located in the third house, in Cancer, a movable
sign. Being in an inimical sign, his influence on the ruling party to
Saturn undertake immoral and unethical tasks of high degree, behaving
Natal Chart
Ncitsl Mercury
Sun venus
sun Venus opportunistically and exhibiting hypocrisy has been clearly seen.
Rasi The ruling parties refer to those in center as well as the states. More
than 20 plus scams have been committed since August 2007 including
the 2G scam which looted money of the citizens, the commonwealth
games scam which caused shame in the international front, the
k^u Bellary mining scam, Indian Black Money in Swiss banks etc. The
same has been the case with Jan Lokpal Bill. The promise by central
government to Anna Hazare is not likely to be kept. This unfavorable influence of the Sun on India's
political influence extends into 2012 as well. We will continue to see similar events and scams happening
in 2012 as well.

Mercury is the secondary influencer of the first three quarters of 2012. He owns the second and the
fifth houses of the Indian Horoscope, and occupies the third house as the Sun. Thanks to his influence
these scams were exposed in the second half of 2011. Watch out! More scams are going to get exposed
in the coming days. Mercury's effect will escalate the political debates addressed to sort out and find
solutions to various scams. Mercury however lacks support from the primary influencer, the Sun. He
will only be instrumental in exposing the scams and other unethical transactions of the political leaders,
but will not be able to bring about justice. The undesirable influence of the Sun will eventually prevail.



In January 2012, a scam related to military and science is destabilization of the ruling party with a few top leaders
likely to take place. We would caution the citizens and going behind bars.
urge them to look out for any such dealings that might be
In July 2012, the tertiary influence of Jupiter kicks in. The
undertaken by our political leaders. The Jan-Lokpal bill
political leaders may twist the laws to their favor, and
activities might give out favorable side-shoots with a major
even conceal certain facts from being exposed. They may
financial sector scam getting exposed in the last week of
attempt to buy out top judges as well to stall or turn certain
February. A wikileaks cable or similar broadcasts could
cases to their favor. India could see the first version of
be leaked exposing the role of certain state government
the Jan Lokpal Bill rolling out, with lower officials under
officials' unethical practices. However, with the
its radar in August 2012. The unfavorable position of the
undesirable influence of Sun, the political leaders are likely
Sun could help the top political leaders to negotiate
to get themselves a rain check from getting arrested and
themselves out of the ambit of the Jan Lokpal Bill.
sent to jail.
Venus takes the role of secondary influencer in September
In April 2012, Ketu becomes the secondary influencer
2012. Venus as the ford of the ascendant and the sixth
and lasts till August 2012. As the ruler of Scorpio, the
house is in the third house. The anti-corruption activities
seventh house, he is in Scorpio itself. He does not have
would have minimized by this time. The top political leaders
any malefic influence. His influence will trigger spiritual
will happy that they were out of the Jan Lokpal radar. A
leaders and freedom fighters to take up the cause of
new issue arises and attention is focused to that. October
corruption in India. We can see far more influential and
and November might see the political leaders occupied
persuasive protests from Anna Hazare and his team, Baba
by this issue. As the year ends, there would be state of
Ramdev and his team and similar people. They will be
uncertainty pervading across the country.
able to effectively educate the citizens about the causes
they are standing for, and gather even greater support 2012 Legislative Elections
from the citizens. In April, we might see the spiritual leaders
A few states have their ruling party's tenure expiring in
and freedom fighters coming together, and discussing their
2012. Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Punjab,
strategy to eliminate corruption. May 2012 could see film
Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand are due. The transit of
and sport celebrities joining the movement.
Saturn in Libra, Jupiter's transit in Aries and then Taurus,
At around this time, there are certain and Mars' transit in Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio, are
planetary patterns worth taking note of going to have a significant impact on the elections. India
from the May 22,2009 swearing-in chart /" M ' " represented by Virgo, will have Saturn in the second from
of the current Prime Minister of India, I Ai it. Jupiter will transit the eighth and ninth houses.
Dr. Manmohan Singh. In June 2012, the f /
The B JP government in Guj arat
present political ruling will be under the J I
^ \ under the leadership of Mr.
primary and secondary influence of V ^ f
V. Xf Narendra Modi is likely to win
Jupiter and the Moon. Jupiter as the lord p?"
jji, $ the elections again. In Mr.
of the third and sixth house is in the fifth
C, Modi's horoscope, the Sun and
house and viewing the ascendant. The Moon, as the lord
\ J") Mercury influence his actions
of the tenth house is in the seventh. He is along with the
Id in 2012. The Sun as the tenth
second and the seventh lord Mars.
ford in the eleventh is a positive
(Mercury) I The Moon takes the role of combination and makes him more powerful in the political
Moon a
first rate maraka. This front. Mercury, as the lord of the eighth and the eleventh
pattern of Jupiter and the is in the eleventh, and will push Mr. Modi to take many
Jupiter Ketu Moon is likely J to create more economic reforms. Indications suggest that Gujarat
Natal Chart
problems to the ruling party. under the leadership of Mr. Modi could emerge a world
RaSI destination. His Prime Ministers role however, will have
Rahu Saturn The problem creators for the
ruling party are clearly to wait.
' T indicated as spiritual leaders
Ascendant and freedom fighters. The Free Panchanga
influence of the Moon will for January 2012, February 2012 & March 2012
be severe, perhaps life-threatening as well. The similarities with this issue
in the Indian Horoscope and swearing-in chart indicate



The Bahujan Samaj Party won Other Mundane Indications

206 seats in 2007 election in Uttar The new Samvatsara or lunar new year, Nandana,
Pradesh. Ms. Mayawati became commences on March 22,2012 at around 8 pm in the evening.
the Chief Minister. In 2012, we The first degree of Libra will be rising and thereby Vargottama.
can expect a repetition. Mercury With retrograde Saturn in the ascendant and viewed by Venus
as the primary influencer will help
r and Jupiter, Nandana
Ms. Mayawati to emerge (Mercury) Venus appears to be a year of mixed
victorious. Sun Jup er
" results, both favorable and
Overall, the planetary patterns indicate an unfavorable unfavorable. The ruling star
Lunar Year
outcome for the Congress Party. Moon and Mercury are the , is Uttarabhadra, ruled by
primary and secondary influencers for the party in 2012. Rasi Saturn and is an Amritanadi.
Moon, as the fifth lord is in the seventh, in maraka sthana
along with Rahu. Mercury as the seventh lord is the ninth ; At the time of Solar Ingress
house. The Moon's gender is Female and Mercury is a (Satlim) to Gemini in June 2011, Leo
Ascendant ^ rjsjng MarS in
eunuch. The party's senior leader's end is foreseen.
it. Jupiter and Retrograde
Economy, Inflation and Markets Venus occupy the tenth house and Saturn, the third. Rains
The Indian economy has been bad in 2011. Both the this year will be below the expected levels. Farmers need
Sensex and Nifty are down by 18% in the last one year. to factor this or will end up facing problems. Amritanadi
Inflation is ending at around 9.5%, Benchmark Interest effects can manifest with Government providing support
rates are have increased from 5.5% to 7.5%, petrol prices in the form of cloud seeding.
have increased by Rs. 10.00 per litre, both Industrial
production and Government Budget have dropped by 5.1 % Further Events
of GDP. Basic necessities have become dear. The There is a strange planetary formation taking place in
influence of the Sun is clearly seen. the last week of October. Jupiter and Ketu are in
conjunction in Taurus, and
Going forward, the first half of 2012 will continue to see a
Moon ,Jupiter (R) Mars, Mercury ' and Rahu
downward trend. We can expect the markets to drop by ; are viewing the two planets
another 10%. Iron, Steel and other Metal Sectors,
from Scorpio. Yogas or
Automobile sector, Oil and Chemicals sector, and
planetaryJ combinations
companies with government holding will move southwards. J October 2012 f .
taking place in Taurus
Banking and Financial sectors, Power and Media sectors
usually manifest
will also move southward, but at a slower pace. We may
see a temporary relief in the months of May. The transit i~!Z2
Mercuiy Ooti im aggressively. In the case of
of Sun into Aries is likely to build support levels, and the Ratu venus Scorpio, in addition to being
markets gaining some strength. There could be an upward ^LJ aggressive, they are
growth of about two to three percent during this time. secretive in nature. The arrangement of these five
Inflation can increase to around 11%, and two more planets suggests terrorist activities or human
upward revisions of petrol prices can be expected, once exploitation. The affected countries include one belt
in January and then in February. The secondary influence from Guyana, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay and
of Mercury, indicates an increase in benchmark interest another belt from Ukraine, Turkey, Iraq, Syria via
rates 50 basis points. Home loans and vehicle loans could Ethiopia, Somalia and all the way to Tanzania. Planetary
be very high. The transit of the Sun and Mercury in bearish heat map estimates indicate Kenya and Somalia to have
signs also suggest that the crops, pulses and other the highest influence.
necessities will become dearer.
With reference to India ruled by Virgo, Scorpio is the third
By June 2012, the secondary influence of Mercury would house and Taurus is in the ninth house. An unhappy event
have subsided and Ketu's influence will begin. The markets is likely to take place and it could relate to religion. More
will drop further, perhaps to another 10%. However, the details about this event will be given in the coming issues
benchmark interest rates are likely to reverse and likely to of our magazine.
reduce the home and vehicle loans. Inflation can also reduce
to about 8% and petrol prices can also stabilize. Throughout The above predictions are projections only. We hope the
the year, iron, steel and metal stocks may perform badly while readers and governments take note of the planetary
media and power stocks can be stable. movements and plan for greater good.



Cjuicfe to (Duties of T<jngs<Ru[ers, (priests and Others


Dr. Bangalore Sureshwara has been EVEN TODAY, I distinctly remember a conversation that I had in 1989
involved in the study of the application of with my father Dr. B. V. Raman, wherein we concurred that I would
Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita share with others my understanding and observations of the information that
and Vedic Astrology in modern life. His is related to the various aspects of life as embedded in Ramayana. This would
lectures and writings on Ramayana, encourage many to start reading Ramayana and benefit from the information
Hinduism, Vedic Astrology, "Ramayana contained in the eternal book. Even before that memorable conversation, it
and Management" have been well received. has been my passion and interest to continue to study, observe and understand
the many details and information that are contained in the eternal epic
He was the principal speaker on Vedic
Astrology at The Second Parliament of the
World's Religions held in Chicago in Sage Valmiki's magnum opus "Valmiki Ramayana" covers the story of Sri
August-September 1993. Dr. Sureshwara Rama. There are many popular versions and commentaries pertaining to
successfully predicted the victories in the Ramayana. Some of them have segments of the eternal story, which are
USA Presidential Elections of President somewhat different from Valmiki Ramayana. The modifications are possibly
Bush ( 2000 and 2004) and President due to the authors' views and the influence of the various environments that
Obama (2008). He has been a existed in their lives. While respecting the contribution made by many authors,
distinguished contributor to The many scholars consider Valmiki Ramayana as the original and authoritative
Astrological Magazine, Asia's leading Vedic text.
Astrology journal founded in 1895 by
Professor B. Suryanarain Rao. The During the last twenty plus years, we have discussed, debated and differed on
illustrious Dr. B. V Raman was its Editor various aspects of Ramayana. I hope it has helped us in better understanding
from 1932 to 1938. of the story and the events, as well their practical application and utility at an
individual, society and national levels. We are in the twenty-first century and
Dr. Sureshwara obtained Master's and yet the enduring and the everlasting message of Ramayana is more relevant
Doctorate in Engineering from the today than ever in the history of humanity
University of Notre Dame, USA. He has
taught Civil, Structural and Mechanical Practical and Effective Message
Engineering at undergraduate and Ramayana contains many stories of some individuals who exhibited
postgraduate levels at various universities extraordinary sacrifices as they were exposed to dangerous situations. Others
in USA. His varied and extensive industry exhibited greedy and selfish actions with practically every available opportunity.
experiences cover Civil, Structural, The story of Sri Rama and Ayodhya is the story of mankind. Ramayana has
Mechanical andAerospace Engineering. information that is needed to understand the strengths and weaknesses that
defines every individual. It has been said that Ramayana is not only an eternal
Scripture but it is also an encyclopedia covering the various aspects of life.
One is reminded about a statement attributed to a person of learning, knowledge
and wisdom .The wise person said "every saint has a past and every sinner
has a future." The words of the wise encourage everyone to let spiritualism
awaken the values and ethics that lay dormant in their fives.

The simple, but powerful and effective message contained in Ramayana, is

that ultimately good triumphs over evil in any conflict. This eternal message
unfolds throughout the various events covered in Ramayana. Yet, some while


apparently comprehending this message are unable to to Bharata is covered in Canto One-hundred in the
completely understand it in a way so as to put it to practical Ayodhya Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana. The dialog
use in their lives. No wonder, to-day's world is embroiled between Sri Rama and Bharata covering the qualifications,
in a variety of problems and conflicts. responsibilities and ethics required for rulers or kings,
secular and spiritual advisers and various officials of the
Materialism and spiritualism constantly and continuously
kingdom are given in the seventy-six verses contained in
challenge human actions and behaviors. It is important to
the Canto.
be aware that spiritualism and performance of religious
rituals/rites are not always synonymous. Ramayana has A priest is one who performs religious rites or rituals and
shown that anyone who reaches the highest level of provides spiritual information or advice. Sri Rama points
spiritualism is a divine person. Sri Rama is a classic out to Bharata that a priest must have humility, extensive
example of divinity or a divine individual. On the other learning, intelligence, skilled and well versed in the
hand, a person with extreme materialistic value, regardless procedure of conducting religious rites and who is treated
of the performance of religious and rituals or rites, has with respect by the king. "Atheistic" priests are not to be
limited spiritualism. Ravana clearly belongs to this patronized because they are capable of manipulating the
category. Sri Rama and Ravana define the "dharma- people's mind and leading them away from the right path.
adharma" spectrum. The divine or spiritual end of the
spectrum is defined by Sri Rama and the materialistic or The phrase "atheistic priest" in plain English indicates a
demonic end by Ravana. A vast majority of individuals priest who is a "non-believer" in God. However, in practical
fall somewhere between the two ends of the spectrum situations as indicted in Ramayana, these are the priests
but many need to put great efforts throughout their lives who rarely perform religious rites according to the
to be as near as possible to the spiritual end. established canons of worship but primarily use their
position to take advantage of the trusting devotees of God.
Duties of Rulers, Priests and Others Some even conduct religious rites with pomp and glamor
Religion or faith need to inspire people towards embedding that are often void of spiritualism. The term well-versed
spiritualism in their life. The turbulence of violence that in conducting religious rites that was so clearly and
exists in parts of the world possibly indicate the unhealthy eloquently expressed by Sri Rama appear to have little
influence of materialism and the challenges that spiritualism relevance for some in the worship of the Supreme Being
faces in the society. The study of Ramayana helps to today. It is not surprising that such persons, even if rare in
bridge any gap that may exist in understanding the role earlier times, have existed since the Ramayana period.
of spiritualism in an individual's life. Perhaps, in these days, it is difficult to find priests and
religious leaders who truly satisfy the indicated
Many millennium years ago, the eternal hero Sri Rama
talked to Sri Bharata about the administration of a kingdom
and the corresponding qualifications and responsibilities
of the rulers and the various officials, based on time-tested
ethics and values. We find that Sri Rama's advice and
counseling to Bharata is as relevant today as it was during
the Ramayana time.

The earth shaking turmoil generated by the troubling

actions of Kaikeyi resulted in the self-banishment or
voluntary exile of Sri Rama from Ayodhya. Bharata
rejected his mother's desire and offer to make him King
of Ayodhya. He reaffirmed the role of values and ethics
in the Kingdom of Ayodhya. Bharata, accompanied by
brother Shatrughna, minister Sumantra and the army, went
looking for Sri Rama. Leaving the army near Chitrakoot
mountain to ensure that any hermits in the area are not
disturbed, he reached the simple hut in which Sri Rama,
Lakshmana and Sita lived. The four brothers had a tear
filled joyful meeting. The advice and instructions, based
on well-established ethics and values, given by Sri Rama


qualifications referred to in Ramayana. Yet in the midst Sri Rama informs Bharata that a military general is one
of the rubble and dust that surround the troubled religious who is talented, gallant and has spotless character. Sri
practices, today there are still many individuals and Rama also cautions Bharata that one should get rid of a
institutions that quietly preach and practice spirituality with warrior seeking "kingly power". Thus Sri Rama affirms
humility. Many of them exist in our own towns and cities. that a ruler has to be aware of possible political or military
"coup d'etat". Even during the times of Ramayana, it was
Ministers, as referenced in Ramayana, are also advisors
recognized that sometimes wars are inevitable. A world
or counselors. Sri Rama indicates that a minister/counselor
that has produced both Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler
needs to be one who is learned, honest, valiant and well
cannot be free of peace or war for ever. Heroic warriors
versed in politics. In today's world it is rare to find an
who have participated in battles are to be treated with
administrator or minister who meets the essential
honor. How often does one recognize heroic warriors
qualifications indicated above and is fully interested in the today? Are they treated with honor and dignity? Sri Rama's
total welfare of the "kingdom" (city, state or country) and
words are strong reminders of the unfortunate reality.
its "citizens" (residents).
Heroic warriors of today, at best, get their fifteen minutes
Sri Rama says that a ruler should provide daily audience of fame and glory. And then they are often forgotten, not
to the people. What a noble idea that He has given to only by the nation but also sometimes by their near and
the rulers of the world. It is more valid today than ever dear ones. The rulers, on the other hand, too often climb
to implement the simple and yet the powerful message up on the back of these heroic warriors to achieve their
of meeting the ruled by the ruler. Many rulers of today political ambitions.
have conveniently used the noble idea to benefit In today's world, it is not unexpected to see a so-
themselves. They meet the public not to listen to their called good friend of a politician turn one hundred
problems, concerns, difficulties, etc., of the public, but and eighty degrees to achieve the desired political
mainly to lecture them, may be few times during an power or position.
election cycle of 4 or 5 years and only to seek their
votes. Once an election is over, the public is just ignored, Sri Rama reminds that the tears from the eyes of falsely
if not entirely forgotten. Today "Ramarajya" of the convicted individual destroy the king. He recognized the
golden period has been replaced by its mere shadow. human fragilities of the mind and the body. An individual
Yet, the message of Sri Rama echoes all over the world. may be well intentioned but, unfortunately, mistakes or
It is refreshing to see that public apathy of the past is errors sometimes may happen. It is the duty of the ruler
slowly being replaced by public's outrage and demand to rectify the mistakes immediately. Hopefully no long-
for rulers to observe and practice value and ethics term damage results from the mistakes or errors.
based administration. The rulers, it now appears, are However, as kings and rulers often have extraordinary
also slowly starting to hear this loudly increasing echo. powers, it is their duty to ensure that false serious
Positive changes are possible now. charges never occur. Innocent individuals would not
be exposed to punishment and suffering in a Ramarajya
Sri Rama's advice that the ruler's expenses should be
based justice system.
less than the income rings loud and clear around the
world. This is indeed a statement that is eternally valid. The information indicated here is an overview of the
Everyone reads and discusses Ramarajya and one material contained in the seventy six verses. What is
aspect of this learning is to merely adhere to the simple astonishing, but not surprising, is that the various
economic principle at every level as enunciated by Sri requirements and qualifications indicated by Sri Rama for
Rama. The balanced budget of a home, state or country the rulers and others are equally valid even today. The
needs disciplined spending. Today the economic experts information in Ramayana is millennium years old and yet
only talk of balanced-budgets and never focus on its its application is forever.
real implementation. But the very fact that in recent
times there appears to be serious interest in Ramayana is an Eternal Scripture and guide for rulers
implementation of balanced budgets are a silver fining and people. It clearly conveys that an individual can rise
to the dark cloud of financial management. Sri Rama's to divine levels as in the case of our hero Sri Rama. It
temple of financial management is easy to build but also emphasizes that a bad individual will cause suffering
needs dedicated and determined efforts to make it to the good people but ultimately will pay the price as in
happen sooner than later. the case of Rakshasa Ravana.
Continued on 17



Chinta Nidhi


Impracticable Combinations It is interesting to note that Phaladeepika gives a

Our ancient astrological treatises give us a plethora of combination to identify such girls who are prone to
combinations of planets that can make or mar the quarrelling with their husbands and make the marriage a
characteristics of a person. In analyzing any chart these hell or wreak it. It says that if the lords of Lagna and
combinations can guide the astrologer to assess the quality seventh in a girl's horoscope are placed in shastashtaka
of the horoscope, most precisely, and help him to judge positions, (i.e., 6-8) the girl will pickup serious quarrels
the horoscope effectively. However, it must be noted that with her husband or even break the bond.
not all such combinations found in our ancient treatises
One must not come to any hasty conclusions in such cases
can be taken up for their face value because some of
where the lords of the Lagna and the seventh are placed
them can turn to be merely impossible or impracticable
in 6-8 positions in any girl's horoscope. It may be true that
ones. The scholars have taken note of all these anomalies
the combination could be ominous. Including the Moon,
earlier and have discussed them threadbare. The present
there are some fast moving planets like Mercury and
effort of this scribe is just to alert the students of
Venus who come round the zodiac once in a month or at
astrology that all such combinations given in various
least in few months. Let us take the case of Kataka and
texts of yore cannot be taken for granted outright. Makara lagnas. In the first case where the lagna is Kataka
However, it must be noted that this is in no way meant to
the lords of the lagna and the 7th are the Moon and Saturn.
find fault with those treatises that have given such In the case of Makara lagna they will be Saturn and Moon
impossible combinations.
respectively. Wherever Saturn could be, is it not a fact
The students, in such rare cases, must take them seriously to that the Moon would occupy the 6-8 position, at least once
find whether such combinations are possible, feasible or at a month from Saturn? Like this, Mercury, Venus and even
least practicable. If such strange combinations found in texts the Sun can take up such positions frequently. Net result
are found not reasonable, for our modem use, the only way would be that such quarrelling girls would constitute the
out would be that they need not be given any weight, in the bulk of female population and en-masse we cannot brand
assessments. One need not sit on any judgment why such them as cantankerous. In short it is that such
inconsistencies have crept into these texts. combinations need not be taken up so seriously or literally
to make one apprehensive of a possible horror.
This can save a lot of trouble for the budding astrologers.
This present venture is only to whip-up support to those Royal Births
students, who are interested to study the subject seriously. Again, in Phaladeepika we find a combination suggesting
a royal birth, if Venus is in the ascendant and in Aswini
Marital Disharmony Nakshatra and further aspected by all the other planets.
The quarrels between husbands and wives are nothing Evidently, this cannot happen, as at least Mercury and the
new and they ought to have exited perhaps from the very Sun will have to opt out, by all means. This is because
ancient days. But it is strange that they have not damaged Mercury and the Sun can aspect the planet only from the
the institution of marriage due to many of the social and 7th from it and in no way either of them can be so far
religious embargoes. However, one can see that such away from Venus.
instances quite common, now-a-days with many girls going
back to their home discarding their husband or seek a A combination when the Sun and the Moon are in their
divorce. Only then, the astrologer who had matched the atyuccha or deep exaltation position is capable of ushering
cases becomes the whipping-boy. in a great royal personage according to Maharshi Gargi.


Can such a situation arise? It will be a good exercise for Going a step further, the results of any bhava can be
the students to work out and find whether when the Sun enlarged by taking it as the Lagna, from where its twelve
is in 10 Mesha, the Moon could occupy the 33. bhavas could be analyses and assessed. For example the
progeny of brother can be examined from the 7th, as it is
Bhavatbhava Principle
the 5th from the 3rd.
While attempting to assess the quality of any bhava it is
of utmost necessity to look into many of the factors like Bhavasya yassaiva phalam vichintyam
its strength, the aspects or associations of planets it gets, Bhavam cha tarn lagnamiti prakalpya /
the quality, position and strength of the bhaavaadhipa
Tasmadwadeddwadasa bhavajaani
and scores of other factors.
Phalani tadroopadhanaadhikaani //
Bhavatbhava is a special method of assessing the qualities
of any particular bhava, not only from the concerned bhava Whenever the effects of any bhava are to be determined,
but also from the house, counted as much, from the that bhava should be considered as the Lagna. The effects
concerned bhava, as the latter is from Lagna. Under this of the twelve houses reckoned there-from should then be
scheme, the matters concerning father can be measured examined and results arrived at.
from the 5th bhava also because it is the 9th from the 9th.
There is another rule that prescribes the bhava
The logic is that while the 9th bhava can portray matters
assessments from the position of the respective kanakas.
connected with the father of the native, the 9th from that
For example the progeny could be examined not only from
bhava can elucidate it further.
the 5th but also from the 5th house from where Jupiter, the
Likewise the traits of the 2nd house can be considered Putrakaraka is posited, in the horoscope.
from the 3rd house also as it is the 2nd from the second
house. Likewise, 3rd can be gauged from the 5th which is The Bhavatbhava principle enlarges the scope for
the 3rd to the 3rd; the 4th from the 7th which is the 4th from assessments of various bhavas, making it more incisive
the 4th and so on. This is the Bhavatbhava principle. and insightful. h

Ramayana, Guide to Duties of Rulers

(continued from 14)
Everlasting Guide The objective of the discussion is to help each other in
We have only scratched at the surface of Ramayana. sharing the story of Sri Rama and other characters. We
The remarkable thing is that Sri Rama has provided the are plain and simple mortals in this vast universe, who are
)harma. Thousands and
essential ingredients for rule of Dharma. trying to understand the message that Sage Valmiki has
thousands of years have passed since
ice the time of Sri Rama provided through the pages of Ramayana. At any time
but the information in Canto 100 of Ayodhya Kanda is as during the discussion, we do not have to always agree on
valid today as it was during the Ramayana period. One the various views, opinions or comments. The strength
can enjoy the story of Sri Rama by reading Ramayana. of the discussion lies in the fact that they provide us an
But reading it many times opens the door to go beyond opportunity to critically and objectively evaluate the events
the printed word and enables one to grasp and understand and incidents contained in the story and then come to our
the vast knowledge and wisdom contained
:ontained in it. Devotion own conclusions. It is important to remember that any
provides the intuition to visualize the events as if they are conclusions arrived at must be based on a dignified
happening in front of our eyes. Byy the Grace of Lord Sri approach and devotion to Sri Rama.
Rama, the wisdom and knowledge contained in it is easily
available for anyone to imbibe, apply and use it. May Lord Sri Rama and Sri Sita Devi Bless All.

William R. (Bill) Levacy holds a BA in Literature, a Master's in the

Science of Creative Intelligence, and a Master's in Education. Bill is
currently a PhD Candidate in Education at Capella University, with a
specialization in Human Performance Improvement (HPI). Bill is the
Ashtama author of, "Beneath a Vedic Sky," "Beneath a Vedic Sun," and "Vedic
Astrology Simply Put." He is a recipient of the 2011 "Jyotish Medha
Pragya" award by the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS)
in New Delhi, India. Bill is President of the American College of Vedic
Guru Astrology (ACVA), and the ACVAOnline educational program at
www.acvaonline.ors. Bill has maintained an active Vedic astrology
practice since 1983 with thousands of clients around the world. Bill lives
WILLIAM R. LEVACY in Southern California and can be reached at www.vedicastroloser. com.

MANY JYOTISH SHASTRAS indicate the sign of close by through revealing secrets. Rama Dayalu's
Pisces, its ruler Jupiter, and the 12thhouse to be the Sanketa Nidhi, calls the 8th , the house of mysteries.
indicators of Moksha or liberation. Persons with strong Sanketa Nidhi also indicates the 8th house as representing
and favorable connections to the 12th house, and a well "fear from enemies, imprisonment, and acting in an
placed Jupiter, often exhibit spiritual tendencies and have unbecoming manner." Symbolically, as well as literally,
a releasing disposition ... from material cravings to the Sanketa Nidhi identifies "crossing the river" as a trait of
opening of one's spirit to unshakeable tranquility. the 8th house. The 8th house is concerned with matters
However, the examination of the charts of public gurus in related to "crossing over" or death, perhaps even symbolic
the last couple of decades reveals another set of criteria death and rebirth. Mantreshwara's Phaladeepika while
for spiritual leaders, especially those who have worked in mirroring Parashara's emphasis on longevity and death,
the West. It is that of Scorpio, its ruler Mars and the 8th expands 8th house descriptions to include impediments due
house...the Ashtama Gurus who demonstrate to impurity, embarrassments, chronic indebtedness, and
transformative vigor aimed at mystical transcendence, the all around sorrow. Mantreshwara also provides the rule
secrets of the Self, and life mastery. that "if the lord of the house under examination is in the
6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lagna, that house is destroyed.
This article will examine those indications of the 8th house, The same will be the results if that house is occupied by
Mars, and Scorpio and how they apply to the charts of the Lords of the 6th, 8th, or 12th. As we will see in the next
several modern Gurus. The favorable qualities of these section of this article, a benefic aspect on the 8th house
8th place indicators will be reviewed to help us understand can mitigate some of the negative energy and can promote
how the 8th house and its characteristics could lead a the positive end of the scale.
person to assume the role of a guru or spiritual leader of
some fashion in these active, modern times. The 8th House can be Favorable
Pandit Ojha, in Predictive Astrology of the Gurus,
Traditional 8th House Indications
(p. 110) states that "apparently contradictory matters, such
As is the case in many classic texts, Laghu Parashari, as longevity and death, happiness, and mental distress,
for example, indicates that the ruler of the 8th house due etc. are really not contradictory but represent the positive
to its placement of 12th from the 9th does not produce and negative aspects of the same content."
good results. Traditional expositions of the 8th house tend Mantreshwara, alerts us that all rules of Vedic astrology
to focus on end-of-life matters, sexual and eliminative have a favorable and unfavorable dimension to them. In
functions, legacies, and the unknown. Parashara indicates the case of the dusthanas, including the 8th, if the house
the concerns of the 8th house as indicative of "longevity, concerned is aspected by a benefic, it will in fact flourish.
wealth of the dead, and things that have happened and As such, Mantreshwara is making us aware that the 8th
are to happen (in the past and future births)." Parashara house can also indicate the opportunity for an improvement
also states that 8th house is an intuitive house in that it of a life condition. If one is beset with obstacles (vighna),
gives a person the ability to know "that which is not stated." then it would be the recognition of obstacles, or creating
Vyankatesh Sharma's "Sarvarth Chintamani," lists more discernment, that would allow an individual to
"guyha" or hidden matters as an 8th house trait, along navigate around these barriers, setbacks, or delays (or
with ayu (life) and randhra (bad). Bhatt Narayana's transcend them) and move forward. If a person had many
Chamatkar Chintamani says that the 8th house is an impurities (asuchi) that diminished their life force, then
indicator for "occult matters, " The hidden influences of the removal of those afflictions could lead to a healing
the 8th can bring about trouble from servants and those transformation and more vitality (life). If a person was



confused and "mystified" then a benefic 8 house could The genesis of 8 house gurus can be seen more fully in
display the intelligence (pragya) needed to lead others to the descriptions of Scorpio, as 8th sign, and its ruler Mars.
clarity and true perception. It could create a disposition Many of these astrological indications are generally
for mastering the transcendental knowledge. The 8th, in applicable to the favorable 8th chart position.
this regard could represent the discernment and skill to
lead others out of darkness and into the higher insights of Indications of Scorpio: Transformation and
consciousness and good health. This is what gurus do. Transcendence
They remove doubt and darkness. They are the captains Dr. B.V. Raman in Hindu Predictive Astrology, tells us
of consciousness that guide their followers "across the that Scorpios are sensual beings yet will philosophize on
the merits of controlling the senses. They have a
philosophic disposition, like excitement, are friendly and
Bhatt Narayana's Chamatkar Chintamani tells us that invite the goodwill of people around the world. Their
the 8th house can indicate a person with "imposing international capacity is expanded by their tendency not
personahty, charitable, jovial, and learned." B.Suryanarain to be limited by conventions and customs.
Rao, Dr. B.V. Raman's grandfather, in his Astrological
Primer, offers another ray of hope from the 8th house by Dr. Bh. Satyanarayana Rao in A Text Book of Scientific
calling it a place of "final emancipation," rather than strictly Astrology, describes many of the Scorpio traits that
a position for judging end of physical life or becoming empower 8th house/sign gurus. "Scorpio has many abilities
fatalistic about dealing with life's limitations. Rama generally latent in him, but when aroused, or set into action,
Dayalu's Sanketa Nidhi, lists the 8th house as a place of is capable of attaining eminence. He has unusual activity,
both happiness and of misery, as well as a place where vitahty, and recuperative power. He has unusual interest
diseases originate, (opening up the consideration for in all psychic subjects and mysteries of nature, and makes
diagnoses and cure). Dayalu also tells us that a benefic an excellent research worker on original and novel lines.
8th house can "bestow wealth upon the native." Kalidasa's His ability for occultism is immense. He breaks down
Utttakalamitra identifies happiness as a quality of the theories which are either antiquated or irrational, though
8th house. An astrological work from Kerala called he has respect for time honored customs."
Prasna Marga (translated into English by Dr. B. V.
H. Majumder, in his book, Hindu Science of the Future,
Raman), indicates that a benefic in the 8th can increase
lists some of the traits of Scorpio as, "does not care for
health and longevity, make a person courageous, and give
other's criticism and faces everything stubbornly and
them the capacity to acquire new houses and spiritual
challenges its critics. Anything that causes obstruction (his
residences. Venkatesh Sharma's Sarvartha Chintamani
tendency is) to fight; an upsetter of existing ideas
indicates that "if there is influence of benefic planets on
and ways of living." Majumder lists the favorable
the 8th house, there is no defeat for the native."
characteristics of Scorpio "to love, or be affectionate, to
As described above, the 8th house is not always bad. As arrange things, to adorn, to be alert, to guard, to act as the
is the focus of this article, the 8th house can be indicative police."
of those advanced characteristics. These can be seen in
Bala Bhadra's Hora Ratnam, describes the sign of Scorpio
the charts of dynamic gurus who teach us to transcend
as "a place of hiding," and a "hole" or "cave". Such
life's challenges and take action towards inner and outer
descriptions bring to mind the reclusive nature of a spiritual
seeker and the traditional factors of seeking caves and
remote places in which to nurture spiritual growth in infinite

Example Charts from Famous World Gurus

The following "Gurus" led or are leading large organizations
around the world both in the West and the East. These
organizations are basically self-improvement/
transformational operations led by powerful and successful
leader-teachers. You will notice in examining their charts
that the 8th sign of Scorpio, the 8th house from the Lagna,
Fig. 1 Scorpio is the 8th sign of Fig. 2 The 8th house from any Sun, or Moon, and the planet Mars plays a significant role.
the Zodiac, Ruled by Mars Rasi Lagna, Sun or Moon will It is also interesting to note those situations where a node,
carry the influence of Scorpio


or "karmic point" occupies the 8th house or Scorpio in reach in their spiritual destinies. They are in a sense
these master's charts. controllers of consciousness, researching the ancient
shastras (East and West), to help the masses transcend
This article is meant to stimulate further research into the limits of mundane life. Due to constraints of space in
those planetary indicators that identify a person who has this article, biographies were not providedhoping these
the energy, capacity, and general wisdom to lead a large persons were at least famous enough to spark your
group of people to a state of high evolution, health, and memory about their place in the world. If you would like
happiness. As we know, while the indicators for spiritual to see a biography of each individual, you can search for
greatness are present in these example charts, the them on the internet, by name or in places like
individuals noted have various spans of time and depth of or astrodatabank.

Summary of Astrological Indicators for Eight World-Gurus or Spiritual Leaders

Gum Mo 8thLA j Mo&ThSu Su&thLA lASthMo USthSu ISu8thMo Scorpio PI in 8th

Su, J u. Ma,
Chopra Mo
Mukhtananda Su, Me
Sa, Mo, Me,
Rajncesh Vs, Ma
Adi-DaSamfSj Ve
Aurobindu Ma,Ju
Btl lyGra ham m

(xi22.\to6m5M NewDehi. IN. India |FraiikiftJiXiMNi>rJ,W39H;21M Janaica.ffewWUSA

jiBirJi Chart (Birth Chart "

Deepak Chopra
Moon S^from Lagna Frartklm Jones
Ketu in Scorpio (Ad I Da Sam raj)
Rahu 8,,, from Sun Moon 8th from thLagna
Exalted Mars 8 from Moon


IMuHaairia Mivl6,l:8M il;3S Otomesaaia. Kamatafca, India lAmnachi W:10CC Mtau, Kaala, trm
'fBnaOBTt ll'BPtCkit
Sa itii RauiiM
Swami Muktananda
SunS11 from Moon Gkicusn Ammachi
Ketu from Sun Moon 8* from Lagna
Ve kouij
Si! 10)1 Ku
Ieeii D HJiJl 17:13:00 Kufclwsda.Greial. India iBayGrahM Na'7.1918153t:CMiMlii, HoilhCanifca,UM
BiriCtM KBithOiat
iSLUsra 'sws

Rajneesh (Osho)
Sun in Scorpio Ms-iiAd
Moon in S11' from Lagna
5 Planets in S^fromLagna

uam *W


SriAurobirdoAMlMSTIOjiOOflO CelcUla,Ma IwaMErtianiSai.mimoCT Ri

idiscsp I'Biitt Chait
feW IteiA kfe(Ai) 3
ILAW mw 4H
ItaftClah Asm si.
IA!U SQN IttW ttlM
am !TR M(Ali
(kwnhs Werner Erhard
Sri Aurobindo ASIlilAd SaRuasv Moon in Scorpio Gk liui Tm
Lagna 8* from Moon JjlliiAil Ructiaka Yoga from Lagna ,Moon,
Ketu in Scorpio fi. Sun
Three "planets" 8* from Moon ^lUftlOEq RahuS^from Lagna
Ve Ketu S*1 from Moon

Commentaries on

Brihat lataka


(Born in 1940 Dr. S. Madhavan did his M.Sc. (Mathematics) and took his doctorate in Mathematics from the University of Kerala. He has
published several research papers in journals of international repute in mathematics, Indian astronomy, astrology etc. He retired as Professor
and Head of the Department of Mathematics, University College, Thiruvananthapuram. He also worked abroad for about four years. He has
attended several national and international conferences and guided scores of M.Phil, and PhD students. He studied Sanskrit and jyotishain
the traditional way. He is now translating the commentary Apurvarthapradarshika of his father, Sri A.N. Srinivasaraghava lyengar on Brihat
Jataka into English. Through his organization Mihira Astrological Center, he works for the promotion of astrology.)

HATTOTPALA INVOKES the Sun at the wrote Svalpa Vivahapatala. According to tradition the
' commencement of his commentary on Brihat Jataka authorship of more than thirty works is attributed to him,
but the authenticity is not certain. Apart from the global
sweep of learning he was a master of Sanskrit prosody as
is evidenced from his metrical extravaganza in Brihat
Samhita, while describing transits of planets. In fact no
other astrologer of India possessed his versatility.

Regarding his period several opinions prevail. Because

of his reference to 427 Saka in Paricha Siddhantika as
^^rsn T01f%iA<vM<34 it is generally believed that he flourished in
5th century A.D. Amaraja mentions in his commentary
HHl ^HlWrl I I on Brahmasphuta Siddhanta that he died in Saka 509
which corresponds to 587 A.D. Because he named his
This means,
son Prithuyasas and reference to Prithu (which means
"The three fold Jyotisha was propounded by the Sun. big or the name Prithu) in 1-4*11(6 J. 11.10) and tfMftT:
Fearing that it would be lost in Kaliyuga the Sun took the
(B J. 11.15) it is likely that he was contemporary of Vainya
incarnation in the world as Varahamihira and expounded
Gupta, Vainya being a synonym of Prithu.
the three branches in a short form. This is what people
with knowledge of salvation say. Obeisance to that Sun". He introduces himself thus:
This statement is fully justified by the fact that
Varahamihira wrote monumental works on all the three
T: I
branches - Siddhanta, Hora and Samhita. In Siddhanta
he wrote Pancha Siddhantika. In Hora, he wrote Brihat 3tMPd<+j J
Jataka and Lag hit Jataka. Brihat Samhita is sfoftriII
encyclpaedic in range and covers the whole gamut of
This implies that he belonged to Avanti and Kapisthala
celestial and terrestrial phenomena. It deals with the
gothra. His father was Aditya dasa who gave him
transits of planets, comets, architecture, weather forecast,
knowledge. He was endowed with a boon from the Sun
iconography, omens, qualities of men and women and a
and he wrote the beautiful Horasastra after going through
wide variety of topics. He also wrote a work called
the works of the sages.
Samasa Samhita known only through quotations.
Vatakanika is a work dealing with omens. But it exists Brihat Jataka
only in a fragmentary form. On travels or what may be
Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira is great work on Hora. The
called military astrology he wrote Brihadyatra,
author has culled out much information from this literature
Svalpayatra and Yogayatra. On marriages he wrote
from hoary past and presented in an acceptable fashion.
Brihat Vivahapatala and according to Bhattotpala he also
He himself observes in Brihat Samhita thus:



The commentator who was holding a high position in

Kerala Educational Service had the advantages of modern
wirH^iwirui^4iRdirH and ancient education. He had a Master's degree in
mft\ 11 Mathematics and standard traditional education in Sanskrit
in which he had learned several sastras. He has written
The idea is this. The ancient sastras are like gems. The poems in Sanskrit, and published several articles on
Mathematics, philosophy etc. With the erudition of an
gems are scattered and possess holes (^*T?r) and not
encyclopaedic nature he laid his hand on Brihat Jataka
connected with a cord (^) and if they are connected by
and the product is really astounding.
new cord (Tti) became capable of adorning the wearer.
In this way the sastras are old, they are also scattered. First of all, what Varahamihira says is important:
They possess some defects (PST) and do not have
codification (^T) and they have to be removed and
T: I
endowed with new qualities Qpi) Then they are also
capable of adorning the possessor.

In Brihat Jataka he has clearly followed this principle.

The works written by the eighteen sages were practically This can be construed thus:
lost by the efflux of time. Varahamihira collected the
For the sake of those who are frustrated in the attempt to
available materials and restored them in the best possible
cross the ocean of the science of Hora, after having come
way. In writing Brihat Jataka he has condensed the
across many of works of authors well known intellect
materials covering several aspects of astrology by his
endowed with knowledge of grammar and logic I am
ingenious methods of suggestion.
writing this book which is concise, but possessing several
Because of the greatness of the work, commentaries meanings and variegated metres.
giving the real import of the text were written by scholars.
He uses an imagery here. He refers to it as sastra-plava
According to tradition the great Adi Sankara wrote a
and science-boat. The adjectives are meaningfully
commentary named Jayamangala on the text. But it is
couched. 'Svalpa' means small in the case of the boat
not available or it may be only a story concocted often and concise while referring to the book. 'Vrittavichitra'
about great people. means strange with round shape in the case of the boat
Chronologically Bhattotpala's commentary comes first. and strange with metres in the case of the work.
It was completed in the Saka year 888 which corresponds 'Arthabahula' means containing several materials in the
to A.D. 966. It clears many ambiguities in the texts and case of the boat and having several meanings in the case
abounds in profuse quotations. These are very useful for of the work. Thus author of Apurvarthapradarsika has
shown that this is fully justified. He uses mainly the
historical research. But it does not delve into the inner
following devices for interpretation.
meanings of the text.
1. Using grammatical devices in interpreting the text in
Dasadhyayi consisting of commentary for the first ten different ways.
chapters was written by Govinda Somayajin (also called
2. Using Katapayadi System of numerals and interpreting
Thalakkulathur Bhattatiri) makes an attempt to probe into
in different ways.
the inner meanings of the text. This was probably written
in 13th century A.D. Vivarana of Rudravariar, later 3. The name of the metre which suggests a new meaning.
commentator covers the entire text and explains some This has been done for every stanza and this is unique
hidden meanings. Horabhiprayanirnayaof and this is unique feature of the commentary.
Paramesvara discusses some points overlooked by earlier We shall give some examples for each.
We shall consider this:
Apurvarttapradarsika of Sri A.N. Srinivasaraghava
lyengar (1902 - 1979), by my revered father and guru,
excels all the earlier commentaries by the exhaustive
explanations on the verses in a very novel way. It is a
breakthrough in the interpretations of Varahamihira's text.
BJ. 1.6

The literal meaning gives the leads ofrasis, in navamasa The use of metres is the most important device.
and dvadasamsa. (Ajamrgataulicandra Sardulavikridita metre has caesura at 12 and 7 and thus
bhavana) refers to Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer there is reference to 12 rasis and 7 planets is given. Thus
the commencement of navamsas for Aries, Taurus, the rule can be extend or generalized depending on the
Gemini, Cancer etc. The commentator brings out the context. The metre pushpitagra suggests a Raja yoga.
details of various Vargas, supposed to be bypassed by We shall add one illustration.
Varahamihira. Apparently Varahamihira describes only . - -.-A - - n-.w
stSfSfRf tiw cT ^
the six Vargas, whereas the commentator establishes by
skill that all the sixteen Vargas and given by him.

Bhavanasamamsaka is interpreted thus. Bham means

rasi vana means water and hence four and thus BJ. 16.13
caturthamsa or division with four equal parts is given.
When the Moon is strong and the rasi occupied by it and
1. Sva means one, and graha means four. By counting the lord are strong, it gives the results flawlessly. Other
four successively we get the leads of quadrants, from planets can be considered similarly. This is simple. But,
the rasi concerned for the caturtamsas. Also inner meanings can be derived. The author employs the
bhavanam suggests four and the sages, Sanaka, metre called Kusumavichitra which suggests a bee
Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanathkumara who are four searching for new and new flowers. The bee with six
years old are referred to. legs suggests six. Thus six kinds of strength, six Vargas
are referred to in the first instance.
2. Use of Katapayadi numerals we observe that
Varahamihira was aware of this. A commentator on The metre can also be viewed as matrasomaka which is
Aryabhama also says that Aryabhama was aware of defined as
this, though he used Vargaksara System.
Varahamihira's son Prithuyasas also used this in his
work Horasara*. Matrasomaka consists of 16 syllabic instances in every
quarter with the ninth syllabic instant being short. Thus
It is generally believed that Varahamihira bypassed
the sixteen Vargas have to be looked into the navamsa
Ududasa. But the commentator establishes that has the special status. Also every quarter has 12 syllables
Varahamihira suggested it. He uses the synonyms of and the modification of the results with the help of 12
the various planets and achieves this. In the term Tfa: rasis and 12bhavas is also included.
(Ravih) Ra stands for two and VI stands for 4 and by
addition we get 4 + 2 = 6 (by using Katapayadi Since methods of explanation are often recondite, very
numerals). Similarly the term (S'as'abh0t) means difficult kinds of interpretations are not included in the
the Moon and also a bearer of S'as'a or here. But 6 article.
6 by assignment of numerals and addition gives 5 + The commentator's discussion of Manduka gati, Mrkata
5 = 10, which is the number of years for the Moon. gati and Simhavalokana with the help of metres is
For Jupiter he uses the expressions ^++'1+": ingenious, but not discussed here because of the intricacies
(JivoEgira% Suraguru%) we can take Jivo aEgi of prosody involved.
rassuraguru% as his part rassuraguru% and by
assignment of numerals and addition we get 2 + 7 + 2 The first part consisting of 10 chapters of the work
Apurvarthapradarsika was published by Adyar Library,
+ 3 + 2 = 16 which gives the number of years for Jupiter.
Madras in 1951. I hope to publish the second part with
In this way the U udas'a year for all planets are given.
my English translation and notes in 2012.
The author also skilfully derives Kalachakra Dasa from
The description of the eminent historian professor K.V
B.J. 1.8
Rangaswamy lyengar as the "best commentary yet written
on the best known work on Jyotica by the greatest daivajna
*See author's article "Origin of Katapayadi System of Numerals" in history" is fully justified.
(Purnatrayi July-December, 1991 for details)


Mr. Venkata Giri Kumar works as a

software professional in Bangalore since
1993 after completing M.E atREC Trichy.
He says the initial astrological foundation
Astronomical have been the books of DR. B. V. RAMAN. He
has been an avid reader of THE ASTROLOGICAL
Significance of Calendars MAGAZINE. His serious interests are studying
and analyzing the astronomical significance
VENKATA GlRI KUMAR of the various events in day to day life.

AS WE MOVE TO THE NEW YEAR 2012 the first Tropical Calendar

thing which we do is to replace the old calendar with The Gregorian calendar is the best example of the tropical
the new calendar. The Calendar has become an integral calendar and it uses the vernal equinox as the reference
part of our life and due to the electronic revolution it is point. We are familiar with this calendar as we use it
available in many forms such as wrist watches, cell extensively in our day to day life but the significance of
phones, computers etc. Today Gregorian calendar is the calendar lies with the alignment of the calendar with
internationally accepted civil calendar and is in use across the equinoxes and solstices. This has 12 months in a year
the globe. Though there are many advantages with the and the number of days in a year varies between 365 and
366 days depending on whether it is a leap year or not.
other calendars which are traditionally in use in India such
The additional day in the leap year is added to the month
as Hindu Solar Calendar, Islamic Calendars etc., it is the
of February which makes it 29 days from 28 days and as
Gregorian calendar which has become more popular in
a result the leap year consists of 366 days and the non
day to day activities due to its own advantages. This leap year has 365 days. The leap year is defined to be the
article focuses on providing the astronomical significance year which is divisible by 4 and not by 100. Also the year
of each of these calendars and explains their advantages which is divisible by 400 is considered as leap year. As a
and drawbacks. The calendars are devised based on the result we have the following
movements of Sun and Moon and are classified as Solar,
Lunar and Lunisolar calendars. The Solar calendar The years 1600, 2000, 2400. . . . are leap years as
they are divisible by 400
considers only Sun and ignores the Moon. The lunar
Calendar considers only Moon and ignores the Sun. The The years 1700, 1800, 1900 . . . are not leap years as
Lunisolar Calendar considers both Sun and Moon. Each they are divisible by 100 and not by 400
of the 3 calendars has its own way of organizing the units All the other years which are divisible by 4 such as
of time such as year, month and day which is explained in 1704, 1708 .... are leap years.
detail in the remaining sections of the article. The leap years are introduced to synchronize the calendars
with the dates of equinoxes and solstices which otherwise
Solar Calendar
drift backwards due to precession of equinox. As a result
It is defined based on Sun and ignores the Moon. Gregorian calendar is highly synchronized to equinoxes
According to this calendar the solar year is defined to be and solstices. Also it is the only calendar which preserves
the time taken by Sun to complete one revolution along the knowledge of equinoxes and solstices.
the ecliptic starting from one reference point to reach the
The leap year calculations used by Gregorian calendar
same reference point (though it is the earth which revolves
are explained in detail in the article "Precession of
around the Sun, for all practical purposes it is fine to
Uttarayana" (December 2011 issue of The Astrological
consider the other way). If the reference point is eMagazine). The equinoxes and solstices fall in the exact
considered to be vernal equinox it is known as tropical dates every year as shown below
year (also known as sayana year) and the calendar as
tropical calendar. If the reference point is considered to March 21 Vernal Equinox
be a fixed star or a fixed point in ecliptic then it is known June 21 Summer Solstice
as sidereal year (also known as nirayana year) and the September 21 - Autumnal Equinox
calendar as sidereal calendar. December 21 - Winter Solstice


This is also known as arithmetic calendar as it uses simple etc.) and hence there could be 29 to 32 Tithis in a solar
arithmetic formulas to decide the number of days in a month. The advantage is that the knowledge of lunar
year and does not depend on the astronomical data of the phases is integrated into the solar calendar. As sidereal
planets. The years are named as numbers such as 2011, zodiac is considered for measuring the length of the solar
2012 etc., which makes it easy to remember the years year, it is not necessary to add the days as it is done in
and the chronology of events when compared with the tropical calendar. The drawback of this calendar is that it
years having names. The length of the day is fixed to 24 does not preserve the knowledge of equinox and solstice
hours and the start of the day is fixed to 12 o'clock in the points unlike tropical calendar. It needs to be obtained using
midnight. As a result it can be used across globe in all the either tropical calendar or tropical zodiac. It has some
time zones without any modifications. This is the biggest practical limitations using across different time zones. The
advantage with this calendar when compared with other reason being the start of the day is measured with the
calendars which use astronomical events such as sunrise sunrise and it varies across time zones. It is extremely
to determine the start and length of the day. The drawback difficult to synchronize the day and time with such
with this calendar is that it does not provide the information variations in sunrise timings. It is considered to be
regarding the phases of the Moon which in India is astronomical calendar as it heavily depends on
considered as the vital information for many of the rituals astronomical data for determining the start of the day,
and ceremonies. The number of days in a month is fixed month and year.
to 30,31,28/29 which does not seem to have strong logical
reasoning except that the total should be counted to 365/ Lunar Calendar
366 days and probably it is the outcome of multiple reforms It is defined based on Moon and ignores the Sun. Islamic
of the calendar. Though it is not a serious drawback but calendar is an example of lunar calendar. The lunar year
worth noting it down when it gets analyzed with other consists of 12 lunar months. The lunar month is defined
calendars. as the time between two successive New Moons or Full
Moons and is also known as synodic month. A lunar month
Sidereal Calendar is approximately equal to 29.53 days and a lunar year
The sidereal calendar also known as Hindu solar calendar constitutes 29.53 x 12 = 354.36 days and can be
is followed by some states in India especially Tamilnadu, approximated to 354 days which is 11 days short of a
Kerala and West Bengal. The sidereal calendar is best solar year having 365 days. As a result the lunar year is
understood with sidereal zodiac constituting 12 rasis (Aries not in sync with the solar year and both are nearly
to Pisces). The solar year in sidereal calendar is defined synchronized every 33 years. This can be understood better
as time taken by Sun to complete one revolution starting by looking into the way the Islamic month Ramadan keeps
from a fixed point on the ecliptic and reaching to the same drifting away in the solar calendar. The lunar month
point on the ecliptic. Typically first point of Aries, which consists of 30 lunar days. The lunar day is considered to
was coinciding with the tropical vernal equinox some time be the time taken by Moon to traverse 12 degrees
back, is considered as the starting of the sidereal year. (longitudinal distance) away from Sun and at the end
The solar year consists of 12 solar months and the solar of the 30th lunar day Moon completes 360 degrees (12
month is defined as the time taken by Sun to traverse x 30) and reaches the same phase with respect to the
from the starting of one rasi to the starting of next rasi. In Sun. The drawbacks and limitations of the Hindu solar
other words the Sun entering into a rasi is termed as calendar are applicable to this calendar also. Another
sankramana and the time between two successive drawback with lunar calendar is that it is out of sync
sankramanas is considered as one month. The number with the seasons and does not preserve the knowledge
of days in a month varies from 29 to 32 days as Sun's of seasons.
motion is not uniform across rasis. The time between
sunrise to next sunrise is termed as a solar day. As sunrise Lunisolar Calendar
does not happen at the same time on every day, the length It is similar to lunar calendar in terms of defining the year,
of the day is not equal across days. month and day but in addition it defines intercalary month
(also known as adhikamasa) used to synchronize the
The Hindu solar calendar considers lunar phase (known calendar to solar calendar. This calendar is followed by
as Tit hi) in defining the days (such as padyami, dwitiya, some states in India especially Andhra Pradesh, Kamataka



and Maharashtra. Chinese calendar is another example Without intercalary months the 19 year solar cycle will
of Lunisolar calendar. The lunar year, lunar month and have 228 lunar months and by adding 7 intercalary months
lunar day for the Lunisolar calendar is defined to be same in a 19 year Metonic cycle the lunisolar calendar is
as the lunar calendar. The only difference is that the lunar synchronized to solar calendar. By following the principle
year will have 13 lunar months for some years and 12 of Metonic cycle the intercalary months will be added
lunar months for some years. As explained earlier lunar after either 35 months or 34 months or 28 months. The
year constitutes 354 days which is 11 days short of a solar Lunisolar calendar preserves the seasons with the help
year and over a period of 3 years the difference of intercalary months whereas it does not preserve the
accumulates to 33 days which is more than a month. knowledge of equinoxes and need to take help of tropical
Hence an intercalary month of 30 days is added after 3 zodiac or tropical calendar. The lunar day in Hindu lunisolar
years which bring the calendar as close as 3 days to solar calendar starts with sunrise and hence the length of the
calendar. But the difference of 33 days being a non multiple day is not uniform across the days. The lunar day is also
of 30 days adding intercalary months exactly after every known as Tithi and the day is called with the name of
3 years will not solve the problem as the balance 3 days Tithi which appears at the time of sunrise. The advantages,
will make the calendar out of sync again. The addition of drawbacks and limitations of Hindu solar calendar are
intercalary month needs to follow the 19 year Metonic applicable to this calendar also. The current Hindu
cycle wherein 19 solar years is almost equal to 235 lunar calendars known as Panchanga have integrated the
(synodic) months with few hours difference as shown Gregorian calendar into them by effectively mapping the
below lunar database to the Gregorian calendar. Hence it has
19 x 365.2422 = 6939.6018 days become easy to operate with Panchanga in day to day
235 x 29.53 = 6939.55 days activities.

Dr. Elavathur Subrahmanyan Neelakantan graduated from

Loyala College of Chennai with distinction in Statistics. As a
qualified Chartered Accountant, he is an Information Systems
Auditor. While his interest in Astrology was activated by going
through books of Dr. B. V. Raman, his formal learning of the
subject was from Prof. K. V Seshadrinatha Sastri, a renowned
scholar of Astrology and Ayurveda. Awarded with a Doctorate
by the Deemed Sri Chandrasekarendra University,
Kancheepuram for his thesis on Medical Astrology,
Dr. Neelakantan has been a regular contributor to The Yogas
Astrological eMagazine. His multi faceted talent also includes
proficiency in Vedic chants. DR. E. S. NEELAKANTAN

E'J OUR EARLIER WE discussed In this article we will try to focus our Bilious in constitution.
n detail, the logical approach attention on a few of these yogas and Enjoying good reputation.
towards planetary combinations. In try to assimilate their significance.The
Earning wealth through
this dissertation we will try to most important Yogas in Astrology go
courageous deeds.
understand the inner significance of under the term, "Pancha
certain planetary combinations. Mahapurusha Yogas". They occur Equal to a ruler.
Combinations come under special when the planets giving rise to this Commanding an army or a fleet
rules of Astrology and as such can yoga occupy their own house or are of horses or conveyances.
run counter to general rules. For in exaltation and in a quadrant from For real effects of the yoga to fructify,
instance Hydrogen is inflammable; Ascendant .Some scholars opine that the planet must be strong. According
so is Oxygen: but combination of instead of reckoning these yogas to dr. b.v.raman, "Areally powerful
Hydrogen and oxygen gives rise to from Ascendant, they could be yoga would be a rare phenomenon.
Water which puts out fire. So we reckoned from the Moon, as well. Emphasis is laid on the word balishta
cannot conclude merely on properties These yogas are mentioned in Table 1. so that if a planet is weak by
of Hydrogen and Oxygen, that the debilitation, association or aspect the
resultant compound which is obtained Name of the Planet causing yoga does not operate in its real sense,
by their fusion will be similar in nature Yoga the Yoga though nominally it may exist. Here
to their individual properties. Ruchaka Mars importance is attached to the de facto
Bhadra Mercury rather than de jure presence of this
Yogas are not just combinations of
Hamsa Jupiter yoga (ref: 300 Important
planets. Their classification is not
merely restricted to planetary inter Malavya Venus
relationship - it can also involve Sasa Saturn Bhadra Yoga
houses. For instance, Ruchaka yoga
Bhadra Yoga is formed on account
stipulates the condition of Mars being Ruchaka Yoga of the presence of Mercury in a
in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn.
This yoga is formed on account of the quadrant from ascendant, while
Yogas fall under several categories; presence of Mars in a quadrant from occupying Gemini or Virgo. Please
some of them are: Ascendant, while occupying Aries, note that Mercury is the only planet
Scorpio or Capricorn. whose exaltation sign also happens to
Yogas for education or
be its own house. Consequently this
intelligence. A person born in Ruchaka Yoga will is the rarest of the Pancha
Yogas for wealth. be: Mahapurusha yogas because the
Yogas for comforts in life. Good looking with beautiful probability of the occurrence is only
Yogas which elevate people to the eyebrows. about 67% compared to the rest of
status of king. Slim in waist and lower limbs. the Mahapurusha Yogas.
Yogas resulting in Misfortune. Strong and courageous. A person born in Bhadra Yoga will
Adventurous. be:
There are more than four hundred
yogas discussed in textbooks on Fighter. Long lived, praised by learned and
Astrology. Well- versed in occultism, sacred of sharp intellect.
texts and prayers.


Tiger faced with the gait of an Hamsa Yoga Materialistic.
elephant. Hamsa yoga is formed on account of Undisturbed senses.
Well versed in scriptures. the pressure of Jupiter in a quadrant
from Ascendant while occupying While Hamsa Yoga is a spiritual yoga
Devoted to befriending kinsmen
Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer. per excellence, Malavya Yoga is a
and well wishers.
yoga for materialism and for success
Enjoying vast fame and wealth. Characteristics of a person born in in obtaining worldly pleasures and
Possessed of Sattwa guna. Hamsa yoga are happiness. A person with this yoga is
Of independent nature. Fair in complexion, handsome. adept in getting optimum pleasure out
Protector of family. of sensual pursuits.
Respected by good people.
Expert in handling weapons. Blessed with a beautiful wife. Sasa Yoga
Wealthy through his own Marks on his body or feet, A person with Sasa Yoga will have
pursuits. o Matsya - Fish the following characteristics:
Strong and healthy. o Ankusa - Goad Will get good servants.

In case Mercury conjoins Venus in o Dhanus - Bow Covets other people's riches.
Virgo, with Ascendant in Gemini(for o Sankha- Conch Head of a village or a town.
instance), Bhadra Yoga coexists with o Kamala - Fotus Wicked disposition.
Neechabhanga Raja Yoga. Fooks after guests with devotion.
Interested in swimming or water
For effects of this yoga to occur in sports. Adapt in metallurgy and chemistry.
full, Mercury should be unaspected Contentment. Dark complexion.
and alone. Mercury in conjunction with Physical and material pleasures. Frequents jungles, forts and other
a malefic becomes a malefic. This odd places.
Wealthy and righteous.
yoga can occur only for persons born
Sweet voice of a swan and honey Saturn represents masses and hence
in common signs.
coloured eyes. this yoga can confer leadership
If a person has Bhadra Yoga, it may qualities.
also involve Mercury having Malavya yoga
Concluding, an indepth study of the
Kendradipathya Dosha. So care is A person born in Malavya Yoga will
peculiarities of the Pancha Maha
required in interpretation. have the following characteristics:
Purusha Yogas would reveal the
Strong minded courage. innate qualities of the planets which
If lagna falls in Pisces and Mercury
is in Gemini, then also this yoga will Wealthy, fortunate and happy. give rise to these yogas.For anyone
occur. But simultaneously the dictum Endowed with vehicles. to make a mark in life or to reach a
"Karako Bhava Nasaya" will get Renowned. position of honour or achieve success
involved. This means that a Karaka or distinction in their field of activity,
in Bhava spoils the Bhava. I wish to it is necessary to be blessed with at
repeat what I said earlier- care is Well developed physique. least one of the five Mahapurusha
required in interpretation. Yogas in the birth Chart.

Mr. V.R.Soundar Rajan, with a

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering,
has served Anna University, Chennai
for over thirty years. He has been
Shaniputra rendering astrological counseling for
two and half decades. Mr. Soundar
Rajan's training has been under
V. R. SOUNDAR RAJAN Pandit Asuri Venkatachary.

Mandi, an upagraha Indicative results for Mandi in

(satellite), attached to Saturn Sun I Murcury
1st House j Thin, Built, Diseased j
(also known as the son of Saturn) is Eyes
an invisible, rather a hypothetical
2nd House I Harsh speech, Poor
point. Its position is mathematically intellect 29-4-1963
ascertained for predictive purposes. 9.55 am
3rd House I Good for Health, Chennai
When the length of day and night is Conceited
30 ghatikas each (60 ghatikas make 4th House I Bereft of home
24 hours), the position of Mandi on ! comforts
weekdays, counting from Sunday 5th House I Unstable mind, Pervert
thinking, Short life In Chart 3, Mandi is placed in 11th
onwards, is at the end of ghatikas 26,
6th House ii Good for Health house. The lady has no elder sibilings.
22,18,14,10,6, and2 during daytime,
Mandi in the 11th can cause an elder
and during night time, at the end of 7th House jl Poor Intellect
sibling to die early.
10, 6, 2, 26, 22, 18, and 14 ghatikas 8th House j Diseased Face and
respectively. The following formula Eyes, Short stature
helps in working out the position of 9th House I Suffers deprivations of
Mandi. , various sorts
10th House Not good for health,
Mandi is very important in judging the
Indulges in 10-2-1934
correctness of an ascendant, which unscrupulous deeds Venus(R) 10.15am
should conform to any of the following Sun Saturn Chennai
11th House! Good for health
positions, especially if Moon is not
strong in the natal chart: 12th House 11 Miserable
I Jupiter (R) I
1. Ascendant will be trine to the lord Mandi is in 3 house in Chart 1. The
of the house occupied by Mandi. native has no younger siblings.
In chart 4, Mandi is in Aridra
2. Ascendant will be trine to the lord constellation and Ketu in Swati which
of the house occupied by the same is trine to Mandi and 5th house.
Mars Ascendant Rahu
- in Navamsa. Progeny was affected twice during
3. Ascendant will be trine to the Rahu bukthi.
Navamsa house of Mandi itself.
Mandi is a dreaded malefic, but it 10.20 pm Su"
Juplter(R) Merc
gives good results in the 6th and 11th Sriperumbudur ^
houses. Its association with a planet Mars/Sun
Mercury (R
makes the planet inauspicious. If the 16-8-1985
lord of the house occupied by Mandi 2.55 am
is in a cardinal or a trine house with Chennai
reference to ascendant, it bestows In Chart 2 too, Mandi is in 3r house
plenty of riches and fame on the and the native has has no younger
individual. siblings


Chart 5 indicates how Mandi acted Mars crossed Aridra constellation

as maraca (killer).Mandi is in the with the result much mental suffering
constellation of Jupiter, Vishaka. He affected the Manmohan Singh
suddenly collapsed during Rahu dasa Government. Mercury 8th lord and
Jupiter bukthi and Mercury antara. Saturn crosses the constellation of
Rahu in pitrusthana is in 9th place Rahu, Swati, which trines to Mandi's
while bukthinatha Jupiter is in constellation during October 2012
debilitation with Mercury antara dasa indicating imbalance to the Central
lord in the same constellation of Government.
Mandi. Mandi is in the constellation
When malefic planets cross Mandi's
of Jupiter star visakha both on birth Swearing in Chart constellation and its trines, negative
and death chart.
Mandi is in 8th house in the results occur. When the dasa, bhukthi
constellation of Aridra in the 2009 and antara dasa lords connect with
Venus I Mercuiy Swearing in chart of our Prime Mandi and its constellation, fatal
Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh. The results can happen. Generaly,
eighth can be associated with "mental propitiation suggested is to visit
sufferings and psychological Tiruvalangadu Easwaran Temple that
Saturn (R) afflictions." Between 25th July 2011 houses Mandeeswarar - an hour's
Jupiter (R) and 9th September 2011, lagna lord drive from Kanchipuram.


The native of chart 6 died at the age

of 54 during Moon dasa, Saturn bukthi
and Saturn antara. Mandi is in the
constellation of Saturn, Pushya. At the
time of death, the Moon dasa was
running, which is in the constellation
of Pushya (Vakya Panchangam) with
bhukthi and antardasa lord Saturn also
in Pushya. Saturn is 8th lord too.


Ketu Jupiter
Venus . Mercuiy

In chart 7, Mandi is in Saturn

constellation of Anuradha. The native
suddenly collapsed in Mercury Dasa
and Moon Bukthi. Dasa lord Mercury
is in the constellation of Saturn,
Pushya. Bhukthi lord Moon is in the
house of Saturn, in his own
constellation, Pushya.

38 JANUARY 2012

Ancient Horoscopes,

Zodiac and Yoga Rationales


. = A,tTropical
. + 8X where 8A, =
30.08+00.013825*Year number in BCE reckoning. This
Z"VHoroscopes remain the most controversial of all in
expression had its genesis in the determination of the
the eyes of modern science. Modern science has quite
valid grounds to maintain its skepticism on the underlying mean 8A, for the year (-)100 as 4028' by P. Huber.
principles and mechanism of horoscopes. But the ancient Accordingly for the year (-) 409 i.e. 410 BC, 8a thus
records of horoscopes have been under careful scrutiny turns out to be 80.73 and nearly 70.5 at the beginning
and study by modern researchers to understand the
of the Seleucid Era.
evolution of conceptions like Zodiac and the development
of observational and mathematical astronomy. Two Greek Horoscopes by O. Neugebauer and
publications of great importance in this regard are: HB Van Hoesen
Data of about 180 Greek Horoscopes belonging to the
Babylonian Horoscopes by Rochberg
first five centuries of AD is available in the work and the
notable aspects of this data are:
In the form of horoscopes we have a strange bundle of
data from Babylon - a bunch of nearly 25 horoscopes 6. A unique zodiac cannot be identified in certain data
obtained on cuneiform tablets, the salient features of this like the zodiacal representation over Nimrud Daghin
class of data may be summarized as follows:1 view of the different norms of sidereal and tropical
used in erecting the horoscopes.
1. Chronologically the extant cuneiform horoscope texts
7. Babylonian sidereal zodiac is apparent in certain cases
range from 410 BC to 69 BC.
while in others the tropical zodiac of Ptolemy is adopted.
2. All the texts contain astronomical data related to birth Simultaneous existence of the sidereal and tropical
of individuals and not the astrological class of contents. norms despite the role of precession point towards a
3. The horoscope texts form a very small corpus when specific rationale underlying the sidereal norm i.e. fixed
compared to the huge corpus of other Babylonian zero point.
astronomical texts. 8. We have many remarkable examples that attest the
4. As noted by Rochberg, 'Babylonian zodiac was at existence of a fixed zodiac despite the popularity of
all times sidereaV and in the words of Rochberg, the Ptolemy and Almajest that placed the zero at vernal
relation between the Babylonian and Modern longitudes equinox.
finds the following description: As the present author has shown in a number of papers
"To compare modern computed longitudes against published earlier2, the Babylonian and Greek data that point
those in a Babylonian source it is helpful to correct towards a fixed or sidereal zodiac raises a number of
for a systematic deviation in values that results from the questions as to what their sidereal norm was or how the
different methods of counting longitudes, i.e., modern zero point of the zodiac was defined or fixed by the
tropical versus Babylonian sidereal longitudes. This Babylonian astronomer-priests/ Greek astrologers of the
systematic deviation represents the effect of precession first few centuries of AD and what the rationale was in
upon the sidereally normed Babylonian zodiac" choosing a non-seasonal mathematical frame for their
5. Rochberg accordingly has used the following expression observations and measurement.
of equivalence between the tropical and sidereal systems:
Babylonian Horoscope Longitudes
We can find a summary of the longitudes available in
* All references at the end of the article several horoscopes in the work of Rochberg where in the



same is contrasted with computed longitudes corrected

texts 1 and 2 belonging to the 5 century BC, precise
for precession
1 by
J the formula L . , . = L . , + 8A, statements of longitudes are not available but in other texts
Babylonian Iroptcal
where A, = 30.08+00.013825*Year number in BCE belonging to years from (-) 297 onwards we have
longitudes precisely stated which attests the above zero
reckoning. 8A as defined in die formula is very nearly the
point and sidereal norm of the Babylonian Zodiac employed
same as the ayanmsa of Muladhara Cakra. - a contrast
in the horoscope. Detailed data and dating of the texts
of both the values in a few representative case is provided
are available in the works of Rochberg and A. Sachs.3-4
As the mathematical and astronomical location of the
8A Huber Ayanmfa Difference Babylonian zero point and its sidereal norm stands well
illustrated in the work of Rochberg, the data is not
8.73 8.88 9'
reproduced in the present work. The following features
7.18 of the work of Rochberg invites our attention:
No specific star or other identity is not available for
4.65 the zero point as described above in the sky - west of
vernal equinox by a few degrees. Obviously the
guidance in fixing the zero would have been some
This data in turn means that the zero point of the astronomical phenomena like the occurrence of a
Babylonian Zodiac was nearly 8.8 west of the vernal series of lunar phases.
equinox in 5th century BC. So far no explanation has Errors of 1 or 2 degrees in many cases when the
become available for the rationale or the method by which Babylonian longitudes are compared with modern
the zero point was fixed except for the possibility of the values as per the above sidereal norm. The following
Muladhara Cakra pointed out by the present author. In data is typical:

A Text A Tropical X Computed A, Mkldhra Error

Sun = 130.5 mo32' 160.28 16023' -2.8
-262 April 4 01:00 UT

Moon - 310 304 14' SITBS'


281054' -20.3
Oi H*

Sun = 2195 275 15'


248 December29 16:00 UT

(Evening) Moon = 312 304 14' 3150.39 SITBS' +1

Above error can be ascribed to the specific Going back in time we can see on 18 March (-) 382,
measurement method employed by the Babylonian 0321UT the new moon coinciding with the zero point
astronomer priests. at a tropical A of 352014, and sidereal at 0o45'. First
Babylonian Calendar and Zero Point visibility of the crescent would have been on 19 March
with the sun nearly at 2 and therefore the reliance on
When looking at the features of the Babylonian Calendar
the luni solar phenomena to fix the zero point could
what strikes our attention most is the 19-year Uruk
have caused the observed departure of the longitudes
scheme. Such a calendar could have given guidance for
from the Babylonian sidereal norm.
the fixing of the zero point also. For example, in the above
cases of texts 5 and 9 the zero point could have been True Zero Point Calendar Scheme
based on a 19 year scheme such as:
The original calendar scheme that guided the astronomer-
In the year (-) 262, we can find the first quarter Moon priests in configuring the zero point may be identified as
coinciding with the solar transit of the zero point - beginning with the new moon of 16thMarch (-) 409,19:18
precisely, the values are: First quarter Moon: (-) 262 UT, having the sun and moon at 350o30' - sidereal value
March 19, 08:46 UT, Sun =354o20', Moon =84o20'. 359023'. On 17th March the beginning of the calendar
Sidereal Muladhara values will be 361011' and910ll'. with the first crescent visibility had Sun very nearly over
the zero point. Sidereal A at 1808 Zonal Time Baghdad
For sunset at Babylon 1810 Zonal Time, thesun = 01026'
Sun = 351018'+08053 = 0011' and moon had sidereal A of
and moon = Moon could be seen at zenith for
This sidereal sequence had a periodicity of 160
upper transit at 1822, taking place after sunset.
years and in respect of new moon recurrence. Phase



shifts by (-) 90 in 40 years for the Horoscope Text: L 497 Modern

solar transit over the sidereal zero
Parameters A P A A 8A
point. In (-) 369 the last quarter of
0 o
moon would have coincided the solar Sun 214022' ; 000' 216 56 00 00' -02034'
transit over the sidereal zero point d = -1306' d = -13057' -00051'
while for (-) 329, the full moon and (- Moon 48010' 02042' o
51 04' o
02 44 -02054'
) 289 had the first quarter and new o o
Mars 137035' : 01005' 140 20' 01 48' -02045'
moon recurs for (-) 249. 0 o
Mercury 224032' -01038' 227 57' -01 32 -03025'
Greek Horoscope Data Jupiter 154012' : 00035' 0
155 53' o
01 08' -01041'
In the case of the Greek horoscopes, Venus 231058' -00039' 0
235 37' o
-00 29' ! -03039'
the different norms employed makes Saturn 0 o
24028' -03005' 26 49' -02 43'
identification of general features and
Rhu 16004' 19057' -03054'
derivation of a precise formulae for
8A very difficult. But still the following H or Lagna 302012' 306037' -04025'
factors are quite relevant in to the As noted by Neugebauer Star Is give a consistent 8k
context of our discussions on the
ancient sidereal zodiac:
constant of precession. Actually, however, we find
1. Horoscopes from literary sources like Anthology of values 1 or 2 smaller. Since Ptolemy's fixed star
Vettius Valens greatly outnumber those from original longitudes for zodiacal belt have longitudes about Y20
papyri. Vettius Valens examples range from AD 37 to too small, we are left with a deviation oflL'^for
188 and are quoted with the specific purpose of which we cannot offer any plausible explanation"
discussing certain astrological doctrines. Later literary (emphasis added by present author).
sources cover a period up to AD 621.
Neugebauer has presented an explanation, which is not
2. Deviation 8A between the ancient and modern satisfactory to him self. To illustrate the situation a
longitudes remains essentially constant (particularly this horoscope of the fifth century can be considered:
is evident in the case of slow and regular motion of the
sun and the ascending lunar node) within statistical No. L497: Date is 28 October 497 AD and time is seasonal
limits except for the errors and inaccuracies that have hour 7:12 at Alexandria i.e. 12:51ZT for JD (UT) =
crept in. Neugebauer has noted distinct trends in respect 1902887.95236. Planetary data of the text are:
of 8A of later texts and those of Vettius Valens - 8As
Preceding Full Moon: 27 October 497, 0748 ZT at
of later horoscopes stand in marked contrast to the 8 A
35043' which according to the text was at 33o07' for
from the solar longitudes of Vettius Valens: whereas
seasonal 6h20m in day - time of opposition in error by
the later literary horoscopes show a practically
nearly 4 hours.
constant deviation, the deviations in the texts from
Vettius Valens decrease continually at a rate Interpretation of 8X
corresponding to precession. This shows that the
a) Neugebauer has interpreted6 the 8A = 3036'of the
longitudes in Vettius Valens are sidereal longitudes
stellar longitudes given as representing the Ptolemaic
whereas the later authors operate with tropical
precession correction over an interval of 360 years
longitudes, obviously following the norm adopted
from AD 137 to 497. Of course it matches well
by Ptolemy and Theon.
mathematically and as per Almajest but it perfectly
What is said by Neugebauer above is contested by matches another possibility of a sidereal zodiac with
Neugebauer himself in the following paragraphs of the precession correction of 50" per year and whose zero
discussion at page 172 and Neugebauer concludes:5 coincided vernal equinox in AD 238.
b) The extra decrement that Neugebauer noted of one
"Let us assume that the longitudes were correct at the degree can be explained only if we suppose actual
time of Ptolemy (+ 150) and that his constant of precession correction relative to AD238/AD231, the
precession of 1 per century had been used until the epoch at which the vernal equinox coincided the sidereal
fifth or sixth century. Then in the middle of the fifth zero point.
century that resulting longitudes will be about 1 too
c) Even Ptolemy's stellar longitudes "V20 too small" as
small, owing to the defect in the value Ptolemy's



noted by Neugebauer finds explanation with the 17th March at sunset with the vernal point in the 5th degree
sidereal zodiac, which needed a precession correction and moon in 14th degree. Horoscope was based on a wrong
of (+) l0inAD 160. If Ptolemy had his stellar longitudes year beginning cum lunation identified as marking the zero
determined in AD 137, it is possible that he had as the point. It is a well-known fact that the Greek Horoscopes
sidereal zero epoch of vernal point in AD 187 subject and sidereal zodiac that we see are subscribed from
to the inaccuracies in ancient measurement for fixing Babylon and therefore the rationale of the zero point might
the clima. have undergone dilution during the course of such transfer
d) As introduction to the above Horoscope, we find the of knowledge.
3. Neugebauer has in the discussions on the Lion relief
"Let it be the year 214 from the beginning of the ofNimrud Dagh summarized the different norms for
reign of Diocletian which is the year 821 from the Zodiac that prevailed in the first century BC:
death of Alexander the Macedonian, first (day) of
a) Constellation Leo from Cancer 15 to Leo 25
the Alexandrian month Athyr (III), seasonal hour
considered from vernal point
for Alexandria in Egypt 7; 12 of the day. For this
b) Scheme of Eudoxus according to which Leo is from
time and the said locality, that is Alexandria, we
Cancer 15 to Leo 15 from vernal equinox -15 norm
compute accurately the positions of the stars and
for cardinal points.
the centers and put them without change because
thus it seems right to the godly Ptolemaios..." c) Mesopotamian System A with Cancer 20 to Leo 20
considered from vernal point -10 norm for cardinal
It is therefore apparent that the positions are specially
determined with extra care.
d) Mesopotamian System B with Cancer 22 to Leo 22
e) Similar, zero point in the 4th degree of the tropical
considered from vernal point - 8 norm for cardinal
zodiac, is the trend in most of the horoscopes of the
fifth century AD. Also, when we look across 100 AD
to 400 AD, we can see a remarkable shift in the sign e) Norm of Hipparchus - 0 norm for cardinal points
of text - modern 1, (8A), from +ve to -ve implying a
Neugebauer8 has ruled out the possibility of 'any deeper
zero epoch for 8A in 3rd century AD. Emperor
astronomical significance' in history of ancient
Hadrian's Horoscope offer illustration of many related
mathematical astronomy and has explained the above
norms as some accidental compromise arising out of the
24 January 76 AD, 0645 at Alexandria (assumed)1 replacement of the original irregular constellations with
regular signs of 30 each. But in continuation of such an
Parameters Text L 76 Modem 8A
assessment, Neugebauer has made the following
Sun ! 308 302 38' +5 observations:
Moon I 301 296 28' +5
a) We do not know what chronological relation existed
Mars 352 349IT +3
between these two norms (i.e., System A and B) and
Mercury 282 27605T +5 what caused the difference.
Jupiter 301 296 32 +5 b) We have no evidence for the knowledge of precession
Venus 342 343 58' -1 in Babylon and no reason to credit the difference of
Saturn 275 2695T +5 zero points in System A and B to precession.
H or Lagna [ 301 301 c) Lixed sidereal longitude of the vernal point clearly
indicated that precession was unknown.
We see here a difference of +5 as against the possibility d) Computation of planetary or solar and lunar longitudes
of 20-30. The reason for this discrepancy may be the was totally independent of the location assigned to the
tables used for computing the horoscopes - the way in equinoxes and solstices.9
which the sidereal zero point was identified in ancient
times. As discussed above in the case of Babylonian In contrast to the above observations of O. Neugebauer,
horoscopes, the guidance must have been from a Calendar Rochberg and Huber as already pointed out that
scheme and an earlier norm of the sidereal zodiac based precession was the reason behind the difference between
on - for example - the new moon of 16th March -74 AD, 1
Hadrian was born in southern Spain and so the time may be a little
1031UThad the first visibility and the year beginning on different for H = 301 but 8k will be almost the same.


ancient and modern longitudes. In 'Greek Horoscopes' Above tantrik precepts in fact reflects the principles with
while discussing the Vettius Valens, Neugebauer himself which the sidereal zodiac, divisions of time and the
explains the decreasing 8A as the consequence of weekdays are configured. For example, the 21600
precession. This in turn brings to light a chronological numbers of breaths decided the division of the ecliptic
relation - Eudoxus scheme of 15 equinoxes pointing to into 360 degrees and 21600 minutes of arc. Caitra-[ukla
an antiquity of 850 BC for the zodiac. (1) coinciding with the solar transit of zero marked the
beginning of a breath cycle in harmony with the luni -
Priestly Use of the Sidereal Zodiac solar phenomena and the sidereal zodiac conceived as
The last few centuries of researches into the origins of Muladhara Cakra. We can see in
science and astronomy have shown little concern into the
purpose served by astronomy for the astronomer-priests Caitramsi jagatbrahm sasarja prathameahani
of Babylon and also for those who pursued astronomy Zuklapaksesamagram tattad skryodaye sati
for the religious purposes. It's a generally accepted notion Pravartaymsa tad klasya gananmapi
that the obsession of the people with astronomy in antiquity Grhnngnrtknmsnvatsamvatsardhipn
was exclusively connected with the religion, irrespective
of the place. So behind the pursuance of astronomy, we Brahma created the whole world and the year on the first
need to look for a universal religious principle, a common day of Caitra and instituted the calendar with the
purpose served by astronomy in aiding the spiritual conception of graha, nga,, msa, sam.vatsara and the
attainments of the people. lord of sam.vatsara. When considered against the above
background of tntrik precepts, we meet here with the
Luni - Solar Rhythm of Human Breath
conception of calendar year beginning with Caitra-[ukla(l)
We can find a remarkable depiction of the commonly used and also the r[+ Mes.a with which the breath cycle and
astronomical observations in what is known as the computation of time begins.
'pranayama' - an occult practice dealing with breath
control in Tantra. In brief terms the basic principles of Coincidence of the initial point of 'Klacakra' and the breath
'pranayama' having an astronomical or zodiac connection cycle is not accidental. The declared purpose of Tantra
are: 10 and the ultimate objective of the 'prn.ayma' is
transcendence above time and as such all tntrik precepts
1. Every yogic body is tuned for 21600 breaths (hamsa) and observances have got a specific orientation with time.
a day, which means 360 breaths in 1 ghati of 24 minutes Hat.hayoga-prad+pik 3 -3 says:
or 15 breaths in one minute.
2. Breaths through the left and right nostril (connected to Pmasya [knyapadav+ tath rjapathyate Ida and Pingala) are controlled respectively by Tad cittam nirlambam tad klasyavancanm
the Moon and Sun vis-a-vis the luni-solar phenomena.
"When the prna enters susumn, for the yatis the mind
3. The bright and dark fortnights as well as the solar transit is freed of my a and time ceases to exist"
from one zodiacal sign to the other exercise their
influence on the breathing cycle that alternates In manipulating prn.a, the role of 'prn.yma' is explained in
between the two nostrils. G+t 4 -29 as:
4. Bright fortnight of Moon begins with the Ida-breath at Apne juhvat+ prnam prne apnam tathpare
sunrise while the dark fortnight begins with PiHgala
Pmpnagat+rudhv prnyma paryanah
breath at sunrise and switch over takes place at 2.5
ghatis or at one hour intervals. "Some devours apna with prna while some do it vice
5. Switch over from one nd.i to the other takes place versa, prna is dissolved in apna, adepts (of Yoga) thus
also at the Solar transit into signs and thus arose the restraints both through prnyma"
need for reconciling the revolutions of both the sun
and moon and thus emerged the luni-solar calendar. Dependence and involvement of time in Yoga and
especially in prn.yma is therefore well evident and is the
6. In observing the breath, the right breath of dark
foundation of tntrik precepts. Therefore it may not be
fortnight is more dominant on Tuesday, Saturday and
prudent on our side to consider the ancient sidereal zodiac
Sunday while the left breath of bright fortnight is more
as an arbitrary astronomical construct. It may be noted
evident on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
above that the breath cycle has 24 divisions a day from



sunrise - the astrological 'hora's - with which the concept References

of weekdays have evolvedn. Yoga basis of the Hora 1 Rochberg Francesca, Babylonian Horoscopes, Trans. APS, Vol.
concept may be further understood from the astrological 88, Pt. 1 has brought together the data of horoscope texts for the
lordship of the Hora (two parts of a sign) by only Sun and first time.
Moon representing the - sun having lordship over 2 Neugebauer, O., and HB Van Hoesen, Greek Horoscopes, Trans.
the first Hora in odd signs and 2nd Hora in even signs
leaving the 2nd Hora of odd signs and first Hora of even 3 Rochberg - Halton, "Babylonian Horoscopes and Their Sources",
OrNS 58 (1989), 102-123
signs to Moon. We have only small pieces of information
4 Sachs, A., Journal of Cuneiform Studies, 6, pp 54 - 57
available but the remarkable concordance of such pieces
5 Neugebauer, O., and HB Van Hoesen, Greek Horoscopes, Trans.
with the zodiacal, astrological and Yoga precepts call for APS, p. 172
detailed studies on the role played by Yoga in the 6 Neugebauer, O., and HB Van Hoesen, Greek Horoscopes, Trans.
development of ancient astronomy. APS, p. 153
7 Ibid., p. 152
Tntrik Principles Underlying the Sidereal Zodiac
8 Neugebauer, O., A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy',
In a number of papers, present author has described the I & II, Springer Verlag, New York, 1975
sidereal zodiac as Mkldhra Rhu-Zikhi Cakra having 9 Pp.368 - 369 ofPart-I, above
10 Sivasvarodaya, Krishnadas Acaddemy, Varanasi, 1999
the star Mkla (1-Scorpii) as fiduciary. This abstraction or
modeling of time is based on the Tantrik experience of 11 See for an explanation of the dependence of weekdays on Hora,
Dikshit, SB., History of Indian Astronomy, Part-1, Controller of
time as a sequence of the Panca-tattvas considered in
Publications, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
their macro to micro durations. Weekly scheme of the
Tattvas that is often used in prognostication may be
summarized as below:

Scheme of Tattavas
Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesd
Earth 6 ^30^ 12 24 12
Water 12 i 30 gisa 30 ^ 24 24
Fire f 24 24 L30_ ^30 24 WlO
Air 24 "30^ 24 L. 30 30^ 30
Ether 12 f 30 24 ~ L 30 4 24
Ether L 30 6 1 12 18M[24^
Air 24 1 6 p^i ^ 6 " 12 12
Fire 12 12 1 6 6 1 12 6
Water 12 6 12 1 6 6 6
Earth 24 6 KjTH 12 6 1 12

Principles like this which configure time as an experience

of the breath and indicator of the quality of time could not
have originated from arbitrary guess work. Tantrik works
demands no faith and exhorts everyone to test and
experience the truth.

Jyotisha has a history beyond Lahiri's date of origin of

Zodiac (285 AD) or of the siddhantic dates of 5th or 6th
century when the Indian Sidereal Zodiac came into
existence as per the Calendar Reform Committee report.
Most of the people speak of Parasara and Garga of
antique times but labors little to know whether any of the
modern conceptions of Zodiac can be traced to such times.
Zodiac had a clear bio-cosmic rationale and experience
and the same is reflected in Tantrik terminology of
Microcosm from which the Zodiac can be inferred to be
the Mkldhra Rahu Sikhi Cakram.

44 JANUARY 2012
notice; only articles have been kept, useless pages and
publicity have been removed


Biochemistry in Ancient India

Vastu, Property and Fourth House

fyothisha Chinta Nidhi

Next Prime Minister of India

Great Daivagjnas

Mahasivaratri Its Significance

Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji Visits Dallas, Texas, USA 20

This Month for You February 2012

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for February 2012
Sunrise and Sunset Timings for February 2012

My Genealogy
Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka
Around the World
Workshop on Ramayana, Jyotishaand Management

International Conference on Medical Astrology

Mantra Shakti


Lead Article

Biochemistry in

Ancient India


(This article is reproduced from our old records specially since January 30th happens to be my great grandfather Prof. B. Suryanarain
Rao's Birthday - The sacred Ratha Saptami day. In rememberance, we are reproducing 'his genealogy' on page 27 of this issue.)

T^E GREATEST DISCOVERIES and inventions of convolu-tions of this fearful war, and thus the prosperity
the modem generations, are already lying prefigured and intellectual pride of India attained through vast series
in the unlimited ocean of Aryan Sciences, Acredit which of generations must have received a rude shock from
belongs to one nation for what it has achiceved should which, we are of opinion, it never fully recovered. It would
not be grudged to be given to it if it makes good its claims-
be absurd, therefore, to say that India knew nothing of
India has long been before the intellectual world. The physical sciences before the dawn of History,
Vedas and Puranas the Yogas and the Sankhyas, the Mahabharata, appears to be admittedly 5,000 years old,
Grammar and the Logic, the Mantras and the Tantras and if this is taken for grantedas it must be then we
are not the work of invention of any laterday priestcraft. have an older and more valuable book in the shape of
They are perfectly incapable of bringing into existence Ramayana com-posedby Valmikibearing the proud
that which with all the attempts of the world have not title of Muni-Pungava. He calls it adikavya or the first
been able to do Before the Mohome-dans came to India epic poem and this must certainly have been immensely
the Greeks had already admired the wonderful literature old and highly respected when Vyasa wrote and
and sciences of India, Three thousand years ago or composed his Mahabharata, Brahma-tutras and his
more properly five thousand years ago, India showed immortal Bhagavadgita and the 18 Puranas. Vyasa's
signs of intellectual decay while other nations were tryingacknowledgement of Valmiki's superiority, and his non-
to make a name in arts and sciences on the ruins of their disputing the proud title ofAudikavi, given to Valmiki is
Aryan predecessor. After the war described in the certainly the best testimony we have, and we can rest
Mahabharata it appears certain that the Aryans in India assured that if Valmiki was duly appreciated and
lost considerably their intelllectual and physical respected by Vyasa, he must have been a most wonderful
supremecy. We can well account for this- Duryo-dhana's personage to exact intellectual homage by its greatest
fall meant the fall of a great and consolidated & giant- Valmiki exhibits a profoundity of research into
prosperous empire. In the ruinous war that was waged terrestrial and celestial phenomena that is considered
for 18 days, between the Pandus and Kurus almost every almost impossible to guage the intellectual reach of this
prince and chieftain of any pre-tensions in India must great Rishi. Valmiki composed a work on the physical
have taken tome part or other in this famous war and sciences called Bhoota Tatwa Praka-sika. This work
is an exhaustive one and has been condensed into a book
although Pandus finally overthrew the legitimate Sovereign called the Tatwasagard by the learned scientist
Duryodhana they did so at a great sacrifice of relations Kshiraswami. We have to go into some details before
and friends. Nations were ruined and there must have the expressions used in these sciences could be
been anarchy for a long time which followed this epoch understood and the explanations will show the depth of
until an apology for peace and prosperity pre-vailed The the intellectual development which the ancient Hindus had
best men in arts and scien-ces must have perished in the attained at the very start of the Aryan invasion. It is alleged


that the physical sciences were most successfully element and if they did take the trouble of extracting
cultivated and brought to perfection by the Maharishis from it they would get the element itself and no other
and as the truths contained in these sciences did not reveal article or substances from which they could make
to them the final causes of all phenomena! they plunged provision for their bodies. They treated fire similarly
into the most difficult branch of Yoga practice and thereby hinted that fire gets its energy fromn the Sun. These
secured a mental elevation, which dazzles those who can Mahabhootas had Sookshma Bhootas. and they were in
see them in their stupendous intellectual flights. their turn traced to still subtler influences and energies
Kshiraswami seems to have been a profound scholar in which are lying concealed behind them It would, therefore
these Bhoutikaii Bkoutikcx Sastras, and the following be the height of presumption to charge the Hindus with
seems to be the arrangement given by that scientist. The ignorance on these matters when those who read their works,
Bhootas of the Hindus are certainly not the elements of betray the gross est ignorance in the laws of Nature as
the Europeans as understood by the oriental dabblers. A explained and discovered by the Hindu Yogees They
grander mistake than this could hardly be made. There is resolved all substances into these Maha (big) Bhootas
a great deal of misrepresentation in these matters and (energies or forces) and then went on describing the
we ask our readers not to be led away by false processes which brought on these Bhootas' and also the
translations whatever European degrees may follow his sublte chemical proces by which these Bhootas could
name. The PanchaMaha Sthula Bhootas are the sky amalgamated in the reverse order a make them into one.
air, fire, water and earth. Hindus, who knew a great deal,
would not have saw that the earth is a simple element. Maha Bhootas are five in number: -(1) The Earth. (2)
They knew it was a mixture of many metallic and non- The Water, The Fire, (4) The Air. (5) The Sky,
metallic elements, and hence they called it Vasundhara We do not think that these Engl: words really represent
or that which conceals and bears all kinds of minerals what is understood by the Hindu adepts from the use
and wealth. In the Yoga those who have some practice of terms like Prithivy, Appoo Thejas Yayoo and Akasa.
in it assert that they know processes by which they caa The last word Akasa has a most wonderful derivation
extract from the common air what they want and nourish and means that energy which makes all objects shine
their bodies with materials from it directly. If air was by its contact, Everyone of these has a splendid
considered by them as an element pure and simple derivative meaning. The word Mahabhoota means that
there was nothing worth extracting from such a simple it has many Sookshma Bhootas. (forj g


Property and Fourth House

Bangalore niranjan B abu

VASTU AND JYOTISHA are inter-related and inter contribute to peace and happiness (to and from mother
dependent. Vasati Iti Vastu means the place in which too) and harmony in the home. Fourth house in one's
you dwell is Vastu. When we speak of a dwelling we birth chart should be read with respect to the running dasa
invariably speak of the directions and the five elements and bhukti and transits thereof. Based on this the relevant
of nature. When we speak of directions we speak of directions/sectors should be made Vastu appropriate to
rulerships. Vastu identifies the rulership of the four cardinal minimize the effects of planetary imbalances and optimize
directions north, east, south and west with Soma or Kubera, the benefic planetary strengths. This apart based on your
Aditya, Yama and Varuna respectively. The four angular ascendant certain planets are benefic and certain malefic.
directions northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest
are assigned to Easha, Agni, Gagana and Pavana
respectively while the central sector of an area is assisgned If your birth ascendant (in your vedic horoscope) is Taurus
to mother earth - Prithvi. Astrological texts assign the (Vrshabha), Saturn is the best benefic since he is lord of
four cardinal directions north, east, south and west to the 9th and 10th houses (trine and quadrant) and becomes
Mercury, Sun, Mars and Saturn while the four angular a yogakaraka . This means the importance of west as a
directions northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest compatible direction is seen for the native. In fact Vastu
have lordships of Jupiter, Venus, Rahu and Moon texts, referring to West, tell us Paschima
respectively. Pushtivardhanam - West is increase of prosperity and
welfare. Mercury - north, Mars - south and the Sun -
Fourth House east, are also benefic. By giving West strength in terms
The fourth house relates to property - homes, sites and of heavy landscaping in the site and by way of thick walls,
ancestral, apart from habitational needs of peace, heavy furniture, etc within the home and the room of the
happiness, mother, domestic life, conveyances, etc. With native, negatives indicated by Saturn in one's horoscope
this we see that the proper selection of conveyance and can be minimized considerably. When we consider the
property based on both Vastu and astrological aspects can ascendant Cancer (Karkataka - Sri Rama's ascendant),
Mars (5th and 10th lord, yogakaraka)
and Jupiter become the benefic
planets. This means the south and
northeast are the important areas
which one should strengthen.

Verbatim Use
Word for word use of book rules is
not right. For instance, if in your
horoscope, the fourth house is
occupied by Mars or Saturn, the
indication is that one will lose his
property. This means in the property
that you own, the two relevant
sectors of South and West,
primarily, and other relevant sectors
are to be made Vastu appropriate



so that during the malefic periods

of dasa, bhukti and gochara, you
tend to take the right decisions and
retain the property or have minimize
the losses. The general rule that
Sun in the fourth house indicates
inheritance and can also be a cause
unhappiness and worries can be
turned in one's favour of optimizing
inheritance and minimizing
unhappiness by allowing good
ventilation through the east of one's
habitation and one's room. Just
moving into a southwest room with
no ventilation from the east (or
north) does not make sense.
Benefic results are indicated when the lord of the fourth kitchen where the traditional housewife (kalatra) was
house occupies the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, normally active.
ninth, tenth and eleventh. The benefic results can be with
reference to being learned, inheritance, respect, vehicles, Example horoscope*
land and property, political success, real estate, etc. These Mars Ascendant and fourth lord
benefic (or malefic) results are tempered based on the
Ve s
Ketu Jupiter (northeast - water) is
strength or weakness of the fourth lord. For instance in the eleventh while fourth
when the fourth lord having favorable aspects is in the Mercury house is occupied
r by
J exalted

3rd, very little of property is indicated and loss of one's Pasj Venus (southeast - fire).
assets is possible during his dasa/bhukti or transit. In such Considering from Moon
cases it is necessary to strengthen the relevant directions/ (northwest - air), the fourth
sectors (and primary elements) so that the malefics are lord Saturn (west - pushti)
minimized and the benefics are optimized. Ascendant ^ Jupiter Saturn js jn the eleventh and the
fourth is aspected by Jupiter,
Generally, when a Vastu analysis is made, the fourth house the 5th and 10th lord. This indicated much assets by way
lord and planets aspecting the fourth lord, aspects on the of conveyances and property. By appropriate Vastu
fourth house, planets posited in the fourth house, planets strengthening of the relevant sectors and associated
associated with the fourth lord, etc have to be reviewed primary elements, the benefic indications are optimized.
in association with the relevant directions/sectors. Suppose
the fourth lord is placed in a quadrant (Kendra) or a trine To conclude, we have to bear in mind that both the sciences
(trikona), acquisition of knowledge, property and happiness Jyotisha and Vastu owe their origin to the Vedas. While
during the applicable major and minor periods of the fourth Jyotisha is referred to as a Vedanga (limb of the veda),
lord are indicated. When this is the case, strengthening Vastu (also called Sthapathya Veda) is said to be a Upaveda
the related directions or sectors by way of landscaping, (minor veda). It is foolhardiness on the part of teachers,
interiors, ventilations, etc could bring in the results indicated students and practioners of either science to highlight one
manifold. while putting down the other. My father Dr. B. V Raman
many a time gave me the following advice in his private
Students of Jyotisha and Vastu can take note of the fact conversations with me: While the horoscope indicates
that assets include both conveyances and properties. The rain (a bad period) during a particular phase of time, Vastu
karaka for assets is Venus (who also happens to be kalatra can identify a proper umbrella or a shelter to cover one's
karaka) relating to the direction/sector southeast and the head (minimize the malefic situation) during that period.
primary element fire. By strengthening south, east and
southeast and activating fire in the right zone can benefit Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu !
the acquisition of assets. This could also be the reason
why generally the southeast sector is preferred as a * Ref: How to Judge a Horoscope



lyothisha Giiiita Nidhi

^\lm ferr


(Our senior contributor Yajnavalkya provides you, every month, especially students - some succinct notes on
select astrological topics of interest )

Yamakanda and Yamakantaka: Which Is Correct? The problem arises because both the Yamakantaka and
Are Yamagandakalam and Rahukalam Mahaadoshas or Yamaganda periods coincide and there can be no one
major afflictions? Opinions are different and diverse. While period, which can be deemed as harmful as well as
beneficial simultaneously. It is reasonable that the average
some hold that these are to be avoided for electional
reader may want to be kept informed of the correct
purposes others hold that they need not be given much
position. There is some strength in the argument of late
importance, dr. raman has also opined fully in support
Mr. V A. K. Iyer that Yamakantaka is the correct term to
of the contentions that they need not be bothered about,
be used to signify the time periods attributed to it to dispel
too much. the mistaken notion by calling it Yamaganda, which name
itself carries with it a specific malefic import. The views
By way of clarification some have suggested that
of dr. raman also appear to be in conformity with this.
Yamaganda and Yamakantaka are quite two different
factors. They clarify that while Yamaganda is like The argument is that Yamakantaka, being the son of Jupiter
Rahukalam and is relevant in electional astrology, can only be auspicious because Jupiter unquestionably is
Yamakantaka is an Upagraha like Mandi and is relevant a benefic according to astrological scriptures. Gulika,
only to natal horoscopy. deemed to be the son of Saturn, is termed as malefic in
horoscopy. However, its 'kala'or period is taken as good
Definite or specific scriptural sanction is found lacking to for auspicious deeds. So, it goes without saying that the
clinch the difference between them. However, the popular nature of the Upagrahas and their role in natal horoscopy
view held by scholars like late Mr. V A. K. Iyer is that are not in agreement with their benefic or malefic qualities
only Yamakantaka, with a faulty pronunciation, came to for their respective '/ca/<xs''orperiods of time.
be called as Yamaganda, in due course of time. While
Now, how can an average reader and believer in astrology,
there is no dispute to the fact that either Yamakantaka or
get out of this confusion? Definitely he will have no other
Yamaganda, in whatever way it is called, is accepted as
option but to compromise with one of the following two
the son of Jupiter, (illicit or otherwise), the Yamakantaka
options. As a first option he can take the Yamakantaka
is held as good as Guru and taken as auspicious. On the Kalas as good except on Thursdays and ignore the adverse
other hand, Yamaganda, by popular convention is held as Yamaganda Kala results enunciated for the other
inauspicious and unsuitable for auspicious deeds. weekdays. Or else, he can stick on to the Yamaganda
Necessarily, therefore, only one of these contentions can Kalas, mentioned in the panchangas as bad and reckon
stand the test. the Yamakantaka Upagraha for natal horoscopy alone, by
following its rising time schedules and ignore them for
Phaladeepika speaks very clearly about the Kala calculation.
auspiciousness of Yamakantaka in chapter 25 slokas 18,
19 and 21. Though later works like Kaalavidhana and With everything said and done, these Kalas of Muhurthas
other Muhurtha Granthas give malefic attributes to are followed only in some parts of the land and their
Yamaganda and its kala or period, it must be noted that importance is only strictly regional. On the other hand,
the earlier works mention only the good effects of the Upagraha calculations have wider connotations, in
Yamakantaka. applied astrology.


What Is Katapayadi? be written from right to left by writing the unit figure first,
Using the letters of the alphabet to denote numbers can the tens next and so on, following the dictum- anganam
perhaps be traced back to Panini, of about 700 B.C. vamato gati. Thus a word bha-va-ti ''-Mid would signify
Though no definite evidence of the extensive use T - bha=4; - va=4; and frT - ti= 6 or 644. [not 446]
alphabetical notation is found, up to the 4th century, A.D.,
they have been found used in verses to denote numbers, Some salient rules to be remembered are:
by different writers, in about those periods. Of the varied
Swaras have no numerical denotation. In ru only ra is
systems employed, Katapayadi -{ Ka (op); Ta (5); Pad);
reckoned and not the oo. So garuda would denote TTT"5
ya(4);} is the one system developed by Aryabhatta 1,
Here the consonants of the Sanskrit alphabets are used - ga-ru-da- or T - ga= 3; ^ ru= (ra-T) = 2; and da=3;
to denote numbers 1 to 9 and zero. The system is found hence 323. (from left to right)
used in Laghu Bhaskareeya as well. During the
In conjuncts the last letter denotes the numeral, gya CT)
successive periods it has got refined and reformed, and
used with four variants. It is because of these non- or khya (7^1) would denote only 1 representing ya-fT);
uniformities of notations, its acceptance for general usage the ga-andkha being ignored. Kya= 1 Kra=2; kla=3; kwa=4
suffered, in the course of time. and so on.

Of the four variants, the first one defined in Let us take the word ayurarogyasoukyam, the last word
of the last sloka of Narayaneeyam, the immortal work
Sadratnamala, an important work and it takes ka (op); ta
of Melpathur Narayana Bhattathirippad.
(E); pa (T); ya ("4); to denote one (1). The alphabets from
ka (op) to jna (?) represent 1 to 9 and zero respectively. The letters are aa-yu-ra-ro-gya-sou-kyam
Likewise Ta (E); to na d) and so on - pa d) to ma d) The denote in order 0-1-2-2-1-7-1
denote 1 to 5. Ya (T) to ha (T) denote 1 to 8 - la (vT) The word represents 1712210.
denotes 9. Apart from its contextual meaning of praying for long life,
health and comfort, it is stated that the word signifies the
As there are slight variations of rules in the different
Kalidina of 1712210 on sunrise of the day on which
versions and to avoid confusion, the rules adopted in
Bhattathirippad completed his work. The day is reckoned
general use are alone described below.
to be Sunday, the 28th of Vrischika, of Kollam 762
The following sloka details the scheme. (MalayalamEra). Numerous examples of such dexterous
skills of ancient writers in employing the Katapayadi
Katapaya varghabhavairiha notations in their works of poetic excellence, including
Pindanthai raksharairangaa: astrological treatises can be found. The study of the
Ne knje soonyam knjeyam
development of varied numerical symbolism and
Thahta sware kevale kathithe
terminologies of ancient Bharat itself can be of extreme
the deciphered numerals of letters of chronograms are to interest to those aspiring students of astrology. g

Mr. VR.Soundar Rajan, with a
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering,
has served Anna University,
Chennai for over thirty years. He Prime Minister
has been rendering astrological of
counseling for two and half decades.
Mr. Soundar Rajan's training has
been under Pandit Asuri India

Unhappy is the man or the nation which, when the divine moment arrives, is found sleeping or unprepared
to use it, because the lamp has not been kept trimmed for the welcome and the ears are sealed to the call.
But thrice woe to them who are strong and ready, yet waste the force or misuse the moment; for them is
irreparable loss or a great destruction. - Sri Aurobindo

India's independence is such a period; our nation accepted the moment and welcomed the situation.
In India's independence chart, Lagna was Taurus and Moon sign is Cancer. Starting Dasa was Saturn
and sub dasa was also Saturn. Saturn Dasa was completely headed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
During Mercury Dasa, the nation was led by Mr. Lai Bahadur Shastri and Mrs. Indira Gandhi. During
Ketu Dasa, it was Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. The complete confusion arose during Venus Dasa when Mr. P.V.
Narasimha Rao, Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and (now) Mr. Manmohan Singh were the popular Prime
Ministers. The table indicates Sun Dasa, for the independence chart, began in September 2009.

Mahadasa From

Saturn 1946-09-10 1965-09-10

Mercury 1965-09-10 1982-09-11
Ketu 1982-09-11 1989-09-10
Venus 1989-09-10 2009-09-11
Sun 2009-09-11 2015-09-11
Moon 2015-09-11 2025-09-11
Mars 2025-09-11 2032-09-11
Rahu 2032-09-11 2050-09-11
Jupiter 2050-09-11 2066-09-11


Saturn (R) Saturn
India Sun,Venus Venus

Moon Ascendant

The following table shows the details of Moon's constellation etc of our popular Prime Ministers and prime ministerial

Moon Star lord Sign lord Jupiter Saturn India's Individual

Dasa Dasa
India Pushyami Saturn Moon Cancer Libra Saturn
Jawaharlal Nehru Aslesha Mercury Moon Sagittarius Leo Saturn Mars
Lai Bahadur
Shastri Aridra Rahu Mercury Aries Capricorn Mercury Mercury
Indira Gandhi Uttarashada Sun Saturn Taurus Cancer Mercury Jupiter
Rajiv Gandhi Poorvaphalguni Venus Sun Leo Gemini Ketu Rahu

P.V. Narasimha Uttarabadrapada Saturn Jupiter Leo Leo Venus Mars

Rao (Mars sub)
Vajpayee Jyeshta Mercury Mars Sagittarius Libra Venus Rahu
Saturn sub Jupiter
Man Mohan Singh Aslesha Mercury Moon Leo Capricorn Venus end/ Rahu
Prime Ministerial Contestants
L.K.Advani Aswini Kethu Mars Pisces Scorpio Saturn
NarendraModi Anuradha Saturn Mars Aquarius Leo Moon
Sushma Swaraj Uttaraphalguni Sun Mercury Pisces Virgo Saturn
Rahul Gandhi Jyeshta Mercury Mars Libra Aries Sun end Moon
Pranab Mukherjee Aridra Rahu Mercury Scorpio Aquarius Moon Venus

Now let us analyse the popular Prime Ministers' horoscopes.

Jawaharlal Lai Bahadur

Nehur Shastri
14-11-1889 02-10-1904
11.36 p.m 6.20 a.m.

During Moon Dasa end Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru assumed During Mercury Dasa, for a short period, he assumed
Prime Ministership and held the post till Rahu dasa, Prime Ministership. During his death, Mercury (dasa lord)
Mercury Bhukthi. Rahu placed in the 12th assumed was in the 7th and (bhukthi lord) Rahu in the 12th from
maraka (and Mercury being maraka too), he died in Rahu Moon sign. In Dasamsa, it is similar to Nehru's Dasamsa
dasa/Mercury Bhukthi. Venus and Jupiter, 9th lord and that Venus and Jupiter fromMoon sign of DIG, exchanged
4th lord from Moon sign of DIG, exchanged their houses their houses and gave him similar opportunity.
and gave him great success. Mercury, though debilitated
positioned in 7th being the lord of 10th from Moon sign in The Astrological eMagazine
DIG caused stability in the career, and lasted for 17 years Online Edition
from Independence. available at



Jup(R) I Kethu I febu

Indira Gandhi A.B.Vajpayee ^
19-11-1917 ^ 25-12-1924
11.11. pm
~ Marc An 5.11 am

Dsns mil Mercury Ascendant

Rahu Mercury I Kclu Jupiter yjat^n Saturn
Venus Sun I fitoi Sun /Venus

During Jupiter Dasa Mrs. Indira Gandhi took a lead the During the end of Rahu dasa and beginning of Guru dasa,
country. Mid Jupiter to middle of the Saturn dasas she Atal Bihari Vajpayee held the post of Prime Minister. 7th
held the post. During her death the dasa was Saturn and lord Venus and 9th lord Moon conjoined in the Lagna/Moon
bukthi was Rahu both are in maraka position to the moon sign and 5th lord Jupiter and 10th lord Sun in the 2nd place
sign in D1 chart. In Dasamsa chart the Moon and the in Rasi Chart and in DIG the yogakaraka of Moon sign
Venus exchanged their houses and Moon with Yoga in the 10th place conferred him the position.
Karaka Saturn conferred the highest position of the

Rahu Dr. Manmohan Venus
Singh Moon
Rajiv Gandhi Saturn 26-9-1932 Ketu
20-08-1944 (R) 2.00 pm Jupiter
8 11 m
Kethu - -P </!
Ascerdant Moon Saturn Mercury
Venus Sun
I Saturn
During Rahu dasa and Mercury bhukti, he assumed charge
During Rahu Dasa and Jupiter Bhukti, Rajiv Gandhi as Prime Minister. Rahu dasa ends in 2014 and Jupiter
assumed Prime Ministership and upto Saturn Bhukti he Dasa starts. Strong Moon with yogakaraka Mars in D1
held the post. Mars is in the 2nd in Rasi. At the time of his and 7th lord in 5th and 5th lord exalted in D10 helped him to
death, Mars and Jupiter were in the 12thhouse. Exchange climb the ladder. But Jupiter with Ketu in Rasi chart and
of 5th lord with 10th lord from Moon sign of DIG, conferred debilated in Dasamsa chart may deny him the coveted
the position of Prime Minister. post next. If the D1 Ascendent Sagittarius is certain,
position of Jupiter may help him.
Ascendant Hitherto we have seen the configurations of past Prime
Ministers. Now we analyse the aspirants of both the
parties, Congress and B.J.P
P.V. Narasimha |
28-6-1921 I Saturn Jupiter (R)
11.30. pm I Jupiter

L. K. Ad van i Asceflclant
9.02 am
During Mars Dasa, P.V.Narasimha Rao took over as the
Prime Minister. 9th lord Mars and 7th lord Mercury Ascendant Mars Dasamsa
Saturn vlercury (R) Venus Saturn
. . E Rahu
conjoined in the 4th house in Rasi and Venus, Mars and Ketu Sun Jupiter
Saturn mutually exchanged their houses, conferring him
the highest post. The present Dasa is Saturn and bhukti is Mercury. From
Moon sign 4th lord Moon and 5th lord Sun aspecting each



other and 9th lord Jupiter and 7th lord Venus aspecting
each other are good for him. In Dasamsa 9th and 10th
lords joined in the 6th from Moon. During this period the
badhaka lord Saturn in transit from Moon sign is in the Pranab K-S-s;
7th house (enemy's place). Transit Rahu and Ketu will Mukerjee
be in 1st and 7th and 12th & 6th houses may not permit him Ascendant 11-12-1935
to climb up. .Wfars
Mercuiy Dasamsa
Ascendant Jupiter Venus Mars Jupiter I
Jkipiter Sun

Pranab Mukerjee has Venus Dasa running. From Moon

Narendra Modi sign, Venus being 5th in own place and 9th lord Saturn in
17-7-1950 his own place, kendra lords (without getting kendradi
10.11 am
dosha) being seated with Sun, signify him the chances of
the coveted seat too. Mars, the 6th lord in the 8th may
Ascerfdantl Ketu confer Vipareetha Raja Yoga. In Dasamsa, from Moon
sign the exchanges of 4th and 5th lords, Mars and Jupiter
In Rasi chart of Narendra Modi, from Moon sign 5 lord also confirms the chances. Representation from East
in the 4th place aspect the 7th lord Venus and 4th lord Saturn Zone is long over due. The probable tussle may be
between East (Mukerjee) or West (Modi).
is a yoga conferring configuration. Similarly 9th lord Moon
with 1st lord Mars in the Moon's sign is also good. In Ascenc|anf
Dasamsa from Moon sign 9th lord is strong in 5th house Saturn Mercury Sun Moon I Mercury
and 5th and 10th lords, Saturn and Mercury in 9th place
shows some significant results. Moon dasa is to start in Rahu
Rahul Gandhi
2012 for Narendra Modi and also the dasa of the country is 19-6-1970
Moon dasa. Though Moon is debihtated, moon sign lord 5.50
Mars with him nullify and may confer Yoga. Regarding the
debihtated Moon, it is worth knowing that Moon is debihtated
in the charts of Vajpayee and Abdul Khalam too. Moon I Jupiter (R) Mais | Jupiter Ascef^a

/ The present dasa of Rahul Gandhi is Moon dasa. In Rasi

Jupiter Asceridant haiu iuatiiy
chart, from Moon sign Mars, 6th lord in 8th (Vipareetha
raja yoga), 7th lord in 9th signigy meager chances - he
Sushma Swaraj may be pushed up to the post for some time. In Dasamsa,
14-2-1955 9th lord Jupiter in 7th and 10th lord Saturn in 9th may confer
DasainEai Summing up, Narendra Modi tops the list followed by
Mars Saturn
..MoonR ...
sahrin I Kalu
Sushma Swaraj, Pranab Mukerjee, Manmohan Singh,
Advani and Rahul Gandhi in that order. Since the
Now dasa running is Saturn probably Venus bhukti. Saturn Ascendants of these charts are uncertain, this scribe has
and Venus are well placed with Moon and aspecting the taken the Moon sign in Rasi and Dasamsa. The
10th house of Moon sign. 9th lord Venus in 4th , 4th lord conclusions, arrived, therefore are indicative.
Jupiter in Bhavat Bava in 7th ,10th lord Mercury in 5th and
5th lord in Moon Lagna gives good clue to have a Raja
Yoga. Moreover 12th lord Sun in 6th also confers
Vipareetha Raja Yoga. In Dasamsa Mars the yoga
karaka of Moon sign placed in the 9th also confers good
yoga in career. Advani, if his candidature is ruled out, he
may prefer Sushma Swaraj instead of Modi. Since the
dasa of India will be Moon, her well placed Moon in
Dasamsa chart can give an edge.

1 2 FEBRUARY 2012




IN THE TODAY'S WORLD, in In the caste hierarchy, Kaniyars Practice and fame
whichever way you turn, you will come in the low rung of the ladder; Chellapan started practicing at the age
find invariably every other person nevertheless, even in those dark age of 17 and it is said that he rose to fame
claiming to know Jyothisha, as of "untouchables", the Kaniyars in 1950's,in a prasna connected with
imperfect as possible. However, were never denied access to the a murder case. Lrom the horary,
those who have really mastered this house of the Royals and the chieftains Chellapan himself was able to tell one
divine science of Jyotisha and more due to their profound knowledge in very clearly for what one approached
importantly those who could really Jyothisha with that of Sanskrit and him and his objectives.
predict are extremely rare. computational skills.
Astrological prediction is a different It so happened that a Nair feudal
set of ball game. It requires specific Kaniyars believe that they are the landlord after murdering his wife and
skills that can be acquired only by chosen ones and learnt Jyothisha burying her in the backyard advertised
divine worship or spiritual Sadhana directly from the mouth of Lord in the local dailies that apt reward will
Subramanya, the presiding deity of be given to anyone who will provide
The truth is, Astrology is not only an Jyothisha. Kaniyars are now re- any information about his missing wife
art as well as science but is also an christened as "Ganakas" or one well and lodged a complaint with the
expression of spiritual evolution of the versed in computation. Anyway, the police. The man came to Chellapan
Diviner or Astrologer .Our ancients new generation has distanced and did a prasna and the former
knew that very well. Gaining of themselves from Jyothisha activities. reportedly told him that he murdered
knowledge in Horas (Text books) his wife and buried her in the backyard
should go hand in hand with the Early Years of the legend
of his house. Later when the defence
spiritual sadhana of the Astrologer, Chellapan was born in the Kaniyar
counsel examined Chellapan how he
if his prediction has to come correct community. As is usual in his
could tell about the fact, Chellapan's
was the sermon preached by the great community, at that time, he learnt
reply was that it was "through
Masters of yesteryears. Jyothisha in the traditional way
starting with memorizing the slokas
I would like to introduce our esteemed of Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira, The word "Aasan" is a title of
readers to two gifted Astrologers, popularly known as "Hora" in Kerala reverence and is synonym with the
who cared least for any type of and other texts like Prasnamarga and master or teacher. Chellapan used to
publicity and whom the world of of course some rare slokas passed be addressed as Chellapan Aasan. It
astrology should and must know. by one generation to the other is said that Aasan did the match-
including that of Skanda Hora, making for more than 15,000 couples,
Chellapan Aasan
supposed to have written by Lord through, three generations, with
Astrology and Kaniyar Subramanya Himself and regarded precision and infallibility.
community as the first text book in Jyothisha.
In the entire world, only in the state This scribe is one of the very few who
of Kerala, one can find a caste Appearance and personality knew the Aasan's uncanny ability in
assigned exclusively for the purpose Chellapan stood apart in any crowd "Mushti Prasna" You take anything
of casting and delineation of due to his majestic appearance .He in your hand; close the fist and ask
horoscopes and for conducting was more than six feet, clean shaven him what the fist contains. With his
prasna. They are known as and with broad shoulders. cowries (sea-shells) that he uses for
"Kaniyar" all the computations, within seconds,



he would tell what the fist held. of a continuous prayer. His habits Aasan's View on Birth Time
However, Aasan never claimed he were exemplary. He would wake up Rectification
had this rare ability or demonstrated at 3 in the morning, no matter, whether Aasan was of the view that a given
it, for publicity. he was sick or there was an time should be subjected to
inclement weather even though he Kundakhatha (longitude of the rising
To test the ability of Aasan, someone would have gone to sleep at 1 am. degree multiplied by 9 should tally
brought the horoscope of Kumbalath He never used to shun his daily bath with the birth star or 10th or 19th star
Sankupillai, a great social reformer and after the ablutions, would sit for reckoned from the birth star.)
and a Gandhian of the last century. It prayer at about 15 minutes to 4 am
is said that Aasan after quoting which would continue up to 6.45 in Analytical Approach and
certain slokas, within minutes, said the morning Predictive Success
that the owner of the chart will have
He used only Vimshottari Dasa
white patches on his body. It will be He was unmarried and lived with his
Bukthi for his predictions. Though he
not congenital but will appear after a brother's family. The reason for not
had no claims about the precision of
certain age. (Mr Sankupillai had getting married is understandable.
his predictions that were limited to
leucoderma contracted during the last Some seventy years back one could
dasa and bukthi, his success rate of
stage of his life) well imagine what remuneration one
predictions was quite high.
would get from the profession of
Birth time of Puppies horoscope reading. The insufficient Ichaa Mrityu- Glory to Jyotisha
Another interesting incident that took monthly income, despite his large
Even those who claimed to possess
place few years back. One person, clientele, forced him not to enter into
supernatural powers and mastery of
after carefully recording the birth time a wed-lock. Chellapan never insisted
many systems of Astrology could
of his puppy took it to Aasan to corner on any specific fees. This was
not predict anything about their own
the latter and asked him to predict. cleverly exploited by most of his
life, Aasan, through his devotion and
Aasan with a smile retorted that it is clients. On the other hand, whenever
knowledge in Jyothisha could fix the
a case of "Viyoni Janma" (animal some "Homa" was conducted under
time of his death. He was healthy till
birth) and asked the fellow not to play his direction, he use to insist for
the last day of his worldly existence
tricks specific amount, since there will be
and on his 90th birthday, he summoned
others with him
Aasan was the mainstay of several his nephews and told them that if he
people. Whatever he said was the Aversion to Publicity remains in body for three more days,
final, for many, be it marriage prarabdha karmas won't allow him
Chellapan Aasan never advertised
proposal; going abroad; buying or to cast the body for the next three
himself or attended any astrological
selling land; administering years. He added that he would prefer
seminars. He never wrote any articles
chemotherapy or starting a business. to let the remaining karmas to get
on Astrology. Still he had lot of clients;
His memory power, even at the age exhausted in his next life and added
sometimes more than he could handle.
of 90, when he died, was something that he is not interested in living
He would sit in a bamboo mat, on the
extra-ordinary. Few months prior to anymore. So saying he started
floor in the tiny room of a tourist
his death, this scribe called on him and Sun,Moon
home, centrally located in the city of
was simply amazed by his command Ketu Venus
Trivandrum, Kerala. Pluto
in Sanskrit slokas. The subject of
Aridra Nakshathra
Jyothisha was much sweeter than that There is an interesting incident Balance Rahu
of a sugar candy when one indulged connected with his office. The owner 7y4m2d
in conversation with Aasan. Like of the tourist home was once a very Date of Birth
OS11 July 1921 Ascendant
Niagara Falls, hundreds of slokas used poor man. At that time, Aasan on Place of Birth Jupiter
to come from his mouth and he would analyzing his chart predicted that he Amaravila Trivandrum Saturn
explain them in simple language. will become very rich. With the
passage of time the man became a
A Simple Life of Austerity and liquor baron and immensely rich. As
Incessant Prayer Longitudes: Ascendant 16 Leo 11; Sun 19
a reciprocal gesture he had given the
Gemini 50; Moon 14 Gemini 33; Mars 18
Aasan's life can be described in a room on a nominal monthly rent to Gemini 06; Mercury (R) 24 Gemini 36; Jupiter
single sentence as it was nothing but Aasan. 21 Leo 05; Saturn 26 Leo 53; Rahu 00 Libra
25; Ketu 00 Aries 25; Pluto 15 Gemini 46



uncanny ability in knowing what is house is in the company of Saturn, the

going on in the mind of others. It planet of restriction and limitation, he
may be recalled that Aasan had the got only meagre dakshina.
Date of demise ability to tell within seconds, once he
. 2nd July2011 Amazing mode of death
conducts any Prasna the intent of the
Amaraviia, querist. Mercury stands for brain and Students of astrology may take a
Trivandrum its stationing in its own sign Gemini in sharp look here. 5th house is for
the company of Rajayogakara Mars prayers and 8th house is for death.
gave him a sharp brain that was fully For Leo Ascendant, Jupiter rules
functional even at his ripe age. both 5th and 8th houses. Jupiter
Longitude: Sun 15 Gemini 51; Moon 24 itself is the karaka of "prayer."
Gemini 44; Mars 13 Taurus 45; Mercury 05 Afflicted 7,h House Jupiter is in the Ascendant (Self).
Cancer 43; Jupiter HAries 04; Venus 03
Gemini 24; Saturn 16 Vigro 43; Rahu 28 7th house falls in Aquarius. 7th is The native had given himself to
Scorpio 38; Ketu 28 Taurus 38. spoiled because it receives the death through prayers.
combined aspect of both Saturn and Interestingly, at the time of
incessant prayers and exactly as told Jupiter, two dusthana lords ruling 6th demise, transit Jupiter was
by him on the second day, he left the and 8th houses respectively. From activating its radical position.
world in his praying posture. Let us Moon sign, 7th lord Jupiter joins the Further, eighth house is vacant and
examine his chart for Astrological 8th lord Saturn in 3rd house which is devoid of any planetary influence.
insights. considered as a hidden house. Venus
Death in Sun/Saturn
the planet of conjugal bliss is also
The Rising Sign Sun is the ascendant lord. Saturn is
under the aspect of Saturn. No
Leo ruled by Sun, the marker of Time wonder, native remained unmarried. masadhipathi (lord of 7th). It is said
appears as Ascendant. that in the dasa of the ascendant lord,
Discipline and Punctuality the sub period of the enemy of the
His strict discipline and punctuality ascendant lord will cause death. In
Sun the Ascendant lord well placed kept in personal life is due to the this case, Saturn the arch enemy of
in 11thhouse, Moon in the 11thhouse, placement of Saturn having the the ascendant lord, in its sub-period
the presence of Malavya Maha lordship of 6th house, in direct mode, in the dasa of the ascendant lord
Yoga and Saturn the causative planet in the ascendant. brought the curtains down fulfilling the
of longevity non-afflicted in the dicta.
Ascendant gave a life span of 90 Consultancy and the Role of
years. the 8,h House Pluto & Death
To be a professional astrologer in the Extra-saturnine planets are ignored in
midst of literate public and that too Jyothisha by many but studies reveal
The first point to be noted is that for more than 70 years is not an easy they are of great importance and has
Jupiter as fifth lord aspects joke. What is the Astro factor behind predictive value. Pluto rules death and
Sagittarius, the fifth house. In any it? Let us probe. is modern co-ruler of sign Scorpio.
chart if fifth lord aspects fifth house
and if the native resorts to 8th house indicates money from Transit at Death
Saadhana or Divine worship, it will others. To be successful in 1. It may be noted with profit that
confer intuition of a high order. consultancy, be it of any type, the 8th transit Sun, the ascendant lord
Obviously, Jupiter as fifth lord house and 8th lord should be ruling the physical body as well
aspecting the fifth house conferred the favourable. Jupiter as 8th lord is in an as the operating dasa lord made
native high intuition. Jupiter's aspect angle, identical with the ascendant. a perfect hit to natal Pluto, the
on fifth house also indicates Poorva Jupiter is also Dhanakaraka or planet of death on the date of
Puny am or meritorious deeds of past causative planet for money. So the demise.
life portfolio of 8th house coupled with
2. The sub period ruler Saturn was
inherent nature or karakatwa of
When the eleventh lord occupies in 2nd house, a marakasthana,
Jupiter indicates receiving money
eleventh sign, such natives are exactly in the equal house bhava-
(Dakshina) from others.
often noticed to possess an madhya (EBM)
Nevertheless, since Jupiter, lord of 8th



Neville Lang to be very helpful and magnanimous predictions need to come correct
It won't be a gainsaying to mention in sharing knowledge. there should exist some connection
that future of Indian Astrology to a between Jupiter the planet of divine
Neville, apart from being a wisdom and 2nd house (or 2nd lord )
great extent depends on some of the
knowledgeable astrologer was an of speech. One can see Jupiter
research oriented western scholars.
efficient astronomer too. aspecting Saturn, the 2nd lord of
An Eastern discipline, be it Jyothisha
or anything else, to be beneficial to speech, in his chart.
humanity at large, the knowledge
Venus Dasa and Astrological
base should constantly be updated so
as to address itself to the challenges
posed by modern life. Here comes It will be instructive to note that, his
the mighty role of research, in which astrological life bloomed and
the western scholars excel their :
blossomed in the dasa of the fallen
I : Mercury
eastern peers. Jupiter
K v(R) I n-Venus Venus stationed in the constellation of
' Moon
Ascendant Neptune Moon, the ruler of 8th house of occult
Of late, the West has produced a studies.
series of outstanding astrologers Neville Lang: 30th Augustl949 at 12:15pm,
in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
proficient in Vedic Astrology, like He was teaching Jyothisha. He also
David Frawley, James Kelleher, Dr. Latitude: 33:52:00 S[G], Longitude:
took interest in sports and used to play
151:13:00 E, Ayanamsa: 23 9' 10", SID:
Dennis Harness, James Braha, 10:51:39, Bal. Dasa: Saturn 17 years, 11 golf, tennis and racquet ball.
Richard Houck, Dennis Flaherty and months, 2 days. Sagittarius, the fiery sign, that rises
others. Neville Fang of Australia and Jupiter,Mas at his time of birth accounts for
Das Goravani from USA belong to interest in sports as well as well as
that elite category of eminent Uranus I his teaching ability (Jupiter, the
Astrologers. Date of death teacher and Sagittarius the 9th sign of
28th April 2011
Neville learnt vedic astrology and had the natural zodiac that stands for
' Exact time and
a strong fascination for the systems location teaching).
approach in Jyothisha, propounded by unknown
Rahu He released Astracadabra, an
Prof. V K. Choudary and
Natal Saturn astrology program for palm pocket
immortalized the systems approach, Ascendant
PC in 2004. It may be noted that his
through his famous US retaliatory
Interest in Astrology major period lord Venus is in the star
prediction that came correct to the
Hasta (palm).
minute - a must read for any student 5th house indicates natural inclination
of any system of Astrology. He was of mind and Poorvajanma Vasanas 2nd Saturn Return and change
also well-versed in Krishnamurthy or acquired tendencies from past life.
in Life Style
Paddhathi as well as the one going Mars, his lord of 5th, of mind is in 8th
on by the name SP Khullar system; In mid-1999, coinciding with 2nd
house, of occult studies. Neptune,
all stellar Astrology with roots in Vedic Mercury conjunction (wide) is Saturn return that usually heralds
Jyothisha. another factor that aroused his significant changes in life, he moved
interest in Jyothisha. out of software programming to
Neville was highly interested in the internet marketing business.
Keralite way of calculation of Gulika He had a sharp brain (Mercury).
and has written several e-mails to me When Mercury occupies the eleventh Dasa Sandhi and Longevity
about it. He used to take regular either from the ascendant or the Venus is not a well-meaning planet for
classes in Jyothisha in Australia. Moon sign, it influences the 5th house Sagittarius ascendant. For Neville,
(mind) there from and obviously the Venus is not only debilitated but also
I first took notice of Neville, when I
native is blessed with a sharp brain. is in the sub of Mercury, the ruler of
came across a mail written by him For Neville, exalted Mercury is in
about the impending Yod formation in 7th house (maraka, badhaka - licensed
eleventh from natal Moon. to kill). Venus is lord of 7th (maraka)
the heavens. This aroused my
curiosity and in my personal e-mail For any Astrologer, no matter from the Moon sign.
correspondence with him, I found him however learned he is, if his continued on 19



My Genealogy*


I belong to the Mulakanadu Andhra section of the Brahmin had to educate himself, as best as he could. He was of
Community, and descended from the stock of the venerable slender build, energetic, strong and extremely active in work
Vasishta and claim that Gotra. Twelve generations ago my which I have inherited from him to a large extent. My mother
ancestors resided in Walaja Nagar, under the patronage of Rukminiamma was an intelligent, quiet going and very
the Nawabs of Arcot and the neighbouring Polagars and handsome woman and she died when I was about 10 years
they had distinguished themselves by performing sacrifices old. My father could read and speak about ten languages and
or Yagnas, by simple and holy lives and by the religious filled various posts in the Ganj am District and became Manager
fervour of their exemplary and virtuous lives. My family or Dewan of Parlakimidi Zamindari. He was an expert in Mantra
records give me the following names of my ancestors: Sastras, and highly religious and obliging. He would never flinch
from doing an obligation and brought me up with great care
1. Sarana Vatjhulu ... Had performed Yagnas or and love. The following is his horoscope :
2. KondaVatjhulu Mark the positions of planets
Moon Rahu Mercury in all the kendras. In addition
3. Naga Vatjhulu
j, J A to his onerous duties, he
4. Mallava Dhanlu .. .Religious and holy Brahmins
sunS com
pleted the gigantic task
5. MallaBhadu -do- i RaSl i of completing with his own
6. Lingappagam Devoted themselves to hand, one crore and twenty-
Saturn Ma,s
public and private business five lakhs of Rama Namas or
and service. i i names of Sri Rama and
Venkatappagaru Jupiter
concluded the religious rites
connected with them four
months before his death. He died in his 76th year on the
Parayyagaru morning of 27th August 1891 and was therefore 75 years
Venkataramaniahgaru and 40 days according to English calculations. My mother
bore six children, four daughters and two sons, and I am
This was my grandfather who was born in 1747 A.D. and the second. My elder brother Jagannatha Rao entered Mysore
died in 1828 A.D. having lived 81 years. He married first Service retired as an Amildar and died in December 1915.
Narasamma and had two sons by her. After her death he
married Naranamma when he was nearly 60 years. He I was born on the Rathasaptami, Tuesday, in the month of
commanded 500 horse and a suitable corps of infantry under Magha in Rakshasa at about 14 ghatis after sunrise at
Hyder and Tippu and changing his life into civil, he was an Chicacole and my horoscope is given on the next page.
Amildar and became Peshkar of Kikkeri, Channarayapatna
and Devanhalli, in which last place Hyder first made his An incident occurred in my fifth year which has influenced
political entry. My grandfather had two daughters and five all my life to a. remarkable extent. My first Akshara-bhyasa,
sons by bis second wife and my father Gopala Rao was the education, began at Parlakimidi in my fifth year and I slept
third son and the most lucky among the lot. My father was that night with my father. I dreamt that I was taken to
born on the 17thJuly 1816 on Friday, the lOthlunar day of Suryaloka to the presence of the Sun, made to sit on his
the dark half of the month Ashadha, at about 15 ghatis after lap, and given some Payasam (wheat preparation) by his
sunrise when the constellation Bharani ruled with the dasa wife Chayadevi and after a greal deal of love, the Sun putting
of Venus, He was only 12 years when his father died and his hands on my head, observed that I would live long, be
happy and become a great scholar and author. I awoke and
* Ack;Brihat Jataka published by Ms/: Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi related my dream to my father, who had already anticipated



Ascendant Soon after my birth an Ooriya Astrologer by name Brahma

Jupiter I predicted my future greatness. I feel I am under the direct
grace of the glorious Sun at every important turn in my fife
and his presence in the 10th house along with Budha and
Guru has enabled me to hold the view that I am destined to
become a great man and write valuable works on a variety
of subjects. I married first my maternal uncle's daughter
Sun, Venus by name Bhagirathi and she bore 10 children of whom four
Venus Mercury Ketu Saturn Moon died early in life. I have now 6 children by her, 3 sons and
l^tes .
3 daughters and after her death I married again Subbi. She
some ideas of my future great-ness. In my boyish days I has one daughter now and I am leading a quite honourable
was extremely intelligent, and possessed an excellent memory and religious life. My second son Lakshminarayana Rao is
coupled with a piercing intellect. But as it often happens a graduate of Philosophy and Logic and has entered the
with intelligent boys, I was irregular in attendance at school, Mysore Educational Service. My eldest son Nanjunda Rao
careless of my studies, fond of running and other athletic assists me in my office work. (Dr. B. V. Raman in his eldest
exercises and was mischievous to a considerable extent. son.) I have now 4 grandssons and 6 grand-daughters. God
All the while I felt I would become a great man, and even has been pleased to place me above want, and though my
challenged my teachers with this idea. While I was in the earnings are great, my expenses have not been small. I
Senior B.A., class in the Central College at Bangalore, Mr. possess generous instincts and always take dehght in helping
Cook, M.A., its Principal r-ebuked me for my want of others who are in need. I am an admirer of all talent in any
attention to studies and for not writing notes which he gave form in any man and my company is always pleasant and
very copiously. I was ready with my impertinent answer. I instructive. I possess powers of speech and writing fluently
observed in a determined tone that copying notes forms the in almost equal degrees and my familiarity with various
part of dull-headed students and superficial teachers and Western and Eastern sciences, gives me a decided advantage
that bright students like myself need no such process. He to lead the people wherever I may be. I am a great lover of
remarked that he was a student and amanuensis of Dr. Bains music and fine arts, and my residence is generally kept in a
of Psychological fame and that I should obey him. I told very fashionable manner. My house is open to all classes
him that I would become a greater man than both of them alike and I have never withheld my help in any charitable
with the result that I was turned out of the class for a day. cause when they sought my help. I have had audience with
Mr. Cook was a generous Scotch gentleman. He sent for Viceroys, Maharajas and Governors and all of them were
me next day, and asked me whether my behaviour was pleased with my behaviour, spirit of independence, and
right. I said that his treatment of students should be different capacity in conversation and discussion. I have had suitable
as the intelligent and spirited could not bear calmly, re-marks Khillats or presents from many Maharajas and the national
which dull boys may consider as their inheritance. When I predictions I have made about wars, famines, deaths of
met him after publishing some of my works, specially royal personages, epidemics, and other pheno-mena, have
History of Vijayanagar, he had the nobility to address me as been remarkably fulfilled. My prediction about the present
a greater man than himself while I modestly acknowledged great Anglo-German war, six months before it happened, in
my The Astrological Magazine has raised my reputation
his valuable instructions as the basis for all my scholarship
high and my works and lectures have always been
in English. I was intended to take the legal line and
appreciated and recognised by the educated public. I am
accordingly finished my legal studies and practised for about
now in my Guru Dasa and Sukra Bhukthi and hope to pull
9 years. My astrological instincts were stirred up by a
through it and a portion of Sani, through God's grace. I
Sastri while I was in the F.A. class and I picked up my
have been leading a religious life in this age of false
knowledge in it by reading books on the subject in Sanskrit.
allure-ments, of false civilisation and have felt strongly in
I had no high opinion for English astrological publications
my innermost heart that God protects all those who entirely
and never cared to them. My first work in Astrology* in a
place their confidence in Him and my own independent Hfe
diglot form (English and Kannada) appeared in 1882, and it
is a great illustration of that great principle which lays down
sold well. My collegiate studies gave me no leisure to
complete devotion to God and honest and sincere life under
attend to astrological studies and my Self-Instructor in
His able and Omnipotent guidance. May He shower His
English appeared in 1892. The second edition in 1893 and
blessings on all and make the world happy and cheerful
third in 1900, the interval being taken up by my legal practice,
have been my earnest daily prayers.
4th, 5th and 6th editions followed and the 7th is in print.






SINCE MACROCOSM and microcosm are two poles 3. Amplifying the productive power
of the same energy principle, our sages evolved a 4. A comprehensive gripping capacity
technique which could connect the two through one
medium. They called it Mantra. Mantra is the first The chanting of mantras stirs our nerves and awakens
principle which works in accordance with the cosmic them for suitable action in accordance with the desired
energy in ether. The Sanskrit word for contemplation is achievement. The system of grammar has perfected its
Manana and the tool or medium for Manana is Mantra. idea of sound as Brahman itself, the Supreme Being, and
the imperishable one. Classical works say that mantras
Mantra has also been called so because it is repeated in are sounds which originated from the five faces of lord
the secrecy of one's mind and is capable of capturing the Shiva in different forms .The basics of mantra i.e, shabda,
source of infinite energy through chanting. It could be is more ancient than anything which was subtle in form.
said that Mantras are sacred utterances (syllables, words, It could be said that shabda, the sound was born before
or verses ) that are considered to possess mystical or deity and human beings. It is said that sound leaves its
spiritual power. Various mantras are either spoken aloud impact on common human being from heart to soul. In
or merely sounded internally in one's thoughts, and they philosophy of Paanini it was said that Sabda is Brahma.
are either repeated continuously for some time or just
sounded once. Most mantras are without any apparent Since Vedic times a lot of research has been done by our
verbal meaning, but they are thought to have a profound seers on this aspect and discovered that creation of many
underlying significance and are, in effect, distillations of things is based on sound .Sound is classified as Sphota,
spiritual wisdom. Thus, repetition or meditation on a Nada, Anahata, and Ahata. Before the listener
particular Mantra can induce a trance like state in the experiences a mantra perfectly it has to pass four stages
person and can lead him to a higher level of spiritual known as para, pashyanti , madhyama and vaikhari.
awareness. Besides bringing spiritual enlightenment, These four levels of sound correspond to four states of
different kinds of mantras are used to work other psychic consciousness.
or spiritual purposes, such as protecting oneself from evil
Para represents the
psychic powers.
supernatural element in
There is wonderfully miraculous power in the mantras if experiencing consciousness.
they are repeated in the proper manner and the injunctions It indicates sound is beyond
regarding the modes of their application and practice are the perception of the senses.
strictly observed. In all our rituals, chanting of Mantras is Pashyanti represents the
an essential feature. The Vedas, especially the Rig-Veda, intellectual consciousness
contain thousands of mantras. These mantras, we believe, and considered to be the first
are effective by mere repetition, if we even do not know precipitate of speech where power of will exists.
the meanings thereof. In fact, the literal meaning of the Madhyama represents the mental consciousness and
words has nothing to do with regard to realisation of the power of knowledge. Vaikhari represents the physical
desires. Mantras have four fold powers and are considered consciousness. To sum up, vaikhari is the gross quality
as four pillars of this shastra : of the vocal organs, madhyama is the subtler quality of
the same physical organs, pashyanti is the quality of the
1. Power as the supreme authority sub conscience, and para is the quality of the pure
2. Power of yielding the desired results conscience.


Mantra, Yantras and Astrology are complimentary to each it while agneya can be converted into a saumya one by
other. It is said that astrology is the eye of Hinduism and adding namah at the end of it.
mantra is its heart. Astrology facilitates to look into the
problems, mantras invokes their remedies. No doubt, if It is known that mantras are of different types . The
mantras are practised in letter and spirit, they give fruits devotee is always found in a dilemma which mantra he
as per the devotees desires. should practice to reap maximum benefits . Such cases
are seen that if an individual worships mantra he doen't
It is said that all human problems are created by the person get success at all but instead of getting success he suffers
on his own, the basis of which is always his/ her Karmas . So before practicing any mantra check on the compatible
(deeds ). It is believed that mantras are a form of energy mantra with a evolved person - Guru. Just as the world
which leads to attainment of God. Through mantras one is made up of five elements - air, water, fire, earth, and
can obtain everything which one desires . It is the way to sky - our body too contains these in some proportion.
invite almighty and tell him about the problems being faced Mantras can alter, increase or decrease these elements
by the devotee. It is advised that the mantranusthana ( and maximise or minimise benefit/harm.
rituals) should be done strictly to reap the benefits. Mantras,
Om, an enduring syllable is a mystic and prehistoric cosmic
practiced diligently, can (control and) give relief from
diseases. sound. It is considered the most comprehensive, universal,
non- personal , holy- sound symbol and signifier of the
Keeping desires in view and practice of mantras creates supreme infinite divine reality. It is the seed of all the
deeper and deeper impression on the mental plane, viz. mantras. Combination of shiva and shakti is supreme power
conscious mind becomes saturated with impressions. and this power is very much present in the galaxy.
Thereafter the power of mantra moves to the subconscious Mandukya Upanishad says that past, present and future
mind, hearing the sound of mantras in an uninterrupted all that is Om. Om is combination of five elements which
way. Breathing will also become thinner, which will create are known as fire, water, air, sky and earth. When these
an impression on subconscious mind. Correct five powers combine, this universe is born. Om is the
pronounciation of mantras is necessary. mantra of Creation. It is said that it is used as synonym
for Brahma. Om is said to have originated from five faces
According to tantra, mantras are categorised in three of Shiva.
genders - masculine, feminine and neutral. All of them
enjoy equal powers and are in no way inferior to each Om manifests as the totality of existence, from the
other. If a Mantra ends with swah it is a feminine Mantra. external most physical to the internal most spiritual, on
Such mantras are mostly used for menial aim and four cosmic planes, macrocosmic as well as microcosmic
considered best. Namah is suffixed at the end of the and can be further divided into gross, subtle, potential and
neutral mantras. transcendental or meta - phenomenal which is the source
of the first three. _i
In tantras it is mentioned that if the Mantra is having hum
phat at its end then the Mantra is automatically masculine
and if there is hum-namah then it is neutral.

Mantras are of two types - hot and cold. As per yoga

tantra when we breathe, only one of our nostrils is active.
When hot air is blowing through the nostrils exuberantly
then SuryaNadi is active during which hot mantras should
be chanted . Hot mantras are known as agneya and are
used for destructive purposes. When cold air is blowing
through the nostrils exuberantly then Chandra Nadi is
active during which cold mantras should be chanted which
are known as saumya and are used for good purposes.

The basic difference about these two categories of mantra

is their suffix. When any Mantra is ending with pranava
it is called agneya mantra and if the mantra is ending
with namah then it is saumya mantra. Saumya mantra
can be converted to agneya by adding phat at the end of


notice; only articles have been kept, useless pages and

publicity have been removed


Dr. B. V. Raman

Planets & Politics 3


lyothisha Chinta Nidhi 5

Dr. A. Sreekumar Menon

Ugadi - The Festival of Happiness 7

Bangalore Niranjan Bab u

Vastu Dimensions & Happiness 9

V R. Soundar Raj an

Muhurtha Analysis 14

E. S. Neelakantan

Fame & Notoriety 16

Dr. Jagannathrao

Rahu-Ketu Axis & Health Problems 19


The Key to Retrograde Planets 22


The Nandana Year & Venusian Influence 24

P unit Kumar Vohra

The Significance of Namaskar 26

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for March 2012 29

Sunrise and Sunset Timings for March 2012 32


This Month for You March 2012 33

Timings for Rahukafa, Gulikakafa and Yamakantaka 39


Lead Article




TtlE SUN IS THE fountain-head of all energies. admitted that historical events are adjusted by causes
He is the visible God. Modern scientists declare that contained in Time, then it could be safely concluded that
but for the Sun, nothing could exist in this world even for these causes are capable of demonstration by astrological
a single second. It is his influences that affect terrestrial considerations. Thus astrology helps us to understand the
phenomena. Wars, pestilences, plagues, and ebb and flow future trend of world events.
of human passions are directly traceable to the movements
of the Sun and other celestial bodies or planets, in the Planets indicate Karmic results. Astrological causes are
only the expression of the results of national and individual
signs of the zodiac and astrology deals with these details.
Hence it is the safest guide which enables us to appreciate Karma, National and individual evil Karma-accumulated
on a large scale, cannot remain without producing its
the trend of international events during the coming years.
It is not binding on man or nations to meekly submit to the baneful effects. The punishments must come and will
indications or influences of planets. Man is a free agent come as a matter of sequence. Action must be followed
and can never be said to be a pawn in the hands of a by reaction. The Sun is called Karma Sakshi or the
merciless fate. Fatalism has no existence whatever witness, who watches all activities, Kayaka or Physical,
in the astrological vocabulary. Astrology gives the Vachaka or Verbal and Manasika or Mental. As the
greatest scope for the development and application of will greatest glorious Witness of all Karma and as one who
power in man so that, knowing in advance, trend of events, produces the reactions of all Karma, the Sun speaks out
individual or national, one could adjust or move about these results through the positions, angles, aspects,
harmoniously with the forces of nature. Suppose an conjunctions, retrogrades, accelerations etc,, of the planets
earthquake or a war is indicated. It is not be possible for and their endless movements in the zodiacal signs and
us to stop the outbreak of a war or the occurence of an constellations.
earthquake, but it would certainly be possible to prevent Planets and Portfolios
the colossal loss of lives and properties by taking
The Sun arranges the portfolios of the yearly Government
precautionary measures in advance. Herein lies the value
by his movements in the several signs and constellations
of astrological consultation. It it is indicated in advance that
and thereby indicates the results for each year and even
prices of a certain commodity show an upward tendency in
for each cycle.
a particular year, you can sell your old stock and make some
profit. If you did not know this you would perhaps buy a Who are the planets for politics and how do they indicate
further stock, and sustain heavy financial losses. the results for the years in question?
Astrology and History The Sun (Ravi) represents the Divine Soul and when he
Astrology is intimately connected with History. History is the ruler or holder of other important portfolios, he
simply seems to be a repetetion of the problems of determines the question of politics in that year. The Sun
adjustment and redjustmentof countries and the political represents also Royalty and ruling classes and therefore
world. History must take cognisance of the ebb and flow he will have a large share in the moulding of that year's
of human passions, for the rise and fall of nations and general politics.
empires can be traced to causes, embedded in the Womb
The Moon (Chandra) represents royalty and also the mind
of Time which control human passions. Whilst these
of a nation. Where he is evil or has evil conjunctions the
causes elude the mental grasp of the historian, they
national mind as a whole is debased and the activities of
nevertheless identify themselves in the creation and
such nations which are under his control will commit acts
destruction of empires and nations. When once it is


which are inimical to sense of honour, justice and fair- Hindu Astrology attempts at foretelling future political,
play. commercial and economical events by a consideration of
the following important factors.
Mars (Kuja) represents physical power and bloody
actions and when he is adversely affected he will make 1. The solar ingress into the cardinal signs of Aries,
the nations rush into bloody and destructive wars. Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Each Solar ingress exercises
its influence for a period of three months; that is, till the
Mercury (Budha) governs all speeches and mercantile entry into the next cardinal sign takes place. For instance,
speculations. They will progress well when he is the entry of the Sun into Aries will influence the whole
beneficially joined or situated. He will create quarrels, world continuously for three months upto the time of
litigation and losses in mercantile speculations when
ingress into Cancer.
he is badly situated and joins evil and poisonous planets.
2. A chart is cast for the time of the lunation every month
Jupiter (Guru) represents Gnana or philosophical and the results interpreted which hold good only during
wisdom and when he is well situated, conjoined and that particular month.
aspected the results will be beneficial and prosperity reigns 3. A consideration of the planetary cabinet reveals most
supreme in such lands which are under his goverenance. interesting and useful information in regard to national
But where he is evil the results will be quite the reverse. astrology. The planetary cabinet is formed once every
The nations will run into materialistic comforts, forget lunar year. Each planet will get portfolio over certain
divine observances, practice sinful acts and possess important functions, e. g. when the Sun becomes the King,
atheistic tendencies, political conditions are adjusted by his special influences.
Venus (Sukra) governs all sense pleasures and will make Sometimes two or more functions will become combined
the nations enjoy and possess all material comforts. But in the same planet, when a series of ethereal currents is
where Venus is badly situated and otherwise gets evil set afloat which introduces chaos and confusion in the
influences, he plunges the nations into material miseries, political affairs of the world. A consideration of the transits
takes away the comforts of ordinary life and makes them of the planets in reference to zodiacal signs and
suffer great privations. constellational points (Nakshatras), at the commencement
of every lunar year reveals interesting details. By this
Saturn (Sani) represents sorrows, troubles, and anxieties. arrangement of planetary cabinet the planetary portfolios
Where he is well situated all things go well and sorrows will be ever changing and consequently their indications
and troubles will be minimised. When he turns out evil the will also remain constantly varying. Planetary cabinet
troubles, sorrows and miseries will have no end and the means simply this. The seven planets will become King,
nations will groan under wretchedness and political gloom, Prime IVlinister, Commander-in-Chief, Lord of
prisons will open their doors freely, famines will have a Vegetation, Lord of Minerals. Lord of Juices etc.
free play, diseases will commit havoc and the epidemics
4. The times of the commencement of eclipses are very
will destroy the people in large numbers from one end of
important in predicting mundane events.
the world to the other.
5. And the times at which important treaties are signed,
Rahu and Ketu have no houses or portfolios and give or the times of coronation, Declaration etc are also of
evil results like Saturn and Mars. much import. (FOR)

Jyothisha Giinta Nidhi



What is Ayanamsa? Meshadi, a fixed point of reference that is tied upon to a

stellar background commencing from Aswini. This is our
'Zodiac of constellations.' Longitude so reckoned is called
This is a great circle of the celestial sphere, which is
Sidereal or Nirayana.
inclined at about 23 27' to the celestial equator. The
zodiac is an imaginary belt stretching about 8 to 9 to the However, astronomically, the first point of Aries is not
north and south of the ecliptic. It is within this celestial a fixed point. It is the one of the intersecting points of
belt the planets and the Moon move around, of course the ecliptic and the celestial equator. This has a
apparently, as observed from the ciKk backward motion of about 50.2"
per annum in relation to the stars.
This phenomenon is called the
It is quite probable that the night sky
precession of equinoxes.
with its bright stars, in groups /
\ Necessarily, the intersecting
showing different and interesting / QtaM bt-w _ \ points of the ecliptic and the
geometrical patterns, that resembled / e,
5 /\
celestial equator will be two.
some animal and other forms, could Pkmsseon Circle "TI 1
rr-ii . . ,i * j 1
sA ^ 23d 27 m i ,
, - These two points are the Vernal
have aroused the interest of the Solrtirt ^ ^ < sma
and Autumnal equinoxes. These
primitive man, driving him to a habit \ /
two, respectively mark the entry
of constant observations. These V X" /
of the Sun into the northern and
observations through the ages would V / southern hemisphere. The vernal
have helped the humans to identify _/ equinox, taken as the reference
many of the stars, some of those point for measurement of
sufficiently bright. Only this effort ^ SomhCeleuialPole . . _ . . . .
\ celestial longitudes, is referred to
of constant observation, of those as the first point of Aries.
stars both inside and outside the Consequently, it can be understood that this 'Zodiac of
Zodiacal belt must have urged those ancients to give them Signs' must slip backward through the constellations.
individual names to many of them. It is only these This would make 0 Aries recede at the rate of little
practices and efforts of observation, could have made those over 50" per year from the Vedic Meshadi, which is
of our ancestors to evolve a convenient division of the fixed. The longitude of any planet reckoned from this
Zodiac into twelve equal sectors of 30 each. They called moving first point of Aries, is called the Tropical or
these partitions as signs, first being the present Aries. Sayana longitude. Obviously, this will be greater than
the Nirayana or Sidereal longitude. This difference is
Vedic astronomers, who reckoned these divisions as rasis,
called Ayanamsa. In other words, Ayanamsa is the
did not identify them with any particular constellation or
distance between these two starting points of reckoning,
group of stars. They, as group of 27 nakshatras, (28 if
viz., the Meshadi, which is fixed and the astronomical
Abhijith is also reckoned) pervaded the entire zodiac of
first point of Aries, which is movable, known as Vernal
the twelve rasis, thereby making each rasi getting 2t4 of equinox.
the Nakshatra groups. However, this was what others,
outside India, did. They divided all of them into twelve
Ayanamsa Value
constellation groups synchronising with the twelve signs.
Our ancients, calling the belt "Rasi Chakra," measured The determination of the value of Ayanamsa has given
the celestial longitudes along the ecliptic, commencing from rise to many controversies due to divergent views about


the year of coincidence of the fixed and moveable zodiacs, of age will be asked, after conducting elaborate poojas
in the past. The result is that there are over a dozen and procedures, to place the bunch of flowers and a gold
schools of thought, giving varying Ayanamsa values. Of coin, given to her earlier, in one of the squares of the rasi
these, mostly those of Dr. Raman, Chaitra Paksha chakra, drawn specially for this. After invoking the Divine,
(synonymous with Lahiri) and that of Sri Krishnamurthy, the astrologer, with a scuffle of cowries, derives the three
are in general use. Astrological enthusiasts may remember Ashtamangalya numbers to delineate the past present
the efforts taken by Dr. Raman in conducting a symposium, and future problems of the querist. Further intricacies of
on this topic, during the sixties, in his famous this unique process can be found in the delineation of the
THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE. It carried a series of insightful position occupied by the gold coin in a particular rasi that
articles by eminent scholars and avid students of astrology. can determine its navamsa position also.
Those articles will be useful and rewarding to the students
of astrology who want to know much more about the Though the general prediction is done based on the
"riddle" and "muddle" of Ayanamsa. position of planets, a compulsion of the omnipotent
and omnipresent cosmic force is taken into account
What is Prasna? by noting down the various nimittas happening at
As a specialized branch of astrology, Prasna can help to the time of the enquiry, which can add force to the
identify and solve many problems that become rather results. The birth of a child takes place as the life
elusive or difficult in interpreting natal charts. The energy is forced by the divine to come to this world
advantages of this unique tool of Prasna in prognostication and so squeezed from the womb. It must be noted
are many. that both the birth of a child and a query are
controlled by the cosmic force.
Prasna and natal astrology are mostly similar in form
and content. The position of planets transiting and the The usefulness of Prasna over natal analysis lies in the
ascendants are marked in both cases, with their fact that that favourable time found in natal analysis cannot
longitudes. Both are based on a definite time element. be too specific. A Prasna can say that, with utmost
The radical chart is based on the birth time of any precision, if the question is suitably framed.
native. In the natal reckoning, the possibility of some
Time and Space
error in noting the birth time is likely. However, as the
horary chart is based on the exact time of the query, In radical chart, only the time of birth determines the
the time of asking the query will be correctly marked ascendant. But in horary, the nature of the place is
and calculated by the astrologer. also taken to account. Therefore Prasna or horary
is related to time as well as space. In horary a
Horary astrology can give answers to any particular questioner and his behaviour are subjected to close
point in the form of 'yes' or 'no'. Natal astrology has scrutiny. The natal horoscope can encompass the whole
a very vast canvas for observation and analysis while life whereas horary is limited to a specific time orb
the horary has a precise but perfect field for that. In that usually is one year.
the horary the querist is connected with the place of
question and time of question. Anything under the Sun It is of utmost importance that leading questions must
can be made the topic of query, like when will the person be avoided in Prasna. The Prasna conducted at
in exile will return, whether the stolen or lost articles Guruvayoor temple in the recent past was a good
will be got back, etc. In Natal only limited topics can example of a bad conduct of Prasna. The question over
be delineated. the mode of dress to be worn by the women while
entering the temple was discussed and the verdict
Speciality of Prasna arrived had to be overruled later.
A speciality of the prasna system is the reckoning of the
General references on Prasna are available, among
Aruda Lagna, from the position occupied by the querist,
others, in the following treatises: Parasara Hora,
in front of the astrologer. Aruda means mounted upon
Varahahora, Yavanajataka, Daivagjnavallabha,
something. Here the querist occupies a direction indicated
Shadpanchasika, Prasnagnana, Jyothishabhushanam,
by a sign or touches a sign. Of course there are many
Prasnatantram from Tajik, Prasnamarga,
other modes of reckoning it.
Prasnanushtana Paddhati, Prasnayana and many other
Finding the Swamaruda is another interesting procedure, works. Those interested must take efforts to study
inAshtamangala Prasna, when a girl child below 7 years and master at least a couple of them. _




tffie TestivaC ofjfappiness


Dr. Athickat Sreekumar Menon hails from Nallepilly villiage of Palakkad Dist, Kerala . He has excellent academic and professional back
ground with a masters and doctorate in Psychology and Management. Has done post-doctoral work in Australia. Recipient of five post-
graduate and doctoral fellowships including one from the Ford Foundation, U.S.A., he has held senior positions in India and abroad .
Has published five original books on Management of which two have received All India awards. He is also the recipient of N.I.P.M award
and Will's Award of Excellence. Authoring several original articles on Management and Human Values he has delivered many (highly
valued) lectures in India and abroad. He is an original thinker , voracious reader, prolific writer and an eloquent speaker. He is keenly
interested in human welfare and youth development . He continues to have active professional interest dating back to five decades.

UGADI FESTIVAL IS AN Important Indian festival Calender. In Kerala the Malayalam New Year called;
celebrated in states of Karnataka, Maharastra, Chingam' which falls in September is celebrated as
Tamilnadu , Punjab and Manipur as New Year , as per 'Vishu'.'The rituals followed vary from place to place.
hindu lunisolar-saka calendar called 'Panchanga', which Common rituals are observed in Karnataka and Andhra
is the Indian Calendar. This year (2012) it falls on 23rd Pradesh.
March. Nandana Nama Samvatsara begins on this date.
On Ugadi day, family members get together promoting
Ugadi (yuga and adi) is the beginning of an astronomical
the family bond .The day starts with people smearing
cycle. It is also the first day of Chaitra, the first month of
their body with sesame oil and taking bath early morning
the traditional Hindu calendar (followed in Andhra Pradesh
and visiting temples for prayer and worship . Getting up
and Karnataka).
early in the morning and taking bath in cold water calls
The word Ugadi is believed as the beginning of 'Kali for sacrifice of the cozy life one leads and brings about a
yuga' which started in 3102.BC, when Lord Krishna sense of discipline. The houses are swept and kept clean.
shed his human body after establishing righteousness A layer of cow dung is laid in the court yard.. Cow dung
on earth . is found to have antiseptic properties. Lresh mango leaves,
used in all sacred occasions, are hung on a string in the
A New Year evokes in our mind expectations for entrance.
happening of new things, of course auspicious. It is the
time to renew the past for better. It heralds new hopes, Beautiful floral and other patterns using different colored
aspirations, material prosperity and peace in the year rice flour are made with hand called rangoli on the
ahead.. This day makes people optimistic about their future
and peps up their spirit. We act only when we are
optimistic and behind successful action, there should be
sense of optimism that is the feelings that things would
turn out to be the way we expect, belief in the capacity of
ourselves and our willingness to pursue a task till it is
completed successfully irrespective momentary hurdles
on the way. Ugadi is the day in which is to resolutions to
discard unhealthy habits and in place cultivate healthy
habits and correct past mistakes and follow right ways
for betterment of life, are to be made .

Ugadi is celebrated in Karnataka, Andhrapradesh,

TamilNadu as 'Puthanandu', Goa by Konginis,
Maharashtra as 'Gudi Padwa', Punjab as 'Baisaki' . In
fact all the communities in the world celebrate New Year.
West celebrates January, 1st according to Gregorian


specially prepared spot in front of the house. The rangoli or a limb of Vedas that dates back to at least 10,000
reflects aesthetic appreciation, skills of dexterity of hand, years . It is treasure of ancient wisdom
and grasp of geometric principles. The skill in its
preparation is passed on from generation to generation, In Kerala where Vishu is celebrated, the village astrologers
as a part of traditional culture. visit traditional houses with predictions of the year written
in palm leaves and read out before a lighted traditional
On this day, minds will be filled with only holy thoughts bronze lamp and receive gifts. People are happy when
and be free from wicked ideas and feelings, ill- will and they hear from these astrologers that they have a bright
mental agitations due to insatiable desires for material future.
comforts. They are also able to develop tranquility or peace
On the occasion, it is usual practice to arrange cultural
of mind by keeping away tensions and disturbing thoughts
and feelings of daily life by involvement in the sacred and literary events. Homes reverberate with rhythm of
percussion instruments, melody from traditional Indian
musical instruments and folk songs and visual treat from
Special feasts are prepared and shared with family traditional and folk dance forms like bharata natyam,
members and friends. Thus it is an occasion to serve kuchipudi, yakshagana and other dances. Folk arts
people or partake what food is left after giving it to others. are not mere entertainments; they are rooted in ancient
It is an occasion to follow the ancient saying Athithi Devo indian scriptures which enlighten people in their day to
Bhava. On this day there is a ritual of recitation of day life. The occasion also provides ample scope for
almanac or Pachanga or Hindu calendar. A Panchanga is budding artists to bloom. Perhaps we are reminded of
used to find out the auspicious time for tasks undertaken the need to promote arts and culture. .A special mix
for successful completion. The include activities like called bevu bella is prepared by grinding neem leaves
agricultural operations (planting, harvesting, etc), starting withjagery that tastes bitter and sweet. Symbolically
new ventures, travel dates, marriages and more. A the mix of bitter and sweet tells us that human life is
Panchanga is a necessary tool that is a source of guidance a bundle of different experiences - joy and sorrow,
in conducting day to day activities in the Hindu households. gain and loss, victory and defeat, praise and censure -
People assemble in a place such as temple premises. It all of which we should accept with a sense of
is an informal social function where an elderly or revered equanimity. We should never entertain very strong likes
person reads out the predictions regarding national, and dislikes. Ugadi is a festival that has to be celebrated
community and personal lives. This is called Panchanga in letter and spirit to bring joy and happiness to every
Sravanam. Jyothisha or Astrology is one among Vedangas one of us.

Vastu Dimensions

Bangalore Niranjan Babu


I Bof construction is the understanding of the
V_^measurements that are used to define the
building formulae that identify the length, breadth
and height of a structure.
The ancient masters of Vastu used the angula (%")
for the measurement of idols and the hasta (24
angulas or 18") or cubit for measurement of
residential buildings, temples and palaces. The
hasta was also used to measure conveyances
iyana), couches (sayana) etc.

Six types of measurements are described. distance between the tip of the middle finger and
the top of the thumb of a fully stretched palm.
Mana Measurement of
height or length Manasara (essence of measurement) mentions
Pramana Measurement of breadth the following:

Parimana Measurement of 1 para man u - 1 atom

width or circumference
8 paramanu - 1 ratha dhooli (molecule)
Lambamana Measurement along plumblines
8 ratha Dhooli - 1 valagna (hair end)
Unmana Measurement of thickness
8 valagna = 1 liksha (nit or egg of a louse)
Upamana Measurement of inter-space
8 liksha - 1 yooka (louse)

The Vastu text books also speak of the Ghanamdna 8 yooka = 1 yava (barley corn)
(exterior measurement) and Aghanamdna 8 yava - 1 angula or 3/4 of an inch
(interior measurement).
12 angula = 1 vitasti
Mana is also used generally to mean measurement. 2 vitasti - 1 kishku hasta (small cubit) or
twenty four inches
We also have Adimdna which means primary
measurement or comparative measurement. 25 angula - 1 prajaapatya (1 cubit)
26 angula - 1 dhanurmushti
Talamdna is the sculptural measurement. Here,
the length of the face from the top of the head is 4 dhanur mushti - 1 dhanda

the unit. This length can also be taken as the dhanda - 1 rajju


A rajju is the standard length of a rope and works out to

26x4x8 angula or 832 angula or 52 feet. A kishku cubit
(24 angula or 18") also known as hasta is normally used
for -measuring all objects.

(The %" measurement for angula is as given by Prof. #4

P.K. Acharya in his "Encyclopaedia of Architecture")
Length - Aya & Rksha A*
The angula is also defined as the middle phalanx of the
middle finger in Mayamata and the yava measurement
(8 barley grains placed side by side) works out roughly to
3 cms.

Building Formulae Now, let us see how these formulae are calculated with
Certain formulae called Ayadi Shadvarga are specific reference to the text Manasara.
recommended by the ancient classical works of India
when building a residence or temple. These formulae ' Length -Aya & Rksha
are said to ensure health, wealth and prosperity to ^ Rksha formulae
the people. These formulae are known as Aya, Vyaya, 2' 'he length dimensions.
Rksa, Yoni, Vara and Thithi. Certain texts also mention 2 Width - Vyaya & Yoni
a as
V y Vyaya and Yoni formulae
The ancients considered the dwelling as a living organism. 8'vc us the width dimensions.
Whether it was a temple (Prasada) or a palace 3 Height - Vara & Tithi
(Rajagruha) or a residential dwelling (sala) or the image ' vara an(i Tithi formulae
(Chitra) or idol of a deity (Vigraha), perfection was the give us ^ height dimcnsions_
word that they desired and looked for. The site (Kshetra)
and the dwelling (Vastu or Avastha) were considered Aya (increase)
as having a rhythm and beauty which vibed perfectly with Vasubhirgunitham Bhaanu
Nature. Each site and building had life and there was the (bhijrhaanyaayamashta-shishtakam 11
necessity of building the structure to perfect proportions
based on certain formulae. When houses were built using When the length 1 is multiplied by 8 and then divided by
these formulae, they were said to give the residents health, 12, the remainder is known as Aya.
wealth and prosperity. ,
Evamaayadhishadvarge [remainder = Aya]
kuryathatra vichakshanowhu II 12
, . . . , The results attributed to the remainder are as given below.
In this (matter of selecting the correct measure) the
expert (architect) should apply the set of six formulae Remainder
beginning with Aya (Manasara, IX, 74) Becomes poor
So, what are these formulae? The group of six formulae Ill-health to wife
to which a structure should conform is known as Ayadi Attraction of fortunes
Shadvarga. These formulae are respectively Aya, Vyaya, Victorius
Rksa, Yoni, Vara and Tithi.
Sudden surprises (pleasant)
Ayadi Shadvarga test whether the orientation of a Righteous desires becomes fruitful
building is correct and whether the measurements Becomes spiritually inclined
conform to the orientation. A variety of dimensions are
Enjoys the good things of life
prescribed by the ancient treatises. These Shadvarga
enable the builder to select auspicious and proper Acquires much wealth
dimensions of the building. Abundance of good
Name and fame


If the remainder is zero, it is considered good for religious Count the building constellation from the birth constellation
merits. of the master. Divide the number by nine (if divisible).
Else, take it as it is. If the number or remainder
We find that except for the remainders 1 and 2, the rest corresponds to 2,4, 6, 8 and 9, the two constellations are
indicate positive results. said to be compatible.
Vyaya (decrease) Of course, you will do well to refer to Dr. B. V. Raman's
Navabhirvardhayet panktihi Muhurtha or Electional Astrology for finding out the
(tya) hritvaa sesham vyayam (yo) Bhavet II compatibility of the constellation (Nakshatra) of the
building with the constellation (Nakshatra) of the master
When the width (b) is multiplied by 9 and is divided by of the building.
10, the remainder is known as Vyaya.
Yoni (source)
[remainder - Vyaya] Gunanaagam cha yonihi syadvriddhihaanya
10 yathakramam~

The results are given on the next page : When the width (b) is multiplied by 3 and divided by
8, the remainder is known as Yoni.
Remainder Result
Achieves success -[remainder = Yoni]
Will be victorius
The results are as given below :
Enjoys the good things of life
Yoni Table
Victorius over enemies
Remainder Yoni Building to face
Problems of the eye
1 Dhwaja East
Acquires wealth
2 Dhooma South-east
Is happy (contented ?) always
3 Simha South
Has good friends
4 Shwana South-west
If the remainder is zero, it is conducive to happiness. 5 Vrishabha West
6 Khara North-west
If the Ay a is greater than the Vyaya, it is good for all
round prosperity. If the Aya is less than the Vyaya, it is
said to be not auspicious. If the Aya is equal to Vyaya, it 7 Gaja North
is said to have no defect. 8 (zero) Kaka North-east

Rksa (Nakshatra) Odd remainders are said to be auspicious and even

Ashtarbhivardhite rksham hrutva kshapishyate II remainders, bad. If there is no remainder, the breadth has
to be altered.
Multiply the length (I) by 8 and divide by 27. The
remainder is called Rksa or Nakshatra. The odd The Yoni which is said to be an architectural formulae
Rkshas are said to be auspicious and the even, has been given much importance by our ancients. The
inauspicious. remainder gained through it guarantees the suitablity of
the building and the well-being of the master and his
1x8 surroundings. A proper Yoni will ensure the qualitative
[remainder - Rksa] life of a structure.

Brihat Samhita calculates the Yoni in a slightly different

[There is some ambiguity since Chapter LXIV of manner. The area (length x breadth) is divided by 8.
Manasara refers to the 2nd, 4th and the 9th and also the
birth star-under which one is born as auspicious.] The auspicious Yoni defines the correct orientation of the


From the Yoni Table above, it is clear that the ancients Remainder Day of the week Result
wanted the buildings to face the four cardinal directions
1 Sunday Not favourable
only, viz., East, West, North and South.
2 Monday Favourable
The classical texts opine that Dhwaja Yoni is the best of 3 Tuesday Not favourable
all auspicious Yonis.
4 Wednesday Favourable
Manusyalaya Chandrika states that 5 Thursday Favourable

Yonihi Praanaa Eva Dhamnam Yadasmaad I 6 Friday Favourable

Grahyastatadyogyayoniprabhedaha 11 7 (zero) Saturday Not favourable

Yoni constitutes the life and breath of a structure, Of the weekdays, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
particularly of a house : Friday are said to be auspicious for beginning the
Vara (solar day)
Tithi (lunar day)
Nandavriddhayaa rishim (shina) hritva tacchesham
vaarameva cha I Navabhirgunithe trimshata kshepecchesham
tithirbhavet I
When the circumference is multiplied by nine and then
divided by seven, the remainder is Vara (solar day). When the circumference is multiplied by 9 and then
divided by 30, the remainder is Tithi (lunar day).

[remainder - Vara]
7 -[remainder = Tithi]

Manasara refers to C as circumference or thickness or Are you planning a Residential Layout? | #_ j;

height. Perhaps, we can take this as the height. I invite Business School? Hotel Complex? w Cfw'
scholars to throw more light on this point. shows yOU the way

ainder Lunar Day Results Summarising, the Shadvarga of the building and its
consequent results are as below.
1 Prathama Not favourable
Aya Vyaya
2 Dviteeya Favourable
Riskha = Yoni
3 Triteeya Favourable
Vara = Tithi
4 Chaturthi Not favourable
5 Panchami Favourable For the building under reference :
6 Shashti Moderate Aya is 8 Enjoys the good things of life.
7 Saptami Favourable Vyaya is 3 Moderate.
8 Ashtami Not favourable Since Aya is greater than Vyaya, all round prosperity
is indicated.
9 Navami Not favourable
Rksa is 23, odd, and so favourable.
10 Dasami Favourable
Yoni is 1, Dhwaja, and is the best of all Yonis.
11 Ekadasi Not favourable
12 Dwadasi Favourable The building can face East. (Primarily it means that there
13 Trayodasi Favourable should be good ventilation on East, the direction of good
14 Chaturdasi Not favourable
15 Amavasya* Not favourable Vara is 2 indicating Monday and, therefore, good.
Construction can begin on this day.
This formulae gives the lunar day on which to commence Tithi is 12 or the 12th day (Dwadasi) and hence, favourable.
the construction.
Reference to Vayas or age of the building is also made to in
Example certain texts.
Let us consider a building (not a site) of length 40 hasta The remainder obtained by multiplying the area of the
(or 60 feet), breadth 27 hasta (40 feet and 6 inches) and building (1 x b) by 27 and dividing by 100) is the Vayas or
height 13 hasta (nineteen and half feet). age of the building.
Let us calculate as follows : In the example worked above, the age of the building will
be 60 years.
1x8 40 x 8 320 (40 x 27) x 27 299160
[Remainder - 8]
100 100
Remainder is 60 which is Vayas or age of the building.
bx9 27 x 9 243 Of all the Shadvarga, Aya, Vyaya, Yoni and Nakshatra are
[Remainder - 3] extremely important. If the measurement of the building
10 10 10 conforms to these four formulae, we can assume that the
structure, more or less, is proportionate.
1x8 40 x 8 320 Manasara recommends 9 different lengths, 9 different
[Remainder = 23] breadths and 5 different heights. Of these different and
varying measures, the right measure is selected by applying
the 6 formulae. By a verification of the measurements with
the respective formula, the risk of selecting improper
bx3 27 x 3 81 measurements will be eliminated. The ancient structures
[Remainder - 1] which conformed to these Ayadi are even today standing
strong and tall.
The following slokas from Manasara are appropriate :
hx9 13x9 72 Yatra dosho gunadhikyam tatra dosho na vidhyathe I
[Remainder - 2] Tesham adhikagunaam vaanamyaam
7 7 7 sarvadoshakaram bhavet I
Tasmatpariharedh vidhvan janamevam prakalpayet 11
hx9 8x9 72 Where there is more excellence than blemish, there is no
[Remainder =12] defect in it, but if the blemish is more than the excellence, it
would be imperfect; therefore, the knowledgeable (architect)
30 30 30
should avoid the calculation that is imperfect and follow
the practice that is current among the people.
* Manasara does not consider Pournima as unfavourable.
Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu !

Air. V.R.SoundarRajan, with a

Diploma in Alechanical Engineering,
has served Anna University,
Chennai for over thirty years. Me
has been rendering astrological
counseling for two and half decades.
Air. SoundarRdjdlt S training has Analysis
been under Pandit Asuri
Venkatachary. V R. SOUNDAR RAJAN

Dr. b.v.raman says " Muhurtha is much more Moon's constellation is 7 from bride's star. Moon is
important. It gives valuable directions by following with Mandi in the same consellation. The Moon in the
which the person will be enabled to remove, neutralise, first pada of Hasta during day time formed Dina Mrityu
counteract or overcome the evils indicated by the Yoga (inauspicious) Lagna was not aspected by any benific
horoscopic chart. Horoscopy is diagnostic. It merely planets. Lord of Navamsa Lagna was malefic and in
points out the ills but prescribes no remedies. Muhurtha is debilitation in D9.. Sun (in the constellation of Bharani)
prescriptive as well as preventive. It tells how by kicks the Nakshatra of Hasta (Moon's constellation) forms
undertaking ventures at auspicious times one can ward
Latta Dosha, which causes loss of wealth. Moon is near
off the evils and ensure success" (Muhurtha or
Mrityu Bhaga. Her husband died during August 2011
Electional Astrology)
(40 years of age) and her child died during December
We will analyse how certain ill muhurthas cause disaster. 2011 (15 yrs).
Wife: 17th June 1969,22hrs in Chennai. Birth constellation
I Mercury (R)| Venus Mars
Punarvasu (Cancer)
Husband: 25th July 1961 at 17.40 in Chittore. Birth
constellation Moola (Sagittarius) Husband Mocpr
21st March 1959 19,h October! 946 Aaiu"

Mercuiy I Sun Saturn (R)

Saturn I Jupiter (R) ^nu Mercury

SunJupite y

Moon's constellation of both husband and wife are same

- Aslesha

Mars (R) Moon

Comparing these two charts, ascendants are in 2/12
positions, Moon signs are in 6/8 positions while the 7th Wedding
lords are in 2/12 positions. Lagna lord is in debilitation in
12th November
both charts. Let us see their wedding muhurtha. Rahu
Saturn (R)
Venus Mercury (R) / j iter I Ascdt. . / Mercury Ascdt/
Sun y , VenLja^" I (R) /
I /Rahu Sun /Rahu
6th May 1990

Moon is hemmed between malefics Mars on one side

Rahu Wedding and Ketu Saturn on the other side. Malefic planets are in
Saturn (R) Muhurtha
7th . Moon is in 6th . Lagna is Sunya Lagna. Lagna Lord
debilitated and near Mrityu Bhaga. The husband died
during 2000 at the age of 54.



Wedding Muhurtha of another girl of moon's constellation The constellation of this girl is Punarvasu and the
is Aridra. constellation of Moon in Muhurtha was Hasta (7th from
natal). Lagna and 7th house are afflicted in Muhurtha
Ketu Jupiter chart - Moon with planets. Moon is in Sunya Rasi and
I Saturn (R) Mars Moon
end of the nakshatra. Ketu is near Mrityu Bhaga. The
Wedding husband died in 2001.
: 14"'September Navamsa Next, we analyse the chart of Andhra Pradesh's former
Jupiter (R)
Moon 1977 Chief Minister Mr. Y.S.Rajasekara Reddy.
Mand Rasi
Ascot /

Y.S.Rajasekara Venus
Moon in 3r pada of Sravana formed Dina Roga. Jupiter Swearing in
Reddy I
is debilitated and Retrograde Saturn in Retrograde and in chart
8th July 1949 th
the 7th. Lagna is hemmed between malefics. Rasi Rahu 20 May 2009 Saturn
Lagna Lord Mercury is near Mrityu Bhaga. She lost her
husband in 2008.

In the electional chart, the Moon with planets caused

Indu sagrah - Moon in Shunya Rasi. Malefic planet
in next constellation of Moon's constellation. Ketu
9"' September
1977 was near Mrityu Bhaga. Retrograde Mercury
10.15am Navamsa caused his death.
Female Meicuiy(R)
Rasi Sun
Ascdt/ www.issuu.niranb51

Dr. Elavathur Submhmanyan Neelakantan graduated from Loyala

College of Chennai with distinction in Statistics. As a qualified Fame
Chartered Accountant, he is an Information Systems Auditor. While
his interest in Astrology was activated by going through books of
DR. B. V RAMAN, his formal learning of the subject was from
pi Prof. K. V Seshadrinatha Sastri, a renowned scholar of Astrology
and Ayurveda. Awarded with a Doctorate by the Deemed Sri
Chandrasekarendra University, Kancheepuram for his thesis on
Medical Astrology, Dr. Neelakantan has been a regular contributor
to The Astrological eMagazine. His multi faceted talent also includes
proficiency in Vedic chants. E. S. NEELAKANTAN

If bom five witffame; 5. The inherent strength of Mars (mostly in fiery signs)
and the presence of Sasi Mangala Yoga (which
'Else 6e not 6orn at aCC
literally means Moon Mars conjunction) like Moon-
- Tiruvalluvar Mars opposition or even the mere presence of Mars
in a quadrant from the Moon is necessary.
THERE IS A BASIC TENDENCY in man to achieve
fame and it is only a few who manage to acquire it. Here the logic is the Moon governs the "mind" while Mars
Having acquired it, it is even more difficult to retain it all is the planet denoting action and aggression and this
through one's life. In the whole of human history only a influence enables one to attract the attention of the public.
handful of men like Shakespeare, Gandhiji, Einstein to
These five rules may be applied not only to the Rasi chart
mention a few, can lay claim to everlasting name and fame.
but also to all divisional charts. However, in this article
It would be a real tragedy if a person who has become we shall confine our attention only to the Rasi and the
popular by his good actions, should fall into disrepute. In Navamsa charts.
this regard there would be no dearth of examples. It is
commonplace to find so-called saints becoming sinners Harshad Mehta
overnight and though the converse is also quite possible, Chart 1: Born 29-7-1954 at 10.30 a.m. (1ST) with a balance
it is nevertheless rare. Of 18 years 9 months of Saturn Dasa.
The foremost question that should now arouse our interest Maujiy 1 Ju iter Ketl
is, what role do the planets play in our day- to- day lives ilBja Jypiier Ascdt. P '
jiellj Mercuiy
to bring us repute or disrepute? Let us now try to arrive
at an answer based on the rules laid down by the founding
fathers of astrology. Navamsa
1. There can be no portrait without a wall. Applying the Venus Rahu
3E1. I AaddL Gulika Sun
wisdom of this maxim we can boldly state that unless
the Lagna and the Lagna lord are strongly fortified it
is difficult to acquire fame.
Chart 1 belongs to Harshad Mehta who shot into limelight
2. The 10th house plays a crucial role in elevating a
in 1992 and fell into disrepute following the securities
native to the Hall of Fame. This is stressed adequately
scandal. The Lagna lord Mercury is powerfully placed in
in all classical texts.
the 10th house. Thus an intimate nexus is formed between
3. The 4th house governs the masses and the pre- the Lagna and the 10th house. Saturn occupies the house
dominance of this house is the sine qua non for of Venus in exaltation. The 4th house is a aspected by its
attaining name and fame. own lord. Mars is placed powerfully in Sagittarius, a fiery
4. The mutual interaction between Saturn and Venus is sign while it occupies Aries Navamsa in a Kendra from
absolutely essential for popularity. This is all the more the Moon. We find that this is a classic case where all the
true in the case of men who deal with the masses like conditions stated above are fulfilled. The presence of two
film stars, musicians and politicians. The logic is quite powerful malefics in the 4th (theredy aspecting the 10th)
simple. Saturn governs the masses and Venus governs and the conjunction of the 10th lord and Jupiter with Katu
all mundane matters including worldly comforts. have brought ill-fame to native. It is to be noted that both



Mercury and Jupiter are afflicted with Kendradhipatya Princess Diana

Dosha while the other benefic Venus is placed in an inimical Chart 4: Born 1-7-1961
sign in both Rasi and Navamsa.

Jupiter (R) I Rahu I Mars

Monica Seles
Chart 2: Born 12-12-1973 at midnoon with a balance of 3
years 5 months 17 days of Jupiter Dasa at birth.

Mars Ascdt.
Rahu Jupiter
Mercury Ascdt. Moon

Chart 4 belongs to Princess Diana whose wedding
attracted world-wide attention. The Lagna lord aspects
Lagna from Leo. The 4th lord is rendered strong in his
Saturn Ketu Mercury
own house in both Rasi and Navamsa. Venus occupies
his own house in Rasi while in Navamsa he is placed in
Chart 2 belongs to Monica Seles who created a sensation the house of Saturn. In Rasi there is an opposition between
in women's tennis and whose challenge to the supremacy the Moon and Mars.
of Steffi Graf was nullified by an attempt on her life, an
act unheard of in the history of the game. The Lagna John F. Kennedy
lord is well-placed in Rasi and Navamsa while the 10th Chart 5: Ref: A.M. 1993, Page390.
house is occupied by a powerful Sun and the 10th lord is
strongly placed in Aries. Venus is placed in the house of Uais 150 Ketu
Saturn while the Moon is in quadrant from Mars, both
planets being well-placed.

Navamsa :
Michael Jackson v
^ hixr Jupiter ^us
Chart 3: Bom 29-8-1958 at 6.09 p.m. GMT with a balance
of 2 years 2 months 15 days of Rahu Dasa at birth. Mars
SdtJ Astdl : Mercury Moon Rahu Ascdt

Chart 5 belongs to John Kennedy whose ascent to the

Venus Satum white House at a remarkably Young age evoked a great
Venus deal of admiration and whose assassination by Lee Harvey
Oswald is well-known. He was born when the mercurial
sign Virgo was rising. Mars is powerfully placed in Aries
and in Sagittarius Navamsa. Venus occupied his own sign
Saturn Jupiter Mars I Jupiter Rahu
Ascdt. Rahu Taurus and conjoins Saturn in Navamsa. It is to be noted
that the two strong planets in his horoscope, Mars and
Venus, own the 4th and the 10th houses from Chandra
Chart 3 belongs to the American pop star Michael
Jackson whose song-and-dance performances have Lagna.
evoked world-wide admiration. The Lagna lord Mars
is powerfully placed in Aries and in the Navamsa of
Sagittarius in a quadrant from the Moon. The 10th
house is powerfully occupied by the sun while the
strong Saturn, lord of 4th is placed in Lagna in
Aquarius Navamsa. In Navamsa, Venus is placed
in the house of Saturn.



Charlie Chaplin Chart 8 belongs to Prince Charles, scion of the British

Chart 6: Ref: A.M. 1993 Page 706 royal family. The Lagna lord is powerfully placed in the
10th. Mars is rendered strong in scorpio while in
Venus he is in a quadrant from Moon. Venus and Saturn are
Mercury Mars
Mars Ketu Moon

Mercury Sun
Ketu Venus

Jupiter un
Ketu V Venus
Chart 6 belongs to Charlie Chaplin who delighted movie
audiences the world over and starred in such popular
movies as the Great Dictator and Modern Times and in conjoined in Navamsa. The 10 house is rendered strong
a host of TV serials. He passed away at the ripe old age as it comes under the benign influence of Jupiter powerfully
of 88. He was born when the fiery sign Sagittarius was placed in Sagittarius.
rising. The 101'1 lord aspects its own house while the benign
planet, Jupiter (lord of 4th and Lagna), is powerfully placed Boris Yelstin
in Lagna. Mars is powerfully placed in Aries while being Chart 9: Ref.A.M. 1994, page327
in opposition to the Moon.
Jupiter I Venus
Richard Nixon
Chart 7:Bom 9-1-1913 at 9.30 p.m.(PST) at33N47, 117
Rahu Saturn | | Ketu | Mercuty |

Navamsa r
Ascdt. I Venus Chart 9 belongs to Boris Yelstin, whose tenure coincides
with the termination of the Bolshevik rule in the Soviet
Sun/Mars Union, after a long run of more than six decades from
Mercury Ketu | Sun 1917. The Chandra Lagna is rendered strong as it is
occupied by its own lord. The Moon conjunct Mars gives
Chart 7 belongs to Richard Nixon, former president of rise to Sasi Mangala Yoga. Mars is powerfully placed in
the United States. The Lagna lord is placed Vargottama Scorpio Navamsa. Saturn and Venus are conjoined in Rasi
in Sagittarius while Venus and Saturn (owners of 7th and and in opposition in Navamsa. Venus as the 10th lord is
10,h respectively) are involved in an interchange of houses. powerfully placed in Taums Navamsa.
Venus is placed in the Navamsa of Saturn. The Moon is continued on 21
placed in a quadrant from Mars in Navamsa. Mars is
placed in a fiery Sign, Sagittarius. All the three benefic
are afflicted- Venus due to Dosha arising out of
Kendradhipatya and Jupiter and Mercury by conjunction
with Mars -brought him disrepute.

Prince Charles
Chart 8: Bom 14-11-1948 with a balance of 2 years 5
months 2 day of Ketu Dasa at birth.

18 MARCH 2012

Rahu Ketu Axis


Health Problems


FROM THE IMMEMORIAL the effect of Rahu and full kalasarpa in these houses, it becomes a very
Ketu has been known to man whenever the Moon or unfortunate condition and such people die in dire
the Sun comes in conjunction with these shadowy planets. circumstances. The susceptible ages the 7th, 13th 18th, 26th,
He has known that this conjunction known commonly as 38th 45th and 60th years.
eclipse has an effect on digestion and pregnancy - that is,
a pregnant woman was forbidden to see an eclipse. All Rahu Ketu in the 2nd and the 8th
were supposed to fast until the eclipse ended. The native of such a combination is a victim of
circumstances leading to pecuniary troubles and
The effects of Rahu and Ketu were thus far known to all. involvements in accidents and may be bedridden for a
But the ancient Rishis have attributed many other diseases long time. He may have stammering, and suffer due to
to these shadowy planets. For instance Rahu produces his foul tongue and quick temper. He develops blood
phobias, stammering, chronic diseases like leprosy and pressure and is disliked by his family members. At the
tumors, serpent bites, abortions, child deaths, etc., and to age of 12 years he suffers from pox which leaves bad
Ketu are attributed low blood pressure, accidents, phobias, sears. He will have inferiority complex with regard to his
worms, skin diseases, etc. Though the individual effects
sexual ability. He is often cold and clammy to touch, he
of these planets have been studied by various authors of
suffers from high fevers and pains which mostly remain
the past and present, no exhaustive study of the effects
undiagnosed. He has to spend a lot on his health and as
on health of this axis in the natal chart has been made.
well as on his dependents. This further causes nervous
This prompted me to collect for such a study, My findings
disorders and ultimately nervous breakdown. The effects
are mainly with regard to health also. I have studied the
are mitigated if there is an aspect of Jupiter to this axis,
effects in all the 12 houses and I have also noted the
either to Rahu or Ketu. If there is complete kalasarpa
findings of ancient rishis aad astrological seers of the past
operating in these houses he ends up in an asyslum. The
and present and I present this paper for the benefit of
susceptible ages are the 10th, 15th, 20th, 23rd, 42nd, 53rd,
readers. The study is by no means exhaustive though I
and 59 years.
have made a sincere effort to focus the effect on as many
aspects as possible. Rahu Ketu in the 3rd and the 9th
Rahu Katu - axis in Lagna and the 7th Persons having this combination are often misunderstood
Before touching the effects on health it is necessary to by their own kith and kin. They are accussed of
study the mental make-up of the person and other ulteriormotives. They do not care for their health but are
environmental conditions that may effect health. Native highly susceptible to criticism and suffer blood pressure.
with this combination will have a peculiar nature and it Their own kith and kin will cause troble and even the
will not be possible to easily gauge the person. He may father may disown such a person. They are fond of
suffer from inferiority complex, fear of being neglected wandering and suffer often due to breakdown of vehicles,
by near and dear ones and society; he also suffers some as they rickety vehicles. They pose themselves as rich
deformity, may be in a minor degree. He will have secret and powerful. If full kalasarpa operates. The end is
aspirations leading to frustrations. With such a complex sudden. The susceptible ages are 11th, the 18th, 25th 31st,
melancholia, depression, peptic ulcers, and even hysteria 40th, 47th, 50th and 60th years.
may develop. As this axis falls in the 1st and the 7th, the
Rahu Ketu in the 4th and the 10th
person is very passionate and suffers due to lack of sex
gratification. They may be difficult to get on with because The natives with such a combinations will often suffer
they are silent-and-difficult-to-please types. If there is a from cough and cold, fever due to frequent tours and


exhaustion. They also suffer much due to not taking even for their own welfare. They however take extra
advantages of circumstances and thus suffer in mind. They care of their health, but often get into minor accidents
are quixotic in temperament; blowing hot and cold and and suffer broken bones. They are also quixotic in
succumbing ultimately to pressures. This trait makes them teamperment and difficult to get on with and make bad
unpopular. They usually suffer from chronic diseases and bosses and bad subordinates. They suffer much in services
fevers. I have found many with such a combination of others. If complete kalasarpa, they are prone to bad
addicted to heavy smoking and developing bronchitis. If accidents and may end up in a rehabilitation home. The
full kalasarpa operated in houses, they may die as beggars suceptible ages are the 11th month, the 3rd, 8th, 18th, 25th,
away from home. The susceptile ages are the 3rd, 10th, 3(k, 37th, 42nd, 49th, 50ih and 60th years.
18th, 21st, 31st, 41st and59years.
Rahu Ketu in the 8th and the 2nd
Rahu Ketu in the 5th and the 11 th People with such a combination suffer from frequent
People with this combination are quick in temper and often attacks of abdominal diseases. They are always sad and
regret their actions; this causes frequent bouts of high often pedantic in outlook. They suffer mainly from want
blood pressure. They suffer from phobias; worrying too of money and tact. There will be constant friction at home
much about their health which in turn causes peptic ulcer, causing unhappiness. Such people may even take to
hyperacidity, indigestion, etc. They are peptic in debauchery and suffer from venereal diseases. If
temperament meaning they are angry and intolerable when incomplete kalasarpa, they suffer from heart disease and
hungry and after heavy meals become docile. They are diseases of the aoerta and become invalids for life. The
generous but their quick temper spoils everything. They susceptible ages are the 12th, 18th, 24th, 30th, 36th, 40th,
may be hair -splitting and difficult maters. Generally the 46th, 51st and 58th years.
native suffers from gastric troubles, indigestion, dysentery,
etc. They are nevertheless lucky in many walks of life. Rahu Ketu in the 9th and the 3rd
Rahu in the 5th causes worry due to frequent abortions. Natives of this combination often put up false appearance.
Such persons have few children. They may even be They are found to be religious outwardly but at heart they
issueless; the try to uplift themselves spiritually, but they shun their own religion. They may suffer guru-dvesha or
often fail in their spiritual aspirations. If kalasarpa is even curse. Their brothers and sisters are inimical to them;
complete, they will become destitutes. Usually death is they often cause mental injuries to others by their rash
peaceful, the susceptible ages are the 6 month, Wi 3rd, action and then they suffer themselves mentally; they are
18th, 20th 30th, 40th and 60th years. prone to epidemic disease like cholera, plague, etc.,; they
also suffer from high blood pressure and paralysis. They
Rahu Ketu in the 6th and the 12th become invalids for life if there is complete kalasarpa.
Such persons enjoy good health but they are very particular The susceptible ages are the 4th, 10th, 18th, 22nd, 28th, 32nd,
as to what they should eat. Though keeping good health 40th, 48th, 55th and 60th years.
they will have phobia of bad health. They suffer from
frequent headaches, specially migraine, eye and ear Rahu Ketu in the 10th and the 4th
disease. They also suffer from mictural troubles. Success Natives of such a combination generally prosper outside
comes to them easy but there will be always opposition. their country but are always on the toe. They suffer from
Though bold, they often succumb to threats. They become indigestion and cannot enjoy a good meal. They are often
highly corrupt and suffer consequently. If full kalasarpa subject to epileptic fits. Their fault being mainly a
prevails, they often end up with quarrels and separation suspicious nature, they suffer from loss of friends, they
from family. They are prone to leprosy and skin diseases. may be attacked by burglers and suffer broken bones.
The susceptible ages are the 5th, 10th, 13th, 20th, 29th, 35th, They suffer from low blood pressure and often suffer
41st, 49th, 53rd and 60th years. from exhaustion. With complete kalasarpa, there is
danger of heart failure. It may be sudden or chronic due
Rahu Ketu in the 7th and the 1 st to congestive failure. The susceptible ages are the 1st, 5th,
Though this is the opposite of combination it does not mean 13th, 19th, 25th, 35th, 40th, and 50th years.
that the effects will also be just the opposite.
Rahu Ketu in the 11 th and the 5th
Natives of such horoscope are wanderers. Superficial in There will be disease in the legs and hands, mostly fungal;
their work and careless, they often revolt against such persons often are dirty in habits and do not care
authorities. They are easy going and do not care much much for personal cleanliness. They suffer from frequent



headaches and indigestion. They are prone to diarrhea after much suffering. The susceptible ages are the 3r ,
and dysentery. They worry much from small losses. They 8*, 13th, 19th, SS"1, 40th, 48th, SS^and 62 years.
are generally very stringy and suffer due to their
stringiness. Having means to enjoy, they do not enjoy life. As I have already remarked, the effects of Rahu-Ketu
They are lazy and it complete kalasarpa is present, they axis described is not exhaustive individually Rahu and Ketu
end up in jail. The susceptible ages are the 2nd, 6th, 10th, cause certain diseases in certain houses which I have
18th, 24th, 32nd, 38th, 44th, 50th and 58th years. dealt with in these columns in the past. Susceptible ages
for the effect or Rahu Ketu axis are worked out on case
Rahu Ketu in the 12th and the 6th histories and these ages cannot be treated as infallible.
Such a combination often uproots the person from heart The ages mentioned are only sensitive to the effects, but
and home in quest of opportunities. He may shine in many actual suffering may be mitigated or nullified, if there is
fields but is often unreliable and makes more enemies an aspect of Jupiter to either Rahu, Ketu or Lagna.
than friends. He suffers from boils, ulcers and diabetes.
Though active his activity has to be adjusted according to Articles on kalasarpa yoga have appeared in these
health. Usually a chronic sufferer he maintains cheerful columns. But I have mentioned complete Kalasarpa only
outlook on life. He suffers from insect bites, malaria or in relation to diseases and the end of the person. I propose
filaria in some cases. If complete kalasarpa is present, to deal with the problem in greater detail with illustrative
he suffers from liver diseases due to drinking and dies horoscopes. (FOR)

Fame and Notoriety

(continued from 18)

Zia Ul Haq There is an interchange of houses between the lord of

Chart 10: Ref A.M. 1993, Page 760. the 7th and the 10th (Mars and Saturn) in Navamsa.
, AsttlL VUTUE SJI Rahu The horoscopes of these noted personalities bear testimony
to the validity of the time-tested rules laid down by the
seers of astrology.
Sun I Venus
Navamsa In Three Hundred Important Combinations (by DR.
Biiu Mars B.v. RAMAN) we come across a panorama of Yoga each
having a particular function. If we were to analyse each
chart keeping in mind certain parameters we can easily
rdai. -.Wftitr I sat. Jupiter I Ketu I Moon
establish the veracity of each specific rule.
In each chart we analysed so far we could find prominent
Chart 10 belongs to Zia Ul Haq, former president of Yogas for popularity. But fame and ill-fame constitute the
Pakistan. Venus as the Lagna lord is well-placed in the obverse and reverse of the same coin. As we have seen
Navamsa of Saturn. Mars is placed in the 10th and he is in chart 1 and 7 the same planets which brought the natives


The Key to

Retrograde Planets


Retrogression means backward I shall reveal two special features of retrograde planets
MOTION. But actually there is no backward motion as I have found in my experience. Retrograde planets
of planets in the skies; it is merely an apparent backward indicate always a sudden change or something strange
motion. More or less all the classics in Hindu astrology pertaining to the houses they own and occupy. The second
are silent regarding retrograde planets except for a few feature is that retrograde planets a adopt a novel process
hints here and there in a sporadic manner. Commentators known as give first and get back and take first and give
of classic and contemporary writers also do not seem to next with the result they become favourable or
be much interested in elaborating on the nature of unfavourable depending upon the signs they occupy and
retrograde planets. towards which they are moving.

Jataka Parijata considers retrograde planets to be Personally I do not want any retrograde planets in a
generally strong whereas Saravali and Jataka Tattwa horoscope because that will lead only to a confused
say that a benefic alone in retrograde motion will give state, not a congenial state. Secondly, in cases where
health and wealth while a malefic causes evil. According retrograde planets are present they must be in the
to Phaladeepika, retrograde planets are as strong as mood to take first and give rather than the give first
exalted planets. Uttara Kalamrita has gone further into and get back.
this matter and states that a planet retrograde in its exalted
sign has only the strength of its debilitation; whereas in its Chart 1 (next page) belongs to a young girl. Her father
debilitation sign it has enormous power as an exalted planet. wished to perform her marriage at an appropriate period
with an orphan boy staying with them since many years.
If we ask ourselves a question if these dicta from classical The boy also seemed to be willing to marry the girl. But
works vindicate their validity when applied to experience due to an unexpected event occurring in the family, the
in daily life we have no other alternate except to stay boy refused to marry her.
quiet. Prof. PS. Sastri, in his article in the Annual Number
of the astrological MAGAZINE of 1989, states initially Saturn is retrograde in its sign of debilitation Aries in the
the first part of the dictum of Uttara Kalamrita but 7th Bhava. Saturn as a Retrograde planet made the boy
concedes finally that no satisfactory inference can be
drawn. It certainly does not mean the invalidity of the
Rahu I Saturn(R)
dicta. It only means our lack of understanding of it.

As the last step in my efforts in this regard I referred to

the words of my Acharya DR. B.V. RAMAN as final and
binding, which according to me is Sruti. I have learnt
astrology only through the books of dr. b.v. raman
wherein he has elaborately elucidated all the classical dicta Mercury
and finally concluded that a particular method or dictum Ascdt. Jupiter
Moon Ketu
seems to be better than the others according to his
experience. That particular dictum or method which
change his mind suddenly. But this was before the
DR. B.V. RAMAN endorses is, forme, Gospel Truth.
marriage. What would have been the plight of the girl if it
However, I have not come across the views of had happened after the marriage? The former situation is
dr. b.v. raman regarding retrograde planets. In such a better then the latter. Why did this not happen after the
situation I have to rely only upon my own experience. marriage?


In order to find out whether the result of a retrograde were ready to marry someone else chosen by their fathers.
planet will be favourable or unfavourable, we have So this occurrence was only a sudden change and not a
consider the sign it occupies and towards which it is matter of challenge or a setback.
moving. Here Saturn is moving from its debilitation sign
Both boys only pretended to be willing to marry these
to that of Jupiter who is neutral to the former. So Saturn,
as a retrograde planet, is in the mood to take first and girls because of the help they were getting from their
give next. parents.

Chart 3 is of the father of the native of Chart 1.

In chart 2, which also belongs to a teen-aged girl, the
father planned to perform her marriage with her uncle, Jupiter is retrograde in Aquarius which is the 7th Bhava in
younger brother of The girl's mother, who had been raised this chart. He is moving from Aquarius to his debilitation
sign Capricorn so here the retrograde planet is the mood
of take first and get back.

Mod 11 Satum(R)
Chart 2

Chart 3
Ascdt. Rasi Navamsa
Mars Venus Mercury

from his childhood by him.

Mercury Rahu Mara The boy finished M.B.B.S.
" course successfully his and
Moon .
Jupiter started a nursing home with In sun Dasa, the native's wife eloped with someone
i' Navamsa the help of the girl's father. else regardless of the fact she had lived with her
Ketu sun Despite that he is not ready husband for over 20 years and had 2 grown-up
Sat children.
' to marry the girl.
Ven u s t- In the first two chart one has Saturn (R) in the 7th
Ketu Jupiter is retrograde in
Pisces in the 7th Bhava. To Bhava retrograde moving towards its neutral sign
find out the mood of and the event to be stipulated by a whereas the other has Jupiter (R) in the 7th Bhava
retrograde Planet, we have to consider its position only in moving towards its own house. Such a disposition of
the Bhava chart whenever it is different from that in the retrograde planets which are moving towards their own
Rasi chart. Its occupation of its own house is certainly or neutral or friendly houses means positive process of
better than its occupation of a friendly house. So take first and give next will be activated. In the third
retrograde Jupiter hare is in the mood to take first and case, Jupiter is moving towards its debilitation sign from
give next. the sign of Saturn who is neutral to the former. Such
disposition of a retrograde planet trying to get into its
In both charts, retrograde planets are in the 7th Bhava. In
debilitation or inimical sign means the negative side of
the first chart, Saturn (R) in Aries is in its debilitation.
the process give first and get back will be activated.
Due to this heavy affliction Saturn created a plausible
reason for the bridegroom to reject the girl. The native's Here we have to note that Aquarius has construction
mother is solely responsible for this drawback as Saturn
and Capricorn, sense of honour, as their
is the lord of the 4th and 5th houses. In chart 2, Jupiter(R)
characteristics. Both signs are of Saturn. Saturn is
in the 7th in own sign has not given any specific reason for
neutral to Jupiter. But we have to remember that
the boy to reject the girl. But as Jupiter here is the lord of
Capricorn is the debilitation sign of Jupiter. So the
the 3rd and 6th houses, the man involved in this case is not
wife of the native did not care about her honour in
a stranger but her own uncle.
society and broke the marital bond of more than
It is important for us to note here that both the girl never twenty years in an instant. (FOR)
bothered about the boys refusing to marry them. They



ttfie Nandana Year


Venusian Influence

With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficieny in astrology, Mr. Maniam is a Medical Officer by
profession. He has been honoured by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba and been the winner of the Nostradamus Award in 2010. He has
had his spiritual training under Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj, Ponnamaravathi, Puthukottai Dt. istrict, South India, Mr.
Maniam, with an experience of over 25 years in the study of astrology, has contributed many articles to various journals on
different aspects of mundane astrology. He attributes his initial learning to Dr. B. V. Raman's books, later having studied under Mr.
Muthuratina Bharathi

O The King of the year - Venus. Astrological finding

O The Minster of the year - Venus. 1. The new solar year of Nandana begins as the Moon
O The Birth of new solar year is on Friday ruled by transits the constellation of Uttarashada 2nd pada and
Venus. the planet of the constellation, Sun occupies Aries
and becomes exalted.
O Saturn transit the sign of Venus at the time birth of
the new solar year. 2. There is strongparivarthana between Mars and Sun.
O Jupiter transit Venus navamsa at commencement of Both own fiery signs and exchanges houses.
the year. 3. Both Sun & Mars not only exchange houses but also
O Venus crosses the disk of the Sun in Taurus, occupy the constellation of Ketu - Sun in Aswini
ascendant of Indian independence chart. (Ketu) and Mars in Makha (Ketu)
O A Solar eclipse which afflicts the sign of Taurus 4. Jupiter becomes Atmakaraka as it has passed 22
falling at 6:18 in the constellation of Kartika 3rd 06' in Aries and occupies Libra and aspects Aries.
patham. Aries is protected by Jupiter both in Rasi and Navamsa

Body Longitude Nafesbatra Pada Rasi Nat 5. Vargottama amsabecomes prominent as Sun becomes
Lagna 6 Li 21' 04.51" Chit 4 Li Sc Vargotamma, Moon, Venus and Saturn become
Sun-DK OArW 00.43" Aswi 1 Ar Ai vargotamma amsa.
Moon - GK icpas'" USha 2 Cp Cp
6. The most important Sun and Moon sign dispositors
Mars (R) - MK 9 Le 37 04.69" Migh 3 Le Ge
M^cuiy-PiK 3 Pi 15' 3223" PBk 4 Pi Cn attain varga - Moon dispositor Saturn varga in Libra
Juptter-AK 22 Ar OS 56.41" Bhar 3 Ar Li and Sun dispositor Mars varga in Leo.
Venus - BK 14Tl37,(^6.4^, Rohi 2 Th Th 7. The solar year Nandana has Jupiter and Saturn in a
Satura (R) - PK 2 Li 18'42.59" Chit 3 Li Li state of opposition. In Navamsa we have Saturn/
Rahu-AmK 11 Sc 54'53.93" Ann 3 Sc Li
Jupiter/Rahu in association. Almost six planets are in
Ketu 11 fh 54' 53.93" Rohi 1 li Ai
transit in Aries/Taurus/Libra and Scorpio. Similarly in
Navamsa too.
Jupiter Ketu
8. According to Brihat Samhita the new solar year of
Nandana is the first in the 6th yuga of Jupiter.
April 13,2012 According to this text, the year Nadhana is beneficial.
19:11:25 Navamsa The 6th yuga of Jupiter is ruled by Ahirbudhnya.
New Delhi
9. The new year begins on Friday, with the planet Venus
becoming the minister. The lunar new year Nandana
(Saturn) Md I (Saturn)
Ascendant Ascendant ' Rahu Prathiba begins on Friday, 23rd March 2012. Both
I Jupiter
the King and Minister become Venus.


10. The transit of Venus will certainly influence the world 19. Except for the eclipse the ascendant of Independence
events. The position of Venus in previous Nandana India will be transited by Jupiter and the planetary
years was as below. pooling will augur well as it is posited 11th from natal
moon of India.
Year Venus Rasi Degre Star
20. Venus will cross the disk of the Sun on 6th June 2012
1952 Pisces 10:46 Ubhad-3
at 6.59 am (midpoint). Venus will be at 21p 43' in
1892 Taurus 14:29 Rohini-2 Taurus with Sun in a similar degree. This falls in the
1772 Taurus 08:49 Kritika-4 rising sign of Indian Independence chart. These
1712 Aquarius 23:43 P.Bha-2 astronomical phenomena will greatly impact India.
Chart at Delhi on 6th June 2012 @6.59am.
11. In the 2012 Venus has transited further ahead of Sun
14 37' - more than Taurus Transit in 1892 and 1772. 21. Venus crosses the disk Jupiter
Ketu Mercu,y
Of the Sun during Mercury
12. Jupiter which attained the position of Atmakaraka as _ ,T . Venus Ascendant
SunD as a/Jupiter ^
per Jaimini transit Libra navamsa, has become the
bukthi/Rahu antara in
planet in charge - Senathipathi - literaly means head the independence
of the army. As Venus becomes King and minster chart between 1st June ' Rasi

and Senatipathi occupies Libra Navamsa ruled by 2012 and 16th July
Venus. The year of Nandana will see predominant 2012.
role of women leadership in many fields. Moon R u (Satum)
22. The year Nandana *
13. Jaimini Sutras says Labhe Vanijyam. If the according to a saint
Atmakaraka joins Thula navamsa, the person will named Tdaikadar' in his Idaikattu Siddha does not
make much money by merchandise. Jupiter's transit point out good and indicates great disaster. According
will improve trade and business. to him in the year of Nandana there will be lack of
14. An annular Solar eclipse on 20th May 2012 will occur rainfall (Maari Arum), there will be scarcity in the
in the sign of Venus - Taurus when Venus is in country (Naadenggum Panjam ) Living being will
retrogression and posited at 29 22' in Taurus in the fall ill (Uyiri Noiyal Naliyume) The world will
constellation of Mrigasira 2nd pada. experience falling of meteors such as Dhuma Ketu(
15. The Annular Solar T I Jupiter I I Meenu Uthirum Thumam Elum), there will be death
r in the Nandana MeraJV
trT of kings (Kon Madivan ) and bad things happen
Moon, Sun
year which afflicts the Ifgu.vnna. (Mikka Keduthi Uddam)
sign of Taurus will 23. The year Nandana witnesses Saturn Jupiter in
have planetary pooling Rasi opposition or Saturn in Vakra
in the sign of Taurus.
Mais 1. 9th April 1712 - Nandana/Chaitra Saturn and Jupiter
Sun/Moon/Jupiter/ in Opposition Cancer/ Capricorn axis
Ketu/Venus will ' 2. 10lh April 1772 - Nandana/Chaitra Saturn and Jupiter
conjunct and most of ^ in Opposition Leo/Aquarius axis, Saturn
the planets will be 3. 11th April 1832- Nandana/Chaitra Saturn/Jupiter
combust. The eclipse will occur in Krittika 3rd pada opposition Leo/Aquarius axis.Saturn
16. It is interesting to note during the annular Solar eclipse 4. 12th April 1892- Nandana/ Chaitra Saturn /Jupiter
Venus is in retrograde motion and occupying neecha opposition Virgo/ Pisces axis, Saturn
navamsa with Saturn. 5. 13th April 1952 Jupiter in 3 degrees in Aries with
17. The Solar eclipse falls on the ascendant of India. The Saturn in Virgo. Saturn/Mars, Mercury
Solar echpse ascendant degree at Delhi will be 3p 57' Wrapping up, the Nandana year will see severe climatic
while the Ascendant of India falls at 7p 46'. The annular changes. Downfall ofkingdomd (change of leadership) is
solar eclipse point will be close to natal Rahu posited in seen in some countries. Prominent celebrity and kings will
the Indian Independence chart at 5p 44'. have their final days. Natural disaster will be on the rise. In
18. Venus as the ascendant lord in the independence chart the midst of these, life will go on as usual. Jupiter's aspect on
will be in retrogression in the eclipse chart and will also Saturn from Aries and Taurus and Saturn's transit in Libra/
occupy the ascendant in the cuspal degree 29p 23'. Virgo indicates progress in trade and industry.


notice; only articles have been kept, useless pages and
publicity have been removed


Astrology, Vibration & Colors 3
lyothisha Chinta Nidhi 5
Human Nails & Diseases 8
MRS. Jayasree saranathan
The Mystery of Nadi Astrology 9
Astrology & Random Thoughts 13
Timing of Events 15
Horoscope of a Yogi 19
Lagna & Time Management 22
Chandrakant s. Kothare, m.a.
Planets & Dental Health 23
Yoga for the Spine 25
The Astrological eMagazinePanchanga for April 2012 29
This Month for You April 2012 33
Sunrise and Sunset Timings for April 2012 39
Timings for
Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 40



Lead Article


Vibration & Colors


According to the Bhoutika Sutms or corresponds in degrees to the complexity of the organic
physical sciences in Sanskrit the basis for the form or structure, which again corresponds to the stage
manifestation of life activity in this universe is Sakti or of development the individual soul entity may have attained
Force. Two kinds of forces are recognised, viz., on the great spiral highway of evolutionary progress. The
Grahasakti or Planetary energy and Parasakti or Divine force-motion is the result of inherent power of attraction
force or Cosmic energy Matters can be classified into and repulsion. Whether it is force-motion or life-motion
five kinds of grades according to density and specific vibrations are at play.
gravity. They are: solids, fluids, gaseous, radiant and
Leaving aside the life-motion for the present, the force-motion
ethereal. All these different grades of matter are
or Grahasakti finds manifestation or expression through
interconvertible and can be changed from one state to
another by lowering or raising co-related force, which (1) sound-energy, (2) heat-energy, (3) light-energy,
(4) magnetic energy and (5) electric energythe lowest kind
changes the motion of the constituent units of matter.
of energy being of course that of sound. Above and beyond
Hence a skilful manipulation and control offorce and
energy under the law of transmutation will cause form to the electric energy is the Chichhakti or Parasakti or the Divine
disappear and appear This is construction and disintegration force. The different kinds of energies differ from each other
on account of what is called vibratory activity.
of form only. Nothing is destroyed, nothing is lost; only
there is a change of Vibratory Motion of constituent parts. Silent Vibrations
What we call physical matter such as iron, gold, oxygen,
All vibrations are silent. When a stringed instrument plays
hydrogen, etc, only differ to our sense-perpection by the
music, no sound is really produced. Amass of harmonious
number of group-ing molecules and the motion of the
or discordant silent vibrations are collectively produced.
atoms of which they are composed. If force could be lost
Those vibrations that blend are harmonious, those silent
and motion arrested matter as we know it today would
vibratory waves that strike crest against crest, are
cease to exist. It is absurd to suppose that the atom by
discordant. These silent vibrations strike the ear drum with
virtue of its inherent motion should possess inherent
a frequency of certain impulses per second, the ear-drum
potentialities of highest known soul attributes, such as
responds with the same identical number of vibrations per
intelligence or life principle which belongs to the realm of
second. These impingements of silent vibrations are taken
Parasakti. The atom also consists of the ordinary
up by the adequately arranged finks of bone connections
Grahasakti or planetary force.
in the inner earMallens, Stapes and Incus which
We have referred above, to what is called Motion. Two transmit the silent vibrations to the sensitive and receptively
kinds of motions have to be recognised, viz., life-motion adjusted auditory nerve system, which receives and
and force-motion the former belonging to the category transmits these same vibrations to the auditory nerve
of Parasakti and the latter of course to that of Grahasakti centre in the brain. The central officethe minddefines
to whose influence every terrestrial beingmineral, and interprets the number of impulses according to its
vegetable and animalis continuously subjected. Life- capacity and transmits the translated message to the realm
motion is a result of inherent soul-powers manifesting as of consciousness.
life in some kind of organic structure or form, the said
Similarly are the processes of smelling, tasting, seeing and
form being the immediate and direct result of this power
feeling. We have now explained how man is subject to
exhibited in growth, and various other activities of Will
Grahasakti and how this force operates in the shape of
and Mind, with an unmistakable evidence of intelligence
sound heat, fight, etc., and how their operation is taken
along lines of least resistance. This intelligence always



cognisance of by the senses. Incidentally the whole planets had in their minds the correspondence between
explanation is based on motion or vibration. sounds, colours, metals and planets. According to the great
Mihira we come across the following classification:
Colour Vibration
The various forms of energies referred to above are due Planet Colours
to the movements of the planets including the Sun and the Sun Copper (Red) orange
different kinds of rays. On account of movement,
Moon White
differences in planetary rays arise. The 'white' sunlight
when subjected to spectrum analysis reveals seven Mars Blood-red
colours, viz., violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and Mercury Green
red. In reality there is no such thing as colour in an object. Jupiter Yellow
What we call colour of an object is really reflected or Venus Variegated colours
radiated light vibrations from such object. Each one of
Saturn Black
the seven colours referred to above has its own vibratory
motion. Thus according to A. J. Davis, 'violet' has a Red and Mars
vibratory motion of 720 billions per second while red has
Mars represents blood-red or red. The red ray is associated
458 billions per second. Now we find that 'colour' and with life-force, struggle and mastery. Red has the lowest
sound only indicate certain vibratory frequencies. And vibration - the lowest aspects of red are warmth, passion
hence we can find an analogy or a correspondence and war, courage, strength and of course love. Mars rules
between Music and Colour. In a way the seven
the red colour. One in whose horoscope Mars is powerful
prismatic colours correspond to the seven planets and either as lord of lagna or as lord of chandra lagna should
the seven notes of the musical scale. Just as sound choose as his 'lucky' colour red. Since 'red' has the lowest
emerges from silence, so also colour emerges from vibration his soul is ordinarily evolved and he must strive
darkness. It is a matter of common experience that for a higher evolutionary goal by overcoming the martian
'perfumes' affect our emotional part of life as much vibrationsby means of Parasakti or soul-force which is
as does music. Colour (sight), music (hearing) and encased in the body predominated by Mars and martian
perfume (smell) are directly interrelated with one vibrations.
another. Every perfume has its own effect on optic
nerves. These afford an illustration of the harmony Orange and Sun
underlying all manifestations that combine to make The orange ray is associated with physical vitality. The
human perception the measure of all things. Sun is the ruler and when the Sun is powerful the physical
vitality of the person will be strong and enduring. Orange
Having explained above the theory of energy we can now
colour is cheerful and forceful having the Sun as its symbol
say that colour vibrations directly affect the nerves and
of life, spirituality and physical state. Red and orange are
emotional centres.
masculine colours.
The colour rays of the spectrum are mani-fested in the
Green and Mercury
following order from lowest to highest:
Green is the colour of Mercury. It is associated with
Length of wave Undulations Vibrations intelligence or buddhi and in a way with spiritual
Colour Mill, of inch per inch Billions development. It is a cheerful energising colour. It excites a
per second
desire to grow, to do, create and to accomplish. It is also the
Red 266/10 37,640 458
colour indicating success in worldly affairs. Its lower aspects
Orange 240/10 41610 506
are envy and greed. It links nature and super nature.
Yellow 227/10 44,000 536
Green 211/10 47,460 577 Yellow and Jupiter
Blue 196/10 51.110 622 Yellow is associated with intellectuall power and mental
Indigo 185/10 50,070 658 activity. Jupiter rules yellow.
Violet 167/10 59.750 720
Black, Blue and Saturn
Planets and Colours Saturn rules black or dark colour, the Moon rules white
The ancient writers on astrology such as Parasara, colour and Venusfairly white colour. The seven colours
Varahamihira and others, in ascribing colours to different continued on 7


Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi


Kalagnana of Our Ancients

Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah,
NO HUMAN ACTIVITY is possible without the
Tat Savitur Varenyam
framework of the time and space. Even a good act
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi,
can suffer sometimes, if done at a wrong time. Conversely
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
even a thoughtless act done at a time packed with the
invisible creative powers of the nature can turn to be a 3^ 1^;
phenomenal success. Generally for the success of any
activity the primary requirement would be some sort of
congenial atmosphere created by the flow of "Time".
Naturally one may wonder as to who is actually
responsible for creating such a concept of "Time". All of Liberally translated this would mean:
us, who live on this earth, know that it is the Sun. Though
we know that the Sun is actually situated at an average Oh God, the Protector, the basis of all life, Who is
distance of 93020000 miles (149669180 km), we all know self-existent, Who is free from all pains and Whose
that it is the Sun that causes the nights and days for us on contact frees the soul from all troubles, Who
the earth. We know also that it is its perceptible motions pervades the Universe and sustains all, the Creator
that cause the changing seasons. Really is it not the earth and Energizer of the whole Universe, the Giver of
carrying all of us on it, rotating and revolving around the happiness, Who is worthy of acceptance, the most
Sun, responsible for all these? excellent, Who is Pure and the Purifier of all, let
us embrace that very God, so that He may direct
The importance of this 'Kala'or 'Time'was recognized our mental faculties in the right direction.
even by the primitive men, by their experiences. Our
When we meditate on this Pratyaksha deva (a visible
ancients recognized the rising of the Sun in the east,
God) who is the most beneficial and at the same time the
movement to the zenith and then the setting in the west.
most vicious who can destroy all the felony, he can guide
They could observe the onset of nights causing darkness
our intellect along the path of self-realisation which in
that could at times be partially or fully lit by the Moon.
fact, is the goal of our life. But for the heat of the Sun
Perhaps they took the point, where they could see the
and light even inanimate objects could not exist on this
Sun rising, as the East. It was this interval between the
earth. This is true for all living beings on the earth including
two consecutive risings of the Sun in the east that enabled
the human beings.
them to identify it as a day in their initial attempts to
measure the 'Time' Surya Upasana
However, our enlightened seers of yore not only knew Some years ago, this scribe had the opportunity of meeting
the fact that the Sun never rises or sets in the real sense. and interviewing a person on the coastal Kerala who lives
They were also able to perceive the Sun as a source of for over three decades without taking any food and
life, intellect and enlightenment. They could perceive the sustains himself with the help of his training of performing
"Soorya" always - "sada pasyanti surayah, diviva "suryopasana" by tapping the energy from the Sun. Swami
caksur atma. " Rig Veda proclaims the Sun as the soul Rama has also narrated how those yogis living in the
of all beings movable and stationary. interior Himalayan terrains have been living for many years
without taking any food or water but getting their energy
It is the illustrious Rigvedic Gayatri mantra that has from the Sun alone. Great Yogis knew how to tap the
immortalized the effulgence of the Sun


energy from the Sun for their material and spiritual can help one to decide the selection or rejection of any
requirements. Even modern science has devised methods appropriate moments of time for the conduct of varied
to harness the solar energy for heating, lighting and other functions that form an integral part of the Hindu way of
day-to-day needs. life. In the process, it would become inevitable to discuss
a few important festivals or fasts that depend on the
Like the Sun the Moon also occupies a pre-eminent position
constituents of the Panchang and the calendar, both solar
in our day-to-day activities. Our ancients knew that the
Moon represents the Cosmic Mind, which controls the and lunar.
behaviour, social and personal activities of the humans. Five Limbs
As proclaimed by our seers, the Moon, occupying an The five limbs of the day that constitutes the Panchanga
unsurpassed position in Indian Astrology, is born out of are (1) Tithi or lunar day, (2) Vara or weekday, (3)
the Mind' of the Purusha Chandrama Manaso Jatah. Nakshatra or lunar Mansion, (4) Nityayoga based on the
It is pertinent to note that the 'Kala'or 'Time', literally combined values of the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon
controlled by these two luminaries, for us on this earth, and (5) Karana that is the half of the Tithi.
has been recognized by the scientists, as the fourth The lunar day or Tithi corresponds to the phases of the
dimension. Moon. Mathematically, it is the measure of the progress
What is Panchanga? of the Moon, in its orbit along the Zodiacal belt, over the
position of the Sun. At a particular point of time the
Our ancients divided this 'Time' into five main constituents
Moon will be conjunct with the Sun. This is known as the
that could be deemed as its foundation. It is through a
NewMoonorAmavasya day. Then the Moon moves at
unique invention of a manual called the Panchanga they
the rate of 12 from the Sun, every day, to come exactly
helped themselves to assess the quality and specialty of
in opposition to it, after fifteen days. This moment is known
each day, ominous or auspicious. They were more
as the Full Moon day or Pournami. It will be interesting
concerned with the day-night combine orAhoratra, caused
to note that our ancient seers, who perfected their
by the appearance, disappearance and then the
calendar, named each of the lunar month after the name
reappearance of the Sun.
of the constellation where the Full Moon would occur on
Electional Astrology that particular month. This they did for all the successive
Going further they defined the 'day' by its 'Tithi-Vara- months. The Tithi for any moment is determined by finding
Nakshatra-Yoga-Karana' components. These out the value of difference between the longitudes of the
Moon and the Sun. Dividing this value by 12 and adding
constituents helped them (and also helps us) to observe
one to the quotient, we can get the Tithi for the day.
the specific festivities on various days and to decide upon
Therefore is clear that there would be 30 lunar days in a
what to do and what to eschew, on any particular day.
lunar month comprising of two fortnights or Pakshas of
As mentioned earlier even a good work commenced in
15 days each.
the wrong time can suffer or even can turn out to be
ruinous. For this, one may have to be familiar with the The fortnight commencing after the occurrence of the
rules of Electional astrology, which is an important branch Amavasya, when the Moon starts waxing or increases its
of Vedic Astrology and for that, it would become phases until its orb is full and complete, causing a full
imperative to understand the basic components of the moon, is called the bright fortnight or Shuklapaksha. This
panchang. is astrologically auspicious to perform select ceremonies.
The next fortnight commences after the occurrence of
In this effort of initiating the lay reader to the intricacies
Pournami or Full Moon and reigns until the next
of the 'panchanga' this scribe is well aware of the fact
occurrence of Amavasya. In this fortnight, the Moon
that some repetitions of some familiar points could not be
gradually decreases her phases or wanes, day by day.
avoided. Being conscious of the fact that the subject is
Finally, after sacrificing all her digits, she is supposed to
so vast, and that it would be incomplete without including
arrive at the altar of Pitrus or manes, on the Amavasya
many important constituents, this scribe, reflecting for a
or New Moon day. This fortnight, called the dark fortnight
while, could envisage the enormity of information that such
or Krishnapaksha is generally avoided, for any auspicious
an effort could marshal for the benefit for an average
event. However, the first five Tithis of Krishnapaksha
reader. Emboldened that way, he proposes to give, in this
are considered good and the next five moderate while the
paper, a general overview of some of the important and
last five are discarded for sure, for auspicious functions.
specific inputs, both beneficial and detrimental. These


Brihat Samhita lists the presiding deities of the Tithis in Rikta and Poorna. Pradipata, Shasti and Ekadasi are
this order commencing from the Sukla Prathama. They Nanda Tithis. Dwiteeya, Saptami and Dwadasi are
are. 1. Brahma, 2.Vidhata, (Paraasara allots Brahaspathi), Bhadra. Triteeya, Ashtami and Trayodasi are Jaya Tithis.
3.Vishnu, 4.Yama, 5.the Moon, 6.Karthikeya Chaturthi, Navami and Chaturdasi are the Rikta ones.
(Subrahmanya), T.Indira, (another version is Para), pooma xithis arc panchami, Dasami and Pournami or
S.Vasus, 9.Serpent, lO.Dharma, ll.Rudra, 12.Sun Amavasya that are also called as Panchadasi. Of these,
J 13.Manmatha (cupid), 14.Kali and 15.Visve- , . , , . , f ,
/ . , . . , , some Tithis are good, some moderate and others harmful
devas for Pournami and again so in the same order till 30 , . . .
.. . , for the conduct of any auspicious functions. For example,
with Pitarah for Amavasya. Parasara however, does not
, f , . f . r .i r, Chaturthi the fourth lunar day is inauspicious
1 as it is
make any difference as to the deities for the Pournami '
and Amavasya. The names of the deities of Tithis Presided over by Yama- However, it is deemed good for
crue or
themselves are indicative of their nature. They are deemed l murderous deals. There are some other
suitable or otherwise according to the nature of their classifications of Tithis, found expounded by varied
presiding deities. There is another division of the Tithis authorities, which we can discuss later,
into five modules. They are the Nanda, Bhadra, Jaya,

Astrology, Vibration & Colors

(continued from 4)

are born from the pure white light or no colour upon the Planet Colour Precious stone and its
physical plane, which in turn is born black. Thus black colour
and white are spiritually the same. Pure white is not known
Sun Copper Ruby (violet-red)
upon this earth where it is always tinged with blue or
yellow. Jupiter is supposed to rule yellow and the Moon Moon White Pearl (white or
white. These probably refer to the spiritual plane while greenish white)
Venus ruling variegated colours refers to the earthly or Blood-red Coral (oily red)
materialistic plane. Blue, violet and indigo belong more or Mercury Green Emerald (deep green)
less to the realm of Saturn. Blue indicates devotion, serene
Jupiter Yellow Topaz (yellowish)
faith and mental poise. The indigo ray is connected with
the attainment of poise and harmony, the violet ray with Venus Variegated Diamond (bright)
healing, Saturn is the binder. He gives true realisation. Saturn Black (blue, Sapphire (Bright indigo
Violet is what is called Raktaneela or blood-blue violet) blue)
bordering between red and blue.
Lucky Colours
Precious Stones and Colours All colours are produced by certain vibrations which differ
Precious stones contain in them the planetary energies for each individual colour and your 'lucky' colour simply shows
in a concentrated form. Know, by a careful examination your exact position in the scheme of evolution and enables
of the horoscope, your exact 'lucky' colour which you to advance through the path of least resistance. By
indicates what you must strive for. Wear a precious knowing these 'fortunate colours' you can adjust your
stone appertaining to the colour. This will establish the behaviourmoral, physical, marital and financialtowards
required harmony ensuring material as well as spiritual other individuals in such a way that harmony prevails and
evaluation. discordant elements are completely eliminated. (FOR)

Human Nails


BALZAC WROTE IN Louis Lambert, "When one full data. Dealing with such people requires a careful
thinks that the line separating our flesh from the reasoning faculty. Put ideas to them with full details and
growing nail contains the unexplained and invisible give them time to analyse them. But if the nails are very
mystery of the incessant transformation of our fluid into short and hard, thay show a critical turn of mind. As
horn, one must admit that nothing is impossible in the William G. Benham describes, "this nail gives almost a
marvellous transformation of the human constituting clubbed appearance to the fingers. The skin seems to cling
elements". Nails indicate the conditions of internal nerves to the nail, and loves to grow down on it until it can stretch
and their changes. Nails show the quality, just as skin does. no farther and breaks. This generally results in leaving a
In finely developed subjects, nails will also be fine, unless ragged appearance where the skin joins the nail. This nail
some unfavourable development has destroyed the goes with a vigorous constitution, an active mind and a
appearance of nails. It is a well-established fact that with very critical, pugnacious, argumentative disposition. This
a fine and smooth skin a fine and thin textured nail goes shows a person who would rather argue than eat. He
well naturally; similarly a thick nail with coarse skin is a disagrees with you on subjects when he knows perfectly
concomitant. Chirognomical study of nails reveals a well you are right, simply for the delight, it gives him to
number of diseases which man may possess and warns argue. He criticises everything, for in this way he can
about such development in advance. Nails take six months best provoke contention and while he does not fight with
to grow from roots to the tip and a graduation of the whole you physically, he loves the battle of the mind and will
nail accordingly tells the exact time and duration. bring to bear on the argument all his physical energy, until
he tries out an ordinary mortal, and wins a victory not
Long Nails always of right, but of a hang-on, pugnacious, critical
Nails are broadly divided into two categories, i.e., long disposition. In dealing with these people you are sure of
and short, which are further subdivided as long, only one thing and that is that they will be on the other
proportionate to thin, long, short and developed to critical side of the question as soon as they know which side you
short. Long-nailed individuals are mild in their behaviour, take. Manifestly, this way to handle them is to be entirely
gentle in temper but inclined to take things in their own negative, giving no inking as to what you think." Nails cut
way rather than factually and practically. Dealing with short by biting indicate a nervous disposition. Such people
such people does not require much tact but never put any cannot stick to a point and their mind goes on wandering,
idea straight away to them unless they give a hint of being a vacillating nature.
subtle The large nail, broad at the tip, curving around the.
fingers and rounded at the base manifests a clear, sound Disease Diagnosis
judgement and a frank nature. Such people dislike Judgement of disease by nail is an important aspect of
hypocrisy and possess a broad outlook. In dealing with chirognomy. By seeing the nails we can judge the potential
such people, be clear in your statements and avoid any disease and its development. It has been observed that a
reasoning that might be controverted easily. Long, thin particular shape of nails displays a particular type of
nails show a temperament of dullness. They have a low disease in latent state and can develop with carelessness
degree of intelligence. and worry. A nail is said to be healthy if its texture and
structure accords with the body, skin and is transparent in
Short Nails colour. Texture means even and smooth in surface; the
Short nails belong to the practical. They possess n critical grain of the nail which runs from top to base must be
mind which goes on analysing, reasoning and investigating. smooth. Structure must be pliable, look alive and elastic.
They cannot agree on a subject unless in possession of
continued on 18



The Mystery of

Nadi Astrology


THE WISDOM or ANCIENT sa^es enshrined in ilie Nadi
IVW/t a Masfcrs dtatve itt asttvtog^\ man useripts Si HI remains asEnundLng and non-decipherable
Mrs. J&yusree SpraiKilfian is a io a greater csienL In ibis wriic-np I wish io focus on ihe
praciiiioxcr of asttotogy physical descriplion of the home syrrotmdings of the native about
pahtiisiry)for mmiy years. She is
which mosl Nadi scripts have something to say
Citrrettih ihinv ^Vjrfrr^j pjj
(ism^n1. While tier teacher uns Tiadilional wisdom gained from standard books docs give us some
incHenwl grandfuihsr. KisazJuyur idea about ihe place of birth, whether bom in fathers or moEher's
Bashyam lyengctr, sine says she owes house and such other factors. But ihey do not always satisfy the
htrkiiafwled^e inrgeiy to
Nadi aphorisms thereby making us search for more infonmation.
Da IJr\? whose books
One such information is related to position of the
en rid ted her petrepliott <4
ascendant about which Dr BY RAiiAM has earlier written in
The Astrological Magazine. Tlie same ascendant in Rash wilh
ascendant position in different shashtyamsa gives different
predictions with regard to the physical suiroundings of the native.

This can be tested in the horoscope of Mahatma Gandhi. The Satya

Samhita gives the description of Gandhi with a noting on his place
of birth that he was born in a holy city near the ocean. The classical
texts contain clues to identify the places near water bodies. They
can be listed as follows.

Taurus - Field filled with water Cancer-Canal

Libra - River-side Scorpio - River
Sagittarius - Pond or tank Capricorn - River stream
Aquarius-Well Pisces - Ocean

Birth in own city and near or inside temples must have Saturn and
Sun connection to ascendant or Moon. The native is identified by
ascendant and/or Moon sign. I would also add Jupiter and Venus to
this list because Jupiter is considered as Jeevakaraka for men and
Venus for women. Saturn signifies native town and Sun signifies
temple. Seen from this perspective, we can justify Gandhi's birth in
a holy city near an ocean. His Shashtyamsa position is shown here.



planets for birth at mother's place. For birth at father's

place, Sun must be powerful for day-time births and Saturn
for night-time births.

Chart 3

Shashtyamsa ascendant is Libra with its lord posited there.

This shows birth in own place / city which was near a
watery place. Moon is in Pisces, the sign for ocean and
is joined by Saturn. Thus both the ascendant and the The above shashtyamsa is that of a female born in her
Moon sign are connected with a watery area which was mother's place which was right behind a Vishnu temple in
an ocean. The 9th house (paternal) is occupied by Sun in a city near sea coast. Shashtyamsa ascendant was in
mutual aspect with Jupiter which is a significator for Pisces, signifying ocean in the nearby area. The birth was
temples and deities. at night time and Moon was in debility in the Rasi chart.
However Venus is posited in the sign of Saturn in
This writer tested this in many horoscopes and found
opposition to Sun and Mercury occupying Cancer owned
that this works with 70% of the horoscopes. But the
by Moon. This indicates birth in mother's place which
planetary position is not completely text-bookish to be
was behind a Vishnu temple. Like this we can test the
true. There are mild variations that have to be
shashtyamsa position to have better grasp of the Nadi
interpreted. For example, for birth in mother's place
aphorism on birth near water ways.
which was located at a short distance from the ocean,
the conditions varied a little but decipherable as found Another intriguing information that we often come across
in the chart given below. is the direction of the house and the direction of the street
where the house is situated. The shashtyamsa names
given in some texts are not easy to decipher as they do
not tally with the shashtyamsa that we know. Alternately,
I tried to analyse the aphorism from the Rasi itself. The
D-60 following is the chart given in Dhruva Nadi (explained
Chart 2
by dr B.V. raman in his article)

Shashtyamsa ascendant is in Cancer, signifying a watery

location. Saturn aspects the Shashtyamsa ascendant while
Chart 4
Moon, the ascendant lord is posited in the 3rd from
ascendant showing a little distance to the waters. The
birth was at night time and Moon was exalted in both Mercuiy Venus
Sun Mars
Rasi and Navamsa showing birth at mother's place.

Moon must be powerful for night- time birth and Venus The native was born in his father's place near a river.
must be powerful for day- time birth if the birth were to The house was facing east and the street was in the North-
happen in mother's place. Though most births take place south direction. The birth was in Taurus and Moon was in
in hospitals nowadays, in accordance with the tides of Pisces both signifying the place of birth to be near a water
time, we can say that the birth is supported by maternal body. Jeevakaraka Jupiter is in Aquarius, a watery sign
relatives / at mother's home town with the above mentioned aspected by Saturn showing native place of the father.



For knowing the directions, we can construct the chart in

the following way.
D-1 Venus

W Venus E
^ Mars Rahu
5 Ketu Saturn * Saturn Mars
I Jupiter

mother's place. The manuscript says that it was a south

facing house in a street running east-west. The directions
can be analysed in the following way.
Jupiter is in the west and faces the east signifying the In this I have taken ascendant as the east and deduced
direction faced by the house. This makes the street to be
the directions accordingly (see figure on 27). This is
north-south in orientation.
different from the previous chart. This is done to draw
A similar explanation was feasible in another chart given logical connections for the given aphorism. Testing them
in Agasthya Nadi. in a number of horoscopes is needed to get a better idea.

The ascendant was in Cancer with Sun placed in it. The The native being a male, I have take in to consideration
native was a male and there is no information on the place the Jeevakaraka for male, namely Jupiter as it occupies
of birth being father's or mother's. But the sign being the same direction of Moon. This combine is placed in the
that of Moon with Venus posited there, getting the 10th North, thus can be said to be facing the southern direction.
aspect of Saturn, it is deduced that the birth happened at continued on 27


Random Thoughts

P. UTSAV With WLaCice to None

Astrology, Science and Intuition The difference between an unbelievable six and a glorious
THE TERM "SCIENCE" is commonly used for catch happening is often a split second or an unmeasured
subjects like physics, chemistry and other similar small distance. In this situation, the ultimate result (six or
subjects. Medicine, as is known today, is not considered a successful catch) is attributed to divine-grace or "luck".
by some as "pure" science. Astrology has been a The simple example can be replaced by a larger-than-life
fascinating subject from time immemorial. The foundation event that turns, possibly unexpectedly, favourable to the
of astrology is based on Karma, the universal law that individual. The word "fate" sometimes used by many
holds the individual accountable for his/her good and bad people to attribute or justify negative, difficult or unpleasant
actions in life. Some consider the field of Vedic Astrology events and experiences in fife does not belong in the lexicon
to be a synthesis of science and art. Many others, feel, it of Vedic Astrology.
is more appropriate, to consider Vedic Astrology to be an
Can anyone think of a larger-than-life or life-changing
"applied" science integrated with intuition. Regardless of
event that happened beyond one's expectation or wildest
how Vedic Astrology is described or defined, intuition plays
dreams? Does one attribute the event to divine-grace or
a vital role in influencing mathematically based horoscope-
mere luck?
indications. Intuition is a gift that one rarely gets at birth
or is instantaneously obtained. It is a gift from god that is Based on limited knowledge of mathematics, below are
gradually achieved and fine-tuned over a period of many destiny-related equations that, if nothing else, may generate
years to an individual whose fife is based on spiritualism endless discussion and, hopefully, not sleepless nights.
and good values. Although astrological charts are
developed by the use of mathematics, the ability to extract Potential Destiny = Operative Karma
reasonably accurate information from the horoscopic chart (Prarabdha Karma) + Free Will
depends to a large extent on the level of intuition that Possible Destiny = Potential Destiny + Divine Grace
exists in the individual astrologer. DR. B.V. RAMAN, the Destiny = Possible Destiny
father of modern Vedic Astrology, has emphasized the
importance of intuition in applied Vedic Astrology. Location Fate in Vedic Astrology = 0 or less
of Jupiter in the ninth house covers intuition. An individual Astrology and Rule-of-Thumb
has the power of free-will that may be used to finesse a
In many technical fields, because of the cost factor and
horoscope-indication based on mathematically derived
time limitations, approximate values of a certain variables
information and intuition.
are sometimes needed for an initial evaluation of an
Divine Grace, Fate or Luck? evolving design, etc. The "Rule-of-Thumb" (ROT) is
People, regardless of whether they have faith in Astrology defined as an approximate and practical approach,
and/or Supreme Being, are always imagining or dreaming procedure or rule, based on experience or practice, rather
about a happy, successful, wealthy, healthy, etc., future. than a strictly accurate methodology or process in every
More often than usual, the dreams approach the infinite situation. The ROT is often used by experienced engineers
sky. All dreams are possible but the probability of their and other professionals to obtain reasonable solutions to
fulfillment may be between nothing to one hundred variety of problems whose solutions involve applied
percent. One is reminded of a cricket player of making mathematics, experiements and/or observations. The
a mighty hit. It is a six even if the ball narrowly escapes a state-of-the-art used in high technology industries includes
fielder's protective hand and a great catch if the fielder cutting edge software and test equipment. The in-depth
catches even after he has juggled it a number of times. analytical analyses and experimental evaluations provide



the needed information. ROT provides sufficiently needed astrological interpretations must be compatible with the
information to proceed further in the design evolution of evolving and acceptable emerging traditions of the society.
parts or systems. A possible ROT in the case of a chart that shows Mars in
the 3rd house, the individual may be involved in sports,
The method of evaluating a horoscope is primarily based athletics or activities that focus on courage. One can check
on a methodology that includes integrating time or the location of Mars in a good cricket player's chart and
"quantity" related Dasas and Bhukthis with "quality" see if his courage of facing fast bowling has anything to
based planetary or astrological combinations contained in do with Mars ROT.
the classical texts. The integration helps the astrologer to
indicate the potential-future. However, many experienced Malefic is not a "cool" Word
astrologers may have possibly developed ROT for a The term "benefic "and "malefic" are used in many
preliminary or quick evaluation of a horoscope. English translations of classical and others texts to
somewhat define the identity or/and to describe the
Life Span
characteristics of the planets. Sun, Saturn and Mars are
Ayurdaya or the span of life is a topic of immense curiosity traditionally considered as "malefic". The fact of the
and interest for many people. A well-versed astrologer matter is that, by and large, no planet by itself is entirely
will avoid discussion and/or not say any inauspicious word positive/good or bad/evil. The location of the planet and/
covering the span of life. A possible ROT covering span or the relative geometrical influence of other planets on
of life is reviewed below. it, defines whether the planet may be considered positive
Sages have defined life span into three categories, based or otherwise. As an example, "malefic" Saturn in Lagna,
on astrological combinations and/or yogas. The three identical with its exaltation sign may indicate that an
categories are short (Alpayu), medium (Madhyama) and individual has the potential to rise to the level of a "king".
long (Purnayu). The life span under each of the three Therefore, the term "malefic" is not appropriate. The
categories are 32,70/75 and 100/120 years, respectively. terms "malefic" and "benefic" are confusing and possibly
misleading in the twenty-first century. Astrologers can
Although one hears about people living for more than one think about avoiding use of terms that give primarily a
hundred years, the life span of one hundred years is negative impression. When an astrologer gives horoscopic
practically considered as a long life span. One can also indication to an individual, the individual needs to be
approximate the length of each category of life to one, encouraged and supported to use the free-will to the fullest
two and three multiples, respectively, of about 33 years possible extent so as to minimize or eliminate any
(100/3). Saturn stays in each rasi for about two and half undesirable indications. Good words help.
years. Thus, Saturn makes one complete revolution around
the twelve houses in about 30 years. Based on this, one Two Helpful Things
may consider the end of short, medium and long life spans The two significant and helpful things that an Astrologer
within the first, second and third rounds of Saturn, has to remember while evaluating a horoscope are i)
respectively. That is why, it is considered not desirable, Retrograde planet in an enemy or depression Rasi or
whenever transit Saturn passes through the position Navamsa indicate effects similar to its location in the
occupied by him at birth. exalted position and ii) Navamsa chart is as significant
as that of a Rasi chart.
Another ROT if observed in the horoscope of well-placed
politician is that Saturn in the 10th house may help the
individual to not only rise to the top position but also results
in a quick sudden fall. The chart of Adolf Hitler is an
example. The ascendant in his chart is Libra and Saturn
is in the tenth house. Libra is the exaltation location for
Saturn. One can take a look at the charts of current
politicians and check to see if the above ROT is applicable.

Third house represents or denotes brothers and sisters.

In addition, it is important to note that third house also
indicates courage. Traditionally, Mars in the 3rd house
was not considered as a desirable location. However,

14 APRIL 2012

Timing of



Ttffi SUBJECT OF TIMING EVENTS is one of the make-up and it is no surprise that classical texts view
more complex topics in Astrology. There is no Gochara results mainly with reference to the position of
disputing the fact that it is much easier to assess the the Moon in the natal horoscope. Phaladeepika (stanza
strength of a horoscope and predict probable events than 1, chapter 26): says "Of all the Lagnas it is only the Moon's
to predict the time at which those events would occur. In Lagna that is most important for ascertaining the effects
fact, if they did not have to deal with "timing of events" of transits. One ought therefore to calculate and predict
most astrologers would be able to consider themselves the effects due to the transits of planets through the several
fairly proficient in the subject. It is this fourth dimension, signs counted from that of the Moon. The positions of
the dimension of Time, that poses the greatest challenge transiting planets relative to the ascendant and to the
to an astro-loger and to his reputation. positions of other planets in a horoscope cause effects
which also are significant. Careful attention has to be paid
In Hindu Astrology, events are timed princi-pally on the
to these effects also.
basis of (1) Gochara and (2) Dasas. Gochara is a Sanskrit
word, a liberal trans-lation of which is "star-movement". A universally dreaded transit is Saturn's sade-sathi. This
In common parlance, Gochara is understood to mean the is the seven and a half year cycle when he transits the
"transit of planets". In this article, we will define Gochara 12th, the 1st and the 2nd from the Moon. Classical texts
to mean "the response of an individual to the dynamic say that his transit of the 12th generally causes loss of
stimulus of transiting planets". While Gochara is at least near and dear ones; in the first he is said to cause weakness
referred to in astrological texts of other countries, the Dasa of the body, humiliation and travel to foreign countries;
system is peculiar to Indian Astrology. "Dasa" in Sanskrit and in the 2nd he is said to cause loss of wealth and
means a "period or stage in life". The Dasa system property. Our experience indicates that these results should
implicitly specifies that the human life span can be divided not be taken too literally. If the ruling Dasa is good, sade-
into a number of discrete time segments, each under the sathi delays the good effects of the Dasa but does not
jurisdiction of a particular planet. And that, the events in a negate them. Further-more for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn
person's life in any segment reflect the results of that and Aqua-rius Saturn's negative effects are considerably
specific planet. There are a number of Dasa systems in toned down. In many cases his seven and a half year
vogue but we shall restrict ourselves to Vimshottari, a cycle mellows a person and gives some spiritual progress.
system that has proved itself to be eminently satisfactory
in practice. In this system the longitude of the Moon is Jupiter's transits normally hasten the benefic events
the sole determinant of the Dasa at birth. The other Dasas signified by the ruling Dasa and Bhukti. His transit of the
follow one another cyclically. 5th, the 7th, the 9th and the 11th from the Moon gives a
person an optimi-stic twist. If transit Jupiter trines the 7th
We presuppose that the reader has at least a reasonable lord and the latter's Dasa is in progress, marriage may be
understanding of the basic elements of Dasas and Gochara; expected. In an analogous fashion if Jupiter in his sojourn
hence we will make no attempt to detail how Dasas are trines the 5th lord (whose Dasa is in progress) the birth of
computed. For readers who are new to the subject of a child is likely.
Indian Astrology we refer them to the chapters on Dasas
and Gochara in our book Hindu Predictive Astrology. The other planets do not seem to have effects as
significant as those of Jupiter and Saturn ; nevertheless,
We had earlier defined Gochara as the response of an they can be invaluable in zeroing in on the approximate
individual to the stimulus of transiting planets. An period of occurrence of an event. For instance if the 6th
individual's response is basically dependent on his mental house is afflicted seriously and the appropriate Dasa and



Bhukti are operating, periods of maximum ill-health can Gochara (transits) should not be looked at in isolation from
be predicted when Mars transits the 6th house. Similarly the ruling Dasa and Bhukti. Malefic planets transiting a
if the Dasa is right and the major transits are favourable dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th house) from the Dasa lord
for a job promotion, one can expect that the actual may trigger the negative indications of a Dasa. Conversely,
occurrence of the event would be during the Sun's transit benefic transits (like good Jupiter aspecting the Dasa lord)
of the 3rd, the 6th or the 11th house from the Moon. can stimulate the positive side of the Dasa.

Though Rahu and Ketu supposedly reflect the results of During its Dasa or Bhukti (sub-period) a planet gives rise
Saturn and Mars respectively, our experience is that the to a preponderance of effects which have to do with the
effects of Rahu and Ketu are much more complex than sign or house owned or occupied by that planet. For
that. In interpreting Rahu-Ketu transit results it is important instance, a planet owning or occupying the 10th house
to bear in mind that Rahu primarily affects the ego while can be expected to give rise to events dealing with
Ketu affects the subconscious mind. For example, if Rahu professional advancement, honours, etc. The natural
transits the natal Sun political downfall will be due to one's attributes of planets also are reflected. For example, Venus
egoism. Ketu would also cause similar results except that is the natural karaka (significator) of the 7th house.
the downfall would be due to bad feelings caused among Marriage can occur during Venus Dasa or Bhukti even if
one's associates due to an individual's lack of confidence Venus is not directly related to the 7th house. If a planet is
in them. It is as if a subconscious fear (or insecurity) in a certain constellation, the owner of that constellation
develops and takes total control of the native. If other may make his influence felt through that planet. This is
indications are present, Rahu's transit through sensitive especially true of Rahu and Ketu. The example horoscopes
houses in a horoscope can generate a false and, that will be dealt with later will elaborate some specific cases.
sometimes, a blind love for things "foreign" while Ketu's
transit can cause a false and blind love for things "native" The Bhukti lord in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the Dasa
to his own cultural and social surroundings. In both cases lord generally gives rise to unfavourable results. The Dasa
the common element is that the individual develops a lord transiting favourable signs augments the effects of that
"distorted view of reality". Bhava, if he is strong. A weak Dasa lord, on the other hand,
negatively affects the specific Bhava (house) he transits.
In many instances the transits of planets do not by themselves
bring about positive and negative changes but they subtly In the following charts we will try to illus-trate how the
slant the mind into viewing things more optimistically or more general ideas discussed previ-ously can be applied to
pessimistically. It is important to realise this because in such practical horoscopes. In Chart No. 1, the event under
consideration is the death of the mother of the native.
cases it is not the transit but the attitude of mind that triggers
the event signified by the Dasa lord. The death occurred in Saturn Bhukti of Jupiter Dasa. Note
that Bhukti lord Saturn owns
Phaladeepika gives us some excellent guide-lines in the Moon the 4th (denoting mother)
Venus JU iter Ketu
interpretation of transit results : P and he is in bhashtashtaka
sUn (mutual 6th and 8th position)
1. "A planet yielding unfavourable results, when with Dasa lord Jupiter. The
aspected by a benefic; or the one that gives good
results if aspected by a malefic; both become void of rasi latter is himself associated
with matrukaraka
effect. The same will be the case if they are aspected (significator of mother)
by their respective inimical planets."
Rahu Saturn Moon in the 8th house. At
2. "A planet in an unfavourable Bhava, if he is in Ascendant the time of death, Ketu was
exaltation or own house, will not do any harm. If in transiting the 4th house from
such a favourable sign he should also occupy a the ascendant and Saturn was transiting the 12th from
favourable house he will give full beneficial results to both himself and the ascendant.
the native during his transit of that Bhava."
The individual in Chart No. 2 got married in Venus Dasa,
3. "Planets in their transit through favourable houses
Venus Bhukti. Venus, as lord of the 2nd (family) and
become void of effect if they happen to be at the
the 7th (marriage), is well disposed in his own
time in their depression or inimical sign or be in an
constellation and is qualified to bring about marriage.
eclipsed state. But if the houses transited be also
At the time of marriage both Jupiter and Saturn were
unfavourable, they give bad effects and that too in
favourably transiting the 11th house. However, because
an aggravated form"



Saturn was transiting the of what each house stands for will enable one to blend
Ascendant Rahu 12th from the 7th, marriage care-fully the results of Gochara and Dasa and predict
could occur only after a lot the correct time of occurrence of an event with a high
of initial stress and tension. degree of probability. It is important to remember that in
Chart 2 dealing with such a complex animal like the human being
RASI Chart No. 3 is that of a man
there is no way to time events with one hundred per cent
who went abroad in Rahu probability. One of the criticisms levelled against
Moon Dasa, Venus Bhukti. The astrology by self-styled "Rationalists" is that if Astrology
venus Jupiter potential for foreign travel is
is a science everything should be predictable. Astrology
I there owing to the is not deterministic ; man has a certain amount of free-
disposition of the 9th ford
will and he can after his future within limits On the one
F (denoting long journeys) in hand these "Rationalists" want Astrology to model the
| the 12th (also an important
world as a deter-ministic world, if it has to gain their
; house for travel) in a watery accep-tance. On the other hand they claim that science
sign. The Dasa ford Rahu is
has made them "masters of their destiny" and they scom
Charts disposed in the 12th from the
RASI at the determinism, their limited understanding seems to
^ Mars ascendant. Of the two think, Astrology stands for. It is surprising that they never
planets (Mars and Venus) in stop to think of the dichotomy of their statements.
Sun Moon the 12th from the Moon,
Mercury s^n Venus is better qualified to Another argument advanced by these "Rationalists" is,
yield the desired results, due "if Astrology is a science, tell us how planets can influence
to his ownership of the 7th house. The 7th house does us?". Any scientist, worth his salt, knows that science
have something to do with travel though in a lesser degree does not have the last word on every subject. It would be
than the 9th and 12th houses. The actual event occurred enlightening for the "Rationalists" to ponder on what
as soon as Saturn entered Leo and gripped the Moon in Professor Morris Kline. Professor Emeritus of
elarata. Jupiter was favourably placed in the 11th from Mathematics, New York University, had to say about
Bhukti ford. Because of the shashtashtoka disposition of mathematics in a recent interview with U.S. News and
the Dasa and Bhukti lords, the native left his home country World Report. In the Professor's own words "Using
with a lot of mis-givings. mathematics, we can deduce where the planets are, but
mathematics cannot tell us why they are in those orbits
In another chart that of a young woman who has been
and what keeps them there. We say, 'Well, the Sun's
plagued with ill-health all her life. The ascendant is Virgo,
gravitational force maintains them in their paths'. But how
the sign ruling the abdominal region. Its ford Mercury (also
does the Sun exert a force on the planets? We do not know.
ruling bowels, abdomen, etc ) is in the 6th house and is
Newton himself could not explain what the force of gravity
placed in the constellation of Rahu who himself is in the
is. He tried to give a physical explanation and then gave up.
12th from the Moon. Mercury also happens to be the owner
In the end we just do not know why mathematics works as
of the 6th house from the Moon. These horoscopic
well as it does. We are faced with a mystery" (Italics ours).
indications are sufficiently negative to warrant generally
Wise words from a true scientist. (FOR)
bad health in the form of severe abdominal pains and
chronic diarrhoea. During Saturn Bhukti of Rahu Dasa
her colon and rectum were surgically removed. Note that
Rahu is in Ketu's constellation, with the latter being in the
6th from the Moon, and Saturn is the 6th lord. On the day
of her operation 6th ford Saturn was transiting Virgo and
Mars (denoting surgery), Mercury (denoting her body)
and Sun (ruling vitality) were all tran-siting the 6th from
the ascendant. Further, ill-health, probably in a more
aggravated form, can be expected in Mercury Bhukti about
two and a half years from now.

It is not possible to do justice to such a vast topic within

the confines of a single article A thorough knowledge of
the inherent nature of each planet and an understanding


Human Nails & Diseases
(continued from 8)

Grains must be made of single size filaments of even moon indicates excessive force of circulation, rapid
surface. Transparency of the nail will give the true colour action of heart. These are common tendencies and may
of the skin which is the major factor in -deciding a be found with any shape of nails but if found with short
particular development. A nail which is brittle, fluted and nails they are indicative of unfailing qualities. Such
ridged shows some nervous disorder. subjects must be warned against over-excitement and

First Indication apprehension.

The first indication of a potential disease is white spots Now nails as a whole show certain tendencies of a peculiar
on the nails. They appear on the nails due to malnutrition disease and even if the persons themselves do not actually
or sudden mental strain. Sudden rush of blood to meet suffer from the disease indicated, a little examination will
the moment's need also causes such formation. When disclose that such a tendency has been in the family and
these spots grow all over the nail, then nerves are in tdus may develop in the person also and is in a latent state.
bad condition. Following this, ridge-formation may take Long nails tell a ddicate state 0f physical strength. Such
place thus making for a bad appearance of the nails people may look robust but lack the actual strength.
and soon fluted nails manifest themselves. This is an Delicacy of chest and lungs is thus indicated Long? thin
acute stage of nervous condition and in such cases the ^ curved nails indicate sore throat and weak respiratory
nervous system is more or less impaired. This condition . ., . . . , . . , ,
' cu
organs. Short U1
nails point to heart trouble and weak action
warns one to release alibis burden and take complete ^ ^ . ,,, ^
, . , . of heart. They, in general, suggest disease of heart. If
rest. Least mental strain may cause paralysis and if . .. , , , , , . ,. ,
, . . ,. , the nails are flat and shell-shaped, they indicate danger
such a nail is seen better advise the subject to take full , . T ., r ,
^ j. j. ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ of paralysis. Narrow nails suggest possibility of spinal
rest for a few months. Watch the further growth of , , , , , f , ,
., , ^ ^ ^ , . trouble. When the nails are broader than long 0 such
nails and if they return to normalcy, then the danger is
over. Formation of a blue base shows poor circulation PeoPle incline t0 be
fi^rrelsome and irritable and do
not have a sound mind
of blood and weak action of the heart whereas a big - (F0R)

Dr. Elavathur Subrahmanyan Neelakantan graduated from

Loyala College of Chennai with distinction in Statistics. As a
qualified Chartered Accountant, he is an Information Systems
Auditor. While his interest in Astrology was activated by going
through books of Dr. B. V Raman, his formal learning of the
subject was from Prof. K. V Seshadrinatha Sastri, a renowned
scholar of Astrology and Ayurveda. Awarded with a Doctorate
by the Deemed Sri Chandrasekarendra University,
Kancheepuram for his thesis on Medical Astrology,
Dr. Neelakantan has been a regular contributor to The
Astrological eMagazine. His multi faceted talent also includes
proficiency in Vedic chants. DR. E. S. NEELAKANTAN

Introduction Shivarudra Balayogi

SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL a galaxy of seers, In a spiritually rich family, Baba Shivarudra Balayogi was
sages and spiritual savants have lived in India, a land born in Kolar at 9.54 AM on 20 September 1954. Kolar
known as the karma bhoomi (land of karma). Being seen was famous for its gold fields and at this place the spiritual
also as a very sacred country, some goldmine, affectionately known as
refer to it as the gnana bhoomi, yoga Babaji, too also appeared. From an
bhoomi, moksha bhoomi, and punya early age Babaji showed his
bhoomi. India is a nation of rivers and inclination towards spiritual matters.
abodes of holy sages.
Babaji was mainly influenced by the
Punya bhoomi refers to a land where three titans of spirituality in India - Adi
good things happen. For example all Sankaracharya, Bhagwan Ramana
the avataras of Maha Vishnu have Maharishi and Ramakrishna
occurred only in India. Karma bhoomi Paramahamsa.
is a place where one does good and
During his teens, Babaji pursued
bad deeds. All other nations (lands)
Botany at the University of Mysore.
are bhoga bhoomi where people
execute karma, but nothing accrues It was then that he met Shivabalayogi
as karmic balance. They are the Maharaj. This was the turning point
in his life. Babaji's spiritual pursuits
places where people enjoy fruits of
past deeds and actions, but do not get grew stronger every day, culminating
further accretion to punya (credit in the 'experience of enlightenment'
balance of good deeds) through new deeds and actions. at midnight on the Kartika Krishnapaksha Ashtami day
of 1999.
Ascetic Yogas
Array of Planets
What astrological combinations are needed for becoming
an ascetic? The array of planets apparent in the chart of Shivarudra
Balayogi proves adequately that Babaji was born, not just
1. Presence of at least four planets in conjunction in a
to live a life for himself, but to guide the destiny of the
house, which is either a trine or a quadrant.
world. The lagna lord who is strongly placed forms a
2. Presence of a five-planet combination in a quadrant
conjunction with the exalted yogakaraka, Saturn. The
or trine
planet of divine grace is not only exalted in rasi but also in
3. Moon in a decanate of Saturn aspected by Saturn. navamsa. Jupiter occupies the ninth bhava - the seat of
4. Moon in a navamsa of Mars or Saturn aspected by good fortune and divine blessings. The exit of Babaji's
Saturn. father is the natural outcome of the lord of Pitrusthana
5. The lord of Chandralagna aspected by Saturn and by (Mercury) and Pitrukaraka (Sun) getting relegated to the
nothing else. house of loss (twelfth house).
6. Jupiter, Moon and Ascendant aspected by Saturn and
Jupiter in the 9th house. On the subject of Pravrajya Yogas, Mantreswara says,
"When the end of a sign is rising and a benefic planet
7. Mars in the Ninth house aspected by a benefic.
occupies it and Jupiter is in a trine or a quadrant, the native
The above list is illustrative, not exhaustive. is sure to attain Moksha or Final Emancipation


"(Phaladeepika, Ch 27, verse 1). The above is fulfilled in 5. Sun, Moon and Venus (as 10th lord in D?10) getting
Babaji's chart with the ascendant being in the end of Libra, strengthened in Dasamsa chart Ketu aspected by
with Venus in the rising sign and Jupiter in the tenth house. Jupiter in D? 10.
In Babaji's life, Rahu operated as Dasa lord in the first 6. The dasa-bhukti - antara belongs to Ketu?Saturn?-
ten years of his life. Rahu in the 3rd is a strong maraka Mars; all the three coming under favorable influences
(killer planet) for his father and therefore separated him
7. Moon (Manas) and Mercury (Buddhi) coming under
from his father. In 1964, Babaji got into Jupiter Dasa and
the influence of Jupiter, the planet of divine grace.
it was this which kindled his spiritual inclinations. Jupiter
being a planet of learning took him to the stage of a Jupiter in the 9th house aspects both lagna and the Moon.
graduate, but beyond that point, text book learning did not The 5th house ? Purva punyasthana ? comes under
charm him. The sub-period of Ketu, which operated Jupiter's aspect. The 9th house Mars, who is also the
between 1971 and 1972 sowed seeds of asceticism in yogakaraka is exalted. There is an interchange of houses
Babaji. Before long Babaji had met his Guru, Shiva between Venus and Mercury, who rule over the karma
Balayogi Maharaj in Mysore. bhava and the labha bhava, respectively. The nature of a
retrograde planet is similar to that of an exalted planet. In
Acouple of paranormal visions occurred in which Babaji's the 9th house, being the house of divine grace, there are
Guru manifested himself to Babaji, while he was two retrograde planets, which are Jupiter and Saturn.
meditating. Thus it could be said that Shiva Balayogi Under these favourable directional influences Babaji
Maharaj has chosen Babaji as his disciple and successor. attained enlightenment and since then he is living in this
What was Guru Shiva Balayogi's message to his disciples? world as a Jivanmukta.
Mahapurusha Yogas Shivabalayogi
The word Mahapurusha means a 'great person'. The In this context, it would be necessary for us to understand
Mahapurusha yogas arise out of the placement of Mars, the life and message of Babaji's guru, Sivabalayogi Maharaj.
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Even a single
Mahapurusha yoga is enough to elevate a person to the Sivabalayogi was born at Adivarapupetta (Near Kakinada,
status of a great person. In Babaji's chart one can see Andhra Pradesh) in a family of weavers on 24 January
four out of the five Mahapurusha yogas (formed by all 1935. On 7 August 1949, Swamijihad a strange experience
the above mentioned planets barring Mars), out of which of enlightenment when Lord Siva, appearing as an ascetic,
three are from rising sign and one from Moon. No other touched Swamiji on his forehead, thereby taking him to a
evidence is needed to prove the greatness of this chart. blissful state. He did penance for 12 years, before attaining
The Mahapurusha yogas in Babaji's chart are: Sasa yoga, self-realisation on 7 August 1961.
Hamsa yoga, Malavya yogaand Bhadra yoga. While
Bhadra yoga occurs from the Moon sign, the remaining According to Yoga Shastra, a medieval Indian textbook
three yogas occur from rising sign. on the practice of yoga, a yogi is required to do penance
in each of the four directions and master them. This is an
Enlightenment austerity known as dikh tapas. Dikh Siddhi means victory
Clues to Babaji's enlightenment can be found in the time of that direction facing which penance is done. Siddhi or
of enlightenment chart (TOE chart). Babaji got accomplishment is very easy if penance is done facing
enlightenment at midnight on Karthikadi Krishna Ashtami, East. For ease of meditation North is best while South
when the ruling asterism was Makha. confers neither benefit nor adversity. The most difficult
direction to do penance and win is the western direction
In the TOE chart the factors which led to Babaji's which gives tremendous mental obstacles and physical
enlightenment include afflictions. Shivabalayogi Maharaj attained dikh siddhi in
a little less than 8 years, while meditating 23 hours a day.
1. Maha-parivartana or the great-interchange yoga He mastered the east in four years, north in two years,
between the lord of 10 (karma) and lord of 11 west in nine months, and the south in 15 months. At the
(fulfillment of wishes) age of 22, Shivabalayogi Maharaj had attained the state
2. Presence of Jupiter as fifth lord placed in ninth house of self realization.
3. Exaltation of yogakaraka Mars
The horoscope of Shivabalayogi is a classic example of
4. Presence of two retrograde planets in 9 (Jupiter and
the Ascetic yogas discussed by Mantreswara in
Phaladeepika. The first rule we discussed earlier in this


article on Ascetic yoga is fulfilled in the chart of (satsangha), and self inquiry (vichara).One should study
Shivabalayogi. Let us recapitulate this rule. 'Presence of the scriptures (shastras) especially those relating to self-
at least four planets in conjunction in a house which is realisation (Atma Vidya). The world that one sees in
either a trine or a quadrant' is the foremost among Ascetic dream state (swapna avasta) is similar to the world in the
yogas. In Sivabalayogi's chart, this rule is satisfied by woken state (jagrat avasta). The only difference is that
the conjunction of Sun, Saturn, Mercury, and Venus in the the dream state is short and woken state appears longer.
9th house. Most of the planets in his chart occupy either Time and space are only mental concepts. A few thousand
the 5th (purva punya sthana) or the 9th (bhagya sthana). years may pass off as a moment while in dream; a few
thousand years in dream state may equal a few hours in
Shivabala Yogi's Message
the waking state. Objects perceived by senses are not
Let us now discuss the teachings handed over by the different from the soul (atman). The perceiver and the
Maharaj to his disciples. objects of perception belong to Atmic realm, and
therefore are identical. The main obstacle to self-
The message of Sivabalayogi Maharaj is what is found in
realization is the pseudo-identification of the atman with
ancient works like Yoga Vasistha. When the ego of the
the body. In the true spirit of a Jivan Mukta (a person
person develops, it starts its work of imagination. All
liberated while living), one is advised to carry out his
imagination belongs to the realm of the mind. A bubble
duties, while remaining with the Brahman. To attain
belongs to the ocean and a ray of sunlight is the Sun itself. self realization, constant practice (Abhyasa) and
But in this process of imagination, the ego pretends to be detachment (Vairagya) are necessary. Only then the
an entity different from the self. If the mind develops mind gives up its habit of imagination. The best course
enough power, it could go on imagining things endlessly of action in today's world, to reach this state is to
and this is the trigger for the birth-death-rebirth events. practice meditation (or remaining in a thoughtless state)
for at least an hour every day. This practice, in course
Once the physical body becomes weak, death eventuates.
of time, will certainly lead the practitioner to the state
But the imagining mind is still not content with its dreams.
of enlightenment in due course.
In the next birth, the same person continues his unfulfilled
journey and goes on and on, until enlightenment happens Just now as a human what you have as mind is a micro
in one particular birth and the journey ends. speck potency of the original consciousness which would
have arisen to create in every birth . In subsequent rebirths
Is the Individual's hard work, a cause of enlightenment or
consciousness potency gets diluted by breaking it into
is it due to divine grace? The considered view of Babaji is
billions of layers. For example, if the potency of the present
that it is due to both. Consciousness wishes to possess a
mind is 100 units, then this mind had 100,000 units potency
person entirely. At that time, the aspirant makes an honest
at the start of creation. Whatever it would have resolved
approach to give up all his dreams of the future. The 'click'
as a dream or as a desire in its imagination, based on the
occurs and the person realizes himself as Brahman (Aham
strength of focus, such a resolution would have become
Brahmasmi). The individual gets out of the transmigratory
the destiny of the present mind or Jivatman. In other words,
cycle when this click occurs. Is there a possibility of that
the present mind which has got individuality undergoes in
person being born again? Adi Sankara's answer is a firm
its imagination all such events as destiny. With self efforts
'No'. If butter is put into a vessel having butter milk, the
to untie such imagination one can overcome the effects
buttermilk will not become curd again. This is due to the
of such destiny and the mind (or consciousness) can
fact that butter will not mix with butter milk, even though
liberate itself from such experience of destiny in this life.
it originated from curds. Therefore, the dictum is 'Once
All the future events (which are linked to the concept
enlightened is always enlightened'. There is no possibility
called time) would disappear making such a one as
of an enlightened person becoming ignorant. Evolution in
Jivanmukta and until body exists as prarabdha ,the world
Nature moves towards perfection, not imperfection.
shall be benefitted by the experience of such a Jivanmukta
Philosophy and eventually such a one attains Videhamukti when
Mahasamadhi is attained by dropping the physical body.
The philosophy of Shivarudra Balayogi - Babaji is in tune
This dropping of physical body happens automatically and
with Hindu Philosophy, more particularly with the Yoga
not by any resolution of the Jivanmukta. A Jivanmukta
Vasishta of Valmiki. The gates of Moksha (liberation) are
always remains consciously in the real Self totally contented
guarded by four sentinels, viz., peace of mind (shanti),
and in supreme peace.
contentment (santosha), association with noble people



Tinie Management


ONE OF THE BEST known sayings of Socrates is activities were agriculture, commerce civil construction
"I only know that I know nothing". The work, vedic functions, etc. But today the whole
conventional interpretation of this remark is that complexion has changed. We have so many different
Socrates' wisdom was limited to an awareness of his activities today.
own ignorance. Once Socrates was seen in a market
- a place he seldom used to visit as he had few Is there any fight at the end of the tunnel? I believe
wants. Someone who identified him was astonished to the THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE Panchanga
meet him there but had the courage to go near him 2012-2013 introduced by Mr. Niranjan Babu should
and ask " Mr Socrates, you lead a Spartan life. How change the whole complexion of the game.
come you are seen in this market, a place frequented Ideally it is an almanac which should find a place in
by materialists like us ?" In a cool tone Socrates every house and in every place in the nook and corner
replied /'Actually I didn't come here with the intention of our country and perhaps, all over the globe. It is
of buying anything. I just wanted to see how many the most user-friendly Panchanga ever contemplated or
things are available in this market without which Man devised. All information relevant to a lay person for
can still be happy" (Thank God ! Socrates is not living taking a decision with the aid of Astrology finds a
with us now - otherwise we don't know what he place in the Panchanga. It is a maiden attempt - but a
would have to say about the retail outlets in the bold one nevertheless. Future editions of this innovative
metres that we have here in India!) Panchanga may perhaps have the rising sign time
The wisdom of Socrates finds an immediate parallel in interval displayed thus helping a new parent to identify
contemporary Indian Astrology.The Panchangs the lagna of his/her child as soon as it is born.
(almanacs) of India are like the " goods in market" Beginning from May 2012 issue of The Astrological
defined by Socrates without which everyone could be eMagazine we propose to carry a table of the lagnas
happy. What is the reason? The main reason is these (ascendants) for the month. In view of the time
Almanacs are not standardized. Movments of planets difference between various cities a small correction
conform to standard rules of Astronomy .In fact.every factor of about 1 to 20 minutes would be needed to
town, every district, every city in India has a different get the lagna of the place where it is used. To ensure
Panchanga as if to indicate that movements of planets that the lagna is properly used it is advised that
are based on subjective interpretation. No two activities be done in the middle of the lagna duration
Panchangs in India follow the same rule. One of the so that one can be sure that the full effects of lagna
cardinal principles in fixing the Muhurtha for marriage are utilized beneficially for the activity in question.
is " No Planet should occupy the Seventh House".
What the Rishis said was that a planet in the seventh The Prasna Tantra of Neelakanta (translated by
vitiates the marriage Muhurtha - be it benefic or DR B V RAMAN) brings out the true import of lagna
malefic. Even Jupiter in 7 is a taboo for marriage when it says :
muhurtha. Several panchangas in India do not follow
The Moon is always to be considered as the
this rule.
seed, the ascendant as the flower, the navamsa
Next comes the question of determining what Muhurtha ascendant as the fruit and the house as taste of
to adopt for which activity. In ancient times the known that fruit (page 175,176). B





Dental Health


(i) Presence of Jupiter in Lagna gave her small and

I Saturn. As you all know Saturn rules all bones of the otherwise good looking teeth.
body in general. Teeth being bones also come under his (ii) Presence of Saturn in Aries spoiled the health of the
rulership. The sign Aries controls the upper jaw and teeth, teeth and the same started decaying fast.
whereas Taurus governs the lower jaw and teeth. There
(hi) To add to the above trouble, Saturn afflicted the lord
is another sign which has an indirect bearing on teeth i.e.
of the 2nd house Venus in the 10th house.
Cancer. This sign provides calcium fluoride to teeth. Along
with Saturn, Jupiter also affects the health of teeth. So (vi) The lord of Lagna Mars luckily escaped affliction but
the strength, size and shape of your teeth or for that matter the Aries suffered due to close conjunction of Jupiter
your entire dental health can be assessed mainly by and Saturn. Consequently teeth of the upper jaw
examining the position of the above planets, signs and started decaying first (Aries) followed by those in
corresponding house viz. the 1st, the 2nd and the fourth. the lower jaw (Taurus)
(v) Saturn is the planet of limitation. Presence of Saturn
If Jupiter and Saturn, Aries, Taurus and Cancer, the 1st,
in Lagna that too in Aries made her jaws small and
the 2nd and the 4th are afflicted the dental health of the
as such a couple of teeth sat on one upon the another
person will deteriorate depending upon the intensity of
spoiling the natural alignment.
the afflictions. It is, therefore, possible by an examination
of the horoscope to decide the nature of dental health of (vi) Jupiter in Lagna and his aspect on Lagna lord saved
the person. If damage to the teeth is clearly indicated in her teeth from complete damage.
the horoscope, necessary preventive steps can be taken (vii) The Sun in Aquarius gives irregular teeth. In this
to avoid the trouble. Now for example in the year 1981, horoscope also the Sun is in Aquarius.
Jupiter will be in conjunction with Saturn thrice viz. on 1 st Decay of the protective enamel of teeth, irregular teeth,
January 1981, 5th March 1981 and 24th July 1981. This breakage of teeth take place mainly because of the
conjunction, inter alia, will influence the health of teeth of affliction of Saturn. Those who are having Saturn in lagna
all those who are already having the conjunction in their or Saturn's signs in Lagna usually suffer from dental
horoscope and those who will take birth on this planet troubles. Even in horary horoscope if Saturn is in Lagna
during the periods of these conjunctions. If you are you can be rest assured that the querent has some dental
interested in knowing how the conjunction influences the trouble and if you find the querent an old person you can
dental health please examine. safely conclude he is using dentures.
This is the horoscope (chart 1) of a female who has Irregular teeth are usually the result of the Sun. The Sun
suffered and even today is suffering due to dental troubles. in Saturn's house or the Sun otherwise afflicted by Saturn
Her Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction in Lagna. The gives irregular teeth. So also when Saturn is afflicted in
lord of the 2nd house Venus is in the 10th house aspected Aquarius or Pisces the person gets irregular teeth. Jupiter
by Saturn from Lagna. As a result of this combination the in the 4th in a watery sign, particularly in Cancer or Scorpio
following things have happened. with Mars or Rahu or with Mars and Rahu, the incissors
Chart I: Rasi: Aries -Ascendant, Saturn 16, Jupiter 17, and Uranus are usually very big.
21; CancerPluto 9; Virgo-Neptune 6 and Rahu 16; Sagittarius
Mars 11; CapricornVenus 28 and the Moon 19; Aquarius-Sun 12 Jupiter in a watery sign along with Ketu or affllicted by
and Mercury 16 ; and PiscesKetu. Saturn and. Mars the teeth become black and start


decaying. Jupiter in an earthy sign spoils the whiteness of is more difficult to explain is why he did not get milk teeth
the teeth and they become yellowish or spots appear on which is normal. The teeth he got after the operation, are
them. Saturn in Leo in the 12th house in square with the still intact and as such cannot be milk teeth. His teeth are,
Sun developes atleast some sort of defects. however, small and beautiful though slightly irregular. This
might be due to the presence of Jupiter and Venus in the
If Saturn is in the 4th, the 5th, the 6th, the 7th, the 8th, the
7th house. Slight irregularity must have come due to the
9th, or the 10th in Aries, Taurus or Aquarius and afflicts
presence of the Sun. The difficulty in dentition can,
Lagna, the Moon or the Sun, the person suffers from dental
however, be explained, in the following manner.
pain during the periods of life when Saturn afflicts the
luminaries or Lagna by by transit. So also if Uranus, Mars in Taurus shows difficult dentition In that if either of
Neptune or Saturn is afflicting the luminaries from Aries the luminaries is also afflicted in a fixed sign the dentition
or Saturn is posited in Aries or Libra in Lagna or in the becomes all the more difficult. In the horoscope under
7th house or afflicts the lord of the Lagna from any of consideration both the above factors are present. Mars is
these signs, the person suffers intensely due to dental pain. in Taurus severely afflicted by Saturn and the Sun in the
If Mars is afflicted in Lagna or in Aries or Taurus by 7th house in a fixed sign. Saturn opposition Mars clearly
Saturn or Uranus, there is liklihood of the person getting shows the need to undergo operation for this purpose, It
his teeth knocked out either in a fight or in an accident. is stated in astrological parlance that the movement of
Saturn in the 7th house starts the public life of a person.
The main reason for decay of teeth is too much acidity in
It, as if, brings out the person in open-in to a public life.
the body. Saturn increases the acidity in the body. So also
Symbolically the same happened in the case of this man.
if the majority of the planets are in even signs or houses
When Saturn moved in his 7th house, he was operated to
viz. the 2nd, the 4th, the 6th, the 8th, the 10th or the 12th
facilitate dentition and he got his present teeth.
acidity increases. Saturn, Neptune, Venus and the Moon
in angular houses or otherwise very strong in the In view of the discussion so far, I am sure readers must
horoscope increase the acidity. Persons having the above have been convinced that armed with the knowledge of
planetary positions should take utmost care to avoid astrology it is possible to make out almost precisely what
increase of acidity in the body or otherwise it will troubles one is likely to encounter in his future life, I am
eventually affect the health of their teeth. doing research in astrology in general and medical
astrology in particular for some time now. For the purpose
Persons having teeth at the time of birth or not getting
of this research I require very large number of horoscopes
teeth for a long time are rare.
to study each and every facet of astrologic point. I,
Jataka Parijata gives the following axioms for judging therefore, earnestly request, lovers of astrology to send
the possibility of a baby having teeth at birth. me interesting horoscopes for my study. Horoscopes of
Somyarkshamshe ravijarudhirau chet sanda- persons in whose life some sensational events have taken
thoma jaatah place like major gains in lottery, major changes in career
bringing them great status and happiness, so also great
It means that if Saturn and Mars are in Gemini or Virgo
catastrophes like loss of dear ones at a crucial moment,
or in the Navamsa of Gemini or Virgo the child will have
major financial or emotional crises, major accidents turning
teeth at the time of birth.
the entire course of life, diseases like cancer, heart troubles,
My observation in this regard is that it is not necessary leprosy etc., may please be forwarded to me. This will
that both the planets be in the signs or Navamsas indicated help me in my studies and fruits of the research will
above. Even one of them would suffice to bring about the naturally be made available for the benefit of lovers of
results predicted. astrology.-106/81.
In Chart 2 Mars alone is in Virgo Navamsa and yet this
man had two incisors at the time of birth. Doctor removed Chart 2:Rasi: GeminiAscendant and Ketu 5; CancerUranus 0-
45 and Jupiter 1 ; LeoPluto 1 ; LibraNeptune 3 and Saturn (R)
them on 12th day from the birth. 24; SagittariusRahu 5 ; CapricornMoon 18 ; AriesSun 29 and
In the horoscope (chart 3 of a person whose teeth refused Venus 29 ; and TaurusMercury 19 and Mars 28. Navamsa: Aries
Pluto : TaurusSaturn ; Gemini Moon and Mercury ; Cancer
to grow out and had to be operated at the age of eighth.
Jupiter and Uranus ; VirgoMars ; LibraNeptune; ScorpioKetu;
Thereafter his his teeth came up and even today they are and SagittariusSun and Venus.
intact. He is in his 54th year now.
Chart 3 : LeoAscendant and Neptune ; Scorpio Saturn ;
It is difficult to explain precisely why his teeth came out SagittariusKetu ; AquariusSun, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury ;
that late and that too after undergoing an operation. What PiscesUranus; TaurusMars ; and GeminiPluto and Rahu. m


notice; only articles have been kept, useless pages and
publicity have been removed


Dr. B. V. Raman

Astrology & Weather Forecasting 3


Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi 5

Dr. A. Sreekumar Menon

The Essence of Bhagavad Gita 7


Pranayama & Stress 8


Will Jupiter's Transit into Taurus Benefit You? 9

Dr. S. Madhavan

Astrology & Conjugal Life 13

Dr. J. Krishna Kishore

Solar Power for Government Buildings 18

R. S. Maniam

Pakistan Airline Crash - An Astrological Analaysis 22

Puntt Kumar Vohra

Healing Power of Gems and Rudraksha 23

Sunrise and Sunset Timings for May 2012 26


Dr. S. Madhavan speaks on Astrology and Conjugal Problems 27

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for May 2012 29


This Month for You May 2012 35

Timings for Rahukafa, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 40


Lead Article


Weather Forecasting


According to recent press reports, the and "was able to collect the astronomical tables of De
establishment of a high altitude astronomical La Hire published in 1702 A. D. The Raja left as a
observatory on the Himalayas with an hundred-inch monument of his skill, a star list collated by himself. It
reflecting telescope is being planned by the Indian must be noted that all these astronomical achievements
Meteorological Department. The observatory " when set were intended for the good of humanity especially for the
up will help in the study of the heavenly bodies, researches benefit of the navigator and the agriculturist. The study
on cosmic rays, astro-physics, geology, geo-physics, high of astronomy could not be divorced from the study of
level meteorology, micro-biology, etc." Such an astrology, for the simple reason that according to the
observatory would doubtless be a valuable addition to the ancients, celestial combinations always coincided with
extant ones in the other parts of the world. But a National terrestrial disturbances. This gave them a clue to pursue
Government in India is expected to do something more the subject of astrology, astronomy and meteorology in all
than merely add to the huge number of observatories their aspects and arrive at remarkable conclusions about
already existing. weather forecasting. Even now, it is a matter of common
occurrence that village astrologers are right in a surprisingly
The Government should do something to give a fillip to high percentage of their weather predictions. Their rules
the indigenous culture and indigenous sciences, not the are simple and dispense away with costly apparatus and
least important of which is Astro-Meteorology. It is a laboratories. Observation coupled with experience enabled
fashion with some of the Western educated Indians to the great sages of India to dive deep into the subject of
refer to the achievements of the ancient Indian sages in meteorology and discover the laws governing weather,
the realms of physical science including Astronomy and rainfall, storms etc., which are of utmost importance to
Meteorology, let alone the superstitious subject of us. It must be noted that the ancients had been faced
Astrology, in contemptuous terms. According to them, the with the same pro-blems that we are and they must have
ancient Hindus were only a set of hair-splitting therefore wracked their brains to find out solutions for
philosophers. Such a misconception is due to two factors, such problems. They had to study weather conditions and
viz., (1) the one-sided education they have received and guide the farmer in his agricultural operations. India being
(2) pre-possession. It is evident from the remains of some an agricultural country, great attention was paid to the
of the most important achievements of the Hindus that in study of astrology in its relation to weather forecasting.
addition to Philosophy, Mathematics and Astronomy, many There was not a sphere of achievement in which the
other equally important sciences flourished in ancient India. ancients had not made their mark. Whether in the art of
Chemistry, Dynamics, Meteorology, Physics and other peace or warfare, economics or sculpture, laws or
cognate sciences existed in a much more advanced state languages, they had made their distinct marks. It is sheer
than what we find them at the pfesent day. That there absurdity on the part of the modern scientist to arrogate
were powerful telescopes in ancient India is doubtless a to himself the privilege of scientific enlightenment. The
fact. One is mentioned in Mahabharatha. It was given by ancients discovered a grand truth that every member of
Vyasa to Sanjaya at Indra Prasta in order to witness the the solar system exerts an important influence by
battle going on at Kurukshetra. Coming to recent times gravitation upon every other and that the Sun in particular
less than two centuries ago Rajaputana produced an is the major arbiter of weather. Indeed the modern
astronomer, no doubt the greatest of his time. meteorologists completely ignore the major factors
affecting the weather but considers only minor influences
This astronomer was no other than the famous Jai Singh with the result that they hardly succeed in making any
of Jaipur. Raja Jai Singh constructed a set of observatories correct predictions.
at his capital Jaipur, Muttra, Benares, Delhi and Ujjain,


The present-day meteorologists who are patronised by all Departmenta higher percentage of successful
civilised Governments have never cared to test the predictions regarding weather could certainly be given. If
valuable hints given by such celebrated savants as Varaha a properly organised astro-meteorological office were
Mihira. Many of them have the audacity to reject such maintained by the Government, we should attain very soon
truths off hand as a subject that merits the attention of to almost perfect weather prediction.
the antiquarian rather than the scientist. Let a
The following details mainly culled from the famous Prasna
dispassionate observer impartially follow the methods
Marga deal with the methods of predicting ' When it will
suggested below and apply the test of practical experience
rain and where'? Let scholars and sceptics study the
by keeping a diary of his investigations. He will soon find
principles, test them and then arrive at their own
that even if difficulties present themselves sometimes and
conclusions about the veracity of these principles. Let them
imperfections are occasionally revealed, there is certainly
"something in it". not be condemned a priori.
At the time of the Sun's ingress into Gemini if Venus
The proposed observatory in the Himalayas can with occupies the 2nd or 12th from the rising sign and when at
advantage start research work in the field of Indian astro- the same time, the Moon occupies a watery Navamsa in
meteorology and we are sure they will be able to discover any Rasi, there will be copious rains during the year in
grand truths which will doubtless place the art of weather question (Mesha to Meena is a year). When Ravi,
forecasting upon a surer and a more comprehensive basis. Chandra, Kuja, and Saturn and Rahu cross the watery
Whilst the forecasts of a meteorologist do not anticipate Rasis in transit and Budha and Sukra conjoin a sthula Rasi,
events by more than a few hours, those of the astrologer there will be very heavy rains.
can supply a skeleton outline of the probable weather for
any period. When Ravi, Budha and Sukra occupy the same Rasi in
the same Navamsa, there will be heavy rains. But if these
It is nothing but prejudice that has prevented the modern planets occupy the same Rasi and Navamsa and they
scientist from pursuing investigations into the pretensions happen to be watery signs, the rains will be all the more
of astrology in relation to weather forecasting. There have heavy.
been instances in the past of utter failure on the part of
When Surya occupies an earthy sign and Chandra, Budha
the meteorological department to forecast the trend of
and Sukra occupy watery vargas, and at that time if you
weather with the result great accidents have happened
perceive a rainbow in the Western side, then also there
jeopardising the lives of many. If a meteorologist fails in
will be plentiful rains.
his forecasts of weather, which are generally made but a
short time in advance, he is ignored, his failure being In 'Varsha Ritu' (April-May) Rainbow in the Eastern side
attributed to some errors in observation or calculation. does not give rain. In the other 'Ritus', a rainbow in the
Some years ago, there was an article in the Daily East will bring in'Rains'. A rainbow in the West during
Telegraph of London admitting that the Meteorological the Varsha Ritu brings in a pour.
Office had entirely failed to give any warning of a certain When the mock Sun is visible to the North of the Sun's
severe gale (on 12th January of that year) and suggesting disc, there will be rain; to the South there will be a tempest;
that the funds of the Meteorological Office were and on both sides, then a 'flood' will come in. To the top
inadequate and that the Government ought to increase of the Sun's disc means some danger to the king, and
the grant. But if an astrologer per chance were guilty of a below it will mean some calamities to the people.
similar failure, a ripple of contemptuous laughter would
have swept over the country and all the newspapers would When it rains in the New Moon days and the days
have swooped over the unfortunate victim with all succeeding them (Prathipada days) there will be good
vehemence charging him and his art with superstition. The rainfall during that bright half of the lunar month. If it
meteorologist and the astronomer are punished with more rains on Full Moon days and the dark Prathipada days
grants while the astrologer is made the laughing stock of there will be no rains in the dark half. In both Pakshas
the world, simply because the latter persists in his when it rains during the first 15 ghatikas in Dwiteeya (2nd
recognising the interplay of planetary forces on the earth, lunar day) and the last 15 ghatikas in Prathipada (1st lunar
a truth which science is slowly beginning to realise. If day) there will be copious rains during those Pakshas.
only the Government or public-spirited men could give When it rains only little on those days, rains also will be
enough support to students of astrology,at least one scarce during those Pakshas. If it does not rain then, there
fourth of what is wasted on the Meteorological will be no rain during that Paksha.
(to be continued)


Jyothisha Oiiiita Nidhi*


different Nakshatras represent the various parts of the

1 that much of the special Yogas and other factors, good stellar deity. Generally, nine Nakshatras Bharani,
or bad, have their genesis in some selective combinations Krittika, Aridra, Aslesha, the three Poorvas, Visaka
of these five angas. They are collectively or separately, and Jyeshta are rejected for auspicious functions. The
either interrelated or independent. To appreciate them Nakshatras have many types of classifications that may
effectively, a quick look into the technicalities of the five require by itself an elaborate dissertation. To mention a
angas or limbs will be helpful. The first limb - Thithi or few, there are classifications of males, females and
Lunar Day is covered in the covered previous issue. eunuchs; divine, human and demonic; urdhwamukha
(upward looking), adhomukha (downward looking) and
Second Limb - Vara triyangmukha (straight looking) and others. They are
Now let us go to the second component of the panchanga also divided into groups of chara-chala (movable),
namely the Vara or weekday. Of the seven weekdays kshipra-laghu (short-dynamic), mridu-maitra (gentle-
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are considered friendly) dhruva or sthira (constant-fixed), ugra-krura
auspicious. Some consider Mondays as inauspicious when (aggressive-cruel), teekshna-daruna (ferocious-bitter)
the Moon is weak. For specific purposes the weekdays and misra-sadharana (mixed-ordinary), An elaboration
ruled by malefics like Sunday, Tuesday and Saturday are is not attempted at this juncture. These varied
admitted. Opinions vary with different authorities, over classifications help us to select the appropriate Nakshatras
the selection of weekdays, especially for various for our specific and wide-ranging day-to-day activities
agricultural activities. The lord of the weekday must be depending upon their purpose and practice.
strong along with the Kalahoras and the Arma lord rising
at the time selected, to make the day chosen, effectively Fourth Limb - Yoga
auspicious. Of the many restrictions and recommendations The next limb of the panchanga is the Nityayoga that is
for the acceptance of weekdays for specific purposes nothing but the sum of the longitudes of the Sun and the
prescribed by different authorities, the weekday spike or Moon. This value is divided into units of 13o20' to form
Varashoola is generally observed and rejected for travel the 27 Yogas. It starts with Vishkumbha, when this sum
in different directions, though exceptions come to the is naught and ends with Vaidhruthi, when again the sum
rescue, in emergent situations. Monday and Saturday becomes zero. Of these Nityayogas, Vishkumbha,
have Soola towards East, Tuesday and Wednesday Parigha, Vyatipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula,
towards North, Friday and Sunday towards West and Ganda and Atiganda are generally spumed for
Thursday towards South. An extensive discussion on other auspicious events. Nevertheless, there are several
aspects of the Vara is however, is beyond our present relaxations.
Fifth Limb - Karana
Third Limb - Nakshatra The fifth limb is the Karana that is technically half of the
The third limb is Nakshatra. Nakshatras are 27 in number Tithi. So much so, the lunar month of 30 days will have
excluding Abhijit. Hindu astrology considers the zodiacal 60 Karanas. They are mainly classified as sthira - fixed
belt as Kalapurusha comprising of 27 constellations (28 or immovable and chara or moveable. The chara karanas
including Abhijit). It is in tandem, divided into 12 rasis as are seven in number and the sthira only four. The fixed
well fitting 2.25 constellations in each rasi. Each ones, sakuni, chatushpada, naga and kimsatugna can
Nakshatra has its presiding and subsidiary deities. The be easily identified because these four are permanently
* continued from the April 2012 issue) allotted to the latter half of the krishnapaksha


chaturdasi, then to the two halves of the new moon and latter half of ekadasi in the shuklapaksha and then with
to the first half of the shuklapaksha prathama, in the the first half of pournami and the latter halves of the
same order. The remaining 56 halves of the tithis are triteeya and dasami and first halves saptami and
shared by the seven movable karanas commencing from chaturdasi of the krishnapaksha. Thus, it takes its turns
bhava for the latter half of the sukla prathama. They eight times in a lunar month and rules for a time equivalent
are, in their order, bava, balava, kaulava, taitila, gara, to half the duration of its appropriate tithi. An easy way
vanija and vishti or bhadra, forming a series. This series, to locate vishti is given below. Firstly, double the tithi
starting with the latter half of the Shuklapaksha number, counted from the sukla prathama and then divide
Prathama completes eight such cycles to finally end with it by 7. If it leaves a remainder of 1 or 2, we can conclude
the first half of the krishnapaksha chaturdasi, allowing that vishti is present. If the remainder is one, vishti is
then the four sthira karanas to take over the next four identical with the latter half of the tithi and is coterminous
halves of the tithis. The animal origins or yonis of the with it. if the remainder is 2, it rules the first half of the
movable karanas are lion, tiger, boar, donkey, elephant, tithi and commences with it. If the remainder is more
cow and dog and of the fixed ones are dog, bull, serpent than 2, vishti will not be present.
and cock. Bharadwaja allots Vishnu, Prajapathi,
Chandra, Gurus, Vasus, Manibhadra and Yama as the Examples can make this clear. Let us take a day when
lords of the chara karanas while Varahamihira takes them the tithi is sukla chaturthi. Then 4x2=8 and when
as Indra, Brahma, Mitra, Aryama, Bhu, Sri and Yama divided by 7 we get a remainder of 1. Therefore, we
respectively. The lords of the four Sthira Karanas are know that vishti is current on the day during the second
Kali, Vrasa, phani and maruta. Among the movable half of the tithi. It would commence soon after the first
karanas vishti or bhadra is considered to be of dreadful half of the tithi is over and end when the tithi chaturthi
consequences and the rest are good. Of the four fixed ends. Take another day of pournami tithi. Then 15x2
karanas, naga is taken for permanent works, cruel deeds = 30 and the remainder we get when divided by 7 will be
and forcible and hateful activities. 2. Therefore, vishti will rule the first half of the tithi,
commence with the tithi pournami and end when exactly
The above narration of the five limbs of the panchanga is half of pournami is over. If the tithi is krishna triteeya,
only an attempt to give a kaleidoscopic view of the basic we have to count from sukla prathama. It will be then
components of our panchanga. They are in no way 15 + 3 = 18. Then we have to calculate thus 18 x 2= 36.
exhaustive or elaborate. They have been furnished to The remainder, after dividing by 7, will be 1. This would
help the reader to have a better understanding of the show that that vishti is present on that day. It would rule
combined effects of some of these, which we are going the latter half of the triteeya on that day and end with it.
to examine, in some extensive patterns. In the case of krishna chaturdasi, the calculation will be
15 + 14 = 29 x 2 = 58 leaving a remainder 2. Then vishti
It could be seen that some of these nakshatras, yogas will rule the first half of the tithi and commence with the
and karanas have common presiding deities. This would krishna chaturdasi.
mean the admittance of whatever work is allowed under
a particular nakshatra, to the yoga or karana as well, if Let us take a day of sukla panchami. The calculation
the presiding deity is the same. For example as prathama will be 5 x 2 = 10 and when divided by 7 we get a remainder
and Rohini have a common deity Brahma, it would mean of 3. Therefore, we know that vishti is not present on
that the functions selected for performance under Rohini that day.
could be admitted on the days of prathama as well.
Apart from ascertaining whether vishti is present or not
Therefore, their combinations would also depict the pattern
on a particular day, we can also find out the particular
of the common purpose.
karana ruling at the end of the tithi of any day. For
Let us have a quick look into some of the special and krishnapaksha add one to the double of the tithi number.
useful constituents that form a part the panchang. Let us The remainder obtained when this result is divided by 7
consider the limb of karana first and take vishti. The will indicate the karana ruling for the latter half of the
occurrence of vishti and its duration is given in all the tithi. The order of numbers representing the karanas will
panchangas. As explained earlier vishti or bhadra, is a be l.bava, 2.balava, 3.kaulava, 4.taitila, 5.gara,
harmful karana capable of spoiling any effort embarked 6. vanija and 7.vishti. Take a day of krishna shasti.
upon, at a time when it rules that part of the day. This is Then 6x2 = 12+ 1 = 13. When divided by 7 leaves a
the last and seventh of the moveable karanas. It occurs remainder of 6. Therefore, vanija is the karana for the
on the latter half of chaturthi, first half of ashtami, the continued on 25


Ms. Pragati Oswal is a complementary

and alternative medicine (CAM)
consultant, researcher and a wellness Pranayama
coach. By combining the wisdom of
various forms of alternative therapies
(yoga, acupressure, sujok, guided s
meditation, and energy healing), she
prescribes individual-specific
treatments and designs workshops on Stress
Stress management, Pain management
and Wellness. PRAGATI OSWAL

Whereas our blood pressure and heart pattern and breathing speed, and by
yy It's a long story, there are too rate are not in really in our control, our regulating the same a few times a day,
many complications and you are breath is. Although we generally it is possible to alleviate, manage and
confused or helpless. The situation may breathe without awareness, we can, at prevent many symptoms of mental
be out of your control, but your breath any given time, control our breath rate stress. So, Breathe!
is not. So, Breathe! at will. Breath acts as a bridge between
One can start with a simple, non
the involuntary and voluntary activities
Do you raise those eyebrows when strenuous diaphragmatic breathing.
in the body. Mental stress tends to
some one speaks bad? More often than linger around longer. One can literally Sit comfortably preferably with a
not you can't breathe away your experience the heart beating rapidly, straight back or lie down flat on
problems. You'll not find instant sweaty break-outs etc. under pressure your back with feet slightly apart
solutions either. Neither will you or due to fear and anger. Even and place the palms on the
experience a "miracle". You can, recollection of stressful or emotionally abdomen.
however, prevent and manage many charged events can trigger a similar Observe the movement of your
symptoms that sustained stress has response in the body. abdomen when you inhale and as
already made you vulnerable to. Also, you exhale.
These can be stabilized by voluntary
you might be pleasantly surprised when
breath regulation. By consciously Start to consciously bloat your
your painful conditions get alleviated.
regulating your breath, you can abdomen when you breathe in.
Do you have tense muscle groups influence your blood pressure, heart Let the abdomen collapse and relax
around your neck and shoulders? Is rate and the rate at which adrenaline is as you breathe out. Repeat this
your blood pressure on the higher side? being pumped into your blood-stream. exercise about 5-6 times.
Does your back-pain worsen when you Once the breathing slows down the Once again, without manipulating
are worked up? Do you have trouble body systems automatically switch to the movement of the abdomen,
going to sleep? Are you prone to the "relax" mode. focus on the rhythm of your
indigestion in general? Then, you need Regulation of Breath breath and observe the natural,
to check the way you breathe without effortless movement of the
Pranayama is translated as rhythmic
waiting for your symptoms to first abdomen.
regulation of breath. By regular practice
make their presence felt or worsen. of pranayama one can reduce one's Now observe the slight expansion
breathing rate. Just like an athlete/ of chest and the shoulders that
Physical as well as mental stress affects follows along as the abdomen rises
marathon runner has a lesser heart and
the body the same way. The former is with the in-breath. Also, notice
a pulse rate at rest compared to a
characterised by fight or flight. In other how the chest and the shoulders
normal person, a pranayama
words, the body girds itself for practitioner has a lower breathing rate collapse effortlessly with the out-
immediate action when danger is in general. At rest, an adult breathes breath. The breathing would have
perceived. Stress response leads to on an average, 12-18 times per automatically slowed down by
sympathetic activation that minute. With regular practice of now.
automatically, involuntarily, inhibits the Pranayama one can reduce the number Try it a few times. If you feel refreshed
digestive processes and increases of breaths to 7-11 per minute. in less than 10 minutes, you know you
activities like our heart rate, blood Consequently, one becomes less prone are doing it right. Whenever you feel
pressure, pulse-rate, respiratory rate to sustaining the stress response. spaced out recharge your batteries with
etc. When the danger subsides, the this breathing technique. Happy
By practicing pranayama regularly,
body restores its original balance. breathing!
keeping a check on the breathing



win Jupiter's Transit into


Benefit You?


(Jupiter enters Taurus on 17.05.2012 when the Moon is in Revati in Pisces. He becomes retrograde on 6th
October 2012 and assumes direct motion on 29th January 2013. He leaves for Gemini on 31s' May 2013)

He dons Suvarnamurtifor Taurus, Libra and Pisces. He assumes Rajatamurti for Cancer, Scorpio and
Aquarius. He has the attire Tamramurtifor Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn. He has the garb of Lohamurtifor
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. For Suvarnamurti the results are splendid. For Rajatamurti good results are
experienced. The results are mediocre for Tamram urti and bad for Lohamurti. Jupiter gives good results
when he transits 2, 5, 7, 9 and 11 from the Moon viz. for the rasis Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo and
Cancer. This has been adjusted with the murti and other transits. No rasi gets Suvarnamurti with afavourable

MESHA (Aries)
[Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1]

Jupiter moves to a favourable place, but being Lohamurti the results are not well pronounced.
Results depend very much on other transits.

Though not very cheerful, the period gives some satisfaction. Many reverses you earher had
are now set right. There will be financial gains. Frustration and mental agony undergone
earlier may gradually vanish. In official career you get elevation, yet the position may not be very satisfactory. The
elevation is only in name and in effect may not be very desirable. You feel that despite the position you get, your
wings are partially clipped and the powers cannot be exercised freely. The proposals for marriage may click, but
there will be delay. The betrothal may take place, but marriage may be delayed because of some technical reasons.
The time may not be suitable for marriage or the bride or the groom may have to complete some work before
marriage. In the same way childbirth is likely, but there may be tantalizing moments making you frustrated. There
may be travels, but problems of visa and other official formalities cause delay. You can vanquish your enemies, but
the enemies are still powerful and the force you exercise turns out to be inadequate.

There may be some unexpected success. Even in general fife you will feel happy. The only problem is that all the
achievements you have give you satisfaction. But the circumstances do not make you enjoy these things properly.

Aswini: In the first part you meet with setbacks and some hindrances. In the middle part you gain in different ways
and you feel comfortable. In the third part you face setbacks.

Bharani: There will be favourable currents in the beginning. In the middle part, you are disappointed. In the last
part you have gains.

Krittika 1: There will be problems of health in the beginning. The second part gives you gains. In the last part you
will face setbacks.



[Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini, Mrigasiras 1, 2]
Though the transit is in an unfavourable house, Jupiter assumes Suvarnamurti. Consequently,
even the machinations of your enemies turn out to be in your favour. There may be quarrels
in the office, problems relating to the service and bickering with colleagues and so on. But
you manage to solve these things. Even if you are transferred it will be to the place where you
wield power and influence and the dislocation you had gives you new contacts and connections,
which enhances your influence. You may get loan sanctioned without difficulty. The senior relatives who had been
indifferent to your matters now start liking you and favour you. Problems of health also gradually vanish. The various
investments you have made give returns, which are handsome, though many get diverted into different directions and
you may not enjoy the benefits immediately. The marriage proposals are not generally successful, but they may prove
advantageous later.
Those who are connected with education may feel disappointed in the beginning. But things change and they get
results far above expectations. If there are problems in conjugal life, they do not get solved immediately but some
seniors interfere and try to solve the matters peacefully. Students aspiring for higher education may find some
obstacles, but they get some unusual help to champion their cause. People in all walks of life face problems but they
get solved by providential grace.
Krittika 2,3,4: You have problems of health causing concern in the beginning. In the second part, you get wealth.
In the last part there will be impediments.
Rohini: There will be success in the beginning. In the middle part unfavourable currents cause dissatisfaction. In the
last part there will be financial gains.
Mrigasira 1, 2: In the first part you get the help of men of consequence. In the second part, you will be happy. In
the third part there will be problems of health.

MITHUNA (Gemini):
[Mrigasira 3,4, Aridra, Punarvasu 1,2,3]
Jupiter assumes Tamramurti which gives mediocre results and transits the twelfth house. In
general the results are not good but for some occasional results which cheer you up.
First of all you feel that you have lost the influence which you could exercise to achieve your
ends. You have several problems in the office, social circles and other fields of activity. In the
office you are not favoured. Even those who help you are rendered powerless and despite
your contacts and connections, you find things go astray to cause dissatisfaction. If it is promotion and you are
shortlisted for the post, there will be delay in the procedure. Your interview may be postponed or men at the helm of
affairs may not be in good humour to follow up the matter. With all these, you will win in the end. The hurdles you
have to cross are many and this practically extinguishes the enthusiasm you had in the beginning. In the case of travel,
also some technical hitches hold you back. If it is visa, you may have to struggle hard for clearing the irregularities.
The travel may ensue after great efforts. In the case of conjugal matters also your partner is indifferent. The life
partner is not very particular to have any settlement. But you have the help of some common friends who may help
you. Some seniors also may try to solve the issue. After Herculean efforts things may materialize as you wish. People
in every walk of fife find that their schemes meet with hindrances and after much effort they succeed or catch glimpses of
success in the end.
Mrigasira 3, 4: In the first part there will be favourable currents. The second part gives you great success. In the
last part there will be obstacles.
Aridra: In the first part many good friends let you down. In the second part, there will be favourable currents. In
third, you are successful.
Punarvasu 1, 2, 3: In the first part there will be favourable currents. In the second there will be unfavourable
currents. In the third there will be success.



[Punarvasu 4, Pushya, Ashlesha]
Jupiter is in the 11th, a favourable position. He also dons the attire of Rajatamurti and the
results are good. On the whole this year will be pleasant.
First of all your position in the office, or social circles or the group to which you belong
becomes important. You may realize your long-cherished ambitions and get the position aspired
for. There will be increased income. You may also have inheritance. If any dispute is going
on your ancestral property, you win in the case. Though it may not be as you desired it will certainly be substantial.
Your plans for travel also now materialize and if the circumstances are favourable you may travel abroad and achieve
the end. It may be academic, professional or travel on mission. You get fame and wealth through them. Those with
chronic illness may find that the remedy for the malady that has been tormenting you is now available. Your health will
be restored. Those interested in religious matters may visit shrines and other places of religious importance.
Proposals for marriage easily click and aspirations for childbirth are also fulfilled. Acquisition of valuable goods and
friendship with men of consequence and the consequent benefits add colour to your life. The relation with your
paternal relatives will become good and if strained earlier, it will be restored. Your enemies keep a distance and make
overtures for peaceful settlement of the disputes. There may be occasional disturbances caused by various factors.
But these pale into insignificance.
Punarvasu 4: There will be favourable currents in the first part. In the second there will be impediments. In the
third, there will be success.
Pushya: There will be favourable currents in the first part. In the middle part, there will be success. In the third there
will be impediments.
Aslesha: There will be favourable currents in the beginning. There will be impediments in the middle. In the end
there will be success.

SIMHA (Leo):
[Makha, Poorvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1]
Jupiter in the 10th with Lohamurti is not good in general. Because of other good transits and
the transit of Saturn the results are not totally bad.
You may find that many of your aspirations end up in a fiasco. In career despite your skill and
vaulting ambition you find that the odds against you are too many and give you dissatisfaction.
You may undergo dislocation and the new position puts you to hardship. If you are shifted to
another place, the internal problems of accommodation etc. may offer you a challenge. Loss of money, position and
comfort really causes you consternation, but you may get the help of some acquaintances to solve your problems. You
must take care of your health. If you have any chronic illness it may assume gigantic proportions. At any rate it will
cause concern. The investments do not generally give proper returns. Still some of them prove beneficial. There is
no difficulty in carrying on your day-to-day activities. Your children may cause some problems.
Those who aspire for childbirth find that conditions are not favourable. The proposals for marriage do not immediately
bear fruit. But there can be partial success in the April/May in these matters. The routine life goes on without hitch.
But denial of privileges and position may disappoint you. But there will be restoration of losses occasionally that
cheers you up. It is necessary that you recite Navagraha stotra to tide over the difficulties in the period.
Magha: There will be unfavourable currents in the first part. In the second part, you become successful. In the third
you face setbacks.
Poorvaphalguni: There will be favourable currents in the first part. In the second part there will be setbacks. In the
third you will be successful.
Uttaraphalguni 1: There will be impediments in the first part. In the second there will be financial gains. In the last
part, there will be unfavourable currents.



KANYA (Virgo):
[Uttaraphalguni 2,3,4, Hasta, Chitta 1,2]
Jupiter is in the 9th, a good place, but dons the garb of Tamramurti.
In general good results manifest, but there will be some disappointment because they fall short
of expectations at times.
If you deal with real estate you do succeed, but the returns are not very good. When you try
to purchase property or other goods you get them. But the price you pay is not normal. It may
happen that you buy a house or vehicle at a cheap rate. Still you have to spend some amount more and ultimately you
do not gain much. In profession, you succeed, but the position does not fascinate you much. For the same emoluments
you get a position where you do not wield much power and influence. You may not be very cheerful. Promises may not be
kept though the conditions will be satisfactory. Your associates help you. But you cannot expect any extraordinary favour.
Your children make you happy. Proposals for marriage will click. You will have good relations with maternal relatives.
In social organizations, you rise to prominence, but you may feel a bit disappointed at the events that follow. People in
all walks of life prosper and acquire importance in the field, but the achievement will not be of the highest order. In
conjugal life, there will be happiness. But you may have a feeling that your consort does not show the affection you
Uttaraphalguni 2,3,4: In the first part there will be problems of health. In the second you get wealth. In the third,
there will be unfavourable currents.
Hasta: In the first part, there will be favourable currents. In the second there will be obstacles. In the third, there will
be financial gains.
Chitta 1,2: There will be success in the first part. In the second, there will be favourable currents. In the third, there
will be problems of health.
TULA (Libra):
[Chitta 3,4, Swati and Visakha 1,2,3]
Jupiter transits the 8th house and dons Svarnamurti. This is indeed a paradox and as a result
some good results manifest; but bad results get obliterated by the murti position of Jupiter.
Various kinds of problems torture you. It can relate to profession, family or relatives. Your
children may fall sick and give concern to you. But fortunately they get good treatment and
get a speedy recovery. Your relatives may engage in family feuds and make you the scapegoat.
But you can establish your innocence and ultimately emerge victoriously. In the office also your case is delayed for no
reason, but in case you succeed in bringing the act of injustice to the superiors, they may take care of you. Even in
travels there may be difficulties. You may get even stranded at a place due to technical hitches. But there will be
providential aid that helps you to overcome the difficulty. Your own health may deteriorate. But you can detect it
sufficiently in advance and timely treatment avoids prolonged illness and consequences.
Your venture also gets impeded because the machinations of your own associates. In this case you should not trust
people who just feign friendship and deceive you. There may be some new friends misleading you to make investments
which turn out to be unsuccessful. Here again, you should exercise caution in choosing the right counsellors. At times
your patience may be tested by the inordinate delay in getting things done, but you should continue to be patient. The
placidity and the perseverance you have lead you to success.
Chitta 3,4: There will be favourable currents in the first part. In the second part you are successful. In the third you
face problems of health.
Swati: There will be problems of health in the beginning. There will be favourable currents later. In the last part, you
face setbacks.
Visakha 1,2,3: There will be favourable currents in the beginning. There will be setbacks later. In the last you will
be successful. continued on 32



Conjugal Life

(Born in 1940 Dr. S. Madhavan did his M.Sc. (Mathematics) and took his doctorate in Mathematics from the University of Kerala. He has
published several research papers in journals of international repute in mathematics, Indian astronomy, astrology etc. He retired as Professor
and Head of the Department of Mathematics, University College, Thiruvananthapuram. He also worked abroad for about four years. He has
attended several national and international conferences and guided scores of M.Phil, and PhD students. He studied Sanskrit and jyotisha in
the traditional way. He is now translating the commentary Apurvarthapradarshika of his father, Sri A.N. Srinivasaraghava lyengar on Brihat
Jataka into English. Through his organization Mihira Astrological Center, he works for the promotion of astrology.)

VEDANTA DESIKA, the celebrated Sri Vaishnavite God knows everything and what he has willed will
polyhistor observes in his Padukasahasra thus: inevitably happen. But an astrologer does not know the
fate. He only approximates to truth and from his point of
view the combinations are not final. At times the evil
results get obliterated by remedial measures. It is said:
Hldl ^^ I
fcHldld: cRT M 1^*1^1 ^

Dasaratha wanted to install Rama on the throne. Kaikeyi Ad faA

wanted it for Bharata and truthful King gave it to Bharata. ftfcl frfcfT II
But, what happened was the coronation of the sandals, a
thing which was beyond all expectation. It is difficult to With dasa you consider the strong results. With transits
know fate which operates in its own way. you consider the weak results. With combinations you
decide the results which are neither weak nor strong.
This drives home the idea that fate is indomitable and one
cannot know the inscrutable ways of the Supreme Being. Thus from the astrological point of view, there are actions
One question is this. If this is the case, what is the use of the results of which cannot be altered. In some cases the
remedial measures? They become irrelevant. But there evil effects can be altered. In some they can partly be
are people who view in a different way. For example changed. With all these things the fact remains the
Yajnavalka observes: Supreme Being who is omniscient executes his will.

The horoscopes indicate Prarabdha Karma. It is said,

The manifestation of the results of Karma is partly
controlled by Fate and partly by human actions. There is
also the statement,

*2! Ad *|sbu| W Hf^lfcT

11 ^Tel: ^ 11
d&ywRui ht
Time selects a part of the Sanchita Karma accumulated
Just as a chariot does not move with one wheel, fate does in different births and makes it act with the soul at the
not operate without human effort. time of birth. This is called Prarabdha Karma.

These things do not favour determinism. Astrological At times the horoscope becomes inadequate. The
combinations are indicative or astrology is a probabilistic experiences do not tally with predictions and we need the
science and not deterministic. It is true that the omniscient horary methods.



^lldcfrd: the couple lead a happy life? How can astrology help in
this context?

First, one has to examine the basic nature of the

To give a confirmed opinion it is good to use horary horoscope. There are combinations which delay marriage.
methods complementary to the horoscopic analysis. Sanyasa yogas can cause delay in marriage as evidenced
by experience.
Problems in Conjugal Life
What are the problems in conjugal life? The main idea of One rule is that if four or more planets are in conjunction,
married life is that the couple should live happily, get sanyasa yoga results. If any of them is in combustion it
children and grandchildren and see that the family tree becomes futile. But it can reduce the period of conjugal
lives with pleasure. But these things do not happen always. life. Also the man concerned becomes detached and at
In the traditional Indian concept a man lives with his wife times conjugal life becomes miserable. There are
who is devoted to him and helps him in his day-to-day combinations indicating Kalatra dosha.
life. In modern days things are quite different. Marriage
at times degenerates into a connubial contract which can ^ 3^ TFvFt TlfcT TOSlft
be cancelled or renewed. In India we get a mixture of
the Indian and Western culture. Still there are people
who think a man should live with one woman. A girl, 28 When the debilitated Jupiter is in the 7th, one loses his
years of age, told me that she would marry after enjoying wife. Similar is the case when Saturn is in 7th in Pisces.
the life for some more time. According to her marriage is
not the field of enjoyment. Before marriage she is FJlc^
independent, and nobody interferes in her matters and her
wings are not clipped. Many people feel and have reported When Venus and the lord of the 7th are in dual rasi and
to me that the marriage of boy poses more problems as it dual navamsa, there will be two wives.
is difficult to meet the girls' demands. Still one cannot
generalize. In countryside the tyranny of the in-laws still
goes on. i

With all these, there are many people who initiate the When Venus is in Scorpio in the 7th the wife dies. When
process of comparison of horoscopes, complete other Mercury is in Taurus in the 7th the wife dies. I have come
formalities and fix the marriage at an auspicious time. across many cases in which these are true. Either there
Astrology plays a role in these things. The basic things is death of wife, divorce or at times a miserable married
1. What are the indications for marriage? Will the person In a horoscope with Taurus Lagna with Venus in the 7th,
remain unmarried?
the wife died. Even after the second marriage there were
2. Absence of conjugal harmony due to ideological problems in conjugal life.
There are some more important combinations. I shall
3. Chances for divorce.
cite just two.
4. The death of the life partner.
5. Problems relating to progeny. cb>ik^
6. Sexual disparity and consequent problems.

In the earlier days the wife did not have economic

independence and she had to obey the husband with a
sheepish sense of servitude. In some cases the husband
treats the wife as a slave. But there are cases in which When Saturn is in Lagna and Venus is in 7th in gandanta
the husband is controlled by the wife. Occasionally there and the fifth is not occupied by a benefic, one is the
are instances in which each helps the other according to husband of a barren woman. When the malefics occupy
skill and ability. Sometimes the husband relies completely 12th, 7th and Lagna and a weak Moon is in the 5th one
on the advice of his wife. The problem is how best can does not have children or wife.



The first combination occurs only when the Lagna is in indirectly. In another case, it was Asvini and the trimsamsa
Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo. Konodaya can mean a corner of Saturn. The Moon in Mars in trimsamsa of Saturn
Lagna which means Virgo only here. In this case possibly gives service 91^1 dig ^TWT). She is practically
Saturn need not be in Lagna. I have found a case with a servant of her husband. This can take place in a number
Virgo Lagna with Venus in the 7th in gandanta without of ways.
the 5th being occupied by a benefic. There was a struggle
between the husband and wife. They do not have a child. We have to turn to some important combinations in female
It is fortunate that divorce did not take place. Here no horoscopy. We get from Brihat Jataka thus:
divorce is given, only the barrenness of the woman. It
was found to be true.

There is yet another important combination. 3^%^ IWiHKJlPW: I


When the seventh house is devoid of strength and has no

planet and is not aspected by any benefic the husband
will have some deficiency. For strength shadbala and
ashtakavarga may be used.
When malafics occupy the 4th or 8th from Venus, when
Venus is flanked between malafics or Venus is devoid of When Mercury or Saturn is in the 7th he will be impotent.
the union or aspect of benefics, the death of the wife This means that he may have biological problems or be a
takes place by fire, fall or rope. This is found to lead to good for-nothing fellow. If he is in his own house or
problems in conjugal life. I have found cases where they exaltation or enjoys benefic aspect this may not happen. I
even fight like Kilkenny cats, but no unpleasant events have come across a horoscope with Sagittarius Lagna
take place. There are some special combinations which with Sun and Mercury in the 7th. The husband was even
cause the death of life and presence of life. over sexed.

When Mars is in his own trimsamsa one is endowed with If the seventh is a movable sign the husband will be always
wife: travelling. When the Sun is in the 7th and is aspected by a
malefic she will be deserted. Mars in 7th aspected by
malefic causes widowhood. Saturn in the 7th aspected by
malefic makes her old without marriage in other words
ffd WfPT
she continues as a spinster. Even without malefic aspect
On the other hand Saturn in his own trimsamsa causes these things can happen. But the last combination is strong.
the death of one's wife vide Even in such a case, the results can be averted by remedial

In general Mars in 7th shows widowhood. Sun suggests

separation and Saturn causes delay. These things can be
judged from the Moon also. But if the planet concerned
I have found this in some horoscopes without any other is exalted or occupies his own house there will not be any
Kalatra dosha. Still the separation of wife took place. In harm. A benefic in the 9th or Mahabhagya yoga averts
the case of woman trimsamsa of Lagna and the Moon these things.
have to be carefully studied as is evidenced from the
detailed description in Brihat Jataka. I have found them There is yet another rule.
to be marvellously true.

In a case of Virgo Lagna with Jupiter in 7th, the husband

^ WMRni ^IfarT jpUfl |
did not live after the first night. But her star was Ashlesha
and the Moon was in the trimsamsa of Saturn. The result When there are cruel planets in the seventh widowhood
is HKiMlKHl (independent, killer husband) suggesting is caused. Many planets in the 7th cause a second
that she is responsible for the death of her consort at least marriage. When there is an evil planet which is weak



and aspected by a benefic the native is deserted. The last Something has to be said about family life. Years ago the
combination is not found to be very accurate. If Jupiter husband was a god for the wife he could not be challenged.
aspects the house, the results are not bad. They may be The present day presents a very complex picture. The
brought to the brink of divorce, but it may not happen. love that is talked about is often quick flaming, more of
the senses that of the soul, born at a moment of impulse
Now we discuss an important point. It is given in Brihat unable to sustain itself. This superficial love may lead to
Jataka thus: marriage. But after that they find difference which can
never be sorted out and end up with divorce. Even in the
past we came across queens who had slain kings.
M: frjc Varahamihira discusses this problem in Brihat Samhita.
He says

When Moon and Venus are in Lagna, the woman likes to

fcTCJrf^T ^ ^1
be happy and has jealousy. When the Moon and Mercury
are in Lagna she is skilled in fine arts, happy and has ^ to eblfeKMH. M
good qualities. When Venus and Mercury are in Lagna
she is beautiful, liked by others and skilled in arts. When With the weapon concealed in the locks of hair consort of
three benefics are in Lagna she has much wealth, great king Viduratha killed him. The wife of the king of Kasi
happiness and good characteristics. In the last Jupiter was killed by his wife with anklet covered by poison.
can be included. But why did Varahamihira omit Jupiter Viduratha is referred to Kautilya's Arthasastra who
in first three lines? Only female planets and a female suggests a secret way in the bed chamber of Kings.
impotent planet are considered. In my own life I had many interesting experiences. There
Jupiter is an important planet and many rajni yoga are was rupture between couple who had difference in views
defined with reference to Jupiter. Now refer to another about admitting the son in a school. The mother wanted
verse in Brihat Jataka. a good school while the father was content with an
ordinary one. The matter assumed great dimensions and
was on the brink of divorce. Then I told them about silly
nature of the dispute and succeeded in convincing them
of a need for compromise. They agreed and the mother's
choice succeeded and the son is now well-employed.
When Saturn has mediocre strength, the Moon, Mercury
and Venus are bereft of strength and the others are There was another instance which sounds quite strange.
powerful and Lagna is an odd sign one becomes a A well-educated woman who used to consult me often
purushini. The term is translated as a woman with many wanted me to fix an auspicious date. I chose a day with
men, one who moves with men or one with masculine star Revati. She was reluctant. What she said was "It is
characteristics. We have to treat them as biological daughter-in-law's star." She is not good. So the star also
characteristics and consequently there may be problems cannot be good. In this way it goes.
in childbirth or leading to problems in conjugal life.
Now when we find that the horoscopes indicate problems
Here the male impotent planet gets medium strength. in conjugal life. We try to introduce some modifications.
Male planets are strong and female planets are weak and The matching is also intended to do this. When the
Lagna is odd sign. Can we construct an astrological horoscopes are matched, taking in to account the basic
combination in which the female impotent planet has traits of the horoscope it can offset some of the problems.
mediocre strength, male planets are weak and female
planets are strong and the Lagna is a even sign in the The first step in matching is papasamya. Some of the
case of a man? Will there be characteristics of a woman important principles are
biologically. It requires analysis.
1. The 2nd which represents the family and 7th which
These things give some aspects of the analysis of represents wife have to be looked into in the case of
horoscopes of men and women.



2. The 7th which represents the husband and 8th which 2. Saturn, Gulika : V4
represents mangalya have to be considered in the 3. Sun ; Y?
case of a woman.
For aspects half these have to be used. Exalted planet
We get the following from Jatakaparijata. does not cause any papam. When position is in question
a planet in own house and when aspect is in question, the
planet aspecting the house do not cause any papam. When
^snjjlclRl 1 11 Jupiter aspects the concerned house or is in the concerned
house the papam gets cancelled. Calculate from Lagna,
When malefics occupy the 2nd and 7th they cause the % of the papam from the Moon Vi of the papam from
separation from wife, misery etc. If matching is done Venus and add them. Do similarly for women with 7th
with a similar horoscope the couple live with children, and 8th houses. The girl's papam should be less than that
wealth etc. of the man by 25%.

After finding papasamya one has to analyze stellar

agreement. We discuss only some of them. Just consider
m Mmi i one aspect. If the star of the boy and the girl are in the
3^Tq ^ifef same rasi, the boy's should be earlier. Otherwise it is
WRlt jcTTCT Wfr ^
When 2nd and 7th are occupied or aspected by malefics
the death of wife is caused. There cruel planets cause
greater harm. If there is a similar combination in the 7th
or 8th in the case of a woman it is inauspicious. If there But there is a statement
is an aspect of a benefic or presence the couple will be
fortunate. I

Varahamihira himself suggests these in Brihat Jataka Two stars in the same rasi give children, grandchildren
thus: etc. What about individual stars?

According to Madhaviya,
Tlterf H^qr

The same star is accepted if it is different from Moola,

Aridra, Satabhisha, Rohini, Bharani, Poorvashadha, Hasta,
When there is a malefic in 7th and 9th is occupied by a
Ashlesha and Pushya.
planet, the woman chooses to renunciation depending on
the nature of the planet. All these things are true in But there is another view.
marriage, choosing the bridegroom and when a query is

This can be mathematically worked out using 3TRT TftTRj ||

One can accept Rohini, Aridra, Mrigasira, Visakha,

Pushya, Sravana, Revati and Uttarabhadrapata. There are
some other rules also which has to be considered. Again
in sashtashtama there are many views, the acceptance of
them practically sanctions every sashtashtaka.

In those days the parents of the boy and the girl met the
The computational method is as follows: astrologer who examines the horoscopes and horary
For Mars methods to give his opinion.
1. Mars in 2nd or 7th :1 continued on 39



Pakistan Airline Crash

An Astrological Analaysis


With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficieny in astrology, Mr. Maniam is a Medical Officer by
profession. He has been honoured by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba and been the winner of the Nostradamus Award in 2010. He has
had his spiritual training under Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj, Ponnamaravathi, Puthukottai Dt. istrict, South India, Mr.
Maniam, with an experience of over 25 years in the study of astrology, has contributed many articles to various journals on
different aspects of mundane astrology. He attributes his initial learning to Dr. B. V. Raman's books, later having studied under Mr.
Muthuratina Bharathi

5. The transit of Saturn in retrograde motion is 8th house

-200 of Bhoja Air crashed a short distance from from the radical Moon. The transit of Saturn in
the international airport in the Pakistani garrison city of retrogression from Moon is a detrimental point that
Rawalpindi. Bhoja Air's flight B4-213 from Karachi to could have contributed to the accident.
Islamabad lost contact with air traffic control as it was 6. The lordship of Venus from both signs has the
coming in to land at the Benazir Bhutto International significance of the 8th house. Moon in Pisces, the 3rd
Airport amidst bad weather. The plane slammed into the and 8th lord is Venus. Thula lagna rising, the 8th lord is
ground at Hussainabad village, located less than 10 km Venus. Thus Venus has become 8th lord, and the day
from the airport. All 121 passengers, including 11 children was ruled by Venus (Friday)
and infants, and six crew members were killed instantly,
7. Jupiter the 3rd and 6th lord for Thula (Libra) lagna is
officials said. The director of the Disaster Management
aspecting the lagna. The lagna has the malefic aspect
Directorate, confirmed there were no survivors.
of Jupiter.
This air crash occurred The constellation of Revati was ruilng on this day.
Mercury Sun Ketu
Moon Jupiter Venus on 20th April 2012. The Moon is in 4th pada in Vargottamsa. This
constellation is the last constellation of the vedic
The time of crash was Zodiac and often depicts final journey.
18:40local time. Certain
peculiar combinations 9. Jaimini sutras says when Atmakaraka is in the Pisces
and disposition of planets Navamsa it depicts final journey. If aspected by
could have contributed to benefics it will remove evil, but in this case malefic
the crash. Mars is aspecting it and hence could not cause good.
Rahu Ascendant - Uchhe Dharmanityata Kaivalyam Cha
10. The Dasa bukthi at the time of the accident is also
1. The lagna lord is in the 8th house though in its own not favourable as it involves the 8th place. Mercury
house but subjected to affliction from Ketu. dasa/Saturn bukthi was in ruling at the time of
2. The Moon transiting 6th house from the lagna is the explosion. Saturn bukthi lasting from 7th February /
weak point as it was Amavasya thiti ruling. 2011 to 21 st October 2013. The Bukthi lord is posited
in the 8th place from dasa lord and is a significant
3. Moon is in the 6th house indicating roga, losses,
point to note. Further analysis of the antara lord
injuries and is aspected by Mars from Leo, the 8th
reveals that Venus antara was ruling from 26th
aspect of Mars falling on Moon and Mercury. Moon January 2012 to 9th July 2012. Venus is in the 8th
lacks Pakshabala. place from Saturn.
4. Even though the Lagna is occupied by Saturn in its
11. The numerological analysis reveals the day was totally
exaltation sign it could not behave well as it was in
ruled by number 2. The date is 20th April 2012. The
retrograde motion.
combination amount to 11=2, Both day number and
the total number is 2. continued on 39



Healing Power of

Gems and Rudraksha


Ancient indian texts have through. This ability to filter light of time (Nakshatra) and should be worn
demonstrated the power and certain wavelengths helps in with proper procedure, only after
efficacy of gem stones in astrological producing the desired results. completing appropriate rituals to
and medicinal applications. Popularly Depending upon the positions of the energize the gems.
know as Ratna Chikitsa, gem planets and their cause-effects,
therapy has been in use since several different gems are recommended to The Power of Rudraksha
hundred years in India. In ancient augment or neutralize the effects. As Rudraksha seed (botanical name
times, astrologers used to advise Kings in medicine, the doctor prescribes 'Elaeocarpus Granitrus') holds
and royal families to wear gems. This antibiotics along with the vitamins. special significance for its healing
would help the royalty to increase Gem therapy similarly uses a properties as well as deep rooted
wealth, power, status and popularity combination of gems for the best connections in Indian vedic
and for averting diseases and results. The difference between an mythology. The seed has several
disasters. astrologer and a doctor is that the clefts and the number of clefts on the
doctor can prescribe medicine after seed determine its properties as well
Charaka Chikitsa, an ancient Indian the symptoms appear while the as its vedic astrology significance.
medicinal text, often termed as the astrologer can predict the effects The seed typically has anywhere from
bible of natural medicine (Ayurveda) much earlier. The accuracy of one to twenty clefts. In Hindi, the
quotes several examples where gems diagnosis as well as the quality / purity clefts are known as "mukha" which
have been effectively used to cure of the medicines play an important roughly translates to "face". The seed
part in the efficacy of any healing - is typically a size of a walnut and is
likewise, in gem therapy the accuracy also referred to as bead, as it is worn
of interpretation as well as quality / extensively in India in form of a
source of gem stones are important. necklace.

Vedic astrology states that there are

nine gems which are assigned to nine
planets i.e. Ruby, Pearl, Coral,
Emerald, Yellow Sapphire, Diamond,
Blue Sapphire, Hessonite and Cat's
eyes are assigned for Sun, Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn,
Rahu (dragon's head) and Ketu
illnesses. Astrologers have studied the (dragon's tail) respectively. Indian
various aspects and the effects of ancient texts give ample details of Rudraksha beads are also worn for
their efficacy along with details of 84 health benefits as well as to protect
different gem stones and concluded
other gemstones. In this scribe's from evil spirits. Each Rudraksha is
that different gemstones created
distinct reactions in the human body. experience, we have experienced that good in its own way and a Rudraksha
gems, when properly used, have with different number of clefts is not
Different gem stones have different
produced very good result. To get the inferior to another. Even the cheapest
refractive indices and thereby absorb
the different colors of the sun rays desired results, the gemstone should Rudraksha, which is five faced has
and allow only certain colors to pass be purchased on a particular day and its own significance. In reality, this is



the most used/worn Rudraksha in the of potential differences or the throughout the body due to
world. Rudraksha beads are worn different energy levels between potential difference between
even by renounced persons because different parts of the body. parts of the body. Rudraksha
they are said to make them rich beads of particular mukhis or
Ever Restless Mind
spiritually. Disciples of Lord Shiva facets have a definitive factor of
invariably wear Rudraksha as a mark As long as the flow of bioelectricity resistance. Electric resistance is
of their respect to the Lord. "Rudra" is smooth, the body functions normally measured in ohms. When these
is another name of Lord Shiva and and we have the feeling of being in beads resist the flow of
"aksha" mean tears. The Rudraksha control. But there is a third element bioelectrical impulses, a specific
tree's origin is believed to arise from that plays a key role between the body ampere of current flow is
the tears of Lord Shiva. and brain bio-electronic circuit generated depending on the
interface - the ever-restless human factor of resistance. This acts in
The scientific explanation of the mind. Any activity that can produce tandem with heartbeat,
benefits of wearing Rudrakshas is stress or maladjustment can throw the streamlining it and sending out
very illustrative and educative. We electronic circuit of the body and mind specific impulses to brain. These
can keep our body healthy as well as out of gear. Human beings, as all living impulses stimulate certain
our stress-prone mind peaceful by beings, are prone to stress in the positive brain chemicals, thus
wearing Rudrakshas. It is imperative ongoing fight for survival and making us feel better, more
that we should feel Rudrakshas as an prosperity. In modern age with confident, poised and more
essential part of our body to keep it intense competition at all levels, the energetic. It has been observed
fit as a fiddle. The beneficial powers stress levels have increased that specific mukhis or facets of
of Rudraksha are by virtue of its tremendously. Almost every individual Rudraksha beads send out
electrical and magnetic properties. has problems of stress and related specific signals acting on a
ailments like insomnia, alcoholism, particular brain chemical and
Stress and the Human Body
depression, maladjustments, heart thereby by effecting specific
Electrical properties are defined as the diseases, skin diseases etc. Medical positive change in personality. It
ability to send out subtle electrical research can confirm that almost is well proven that the state of
impulses & inductive vibrations and 95% of the ailments are mind and our personality is
act as a dielectric as in a capacitor to psychosomatic or stress related - governed largely by the brain
store electrical energy. The human originating from Mind. Stress affects functioning and that of central
body, central nervous system, the central nervous systems as there nervous system.
autonomous, sympathetic & para- is an increased activity or abnormal
sympathetic nervous system and Dielectric Properties
of neurons and neuro transmitters.
various other organ systems can be Rudraksha beads act as dielectric
The magnitude of change will depend
considered a complex bio-electronic - as a storage of electrical
on the cause and specific case.
system. Constant pumping of blood energy. This property of
Prolonged stress leads to disruption
by the heart, blood circulation, the Rudraksha makes it capable in
of electrical signals in the mind-body
transmission of various impulses - stabilizing and anchoring the
interface and it makes us feel
touch, noise, smell, sight, taste to the bioelectric current. Capacitance
uncomfortable. Thus, we are unable
brain and the continuous movement is measured in units of farad.
to act with full efficiency. Our blood
of neurons and neurotransmitters in This property is very helpful in
circulation is affected and as a result,
the brain and nervous system controlling hyperactivity,
various illnesses set in.
generates electrical impulses. This is palpitations of heart, streamlining
termed as bioelectricity. This flow of Power of Rudraksha heartbeat etc. Due to stress when
bioelectricity facilitates movement of Rudraksha beads act as a stabilizing there is increased physical
information from the brain to various anchor for the human mind. activity, heart beats faster and
parts of the body and back to the Rudraksha beads' electrical property the overall activity of hormones
brain. What we feel, think, hear, can be broadly categorized as follows: and nervous system increases.
taste and perceive depends on the This causes increased energy
subtle flow of this bioelectric 1. Resistance levels or increase in potential
current. This flow of bioelectric There is continuous and subtle difference. As a result, the
current occurs due to the existence flow of bioelectrical signal magnitude of the bioelectric



current increases. Rudraksha of the ability to change it's there is a matching of polarities. We
beads acting as dielectric, stores polarity or the property of experience healing and feel better, but
this excess bioelectric energy, dynamic polarity. we can accomplish a more with
thereby streamlining the overall dynamic polarity of Rudraksha
When the passage of arteries and
activity to bring to normal levels. beads.
veins, which carry blood to and from
heart to the body is blocked, various Rudraksha has the ability to change
Rudraksha beads have illnesses creep. Blood carries oxygen it's polarity due to its diamagnetic
permanent magnetic properties. and energy to various parts of the properties. Diamagnetism is termed
They have been observed to send body and cleanses it. Any disruption as the ability of any material to
out Inductive vibrations with of the blood circulation is bound to acquire temporary magnetic property
frequencies measured in units of cause illnesses. Every cell in the blood in presence of an external magnetic
henry (volt seconds/ampere). as well as the arteries and veins are field. The polarity of the charge
This perhaps is the reason why charged either positively or negatively. induced is opposite to that of the
people have felt better, even Magnets have positive (+) and external field inducing the charge.
when Rudraksha beads do not negative (-) poles. When magnets Blood circulation and heart beat
touch them physically. comes in contact with various parts automatically induces a magnetic field
Magnetic Properties of the body, the opposite poles of the around the body and particularly the
Rudraksha beads have both magnets and that of cells get attracted region near the heart. Bioelectricity
paramagnetic and diamagnetic and there is an expansion of the gives raise to bio-magnetism
properties with the most passage .The arteries and veins open depending on the polarity of the
important property of dynamic up to facilitate streamlined blood induced magnetic field. Rudraksha
polarity We are aware of the circulation. When there is a bead acquires a polarity that is
beneficial healing properties of streamlining of blood circulation, most opposite of the inducing field. As a
magnets too. Magnetic healing is of the illnesses get healed and we feel result of this opposing force, the
becoming extremely popular and better and rejuvenated. However, the opening up the passages of arteries
is gaining wide acceptance. magnets has a fixed polarity. When and veins is far better than that of
Rudraksha beads retain most of magnets are brought near a particular magnets, leading to healing and
the properties of magnets, but it part of the body, it opens up only those rejuvenation. Ancient literature also
is unparallel in one aspect, that sections of veins and arteries where mention powerful anti-aging
properties of Rudraksha beads.

Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi

(continued from 6)
latter half of the tithi. For shuklapaksha instead of adding neck, slender waist, riding a dead body set out to annihilate
one, reduce one and continue the same process. Take a the destructive daityas, who trounced gods in a battle.
day of sukla prathama. The calculation will be 1 x 2 = 2 That is why this karana is recommended for acts like
minus 1 = 1. Here the latter half of the tithi carries bava killing, binding, use of poison, fire, instruments, weapons
karana. However, please ensure that krishna chaturdasi and allied exploits of combat and not for any auspicious
and amavasya are left out of the scheme of calculation functions. However, there are some exceptions. The
as the latter half of chaturdasi and amavasya, in full, are vishti occurring during the second half of tithi in the
reserved for the sthira karanas. daytime and those in the first half, prevalent in the night-
time are admissible. Vidya Maadhaveeyam tells that
Vis lit i, a terrific female force, resembling a dark cloud, the last lap of vishti, rather its tail portion of 3 ghatikas or
has a huge form with fiery brilliance, power and 72 minutes, as good, (to be continued)
impetuosity. She possesses poison in her deep eyes, has
fierce tusks, prominent nose, long face and sparks of fire
all over the body. She is intent upon burning the three
worlds. Sripathi gives the origin of vishti in a different
way. Vishti is supposed to be the upshot from the body of
the infuriated Lord Shiva, in the form of a female with a
beautiful face, three legs, a tail, seven arms, a leonine


notice; only articles have been kept useless pages and
publicity have been removed


Dr. B. V. Raman
... Astrology & Weather Forecasting

lyothisha Chinta Nidhi

Benedictory Message for Sanskrit Through Ramayana Series

T. K. Nithyanandan
Family Astrologer Tradition

Prof. V. S. Kalyanraman
Venus Transits the SUN

Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapathi

Sanskrit through Ramayana

Jayasree Saranathan
The Mayan Apocalypse A Vedic View

C.A. Padmanabhan
Nakshatra Paddathi

Partial Lunar Eclipse 4th June 2012

Suranjana Biswas
Fifth House Progeny and Creativity

The Astrological eMagazme Panchanga for June 2012

This Month for You June 2012

Sunrise and Sunset Timings for June 2012

Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka


Lead Article


Weather F orecasting


WHEN YOU NOTE WINDS blowing from the north- (c) Full Moon and New Moon days, (d) When the Sun
east in the evening (Sandhya) of the Full Moon day transits Cancer and Capricon signs, (e) When the Sun
of Ashadha (July-August) month, then there will be occupies the Aridra nakshatra. (f) When Mercury conjoins
downpour and consequent luxuriant vegetable life during with Jupiter or Venus or when Jupiter joins with Venus
the ensuing year. When it rains on the 4th lunar day of the there will be rain. When Mars and Saturn join together
dark half of Ashadha and on the day ruled by without any aspect or association of good planets, then
Poorvabhadra in the same month, there will be luxuriant danger from fire, lightning and storm can be expected.
vegetation during the year ahead. When the 5th lunar day
We are also enabled to determine the very day of the
of the bright half of the lunar month falls on a Sunday (in
occurrence of rain from a knowledge of the nature of the
Ashadha), there will be a little rain. If it is on a Monday,
clouds during the day. When clouds surrounded by a
there will be a down pour. If it is a Tuesday rains will be
radiance resembling that of the Moon, white as nectar,
fierce ; Wednesday would bring in a storm ; Thursday
with a blue-black spot in the centre, and pouring layers of
general prosperity ; Friday ruin and loss; Saturday
water pass from West to East or East to West, we can
there will be misery everywhere. If the constellation of
predict that there will be a very heavy shower before
Rohini coincides with the 10th lunar day (in the month of
Ashadha) there will be terrible rains.
If in the rainy season, the sunrise is observed to have a
Sun occupies 2llA nakshatras every month beginning from
'halo' in the East, and the Noon (midday) is marked
Aswini, making up 12 months from Mesha. He occupies
by the intense heat of the Sun's rays, we can make
Poorvashadha in the month of Dhanus and stays there
sure that there will be rain that day. Apart from
for 13 days and 20 ghatikas (13 degrees and 20 minutes).
atmospheric factors, the ancient meteorologists took
If during the 1st day, all the sky including the Sun is found
note of the behaviour of certain animals as indicating
to be completely covered by dark clouds, there will be
immediate rainfall such as...
rain during the month of Mithuna when the Sun occupies
Ardra. Similarly, if during the 2nd day all the heavens are Cows hasten home to meet their calves. Cats scratch
found to be dark by clouds, there will be rain during the the ground with their claws. Hills shine at a distance
latter part of Mithuna and the first part of Kataka, when and seem to have a blue coloring. The disc of the Moon
the Sun will occupy the asterism of Punarvasu. Similarly has a circular red line, the color being that of the eyes
in the 3rd day, 4th day, 5th day, 6th day and so on till the of the hen. Chameleons climb up trees and stare
14th day, if the same conditions prevail, there will be rains stupidly at the sky. Cows too seem to stare upwards.
during the succeeding months when the Sun will be in Cocks crow in the day looking up. Flashes of lightning
Pushyami, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, till Moola in regular are marked in the North East. The Moon is observed
succession. The above information is useful in giving long- to have the color of honey or of the eyes of parrots or
range forecasts which appear to have been a specialty doves. The disc of the Moon though enveloped in
with our ancient meteorologists. If the heavens are clear, clouds, seems to emanate a radianceround in shape
then there will be no rains. Prat hi Chandra (mock moon).
Rains can be expected in the following periods: HY are asked to predict that there will be rains
(a) When the combustion period of the various planets immediately if the following are observed :
begin and end. (b) When Moon conjoins with other planets,
Pearls of thunder crash in the night time, deep red flashes
Continuedfrom the May 2012 issue of lightning are observed during day time; cold winds blow


from the East; young sprouting leaves raise their heads is made in the Varsha Ritu, the situation of Saturn in the
high, birds freely bathe in water or in dust, serpents bark 7th house from Sun or Moon, or in the 4th or 8th from
in the sunsine lying on grass; clouds assume the color of a ascendant, or in the 2nd or 3rd from ascendant, brings in
peacock, parrot, wild crow, or chathaka bird and seem to copious rains. In Varsha Ritu, Moon in a watery sign and
have the shape of waves, hills, tortoise, pigs and fishes. ascendant, or in Sukla Paksha, Moon in quadrant, bring in
rain all on a sudden. If a benefic aspects the Moon, rains
A rising bundle of Sun's rays shoot forth just like hills,
will be very heavy. If a malefic aspects the Moon, the
clouds come closer to the earth, with thunder and lightning.
Water becomes tasteless, the sky gets the color of the rains will be very scarce. In the place of Moon, insert
cow's eyesa glow in the 8 Dikssalt melts the 'Venus' and predict the same results.
heavens get a glow just like that of crow's eggswinds In a query regarding' Floods', Moon or Mercury, or Jupiter
come to a standstillfrogs croak, fishes spring up above and Venus aspected by benefics and occupying 4, 7 and
water. Evidently, the ancient meteorologists were keen 10, brings in high floods. In the 4th floods result from
students of nature as they have taken into consideration springs and wells and in the 7th floods are to be seen in
every kind of phenomenon which indicates a change in rivers and in the 10th floods are due to very heavy rains.
the weather. Though the above mentioned signs and yogas indicate
If the Lagna rising at the time of Aries ingress happens to be heavy rains, if the ascendant has the association or aspect
a watery sign and is aspected by watery planets there will be or Navamsa or drekkana of Mercury, there will be no
proper rains. If the Rasi is a fiery one and is associated or rains, being disturbed by winds.
aspected by fiery planets, there will be no rain. If Mars, Mercury, Saturn or Rahu occupy quadrants, rains
When Aries ingress happens to fall on Rohini, Anuradha, will be quickly dissipated by adverse storms and cyclones.
Jyeshta, Uttarashada, Abhijit, Sravana, Dhanishta, the year If Udaya ascendant is an aquatic sign and Venus and Moon
is known as ' Indra Mandala '. The year will be happy occupy the same or if Arudha aspected by Venus and
and prosperous. When the Sankramana falls on Bharani, Moon happens to be a watery sign, predict that there will
Krithika, Pushyami, Makha, Pubba, Visakha and be rains.
Poorvabhadra, the year is known as'AgniMandala'. The
effect will be, fear from fire, poverty everywhere, crops If Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu occupy quadrants,
fail. Autumn crops are destroyed. When the ingress there will be no rains being disturbed by adverse winds. If
happens to be Aswini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Uttara, they are associated by benefics, there will be some rain.
Hastha, Chitta, Swathi, then the year has 'Vayu Mandala'. If Rahu and Saturn occupy watery signs, the rains will be
Fear from kings, storms and scarcity of rains, will be the enjoyable. If these are aspected by Moon and Venus, rains
result. When the ingress happens to be Aridra, Aslesha, will be very heavy causing harm.
Mula, Poorvashada, Satabhisha, Uttarabhadra and Revati
The above methods may look somewhat fantastic to us,
then the year has 'Varuna Mandala'. Good rains and
educated as we are, according to Western methods, but
general prosperity will ensue.
having due regard for the wisdom of the sages, it would
Apart from the astro-meteorological methods, horary be well to test the truth of their statements. An appeal to
astrology is also employed to predict rains, etc. facts, if conducted fairly and extended day by day over a
sufficient length of timefor a casual observation now
* If a watery planet occupies a non-watery Rasi there and again is not sufficientis sure to convince the
will be rain soon. If non-watery planet occupies a watery observer that certain planetary positions do actually
Rasi, there will be rain after some delay. Watery planet in accompany definite changes in the weather and that this
a watery Rasi brings in regular rains. Non-watery planet
occurs too frequently to dismiss as chance-coincidence.
in a non-watery Rasi brings in no rain. In the bright half
Modem astronomers and meteorologists would find it more
of the (lunar) month, if benefics occupy 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
useful and more instructive to watch for and study such
bhavas in watery signs or Moon stands in an aquatic sign,
coincidences than to confine their observations of
there will be rain.
conjunctions of Mars and Saturn to the delightful
If at the time of prasna, the 2nd or the third bhava happens amusement of " testing photometrically and also
to be a watery sign, then within 20 days the rains will be photographically the lustre of the conjoined planets".
so heavy that floods will rise up in rivers. If the question


Jyothisha Oiiiita


COMLNG TO THE NITYAYOGAS, we have to take Tila Chaturthi, Kunda or Varada Chaturthi, Ganesha
note of Vaidhruthi and Vyatipata. Liberally Pooja is performed in Bengal.
translated, Vydhruti may mean concealing or inescapable
The Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha or Bahula
and Vyatipata falling from standards. As mentioned earlier,
Chaturthi of every month is known as
these are the two important of the nine forbidden Yogas
Sankataharachaturthi. After observing Vrata or fasting
eschewed for the conduct of auspicious functions. for the full day, it is the practice to break it and take food
Vaidhruthi pervades from 346 40' to 360 and Vyatipata only after observing the abhisheka for Ganapathi or seeing
from 213 20' to 226 40' of the sum of the longitudes of the Moon rising in the east. The purpose of this Vrata is
the Sun and the Moon. Vaidhruthi and Vyatipata to get rid of sankashtas or problems and difficulties.
punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas When such a day falls on a Tuesday, it is called Angaraka
prevail for Wi hours or more, when Sraddhas are Chaturthi. By convention, this Vrata is to commence
performed by the astute. These form part of the with the Sravana Krishna Chaturthi and continued to be
shannavati - 96 - Sraddhas ordained for a householder. observed every month, at least for one year. Some
Considering the astronomical implications, the Sayana continue it for 21 years or even for life. Lord Siva is
Vaidhruthi and Vyatipata days are also indicated in most supposed to have observed this Vrata when he wanted to
of the calendars. With added ayanamsa, for both the vanquish the demon Taaraka!
longitudes of the Sun and the Moon, the Sayana
Vaidhruthi and Vyatipata will occur, a couple of days Shastivrata, dedicated to lord Subrahmanya is observed on
ahead of the Nirayana computations. the sixth lunar day of the Shuklapaksha. Kartika Sukla Shasti
is observed as Subrahmanya Shasti or Skanda Shasti when
We have most of our religious observances pegged on to Soorasamhara is enacted and celebrated in Tamil Nadu in a
tithis. Chandradarisana, Chaturthivrata, Shastivrata, grand scale especially at Palani and Tiruchendur.
Ekadasivrata, Harivasara, Pradosha and
Pournamipooja are specially mentioned in most of our Ekadasi is observed twice in every lunar month, one in
panchangas. Chandradarisana is observed on the Krishnapaksha and the other in Shuklapaksha. Each
evening on the day when the crescent Moon appears for of the Ekadasi has a special name and different favourable
the first time in the west after the Amavasya. The months results are attributed for observing the Vrata on such days.
However, the Vrata is observed during the Harivasara
of the Islamic calendar begin only on the sunset times on
that day. Chaturthivrata, every month, is observed on timings. Harivasara starts with the last quarter of the
the day when the Sukla Chaturthi Tithi is prevalent. This Ekadasi and exists up to the end of the first quarter of
is called Ganesha Chaturthi. By faith and custom, the Dwadasi. This period is furnished in moat of the
seeing the Moon, still a crescent, is avoided on that day. panchangas, especially in Kerala. The name of the
It is on this day of the month of Bhadrapada, the annual Ekadasi and the special results attributed for those
observing the Vrata are also mentioned by some.
event of Ganesha or Vmaayaka Chaturthi is celebrated
all over the country. Apart from its religious importance, Pradosha is the time of 6 ghatikas or 2h. 24m., after the
it is now celebrated as a National festival, thanks to the sunset of a day. It has some other connotations as well.
movement initiated by Lokamanya Balagangadhara Tilak. The first three hours of Chaturthi, AVi hours of Saptami
It gains special significance when it falls on a Sunday or and 6 hours of Trayodasi go under the name. The most
Tuesday. Likewise, on Magha Sukla Chaturthi, called important ones are those of the evenings of Sukla and
Krishna Trayodasi days that are specially observed as
Continued from the May 2012 issue Pradosha Vrata days, which are the times of worship of


Siva and Parvati in extremely propitious mood. When it The combination of specific Tithi on a specific weekday
happens on a Saturday, it is called Sanipradosha and if is called the Tithi-Vara yoga. Dwadasi on a Sunday, Ekadasi
on Monday Somapradosha and both are special. on Monday, Dasami on Wednesday, Navami on Thursday,
Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Ashtami on Friday and Saptami on Saturday create
Moon is prevalent. Krakachadosha. This can be spotted out easily. It will
The Amavasya day, Pitrudina is devoted to manes and be present when the sum of the Tithi and the weekday
offerings are made to them through Tarpana. Thirteen add up to 13. It must remembered that, in our panchangas,
Amavasya days of the lunar year are included in the the reckoning a day by its name, is done from one sunrise
shannavati -96- Sraddhas. A discussion of various other to the next. Krakachadosha yoga is generally not
special Tithis is deferred, as our present aim is to examine recommended for auspicious events. Tithis Trayodasi,
some of the special Yogas. These Yogas are numerous Chaturdasi, Pournami, Amavasya and Prathama to
and only some select ones find a place in the daily guide. Panchami cannot create this Dosha. Krakacha means a
By permutation and combination, the Vara, Nakshatra and saw and like it is capable of cutting the beneficial effects
Tithi can generate too many groupings. We have Vara- of the time selected.
Tara-Yogas with the combination of weekdays and
Nakshatras. The Tithi-Vara Yogas are the combination As there are divergent views in the constitution of some
of those with Tithi and weekdays. Tithi-Vara-Tara Yogas of the Tithi Vara Yogas according to different authorities,
are those with the combinations of all the three. Let us we shall confine only to those, mostly accepted and discuss
try to examine them one by one. them hereafter. (to be continued) H

Mr. Nithyanandan is a qualified

Chartered Accountant having held Family Astrologer
senior positions in various
organisations and is currently
associated with a globally reputed
company in Bangalore. A true believer Tradition
in tradition and culture, his study of
astrology began in the mid 1970s.
Provides astrological services too. His
son is currently doing his Ph.D and
lives in USA with his wife. T K. NTTHYANANDAN

ALMOST FIVE DECADES back as a young boy I joint family unit and this paved way for 'nuclear family'
accompanied my uncle to a traditional vedic pandit system. The younger generation started living away from
cum family astrologer for consultation on his nephews' even their parents after marriage, either on their own or
horoscopes. The astrologer after thoroughly scanning due to vocational compulsions. Thus, what used to be
the horoscopes, put them on the table and disapprovingly daily meetings between the family members culminated
nodded his head. My uncle was a bit worried but the into social gatherings, hardly any time was spent on
astrologer hastened to reassure him nothing to worry about discussing matters related to traditions, customs etc., and
their longevity, but both will leave their mother land and easily one could see the traditions losing its fabric. The
settle down abroad. Those days going abroad was still worst aspect was that traditional practices were subject to
considered to be a taboo and hence according to him it mockery by other so called progressive minded members of
was not a good horoscope. But today's modern astrologer the family and the practitioner was almost ridiculed.
considers going abroad is a great achievement and makes
Thanks to exposure to other worldly developments,
his client jump with joy. My uncle was in for another
youngsters started questioning everything before
surprise when the astrologer said that one of them will
acceptance and when they did not get convincing answers,
marry outside the caste. He also suggested some
such traditions were discarded without batting an eyelid.
pariharam (appeasing the planets to overcome the
The main reason for this dichotomy was due to elders
negative indications in the horoscope). I am not sure
themselves moving away from the joint family system
whether my uncle followed the astrologer's advice but
in their quest for greener pasture and along with this
both his sons went abroad and one even married a foreigner.
tradition also lost its course. Their moral authority to
The tradition of family astrologer was prevalent from address queries from youngsters on customs, traditions
time immemorial and as far as my memory goes it suffered from conviction and this resulted in non-adherence
continued till 1980s. Such family astrologers were not to time tested practices. And one of the victims of this
merely professional but an integral part of the larger change was astrological practices.
families, sharing happy and not so happy moments with I must mention here the role of electronic/print media which
their clients and stood by them like a solid rock in times can not be totally ignored for its role in making Astrology an
of need. Since they knew each family member's ordinary TRP/readership tool in their hands. Beginning from
horoscope so well , they were able to provide holistic yearly, monthly and daily predictions, giving generic forecastes
advice considering various aspects before the family took became a fashion. In the fast food era, this captured the
major decisions. Since people those days had faith, both imagination of the youth for its speed of delivery and they
on astrology and the astrologer, his advices were totally ignored the traditional astrologers. While some of them
respected. He was a kind of assurance to the family, continue to provide consultation to members of one family,
especially when things did not go well. In other words, he we could never consider them any way closer to the
was a friend in need. As reciprocation family astrologers traditional family astrologer who advised larger family units
also felt morally responsible to their clients since their comprising of many members. On the other hand the new
words were taken seriously and acted upon. Thus there trend left knowledgeable and experienced astrologers
existed a healthy and respectful relationship on both sides. frustrated and the traditional family astrologer started
disappearing over a period of time.
However, 1980s started seeing the drift from the family
astrologer tradition, thanks to increase in literacy levels. For the benefit of community at large, let us seek the
Moreover, the employment opportunities started taking the blessings of the higher energies for the resurgence of
younger generation to far away destinations from their family astrologer tradition soon.



Venus Transits the


(This special article is dividied into three parts - The event, the
PROF. V S. KALYANRAMAN astrological significance and the astronomical aspect. Every
student of astrology and astronomy will greatly benefit by going
V S Kalyanraman, a
through this very well designed, content rich article by a vedic
mathematician and amateur
scholar par excellence- Editor, The AeM)
astronomer by training, a
bureaucrat by profession and a
student of astrology by passion, AS A SECOND RARE EVENT of this century we will be
had his traditional training in witnessing a "Transit of Venus across the disc of the Sun"
astrology in his teens, under a
on June 6, 2012. Some of our readers may remember the
couple of illustrious masters in
one such transit occurred on the 8th of June 2004. That was a most
Kerala and took a vow not to
turn a professional astrologer. A interesting celestial event that was eagerly awaited then, after a lapse
journalist from his student days of 121 years, when almost one generation who died before that date
he commenced his career as a was denied the opportunity to witness such a rare celestial sight.
teacher and ended it as a senior On the 8th June 2004 we, in India, could see the planet Venus moving
officer of the Government of across the face of the Sun for nearly six hours.
India. Turning his attention to
serious studies, from story 2004 transit as seen from
writing, in the fifties, to Saiva Bangalore at 07:41 UTC,
Siddhanta, Philosophy, about two hours into the
Psychology, Vedic Mathematics, transit. The image is inverted
Bharateeya Ganitha Sastra,
compared to the diagram,
Jyothisha (astronomy), the
so Venus is seen near the
various astrological systems,
Vastu Sastra, Vedic Numerology top of the Sun's disc
and allied disciplines, under
various masters of repute, he was A similar event will happen this year on the 6th June 2012. Here is
actively associated in astrological a warning. No one must try to see the Sun with naked eyes. No
journalism, over decades and optical aid, telescope or binoculars, as we usually watch the night
more intensively after his sky, must be used to observe this phenomenon. Even filters will not
retirement for over two decades,
be safe. Any such attempt can damage the eyes and cause permanent
under the guise of various
blindness. The safe method will be to project the image of the Sun
pseudonyms and has been the
recipient of many awards. He, as on a white screen and observe the event on the screen.
a senior contributor is with THE What Is this All About?
After-all what is this "Transit of Venus across the disc of the Sun"?
inception. He is not available for
any private consultations. The orbits of the planets Mercury and Venus lie inside the orbit of
the Earth, around the Sun. Therefore only these two planets can
pass between the Earth and the Sun and trigger such transits.


Mercury and Venus are far away from the earth, towards Pattern of Occurrence
the Sun. Therefore during such transits, they will be seen These transits of Venus occur in pairs with eight years
as small black dots, slowly moving across the bright face separating two such events. The pairs recur at intervals
of the Sun. On the 6th June 2012 Venus can be seen as of 121.5 and 105.5 years. In other words, these transits
a black dot moving across the disc of the Sun. Those who of Venus have a curious 243 year repeating pattern. Two
could witness such a similar celestial drama in 2004, if transits occur in December, around the 8th, in an eight
are lucky to live to see the next one on the 6th June 2012, years gap. Then, there is a wait of 121'/Wears for the
will be most fortunate, for having seen two such transits next pair to occur. Then, another two transits occur in
during their lifetime, as the facility of seeing even one is June, around the 7th, in another eight year gap. The next
denied to almost many. one will occur only after 1 OS'A years. This pattern repeats.
Dont Watch the transit with naked eyes. In any pair, the first transit of Venus will be followed by a
It can damage your eyes and even second one, eight years later. This is because the orbital
cause permanent blindness. period of 224.701 days of Venus and of 365.256 days of
the Earth, are in an eight year or 2922 days resonance
These planetary passages, in front of the Sun, can also be with each other. In other words, during the period the
considered as a peculiar kind of eclipses of the Sun. Earth goes round the Sun, eight times, Venus completes
Eclipses of the Sun happen when actually the Moon moves almost exactly thirteen such revolutions around the Sun.
in front of the Sun and blocks its light. Then, because of As a result, Venus and Earth line up in the same positions
the nearness of the Moon to us, on the earth, the Moon with respect to the Sun once in eight years. These two
can cover either fully or even partially the disc of the Sun, orbital periods of the earth and Venus are not quite
for the observers on the earth. However, in the case of matching with each other, always. After the first eight
Venus and Mercury, they can obstruct only a tiny portion year gap, Venus will arrive at starting point in the next
of the big disc of the luminous Sun, because they are very eight year rendezvous, about 22 hours earlier than the
far away from the earth, unlike the Moon, which Earth. That is why no transit occurs in the second eight-
comparatively is too near to us. year tryst, as Venus arrives too early for a transit to occur.
The next transit season occurs either 105.5 years or 121.5
Such transits of these two planets are rarer than the usual years later at the opposite node of the orbit of Venus. An
eclipses of the Sun that we see quite often, caused by the example of this pattern can be seen in the transit pairs of
Moon. This is because such transits can happen only if 1631-1639; 1761-1769; 1874-1882,2004 and now in 2012.
the planets are in inferior conjunction with the Sun and
also cross the ecliptic at that moment of time. History of Observation
Since the invention of the telescope only six such events
More Details
of transits of Venus that occurred in the years 1631,1639,
The planet Mercury goes round the Sun more quickly
1761, 1769, 1874, 1882 and 2004 have so far been
because its orbit is nearer to the Sun than Venus. Such
transits of Mercury therefore happen more frequently.
They happen about 13 or 14 times in each century. These The ensuing transit of Venus, across the disc of the Sun,
transits of Mercury can happen in the months of May or due to occur next on the 6th June 2012 is the next one of
November. The last three transits of Mercury across the the pair, of 2004-2012. It can be remembered that the
disc of the Sun occurred in 1999,2003 and 2006. However, earlier one of the present pair occurred on the 8th June,
the transit of 2006 could be witnessed only for a few 2004.
minutes and that too in some places of the North Eastern
parts of India and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands The Process and Progress of the Transit
because it was night time in India. The next transit of Such transits have four stages.
Mercury will occur only on the 9th May 2016.
1. First is the instant when the outer rim of the planet
The transits of Venus are much rarer because its orbit is touches that of the Sun.
considerably larger than that of Mercury. These transits 2. The second stage is when the entire disc of the Venus
of Venus are possible only during the early December gets inside the disc of the Sun. After this, during the
and early June. Only then the orbital nodes Venus pass next several hours, Venus gradually will traverse the
across the Sun and when the planet will be on an inferior solar disc, at a speed of about 4-arc-min/hr.
conjunction at that time.



3. At the third stage the planet will reach the opposite June 5th. In the Middle East and most of south Asia,
limb. Then it will become once again internally Europe, eastern Africa, Israel, east Africa, the transit will
tangential with the outer rim of the Sun. be visible immediately on the sunrise of the 6th June
(when the transit will already be in its middle course).
4. The transit ends at the final fourth stage when the
However, those in most of the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal,
outer rim of the planet touches that of the Sun, just to
southern Spain, western Africa, and the south-eastern two
get out of it.
thirds of South America and West Africa, will not see the
The first two contacts of the phase are called ingresses. transit at all!
The last two are called egresses. Greatest transit is the In India
instant of minimum angular separation between Venus and
From any part of India the beginning of the transit will
the Sun as seen from Earth's geo-centre.
not be visible as the event will be in progress before
Where is the transit Seen ? sunrise. However we can see Venus on the disc of the
Sun from sunrise to 10h.l2m., till its final egress at
The entire transit of5th/6th June 2012 (all four contacts)
will be visible from its beginning to end in most of eastern
China, northern Asia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, east Diagrammatic patterns of the positions of the Sun, Venus
Australia, New Zealand, east Russia, Alaska, north- and the earth in their orbits are given Figures 1, 2 and 3.
western North America, Hawaii and the western Pacific. Map 1 shows the transit pattern across the disc of the
Only part of the transit will be visible from most of North Sun for both the events of2004 and 2012. Map 2 shows
America, the Caribbean, and northwest South America, the areas of visibility, full and partial, for different regions
until the sun sets while the transit is still in progress on in the word, for event of 2012.

Diagrammatic Charts and Maps


O Si

Earth's orbit



.node Earth!

2004 and 2012 Transits of Venus

2012 Venus Transit

Contact Times 2012 Geocentric Data
(Geocentric Coordinates)
Greatest = 01:29:28 UT
I =22:09:29 UT Position Angle = 345.4"
II = 22:27:26 UT Separation = 554.4"
Greatest = 01:29:28 UT 23
Duration - 06h40m
III = 04:31:30 UT
AT = 75.0 s
IV = 04:49:27 UT IV

+ w

8 ^
2004 Venus Transit 10 2004 ficocentric Data
Contact Times
(Geocentric Coordinates) 12 Greatest = 08:19:44 UT
Position Angle = 166.3
I = 05:13:29 UT
II = 05:32:55 UT Separation = 626.9"
Greatest = 08:19:44 UT 1 1 I I 1 1 > < 1 1 > 1 1 1 t 1 Duration = 06h 12m
III = 11:06:33 UT 0 5 10 15 AT= 65.0 s
IV = 11:25:59 UT Fred Espendk, NASA/GSFC
Figure 1 - Path of Venus across the Sun's disk on 2004 June 08 and 2012 June 06

Visibility map of the 2012 Venus Transit

Transit Transit Visible
in Progress in Progress
at Sunset at Sunrise i
No Transit

Loiigitiide Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC


Concluding it must be remembered that, prior to 2004, it of 2004, elsewhere. The catastrophe was caused after
was on December 6, 1882, such an event was witnessed the transit of Venus in June 2004. It will not be out of
on the earth. None of those who could have seen that place to foresee some such disasters in the near future,
event, in the 19th century, would have survived till 2004, as the aftermath of the impending transit of Venus, for
much less to watch this transit of June 2012. However, which the recent strong earthquake that hit Indonesia of
some who were lucky to see the transit of 2004, like this a magnitude of 8.7 on the afternoon of Wednesday, April
scribe, if can also be alive on the 6th June 2012, to see the 11,2012, could be perhaps an indication. Of course those
next one, can feel proud of having witnessed both these parts of the world exposed fully to the transit visibility
rare events of this century. Then, after 2012, the present could be more susceptible for some such natural havoc,
generation cannot witness the next pair of such transits, in the perceptible future.
because they can occur only after over a century from
now, on the 11th December 2117 and then on 8th What our Astrological Texts Say
December 2125. Brihat Samhita mentions that when Venus becomes
visible before the Sun sets, panic will rule the land and if
seen throughout the day, famine and diseases will break
For Students of Astrology
The students of astrology can note that the terrestrial The situation on the 6th June 2012 is that Venus will be
impacts of such rare celestial events could be experienced seen during daytime not as a bright object but as a darkened
months ahead or later to such events, depending upon the spot moving across the face of the Sun, for about four
location of visibility, time and other allied factors. The hours during daytime. However, Venus does not over-shine
recorded history has nothing much to correlate such transits the Sun. Prior to the moment of the entering and the
of Venus or Mercury with major terrestrial happenings. moment it goes out of the rim of the Sun, the planet will
However, there are some recorded incidents that can not visible, as it will be lost in the glory of the Sun. On
kindle the curiosity of the assiduous students of astrology that day the Sun will be in Rohini along with Venus, which
and make them rummage around for possible links of such is retrograde. Venus is in Gajavithi, in the north avenue,
causes and effects. in the first mandala and becomes conjunct with the Sun
on the 6th and with Mercury on the 2nd. An exact
An annihilation of a massive 16000 inhabitants of Venice, conjunction of Saturn and Mars that occurs on 15th August
due to plague happened on November 30,1630. This was causing mAgnimarutayoga in Libra bereft of any benefic
just prior to the transit of Venus in 1631. Just after this aspect or association is worthy of note, as it happens on
transit, in December 1631, Mount Vesuvius erupted, our next Independence day. As this happens at the 4th
destroying six villages, killing thousands of people. place from the natal Moon of the Indian Independence
Perhaps Italy had to take the burn for the transit event of chart, a volatile situation can open up just before or after
1631. In March 1760 much of Boston was destroyed by that moment.
a raging fire. This was prior to the transit of 1761. The
largest volcanic eruption ever recorded was Krakatau in Stock markets can
Indonesia, in 1883, just after the 1882 transit of Venus. tumble and totter
The blast was stated to have been heard 4635 kilometres
for a while
away and the collapse of the volcano caused 150 meters
high waves in the nearby Sunda Strait. Ash from the
eruption hung in the upper atmosphere causing global Stock markets can tumble and totter for a while. Saturn
temperature drop by an average of 1.2 C, over the next in Virgo can bring a lot of confusion and misunderstanding
twelve months. Quite recently, can we not take the great amongst the political partners of the ruling coalition and
forest fire that raged America in November 2003 as a troubles for women and writers. A state of turbulence
precursor to the transit of 2004? can sway the tribal regions causing many killings. An
explosive situation in some of the Arab countries cannot
Can anyone forget the great Indian Ocean earthquake be ruled out.
and tsunami that occurred on the 26th December 2004,
which caused major losses in many parts of the world, What Further is in Store
including India and caused an estimated death of 227,898 However, Saturn has its favourable strength as well. It
people? It is worthy of mention that some such catastrophe can favour the downtrodden masses of the country.
was predicted astrologically while discussing the transit Governments both at the centre and states will be



compelled to take steps to improve their status. Saturn is

a planet for democracy. Non democratic countries like
Some Astronomical Details
some of those in the Middle East and rest of the world
can see revolutions cropping up making the masses to Students of astronomy will find the following information
have the final say. It was after the earlier sojourn of interesting. During the present period in Earth's history,
Saturn in Libra, India experienced some shocking and the orbit of Venus crosses the orbital plane of the Earth in
surprising political changes. Saturn perhaps can help to early June and early December, each year. If Venus is
see the emergence of a leader of strong mettle and passing between the Earth and Sun at that time, a transit
manners, to take the country to new heights. True to his will be seen. During the six millennium period 2000 BCE
name, Manda, the process can be a bit slow but steady. to 4000 CE, the earth would experience 81 transits of
Venus across the Sun. These events can be organized
Saturn can see the emergence of into two groups:
a leader of strong mettle and manners, June (Descending Node) = 44
to take the country to new heights. December (Ascending Node) = 37

The impending conglomeration of five planets in Taurus Occasionally, one of the eight year "double-transits" may
around the 3rd June 2012, just three days prior to the transit not happen because one of them may become a near miss.
of Venus, will be worthy of watch. Five planets in Taurus, The due transit in 1388 missed and the next one in 3097
along with Mars fromLeo and Saturn from Virgo, will be also will not happen.
aspecting the neecha Full Moon, eclipsed by Rahu, in Transits of Venus for an 800 year period from 1601 to
Scorpio, causing somewhat a simulated 'navagraha' tangle 2400 are as noted below.
on Scorpio, which accidently happens to be the ascendant
of the swearing in of the present ruling ministry at the 1631 Dec 07 1882 Dec 06 2247 Jun 11
Centre, according to Chaitrapaksha Ayanamsa. With the
1639 Dec 04 2004Jun 08 2255Jun 09
twin eclipses on 20th May (Annular Solar Eclipse) and
4th June (Partial Lunar Eclipse), the Nation can get ready 1761Jun 06 2012Jun 06 2360 Dec 13
to face drastic changes in the centre, demise or demotion 1769Jun 03 2117 Dec 11 2368 Dec 10
of a couple of popular personalities and to receive a strong
1874 Dec 09 2125 Dec 08
and popular leader some months ahead or at least sometime
after June this year. A useful way to organize the transits is by grouping them
into series where each member of a series is separated
by 88,756 days or 243 years (sum of 8 + 105.5 + 8 +
121.5 years). Thus, the transits of 1518, 1761 and 2004
would belong to one series, while the transits of 1639,
Rasi 1882 and 2125 would belong to another series. Such transit
Chart for Ingress
Time at New Delhi series are quite long-lived and may last 5,000 years or
more. For example, the series of December at Ascending
Node began in -1763 (1764 BCE) and will run till 2854 (a
grazing transit) for a total of 20 transits spanning 4617
years. These transit families are quite analogous to the
Aries will be rising at New Delhi at the time of ingress, Saros series for solar and lunar eclipses.
with Sun, Jupiter, retrograde Venus and Ketu in the second, The positions of the orbital nodes of Venus with respect
with retrograde Saturn in Virgo and Mars in the fifth, to Earth are slowly changing with time. Five thousand
without any beneficial aspects. This can surely trigger years ago, transits occurred around May 21 and November
some political turmoil, mostly by a lady politician. Demise 19. At present, the transits occur within a day of June 7
of a very popular person in the fine-arts field, prior to or and December 9. In about 1500 years, the transits will
after this event of June 6, 2012, is possible. occur during Earth's solstices, i.e., June 21 and December
22. Over a period of approximately eighty thousand years,
This space for you @ ? 900 the transit dates will migrate forward one complete cycle
through the seasons. B


With a Masters degree in astrology, she

The Mayan Apocalypse is a practitioner of astrology (and
palmistry) for twenty years. She is
currently doing Research in astrology.
While her teacher was maternal grand
father, KaazhiyurBashyam lyengar, she
A Vedic View
says she owes her knowledge largely to
Dr B. V. Raman whose books enriched
JAYASREE SARANATHAN her perception of astrology.

THE DOOMSDAY PREDICTION of the Mayan received the knowledge of nine systems of mana
calendar that the world would come to an end on 21st according to the narration in the Surya Siddhantha. They
December 2012 has done enough rounds around the world. are Brahma-mana, P raj a p a ty a-mana, Deva-mana,
This prediction is different from the prophecies of the Pitru-mana, Saura-mana, Chandra-mana, Savana-
Nostradamus kind, because the Mayans had based their mana, Nakshatra-mana and B ri h a sp a ty a-mana. The
predictions on a repetitive calendar system of astronomical Brihaspathya mana is based on Jupiter and was followed
position of planets. This background of the predictions by the Devas or the people of the northern hemisphere.
naturally arouses the interest of astrologers like us who But an Asura receiving that knowledge precludes that he
have been introduced to traditional astrology given by the later deduced the mana for the Asuras or the inhabitants
Vedic seers. Of particular interest is the importance given of the southern hemisphere. There does exist in some
to Venus in the Mayan calendar. The origin of the Mayan compilations that a mana known as Asura mana was in
calendar coming from regions closer to the southern vogue in times of past but was lost due to dis-use in the
hemisphere raises our curiosity as to whether the system region where we live, namely the northern hemisphere.
of Venus, known as Shukramana was the basis for the
An analysis of the past does reveal that a system of
Mayan calendar. In this article, an attempt is made to
astrology propagated by Maya and applicable to the
bring out the salient features of the Shukramana, taking
southerners did exist in the past. From Vedic texts we
cue from Brihat Samhita and interfacing with Mayan
come to know that a common ancestry of seers known as
revelations and the probable interpretation of the Mayan
Bhrugvangiras got divided into Bhrugu and Angiras.
prediction of 21st December, 2012.
Bhrugu's disciple was Shukra, who became teacher for
Before going into the details, let us remind ourselves of Asuras (demons). And from Angiras came Brihaspathi
the Mayan connection to our traditional astrology. The who became the teacher for Devas. The sage Bhrugu
name Maya comes as a Vastu specialist and also as an and the teacher of Shukra are grouped along with Maya
astrologer who received the wisdom of Surya in Matsya Purana as sages who were proficient in Vastu
Siddhantha. In both these contexts Maya is either sastra. Thus we find a connection between Maya and
referred to as a Danava or an Asura. Surya Siddhantha Shukra and Asuras, the people of southern regions. This
recognises him as an Asura only. We should recall that background information gives credence to the Bhrugu or
the region to the south of the equator was peopled with Shukra mana (Asura-mana) system of time measurement
Asuras according to Puranic narrations. The Asuras of as the origin of the Mayan belief system that is found in
the south and the Devas who inhabited the Northern the Mesoamerican regions including Mexico and in regions
hemisphere were guided by their respective preceptors just north and south of the Equator. The importance given
namely Shukra (Venus) and Brihaspathi (Jupiter) to Venus in their systems also lends credence to its origin
respectively. For the astrologer, the important information in Asura-mana or Shukra-mana.
is that the cycle of Jupiter, known as Brihaspatya mana
The Mayan Calendar of Time
was in vogue in the Northern hemisphere. This gives a
presumption that the cycle of Venus called as Shukra Mayans followed 3 types of calculation of time. One is
the long count which is similar to Yuga cycles running
mana must have been popular in the southern hemisphere.
into thousands of years. One such long cycle is going
Although not much is known about Shukra mana, the to end on 21s' December 2012. The second one is a
traditional opinion is that such a system of time Divine calendar (Tzolkin) running to a duration of 260
measurement did exist as part of different systems of days. This resembles our Lunar calendar which we use
mana or measurement of time. Interestingly Mayasura for religious purposes. Mayans have 13 rounds of 20 days


each, making up 260 days of the divine calendar. Many the movement of Jupiter around the zodiac with its starting
theories are floating to justify this number. One theory of point occurring in the constellation of Dhanishta in the
importance to astrologers is that 260 is the number of month ofMagha, with its reappearance from a conjunction
days between two consecutive zeniths for the Sun at with the Sun after Jupiter has crossed its sign of debility.
the place where Mayans once lived. This place was known In fact, our astrological predictions for all the planets
as Izapa and now they call it Chiapas Mexico which lies except Saturn and the nodes are based on the re-
at 15 degrees N. Gnomons used for observing the path of appearance after a conjunction (asthang) with Sun. The
the Sun have been unearthed in this place giving credence counting of the lunar month starts the day after conjunction
to this notion. The third one is the Civil calendar (Haab) of Moon with the Sun. For Mars, its point of retrogression
which is equal to the Solar year. The Maya count it as 18 after reappearance from conjunction with Sun is taken
rounds of 20 days each and an extra 5 days. The last five into consideration for different types of predictions. For
days are considered to be dangerous and evil. These two Mercury, its reappearance after a conjunction with Sun is
(divine and civil calendar) are used in everyday life by noted for making predictions according to Varahamihira.
the Mayans and they repeat every 52 years. In other Similarly, for Venus too, its reappearance after a
words the Mayans had 52 year cycle that is similar to the conjunction with Sun is taken into consideration for making
60 year cycle of the Brihaspatya mana. predictions. This system explained in Brihat Samhita is
also found in the Mayan book of Chilam Balam. (note
Apart from this, the Mayans had a short count of 13 rounds this name Chilam Balam of the Maya sounds like
of 20 years for which they had written predictions. An Chidambaram, the abode of Nataraja, which was actually
important feature of this count is that the 12"' round of
called as Chelambaram or Chelambalam until 200 years
the present series is also coming to an end on 21.2
ago as per the records of the colonial travellers.)
December 2012. These dates indicate the end of a cycle
which is being variously interpreted as a doomsday The Chilam Balam tells about a Venus cycle of 584 days
prediction. and the tracking of the heliacal rising of Venus as the
morning and evening star accompanied with predictions
A cursory look at the prediction for the 12th cycle spanning
for these. Many dates have been given in this context
for 20 years from 1993 to 2012 will reveal what the
with prediction of war or loss or growth of crop or failure
Mayans thought. It runs as follows:
of crop etc. This is significant because 584 is the number
"There will be scarcities of com and squash during of days that Venus takes to come closer to earth (called
this katun (20 year period) and this will lead to great as inferior conjunction) before it changes as evening or
mortality. This was the katun during which the morning star. Of this 236 is the number of days that Venus
settlement of Chichen Itza (a place where Mayans is in the eastern sky as the morning star. For 90 days
lived and built a temple) occurred, when the man- Venus is in upper conjunction (on the other side of Sun)
god Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) arrived. It is the katun when it will become invisible to earth. In the next 250
of remembering and recording knowledge. " days Venus is the western sky as the evening star. Then
for 8 days, Venus is in inferior conjunction by coming in
Apparently this period shows a regional scarcity in food between the earth and the Sun. On the day that I am
production. It also says a date in the past when people writing this article, Venus is in inferior conjunction -
had settled in the area. According to this short count, it crossing the disc of the Sun!
would come to an end on 21st December 2012, when the
last and the 13th count of the current short series would The Mayan dates reveal the above position of Venus. For
begin. The 13th count will run for 20 years and end in example one of the dates was January 27, in the year
2032. By a coincidence the long count and the 12th round 727. On that day Venus made the reappearance in
of the short count are coming to an end on 21st December Dhanishta as the morning star after an inferior conjunction.
this year. There is absolutely no prediction of an Another date is September 17, 915 AD. That was also
apocalypse for this date given in the Mayan books. the day of reappearance in the east as morning star after
an inferior conjunction. Venus reappeared in
Venus as the Basis of Mayan System Uttaraphalguni on that day. Like this many dates coincide
The system of long and short count looks similar to 12 with the heliacal rising of Venus and they are mentioned
rounds of Jupiter's cycle with small round of 5 years each, along with a prediction. If we look at Varahamihira's
with one count getting fit into another count. The Jupiter version, he has also given prediction for the heliacal rising
cycle is known as Brihaspatya mana which is based on of Venus for all 27 stars.


For example when Venus reappears in Dhanishta, the The skymaps on the beginning and end of the cycle are
heretics will suffer. When it reappears in Uttaraphalguni, shown in figures 1 and 2. An interesting feature is that
Varahamihira says that the people of Kuru, Panchala and Saturn is in exaltation during these two occasions. Perhaps
Jangala would perish and there would be good rains. It is the cycle of Venus has exalted Saturn as a main
here we can see how the prediction is localised. This companion in its movement.
prediction has no relevance to Mayan lands but only to
Jupiter (R) Rahu I Moon Ketu
India. But the fact that the Mayans observed the Jupiter (R)
reappearance and based a prediction on it shows that the
methodology was same or derived from a common source
or a parental source, perhaps from the Vedic August 11, December 21,
Shukracharya. But predictions were made after 3114BC 2001 AD
observing Nature and mankind for very many years. The
Mayan prediction is different but applicable to the region Moon Venus
where it is used. This is the basic feature that we must Sun Mercury Sun Mercury Saturn
Saturn Rahu
see before taking the Mayan prediction of 21 st December
seriously. Figure 1 Figure 2
The end of the cycle as shown on figure 2 is publicised as
Scientists have said that the Mayan dates coinciding with the end of the world. The Mayan prediction reading does
the heliacal rising come with a minor error, which is not say that the world would end on that day. However
inevitable in direct observation. They also have said that the 6-month period culminating in December has the
the observation is applicable to the landscape of Mayan astrological combination for natural calamities such as
presence where the predictions were originally written. earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. (Refer my
This is substantiated by the predictions for helical rising 2-part article on "Predicting earthquakes" published
for Venus differing from Varahamihira's predictions. It in January and May 2010 issues of this Magazine.)
shows that the methodology is same but the predictive The location is the Americas. It is pertinent to note here
part differs from region to region. Many of the Chilam that a volcano became active about a month ago in Mexico.
Balam dates also tally with the dates of heliacal rising of Whatever prediction is made in Mayan books, it is
Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. applicable to the Mayan regions (Mesoamerica) and not
for the world over.
The Beginning of Mayan Cycle
Comparison of
Basically the Brahaspatya mana starts after Jupiter
Mayan System with Vedic Astrology
moves out of its sign of debility and emerges out of a
conjunction with the Sun. It is logical to expect a similar There are two parallels between Mayan and
rationale for Shukra mana also. And we are in for a Varahamihiran astrology. Varahamihira tells about 9
veedhis in which Venus travels. He attributes different
surprise because the long count of the Maya shows
such a rise for Venus. The current long count started
on August 11, 3114BC. The skymap shows that Venus
has come out of its debility and also reappeared from a
conjunction with Sun. This cycle is going to come to an
end on 21st December this year which many people
think is predicted as the day of Cataclysm. This end
date also has Venus coming out of debility and
disappearing in conjunction with the Sun. However
some people question the exactness of this date. But
going by the logic reappearance with beginning of a
cycle and disappearance with the end of the cycle, I
think the more apt date would be 13th December 2012
and not 21st December. On 13th December, 2012, Venus
disappears from our sight due to conjunction with the
Sun and had also emerged out of its debility.


versions of this veedhi concept to different sources in Mayan number 13 could mean the 13 lunar months. The
the past, but the core concept centres around 9 veedhis number 20 also comes along with Moon's transit as they
or 9 streets in the sky. They are identified by the stars in count only the days when the Moon is seen before it
the sky. The appearance or reappearance of Venus (after disappears and after it reappears. This is known from the
conjunction with Sun) in these veedhis is connected with fact that they use a specific glyph to denote lunation for
specific predictions. A parallel is seen in Mayan calendar 19 days and another one from 20 to 30 days of lunation.
of 9 lords of night or 9 underworlds of Chicken Itza.
Figure 3 shows the image of this building (called as
Chicken Itza) which was measured by the famous
sculptor of India, Sri Ganapathi Sthapathi who found the
structure to be perfectly Vastu complaint as per the text

Figure 4 gives the close up feature of the 9 steps, which

the Mayan called as 9 underworlds. WimMi

This structure built about 1000 years ago is variously

explained by researchers, but an analysis of the location
jf, .1 -**
of Venus in the sky in the backdrop of the steps in this
structure might throw interesting results, for, the steps
remind us of the 9 veedhis in which Venus travels. Seen
from the ground level, the rise and decline of Venus in the
sky could well match with the steps of this structure.

Yet another concept that resonates with Brihat Samhita

is that of Venus travelling in 6 mandalas. The sky is
divided into 6 mandalas and the reappearance of Venus Figure 4
(after conjunction with Sun) in a mandala is noted with
The Venus cycle of Maya has 52 years - the rationale
specific predictions. In the Mayan system, the lunation is
behind which is not yet deciphered. But the number 13
seen in a series of 6. That is, the sky is divided into 6
has relevance in this cycle as 4 times 13 is 52. There will
segments and Moon's transit is recorded in each of these
be 8 rounds of 584 cycle of inferior conjunction in 52 years.
with specific predictions. Instead of Venus they see
Like this, different categories of movement of Venus are
Moon's transit in these 6 mandalas.
incorporated in the Mayan calendar making us think that
The Mayans have a system of 13 rounds of 20 days or 20 it could be based on the forgotten Shukra mana. The
years each. This is in contrast to the 12 rounds (yugas) detailed analysis of the Mayan system might perhaps
of 5 years each of Jupiter in the Brihaspatya mana. The enable us to retrieve the forgotten Shukra mana.

Mr. CA. Padmanabhan is actively

associated with the activities of
The Institute of Astrological
Studies, Chennai since 1979. He has Nakshatra
been a regular contributor to The
Astrological Magazine Is now working
on his book on Stellar Astrology.
Mr. Padmanabhan retired as the Chief
Commercial Inspector of Southern
I'i:- Tlrf 1 - n Railway. CA. PADMANABHAN

P\RASARI SYSTEM OF ASTROLOGY is the under each group as also the rules governing the
traditional system followed by a majority of the nature of phala (results) the planets would confer
practitioners of astrology in India. under various circumstances, as, for instance, when a
satwik planet occupies a tamasik nakshatra or rajasik
Stellar system of astrology, though not so well known,
nakshatra, etc. are shown in next page.
is a very effective tool for accurate prediction. Its
emphasis on the situation of planets on a nakshatra, as Stellar astrology considers not only the situation of a
distinct from a rasi or bhava, makes for more precise planet in any particular rasi, or bhava, but also
prediction. With the stellar position of planets in mind one takes note of the nakshatra on which the planet is
can even make snapshot prediction on different facets situated and the lord of the nakshatra. Guna of the
of a person's life with amazing accuracy. Stellar system lord of the nakshatra, his situation in the horoscope
with limited number of rules for prediction makes for and the influences bearing on him by association,
simplicity and clarity in prediction. It also rules out the aspects, etc. are also specially taken into account, as
need to study many divisional charts except navamsa in these have a definite bearing on the nature of
prediction. phala (results) conferred by the planet.

Readers who desire to take up the study of stellar system Further, the bhavas owned by the lord of the nakshatra
of astrology should have a fairly good knowledge of have to be specially noted, because, if the lord of
Parasari system of astrology, vimshothari dasa - bhukti the nakshatra were to own a dusthana like 4th, 8th or
technique and the method of casting horoscope of a the 12th bhava, the planet will not be able to confer
person for a given birth data. favourable results, and often the phala (results) will
be very unfavourable.
Parasari and stellar systems of astrology in the
analysis and judgement of a horoscope take into To illustrate how important and decisive is the role of
account the nine planets of the solar system viz. Sun, the stellar lord i.e. the lord of the nakshatra occupied
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the by the planet, in determining the nature of the result
two shadowy planets Rahu and Ketu. Besides, they a planet would confer, an illustrative horoscope is
reckon also the twenty seven nakshatras and the discussed below. (Chart 1)
twelve bhavas of a horoscope.
In Chart 1 ascendant is
Many of the basic principles of Parasari system of Ascendant Pisces. Ascendant lord
astrology hold good in the stellar system too. The _L Jupiter is also the lord of
characteristics of planets and rasis, the lordship of Jupiter | Qth bhava signifying
rasis, the karakatwas (significations) of planets and Pushyami profession, and is benefic.
bhavas, the influences exerted by planets by their chart 1 He occupies 5th bhava,
aspects, etc. are common for both the systems. a thrikona in Cancer
However, the similarities end here. sign in exaltation. He is
also in a kendra from
In stellar astrology the nine planets have been classified : J Moon giving rise to
into three groups viz. satwik, rajasik and thamasik on gajakesari yoga. One would expect this well -
the basis of their guna, inherent quality. Three
placed and powerful Jupiter to confer favourable
nakshatras ruled by each planet also come under
results to the native in his dasa/bhukti. But this will
this classification. Details of planets and nakshatras



not be the case always; this depends on the nakshatra Guna Nakshatra
occupied by Jupiter in Cancer. Punarvasu (Punarpoosam) Jupiter (Satwik)
th Vishakha (Vishakam)
Cancer has the 4 pada of Punarvasu ruled by Jupiter
Satwik Poorvabhadra (Poorattathi)
himself, a satwik planet, Pushyami ruled by Saturn, a
Aslesha (Ayilyam) Mercury (Satwik)
tamasik planet, and Aslesha ruled by Mercury, a
Jyeshta (Kettai)
satwik planet. If Jupiter occupying Cancer is on the Revati (Revati)
4th pada of Punarvasu ruled by himself or on any
of the four padas of Aslesha ruled by Mercury, he Krittika (Karthikai) Sun (Rajasik)
will bestow beneficial results, because these two Uttaraphalguni (Uthiram)
nakshatras are satwik. On the other hand, if Jupiter Uttarashada (Uthradam)
was to occupy Pushyami ruled by tamasik planet Rohini (Rohini) Moon (Rajasik)
Rajasik Hasta (Hastam)
Saturn, he would confer only unfavourable results.
Sravana (Tiruvonam)
Of course, there are many more factors to be noted Bharani (Bharani) Venus (Rajasik)
such as lordship of the nakshatra lord, i.e. whether Purva Phalguni (Pubba, Pooram)
he is lord of a benefic bhava such as kendra or a Purvashada (Pooradam)
trikona or whether his lordship is that of a dusthana Aswini (Aswini) Ketu (Thamasik)
like 6th or 8th or 12th bhava, and what influences Makha (Makham)
are bearing on him by association or aspect, and Moola (Moolam)
his strength, etc. Aridra (Tiruvathirai) Rahu (Thamasik)
Swati (Swati)
It will be noticed that the technique of delineating Thamasik Satabhisha (Chathayam)
bhava phala and dasa - bhukti phala in stellar system Pushyami (Poosam) Saturn (Thamasik)
of astrology is quite different from the methods Anuradha (Anusham)
adopted in Parasari system of astrology. Uttarabhadrapada (Uthirattathi)
Mrigashira (Mrigasheersham) Mars (Thamasik)
Classification Chitta (Chittirai)
The nine planets and the 27 nakshatras have been Dhanishta (Avittam)
classified under three groups - satwik, rajasik and
thamasik and the nakshatras ruled by each planet - 7. Satwik planets will give good results, when they
as shown in the next column. remain pure, uninfluenced by rajasika or tamasika
planets, rajasik and thamasic planets also give
Rules governing the nature of results that planets their results, when they are pure in their gunas.
would confer depending on (a) the nakshatra occupied
8. If satwik and rajasik planets attain rajasik and
by it, (b) the guna of the nakshatra, (c) lord of the
satwik guna respectively, they will not prove
nakshatra occupied by the planet and (d) situation of
very unfavourable. But they should never attain
the nakshatra lord in the horoscope are given below
thamasik guna.
1. All planets, irrespective of their nature - satwik, 9. Thamasik planets should not get rajasik guna, if
rajasik or tamasik - occupying a satwik nakshatra they are to give any favourable results.
will bestow good results.
Jeeva and Sareera
2. Satwik planets Jupiter and Mercury occupying
thamasic nakshatras will give only bad results. Another unique feature of stellar astrology is the
concept of Jeeva and Sareera (soul and body) for
3. Rajasik planets Sun, Moon and Venus occupying
each bhava. which determines largely the nature of
rajasik nakshatras will give good results.
the results of a bhava (bhava phala). How to determine
4. Thamasik planets occupying thamasic nakshatras Jeeva and Sareera of each bhava is explained
generally confer good results. below.
5. Satwik planets occupying rajasik nakshatras would In Chart 2 ascendant is Sagittarius. 7th bhava is
confer moderately good results.
Gemini. Lord of 7th bhava, Mercury, occupies
6. Thamasik planets occupying rajasik nakshatras Capricorn, Sravana nakshatra ruled by Moon. Therefore,
will give weak results. Moon becomes Jeeva of 7th bhava. He is situated in



Aries, Bharani nakshatra ruled by Venus. Venus thus bhavas. If Jeeva and Sareera are inimically disposed,
becomes Sareera of 7th bhava. the results of the bhava will not be favourable.

In Chart 3, ascendant is Sagittarius. 7th bhava is If Jeeva and Sareera occupy their own or exaltation
Gemini. 7th lord Mercury occupies Capricorn, Sravana or friendly rasis, and they are exclusively under
nakshatra ruled by Moon. But Moon does not become benefic influences by association or aspect, the results
of the bhava will be very favourable.

Let us now take more horoscopes for analysis and

judgement of 7th bhava by applying principles of
judgement of stellar astrology.
Male born 30-6-1971

Saturn Mercury
Venus Sun

Male Navamsa
Jeeva of 7th bhava. The reason is because of the rule
that if Jeeva planet is in conjunction with one or Chart 6
more planets, the stronger of the planets in the group
Ascendant Ascendant
becomes the Jeeva. Here Mars is stronger than Mars
Moon Venus
Moon, as he occupies his own sign (swakshetra).
Therefore Mars becomes Jeeva of 7th bhava who is
The ascendant signifies the physical and mental
situated on Krittika Nakshatra ruled by Sun. Hence characteristics, etc. of the native. In chart 6
Sun becomes the Sareera of 7th bhava. ascendant is Virgo and is occupied by the lord of the 11th
In Chart 4 ascendant is Sagittarius. Lord of 7th bhava bhava Moon. Ascendant and Moon are afflicted by
Mercury occupies Scorpio, Jyeshta Nakshatra ruled Rahu, a thamasic planet by 9th aspect. Ascendant
lord Mercury occupies 10th bhava Gemini in conjunction
with 12th bhava lord Sun, a rajasik planet.
7 on
Poavabhddra 7th bhava signifying marriage, married life, partner-
in-life , etc. is in Pisces and is aspected by Moon and
retrograde Jupiter and afflicted by Ketu, a tamasik
planet by 9th aspect. Lord of 7th bhava retrograde
Jupiter occupies 3rd bhava Scorpio. He is afflicted by
Saturn, lord of 5th and 6th bhava (dusthana) and a tamasik
Ascendant on by aspect. Jupiter is situated on Anuradha nakshatra
Jyeshta ruled by Saturn.

by Mercury himself. Here Mercury himself becomes Kalatrakamka (signifying marriage) is Venus, and
Jeeva of 7th bhava. In such cases the lord of the he occupies 9th bhava, Taurus. He too is afflicted by
rasi occupied by Jeeva becomes Sareera. Hence Saturn, by conjunction. Venus is situated on Mrigashira
Mars becomes Sareera. nakshatra ruled by Mars, a tamasika planet and
lord of 3rd and 8th bhavas, the latter a dusthana. 2nd
In Chart 5 ascendant is Virgo. Lord of 7th bhava bhava signifies Kutumba (family)and is Libra. Its lord
Jupiter is situated in Pisces, Poorvabhadrapada, own Venus occupies Taurus and is afflicted by Saturn by
nakshatra. Jupiter becomes Jeeva of 7th bhava. Since conjunction. Thus lord of 7th bhava Jupiter, lord of 2nd
he occupies his own sign, Jupiter becomes Sareera too. bhava Venus are under serious affliction and has
The same planet can become both Jeeva and Sareera resulted in divorce of the married couple.
of a bhava.
According to stellar system of astrology, if the
For a bhava to confer beneficial results Jeeva and lord of 7th bhava and lord of 2nd bhava occupy any
Sareera of the bhava should occupy benefic of the nakshatras ruled by the lords of 3rd, 6th, 8th,


11th or 12th bhavas, there will be abnormal delay in Ascendant is Virgo and afflicted by Saturn's (lord of
marriage, or married life will be marred by 5 and 6) aspect and by Sun, lord of the 12th bhava.
disharmony, unhappiness, ill-health to self or spouse, Navamsa ascendant is also afflicted by aspect by
in extreme cases premature death of married Ketu, a thamasic planet. Ascendant is also aspected
partner or separation of the couple. These by Jupiter, lord of 4th and 7th bhavas. Jupiter in debilitation
unfortunate and adverse portents of stellar system has neechabhanga. Ascendant lord Mercury in 6th bhava
in Aquarius is afflicted by Mars, lord of 3rd and 8th bhavas,
of astrology have been largely fulfilled in the case
by aspect. 7th being Pisces is afflicted by Saturn and Sun,
of the horoscope under discussion.
12th lord by occupation. 7th lord Jupiter occupies 5th bhava
Chart 7 is from How to Judge a Horoscope - Vol. II Capricorn and afflicted by Ketu by 9th aspect. Jupiter also
by Dr. B. V Raman (Page 53 to 55). The horoscope occupies Uttarashada nakshatra ruled by Sun, lord of 12th
is discussed below applying rules of stellar system bhava. Venus occupies 8th bhava, a dusthana in conjunction
of astrology. with Moon. Venus, being hemmed in between Saturn and
Ketu, malefic and tamasic planets, is under Papakarthari
Yoga. He occupies Aswini nakshatra ruled by Ketu, a
Bom 16-3-1937 at 6-45 p.m. (I.S.T.) at 28N51,78E49
thamasic planet.

Consequences of serious affliction to lords of 7 bhava,

2nd bhava and kalathrakaraka Venus are - there
will be abnormal delay in marriage, or married
life will be marred by disharmony and unhappiness,
or ill-health to self or partner, and in extreme
cases of affliction, even premature death of self or spouse,
etc. Same nakshatra (Uttarabhadrapada) ruled by Saturn
has given rise to Shatru Yoga. There was premature death
of the lady' s husband.

Suranjana is a Vedic astrologer by

profession. Apart from the passion and
deep knowledge in the subject - her stellar Fifth House
academic background in mathematics and
professional experience as a computer
programmer and faculty trainer helps her Progeny and Creativity
to be successful in this profession. She is
married with two teenage daughters. SURANJANA BISWAS

having progeny. There are other factors like the strength

X progeny or children. It is also the house of creativity of the fifth house, its lord, Jupiter (signifactor for male
and intelligence. Chilren are a source of joy and pleasure child) and Venus (signifactor for female child). When the
in one's life, Human creativity is reflected by the way fifth house or its lord in a female's horoscope is afflicted
parents bring up their children. Children, creativity and by Mars or Ketu, it indicates medical intervention during
intelligence - these are the three things that are strongly delivery. Caesarean birth is caused due to the influence
related to one another. Intelligence of an individual controls of Mars or Ketu on the fifth house or its lord. In a male
his creativity. Progeny or children are also a manifestation horoscope, Venus is the significator for progeny. If Venus
of one's creativity. Fifth house is also considered is combust or afflicted in the chart with Saturn or Rahu,
auspicious as it is one of the trine houses which reflects progeny is delayed.
one's karma from past life.
Let us consider the chart of a native who has been married
Miscarriages and Infertility for a long time but is without any children
We will discuss problems related to the fifth house. There
Chart 1
has been a rise in the number of miscarriages which are
sometimes accidental, at times unavoidable and at times Female bom on 25th May 1979 at 3.10 pm in Bolangir
even done after determining the sex. There is an increase Moon
in the number of twin births - which happen naturally or Sun Maa
after an infertility treatment like the in-vitro-fertilisation
or IVF.
In today's fast paced life, and unlike our earlier generations May 25,1979 Navamsa
03.10.00 pm
women too work hard towards their career and family.
The number of increased miscarriages and infertility
treatments are sometimes attributed to the fact that
couples are too stressed to space out time for starting a
family. This leads to delay in conceiving, miscarriages and
In the native's chart fifth house lord Saturn is placed in
at times infertility. Astrology has a different explanation
the twelfth (house of loss). In the twelfth house Saturn is
to these problems. Dealing with the influence of stars and
conjunct with Rahu which is not supportive of conception.
planets in one's life, astrology insists that there is a right
Benefic Jupiter (putrakaraka) aspects the 5th house
time for things to happen. If a chart supports a good
from the 11th house but is hemmed in between malefics
progeny house there will be no worry to the native
Saturn, Rahu and Sun. The native had to go for an abortion
regarding progeny. In such cases even under extreme
due to certain complications in the pregnancy. She is going
stress and work pressure, the native will easily conceive
through the unfavorable Rahu dasa and Venus bhukti with
and have progeny.
Venus being weak. The major period of Jupiter can be
On the other hand, in a horoscope chart if there is a malefic
planet in the fifth house, it indicates problems regarding Chart 2
progeny. Planets like Rahu, Saturn and Ketu delay
Male born on 3rd June 1952 at 7.02 am in Agra
childbirth. When benefic planets like Jupiter is placed in
the fifth house but is aspected or is hemmed between The fifth house has a malefic planet Mars. Its lord Venus
malefic planets , even then there is considerable delay in is weak and is placed in the house of loss, twelfth. This



Sun Mercury ,,Moon When two or more planets are present in the eleventh
Jupiter Mercury Lagra Maa Van us
Saturn Sun
house aspecting or having a connection with the fifth house,
Venus lentil(
there is an indication of twin births.

Rasi In Vitro Fertilisation

June 3,1952 Navamsa
Infertility among couples of this generation is also on the
rise. A study has shown that infertility affects almost one
out of six couples today. As a result, more and more
couples are opting for an infertility treatment like the invitro
fertilisation or even using fertility drugs.

In-vitro-fertilisation as a treatment requires considerable

implies delay and difficulties in child bearing. Jupiter is
amount of time and money for a couple. The success
well placed in the house of gains, eleventh but hemmed
rate is good even though it fails on certain occasions.
between malefics Rahu and Sun. Rahu aspects the fifth
It is for this reason, one needs to take the assistance of
house indicative of difficulty in having children. The native
an experienced astrologer. An astrologer can predict
does not have a progeny.
the right time to go for such treatment. Certain planets
Birth of Twins favour the native and so trying the treatment when the
Today when we look around we find that birth of twins is time is favourable increases the chance of a successful
quite frequent. According to a study and for reasons not
fully known it is seen that older women have a greater
People often wonder whether going for treatments like
chance of having twins naturally. The average age of
the IVF is like playing against the wishes of God... I would
marriages have gone up and so has the age of conception.
say no because then God wouldn't have made the option
This perhaps justifies the fact that more twins are born
available for us!
notice; only articles have been kept, useless pages and
publicity have been removed


Dr. B. V. Raman
Astrology and Germ Theory of Disease 3

... lyothisha Chinta Nidhi 5

K. Chandra Hari
Tippu Sultan The Tiger of Mysore 9

Y. Keshava Menon
Obeisance to Devaguru 12

R. S. Maniam
President of France Francois Hollande 15

The 'Role Model' Concept of Today Is it Misplaced? 17

Dr. Krishnendu Chakraborty

Cancer Disease - An Astrological Study 19

Dr Keshav Kishor Awasthi

lupiter A Research Article 23

H. R. Shankar
leeva and Sareera in Horoscope Judgment 24

The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for July 2012 29

Lagna Table for July 2012 32

This Month for You July 2012 33

Sunrise and Sunset Timings for July 2012 38

Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 39



Lead Article


Germ Theory of Disease


HAS THE HYPOTHESIS of the bacteriological protoplasm missing, or a part of the nucleus is missing.
causation of disease any scientific basis ? This is a The bacterium is a victim of its environment utterly
very important question which requires the serious incapable of controlling its movements, and not having
attention of all thinkers and well-wishers of humanity. The the power of locomotion. According to the best text books
allopathic doctors approach many a disease on the these forms of life never feed on anything Excepting
assumption that germs give rise to them. For instance Dead Cells. Our readers must clearly bear in mind this
Cholera and Plague are supposed to be contagious, caused point, viz., that anything bacteria can feed on would have
by the spread of their bacilli. Consumption is another to be dead and if it were alive it would be stronger than
disease, which is said to be spread by Germs. The opinion the bacteria. On this assumption we can say that naturally
is also held by some that a specific Germ is the cause of they could not destroy any living things. Whether a boil or
influenza. What are these Germs? Where are they found a carbuncle, it is a pathological process wherein there is
? Have they any causal relations to the diseased conditions mucus, pus and other exudation which provide food for
or are they accompaniments only. If germs do not cause the bacteria. These germs are never found in healthy
diseases, why do medical practitioners still hold crooked tissues. Where decomposition is going on you will find
views and force compulsory inoculation, injection and bacteria as in the alimentary canal. Bacterial propagation
vaccination. How far astrology can help us to combat can take place only in filth. Germs found growing in pus
disease! These are some of the important points which medium represent what is known as Streptococci bacteria.
we propose to discuss in this article. A pneumonia germ is the one that grows in pneumococcus
medium. The bacteria we find growing in the lungs of a
We on our part do not contest the fact that there are Germs tuberculosis patient will be rod-shaped. A culture of
but deny the theory that they are essentially the cause of streptococci, when transplanted into pneumococcus
disease. The germ theory has lead to what may almost be medium under suitable conditions take on the
termed as a speciabranch of medical art, viz., characteristics of pneumococcus bacterium. With the
Bacteriology. It was Pasteur the father of this so-called addition of yellow light rays, we can transform the bacteria
science that is supposed to have discovered bacteria of the rod shape into those of ball shape. Therefore we
about* 60years ago. From a biological stand point bacteria can say that the type of pathological process or the matter
are the lowest forms of life. There is nothing weaker, on which germs feed, determines the kind of germ we
nothing less in integration, in power or ability to dominate
have. It automatically proves that the disease controls the
a situation. They are unicellular organisms always feeding type of germ rather than the germs proving the kind of
on dead and decayed matter. They are the lowest
disease it shall be.
representatives of life, the connecting link between the
inanimate and animate. A microscopical observation Let any modern medical doctor prove that germs cause
reveals that, a bacterium never reaches a completely disease by any other means than inoculation. The
formed cell. A single celled animal, such as for instance process of inoculation is itself most repugnant to our
an amoeba, consists of a central nucleus, a cell wall and sense of reasoning. Inject a person with distilled water.
in between the two, protoplasm or the physical "basis of He will get fever. Would you say that distilled water
life". But in case of Bacterium, whenever you observe, caused fever ? Inoculate the person with three drops
you will find a part of the cell wall missing, or a part of the of the white of an egg in the proper manner and he will
die within 15 minutes. Vinegar inoculated similarly
causes death. Does this mean that the white of egg or
* Evidence is now forthcoming that the existence of germs was known
to the ancient Hindus even in the remotest antiquity of time. vinegar caused death. Similarly, when germs are


inoculated, they produce disease. Any substance will excretory organs are comparatively normal these poisons
give a germ reaction when inoculated into the blood will not accumulate. This disease occurs in countries at
stream. Medical men hold the superstition that animals the time of an eclipse. When Saturn, Mars and Jupiter
inoculated with cultivated Bacillus show immunity from conjoin the disease is produced. The mutual aspect
certain diseases. This is absurd. The very fact that an between the Sun and the Moon is another combination
inoculation of a certain bacillus is effected introduces for this. Thus the primary cause of influenza lies in the
a state of disease pertaining to that bacillus. It is astrological indications.
impossible for germs to cause disease. Medical
authorities hold that 90% of germs are disease Generally speaking there are two kinds of pneumonia ;
destroying and only 2% of the germs in the world cause broncho pneumonia which involves the bronchial tubes
disease. We can compare the bacterium to a plant and and lobar pneumonia in which not only the tubes are
the disease is the soil. Does the mango tree cause the affected but also the lungs proper to a greater extent. Evil
earth ? If it does then bacteria cause disease. Disease planets in the ascendant indicate this disease as also
Mercury if afflicted. When the body is filled up with poisons
must be present before bacteria can get into the body.
In the pathological process, filth is primary and germs and the vitality low susceptibility to disease sets in.
secondary. Eliminate filth and bacteria die out of Tendency to suffer from consumption is shown in charts
starvation. The serum therapy theory is based on the in which Saturn and Mars are in the 6th house with
assumption that if we introduce a virus into the organism, powerful aspects by the Sun and Rahu.
it will stimulate the body so that it combats that same The much feared Tuberculosis is not caused by germs.
virus and the body will be upheld and protected against It is a nutritional disorder. It is a destructive di-ease
the attack of disease germs. Disease germs cannot move. process caused by faulty nutrition. The germ is only
It is superstition to believe that germs introduce disease. secondary. Constipation and digestive disorders precede
it. Now we will consider the question of Cholera and
Scorpio is a Keela Rasi governing germs and the 6th house
in a horoscope rules disease. If the equilibrium of one or Plague. The allopathic doctor is cocksure that these are
caused by germs. He forces compulsory inoculation as
more of the three Doshas, Vatha, Pitha and Sleshma is
the only immunity. If Cholera is a contageous disease
disturbed by internal conditions on account of overeating,
caused by germs what is the fate of the scavengers who
excessive indulgence etc., a state of disease makes its
clear vomits and motions of Cholera patients. When food
appearance. Each planet controls certain humours. When
is not properly assimilated and diges-ted, Cholera is
the particular planet is afflicted it disturbs by its electro
caused. In the same family, one will be attacked while
magnetic influence, the Dosha under its control and
other members will be free. People far away from Cholera
naturally, the disease indicated by the dosha makes its
area get Cholera attacks in spite of inoculations ; where
appearance. When this fact is known in advance, it is
is contagion here. Each organism has certain resisting
possible to prevent the manifestation of the indications
power depending upon the predominence of particular kind
by the means which have been explained in the works of
of Thridosha. The motions of Cholera patients no doubt
the Ancient Maharishies.
contain germs but they do not cause Cholera. Another
Influenza for instance is a lever condition in which only a superstition under which the medical men are labouring is
comparatively slight temperature is present, but there is to think that plague is also caused by the spread of Germs,
severe prostration or weakness. The onset of the disease which are caused by rats and that distraction of rats is
is sudden with chilliness or chills. There is extreme necessary for its prevention. It is impossible to completely
drowziness, headache and general aching in the back and exterminate an animal species on the erroneous supposition
extremities. The popular concep-tion is that a certain that they cause a diabolical disease. There are other causes
specific germ is the cause of influenza. It is true that germs which we propose to discuss in our future issues. It
are present in large quantities during the course of certain suffices now to say that, as proved above, the germ theory
diseases, but it is equally true that they are present when of disease has no real existence, and that it is an
no such disease exists. We have seen already that germ exaggeration of the medical man. The masses must be
is not the cause of disease, but is merely one of the properly educated to appreciate the real causes of these
manifestations of a diseased condition. Influenza is caused so called diseases and methods to be employed for their
not by germs, not by exposure to the elements, but by an prevention. Astrology is the only sublime science that can
accumulation of poisonous materials within the body for really tackle this question successfully and suggest
a certain period of time preceding the attack. If the preventive measures.



Jyothisha Giinta


Maadhaveeyam lists the following as Adhama yogas Sunday Makha Bharani Dhanishta Anuradha
that are inauspicious Tithi Vara Yogas. Mrigasira Krittika Visaka Aswini Jyeshta

Sunday with Chaturthi, Shasti, Saptami or Dwadasi. Monday Pushyami Poorvaashaada Makha Visaka
Chitta Anuradha Uttaraphalguni Uttarashada
Monday with Ekadasi, Saptami or Shasti.
Tuesday with Panchami, Ashtami, Saptami or Dasami.
Tuesday Aslesha Aridra Visaka Jyeshta Revati
Wednesday with Prathama, Dwiteeya, Ashtami orNavami.
Thursday with Shasti, Ashtami, Navami or Dwadasi
Wednesday Dhanishta Moola Bharani Aswini Revati
Friday with Dwiteeya, Triteeya, Ashtami, Navami,
Poorvabhadrapada Visaka
Dasami or Ekadasi.
Thursday Uttaraphalguni Satabhisha Rohini Krittika
Saturday with Saptami, Navami, Ekadasi or Trayodasi
Chitta Mrigasira Aridra
However, some take a select group of the above and term
Friday Swati Rohini Bharani Visaka Chitta
them as Visha or poisonous Yogas as mentioned below.
Dhanishta Pushyami Aslesha Makha
Sunday with Chaturthi. Monday-Shasti. Tuesday-
Saturday Hasta Pushyami Uttaraphalguni Punarvasu
Saptami. Wednesday-Dwiteeya. Thursday-Ashtami.
Chitta Poorvaashaada Uttarashada Sravana
Friday-Navami. Saturday-Saptami. Muhoortha
Chintaamani qualifies Wednesday's Prathama and
Sunday's Saptami as Samvartaka. Also, select groups Two selected combinations go under the name of Mrityu
from some of these go under different nomenclatures like yoga. One goes under the name of Dagdha yoga, which
Dagdha and Hutashana. Opinions differ with regard to is better known as Prabalarishtayoga in Tamil Nadu.
Amirtha and Mrithyu. The other goes under the name of Yamaganda Yoga. In
Siddha yoga, (Tithi-Vara) which is auspicious, is formed on the Amirtaadiyoga scheme followed, in Tamilnadu, under
Tuesday with Jaya Tithis (3/8/13), Wednesday with Bhadra Vara-Tara Yogas, slight variations are seenin the reckoning
(2/7/12), Thursday with Poorna (5/10/15), Friday with Nanda of the Amirta, Siddha and Marana Yogas.
(1/6/11), Saturday with Rikta (4/9/14) Sunday and Monday
There are some good combinations in Vara Tara Yogas.
are out of this list. Here a contradiction could be noticed.
The following Amritavosa combinations are auspicious.
Wednesday with Dwiteeya is Visha, malefic and
simultaneously Siddha, benefic. However, Muhoortha Sunday Pushyami, Moola, Hasta
Chintaarnani makes it clear that whenever a benefic yoga Monday Chitta Sravana Mrigasira
exits simultaneously with a malefic yoga, by such
Tuesday Uttarabhadrapada Aswini Uttarashada
combinations, only the results of benefic yoga would prevail.
Uttaraphalguni Rohini
Bhadra Tithis on Mondays and Fridays, Jaya on Wednesday Uttarashada Krittika Anuradha
Wednesdays, Poorna on Thursdays and Rikta on Saturdays
Thursday Punarvasu Poorvaashaada Revati
produce auspicious Vara yogas.
Friday Uttaraphalguni Satabhisha Swati
Coming to Vara Tara Yogas or combination of weekdays
Saturday Dhanishta Swati Rohini
with Nakshatras Maadhaveeyam holds the following as
inauspicious. Panchami and Saptami on Wednesday and Trayodasi on
Thursday, Prathama, Shasti and Ekadasi on Friday,
Continued from the June 2012 issue ofTheAeM


Dwadasi, Saptami, and Dwadasi on Saturday are also Mrigasira, Chitta or Dhanishta occur. Tripushkarayoga
classified as Amritayoga. According to another school, is formed when Visaka, Uttaraphalguni,
the list varies. Poorvabhadrapada, Punarvasu, Krittika or Uttarashada
prevail on these Tithi-Vara combines. The specialty of
Vara Tara combinations for Sarvaartha Siddhi
these two Yogas is that any good or bad event taking place
Yogas on dwipushkara timings have a tendency to repeat itself
Sunday Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, further on two occasions or happenings on tripushkara
Uttarabhadrapada, Pushyami, Aslesha, timings three times, in a reasonable time. Unless one is
Hasta. Moola. not too sure of blessing an event with remarks, 'many
Monday Sravana, Rohini, Mrigasira. Pushyami, happy returns of the day' these times are to be avoided
Anuradha. for any other occasions. It must be noted that these Yogas
Tuesday Aswini. Uttarabhadrapada, Krittika, Aslesha. are formed on Bhadra Tithis (2-7-12) only. Further the
Nakshatras involved in causing Tripushkarayoga are
Wednesday Rohini, Anuradha. Hasta, Krittika, Mrigasira.
tripada ones, those of the Sun and Jupiter, having their
Thursday Revati, Anuradha, Aswini, Punarvasu, three quarters in one sign and the other quarter in another.
Pushyami. Likewise, the dwipaada or ardha Nakshatras of Mars,
Friday Revati. Anuradha, Aswini Punarvasu having their two quarters in one sign and two quarters in
Sravana another create the Dwipushkarayoga.
Saturday Sravana, Rohini, Swati.
Varayoga is another beneficial Tithi-Vara-Nakshatra
Those underlined constitute Amrita Siddhi yoga considered combine on Sundays and Tuesdays, with Nanda Tithis and
slightly superior to Sarvaartha Siddhi Yogas. specific Nakshatras. Nanda Tithis on Sundays with Chitta,
Krittika, Aridra, and Satabhisha and on Tuesdays with
Forbidden combinations of Tithi Tara Moola, Aslesha, Revati and Swati form this yoga.
These are called Rikshalungi.
One must remember that there are many exceptions for
Dasami with Rohini
most of these rules and they are equally important.
Trayodasi Uttaraphalguni Therefore, one must not jump into any hasty decision to
Prathama Poorvaashaada reject or accept any of these Yogas without a discerning
Dwadasi Aslesha analysis. Pushyami, extolled for all its beneficial charms
Panchami Krittika is rejected for a marriage Muhoortha. However, in
conjunction with a Sunday, it can create Sarvartha Siddhi
Ashtami Poorvabhadrapada
yoga, considered par excellence for any purpose. There
The following Tithi Tara combinations are also forbidden are many such commonplace contradicting notions that
demand judicious conclusions.
Trayodasi Chitta Swati
Triteeya Three Uttaras A deep study of the multifaceted qualities of the five limbs
Dwiteeya Anuradha of the panchang with various other elements like month,
rasis and others will be of immense use and implication in
Panchami Makha
selecting appropriate Muhurthas for divergent needs to
Ashtami Rohini get them reinforced with maximum possible potentialities.
Saptami Hasta Moola The information contained in our ancient texts, especially
of the Prasna and Muhoortha, are so massive and
Without dwelling on the various other combinations
bewildering with no dearth of contradicting and conflicting
involving the Month Nityayogas and Karanas with the
views, that only an incisive study of them could help one
Tithi Vara and Nakshatras let us conclude this discussion
to understand their intense implications as for a selection
with two important combinations of Tithi- Vara-Nakshatra,
or rejection of a time for any specific purpose, beneficial
namely Pushkarayoga and Varayoga. The occurrence
or otherwise. As is true that any effort in the study of
of Dwipushkarayoga and Tripushkarayoga are indicated
several branches of this divine science could never be
in the Daily Guide. Both of them are formed only Sundays,
complete, we have to be content that in our present effort,
Tuesdays and Saturdays when the Tithis Dwiteeya,
we have picked up only some pebbles, from here and
Saptami or Dwadasi also join them. Dwipushkarayoga
there, from the vast shores of Kalagjnana of this great
is formed on such special days when the Nakshatras
ocean of Jyothisha.



Tippu Sultan

The Tiger of Mysftre

An Astrological Analysis


I religious and he proved with his life that he lived

N ^ ^ N N and died like a warrior.

^ A C. Radhakrishnan's biographical fiction on

Hlclrl KlcM<cl< "WhlHclnMnl Tunchathezhuchan 'Teekkadal Kadanju

^rat^ WIFRT: RT 11 Thirumadhuram' presents a poignant account of

the experience of Tunchathacharyan at the hands
Hindu = Ha + Indu = Sun + Moon = Isvara + of the feudal lords of Malabar who were enemies
Ardhanari = Hindu is one who has realized the Sun to both the people and the Gods of the region,
and Moon in his body. Sun and Moon are the breaths The martial race of nayars were fooled into a
within the body and are described game of sacrifice which came
as Nagas in the siddha wisdom. to be known as 'chaver pada' in
As such the human body itself is the name of the tutelary deity
Nagapuram and the siddhas did of the race, Bhadrakali and for
name numerous places in our hundreds of years, innocent
country as Nagapuram - the I young men got sacrificed at

abode of the Nagas Sun and Mamankam for political gains.

Moon. Realization of Sun and I Tippu was no tyrant if we
Moon means the transcendence I objectively evaluate the rulers
of Manomayakosa - the I of the British period, 18-20th
domain of mental and psychic I century, those who sacrificed
feelings. E j// British women and children in
I. Introduction L ' Poy mutiny' those who
_ . . , betrayed the Rani of Jhansi,
Tippu is a controversial name in iU , . ,
, , . those who compromised the
the history
J of South India, especially in the history ,. .. TT. , ^ . . . . . . ,.
dignity as a Hindu to maintain their kingship,
of Kerala. Portrayed
J differently
J as a secular ,-r r . . u ,
One who sacnnced his life for dignity obviously
nationalist and a religious bigot. Tippu invokes ^ ^ of better morals md standards than those
mixed emotions as a result of confusions created who British as dispensers of destiny

by different stories. Documents attest both the ancj sa|utecj ^em

descriptions mentioned above and leaving aside the
fierce postures of the critics of Tippu, it can be Here is an attempt to take a closer look at Tipu s
safely concluded that he had a zeal for being '^e astrologically.



Birth details: himself and opted sacrifice unlike many Indian rulers of
the day.
The dates available on the net are:
a. Horoscope is remarkable for the religious zeal and
1. 10 November 1750, the spiritual bent of mind. Dhanus, the natural 9th
[Friday, lOthZil-Hijja, 1163 AH] 1 house of Dharma is on the ascendant while its lord
2. 20 November 1750 Jupiter is retrograde - looking at his past life.
[Friday, 10th Dhu al-Hijjah, 1163 AH ] 2 b. Eighth house of the 'siddhis' is well-placed with the
Now, both the above dates differing by 10 days cannot be Moon in its own house on Aslesha nakashtra.
true as can be understood from the weekday given as c. Jupiter-Mars-Mercury form a Rajayoga across 5-11
Friday. Friday may have been specifically noted for his houses in the company of Venus who is lord of the
birth as he was bom in a very religious Islamic background. llthhouse.
Relying on such an anchor, the correct date of birth can
d. 5th house is remarkable for its intellectual dimensions
be identified as Friday, 20 November 1750, 20th Dhu al-
and is indicative of his faith in destiny and the will to
Hijjah, 1163 AH and the birth time can be fixed as 09:12
sacrifice self for the principles. He was not
1ST by matching his life profile to the divisional charts
unscrupulous like the irreligious Hindu rulers who
like RasixlO (Dasamsa).
sided with the British to maintain their kingship.
Mercury Rahu Planetary positions indicate a great genius and a man of
Moon Venus Jupiter(R)l
good qualities rooted in spiritual faith. The circumstances
and philosophy he subscribed to may not have been suitable
for the unfoldment of his personality.
Events Based Verification
The following important events of his life and the dasa-
Lagna Saturn Mercury Sikhi
i Mars Mars ^Saturn Sun bhukti intervals characterizing such events illustrate the
Rahu Sun Venus truth of the birth time and the vargas given.

Lagna 240:48 The surprising dash on Madras at the age of 17

Lagna Jupiter
Sun Mars Sun 216:40 (September 1767) happened during Venus- Rahu-
Moon 118:58 Mercury. Rahu is placed in the war-like and heroic
Mars 213:29
sign of Dhanus and Mercury is the 7th and 10th lord
Dasamsa Mercury 198:20
- lord of the opponent and one's own authority.
RasixlO Jupiter(R) 05:59
Venus 203:12 1. His ascension to be the ruler of Mysore, 7 December
Saturn 222:42 1782 on the death of his father Hyder Ali happened
Rahu 242:04 at the end of Sun dasa and Saturn bhukti. Sun and
Venus Mercury
Sikhi 62:04 Saturn are in the 12th house together and Sun is in
the dasamsa (rasixlO) Lagna as well.
Date arrived at can be ascertained as correct owing to
2. Tippu had his attack on Kerala in 1789 and in
Friday and the lunar tithi is Krishna Saptami which falls
January 1790 faced the reversals on confronting
as 22nd tithi corresponding to the lunar visibility count of
the Travancore lines. He was having Moon-Saturn
20 days given for the month of the Hijra Calendar. Given
from 11 June 1789 to 10th January 1791 and thus the
the fact that he belonged to a devout Muslim family, the
misadventure into Kerala and injury happened in the
Hijra date must be given precedence over other details
dasa of 8th lord and bhukti of 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn
especially when we find that the day was Friday and he
placed in 12th house.
was born with the blessings of a saint. Moon thus occupies
the Aslesha nakshatra, 4th pada . Balance of Mercury 3. Death of Tippu happend on 4 May 1799 during Mars-
Dasa at birth is: 1 year, 3 months and 24 days. Mercury-Rahu-Ketu and death coincided the Sun-
Moon-Rahu conjunction in his 5th house Aries. The
An astrological assessment need not be concerned with solar eclipse was due soon after.
the social notions and history created by the victors.
Irrespective of the controversies, the fact remains that His death, sacrifice as a devout Islam, coinciding a
the native had been a warrior who could not surrender solar eclipse alone is evidence for his spiritual


credentials and provided the right culmination for a novel system of the administration of justice, his building
warrior's life. For his secular credentials, the following up of a navy, his opening of factories far and near, and
details seen in the new world encyclopedia can serve his dispatch of embassies to different and distant lands,
as a pointer: linked the small State of Mysore with the bigger world.
He built an exceedingly efficient system of administration,
The portrayal of Tipu Sultan as a religious bigot is disputed, which launched upon a series of innovative measures
and some sources suggest that he in fact often embraced that would transform his State into a humming center of
religious pluralism. Tipu Sultan's treasurer was Krishna great industrial activity. He exerted his utmost to secure
Rao, Shamaiya lyengar was his Minister of Post and artisans and craftsmen from different countries to
Police, his brother Ranga lyengar was also an officer and manufacture guns, muskets and a host of other
Purnaiya held the very important post of "Mir Asaf." commodities.
Moolchand and Sujan Rai were his chief agents at the
Mughal court, and his chief "Peshkar," Subba Rao, was His reforming zeal touched almost every department of
also a Hindu. There is such evidence as grant of deeds, life including coinage and calendar, weights and measures,
and correspondence between his court and temples, and banking and finance, revenue and judiciary, army and navy,
his having donated jewelry and land grants to several morals and manners, and social ethos and cultural affairs.
temples. Between 1782 and 1799 Tipu Sultan issued 34 His creative vision envisaged the construction of a dam
"Sanads" (deeds) of endowment to temples in his domain, across the river Cauvery, the details of which still exist in
while also presenting many of them with gifts of silver an inscription installed at the gates of the present K.R.S.
and gold plate. The Srikanteswara Temple in Nanjangud Dam. He was the one who developed the technology of
still possesses a jeweled cup presented by the Sultan. rocket systems, and thought of establishing a university,
which he named Dar-ul-Umur.
Can a religious bigot administer his country with so many
Hindus in the most responsible positions? With such Hindu As the temple grants suggest, he may have been a spiritual
officers in power, how could his army play havoc with being who honoured plurality of faith and may have been
Hindus? Another big question is the ethics and morality worshipping the Hindu Gods and Goddesses as well.
of a man who is ready to sacrifice himself for his
independence. Can Tippu be regarded as ethically and The horoscope when read from the 8th house as ascendant
morally inferior to the Hindu Kings who chose to align has a great spiritual yoga with Jupiter, Mercury and Venus
with the British? Can Tippu be condemned for moral and in Kendra joined by Mars in movable sign. Moon was
Vargottama in Navamsa and Dasamsa and hence has
ethical lapses more than the rulers like those of Gwalior
who betrayed even the Rani of Jhansi in her last and crucial great vargabala.
fight? He was born in Aslesha nakshatra with an extra-
The warrior he was finds reflected in his words: "It is far ordinarily strong Moon suggesting great devotion and
better to live like a Tiger for a day than to live like a jackal occult pursuits.
for a hundred years" and emulation of such spoken words A strong eighth house and positions with reference
or heroism is rarely seen among other kings during the to that is indicative of a divine purpose in his life.
British period. From the age of 15 he had been a warrior Tippu's sacrifice happened on a very remarkable day,
and had shaken the East India Company many times with Chaitra Amavasya, 4 May 1799 when the Sun and
his grit and dashing abilities. Moon had conjoined Rahu in the Bharani nakshatra
(very auspicious for tantrik rites). Solar eclipse on
It transpires that irrespective of his religion, he was born
Bharani made the day very exalted for worship.
to sacrifice himself for the human spirit of dignity and
freedom from all shackles.
Person Behind the Chart
He was a great ruler as may be noted from the following
details given in a website: ; Rasi
Despite the hectic political and military involvement, Tipu
never ignored the main task of improving the life and , Moon .Jupiter
conditions of his people. His improvement of agriculture Sikhi .Mars,Saturn Lagna
and industry, his promotion of trade and commerce, his
continued on 21

Obeisance to



IN THE COMITY of celestial bodies Brihaspati or Let us take the fundamentals first. Brihaspati is pure
Jupiter occupies a piace of high eminence. He is the effulgence by the qualities vested in him. He is the
preceptor of devas (gods ?). He is thus the supreme supreme benefic among the benefics of astral bodies with
preceptor. That is why Guru has become a synonym for whom we have intercourse. Naturally, his qualities are
Brihaspati, although Sukra or Venus is also a preceptor in sung in panegyrics by the sages for whom he was the
his own right, being daityaguru (preceptor of all the non- supreme refuge. They acquired their supra-sensory
godly ?). Brihaspati is the alchemist who by his touch or perception of the phenomenal universe only through the
aspect turns dirt into riches, mud into gold. By his favour blessings of Brihaspati. Even they have been constrained
does one get on this earth a good and dutiful son for to warn us of disparities arising from seeming displeasure
transcendence from the circle of births and deaths. He is of Brihaspati with our destiny indicated by the horoscopic
Putrakaraka par excellence. Thus his prime chart. That is the least of it. What they have left unspoken
characteristics place him as Jnanakaraka, Dhanakaraka is more relevant and crucial to us than what they have
and Putrakaraka. In these areas of life his influence is said in so many words,
conspicuous and unfailing.
I devote this article to unconventional forms of
The subsidiary karakatwas (signification is a poor word interpretation of conventional positions adopted by the
for karakatwa) assigned to Brihaspati, selectively stated contemporary practitioners of the science. As Brihaspati
are: Tall, fat and phlegmatic with a heavy bone structure, or Jupiter is a benefic par excellence, we are told that
He rules over yellow colour. The yellow sapphire Pockraj he is not subject to the unqualified dictum of the sages :
or topaz is his gem which augments the supply of his Karako Bhavanasah: Is Brihaspati exempt ? By his
favourable radiation and vibration He is happy in treasure supreme wisdom Brihaspati walks the tight rope that
houses and meeting places of the learned and the wise, divides the phenomenal from the real and satisfies both
Silver is favoured. He rulers over the stomach of the the dictum and his own supreme lordship over the subject,
human beings especially the two intestines. Benzoine, quick which is extra-territorial,
silver and tin also come under his purview. In modern
terms, by well tested experience, we can aver that his Wherever illustrations are given here, please understand
rulership extends to mining of gold, silver, quicksilver and objectivity is mentained as well as a deep study of
other factors which mi ht reclude the
tin, as well as to banking and insurance organisations. He S P conclusion we are
has indirect rulership over coal mines because it is through Persuaded to accept here. As Putrakaraka in
the permutations of coal under various pressures that the karakakshetra, the 5th, he should deny putra (son) or create
miser throu h the birth of a son lackin in wisdom Let
gems he favours are formed. Illnesses arising out of his y S S -
us look at the
intransigence are liver malfunction, flatulence, diabetes, following two horoscopes closely,
degeneration of fat and, phenomenally, buddhibhramana Moon
or non-coordination of intellect and facts. Rahu Mars Venus Sun Sun
This article is meant essentially for students of astrology.
Chart No. 1
This then will be non-scholastic and where there is a
Rasi Navamsa
departure from the path of traditional interpretation in text-
book terms readers are assured that no violence is done
to the basic tenets in the process of dovetailing the
interpretation to a study by experience gained over several
decades to the ever changing conditions of life and of society



it and also combust. The planet, Mercury, is a eunuch and

has Navamsa in the house of Venus. In the wife's
horoscope the Lagna lord occupies the 5th, putrasthana,
his house of debility. The debility is cancelled by the aspect
Navamsa of the 5th lord. The 5th lord is in the house of feminine
Venus with Venus, which, again, is a badhakakshetra lord
in bhadhakshetra. The 5th lord, however, is pure
Yogakaraka. Putrakaraka is himself in the 3rd, an inimical
house belonging to the eunuch planet Mercury who has
gone into nashtasthana. the 12th from there and has
Both horoscopes are hit by (a) karaka owning neecha Navamsa.
karakasthana and (b) karaka occupying karakasthana, as
far as putra yoga is concerned. In the male's horoscope, The message is loud and clear. For over a decade after
only the male planet the Sun who is Lagna lord aspects marriage, except for two very early seeming abortions,
Jupiter in the 5th. Jupiter has Venusian Navamsa. In the the wife would not get palpably pregnant. She had also
female horoscope Jupiter is aspected by eunuch Saturn become very obese. In the Moon's Antardasa of Jupiter
and Jupiter's Navamsa is in the male sign of Mars. Mahadasa of the husband they got a childa female.
Medi cally, the wife's child-bearing capacity has been
There were two abortions and a, boy was born who has terminated.
grown into manhooda very charismatic person with a
full blown Gajakesari Yoga in his 2nd houseKumbha Take the case of Jupiter's Dhanakarakatwa or wealth-
signification. When he owns the Dhanakshetras (the 2nd
(Aquarius) Lagna. When Brihaspati is the sole influence
in regard to progeny he limits children to one or two and and the 11th) and/or is posited in those houses he would,
in obedience to the dictum, seem to be inhibiting those
they become desirable for society. They come full of
wisdom and piety. Thus they are not of proven help in the prospects. That is a partial view, though. We judge these
mundane sense to parents either. affairs by conventional mundane standards. A person is a
financial success on this scale only when we see the
To make a contrast let us consider the following person wallowing in wealth and luxury. But such wealth
horoscopes : cannot be earned through strictly fair means. Sukra or
Venus is the preceptor for such fortunate persons. It is
Ascendant Jupiter Ascendant planets like Venus, Saturn, Rahu that attract such
Moon Mars Moon
affluence. Brihaspati (Jupiter) in his dignified rectitude
gives enough for the person to live modestly without want.
Chart No. 2 Enough is as good as a feast, is Brihaspati's motto. Should
Rasi Navamsa the Editor permit this digression, he would pass that into
Husband print when I say that he is a standing example of one who
lived with this yoga of Jupiter, owning two Dhanasthanas,
the 2nd and the 11th. Look at his life of exemplary
Rahu I Mercury
rectitude. Most others "who have run journals for that
period of time in India have become multimillionaires. All
Venus Saturn that wealth could only have come to them from adopting
Mars Rahu means and methods not strictly in the line of ethics. A
Ascendant Mars little newsprint quota sold in the black here, a little
Sun Rahu blackmail here and there and an unethical advertiser being
Navamsa promoted are all tactics that stand approved socially in
Mercury I Jupter this world. Not for our Editor, hank you. Yet, Brihaspati
has been true to him as he has been to Brihaspati. The
beneficiary always harmonises life with the legitimate
income Brihaspati provides and provide he does. I put
The husband's horoscope has Putrakaraka Brihaspati here the first horoscope projected for consideration on
(Jupiter) in karakakshetra (the 5th). Kshetra lord or this point. Dhanakaraka, strong in Moolakshetra and
Brihaspati's dispositior is in the 12th (nashtakshetra) from retrograde in bhagya (the 5th) aspects, Dhanakshetra, the


11th, with the Lagna lord aspecting back. The person has rises. The person does not feel it because when the person
never been in want. Some people of piety always is in the jail he is given right royal treatment and when the
unexpectedly brought to him what was needed to meet person is in vanavasa (wilderness) the monkeys and birds
demand. are at his bid and call. But for mundane interpretation a
Sakata Yoga is a Sakata Yoga. Horoscope 1 had it and so
As Jnanakaraka he is supreme in Jnanakshetras (the 5th had too Pandit Nehru. When they went into j ails they were
and the 9th). But this does not ensure for the native popular down and out and yet given first class treatment. Where
recognition for wisdom and very few with that blessing the participants are well placed the Sakata Yoga effects
have even earned an international award. That is not a are conspicuous in their periods and inter-periods. A
position that is evaluated in the market place of the world. discriminating interpretation of the astrological chart needs
The native would be found totally in different to such to say little about it to the native himself, but can convince
expression of any talent. The reader may look at the first the world that the principle is good and inviolable.
horoscope again and wonder.
For the two common signs owned by Mercury Jupiter is a
Brihaspati's harmonious placement with the other two badhaka besides being a malefic (functional) owning two
karakas of the psyche, the Manaskaraka (indicator of kendrasthanas. Where Jupiter is a functional malefic,
mind) Moon and Buddhikaraka (indicate of intelligence) should he be badly placed he causes harm in the negative
Mercury are important for a life of fulfilment and
way of withholding wisdom from thought and actions. Even
happiness. Gajakesari Yoga where Brihaspati is in a kendra where he is a functional malefic his aspect to the 5th and
(angle) from the Moon is a great blessing throughout the the 9th is a boon to those houses and planets posited there.
life of the native. Impulsive actions uninformed by wisdom So too, Gajakesari Yoga will confer yoga effects whether
are precluded, saving a lot of harm to oneself. Brihaspati's one or the other planet is a functional malefic.
5th and the 9th aspect to the Moon also ensures to the
native timely advice from some wise person to meet Brihaspati's aspect to tthe 12th guarantees success to the
challenges. march towards salvation. Saturn aspecting the house is a
fortification. It makes for endurance.
Brihaspati is good when he is in the 4th or the 10th from
Mercury. Mercury could well be in the 12th from The mutual aspect of Jupiter and Mars in Karkataka
Brihaspati but not the other way round. Together (as in (Cancer) and Makara (Capricorn) respectively emaciates
Nixon's horoscope) or in samasaptama (7/7) position both planets. So too Jupiter's retrogression in Cancer and
there is such conflict between intelligence and wisdom, his co-existence with another in retrogression in same
that usually wisdom abdicates in favour of the ruin that house. That he is lustreless in Simha (Leo) held by
logic can bring to its devotees. They are called Rationalists astrologers in certain areas is not warranted either by
and like the English village school master although Sastric dicta or experience.
vanquished they will still argue. They are fortified now
with Marxian epigrams and shibboleths to throw at you. Through all the yugas only Brihaspati has remained
untouched. Even in our topography (Kalapurusha), Brihaspati
When Brihaspati and the Moon are shashtashtama owns Bhagyakshetra the 9th and Mukthikshetra the 12th.
(6/8), Sakata Yoga arises. This yoga is as inexorable in its Obeisance to Brihaspati. Anyone who reads this article will
undesirable givings as Gajakesari Yoga is protective bear his blessings because I have prayed. (FOR)
throughout the life of the native. Experience teaches us
that there is no cancellation whatsoever worth mentioning
except that where they are both in their own elements
the suffering comes from honourable circumstances and
in honourably bearable environments. Take, for instance,
the yoga arising from transposition of the Moon and
Brihaspati, the former in Sagittarius. Take the Moon in
Taurus, in exaltation and Brihaspati in Sagittarius. See all
the permutations possible. The effect of Sakata Yoga is
felt in each and every horoscope. In many or most of
these cases the native does not feel it. Sakata is the wheel.
Phenomenal life looks like the person who goes to the
nadir and rises again to the acme and then falls and then

14 JULY 2012

President of France

Francois Hollande


With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficieny in astrology, Mr. Maniam is a Medical Officer by profession. He
has been honoured by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Baba and been the winner of the Nostradamus Award in 2010. He has had his spiritual training
under Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda Maharaj, Ponnamaravathi, Puthukottai Dt. istrict, South India, Mr. Maniam, with an experience of over
25 years in the study of astrology, has contributed many articles to various journals on different aspects of mundane astrology. He attributes
his initial learning to Dr. B. V. Raman's books, later having studied under Mr. Muthuratina Bharathi
. Transit Chart on 6th May 2012

Mercury the antara

lord moved from
Pisces to Aries on
6lh May 2012

Moon 0 , R.
SalUm /n
Rahu < >

Astrological Discussion and Analysis

A strong transit of planets favoured the victory of Francois 1. Rising ascendant in his birth chart is Taums, a sign
Hollande on 6th May 2012. He won 51.6% of the votes that belongs to Venus . Ascendant lord Venus , is
and was declared the President of France. posited in the 5th House in his birth Chart, a place of
Purvapunya. The Ascendant represents self, name,
He was born on the 12th August 1954 at 0.10 am in Rouen, fame, reputation and status. The ascendant lord
France. (Longitude 10 E 0' and Latitude 490 N 30') posited in the 5th house will enable him to enjoy
authority and power.
2. Rising Ascendant falls at 14: 33' inTaurus, Navamsa
too falls in Taums which is vargottama amsa occupied
by Mars and Jupiter. According to Brihat Jataka a
person, born in Vargottama amsa will bring name and
fame to their community
3. In Navamsa, Venus is exalted in Pisces.
4. The transit on the day of victory gives power to Ascendant
Mars Sun as Venus and Ketu was transiting his birth ascendant.
Rahu Mercury Saturn
Moon Jupiter 5. The Jupiter was in a very favorable transit. Observe the
combination from the Moon ascendant, Jupiter (1st &
r/c Deg Rasi Dign Nakshatra I 4th lord) in combination with Mercury (4th 7th lord) and
Lg 14:34 Tauai - Rohini 2 Sun (9th lord), what beautiful combination of planet
Su 25:29 Cance N Aslesha 3 transiting 5th fromhis rasi (Sagittarius).
Mo 24: i 6 Sagit B Purvashadha 4
Ma 03:35 Sagit N Mula 2 b. The gochara tara phala on the day of victory on 6/5/
Me C 15:03 Cance GE Pushya 4 2012 reveals much more interesting message from the
Ju 24:28 Gemin \ Punarvasu 2 celestial plane. Most of the planets have favorable Tara
Ve 09:58 Virgo DB Uttaraphalg 4 Bala
Sa 10:28 Libra EX Svati 2
Ra 21:14 Sagit Purvashadha 3 JULY 2012 15
Ki 21:14 Gemin Punarvasu 1
Moon Saadhana (Achievement) - 12t] 17. On 6th May 2012, transit Jupiter, Mercury and Sun
Mars Parama Mrtra (Good friend) Swarna-golden 9 th are posited in the 10th from natal Sun.
Mercury Parama Mitra (Good friend) Swama-golden 5 th 18. His birth chart has a strong foundation. In
Jupiter Sampat (Wealth) Taamra - copper 5 th Sarvastakavarga the ascendant has 38 Bindus and
the transit by Venus in association with Ketu is a strong
Venus Kshema (Well-being) Swama-golden 6 th
Saturn Kshema (Well-being) Taamra - copper 11th pillar in the horoscope.
7. Look at the transit of Mars from Moon ascendant. It is
in the royal sign of Leo. It is interesting to note that,
Mars in natal and transit chart is posited in fiery sign - 31 29 wen us & Ketu in transit
birth Mars in Sagittarius and transit Mars in Leo. SAV
8. Natal Mars and transit Mars receive the aspect of 27 25
Jupiter - 7th aspect in the natal chart and 5th aspect
in transit chart.
26 21(734-^ Saturn in transit
9. The transit of Saturn was very favorable to Francois
as it was transiting the 11th sign from the Moon. The
19. It is interesting to note the play of the numbers in
Sarvastavarga shows 34 bindus.
numerology. His date of birth is 12th August 1954.
10. Compare the planets to his birth chart - all planets in
The total number reduced to a digit counts
the birth occupy five places and on the day of victory
(12+8+1954) to 3. The birth date number is 12=3.
(transit chart), all planets were occupying five places
His number 3 is ruling. Vital number is (3) and corporal
in the zodiac.
number is also (3).Thus, number 3 which is ruled by
11. Analysis of the 10th bhava in the natal chart shows Jupiter will show administrative capabilities.
that the 10th lord from ascendant, Saturn is posited
20. He won the election in socialist party as candidate
9th from 10th house and was transiting 11th from
for French election on 16th October 2011
Moon in exalted position. It was in the state of Vakra
(16+10+2011).The total date number combined
and Vargottama.
together works out to 3.
12. The dasa bukthi also reveals. Jupiter's role is very
21. We can also note that Francois won the election by
interesting at the time of victory. Francois was running
popular vote by number which amounts to 3.
Jupiter Dasa which commenced on 14th March 1999
22. Popular votes 18004,656=30=3. There is a significant
and Mars bukthi was in operation at the time of
relation with number 3 which rules Jupiter. Even the
victory. Mercury antara was operating from 1st May
percentage 51.6 works out to 3.
2012 till 20th June 2012.
23. A very impresive figure is derived from his current
13. On 6th May 2012, Mercury being the antara lord,
age 57, which amount to 5+7=12=3
moved to Aries, from its debilitation point Pisces and
becomes Vargottama in Aries which renders Mercury 24. Will Francois Hollande bring progress to the Nation?
with power occupying 9th star (parama mitratara) a. B eing bom in vargottama amsa and the atmakara
14. Mars was transiting 9th from his birth moon, which is a Sun (25:30) in Kumba navamsa, the Jaimini
powerful transit from birth rasi Sagittarius, bagya trikona, aphorism says "Tatakadayo dharmay".
5th lord from Moon ascendant. Transit Mars aspected If the Atmakaraka occupies Kumbha Navamsa
by Jupiter is an important point that we need to note. the person will do charities in the shape of
15. In the transit chart from Moon ascendant, there is a constructing wells, tracks, topes or gardens,
parivarthana Yoga between 5th lord Sun and 10th temples and dharmasalas or chatrams.
lord Mars. Rasi lord Jupiter was in conjunction with 25. Mercury and Moon are posited 10th from karakamsa
Sun and was aspecting Mars and Saturn in Libra. aspect by Jupiter. Jaimini says "Shubhadrishte
16. Ketu was with Jupiter in natal chart (2nd house),and stheyaha."
on the day of victory, Ketu was in association with If in the 10th from Karakamsa, there is beneficial aspect, the
Venus, and Jupiter was moving in transit to meet with person will be one of great determination and never capricious.
Ketu which happened after 17th May 2012 as Jupiter With this, we can conclude that the transit (gochara) of
moved to Taurus. Immense power is indicated as Jupiter planets has contributed much to the success of Francois
conjoins with Ketu in natal ascendant of the President. Hollande, the newly elected French President. h



Dr. Krishnendu Chakraborty is a senior

researcher with proficiency in traditional
astrology and palmistry. With a doctorate
from Viswa Jyotish Vidyapith on medical Cancer Disease
astrology, he is into its practice since 1995.
He is indebted to his parents and the almighty
for his knowledge in both these sciences. He An Astrological Study
is the grandson of well known intellectual
Haradhan Chakraborty, Palashdanga Village,
Nadia district of West Bengal. DR. KRISHNENDU CHAKRABORTY

"A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician."
- Greek Physician Hippocrates, father of Allopathy

IN EARLY TIMES there was a deep link between Planets owning two houses should also be considered.
Astrology and Ayurveda. The astrologer was normally For Cancer ascendant, Jupiter is the 6th lord and the 9th
aware of ayurvedic principles while the Vaidya made lord. As Sagittarius sign is Jupiter's moolatrikona and is
use of the astrological aspects to identify and treat the the 6th house for Cancer ascendant, Jupiter gives the result
disease. of its 6th lordship.

While Dr. Kallman of Psychiatric Institute, New York Cancer Disease

(USA) said, "Every being has a clock set at the moment Cancer is a disease which is almost incurable. It is a
of his birth, which predetermines particularly illness and malignant tumor, which can grow in any part of body and
accidents", Dr. B.V. Raman held that "An experienced spread rapidly into the whole body. Rahu is responsible
astrologer could indicate the predisposition of a person for all malignant growth. Malignancy is indicated when
towards heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer etc. malefic and strong Rahu
with considerable accuracy."
Relates with 6th, 8th, or 12th house or with 6th, 8th or
Detecting an Ailment 12th lord and aspects any of these houses or is placed
The 6th, 8th and 12th houses of the horoscope are said to in any of these houses
be malefic houses. When a planet is placed in any of these Is placed in maraka house or aspects the maraka
houses, or the lords of these houses are placed in other house or conjoins with maraka planet
houses or are conjoined with natural malefics or a disease
Besides the above, when a house is afflicted by the lords
inflicting planet, then in the dasa or antardasa of the inflicted
of evil houses and the malefic planets Mars, Saturn and
planet, disease is indicated in the parts signifying the planet,
Rahu, then the possibility of the native suffering from
the house and the sign (rasi). 6th house is the house of
cancer is indicated. The strength of ascendant and its lord
disease and 6th lord is responsible for disease. 8th house
is also to be considered.
and 8th lord indicate chronic, incurable disease and death.
12th lord and 12th house indicate suffering and When ascendant, its lord and indicator of that body part is
hospitalization. The dasa and antardasa of the lords of heavily afflicted, when ascendants of Sun, Moon and
these houses and the planets which connect with these natural ascendant (Aries sign) and the house indicator of
houses or the house lords should be judged carefully. the body part are heavily afflicted, then cancer in that
Besides this the dasa of the maraka planet should be also part of body is likely. When 6th lord is placed in the
judged. ascendant, 8th or 12th house and Mars, Saturn, Rahu relate
with that house or its lord afflicting any house, then cancer
Longevity is judged from 8th house. Since the 8th from
affects that part of the body as indicated by the afflicted
the 8th is 3rd, the 3rd house is the alternative house of
house or planet. Ketu is also responsible for hidden
longevity. Expenditure (or loss) of any house is judged
diseases. He is to be judged as karaka for Cancer. We
from its 12th house. So 12th from 8th will be 7th and 12th
can conclude that Cancer disease is identified by studying
house from 3rd will be 2nd. 7th and 2nd lords are called
Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars and their relation with the
marakas. 22nd drekkana of ascendant is called the reason
lords of 6th, 8th and 12 houses. When these planets conjoin
of death. Judgment should be from ascendant, from Moon,
with the maraka, then Cancer is indicated
from Sun and from Aries rasi to predict any disease.



Leukemia or Blood Cancer Ascendant is in the star of Ketu. Ascendant lord is in

Leukemia is a disease that has an increase of white cells 12th house in the blood indicated house of Scorpio
in the blood. When there is malignant growth in white and in the star of the maraka and badaka Mercury,
cells of blood and red cells are destroyed, Leukemia is and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. The 12thlord Mars,
said to set in. This means red cells are not created and indicating blood is in the ascendant and conjoined
the need for pure blood is seen. After some time the red with the 6th lord Venus. Mars and Venus both are in
cells of the new blood are also destroyed. This disease is the star of Ketu with the result both the ascendant
commonly known as 'blood cancer'. Moon and Mars are and its lord are afflicted.
the significators for blood. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Mars , who is in the star of Ketu and joined with 6th
and 4th , 8th and 12th house signify blood. lord Venus is aspecting the watery sign Cancer. The
lord of that sign, Moon is placed in 3rd (8th from the
Laws of the disease 8th) conjoined with the 3rd lord Saturn and aspected
If ascendant and its lord relate to 6th house, 6th by Rahu. Scorpio sign is aspected by Rahu (which is
lord, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars; the watery signs in the star of Mars) and Saturn (the maraka). The
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are heavily afflicted; lord of the sign, Mars is conjoined with 6th lord Venus
and the 4th, 8th and 12th houses are afflicted by and is in the star of Ketu. The watery sign of Pisces
Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars then there is indication is aspected by Mars and Jupiter (who in turn is
of blood Cancer. A holistic judgement would be to aspected by Saturn and Rahu). Jupiter is in the 12th
study from the ascendant, the Moon, the Sun and and aspected by Saturn and Rahu. So all the watery
Aries sign. It is also necessary to judge if the natural signs and their lords are afflicted.
6th lord Mercury is afflicted or not, the karaka of
Natural 6th lord Mercury itself is the maraka and
blood Moon and Mars are afflicted or not by the badaka. Mercury is in the 12th house and in his
malefic. If Moon and Mars are found to be weak enemy's house and aspected by Rahu and Saturn and
for any reason, afflicted by malefic Rahu or Ketu,
is therefore afflicted.
debilitated, and placed in the 6th, 8th, 12th or relate
The 8lh lord Moon is in 3rd house (8th from the 8lh)
with 6 , 8 or 12 lord then blood cancer is
and aspected by Rahu. Moon is also the lord of 22nd
Drekkana and hence afflicted.
Rahu is responsible for all types of malignant growth and Indicator of longevity and general health, Sun is in
Ketu is responsible for hidden diseases - diseases that the 12th house in the star of Saturn and aspected by
cannot be detected easily. When Rahu and Ketu (without Saturn and Rahu. Sun is also conjoined with maraka
any benefic aspects) afflict the 4th, 8th and the 12th or the and badhaka Mercury and gets afflicted.
lords of the respective houses and the watery signs Blood denoting houses - 4th, 8th and 12th house have
(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) and Moon and Mars relate fallen in the watery signs. Therefore the houses and
with the 8th lord then it points to blood cancer. their lords get afflicted as explained above (b).
Examples 6th house is aspected by maraka and badaka Mercury
Chart 1: Born 30th and afflicted Jupiter and Sun. 6th lord Venus is placed
November 1995 at 7.54 am in ascendant in the star of Ketu and conjoined with
1ST at Howrah, West blood representing planet Mars. This means 6thhouse
Bengal, India. and its lord are afflicted.
In respect of Moon Ascendant:
Chart 1 Mars and Venus in
a. 6th lord Moon is in ascendant conjoined with its
Ascendant - Sagittarius,
lord and in the star of 2nd and 11111 lord Jupiter.
Moon and Saturn in the 3rd,
Ascendant and its lord are aspected by Rahu.
Ketu in the 5th, Rahu in the
Venus Mercuiy The ascendant and its lord are therefore afflicted.
Ascendant Jupiter 11111 and Sun, Mercury and
Jupiter in the 12th. b. The 4th house is Jupiter (2nd and 11111 lord) and
8th lord Mercury. The lord of 4th house Venus is
Blood cancer of the native was detected in August 2001 in 11th house (6th from the 6th), in the star of Ketu,
when Mahadasa of Jupiter and antardasa of Venus was conjoined with Mars. There is no direct aspect
running. The native is under treatment and now he is quite of any planet in the 8th house, but there is rasi
well. aspect of Venus. The 8th lord Mercury is



aspected by Saturn and Rahu,and conjoined with (karaka for blood) lord Venus, and Venus is in
2nd and 11111 lord Jupiter. In 12th , there is also the the star of Ketu. So ascendant and its lord are
rasi aspect of Mercury (8th lord), Jupiter (2nd and afflicted.
11th lord) and Sun (7th lord). The 12th lord is In the 6 , Ketu is placed in his own star and
placed in ascendant, conjoined with the 6th lord aspected by Saturn and Rahu. 6th lord Mars is
and aspected by Rahu. The blood indicator afflicted. This means 6th house and lord of 6th
houses and their lords are therefore afflicted. house both are afflicted by Rahu, Ketu and
c. 6th house is aspected by 3rd lord Mars and Jupiter. Saturn.
6th lord being the karaka of blood is aspected by In 4th house and on the lord of 4th house there is
Rahu . Therefore 6th house and its lord are aspect of Rahu. Moon - karaka for blood is
afflicted. placed in the 4th and aspected by Rahu and
The karaka for blood Moon and Mars are both Saturn. The 8th house is aspected by Rahu , 6th
afflicted. lord Mars and maraka Venus. Mars and Venus
both are in the star of Ketu. 8th lord Mercury is
In respect of Sun Ascendant:
hemmed between malefics and aspected by
a. Ascendant is aspected by Rahu and Saturn and Rahu and Saturn. Rahu is placed in the 12thhouse
conj oined by 2nd lord Jupiter and 8th lord Mercury. in the star of Mars. The 12th lord Venus is in the
Maraka Jupiter is in the star of 8th lord. The lord 2nd house maraka sthana, in the star of Ketu,
of ascendant Mars is in the 2nd house i.e. in the conjoined with 6th lord Mars. This means blood
marakasthana and in the star of Ketu. That Mars indicate houses 4th, 8th and 12th and their lords
is also conjoined with 7th (maraka) and 12th are afflicted (continued). g

Tippu Sultan
The Tiger of Mysore
(continued from 11)
In the only known date of Hyder Ali discussed icussed by circumstances that shaped the destiny. Carrying the
DR. B. V RAMAN (Notable Horoscopes), ;), one can past into the present is also meaningless because one
see a remarkable conjunction of planets in thehe 7th from knows only a very limited past, only a fraction. Unless
8th while the lord of 8th is placed in 4th, the
he 9th from man gains a complete knowledge of the game of life,
pole 2. Horoscope in fact is an overlappingI picture of any analysis of people's lives shall remain a poor drama
the present life from ascendant to seventh house and like the blinds describing an elephant.
the past which is hidden from eighth house to 2nd
house. It is this hidden segment of the past that decides In Kerala, lot of hue and cry happens in the name of
the longevity (8th house), fortune (9th), karma (10th), Tippu that he had destroyed the Hindu temples and did
gains (11), losses (12) etc. Eighth house, in fact, is the a lot of forced conversions to Islam. May be some of
house of resurrection as the seventh marks the house his accomplices did so as it happens in the case of
of death for the body which is represented by the first corruption in these days. Yes, may be the responsibility
house Lagna. In other words, the eighth can be rests with Tippu as the man who led the forces but
described as the house of eternal life and when the individually he may have little to do with the crimes.
eighth dominates present becomes insignificant. The Had he been selfish as to seek the gratification of his
Kendras of eighth (2-5-8-11) are indicative of the senses through evil means, he would not have been
spiritual grace of an individual and this is precisely the ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of dignity and
reason that makes the 5th and 11th house significant independence of his kingdom.
for personal gains. Tenth house of the past becomes
We must judge a lamp by its light rather than by its
the fifth in the present and the fourth house of the past
shadow and as far as human life is concerned, the
becomes 11th for the present.
greatest light it can cast is self sacrifice. He had all
Conclusions luxuries at his command and stood to maintain
It is meaningless to look into history and judge people everything unlike other kings who compromised their
or society. One seldom gains a complete picture of the dignity by kneeling before the Britishers. g




A Research Article


JUPITER IS SAID to be the son of maharshi Angira and and has been a high ranking scholar in his studies in spite
Purohit ofDevatas. Jupiter signifies knowledge, prosperity, of financially notbeing well. Family wise he has not done
science, viveka, etc. When Jupiter occupies a house, it well with frequent quarrels between parents. His good
loses its benefic results but his aspect on the concerned education was due to the beneficence of Jupiter. He has
houses strengthens them. The following sloka spells out a lot of affection for his mother and vice-versa (due to
the malefic results of Jupiter. presence of Venus in 4th house). In May 1997 when he
was in M.Sc. Ilnd year, he quarreled with his best friend
Janmalagney Gurushchaiva Ramchandro Vaney Gatah
and was convicted with with charges of kidnapping and
Tratiye Balih Pataley Chaturthey Harishchandrah robbery by the police. Caught by police and spending a
Shashthey Draupdi Harnam Hanti Ravanmashtmey whole night under police custody, he was freed. During
Dashmey Duryodhinam Hanti Dwadashey this incident Jupiter bhukti in Venus mahadasa was on. It
Pandu Vanagatam therefor is suprising that this happened.

Born on May 09, 1975 at 03 h, 35 m at Lucknow Ascendant lord Jupiter in combination with Moon in his
own house is a good combination. This is Kendra trikona
Ascendant Mercuiy Venus
Jupiter Sun Saturn Mercury Mars (rajyogakari) house, for which Parasara said kim waa
Moon Ketu Saturn
meaning kya kahna). Gajakesari is also there called
Achhunda Rajayoga (known to diminish the ill effects
of a horoscope). Of course Lagnesha Panchmesha
Rajyoga and Gajakesari Yoga both are highly afflicted
by 11th and 12th lord Saturn's tenth aspect. Gajakesari is
also weak due to Moon having greater degree than Jupiter.
Ascendant Venus There is papakartari yoga due to Sun (which is exalted)
Jupiter Sun
and Mars but it is weakened due to the placement of Jupiter
in ascendant. The benefic aspect of Jupiter helped the
The above sloka is not an astrological aphorism but merely
the native being freed from the charges of kidnapping
an observation. Let's play with Jupiter results by analyzing
and robbery. He did well in his studies and got his
the above chart. The native was born in Mercury
doctorate. It may be noted that that due to affliction of
mahadasha and Revati nakshatra. He had many problems
Venus with Saturn in 4th house and aspect of Saturn on
of the stomach. He also had meaningless mental thoughts
Moon placed in Kendra, the native was highly sexual and
from the beginning of the major period of Mercury. 4th
passionate. In the major period of Venus and Saturn minor
house is very afflicted by 3rd and 8th lord Venus and 11th
period, the native fell in love (of the same caste) but also
and 12th lord Saturn. The 4th lord Mercury is also in
lost his mental balance. The ascendant lord Jupiter placed
between Rahu and Ketu. Significator of mind the Moon
with 5th lord Moon in ascendant made the native highly
is also aspected by Saturn. One of the dictum runs as
Bharmabhiru. This scribe predicted that neither marriage
nor physical relationship will take place. These were the
Lakshando Doshan Hanti Devendra Mantri predictions of only Saturn bhukti. Letme ask the educated
Kendram Praptah readers of our magazine a question. If simultaneously
two yogas are running which one will dominate? There is
Why is Jupiter, being in the ascendant, unable to give relief Amsavatara yoga formed by Jupiter, Venus and Saturn -
from all these problems?. The native has good education
continued on 28


Jupiter A Research Article
(continued from 23)
a combination that is rarely found in a horoscope - due to Bheri Yoga). This scribe feels with Moon mahadasa
which the native was fond of art culture, literature and is beginning in July 2012 with Moon, as 5th lord, in Revati
handsome looking. When all the three planets were in nakshatra and with several Raja yogas, benefic results
action in Saturn bhukti, the native experienced strong are possible. Readers of this prestigious magazine can
affection towards many females but always maintained a write (email) to the Chief Editor, if the native will marry in
distance. Moon mahadasa or later or will remain a bachelor for
He did not make up his mind to marry because of his poor
financial conditions. He was unable to get financially strong The following sloka to Jupiter is suggested (to be recited
in Venus Mahadasa. In July 2006 Sun Mahadasa began. 19000 times.
Sun is exalted in the 2nd but as 6th lord. In April 2009. The
native was in police custody for a night resulting from a 0m B
haspatey Ati Yadaryo Arhad
quarrel overy property matters. This was the Jupiter minor Dyumdwibhati Kratumazzaneshu
period in Sun major. As of date, the native remains Yaddidayachchavas Ritprazat Tadsmasu
unmarried and financially weak (in spite of his having the Dravinam Dhehi Chitram m

Jeeva and Sareera


Horoscope Judgment


BHAVA IS AN IMPORTANT key to interpretation of is the soil in which the results offered by planets has to
horoscope. It provides the necessary base to co-relate sprout and bloom. Unless the soil offers nourishment, the
man and cosmos. In astrological parlance, Bhava denotes growth may get stunted; and should conditions be adverse,
man and his worldly affairs; zodiac signs depict extra- it may not sprout at all. In this context, we may reflect on
terrestrial influences; and their combination marks the the fact that there must be a definite purpose and deep
connecting link. It is a well-established astrological truth meaning in the arrangement of zodiacal signs and in
that such of the aspects of life that come under the benefic determining the ownership of these signs. In fact the
influence of planets flourish in real life. Conversely those natural zodiac scheme provides the masterkey to the
that are subjected to malefic influences are found to wither interpretation of horoscope and all other techniques stem
and perish. Rest of the things that remain free from any from this root-concept. For people bom in different signs
kind of planetary influence continue to be governed by of the zodiac an entirely different basic pattern of life
natural laws such as biological processes of growth and emerges. It is therefore understandable that Bhava results
decay and the like. All those inconsequential activities and offered by planets by virtue of their disposition in the
happenings in life that merely serve as " 'time-fillers" with radical chart can flourish only to the extent permitted within
no contribution towards evolution of the soul come under the framework of the Bhava. As a preliminary step to
this category. Mostly it is these activities that easily submit judging Bhava results, one should necessarily ascertain
to the free-will of man and lure him to believe that he is the scope offered or constraints imposed on Bhava
the master of himself. Therefore it is the thoroughness consequent to its placement in the zodiac scheme.
with which each of the Bhavas is scanned for planetary
A simple method in this context is to place the respective
potency and the dexterity with which they arc segregated
and linked to specific activity of man that is the true lords in each of the signs and examine the criss-cross
measure of proficiency in judging horoscopes. effects of planetary influence on the concerned Bhava.
Mars goes in Aries and also into Scorpio : Jupiter is to be
A horoscope begins to appear amazingly clear when set placed both in Pisces and Sagittarius and Saturn in
rules of astrology are applied. The basic rules of Capricorn and Aquarius and so on. For purposes of
interpretation are apparently simple, but are effective in illustration, let us take the two adjoining signs Capricorn
revealing the meaning, only when applied as directed. In and Aquarius that have a common lord in Saturn and
usage, the vital instructions on its application are ignored examine the impact on a few selected Bhavas with
and the rules are applied in a slipshod manner, leading to reference to these two ascendants. Although Saturn
hit-or-miss predictions. With a view to emphasise their happens to be the Lagna lord for both these two signs as
significance, a few important among these rules arc Lagnas, one can easily mark the variance in their
discussed here in their proper perspective. Should they respective complexion and character. As Lagna lord for
appear as new or novel it is because of the added emphasis Capricorn, Saturn owns the 2nd house also. Being a
laid on them. natural malefic he is free from any blemish of ownership
of the kendra (angle). By v irtue of ownership of both
Implied significance of the relative placement of a Bhava benefic houses Saturn is a perfect benefic. The ascendant
under natural zodiac scheme is often overlooked while sign itself receives aspect from the Moon in Cancer, a
judging results of the Bhava. The complexion of Bhava natural benefic. There is no malefic aspect on the Lagna
undergoes modification consequent to its position in zodiac. sign. The Ascendant and its lord that constitute the
A Bhava that offers good scope for its significations to quintescence of all the Bhavas emerge strong and benefic.
flourish may impose constraints on its development with This offers clear scope and opportunity for the native to
reference to different zodiacal signs. After all, the Bhava


rise to any height in life. Even a native of the weakest regard to learning and produce great men of learning. Even
radical chart, under this basic pattern, can hope to die a when they are deprived of college education they possess
better man than the one he was born. Lucky is the keynote the inherent talent and inbuilt opportunity to acquire
of Capricorn Ascendant. knowledge. Venus the 4th lord and the Moon, karaka for
mother, are enemies though both are benefics. The Bhava
Saturn emerges weak, burdened with ownership of the
imposes some kind of constraint with regard to things
bad 12th house and with blemish of malefic as well for
concerning mother. Though the native will have an
Aquarius Ascendant. For a Lagna lord this is clearly a
excellent lady as mother, there is an element of separation
handicap. Lagna itself suffers badly due to aspect from
or hostility between them. This condition may prove a
two malefics, both being enemies of Lagna lordthe Sun
decisive factor while judging the results of radical chart
aspects from Leo and Mars from Scorpio, ft is also devoid
with regard to native's relation to mother. Early death,
of any benefic aspect. Placement of Aquarius sign in the
separation due to adoption or separation between parents,
natural zodiac thus imposes great constraints on Lagna.
misunderstanding of a direct nature or any other mode
Both Lagna sign and its lord emerge weak and blemished
could be the ultimate outcome. Thus we see the keynote
as malefic. Unfortunate is the keynote. This need not
here is on severe constraint with regard to signification of
necessarily imply that these natives would never prosper.
mother, excellent disposition for promotion of learning, and
They can certainly reach great heights of prosperity and
equally favourable condition for acquisition of landed
fame, consequent to the strength of radical planetary
disposition. But, in spite of success, some kind of a suffering
is writ large on the basic pattern. During the last periods The object of highlighting this method of viewing the
of their lives this is likely to surface in one form or other. placement of Bhava under the zodiac is to emphasise the
fact that there is fundamentally a difference in the basic
Similarly, the complexion of successive Bhavas vary
structure of each Bhava with reference to people born in
significantly with reference to each of ascendants. The
different Rasis (signs). While the general trend in all the
4th Bhava for Capricorn Ascendant has Mars as its lord.
cases of people born under the same sign as Lagna will
This house (Aries) has aspect of Saturn (Aquarius), of
be the same, this would serve as sruti set to the raga in
Jupiter (Sagittarius) and of Venus (Libra). Benefic aspects
its rendering. It gives the sense of direction to the
of Jupiter and Venus strengthen the Bhava but Saturn's
investigations into the meaning of horoscope.
aspect imposes constraint. Unless the radical chart is very
strong, break in education or a mediocre or delayed It is of course the Bhava lord that gives direct clue as to
education may be the outcome. Because of enmity the kind of results that will manifest in life. Hence
between Bhava lord Mars and Mercury, karaka for ascertaining the strength and nature of the Bhava lord
learning, the kind of education may not be much useful in assumes utmost importance in judging Bhava results.
life. Saturn's aspect on the 4th and also on the 3rd (from There is enough literature on this subject. The most useful
Capricorn) results in mental dishonesty as a basic trait. and exhaustive amongst them is the book by
But considering the benefic aspects from Jupiter and DR. B. V RAMAN HOW to Judge a Horoscope which
Venus the vice could be turned into a virtue as it happens, imparts the technique in a masterly manner. But what is
in the event of the native taking to diplomatic career. As happening in actual practice is that basic instructions are
Mars and the Moon, significator (karaka) for mother, done away with as inconsequential. With the result one
happen to be friends, a respectable woman as mother generally slides into confusion getting mixed up and being
and mutual affection are seen. As the 4th lord Mars is unable to differentiate clearly between what constitutes
also karaka for house and landed property, the Bhava strength and how it is distinct depending upon the planet
remains neutral giving free play to radical planetary being benefic and malefic. Very often what is attributed
powers. The keynote of the 4th Bhava is some constraint as strength of a planet is interpreted as benefic nature
with regard to educational things, favourable disposition and where it is implied as weakness it is taken as malefic.
towards things concerning mother and neutrality or non- A planet may gain additional strength by virtue of certain
interference in"; respect of things concerning house, etc. placement and yet it may remain malefic in nature. It would
then be a strong malefic capable of causing more harm.
Venus is the lord of the 4th Bhava (Taurus) for Aquarius
Similarly a benefic planet may lose some of its strength
Ascendant. Mars (Scorpio) aspects the Bhava. This is a
when it finds itself unable to act. It would then be a weak
positive contribution towards acquisition of landed property.
benefic and its results though good would only trickle in
Venus the 4th lord and .Mercury, karaka for learning, are
drops. And of course one should also bear in mind that a
friends. The Bhava can nourish planetary potency with


natural malefic would not shed all its malefic nature by the 9th Bhava which is of a benefic kind. Though the 9th
virtue of becoming benefic by its placement in the chart; lofd may be placed in a kendra; but when that kendra
nor does a natural benefic lose all its inherent benefic happens to be the 4th kendra, it becomes the 8th sign
nature.when adversely posited. from the 9th Bhava. This is a bad placement for a Bhava
lord and hence its results get considerably reduced, but
When in doubt or when the issue is seemingly drifting into continue to be benefic.
confusion, it is rewarding to go directly to the basic rules
and 'seek the answer. In the context of examining Bhava Although life is a many-splendoured thing, it is seen that
lords the following directives culled from classical texts in the final analysis each major aspect of life has within it
could serve as valid check-list: certain nuclei around which groups of activities build
themselves. It is these nucleus centres that set the trend
1. Lords of Bhavas 1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 9, 10 and 11 are to be and shape the life pattern. In astrological parlance these
considered as benefic and would give benefic results. nuclei are identified and systematically classified as
Lords of Bhavas 3, 6,8 and 12 are malefics and the karakatwas (significations). The planets that have the
results they give are generally misery, troubles and closest affinity to specific karakatwas by virtue of their
unhappiness. qualities are identified as karaka planets. For ready
2. A Bhava lord gives results in good measure when it reference, karaka planets (significators) or different
occupies the 1st, .the 2nd, the 4th, the 5th, the 7th, karakatwas connected with each Bhava is listed
the 9th, the 10th or the 11th signs counted from the hereunder :
Bhava sign.
The 1st Bhava: The Sun for vigour; the Moon for body.
3. A Bhava lord gets additional strength to bestow its
results when it occupies kendra (angular) or kona The 2nd Bhava: Jupiter for wealth ; Mercury for speech;
(trinal) signs and also the 11th sign from Lagna. Venus for family (kutumba).
4. The strength of Bhava lord gets further enhanced if The 3rd Bhava : Mars for brothers and also courage;
the lord of the sign in which Bhava lord happens to Saturn for misery.
be posited, occupies a kendra or kona and also the
11th sign from that of Bhava lord, or from Lagna. The 4th Bhava: The Moon for mother; Mercury for
learning; Venus for conveyance; Mars for property.
The Bhava results would be maximum when all the above
The 5th Bhava: Jupiter for children; Mercury for
conditions are fully met. While it would make an ideal
condition, actually it is rarely feasible. The quantum of
results, therefore, will have to be deduced to the extent The 6th Bhava: Mars for enemies: Saturn for illness and
these conditions are met. sorrow.

Lords of Bhavas 3,6, 8 and 12 give results of their Bhavas The 7th Bhava: Venus for wife ; Mars for sex vigour.
which happen to be misery and unhappiness. Hence they The 8th Bhava: Saturn for longevity; also for mental and
will give these results in greater measure when they physical suffering and pain.
occupy kendra, kona or a similar position either from the
The 9th Bhava: Jupiter for teacher ; the Sun for father.
Bhava sign or from Lagna. Because of this, it is desirable
that they occupy signs other than kendra or kona which The 10th Bhava: The Sun for power and position; Saturn
would then weaken them and consequently restrict the for service and livelihood; Jupiter for fortune.
quantum of bad results. They should preferably occupy The 11th Bhava : Jupiter for gains ; and also elder brother.
the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th, or the 12th signs from the Bhava
sign and from Lagna as well. The 12th Bhava: Saturn for sorrow; Mars for confinement;
Venus for material desires; Jupiter for gnana; Ketu for
The rule says that a Bhava lord gets strength when placed moksha (emancipation).
in a kendra or kona from Lagna. It should be noted here
For purposes of examining the effects of karaka planets,
that by such a placement, the nature of results will not be
the same guidelines as given for Bhava lords could be
modified. It only gets added strength to give its scheduled
conveniently used with few exceptions. While the position
results. The 6th lord for instance would give results of the
of a Bhava lord in the Bhava itself would enhance its
6th Bhava, namely illness, debts and enemies by several
results, the position of a karaka planet in its Bhava is not
fold when it occupies a kendra or kona position as
very conducive for the signification to flourish. Saturn as
described above. Similarly, the 9th lord gives results of



karaka for longevity occupying the 8th Bhava is an person may lose his mother in childhood but grow into a
exception and as such this position is good for longevity. learned man. A native may suffer break in education but
Relationship between Bhava lord and karaka planet needs enjoy in good measure facilities of conveyance and own
to be given careful consideration, as it can change the landed property. Whereas, one would get sufficient insight
complexion of the results considerably. to judge the manner in which each of the significations
would be affected, when Jeeva and Sareera for them is
A methodical scrutiny of Bhava, Bhava lord and Karaka ascertained individually.
planet within the framework of guideline discussed above
is expected to reveal the Bhava results sufficiently clear For a more candid appreciation of the method and its
to arrive at realistic predictions. And yet, judgment of application, the technique is illustrated with an example:
Bhava results cannot be said to be complete without
ascertaining the combined inherent strength or weakness
of the Bhava. In a way this amounts to the residual strength
after making allowances to reductions and contributions from
all the concerned forces. The true protency of a Bhava is
ascertained from Jeewa and Sareera of the Bhava and of
each significations (kara-katwas).

Jeeva: The sign in which a Bhava lord is posited is Jeeva

sign for that Bhava and its lord is Jeeva.

Sareera : For each Bhava there is Bhavatbhava sign. This The significations (karakatwas) covered in the 4th Bhava
is obtained by counting as many signs from the Bhava as are (1) mother, (2) learning, (3) conveyance and (4) landed
the number of Bhava denotes. Bhavat-bhava sign for the property. Hence we proceed to ascertain Jeeva and
4th Bhava would be the 4th sign counted from the 4th Sareera for each of them and judge their results. 1. Matru
Bhava, which happens to be. the 7th Bhava. The sign in Bhata (mother): This being the main signification of the
which the lord of Bhavatbhava is posited becomes S areera 4th Bhava, Jeeva and Sareera of the 4th Bhava itself would
sign and its lord Sareera for the Bhava. throw light on this signification. Dispositor of the 4th lord
Once Jeeva and Sarira are ascertained, the method of is Jeeva. Venus, lord of the 4th, is in Leo and hence the
examining their strength and nature would follow the same Sun, its lord, is Jeeva and Leo is Jeeva sign. Dispositor of
pattern as that of Bhava lord or karaka planet. If Jeeva Bhavat-bhava lord is Sareera. Bhavat-bhava for the 4th
and Sareera are found strong and both be benefics and is the 7th house and its lord the Sun 16 in Cancer. Hence
friends and Jeeva and Sareera signs also happen to be the Moon is Sareera and Cancer is Sareera sign. Jeeva
benefic Bhavas, then the results of the Bhava would (the Sun) is posited in a bad house, the 6th from Lagna. It
flourish, even if the Bhava is found apparently weak in is a bad house, the 3rd from the Bhava sign. It is bad
the light of other considerations. On the other hand, a house, the 3rd from the Moon, karaka for mother and also
Bhava that is found strong and benefic may not produce Sareera for the 4th Bhava. The Sareera sign (Cancer) is
results as anticipated, if Jeeva and Sareera of that Bhava the 6th from Lagna, a bad house and the 3rd from Bhava,
happen to be weak, malefic and inimical and Jeeva and a bad house. Signification of mother suffers very badly.
Sareera signs turn out to be bad houses. Opposite results Death of mother in early childhood is amply clear.
could be the outcome of such a situation. Learning: The 4th sign from karaka for Vidya (learning)
Utility of the Jeeva and Sareera method is most when it is the base to ascertain Jeeva for Vidya Bhava. Mercury
comes to in-depth analysis. A Bhava denotes a number of being in Leo, the 4th from it Scorpio becomes the Vidya
varied aspects of life within its fold. For instance the 4th Bhava or the base for our working. Dispositor of Vidya
Bhava concerns with such unrelated aspects of life as Bhava lord (Mars in this instance) is Jeeva for Vidya
mother, learning, conveyance and landed property. When Bhava. As Mars is in Leo, its lord the Sun becomes Jeeva
the 4th Bhava is afflicted, being weak and malefic, how for Vidya and Leo becomes the Jeeva sign. As the 2nd
do we go about ascertaining which one of the above Bhava; is equally concerned with education, the position
significations is going to be affected and to what extent. of the 2nd lord becomes the base to ascertain Sareera.
It is not simply conceivable that all the four things would Bhavatbhava from the 2nd lord Jupiter's position (the 4
be equally affected. It does not happen in real life. A signs from Scorpio) is Aquarius. The Bhavatbhava lord




_ Successor to


danaS.S, * Srnvann Masn ends on l7-}5-3(J32 Adhikn BKadmpada Mas a commences on .18-8-2012

Auiuist 2012 Volume iTl No. 12 Rs.40-(Kj


IfiS Da the Plnncls Shaw Mld-tcmi Polls ? EdUitrlal

4-7i United Ami-oI-odj CorilereiL-ce 2Q['2 Jtcjiiyri
4 Another AMralngieal Dilemma . . VA.K. Ayer
4 711 Judging Health CaoditionK- _....SUa /fnwi Sin&h
4S2 Third HiMise and Ytrtinvcr Co-tnirnv V.[/. Parij^J.iptrfi/T/n
A rulers RreiviVA Piisucho Yosn. . Hhyam AVtfun
48 7 Planetary iDdicamrs of Health llamrdt- IL S. K. Kajtom
490 lleallh Issues at
Relaiivcs - Aslrtik^ical Clues - IL ..Dr. K Guru /fryr.Th
49J J<>ini gllori Neesll
491 Vadha - (VaiU'ailha HYi'JVrfor /.>( ^-y, Jonra ft/iotrMjfi;

4(56 Letters to the Iwlilor

477 The World in August 2012 Dfiruva
Ephenveits linr Aiifiusi 2012
499 Asironomicat Fhcnomcan far August 2012
502 Pauehaiijia for Au^UM 2012
504 Daily Planner loar August 2012_. //A'(?rTj>jpir/ii
507 Travel Guide for August 2012 //ArofjfruynrOr
505 Planets *nd Career Concerns , . ,\taFsiyyf
509 How is August 2012 lor You ? . . . fthtrrrjvr/tjj/a
3 IS. Tnvcl Guiiic for AitjitisT 2012 ,L..,^ii..,._iriY[Fff!iJ,lrrrf!T
507 Astrology Scene

3) On 19 th June,
the Andhra Pradesh
anti-Corruption bureau arrested
suspended Central Bureau of
Investigation fCBI) judge
Utte^ Justice Pattabhi Rama Rao in
the cnsh-for-bail case. Rao is
Editor accused of accepting a bribe
worth five erorcs to pass bail
orders in favour of former
Karnataka minister Gali
"Rajeswari Raman Memorial Number" Jannrdhann Reddy in an illegal
MatlaTrfi - My CoinplinienlS to you for Ihc enlightening mining case. Justice Rao
articles on different aspects of health relating to difibcici^ eye was suspended last month by
diseases and iithci in the Raj^XWiiriR/hJiirri XfcimtJiMNuiYilirr the Andhra Pradesh Chief
fM. A?. July 2012). J u stiec
Mr. CD. Ravindaranth's article on combinations for eye Coincide ni ally all these
diseases is thought-provoking. I remember the late Dr. B.Y. ihrcc major events happened
Raman's statement lu me when I met him in 1995 at his residence in Andhra Pradesh.
when he [old me ithAl worshipping the Sun goes a long way In the same article with
m improving dne's vision and also ensures sound eye health reference to Pakistan you have
Readme ihrough this issue. I could not but help recall said: "A coup of sorts cannot
Dr. Raman whose conviction played an important role in he ruled out with rtiajtir
proeunhg For astrology respect amongst the intelligentsia. Wc rhanges m curringat lite lop
arc yet to sec a MaHattna like hiifi levels in /slatnabad.^ The
s. Govindah Pakistan prime minister Yousuf
EttAJL Rorn Gdani has lost his position
following the controversial
judgment lv\ tin PnktMan
Annual Forecasts through an accident or
Supreme Coon against him
Madam. - You have written A11 th'ese predictions have Such accurate predictions
in the 2012 Annual (A/.A., turned out to be hundred increase the reputation and
Jan.2012. page 14) under percent correct. reliability of astrology as a
"World Trends and Tensions" \y Qn I9ih May 20)2, the science.
that. Tile ninth litntse ruling Karnataka High Court judge Heaity concrniulmions!!
the judiciary has its ruler Justice Govindarajulu passed
afflicted. A landmark judicial away in a road accident in
ruling may at/nut cmtroversy. Andhra Pradesh
A mcmlK'r tf the judiciary may 2) On 28th May 2012. At the Top
Astw to step down in Andhra Pradesh High Court Madam, - Your magazine
hiuniJuuing rintanstimre^. has given a judgment against has positioned itself ul the top
The nsprrt of Mutfcm 9ih lord 4'59?. reservations for muslims. of the firmament of Vedic
il/m-xm'ivirrm of n high level This landmark judicial ruling Astrology.
fmfiruil member being has become sensational and Javamta Bhowmick
vulnerable to physical danger controversial


Letters to the Editor

Adhi Yoga luck, career and gains of Tut: AsTRoioprcM

respectively. (June 2007) where
Madam, - I read with
Let us consider the chart you had discussed Rahul
interest your scholarly editorial
of Bill (Chart I). The Gandhi's chnri I found the
on Adhi Yoga and agree with
Moon is in Pisces and the tOth summing up very apl thai
you that this Yoga can cxjnfcr
ihcrcfrom is Sagittarius which while Rahul Gandhi during
cither poliiicaJ power or money.
is the Kairnvstann. Tit; at that his Moon Dasa would
I believe money is also one
house as the Ascendant. Then continue to be the cynosure of
form of power. Il is generally
Jupiter in the 9th. Mercury in the mi di i and in the limclighl,
difficult for the have-nots to
ihc lOlh and Venus in the 11 th he would he far from gaining
come anywhere ncai the
render ihc Kiinmisluna strong power. So far Rahul has
corridors of power. So Adhi
It is also said thai a strong 7(li campaigned in many elections
Yoga by conferring prosperity
house is guiKl for cntieei as it including the recent UP
works to open the door to
is the IOth from the 10th house elections but has failed
powci eithei through money
based on the Bhavat Bfiavtm miserably inspire of hogging all
or otherwise Another
principle In Chart 2 a strong the limelight.
observation you make is thai
Adhi Yoga coexists with the
only the waxing Moon can confer You have said the exact
Gajakesari Yoga arising inn of
Adhi Yoga. The Paksha Bala or birth time is not available but
the Moon and Jupiter in
digital strength of the Moon is based on his Moon-sign and
opposition. Adhi Yoga tends
more important than Sthana Bala Leo Ascendant (like his father
to gain strength in liindcin with
or positional strength The Full late Rajiv Gandhi), your
Gaja Kcsari Yoga.
Moon in Scorpio is strong - its prediction has turned out to
debilitation does not alter its In Michael Jackson's chart,
be stunningly accurate, more
strength arising out of you have taken the view that
so as his Moon-sign
Pakshabala Adhi Yoga is partially satisfied
Sagittarius was under highly
Let us assume there is a by two benefics. Since one of
favourable transits It speaks
benefic each in the 6th. 7th and the requirements of the Yoga
volumes for your intcrprcUilivc
8th from the Moon. Power is is that all the three benefits
judged from Ihc lOlh hollSC If should Ik: in the 6ih, 7th or
8ih. this Yoga cannot be said Further I find your articles
we now treat the 10th from the
to occur, if a strictly puritanical and predictions on mundane
Moon-sign as the Ascendant,
view were to he taken. astrology very enlightening
we find the three henefics in
Please accept my and prciiM: I mk toiv. ;iril rn
the 9tIi, lOib and I lib houses
congratulations on your many more much articles and
Another possitibility is that
scholarly analysis. hopefully one day the
all the benefics arc in Kendras
DR. E 5. NEELAKANTAN Government will understand
en Tfikonas oi the Labhnsrana
CHENNAI why in India there was always
Distribution of planets across
a special place for the
these three houses means all
Rahul Gandhi's Raja JyotLshi or the royal
the crucial houses contain a
Chart astrologer.
benefic each Generalty for
power, the 9th, 10th and I Ith Madam, - I was recently HANUANT MUTTAOt
should be strong as they rale going through an old issue cms//
Those who know Astrology can only indicate

in a way what will take place in future.

Who else, except the Creator Brahma,

can say with certainty what will definitely happen !

Do the Planets

Show Mid-term Polls?

THE occupation ul* the Ascendant or its lord of a Sandhi or junctional

point is said to result in its complete lack of strength to support the rest
of Lhc chart. This astrological equation has been demonstrated lime and
again in the UPA's second term swearing-in chart. The prime minister Manmohan
Singh has exercised or has been allowed to exercise very little power though
the Constitution makes him the defacto and dejurc head of the Government.
For all practical purposes, he appears to be a puppet with no will of his own.

Whether this continuing stance time and again of the prime minister is one of
conscious choice or of compulsion is hard to say but it is very much
astrologically as it should be the result of the Ascendant lord Mars occupying
a Sandhi or junctional point. This also is the reason why the government has
allowed itself to be bullied by its allies without being able to transact any
serious business or deliver on governance ever since it came to power for a
second term.
The Ascendant Scorpio is a fixed sign aspected by the 1 Oth lord Sun and the
Sth rum I lib lord Mercury (Chart l). While the Sun's aspect on the Asccndanl
as of the 10th lord is welcome, that of Mercury as of the Sth lord docs not
appear to be comfortable. Further as Sth lord in the 7th, it brings the incumbent
under restrictive political forces that can hamper his free and responsible
functioning. Secondly, Jupiter in the 41h in a Kendra is welcome while the


... Do the Planets Siunv Mid-term Polls ?

same cannot be said of Saturn also in a spineless and toothless against the deinaruls
Kendra. but in the I Oth. Jupiter in the 4lh and tantrums of its allies.
oilers initial protection but Saturn in the' lOth
Jupiter's protective influence
decimates it when it is time Idr him to take
on the UFA sourced in his
occupation of a Kendra is
Chart 1: UFA Swearing-in : May 22. 009 al
IBh. 34m. at 28 N 3S. 77 12. beginning to wane. At the same
ikinoN time, the influence of Saturn in
VfW if . 7 " i UIJ I W I
2*- m VMI* the I Oth, normally associated
#-11 * ftl
with downfall, is just, about to
Chart 1 NavaniSa gain ascendancy, hi these
astrological circumstances, the
continuance~ of the government
appears to be marked by great
The 7th lord Venus is exalted in the 5lli
and quite powerful, as against the Ascendant Jupiter's" protective influence on the UPA
lord Mars who though in his own territory sourced in his occupation of a Kendra is
in his .Moolatrikonn sign Aries is ricvimlizcd beginning to wane. At the same lime, the
by his Sandhi position or occupation rd .ft influence of Saturn in the, 10th. normally
junctional point at (X1" 25' Atics. The 7th associated with downfall, is just about to
house rules partners and allies. Though the gain ascendancy. In these astrological
UFA is headed 'by the Congress as the circumstances, the continuance of the
dominant party in the coalition, it has been government appears to be marked by great
blackmailed into submission CVCiy time by uncertainty.
its notably the TMC ftfld DMK. Not Chart 2: Indian Independence: August 15, 1947
only have these parties decided on who at OQh. 00m. al 28 N 3G. 77 E 13 with n balance ot
!, year 3 months ol Saturn Dasa at birth.
certain Union Ministers should be but also
rejected the railway budget which had been
approved by the Cabinet. Practically every
piece of Icgislatkin relating to economic
issues has been stalled or subverted by the Chart 2 ^ Navamsa
TMC. leader with the lead party in the UFA Rasi
looking on helplessly. The Ascendant lord
a n g i jur
Mats* junciional position is not a little K 11 I 17 14
responsible, for making the government both
Moving on to the Indian Independence
Clever men are good, but they are
horoscope (Chart 2), both directional and
not the best.
transit influences, arc far from happy. Kctu
Bhukti of iiun Dasa now on runs upto

MOOLPLS astrology
September 2012. Ketu is in Scorpio in liis Ketu. currently in control as the Bhukti
sign of exaltation and well-placed. However, lord. is in the 7th house of confrontation and
transilwisc. Ketu is in Taurus, his sign of hints al confrontational fires raging again
fall and in conjunction with natal Rahu and
Consistent with the fact, the
natal Ascendant. This presages disturbing
Indian Independence horoscope
trends picking up momentum and paving the
way for ushering in significant changes in is moving into Dasa chidram
the country. There is danger of violence next, forces that could weaken
about the August 14. 2012 conjunction of the Centre are likely to gain
Mars and Saturn in Libra being directed at ascendancy and strength. In
a political leader. Unless great vigilance is
this context, the Gujarat
exercised, the national flag could fly
elections, which political
The Dasa lord Sun suffers indirect pundits analyse as deciding on
affliction by virtue of Rahu occupying his who will rule at the Centre, may
Nakshatra Krittika. Such a disposition may give a rude jolt to the Congress
be broadly brought under what wc would
with the BJP getting further
like to describe as the {Jpaltota Principle
strengthened in the state.
given in [Hrihat Samhita (XV-3J-32)
according to which when a Nakshatra is visavis the Telangana issue. The same
occupied by a malefic or is afflicted by an directional influence may rake up trouble
eclipse occurring in it or under certain for the Andhra chief minister whose tenure
otlici specific conditions, all of the is likely to get disturbed. Consistent with
significations coming under its jurisdiction the fact, the Indian Independence horoscope
suffer hartli. Here Rahu being in the is moving into Dasa chidram next, forces
Ascendant in Krittika. the Nakshatra thai could weaken the Centre arc likely to
Krittika may be deemed to sutler affliction. gain ascendancy and strength. In this
Extending the principle further, the ruler context, the Gujarat elections, which political
ot Krittika, namely, the Sun may he said pundits analyse as deciding on who will
to suffer affliction which in turn may he rule at the Centre, may give a rude jolt to
expected to be passed on to his Dasa the Congress with the BJP getting further
as the conduit for its expression. This strengthened in the state.
afHictioi rn ne Sun from Rahu has been The Bhukti of Venus in Sun Dasa begins
seen to manifest in a government whose in September 2012. Venus is the Asccndanl
responses overall have been one of lord no doubt but at the same time his period
manipulation, denial and subterfuge all marks the ending Bhukti of the Dasa of the
characteristics of the Node. And with the Sun which brings the chart under the
Dasa of the Sun so afllicted moving towards stresses and strains associated with
its last Bhukti post September 2012. the Das a-chi dram.
Congress led UFA is likely to come under These trends also receive support
siege. fmm the lunar new year chart tor Nandana


- Do the Planets SJunv Mid-term Polls ?

Chart 3i Commencement of Lunsi Year sign of fall or debility in Seoipio which tends
Njn-idpna: March 22, 2012 ol 20h, OCm, {1ST) al
26 N 36, 77 E 13. to weaken the Dasa lord. This temporary
loss of strength of Rahu can presage an

... the chart for the

swearing-in of the UPA and the
Chart 3 rSUVUlHSU Indian Independence horoscope
points to turbulence at Delhi
before the lunar year ends with
the prospect of mid-term polls
looming large before the country.
for 2012-2013 (Chart 3). The IOth house is
not well-placed. Its ruler Moon lacks in ominous phase for the party. It could face
Paksha Bala (digital strength) and is finrhei difficult circumstances in garnering emcial
afflicted by Mercury and Mars. This can support just when it needs it the mosL
show' the government drifting in a The chart for the lunar year Nandana
directionless manjier. However, the aspect read along with the chart for the swearing-
of exalted Saturn on the I Oth is constructive in of the UPA and the Indian Independence
and hints at democratic processes assuming horoscope points to turbulence at Delhi
an assertive role which can take the shape before the lunar year ends with the prospect
of mid-term polls. The I Oth .lord Moon and of mid-term polls looming large before the
the Ascendant lord Venus being in country,
Qwindwadnsn or the adverse 2-12 positions Gayatri Dvvi Vasttdcv
can result in setbacks to the ruling coalition. June 29, 2012
Chart 4: Congress: Born November 22. t9E9 al
tOh, QOm. at 28 N 36, 77 E 12 with a balance ol The conviction that i had to play
ts years 3 monlhs J8 days ol Venus Dasa at iblrth.
an important rote in the future to
procure for astrology its rightful place
Vll\ I I", I Hi
in the hierarchy of sciences and in
the minds of the educated public
It 34 began to grow in my mind. My
Chart 4 Psavamsa
Rasi Kinr main aim which I pursued wtth
missionary zeaf was to eschew
astrology from charlatanry and refute
through my writings, stale objections
against astrology raised in some
The Congress party (Chart 4) which
'scientific' quarters. / also planned to
heads the UPA is in Rahu Dasa with Rahu
bring to light so far unpublished
well-placed in the 3rd house. The 3rd house
literature on the subject and
position is generally deemed good but in this
do research in the science.
particular case, it may not really help the DR. B. V. RAMAN
Congress as trans itwise Rahu occupies his


A Report

United Astrology Conference 2012

Largest Gathering of Astrologers Or. B.V. Raman, he* father. All recipients delivered
uiuYing speeches5* ul appreciation and acceptance
Trrn United Astrology Conference 2012 held
1 Tie CVA Sanghct Community Service Award went
from May 24t.h in May 29lh 2012 honored the
to Dennis HIaherh and the Award fnr Education /rt
Vedic astrnfosy commiinity by having M m-rR
Dr. David b'rawley while the 241J2 ACVA Award
A'iThfiii'icii TuCilor Gnyoiri Devi Viwndev light Ihe
fnr Community Service was given to Ms. Christina
Iradilioiial [.imp lo mark ils inauguration at n glitlerin
Collins for "Leadership in organi/im; the JytiiLsh
ceremony nn Ihe evening nf Muy 24lh nl the New-
Star rMagazinrand For going above and beyond in
Orleans Mariort Hotel ar New Orleans, USA This
prumoiini- Vedic Astriili'igy". Ms. Charlotte Benson
was Fnllowed hy a filmed montage sequence
also leceiVed the ACVA Community Service award
announcing nil of the sFtyifcrrs with huge pint: hnllonits
tor hei untiring elliiris in stlppoitmg Vedic Astrtilogy
rnlling fn>m the ceiling accompanied by n brass.
through the last couple of decades and roi her
marching hand.
Elerculean success in leading the Vedic coinmunity
The nwyorof New Orleans Mitchell J 1 jndrieu
as Organization Coordinatur ol' the ACVA and CVA
certified this was the largest gnlbering ever nf
on the UAC" Buard in preparation and iinjileinertatioii
astrologers in Ihe world
for the UAC. James Kelleher and Hdith llatha w a-*
Awards Ceremony were conferred the Diploma of Rrcngnilimiand the
JyoiuhBrihaspati. the latter, the highest title of the
The Marion D March Regufus banquet on the
evening nf May 2Sth saw titles heina hesinweri nn
astrologers rrom around she world The Marion D. March Regultut awards wen I to
the late Robert Blaschkc foi Disiov^ry, Innovarloti
The FJ/fiinte Achirvenrent duvrrrfs went to
and Research, Ena Stanley for Education, Nick
Michael I m in and Rny Merriinnn. On the
Canipicm for Theory and Understanding, Joyce I jevLiia
Vedic fmnl, Chnkrapani UJIal was honoured hy
for Cnwnumily Service and Chris Mcrat; for
CVA (Council of Vedic A^lnulogy") with Ihe
Professional Inragr.
Lifetime Arhirivmc/it Award while the title
Pmirfrnt F./itrr/lu.1; of A CVA (American College for CAS Honours Scholars
Ved i Vsirology) was conferred or D Dennis M
The Indian Council of Astrological Sciences
honored Vedic astrology scholars from the west with
The ACVA and CVA presented a joint Awa/tinf
the titles Jyothh MmFFui Pmgyna (Dr. Dennis
Rfrnnnitinnto Gayntri Devi Vasudev for her
Harness. Ms Christina Collins. Dr David Frawlcy
-fendership in publishing Mfine**.1 Air^rimov
urd MR. Sat Siri KhnlsaT. fyrnhh Viicha<pofi(Mr.
II. | QTiine and for going above and beyond in
William Levacy, Mr Steven J Stucky, Ms Ronnie
promoting Vedic Astrology around the world" and
Gale Dryer and Ms Komilla Sutton) and Jyothh
being instmme;ntiil in bringing this knowledge In the
west rnllowimg closely in both esperiice and
knowledge in the footsteps of the late great * See page 493 for the Editor's speech of acceptance.


United Astrology Conference 20/2

Kovid (Ms. Charlotte Benson, Ms, Patty Sanders Chak'rapani Ullal. the SemLinnosl and a much
and Ms. Jessica Saylcs). respected Vedic astrologer in the US. dealt with the
A message from the ICAS National Pnrfitlcinl Mrn>n '.t Role in Shaping Destiny where he pointed
Mi A.B. Shukla whi-cti was read out al the aWiirds out the Moon was a vehicle of perception which
cenemnny cnngmtulating the title recipients wished could show how one connected with Lhi: world. The
them greater success in their efforts to spread Indian Nodes of the Moon by CVA President Dennis
astrology in the Ww-t and the rest of the world. Flaherty was an enlightening (tessellation on how
The United Astrology Conference 2(U 2 was Rahu and Ketu represent the iconic struggle between
jointly sponsored b\ the Cfmncil of Vedic Astrology, the light and shadows of darkness in one's
the Amencun College of Vedic Aslmlojjy, the consciousoe&t and the spiritual crises thereof. Dr.
Association for Astrological Networking, and the David Frawley speaking on The Yug/ts and Giohoi
Intet national Society fot Astrological Research and Karma traced the connection of Ultie cycles to
the National Council tor GeocoAmic Research. The
Nakshatras and their orientation to the equinox and
UAC is n nncedn-fl-four-ycur event that aims to
solisticc points before explaining important Yuga
bring the astrology community together through
theories and their astrological basis Gayntri Devi
research and exchange of ideas. It is a unique event
Vasudev1'S Mmfo 's Strength in UtuierUutid)ngCharts
where Indian astrology (Vedic astratogy) and Western
on May 27th was nn enlightening exploration of this
astitdiigj enthusiasts converge for a festival of sharing
important factor from different angles.
Dr. Dennis Harness speaking on The Twelfth
Pre-conference workshops were conducted on
Thursday, May Sdih by Gayatri Devi Vasudev and House Miser or Mnkshn examined the significations
Nick Campion amongst others. The four-hour session of this house as primarily being those tliat paved the
saw Mrs. Gayatri thevi Vasudev intTLiducing the way for spiritual progress and Final Hmancipation,
participants to the concepts of fnle and freewill as The ACVA President William Lcvacy's IWin/rv Vivjit
relevant to lyotishn and as revnlving round the Moon, Dharma or Purpose m Life? dealt with techniques
a pivotal factor in chan interpretation and which as for delemimiiig one's calling and the tirtung when
the index of free-will could arm one to steer through career tendencies would emerge besides looking at
the vicissitudes of life as shown in the chart. the Navamsa and Dasamsa charts foi related clues.
Warring patterns in the charts of both regions and
Vedic Astrology Stream individuals were identified bv Ms. Christina Collins
A CoiiuiHinU) [ssuc.i Wrtrk.thop liitci in the speaking on md Disasters. Oil Splits
afternoon saw CVA president Dennis Flaherty and Wars who pointed out recumng planetarj
moderate the discussion "Implications of Spirituality signatures and combinations whenever disasters
in the Practice ol Vedic Astrology" with l>r. David struck. ImpOrlanl technical principles were
Frawley, Gayatri Devi Vasudev. James Kelleher, highlighted in the context of the biographical,
William lj:vacy, Kociiilla Sutton and Ronnie Gale
historical and cultural details ol illustrative cases by
Grj er on the panel.
Ms Edith Hathaway in her discourse The Way Into
Gayatri Devi Va-sudev spoke on Prasna and
the Chart and the Life.
Swearing-in Charts in which she explored Che
The Vedic astrology track coordinated by Dennis
inLeruriion ol ritisru and Muhurta with specific
emphasis on principles li out Prasna Tantra. Flaherty with David Frawley and Bill Levacy as
Explaining the speeul anve chart lor the swearing-in core preSentedS provided a senes ol lectures for
of the next U.S. President on January 20, 21113. the beginners to the advanced encompassing the histoty.
foresaw confrontutitinal circumstance.': between the philosophy and the application ol Jyotisha without
USA and the jrhadi forces. The pnce ol uil could ignoring the iradiiional as well as t be nco
stabilize worldwide only after September 2013. She sell-determined perspective*. Other speakers in this
also outlined certain major challenges that the trad; were James Kdtehcr, Dr. Suhas Kshirasagar,
incumbent would lace Sat Siri Khalsa, Kenneth Miller and Juliana SwanRon


United Astntfogy Cimfcrenr:?. 20J 2

Western Astrology Track vocational aptitudes and directions. Another

Notable omonj; western astrology prnpofienL<; was interesting paper Cyete* of Health: Idenifying Crfivci!
Nick Ciinipon whose pre-conference workshop Tltf Pfri/nh from Jane Bidder Patrick brought up case
Writing />fffefJViexainined trarfitinnnl practices rram studies to show how n> identify the highs and lows
around Ihe world including China^ Mexico nnii of health cycles.
Polyntsin revolving round calendar ritunls and sacred One hundred and seventy-five presenters spoke
architecture II>?rnelra George speaking on ffrrmrs: on fifteen LiilcLn With *ilh Sessions tfiirfi da.^ covering
GudrtJin/i nf Thresholds explore^ m depth Men:ur\''s diversified specialities and interests al this inintntnith
inultifncetcd itrchrtypal nature, i[<; synodic cycle of gathering of ustrologers. Several interesting topics
relationship and mvlhical ultrihulss I ea Imsiragic's were covered during ihe perind of 7 days There was
Ch'tngf Fear into Freedom wus a journey through active interaction between the speakers and the
Ihe connecuon between solar activity and time and attendees in most of the lecturers with highly
of Uranus in Aries and how this could bring in deep stimulating questions being brought up for discussion.
chansc* m ore's life Thtf ending Mreinonie.<; honored and memorialircd
Donna Van Toen dcarribing the lightest squares the nearly forty or more astroloecrs who had passed
in u chart on the trigger aspect in What's a Trigger? on since the last (JAC in ZflCIS in Denver (Repoil
elahoralcrf on how these aspects were keys to by A hi and Courtesy: Jyntish Slar\*
Another Astrological Dilemma

VA.K Aver

Upachnya her hushnml ilunttg the Moon's transit in

There is wr one imifc ana of Ciinflision Upachaya houses aspected by benefics like
The next word llmi Micks in the throat id i Jllpilcr, she conceive* fruitfully
student of astrology ii Upachaya The second use to which Upachaya is put
Parasara defines Upachaya houses thu by Varaha A in connection with judging the
nature of Dasa fmm its tune nf Cnminfncctncttl.
vide utfra. Should the Dasa lortl occupy an
That is. the 3rd, the 6th the I Ith and the Upachaya house m the horoscope raised for this
lUlh nre known ils Upachayn houses. umc thai Dasn will prove priKsperoiis This use
is also supported by Kntayanavamin and Sripati.
Literally the word LTpachnya means incrrav.
Thus so far, Upachaya posinms had hecn
grimth or prosperity V n dia Vtihirn rccojjni/c %
this category in a sjvcinl context vidf tupm, made use of in judging only transit effect* so
to say and not directly in oaiivmcs
hut not in the regular section
Kalyanavarma defincv upaehaya thus The next stage in the development of us
appears Mantrcswara who. while quantifying
the strength of horoscopes, says (Chap 4.V)
that, the Ascemkuil is as strong us its lord who
becomes very powerful in Upachaya I scs
PT cR" W3 This is its first direct use in nLitivilics. followed
cqry II latet on by wholesale use It is in this context
that wc are confronted by the same author's
Or. the 6lh, the I Oth. Hie 1th mid the 3n!arc stnicmcni
known as LTpachayas and the 2nd, the 1st. the
llh the 5th. the 1 th. the 9th. the Slh and the
I 2ili as non-Upachnyns (Atntpachnyn in Or. the 8th. the Oth and the 12th arc said to
Ap.'u li.iy.i), he houses of evil
According to K nlynnnv.ironia who ouiliitc^ How then can the (ith house, an Upachaya,
wimi n chnical uses for Ujwichaya houses when be both prospenius and evil?
a woman gets ht r menses dminc the Moon ' Indeed for each Bhava. us 6th house
becomes both Upachaya and Dustana I low
transit in Anupactusyj hotiscs aspected by Mars
are we to emne out of this dilemma? And
With reference to her horoscope, she bectHOCs
knowing as we do. thai Mantreswara and others
ready for motherhood When she unites with
like him are RhhW, wc have to acccpi their
* Readers are referred m "Smm! ^omliy^icaJ Dilci word as Inilh The foregoing analysis ol the
(AM June 20121 - ndltor icuvTTNurri cw rxru .imi


* ' s

The World in

August 2012


Mars-Saturn Conjunction

MARS imovestQ conjoin Saturn an 15th August 2012 in the 1st degree of
Libra capable of provoking major national and natural events. The
combination takes place in the 4th from the Moon in Cancer causing severe
weather argmalies ' turhulence. Maligned Saturn's position in Lihra and his
aspect on the Moan has a serious effect an the interests of women. The
conjunction takes place in the rising sign at Japan and Philippines and in the 7th
from the rising sign at the US, Argentina end Brazil ta affect,these regions adversely.

India alarming. Jupiter and Venus aspecting ihc 4lh

promise plenty" of rains., bui RriliLfs presence in
Commencement of Limar Month Sravana: July
19. 2DI2 al 9h. 56m. al Now Delhi. ihe 4rh aspccreil .hy Samm.has the potential of
inflicting severe damage. The 8th cuming under
ihcjoint aspect of Mars and Saturn and the Kth
lord in alignment with the Nodes may lead to
severe calamity. The government may initiate
some positive aciion spurred by the placement
of Venus ami Jupiter in the lOth..

M/LB* I S*CUT Neighbours

*',T II MTRl-
Pakistan (Leo ZflS') confronts financial
contingency with malefics in the 2nd and Ihc
Leo 28" 2'rises at Delhi, the Ascendant lord 2nd lord in the I2lh. The leadership is well
along with the 2nd lord Mercury in the 12th supported by benefics in the ilOih..Afghanistan
failing to curb the financial drain. Mars and (Lea 21s" 43']! shows resolve in tackling
Saturn tenanting the 2nd mount pressure on the insurgency with benefics striding the Kith in
economy. Jupiter's aspcci is a relieving factor. Rasi as well as from the rising. Libra Navamsa.
Cummnnicark'ti and [ransporratmn service is Sri Lunka (Leo 29" .WJstrives for raising
adversely affected' by malefics squcc/Jng the trade and investment under the 5lh lord Jupiter
3t'd and the 3rd lord Venus joining Ketu and the aspecting ihc ?th and the 9i.h lords, in the 2nd.
8th lord Jupiicr. Mai?;and Saturn in thcrSndfrom Rangladesli \f Virgo 9" 50'} is exposed to traffic
the Karaka Mercury make the situation more hazard with the 3rd lord Mars in the Ascendant


... Tile 'World'in<August '2012

Joining the 6th lord Saturn and Rahu in the "3rd Iraq (Leo (f 51*) faces disorder under
coming under Sauirn's aspect- The 7th lord SaTiim-Rahii in the 6th from rising Aries
Jupiter joining the 9ili lord in the 9i"h and Kavamta. IrwViljuiT /tf.'Jfaces threat of natural
Mercury joining the* I 1th lord Mixmi in the 1 lih calamity in view of Rahu in the 4th aspected hy
help to raise trade and investment. Saturn and the 8th coming under the combined
aspect of Saturn and 'Mars. *KEyptr (Cancer IS'
China, Japan and Southeast
47')faces. leadership issues under Stiium-Rahu
Asia together1 in the lOth from rising Sagittarius
China (Virgo 29^59') goes through a period N'avantsa.
of uncerliiinty and struggle under Saturn close
West Europe and Africa
to the rising degree with the Ascendant falling
in Bhava Sandhi. The 2nd hud Venus in the 9th Cancer rises-: rh i West European States
helps to retrieve financial distraction imposed helping to introduce suitable economic measures
by the 2nd caught heiween malefics. Prospects prompted by the luminaries in the Ascendant
for trade and in vestment improve undet iTencfics and Jupiter-Venus in the 1 Ith. Saturn-Mars in
in the 9tlr and 1 Ith. the 3rd may affect communication and
Japan (Libra 20' /'Jstrives to tackle financial transportation. Market fluctuation arises with
and security concerns with the Ascendant Rahu in the 5th aspected hy Salurn,
hemmed between malefics. the Ascendant lord South Africa (Gemini 10*49} faces adverse
in the Sth with the 6th lord and Mars-Saturn weather conditions due to Saturn and iMars
together in the 12th. The administration has a afflicting the 4th. Finances arc well secured with
positive agenda in place prompted by the Mercury joining the 2nd lord Moon in the 2nd.
ictjsrii>jiji:n txv I'AriL -t'/ri
luminaries joining the tfth lord Mercury in the
Philippines (Librt{9* 39) faces fmimcml
Brain Teaser
anomaly under Rahu in the 2nd aspected by
Snmm and the 2mi lord Mars in the J2ih. Hale: Born November 25, 1970 at 17h. 48m.
Malaysia (Virgo 22 * 22) confronts strife with at 9 N 58, 78 E 10 with a |balance of 3 years
the Ascendant tenanted by Mars and Saturn. 1 month 26 days of Mars Dasa at ibirth.
Financial concerns are well tackled under the
2nd lord in the 9tli and the .Ascendant lord in i-rvui' . T: i| ii-nj | rLu
the I.Uli with Jhe J. Ith. lord _li>don&sla (Virgo
goes through a troubled period with
Saturn exactly on the rising degree. NiiViimiu

Russia and West Asia

Russia (Lett 3' 44} is exposed to natural
hazards with the 8th lord Jupiter in alignment
with the Nodes across 4-1 (J axis. The Icodcrship
ml Is out a plan of action for growth under Venus Question: The native has a 5 year old
ami Jupiter placed in the .lOtli child. 15 It a boy or a girl ?
Israel fCuttcer22' 23f) confronts regional
discoid with Saturn ami iMars occupying Solution to July Teaser: The native is
the 3rd. Financial impetus is provided by an engineer.
Venus-Jupiter together in the llth.


Site Ram Singh, M.A.. LL.M., with Diplomas in Administrative Law
and Labour Laws from the Indian Law Institute. New Delhi, retired as
Assistant Director, Intelligence Bureau, Government of India. Has
been into astrology tor many years and has more than fifty published
articles in English and Hindi to his credit.

'a - t'
ri-fi f

Judging Health Conditions

Situ Rum Singh

!<> It] i is WrniltlT lii^liliUlit^fJic Jmnortitiu'r nt' Ihai tt tJi. A

litMltliv in-i-bui <mL> t%Mi work linitl, ruliirvr sun wi'll and livi'
happily. <Tlii tin* uiritrnry, ir> wonltliv hut sirk iH'rsnn ran not on joy
fiKHl mifl othor lii.vnrioK in tillable to liitu. Asl.ndo^y, tjinni^h an aiiiilysis of I'.lu^
lionjwojH1, hflhw roini'fJy foretell t.ho. tiatiin?and tfaaiiafl oau liolii
mo to talvo timely im^vontivo nnsisuns.
(ittod or hrul, ifsults ait' experienced in life Minnioli, tlio body represented, hy
tlm A-^ri'iifinlniiii.-A Kt.itmo.,, V.s<tuidaii( m tul'.-Vsconrlinil lord infliriilr ^tuMl lioaltli and
gmirrn] w'rl l-lndn^, Aont) ttlin^ to Sarviirthfi ( liiiitriiiiaiti (C liap/J. Sloka^d),

qitrntTH^1 tz ^ n

Whew the Lcigna lord is strong, posited in a Kendra or Trikona and free of
malefic aspect, then good bodily health should he predicted.

The 6ih> Sth and 12iH houses arc called produces good results. Its affliction augments
Dusiunai (evil houses) by virtue of their adverse good results.
Karakauwas (significations). The remaining The state of health and likely disease is
houses arc considered good houses. Among analysed on the basis of following faciurs:-
the evil houses, the Sth is regarded the (i) Ascendant and Ascendant lord,
most evil. The Ascendant lord, the. Sun and the (U)' Planets in the 6th house,
Moon arc exempt from the blemish of the Sth (ri')j 6th lord and pin nets associated with ic,
lordship. (ii ) Plaints;inT_theiSjh. and 12th,
When the lord of any house is located in an (v) Transit of Mars. Saturn and Rahu
evil house or an evil house lord occupies any through die Gth. tfth and 12th houses and also
good house, then matters coming under that vis-a-vis the concerned house,
house suffer. However, when an evil house The body organs indicated by different houses
lord is posited in any of the evil houses, it from die head to the toe are shown in Table i,


... Jitdzws Health Conditions|

Table 1 - Houses. Signs and Parts of Body

House >Hody Parts

Aries Head, brain and forehead
Taurus Pace, right eye., month, teeth, dutjai and neck.
CinnLni Right car. collar hone, shoulders, right hand, respiratory system
and skin.
Cancer Lungs, chc$L heart and breast.
Heart, upper sinmacli. back and spine.
Vilgo 'Intestine , Lives, r^i., ZhW 7mh^'> tov'k.
Libra. Below navel area, pancreas, kidneys urinary arid Internal
generative organs
Scorpio 'External generative organs, testicles and rectum
Sagittarius .Buttocks and thighs.
Capricorn Knees and joints
Aquarius Left car, left hand, shin and calf portion of legs.
Pisces iLcft eye, heels and soles.

Whichever house and its lord arc strong occasional minor ailments. When the Sun and
and conjoiied with or as.pcctcd by benefics the Ascendant lord arc in the 6th. 8th or the
that body organ is strong and free from disease. I2lh or conjoined with or aspected by their
The.1 eonvcirso also holds good and causes lords, one suffers frequently from fever and
weakness of the concerned organ making it stomach ailments. If the Ascendant lord and
disease prone. Different planets rule different (Moon-sign) lord arc associated with the 6th.
diseases as shown in Table II. 8th or 12th houses or their lords, then one has
a weak body susceptible to disease^ When the
Timing of Disease Moon jv Weak andt jrctMyris nvij aspect, one
The plailets in the 6th. 8th and 12th house frequently suffers cold, cough and chest
and those associated with their lords give complaints. The conjunction of the Sun and the
disease according lo ihcir at'tlietion and Moon in a Kendra or their exchange of signs
sigmficjilinti during their DaSivBhukli-AnUim adversely affects health. Evil influences on "the
periods, Wtcn.fl oiAlefic in .transit approaches a Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon decrease the
disease proilucing planet it triggers the disease. resistance, of- the body to disease. The
There is much suffering during its transit within Asce_ndan_ti mt .papakarrari Yoga formed by
5" on cither side. 'When the distance crosses Saturn. Mars. Rahu and Ketu spoils health and
12% the ai I mem subsides and gets cured. Saturn eyesight.
and Rahu (transits give suffering for longer
periods due to their slow inotioti, Dustanas
When there are malefic planets in the 6th or
Ascendsint, Sun and Moon
the 6th lord conjoined with malefics occupies
A Slrung Ascendant, Ascendanl lord, the the Ascendant or the Bth, one frequently suffers
Sun and the Moon give sound health and from disease, injury and wounds. The location


Judging Health Ctrndilion*

of 6th house Karaka planets (Mars and Saturn) . . . Mars, Satwiiy Rahu and
in the Ascendant or in the 6th from the Moon Ketu are regarded as the main
also indicate injury or wound to the native.
disease producing" planets. Mars
The 6th or 8lh lord with Mars in the 51h
and Saturn are the Karaka s for the
house causes sioniach ailmenrs. If the 6th lord
with a malefic planet is in the 7th or 8th it 6th house while Saturn is for die
causes boils in the rectum or piles. Hth house.1 The diseases caused hy
Chart 1: Male: Borni April 16, 1939 ai 14h. 35m. at Mars and Ketu are sudden, painful
3D N SS, 74 36. and of short duration, while those
Chart 2: Malo: Born December 25, 1972 at caused by Saturn and Rahu develop
13h. 17m. al 28 N 39, 77 E 13.
slowly and are chronic in nature.
I frT 1- nJ ^ I OTO tl Diseases of Rahu have an. element
of suddenness and* difficulty in
Chart] Chart!
Kasl Rasi All the Kcndras are vacant in Chart 2. The
Ascendant lord Mais is in his own sign Scorpio
* UIU in the 8th with 6th lord Mercury and 7th lord
iiLir vis
tIK v E mr Venus. The 5th lord Sun is in 9th with 9th lord
Jupiter but conjoined with Rahu. The Moon is
The Ascendant lord Sun is exalted m Nth hut in 5th uspectcd by Rahu. Saturn and Mars are
afflicted by Ketu in Chart I and 7th lord Saturn in Kcndras to the Moon. During Moon Dasa
is with 8th lord Jupiter and debilitated Mercury (1977) the tried to go abroad for doing his MS
in the 8th. The native suffered from constipation but failed and went into depression. He remained
and piles during Salurn Dasa Jupiter Bhukti. icuNnvum ON PAUF: 4*91
Table ll-l^ands and iDiseases

Planet Diseases

Bile disturbances, high fever. Vitality, digestive, head, brian, back and
head disease.
Mooni Cold, cough, chc-5h digestion, blood, mind and sleep related diseases,.
Mars Stomachache, fever, blood and muscle
Mercury Mental and nervous weakness, speech defect, 'allergy, nose, throat infection
and skin disease.
Jupiter Liver, pancreases, fell, vertigo, breathing and cough problem,.
Venus Byes, pancreases,, .kidney, urinary and generative organ disease.
Saturn Depression, digestion, constipation, leg ailmcnis. chronic diseases like
rheumatism and paralysis and injury from stone tree.
Rahu Mental confusion, poison, snakc-bitc. heart palpitation, leprosy and
difficulty in diagnosis of disease.
Feat', phobias, boils. Injury, physical ami mental agony.

Third House and

Younger Co-borns

/V. LL Purushottham

THE third house represents younger co-boms, short journeys, neighbours,

immediate relations, communication, courage, right ear, breast, servant etc,
the important, signification being younger siblings. The Bhratmkgraka is
Mars. The Drekana chart is the related divisional chart for the study of birth,
death and prosperity of brothers. When young, children of die same: parents would
be brothers and sisters. Except for a few cases, most times they become enemies
when they grow up. It is a rare occurrence these days to have cordial relations
amongst brothers and sisters. One should be fortunate to have siblings and to be
happy with them.
Chail 1 is of a young lady who docs noi Navamsa. From the Moon sign, the 3rd lord
have any siblings even though her parents were CMoon) is afflicted by Mars. The Navamsa 3rd
willing to have a second child. lord Venus is in the 2nd fl2lhfrom 3rd) aspected
Chart 1: Female: Bom October 7th, 1982 at by Saturn. The Drekana Ascendant is occupied
02h 44m al 10 N 31 . 76 t t3. by Mans and the lord is in the I2lh. Since the
Bhava, lord. Karaka and Drekana Ascendant
unri nm are heavily afflicted, i.he native did nor, gei, j
sibling. Had she got a sibling, no doubt it would
have been a source of sorrow. Her mother had
Chart 1 i " * * two miscarriages after the birth of this native
Rasi U.lXI:! and docrors advised her against a second child
because of her health problems.
ifr' iu
r: " Ir"
"i i*-** HIjii siut* v y.Tm
ti... I,.,,, I :4NJ Chart 2 of a boy who has a younger sister
who is deaf, dumb and intellectually dull. She
attends a special school for mentally
- I 1=1 TJ The 3rd Bhava is handicapped children,
MsS-ii I occupied by Ihc Sun The 3rd bhava in Chart 2 "is occupied by
and Saturn. The 3rd Mars (karaka imthe bhava) and Venus. The 3rd
Chart I lord Mercury is in the lord Sun Is in the 2nd bhavaJlTih from'Srd) in
Drekanna 2nd bhava C 12th from association with Jupiter and Mercury aspected
3rd) with the Sun by own lord Moon and malefic Saturn, Apart
Karaka Mars is from [hat, the Sun "is in the^Nakshatra of Sauirn,
aspected by Saturn 'in Karaka Mars in the 3rd is unfortunate for

2 * IB .UGOGRM ASTROLOGV august acre

... Third House and Younger C^y-homs

Chart 2: Male: Bom July 2?1h, 19t>1 at 04h 24m at 26 N 40, 77 E 14, younger siblings.
Jltuu r i From the Moon, the
rf-.Sin ii.ii | 5T I wi'iJ lll ,
r 3rd lord Jupiter is in
i i 53 riTfiJ SI ".sud Kl n
a Papnkmtan Yoga
and is in
Churl,2 Chart 2
Navamsa association with 8th
Rasi U !jd ll,I Urrkmninn
yfci ,">t lord Sun. The
Navamsa 3rd lord
Me rc my*!is in 2nd
112th from. 3rd)

Some combinations related to yomiger siblings culled from classical works are;--
i) If a malefic planet is'in the 3rd without any benefic .support or the 3rd comes
under a Papakarltari Yoga, one will not.have younger co-horns; or may .have short
lived siblings.
ii) If the lord of the 3rd or Mars occupies the Sell, 6th or the 12tll and has no
beneficial aspects, prosperity to brothers is rarely to be predicted.
ni) if th e 3rd lord or Mars or die 3rd house is joined or aspected by benefics and
otherwise strong, prosperity Lb brothers can be expected.
iv) If the 3rd lord andiMars occupy the 8tllF one may not have siblings. If they
are in an inimical house or have Lhe association with malefics, early death of sibling
is likely.
v) If the lord of 3rd is in the Gtll, one's brothers become inimical to one and one
faces difficulty through them.
vi) If the lord of the. 3rd.occupies a beneficial Navamsa and Mars is well posited,
the native will have thriving brothers.
vii) if the, lord of 3rd i^in the. 211(1, lie is likely CO lose his younger brother,
viii) If good planets reside in the 3rd or aspecr it, one will get many brothers.
.urjilf the 3rd lord occupies malefic vargas and particularly those of Mars., relations
between siblings will not be cordial.
x) Increase in brothers may be expected "if the 3rd lord nr Mars occupies exaltation,
his own house nr Navamsa or the .:Navamsa of benefics.
xi) The 3rd lord occupying a trine from the Ascendant nr the Ascendant lord
generally assures a family of brothers.
xii) The Lhe 3rd house occupied by Mars indicates misfortunes for younger siblings.
xiii) If the Drekanna Ascendant is weak and is in a Papakartari Yoga, loss of
brother is likely.
It is tb be noted ihaliLhe above combinations are very general. The good and bad
results arc augmented or minimized depending" upon oLher factors such as aspect,
association of benefic or malefic planets. iVUP
. Tftini Ilousd and Younger C-ft-bttrTis

afflicted by Kent and Saturn, The Prcfcann and m;iis. and the lord is well placed in the 9rh
Ascendant is occupied by Ketu and its lord is without any affliction. The 3rd lord Mercury
in the 12th. Perhaps the association of 3rd lord is in his own house1 Navamsa 3rd lord is
Sun wiih Jupilcr iispcctcd by his dispositor wc4]-placJ, the Drekana Ascendant lord Jupiter
Moon might have resulted in the birth of a is unaffljctcd has giving hiin a younger bnMhcr.
yoimgci .sisier, Rut. oihei heavy affliciions to The other afflictions possibly made him sickly,
the Bhava ond the l<3rd._ hi the bhava. snibhcim., peevish, uneducated and irrcsfxmsihlc,
and malefic influence on the Drckanna It is possible to study the hirUi. death and
Ascendant made her physically and well being of the younger co-boms with the aid
intellectually handicapped. of 3rd Bhava. Mors and Drekanna chart. When
Chart 3: Male: Born May SSlh, 1907 at 11h 25m at the Bhava. Karaka and the divisional chart have
10 N 31, 78 E 13. a number of afflictions, hruthej'S. v.tiir liccomc m
JV" vuinM | f.' p,--, source of sorrow, It would he, ideal to evaluate
Mfn KETU these things in the chart of the first child before
ll k* -L-t -? ^ ! rn ; * going in for a second one. (138-11}
Charts I 31
Nuvainsa How to Judge a Horoscope - I hy Dr. B.V.
Rasi si vvth
IT.i* Raman.
Clues to Interpreting Charts by Gayatri Devi
UIM "''-Vl v^c
SI '.vri p UMi I I Vasudev.


.kcdt ll Boy who has a ILUMTTVLTD FfcoM T-.vfJE
ll younger brother who problem should show us a way out of our
Chart 3 ! i 's
'nte ectua
" "y dull. difficulty.
He When Mantrc-swara says that the Ascendant
aru Drekanna^
Drekanna| VI,k I suffered
t from
frequent illnesses lord in an Upachaya or the 6th is strong, it docs
. dilring his childhood. not folhiu1 thai all planers are siryng m the 6th
uf'rni HIP Sirs"
L| J was verv stubborn it can and docs nican thai only the Ascendant
i n I li i "
^ and did not co to lord or the, 1st lord is strong in it: its Dasa alone
school. The only field of his interest is eating can be good. Others should partake of the evil
and he has become a liability to (he parents. result alone in the 6th except in what \vc have
The 3rd bhava in Chart 3 is occupied by already mentioned.
Ketu. The 3rd lord Mercury is in own house but The same rule should apply to the house
in Rasi Sandhi. in the I Ith bhava afflicted by too which Mantncswaraclassifies as Lccnastana
Mars and aspected by Saturn. Karaka Mars is or hidden house.
in an enemy sign in Rasi and in a benefic sign The 6th being the 2nd from the 5th and the
In Navamsa, afflieicd by Mandi. From the Moon, 3rd being the 2nd front the 2nd, the one being
the 3rd hmi Mercury i.s in the. 2nd Bhava (J2ih Vidyiistiuia and the other Dhanasliina, their 2nd
from 3rd) afflicted by the Sun.^ Mars and Saturn. flowing_the' common; rule, should help promote
The Navamsa 3rd house is occupied by the the 5th and the 2nd respectively when occupied
Sun, aspected by 5th cum :Blh lord Mercury and by the. Ascendant or Bhava lord.
the 3rd lord Mars is well placed In Lllh but In other words Upachayahood has only a
afflicted by Mandi. Drekanna Ascendant is limited application and to holdi H as good "in all
aspected by the Sun, who js afflictqd by ..Saturn cases would be unwise.


introducadto astrology through Dr. B. V. Raman's "The Autobiograhy
of a Vedic Astrologer", is full time into the subject after collegiate

Anders Breivik's Paisacha Yoga

P. Shyctm Kishor

A Case of Diabolism

TfclE mind is the seat of all thoughts and emotions. The

mind is represented by the Moon..Afflictions to the Moon can make
a person very dangerous and a threat to other people .The best example
of this is- the. Norway attacks case. On 22nd July 2011, a Norwegian
right-wing extremist Anders Bchring Breivik bombed the government
buildings in Oslo,, the capital of Norvvay,which resulted in 8 deaths and
showered bullets on young people who were taking part in a youth camp in
ULoya island killing 69 of them. Anders Breivik said that the motive behind
the attack was to save Norway and Western Europe from a Muslim takeover.

Andet& Breivik: Born Febfttary t3. 1979 at The Moon comes under heavy affliciion.THc
2?h. 32n>. at Oslo, <59 N 55. .10 E 45| with a balance
of 10 years 1 tmonth ,18 days ol Venus Dasa at birth. Miion-Samm combination is not a desirable one,
Dcgiccwisc die Moon and Saturn arc very elese
A^rrill emi to each other. Saturn is retrograde which
aggravates his malct'icicncc. Here Saturn is
afflicting the Moon nut only as a natural malefic
Navamsa bin also as the frih lord which assumes
significance, because the 6(h stands fm
disease.Generally the term diseases refers to
diseases of the, body. But when the Gih lord is
related to the Moon it can show diseases of the
The Ascendant is Vfrgo and iis lord Mercury mind which can manifest in ihc form of
is in the Gthj a Piisinnri, afflicted hy the 12th psychological problems, fjko hie Moon'Satut't)
lord Sun and Kem.Ttic Moon who is the Combination, the ,MiN>ii-Rahii combination is
significator of the mind is in the 12th. another also not auspicious and has serious
Dusiana afflicted by the 5th and 6th lord Saturn psychological implications. And in Brcivik-s
and Rahu.Thd 3rd and Slh lord Mars who is chart as the Moon is with both Saturn and
exalted in the 5th aspects the Moon by his Rahu. the mind "is highly vitiated making the
adverse Eth house aspect. native psycholpgically explosive,


(I... Anders Breivik'i Pilisuchu

The. Moon's association with Saturn and I Itarnkalamritu a planet which is exalted und
Rahu is an important affliction. But if you look retrograde is equal to a debilitated one and has
at the Moon you can find a stronger affliction no strength. Here Jupiter is exalted and
centered on it which made Anderx Breivik a retrograde .Therefore he is weak.The Moots who
cold-bloiidtid munJerer. And that is the muiual is the dispositor of Jupiter is in the 12th house
itspcct between the Moon and Mercury. This which also adds to the weakness of the latter.
mutual aspect is a dangerous one causing Further Jupiter is aspected by malefic Mars.Thu.t
psychological abcnraiions Jatakadeshaniarga, Lhe Weakness of the 9lh house, its lord and
Chapter S. Sloka 74 says that when Mercury and Jupilcr make Breivik's actions unrighteous
I he Moon are posited in angular houses il CnmiK One's thoughts manifest in the form of
n Pnisacba Yoga, Ihr result of which is insanity actions. So the IBth house which slands for
In Brcivik's case, the Moon and Mercury are in Karma or action has to be analysed to see the
the 7th from each rtther.This is a clear Paisacha nature of actions. The I Oth lord Mercury who
Yoga. The mafeficeiice of the Yoga ix intensified is also the Ascendant lord is in the bth. a
by the afflictions in. which both the plane! s are Dusiana and is afflicted hv the 12th lord Sun
subject to and also hy the houses occupied by and Ketu. fie is also combust. Here Mercury-
them. It is this Paisacha Yoga which made Breivik has three roles in pla}. Fim he is Lhe Ascendant
go on a kilting spre-e. lord represenlmij lhe native. Second he is the
Iflth lord who is responsible for the native's
According to Uttarakalamntay a actions. Third. Mercury rules the nervous
planet which is exalted and netrogrtule system und thinking process which control the
is equal to a debilitated one and has native's reactions. Therefore Mercury's
affliction in these three roles led the native to
no strength. Here Jupiter is exalted
indulge in ruthless killings
and retrograde. Therefore he is The kind of courage which is required for
weak. The Moon who is the dispositor acts like mass murder is given by Mars, the
of Jupiter is in the 12th house which planet of courage. The 3rd house is also
also adds to the weakness of the latter. important as it stands for courage Here Mars
who is also the 3rd lord is in the 5lh. the house
There arc other factors also besides the nf mind, and as a planel of violence and
Paisacha Yoga which contribute Lo makini; dcsmiciion hia occupation of tJlC house of mind
Breivik a killer makes the native extremely cruel and bent on
A consideration of the 9th nouse which harming others.
stands for Dharma or righteousness is also AlideiS Breivik was in Mars-Sun period when
necessary to understand the quality of one's the attacks took placc.The Dasa lord Mars who
actions besides the Moon and the 5Ih house. has a prtipensity for destruction and his lordship
The 9lh house is Taunts and its lord Venus of the Slh which alxo stands for destmctiun made
occupies the 4th house. Though the 9th lord Anders Breivik destruction personified and
appears to be well-placed he is in the Sill from unleashed the demon in him. The Bhukti lord
the "Jlh. According to the general rules of Sun who is the lord of the I2lh stands for lost
astrology, if the lord ol a Bhava occupies Lhe; and ensured the loss of innocent lives.
6th, Sill and I ith from that Rhava it spoils the At the time of the attucks transit Saturn was in
significations of the concerned Bhava. The 9Lh UiC 2nd from the natal MiXrfi causing stiilesath* or
house is aspected by malefic Saturn. In the the scven-and-a-half-yciu' cycle which can he a
consideration ul the 9th house we have also lo luihulent period. Further transit Saturn was in Virgo
include Jupiter as he is the planet of Dharma. un the Ascendant. This Saturnine transit coupled
Jupiter who is the 4lh and 7lh lord is in the I 1 Ih with tnc Dasa and Bhukti saw Lhe Paisacha Yoga
exalted and retrograde. According to manifest in us worst form. (100.12\


Planetary Indicators of

Health Hazards - II*

S. K. Kapoor

Mercury entrenched in a Martian Nakshatra, suffered I a

fracture in his left thigh during the operation of
Mercury has prime control over the nerves
Jupiter Dosn,Venus Bhukti. Sagittarius
and related nervous disorders, including
governing the thigh and paralysis is strongly
aspected by both Mars and Saturn. In the
Chart 6: Malo-: Bom NovemOer 01, 1936 al 3li..a6in. course of surgery to set his broken bone, he
al 26 N 51':SD E 56' with a balance ol 1 year 8
months 4 dsurs oi Moon Dnwi at bMh, suffered paralysis due lo faulty anesthesia, and
later succumbed lo Lhc injury. Venus occupies
a Martian sign in Saturn's Nakshatra and is
I* *! \ U4 I I p. srni I
placed opposite Mars in Navatusa. Jupiter at
the time was Iransitting Leo in the 8th from the
Chart 6 Moon and the 12th from the Ascendant. Mars
and Saturn the evil Dusiana lords, transited
Pisces and Gemini respectively engaged in mutual
vns Mr'* sm I icnu viJs I jij#* t|LLarc aspect. In the Vnrshaplial for his 66ih
I I 54 I IK'
year. Jupiter is lord of the 8th from Taurus
Ascendant and comes under the aspect of both
In Chart 6, Virgo Ascendant is severely Mars and Saturn; the Gth 15 occupied by lhc
afflicted by rhe 3rd and fcth lord Vtars opposite Sun. Ketu and Mercury -indicative of paralysis.
S.iturn, the 6th lord. The Ascendant lord
Mercury is in the grip of Rahu and the 12tit lord Jupiter
Sun. The 6th lord Saturn occupies the 7th
Jupiter governs the function of the liver and
opposite Lhc Slh lord Mars and the 8th is
gall bladder and related disorders. Two cases
occupied by Ketu. The native, a diabetic
involving maladies of these vital I body functions
conscoueni on Jtijijicrplaced in the 6Tb in Bhava,
are presented below.
involved in exchange of sign with Saturn and
Chart 7 shows the Ascendant lord Mercury
placed in a Martian sign in combustion. "The 6th
Pun I hi<; appeared in ibe M.A., July 2011. is occupied by Keto along with Saturn in

Mercury rules nervous disorders and paralysis.

Jupiter rules liver, gall bladder and related disorders.
Venus rules kidneys and., urinary system.
Saturn rule? bonus, lolnis, knees and lower extremities.
Joint Effort Ntwdttd]

Chart 7: Lfcrie: Born April 25. 1928 al 9h. 15m. I 28 6th in Bhava. Saturn occupies Lhe 8th and the
N 27, 77 E 42 with a balance ol 3 montts 6 days
ol Ratvu Dasa at biriri. 8th lord Mercury conjoins the 7Lh and l2Lh lord
Venus and .receives rhe rsign aspect of .Mais
n Mill1 | J
and Saturn. Malevolent Rahu afflicts Jupiter
ruling gall bladder in the. 6th from the Moon-
sign. The Bhukti of Rahu in Saturn Dasa resulted
Chart? In the formation of gallj stones, which called for
ftasi surgical removal. Mars transited the Moon-sign
opposite Jupiter and Rahu transited Sagittarius.
In the Anmialj r'rosmvvHm chan for ihc 4Vrh
year. Jupiter joined Mars in the 6th from Pisces
Ascendant. Under the combined direction of
exchange of houses with the rMa?j.
Mercury-Venus, Lhe native suffered 1 min scvitc
Virgo representing the gastric function is
malarial attack, which, affected bis lungs
strongly aspected by the 6th lord Mars. Jupiter,
seriously requiring hospitalization and
the controller of 'liver function, joins Venus, the
prolonged treatment. Mercury and Mars
lord of rhe I 2Tb, and is flanked'hy malefics.Mars
transited Gemini (lungs) in lhe. 6th from lhe
and rhe Smi Venus .is severely maligned bv
Ascendant and Venus joined Rahu in Cancer in
Rahu afflicting Vcnusian sign Taurus under the
the nth from Chandra Rasi. In the Varshaphal
joint aspect of Mairs and Saturn. In Navamsa.
for his 57th year. Jupiter-Saturn occupies Aries
Venus as lord of the 6th combines with .Saturn
Asccndanl opposite Mars and lhe 6th lord
In the 3rd. The Dasa of Venus thus became the
Mercury joins Rahu in the >lth.
source of suffering from liver*cancer. The MHl?.'1
of Jupiict- in Gemini opposite, Saturn and JVIars Venus
In Virgo made the situation acute to which the
Venus rules rhe kidneys and tends to affect
native, succumbed. The Annual Progression
the function of the urinary system.
chart for the 62nd year is gravely afflicted by
Saturn joining the 8th rami Munlha lord Moon Chart 9: Male: Bom April 14, 1936 ai 17h. 32m. al
25 N '16, 82 E 06 with a balance ol 10 days ol
in Sagittarius Ascendant opposite (Mars and Venus Dasa at birth.
thC Ascendant lordj jupirep occupying the^ (rtlh
with Mercury rhe Maraka lord ofthe 7th. |IT
tl.s -irT
Char 8: Male: Bam August 16. 1843 at
27 N 07. 78 E 35 with a balance at 17 years 1
month G days ol Rahu Dasa at brith. Chart 9
Nu vamsa

VI IH I Vfsi
Navamsa Chart 9 refers to the vicum of kidney disorder
ETTIJ rtjlSl
12 U with Venus placed in a watery sign in the Tlh
opposite Virgo Ascendant. Mercury, the
kirla* w-r
iin-Titf Ascendant b.rtid, is .gravely afflicted in the 8th
joining Ihc L2ih lord Sun. ihc ftth lanl Mars and
Chart 8 has Scorpio Ascendant well aspected receiving the aspect of the 6th lord Saturn.
by Jupiter and the Ascendant cum 6th lord Mars Venus occupies the Nakshatra of ihc 6th lord
is placed in an inimical sign and relegated ro ihc Siiium and is hemmed between malefics. Libra


Judging Health CtHidLtltmA

signifying lhe> kidney and the urinary system is dUDGING HEALTH CONDITIONS
aspected by Mars ami Saturn The kidney * j. f
ii'iirmvtnm n)ty\i pwtj; iii
disorder appeared In Saturn Dasa-Venus Bhukti undci' ^medical and psychiatric treatment fni
and turned ncuic in the Bhukti of Mars and many years.
Rahu, claiming his life. Saturn's Dasa was also
The Ascendant 8th and 4th lords
the cause o-f his becoming diabetic due to
in the 6th cause vehicular
Saturn's placement in a Jovian Nakshatra and
Jupiter in affliction from Rahu. accidents. Saturn with the 4th
lord in the 6th has the same effect.
The 4th lord with Rahu in the
Saturn ru ICS bones and joints. Capricorn and 6th house causes injury by thieves,
Aquarius owned by Saturn rlllb LhC knee and Ketu with 4th lord in the 6th
lower cxtieirnties and rend to inflict rheumatic
causes injury from weapons.
and arthritic disorder under affliction
Malejrcs in the 't2ih cause illness
Chart 10: Female: Bom February 11. 1950 al 9h. and expenditure. The Sun or
00m. at 26 N 27. 74 E 30 with a balance ol 9 years
9 montfvs 16 days ol Mercury Dasa at birth. Saturn in the 12th makes one
disease-prone. Benefic aspects
^l!S I la.Tljl reduce, the, malefic effect.
Mars and Ketu in 6Lh or Slh cause injury or
Chan 10 operation in the lower abdomen or rectum.
Rasi When planets in the 6th house and 6th lord
are aspected by Saturn or Rahu. one is
perennially ill.
Mars causes stomach achc. injury, muscle
and blood diseases Saturn causes problems in
In Chart 30, Leo Ascendant is in occupation the, legs, rheumatism and lameness. Saturn is
of Saturn, Ihe lord of the. 6lh, in mutual exchange called mandt} flame) and in the <5th causes
with the .Ascendant joij SOO. The, 6lh is problem in the lefls. As the Kara J: a of the (ith
occupied by the 8th lord Jupiter in combustion. house. Saturn's aspect on the Sth and 12th
The 8th is afflicted by Rahu in opposition to elves problem in Ihe legs,
Mors. Affliction of Virgo by Mars in alignment
Rahu or Ketu in 6th cause diseases of teeth,
w ith the Nodes and aspected by Jupiter resulted
lips and intestines.
in her becoming diabetic at the onset of Mars
The Ascendant lord and Slh lord in the 61h
Dasa, The Sun Bhukti caused "hei to jmf/ci ffptri
house cause diseases in the navel area.
rheumatic arthritis with the left knee bally
Among the plants Mars. Saturn. Rahu and
affected. The interconnection between Saturn
Ketu arc regarded as the main disease producing
and the Sun occupy ins Capricorn (kneel
planets. Mars and Saturn are the Karakas
manifested true to the character SulUT^/rmsnj-d
(significarors) fot'the 6t1i house while Saturn is
the natal Ascendant and Rahu over natal Sun
for the 8th house. The diseases caused by Mars
act as effective trigger _ In the Varshaphal
and Ketu arc sudden, painful and >of short
chart for the ,60th year. Saturn owning the 6th
duration, while those caused by Salurn and Rahu
occupied the 121h from Virgo Ascendant in
develop slowly and are chronic in nnuue. Diseases
exchange with the 12lh lord Sun combined with
of Rahu have an element of suddenness and
the 8th lord .Mars. (92.12)
difficulty in diagnosis. (78.12)


Health Issues of

Relatives - Astrological Clues - n*

Dr. K. Guru Rajcsh

Younger Sister The native of Chart 8 has three younger

sisters. The youngest is mentally mauled
The younger si MC'i 61 the native of Chart 7
since birth and she has to be taken e.irc of by
died on [^bruary 4. I0H3 due to cardiac nrrcst
suffering anorexia. The 3rd house is occupied Chart 8: Hate: Bom April 25. I97B at t7h. On. al
1 N 10. ei E 06
Chwt 7: Ltale: Bom October 15. l$4G at ifh.
Sim. at 41 N ta. 72 W SA (5h. V/) r|

mn Churl 8 IXaiumw


other?, even Ttr fjceding, .bathing etc The third

house thai rules younger siblings is Scorpio
by the Sun and aspected by Saturn from I be
occupied by lllC I , I ill lord debilitated Moon
Ascendant. The 3rd lord Mercury is in thr 4ili
and ospcclcd by Venus from the, l>th ihouse. The
with Yogakaraka I. Oth lord Mars and the 0th
3rd lord Mars occupies his debilitation sign in
lord Jupiter, hemmed between malefics, When
Ihc I Jlh house The 3nl house iiseljt occupied
judged from die, 3 id hoti^ the Asccndanl is
by a debilitnicd phinei while the .3rd lord is in
occupied by the IZtli lord Sun aspected by the
his debilitation, This indicates serious problems
Bth lord Saturn ^liilc the Asccndanl hud
u;iit,h the |siblings while the involvement
Mercury is in the 2nd with the 3rd and Bth lord
of debilitated Moon indicates some mental
Mats and the 4th and '/th lord Jupiter. Ttvj 5lh
trouble. Judging from the 3rd house, die, 5th
house ruling the, heart is afflicted by the
house, is occupied by 8th lord debilitated
eninhimni aspect of Nhtrfr and Saturn, The, Sun
Mercury who up flic led by Kciu while the; 5th
placed in the 3rd afflicted by Saturn and the, 5th
lord Jupiter occupies the 8th house cxublishlag
from the 3rd afflicted by the aspect of Saturn
an exchange of signs between the 5ih and
iind Mars explains the death of the nam^'A
8th lords* Involvement
s of afflicted
- t and
umci; due to, lu;.tn diseMc,
debilitated Mercury, Jupiter and the 5th and 8th
houses explain* the retarded mental growth of
Pjirl I liK1 ai^Xiind in (hCi hi* t. luly" 201 2 Ihc sister

4441 m * UCGCRM AMKOLdfti wjnuiv 7:n

Health. Issues of Relatives -A strr>logiccifClues

Younger Brother Libra is occupied by the 5th lord dcbililatcd Sun

aspected by Salurn white the 7th lord and Karaka
"The you:ngcr brother of the native of
Venus is in the Slh asp<xied by Mars. This
Chart 9 met with a serious accident in which, his
mriicnics pinhlcT us to the wife The signs
leg got severed from his body but which was
involved are Libia and Scorpio which mlc the
Chart 9. Fcmple: Born July 25. 1986 at 14^ 10mh lower ahdonicn and the iiC]iriwhiciive [pans of
at 25 N 26, 31 b 50 (5.30 Hrs East).
rhe natural Zodiac. The involvement of Venus.,
MftrcJ I Fl debilitated Sun and the affliction from Mars and
H fui I r. s* Saturn explain the wife's uterine cancer. When
reckoned from Scorpit). the sign hosting Karaka
Chart f) Venus, the 7(1] lord Venus is in the Ascendant
Rasi aspected by Mars while the 7th is aspected by
Saturn. This also confirms the earlier observation.
InniT I! fS
i vi-a ] Chart 11: Mate: Born November 12, 1973 at
e:** m
n.\| Th. 13m. at 81 N 17. 16 fc 59.

later joined hy surgery .This June 201 I

IWRC stflf-H
and Ihe bmiher is yer to recover fully. The 3rd lift k-'lllli
is aspected by 10th lord Sun and the 8th cwn
1 1th lord Mercury while the 3rd lord Saturn "is Chart 11
in the Ascendant in a Martian sign Scorpio Rasi
hemmed between Mars and Ketu, The signs
R un: 1 Mrtc
involved are Scorpio hosting the 3rd lord, . i? aj it
ri,.'. rtill ci!* nmj .swin
Sagittarius hosting the Karaka Mars and M-M
Capricorn - the 3rd house. These signs rule the
secret parts, thighs and knees respectively in The wife of the native of Chart 1 1 was horn
the Zodiac. Serious affliction lo the 3rd lord deaf. She does not understand anything and
involving Mars and Ketu (kujaracf ketu) she cannot even count currency notes. Her IQ
explains the" grave leg jnjuryof the native's is less than their son's who is in Class 1. The
bftrthcr. native got her cars operated and now she can
hear though she cannot understand much. The
Wife native was cheated into marrying her by her
Chart 10: Male: Bdrn Qctobei 20, 1949 at parents.
I9h, 00m. at 20 N 24, 76 E 59.
The 7th house is Taurus occupied by an
exalted 9Lh lord Moon and aspected by 2nd and
I ix.iu Slh lord debilitated Jupilcr. The 7lh lord and
Karaka Venus is in (he 2nd house under heavy
Chart 10 affliction from Saturn and the Rahu-Kctn axis
JVavamsa involving Gemini and Sagittarius. Judged from
the 7rh hoii-SC, rhe 2nd Imiisc is heavily
UIN til* while rhe 2nd and 5ih lord Mercury .goes into
1*1-4 in mm: nor I mis 4sr
Km u-til the Gtli. The as peer of debilitated Jupiter on the
7th and the 5th from the 7th further complicate
The wife of the native of Chart 10 was mailers. These afflictions have caused
diagnosed with uterine cancer. The 7th house impairment in the hearing and other faculties of


iJ //e^ctf/fi Issues of Kr'litlivfA -Astrological Cinr'.t

the wife. Though there, is hcncfic intlucnfti in Cnae 13, Mate: Born May 7, 1954 al 12h. 20m. al
15 N 23, 77 E 14,
the form of Jupiter's aspect, h is ineffective
because of his debilitation, Tt+rm
k It vr* MrH>ss g ami vta-
ll.i': iV It-It
Son I f ti

Cava 12: Male: IGorn December 9, 1967 a 1 IQti.DOm,

at 15 N J9,'70 t Chart 13

I l im an
Chart 12
Nat-amm the ibh afflicted by 'Rahu'sand Saturn's aspect,
Jupiter, the Moon and Kciu aspect Mars from
the 12th The Karaka Jupiter occupies rhe I2ih
juiolny Hi? 1 Msic,, ra iJ Kefuondna aspectehy
Mars and Rahu from the 6th, AH these
The soo of the native of Chart 12 died dispiMiiiom Indicate trouble with the native's
suddenly due lo heart trouble. The 5lh InHtsc is progeny. The 5th lord afflicted by the Nodes
Scittfiin occupied hy rhe 2nd Inrd Sun and 7lli and Saturn and aspected further by ihc Moon.
fimt 8th lord Saturn while ihe 5th lord Mart it Ketu and Jupiicr indicate trouble ivjili ihi; mind
m the 4th with the 6th and 9th lord Jupiter and and speech. When judged from the 5th lumsc.
Rahu. The Karaka Jupiter V* severely afnicied ilic Ascendant is hemmed between malefics and
by Mars and Rahu man inimical, sign, m the 4ih. Hi [I'll rd Mars occupies llic 2nd under severe
When judged from the 5lh himsc, the Asccndanl affliction. The 2nd and 5Lh lord Jupiicr is
is occupied by the Sun and Saturn who arc m relegated lo the Kthi, f 'M._.":'^,.rial sign, under
close conjunction. The Ascendant and 6th lord tifiTlciJon. TJn's ex plain v- ihe RAiivc "vein's
Mars is relegated lothc 12th nfflicied by Rahu retarded mental growth and unclear speech.
and joined iby Jupiicr If wc; judge from IJhra, (Sf 12)
ihC Sign occupied by thCj Kataka, UlC, A^CCItikUll
is occupied by ^rd and the Glh ^nrd Jtipilci
afflicted hy Mars and Rahu while the AsccmL'ml
lord Venus is in the hit n fllicted by the cninNnci]
aspect of Sntum and Mars. All these planetary
dispositions indicate severe health problems and
short life1 lo4. 'rprogeny.
^ " r The
I . " close
--i x r fll'diclinn
.i - ' p I Hi
** llic
Sun from Saturn in the Sill from the Ascendant
explains the scat of disease as in the heart nikj
by the Sun.
The native of Chart 13 tins two sons. JJls
second son suffered from rfw; mid hfehi fevrr
during his third month ntid Ills rnenlnl ^roulh
was arrested which has itimlc. him mentally
retarded with unclear speech. The 5th house 'is
Scorpio aspected by 4th und. I Ith lord V'enui.
from own house. The 5th lord Man uccupics

virr/eTim Aimrs fviv" AUOUST M17


Dasas and Finger Counting

William Levacy

found the article on the Vimshottari Dasa Table of Dasas

system by Dr. Purushotham Nair {SI.A., May Sun 6 years
2012) inlcrcsiing. McraVa concept I have been Moon lid years
dunkmg ahtMir I was intrigued lo learn rh-n Mars 7 years
almost all number systems originated from Rahu il8 years
counting on the ten fingers. iMath-1; evolved Jupiter I 16 years
from simple tallying (counting cows). I then began Saturn .,19 years
to ^scc a relationship ibetween finger counting Mercury >17 years
and the numbers of the, Dasas. Ketu 7 years
Venus 20 years
Dasas and Finger Counting
1 "Was dunking some of your readers who anc
Counting from I to 20 from the left hand to
experts mathematicians might be able to see
ihc right and repeating, places all the Dasa
some nitavanct; loi this and develop'ihti pi
numbers, mi ihe right hand, except for 8 ami V,
further. I also think that 120 is more of an
This needs further research but suggests that
astronomical feature (IAS of a circle) than the
counting on the 10 fingers played some role in
purported length of life.
Dasa number system.
The Dasas are such a mystery !

13 14 17 18

j- f twym .. w
. 1 Virn-ttrrUfl* 131 v

1 I 3 4 5 6 7 9 1
1112 13 14 !S 19



Horoscope of Sachin Tendulkar

Jayanta Bhowmick

NotxviiKsianding the fact that Mr. S. K. Stronger reason for the stupendous event. Mars
Sathviinaniyanjtnio deserves our congratulations and Jupilcr are in the Sth, the place for one's
mi his prediction in his letter ("M A , April 2012) talents and creative skills Mats and Jupiici are
on Sachin Tcndulkar's historical achievement, in Nccchabhanga Yoga in the Sth. Mars is in his
certain discrepancies in the master-blaster's chart own Nakshatra while Jupiter is in the Nakshatra
need to be looked into. of a Vargottama Moon.
The editorial "What Makes the Ascendant Sachin's father passed away on 17th May
Strong" (M.A., April 2011) showed Sachin4-S 1999 As per Mr. Rao's chart it was in Mars
chaii with Ascendant Virgo with a balance of 5 Dasa, Moon Bhukii According to Ihe cdimrial's
years 6 months 16 days of Sun Dasa at birth chair Sachin was in Rahu-Jupticr. Here, both
Exactly after one year Mr. Salyanarayana has the combinations have their respective logic to
produced a chart with Ascendant Taurus with show such a sad incident, but Rahu being
a balance of 3 years 3 months of Venus Dasa debilitated in the Sth from Ihe 9lh with Jupiter
at birth as his sign dispositor, Ihe emphasis is more.
To Stan wiiM, in both the charts, the According to Rhavartba Rntnakara also, rhe
Ascendant lords have been fortified from father may pass away before the end of Mars
different angles, having gained quite a lot of Dasa.
power. The Atmakaraka in both charts is Ihc Both Mars and Rahu have gone great guns
same Mars exalted and in Virgo Navamsa. Let as far as Sachin's cricket Career is concerned.
us check some of the milestones in Sachin's life Sports come under the 3rd house.. The 3rd lord
against both charts exalted in the 5rh (house of talents) shows his
Sachin made his debut century in Old excellence much better. The 5lh is talent while
Trafford at the age of 17 years 4 months. the 9th is luck or the unseen power working for
According to our reader. Sachin was in Moon a man. So the Mars-Jupiter combination in the
Dasa. Venus Bhukii. The Moon for Taurus 5lh is distinctly different from il$ being in the
Ascendant in the 8ih with Rahu does not 9ih Bes . .- ihc I eerw u v urn i*rim'iphs more
show any incidcni that could create history, ihc effective with Virgo Ascendant where both
Moon being debilitated in Navamsa and in a Mercury as Ascendant lord and Jupiter (both
Venus-ruled Nakshatra. Venus though in a with Nccchabhanga) aspect the Ascendant. The
Viparccta Raja Yoga in the 12th aspected by a Moon's position here can be taken as another
powerful I2lh lorJ as Ascendant lord in the kcy-facmr In Mr Rao's chart, the Moon
1 2lh is combust and cannot give a satisfactory becomes a normally powerful planet being out
verdict The editorial chart shows he was under off the Nodal grip dcgrccwisc and with
Mars Dasa. Jupiter Bhukti which pushes a directional strength as well as suffering

mi .. UOOCftM ASTRCtOGV MJ&JST at) 17

Vudfur Prativadha

weakness due to its constellationqI position. In the foreign connection and long distance while
ihc editorial charL, the Moon gathers additional in the reader's Navamsa, the I Oth is aspected
strength being Vargottama and in the Na&kiihLni by 10th lord Saturn who in turn is in the
of an exalted planet I would tike to refer to two Ascendant Taurus.
of the Yogas given in Rhnvartlta Uatnakam, Sachin's father Ramesh Tendulkar was a
Chapter XII (translated by Dr. B. V. Raman), professional writer too and this fact can be seen
where it says that Rahu confers Raja Yoga and in ihc editorial chart The Sth lord in Ihe 9th is
fame when in a quadrant or trine and gives aspected by Jupiter from the 5rti and the 9ih
affluence and liimc when in the I Oltu I 1th. lord Venus wirh rhe exalted Sun aspeered by
4lh or ihcSlh. In fact, Sachin's Karaknmsa falling the exalted 3rd lord Mars.
in the same sign :l\ the Ascendant Virgu as I am in no way trying to be judgemental on
given in the editorial all the more supports his the conclusions in this case. But the facts of
career. Sachin's life arc better explained by Ihe editorial
Another important factor is sachin's marriage. chart than the reader's
His wife is a doctor from a Gujarati family and
older than him by 6 years (bom 10th November THE WORLD IN AUGUST 2012
1967). Sachin hails from a middle class Rajapur auMTTNTXTl FROM P-VlC
Saraswat Brahmin background where such a
Libya (Cancer 4* SS'i is well served by the
marriage can comfortably lie considered as
planets occupying Upachayas to assure good
somewhat unconventional. Lei us consider
Sachin'5 Navamsa The iwo Navamsa charts
lend ro distinctly different conclusions In rhe North and South America
editorial Navamsa, the 7ih lord Sun is in the Gill, The United States (Aries 3' 20'}has to tackle
the 7th is occupied by Saturn and Vena*;, the deadly disturbance erupting due to malefic
Bih is occupied by Mars and Rahu. The impact on the 6th and the Slh bolh in Rasi and
Navamsa chart as per Mr. Rao has 7th lord Navamsa. The 2nd lord Venus combined with
Saturn in Leo. in turn, the Sun, the 2nd lord the 9th lord Jupiter assures positive fiscal
aspects the 7th Capricorn. Both the 7th and 8th measures to push the economy. Agriculture
arc vacant. Sachin's wife's profession and her prospects arc supported by Ihc luminaries in
being a non-Marathi and senior to Sachin arc Ihe 4lh The President garners support wilh both
more than vouched for from the editorial chart. Ihe iClh and Ihe I Oth lord Salurn receiving
The 7th lord (whether Mart or Jopiter) is in Jupiter's a.speer.
Capricorn with Nccchabhanga Yoga but
Mexico (AtjtturUt.t29' 3) may grieve for
paediatrics has more to do wilh Mercury Ihnn
national tragedy under the impact of Saium
other planets. Mercury is in Sachin's 7lh in the
joining the 10th lord Mars in the Bth and
editorial chart and his wife is a paediatrician
aspecting Rahu in the IGlh, Venus and Jupilcr
Here too Ihe editorial ch;ut gives a dcarci pienwe
in ihc 4ili are supportive of agriculture ft)S|>CCT5
lhan Mr Rao's
Argentina 3d') pushes her financial
Sachin's mother-in-law (Annabel Nfehti) is agenda under Venus and Jupilcr fortifying the
of British ori gin Can this lead to more technical 2nd. Mars and Saturn in the 6th arc prone to
clarity?The wife's mother can be seen from the provoke disturbance Brazil (Aries li" 46)
LOth of a chart (4lh from 7lh> In Ihe editorial shows rcsolvf m lacii mu hci etncnil jitki
chart, Sachin's lOlh is occupied by Kctu in mci il affairs under benefics in the 2nd and
aspected by Rahu and the Moon The I Oih lord Venn.*, joining the luminaries in the I Orh from
is Mercury who is in Revati Nakshatra indicating rising Libra Navamsa. (109.12>


Astrology at Work
I'l/ttieti nnrl Catvef Crttu-rrni dvah with prrtbleins
concerning career job opportimtiiri, the best line ta
choosejar a son ar daughter, dreaded transfers, penal action,
stupe ft sion iribulnliotts and is open ONLY TO
$U/iSCKIffLKS. Address your prablvtnfquery la Mailreyi,
and Career Canrernt. Modlrs AsTROLnov, ""Shrl
Goynlrt"*, 56. ITI Ijiyont, IV East Main Road, fteitutshnttkari
III Stage, Rangalare 560 0S5, India. Mithteyl will answer
queries selectively. Complete honttcopic details, name,
address and Sithicrijflionnumber mutt be fumixhed. .\'a car'
respondetice whaltoever wiB be entertained regarding
Planets and
discussions in this column^
Career Concerns

Q; Our son who has a Ph.0. th astrophysics from aspected by the I Oth and 7lh lord Jupiter
theTala instituteolFuruiain&nlBl Research witireturn from the IJ ih .house- Moreover, ihc Dasa lord
fo India in November 2012 afterS years of research in Moon and'Bhukti lord Venus otx-. In mutual
different European"Universities.' WiR he be Able tdflrtd Kcndras son is |ikel to |and a
a goodjob m India? ^ U!_ _
good job without any difficulty on his return to

Son: Born April 19, 1978 at 8b. Sum (1ST) with Q: My son is a software engineer working in thn
a balance 01 2 years 2 months 18 days of Ketu UrS-Aafter finishing his MS'there in 2007. He wants
Dasa al birth to set up his own company in U.S.A. in the field of
Onance/slock ~market and settle there itself as he is also
married to a U.S. citizen. Will he succeed in his
u. LI i i
M'ly ambitions?
S.X. Stiff!I

Sen: Bern March 5, 1981 at 16h. 28m. at

18 N 29, 73 E 57 with a balance ol 18 years
2 monlhB 28 daya of Rahu Dasa al birth.


Ans: The Ascendant Gemini is occupied by

6lh and I I Lh lord Mars and aspcclcd by the 2nd Navamsa
lord Moon while the 1 Oth is aspected by exalted
5th lord Venus. The Ascendant lord Mercury is
in the I Eth with I Oth lord Jupiter and Ketu as
also 3rd lord Sun. All these planetary
dispositions render the chart strong. Currently, Ans: The Ascendant Cancer is occupied by
your son is iin Venus Bhukti of Moon Dasa Rahu and aspected by Kctu-afflictcd Mercury.
which will continue till January 2014.~lhcBhukti The Ascendant lord Moon is in the filh house,
lord Venus as a benefic is in the I Oth house a Dusiana, moving towards a conjunction with
while the Dnsa lord moon is m the 7th house ictiTnMi.Trn tw P AHE I


Astrology at Work i i


Molifrtt Famlly^ro'b'lems gjj^]

and -Family I'mhli-utt focvicnim the, arnhtrmvat familirt /'. Snthineit tafroti, Write ^ your
frrob!cfflt$~ :. Anttttlh/rtLlAt[T>ft>]in(I -t nmHT-Pmhtrm* M stills -A^TVMintr,, n$tiri Crtjfirfn". //I Ijtyaitl,
/V East Main ftWMrf'lUmaxhankari'JlKStnge. Hangalorf.560_QS5._ilXl)l\..rm ttfttipfnrcharts and
other rrteraM dcinlh atttntns smtr Stihirrintinn '} \umhrr.' Onlr Hit'Scribrncan avail thlf nen'irr. Queries
bearing an the jtr.r oj thejitr%m or unborn child will mot be entertained No'cofmpondcnctm'haiSftcvcr
trill be entertained and.ttui'ret the.larcr.numbei\of Irttrrt received, irleciinnt Vivimndhari u'lit ht ru't.-ewarily

Q. We arm worried1 about the mwiial prospects of A^CCiidom. Therefore, h m.iy lie feasible to plan
our daughter.. Except marriage, ^ she, is doing weii your daughter's future keeping this indication
otherwise'* Kindly etamino her chart on when she is in mind.
iikcly to get married.
S.X.3775 Q. My daughter got married on I fclrZOOS- She has
Daughter.; Bern Septembei;/ 27[28, 1972 at had thttta abortion* since i then. Despite'medical
Oh.lSm. al 23 N 1$, C9 I 48 with a tnlanco ol 8 trcjtmenf. she ha* not been,ablelto get mxhikl, iVBI
yesrs S monCht 15 Czi* of iMoon Dasa at birth. she be a mother?
U*l tWIrl smt
La ill kilt fir
taw- STKT Daughtt*: Barn July 5. 1979 at 7h. 13m. at
1*4? m ** IBB I WfTf
20 N 5. 99 E 29 with a balance of 9 yrsr*
i month 17 day* 01 Rahu 'Data at birth.

PI- n

Ans: The 7lh house is occupied by 7tli lord

Jupiter and Vnrgotinm.'i Rahu aspectecf by 15th rain j1
^IjT M.\R<c1
rrrm I Itli lord Mont, TIk? 7tli lord in the 7th is MIJC '
not desirable for^c The Kuliitnikuraka
Venus i> in llie 'Znd I house in exchange of signs Ans: The 5Ih house it occupied by no planet
with 2nd lord Moon ftiHl nspcctcd hy 8lh and but aspected hy 5th loril Mars, This does not
^th lord Saturn lo the exact degree. Funhcr. the [terse, mlcj otilj progeny However, the 5th lord
Ascendant lord Mercury though in his sign of Mary is with malefic 7lh and 8th lord Saturn
exaltation is with 6th lord Mars 'in Virct. the delaying the event. This is more particularly
Meh of the virgin. The chart does not appear to because, Saturn lltasa "is running Moon Bhukti
show marriage hut .spiritual mclinaiiutts are is currently- on, 'Thh Bhukti can help a successful
supported by the ptcsence of Kcm in the pregnancy if due cave is taken a pan from medical
[ Asintlogy and Family Prohltunx

trcatmcnL Moon Bhukti is upto April 2014 and PLANETS AND CAREER CONCERNS
carries hope of a child, especially when Jupiter COVITNIJHD FROM PAGE JHi)
is in Taurus. Ihe Sun and therefore, weak in digital strength.
Q. Kindly cxanvno, my daughter's chart from the The Moon further is wiLh lOlh lord Mars and
marriage perspective. She is currendy working as a JiJth lord Vcnii.^. all in the 8rh house Therefore,
consumer marketing manager with a very large the chart docs not hold promise of any great
multinational company. Though she has done very we success in finance/stock related businesses. The
in her fob, she has not been able to find a suitable fact the next Dasa lord Saturn is with 9th lord
match Jupiter can helpyourson in his employment but
RJi. 21)1.1 il may: not help business vcniunis.
Daughter: Born March. 8, '1987 at 7h. 22m. Q'. i am presently employed in a private sector In
(Summer Time) al 33 S 52, 1511 E 12 with a
a mini steel plant as GeneralManager, Writ i continue
balance of 5 years 1) month* ol .Mars
Dasa at birth. to be in this position or are there any overseas
opportunities Job-wise?
11 in Si us Mtwivs S.N. -t-HWi
nr* >*-At 2A 41
tm Male: Born September' 28, 1046 at Gh. 30m. at
22 N 40, 86 E 11 with i a (.balance iol 8 year*
3 months 3 days oT Rahu Oasa at birth.
[NiiVTiinrva 1.
M Jft,
blliA S WE tf
Navamsa ,
Ans; The 7th house Leo is aspected by its *<1.11
ruler Sun which does not rule out marriage.
unrw l . ,
However; the aspect tifSlh.lord Mercury anil of ruf l ^ sT
Saturn, even if the Ascendant lord, tends to
cause delay. Currently, your daughter is in
Ans: Your Ketu Dasa ends in January 2014
Jupiter Dasa, Saturn BhuklL Saturn is the when Venus Dasa begins. Venus is u benefic
Ascendant lord and the 7lh occupant from the 9ih rum 2nd lord placed in his >Moolarrikona
Moon-sign and can bring about marriage in the sign Libra with the, 4th and 7th lord Jupiter. Grd
closing months of his.Bhuktf in the lattci half of and 8th lord Mars and I 1th lord Moon. Venus
2014. is in a moveable sign and well-placed. Therefore.
A uTroUygicalfy yours, Venus Dasa should bring in a major relocation,
overseas not ruled out. with highly favorable
results. Transit Saturn moves j>ui of Libra in
Astrology at Work about May 2014. Therefore, it docs look like
Subscribers ONLY arie welcome to send in their there may be a shift to a foreign land and with
complete horoscopes (Rasi & Navamsa charts in favorable financial benefits.
South Indian style with balance ol Dasa together
wrflh the time, date and place oT birth) for astrological
guidance on their personal and other problems. Coithc tit/n
Address your queries relating to women and larrwry M.A . July 2012, page 411, columni I. \ine 8:
issues to Aru.ndhafi and those related to career and
Read "fact, Mars and Saturn jointly anpect
vocational matters to Maikeyi al Moocprt Aflmoijoyv,
'Shri Gayalri*", 56, ITI Layout, IV East Main Road, Jupiter" and not as pritned undei Chart 2.
Bonashankori IN wi (ISAt The error is regfelted, Editor


Sept. 2012 issue

Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi

Nakshatra Paddathi -

Planets and Continuity or Life

Feng Shui for Harmony and Prosperity

Akhanda Samrajya yoga

Importance of Homas

Planets and Foreign Travels 25

Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi


Time goes, you say? have made them see the universe as eternal, but changing
Ah no! Alas, in somewhat a regular rhythm. This will be applicable to
Time stays. We go. even those who believe in the theory of rebirth.
- Austin Dobmn
The recurring natural phenomena like daylight, night with
(The Parados of Time)
darkness at most of the times and wilh light for sometime
For some ttme we were having a 'good time' in understating caused by the phases of the Moon and recurring seasons,
the nuances of the "katagjnana1 of our ancients in have in fact, compelled mankind to measure time, from
understanding the importance of 'KaUt* or 'Tbiw' and how time to time. This process must have begun even from
they succeeded in structuring it in a peculiar scale of five the prehistoric times, Practically, even at the earliest days
main constituents that perhaps be called (he foundation of the life- of humans on e arth, one would not have required
of 'timet, by defining any day by its 'Tithi-Vaara- any appreciable knowledge of the orbit of the earth around
Nakshaim-Yoga-Karana' components. Shall we now the Sun. to understand that Die autumn invariably followed
allow some 'lime'just to contemplate on 'time' itself? the summer, which was preceded by spring, the successor
of winter. This order of unfailing phenomenon was easily
Though every one of us is much concerned about 'time' discernible to the naked eyes for the early man or even
in our day-to-day work, only a few have the patience and for those without sight.
time lo think about time or try to know what" Time " is all
about. It is more so with the astrologers, though they are Several millennia before Christ humans started organized
the people who contemplate and calculate the time', all social life on Ihe valleys of the Ganges and the Indus, in
the time. Therefore will it not be useful to spend some IndiiL, on the banks of the Nile in Egypt, by the side of
nice time in knowing something about Time? Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia and near Huang
Ho in China. For them, these natural phenomena must
Plato declare J, "The Sun. the Moon and planets were have appeared strange and of great importance, because
made for defining and preserving the numbers of lime." for these early societies, agriculture was the main
As Paul Halpern observes 'The essence of time lies avocation. Agriculturists depended totally on the weather
precisely in the fact that it transcends, yet de fines, the conditions because they had to plan their sowing, reaping
realms of the mundane." In a broader sense of the term. and other operations at right and proper occasions. This
' Time can perhaps be defined as a specific pan of duration must have compelled them to explore the cause of the
allotted to the present order of things in the un i verse. Then variations of the seasons and further into the contents
naturally, a question will arise as to when actually the 'time* and concept of "Tune' itself. With the growth of social
began. life and civilization, at a later stage, it is apparent that man
has become more and more lime-conscious.
For almost all, the question may not have much of any
implication. The flnxoftime, which we are all conscious, In ancient times, the duration of daylight from sunrise to
is in fact, without any beginning or end or in short it is sunset, called the day and of (he darkness from sunset to
time leu. Though it is so, for the varied civilizations of sunrise called the night, were measured separately. Mostly
the world, even from pre-historie days, it could be easily this was done with (he aid of water clocks. Our ancients,
recognized thai their views were quite diverse. Perhaps, however, were more painstaking to understand and classify
only the cycles of births and deaths, apart from the Time' into certain coherent constituents. They evolved
changing cycles of climate and seasons, seen and on identical division system for both time and space which
experienced by those early inhabitants of the earth, would has come into existence from the Vedaanga Jyothisha


times that suggests to us that they were really adepts in Monastic Measures
this field of space-time mechanics. The age-old Sankalpa These unequal watches continued up to the medieval
mantra recited by most of us echoes this Space-time times. The daily routine of the monks in the monasteries
conception of our ancients: was according to these watches. It followed a pattern as
rioted below.
^ Itdhmrif
1. Martins This is rhe lost watch of the night.
ton?^^Wd VlftIrtf
The monk got up nearly *two hours
before the sumise and started his work.
2. Prima The watch at sunrise.
Stthhf shahuHf ru.,drur.rili/v tuiytihrnlttnetur
3. Tertia This is half way between the sunrise
ilwitfsxa pru lui rdiir
and noon or the time of saying Mass.
sivrtavamlia fcntpr vnha.Ktiam nitinvantctre
4. Sexta At noon (hence the word siesta
asftlavim sasitw/w
means midday rest)
kaliyug? pnitluwitifptuitif Jii)/ifriH)dwecp?
5. Nona This is mid-afternoon from which we
get the word Noon
Can anyone imagine a more sublime way of praying than 6. Vespers An hour before sunset
reminding one as at what part of the effulgence of the
7. Compline At sunset
primordial time ore and what part of the vast expanse of
the universe one stands, to do so? I* This is nothing but the BmIrma'Mutwria of the Hindus]
Those who are accustomed, even now, lo a siesta or a
However, in India, we find (hat from time immemorial,
midday or afternoon nap, may as well feel glad (hat they
the recurring appearance of the Sun had always
ore rituolly observing (he sixth hour or fourth watch of the
determined the day, consisting of die daytime and night.
medieval monk, (hen known by (he name "Sexta."
In other parts of the world this concept of computing the
length of the 'Day* comprising of the daylight and night These watches were of variable nature in their duration
together, came into vogue only much later. and in (heir starting moments. According to Sarton "A
clock regularly running and dividing the day into periods
Actually the measurement of time is based on (he time
of equal duration would have been at first more disturbing
taken by the earth to rotate on its axis ooce. is known as
than useful. For monastic purposes a human variable clock
a day. The time taken by the Moon to revolve round the
- a bell rung by a monk or lay brother at Ihc needed regular
earth, once, is called the Month. The time taken by the
intervals - was more practical than an automatic one."
earth to revolve round the Sun, once, is called the Year.
For all practical purposes (he day is divided into 24 hours Ancient Divisions
and an hour into 60 minutes and each minute into 60
Even in ancient times the need for measurement of equal
seconds. At present we consider the day as starting at
interval times must have been felt. The Hindus called (he
midnight for civil purposes. A solar day of 24 hours consists
combined day and night-time asAfatrtUm. The ancient
of 24x60 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds. The hours Babylonians used Syclt/hf/nrmn to denote this. They
counted from the midnight to noon are designated - ante
divided it into 12 pans of 30 Gesh each with each Grsh
meridian AM. and then from noon to midnight as post
measuring 4 minutes. The Egyptians, however, divided
meridian PM. In the 24 hour reckoning, the AM and
(he daytime into 12hours and night into 12hours. Only
PM are ignored and hours are counted from 0 to 24, from
much later, in medieval times, the 24-hour division forthe
midnight to midnight.
whole day, daytime and night combined, came into vogue.
Divisions of the solar day have an interesting history. Our ancients, however, were more painstaking in this
The ancient Sumerians (original dwellers of Babylon) regard. They had first and foremost a two-way division
divided the daytime and night-time into three of the Day*. They divided the day time (sumise to sunset
watches each. The watches were naturally of into four equal ports each called a Proliant or Yaama.
unequal lengths and varied throughout the year. The flight-time was also divided into four equal Praharax.
Only during equinoxes these watches were of equal Prahara division was very popular even with laymen.
length, each of four hours. Even now, we can see (he elders in (he interior villages,
lymtinurrf t m 14


Mr. CA.factmOnabfiiin it actively
associated with the activities of
n* fcititnfe of Astrological Nakshatra
Sta&ti, dteHHaitUitt 1979. He has
been a regular contributor to The
Astrological Magazine hnow working
an hit boot on St* liar Ailmiirgy.
Mr. Padmanabhan felinrdattheChief Paddathi - II
Commercial Inspector of Southern
Jlaitwav. C.A.PaIjuanabhan

In my earlier article published by Saturn (Sani), another tamasika Any of the three nakshatras ruled
in June 2012 issue of The planet, or any of the three by Rahu, a tamasika planet,
Astrological eMagazJoCt 1 had nakshatras ruled by Rahu or Kctu. he confers fairly good results,
stressed rhe importance of a planet (hey attain ptedominandy tamasika as both are tamasika planets.
in a horoscope acquiring good guna guna and confer unfavourable Any of the three nakshatras
for it to confer favourable results results. ruled by himself or Saturn,
to the native. 1 shall now give a tamasika planet, he
below the nature of guna. planets Moon (Chandra), a rajasika
acquires tamasika guna und
in a horoscope acquire, when they planet occupies :
confers unfavourable results.
occupy different nakshatras, and a Any of the three nakshatras
ruled by Jupiter, a satvika Any of the nakshatras ruled
the results.
planet, he acquires satvika by Venus or Moon, rajasika
When Sun (Ravi), a rajasika guna and would confer very planets, he does not acquire
planel occupies: good results in his Dasa / good guna, and results are not
Bhukti. favourable.
Any of (he three nakshatras
ruled by himself viz, Kriltika, a Any of the three nakshatras Whan Mercury (Budha)
U tiara or Uttarashada, he ruled by Sun, a rajasika planet, occupies :
attains rajasika guna and he attains good rajasika guna Any of the nakshatras ruled
confers good results. and confers good results. by himself or Jupiier or Sun,
Any of the three nakshatras Any of the three nakshatras he acquires Satvika guna and
ruled by Mercury (Budha) viz. ruled by Mercury, a satvika will bestow good results,
Aslesha, Jyeshta or Revaihi,. he planet, he attains satvika Any of the nakshatras ruled
attains satvika guna and guna and bestows good by Moon or Venus, he
bestows good results, results. Any of the three acquires mixed guna and
Any of the three nakshatras nakshatras ruled by himself, gives confers only mixed
ruled by Moon (Chandra) viz. a rajasika planet, he attains results.
Rohini, Hasta or Sravana, he- rajasika guna and confers
Any of the nakshatras ruled
attains rajasika guna and good results.
by Saturn. Mars, Rahu or Ketu.
confers good results.
When l\tafi(Kuja) occupies: he acquires predominantly
Any of the three nakshatras Tamasika guna and indicates
ruled by Jupiter (Guru) viz. Any of (he three nakshatras
bad results,
Ponarvasu, Visakha or ruled by Sun, a rajasika planet,
ftKOTabhadrapada, he attains he attains predominantly When Jupiter (Guru) occupies:
satvika - rajasika guiui^ and rajasika guna, and gives
Any of the nakshatras ruled
bestows very good results. good results.
by Sun, Mercury, Moon or
Any of the three nakshatras Jupiter himself, attains Satvika
When Sun,Moon or Jupiter occupies ruled by Mercury, a satvika -Rajasika guna, and bestows
any of the three nakshatras ruled planet, he attains beneficial results.
by Mars (Kuja), a tamasika planet, predominantly satvika guna,
or any of three nakshatras ruled Any of the nakshatras ruled
and confers good results.
by Venus, he attains Satvika -


Rajasika guna and gives any of (he nakshatras ruled Vrischika rasi, In Dhanur rasi. as
beneficial results. by Venus, he acquires in Mesha rasi and Simha rasi, 1"
Any of the nakshatras ruled by tamasika guna, and would navamsa is Mesha navamsa, 2"1
Mars or Saturn or Rahu or give only adverse results. navamsa is Vrishabha navamsa and
Keiu, he attains predominantly Any of Rahu's Nakshatra, he so on. The last navamsa is Dhanur
Tamasika guna. and he would acquires mixed guna and gives navamsa. The total number of
give only adverse results. mixed results - good and bad. navamsas in 12 Rasis is 108 -
(12 X 9)
When Venus (Sukra) occupies: For a more complete understanding
a Any of the nakshatras ruled of the nature of results a planet Nakshatras of Ketu, Jupiter and
by Jupiter, Mercury, Sun or bestows, we need to take note of Moon stan their navamsas from
any of his own nakshatras, another important factor viz. the Mesha and end in Karkataka.
lordship/s of the nakshatra. Wc Nakshatras of Mars, Saturn and
he acquires Satvika guna and
propose to write about this shortly. Venus start their navamsas from
gives good results.
Simha and end in Vrischika.
Any of the nakshatras ruled Navamsas Nakshatras of Rahu, Mercury and
by Rahu, acquires moderately Sun start their navamsas from
Each rasi of the zodiac is of 30
good gutta and gives mediocre Dhanur and end in Meena.
degrees in extent. When it is
divided into 9 equal parts, each
Any of the nakshatras ruled by Vargothama Navamsas
part is a navamsa of 3 degrees
Moon, he attains good When a planet occupies the some
20 minutes of arc . The extent of
Rajasika guna and confers Rasi in Rasi Chakra and navamsa
a nakshatra is 13 degreeB, 20
mixed results. Chakra it is said to have attained
minutes of arc. Each Rasi has
Vargothama. Such a planet is
Any of the nakshatras ruled 2 '/ nakshatras or 9 nakshatra
endowed wilh power to confer
by Mars, Saturn or Ketu, he padas (quarter), each being a
beneficial results (Phala) to (he
acquires predominantly navamsa.
native. It is as good as being in
tamasika guna and generally
I" navamsa in Mesha rasi is its own Rasi {Swakshetm).
gives adverse results.
Mesha navamsa, the 2"
When Saturn (Sanl) occupies : navmur is Vrishabha navamsa, The 1" navamsa in a chara
(he 3"* navamsa is Mithuna (movable) Rasi, the 5" navamsa
Any of the nakshatras ruled
navamsa and so on, and the in a sthira (Fixed) Rasi and (he
by Ketu. and he aquires
sfmm.iikaguna and confers last viz. the 91* navamsa in 9" navamsa in an Ubhaya
Mesha rasi is Dhanur (common) Rasi are Vargothama
good results.
navamsa. navamsas. They bear the same
o Here both the planets ace names as those of the Rasis.
tamasika planets. 1* navamsa in Vrishabha rasi
is Makara navamsa and (he Chara (movable ) Rasis:
Any of the nakshatras ruled
lost navamsa is Kanya Mesha, Karkataka , Thula nnd
by Jupiter, he gives fairly good
navamsa. Makara are chara Rasis. The
results, as the nakshatra lord
Jupiter is a satvika planet lM navamsa in Mithuna Rasi 1" navamsa of Mesha Rasi is
is Thula navamsa, and (he Mesha navamsa ; the 1" navamsa
Any of the nakshatras ruled
lost navamsa is Mithuna of Karkataka Rasi is Karkataka
by Moon, he confers mixed
navamsa. navamsa ; the I" navamsa of
results, as Saturn is a tamasika
L" navamsa in Karkataka rasi Thula Rasi is Thula navamsa, and
planet while Moon is rajasic.
is Karkataka navamsa and Ihe the I" navamsa of Makara Rasi
Any of the nakshatras ruled is Makara navamsa.
last navamsa is Meena
by Mercury or Sun attains
predominantly satvika Sthira (fixed) Rasas : Vrishabha,
tamasika guna and would This cycle is repeated from Simha Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha are
give mixed results. rasi i.e. I" navamsa is Mesha Sthira Rasis. The 5" navamsa in
Any of his own nakshatras or navamsa and Ihe last navamsa is Vrishabha Rasi is Vrishabha
any of Mars' nakshatras or Dhanur navamsa and so on till continued 39

Continuity of life


WE LIVE IN A SCEPTICAL or, shall wc faculties possessed by men transcend space and
say, a cynical age. The triumphs of time and are entirely inexplicable by mechanistic
physical science during the past half a science.
century or so seem lo have so completely blinded Where have we come from ? Whither ate we going?
some of the modern scientists, that ultimate Why are we here? What is the object of our
realities are completely ignored. In the world of existence? Such questions must have occurred lo
today, we have a " psychology without a soul". The all thoughtful persons in all ages. It is the belief in
human body and the human mind are mere the survival of human personality that would give a
machines; but it has not occurred to these meaning to our life and that could attempt to answer
omniscient men that the accomplishment of these questions eternally perplexing mankind. If
intelligent work by these "machines", most clcarl v death be the end of our existence as materialists
suggest the existence in man of some "active, think, we can see no valid reason for Ihe perfection
conscious principle". The fantastic notion is of human consciousness. There arc still scientists
current amongst a certain section of these who think that the mind cannot exist apart from
"thinkers" that death is the end of all things. But the brain. Their theory is that the brain oozes
the great writings of the sages of India and the thoughts just as the lever oozes bile. But the pity
investigations of psychical researchers such as Sir is that such materialists cannot prove that the brain
Oliver Lodge, etc, who were also scientists, have could ooze thoughts.
been lending most impressive support for the
The truth as revealed by the sages and confirmed
sum valistic hypothesis. The truth of survival of
by western psychical investigators is that (in the
the human personality is no more a matter of doubt
words of Sir Oliver Lodge) "Dealh is separation
or debate. A theoretical explanation of how a
of soul and body, death is not extinction as life is
human being can survive physical death may not
continuous. The condition of the whole universe
be as yet forthcoming. But such facts arc available
is unchanged by death and life goes on under
in the form of certain psychic phenomena that
different surroundings". It is said that those who
in the words of Jules Remain " positive science
have parted company with the physical body find
will be challenged within its own province and
that they have a body made of something subtler
that human reason will have to discard very nearly
than the physical matter we are accustomed to
all its current ideas of time, space, causality, the
here, but it is real and substantial. It is also said
determinism of phenomena, human free-will, the
that most of those who leave this world are not
nature of the soul and the cosmos ". The findings
prepared to come back for anything. "Beyond
of great sages and the experiments recently
question," said Socrates, "the soul is immortal and
undertaken in Europe and America have proved
imperishable and our souls will truly exist in
beyond doubt that some of the powers or
another world".
The great Bluxgavad Gild has emphatically declared The duration of life on this planet seems to fall within
that the soul is immortal and that neither weapons can the category of what is called dridha karma. It is
cut it nor fire bum it. Dr. Hareward Carrington says : doubtful whether one can increase or lessen one's
"Suppose for example that your physical body were to longevity despite all the remedial measures one may
drop off (die) this very instant, you would be in (he have recourse to. Birth and death are assigned by (he
astral still unchanged, not as a super-intelligent being, Creator in accordance with the law of Karma and even
but retaining your identical mentality as before ; no more, the Creator cannot interfere with His own laws. For
no less. And this is one great point lo remember : the those who cite the examples of Savithri and Markandcya
physical is but non-intelligent material, and is like a cloak who were able to trick the God of Death, we could cite
to rhe astral phantom". As Dr. Alexander Cannon writes the instance of die great Adi Sankaracharya, who could
in his book Ttie Power of Karma ** at death the etheric live only .for 12 years. If he had willed, it is said, the
or astral body, which was united with (he physical body, great Sankara could have prolonged his life-term but
leaves it. and continues its conscious existence in a he did nol do so, because he did not wish to live. The
world of fine matter; and though separated from (ruth is that even he could not go against the Cosmic
physical matter, it is possible for the departed to Design. His presence was needed here for fulfilling a
communicate with those still on earth". Benjamin certain mission and the moment the mission was
Franklin is reported lo have told a relation of his on the fulfilled, he had to quit the scene. If God could intervene
dealh of his brother : "A man is not completely reborn and prolong one's life, it is not understood why Lord
until he is dead. Why then should we grieve that a Krishna could not save His own nephew Abhimanyu.
new child is bom among free immortals ? We are spirits"
Law of Karma
If life is continuous, then death is only a milestone in When the horoscope indicates the nature and source
our long journey for leaving the earth and entering a of death and the duration of life, it means these events
new plane of existence. The duration of life and re- have been patterned on the quantum of Karma al his
birth on this earth ore again conditioned by the nature disposal at the time of leaving his previous incarnation.
of Karma remaining a( one's credit at the time of his The law of Karmamoral causationdocs not allow
passing from here. Cause and effect invariably and any interference from outside. We fashion our future
inevitably underlie every phenomenon. and we have to reap the consequence and this holds
good in regard to the vast majority of people- There
Hindu Theory of Re-birth may be exceptions in the persons of sages, but we are
While survival is being accepted by an increasing concerned with the rank and file of humanity. The
number of western thinkers and the theory of re-birth phenomenon of death is to be understood in the context
is gaining further momentum, il is interesting to note of Universal laws and not as isolated instances. An
that all Hindu astrological books have exhaustively dealt adept Yogi Coofliaraswami is said to have told.
with the question of the plane of existence of the soul Dr. Hensnldt thus, when the latter met the Yogi in his
after passing from here, and its reincarnation. In Himalayan abode in the year 1905: "With you everything
formulating the astrological combinations governing the is accident; yon come into the world by accident; and
nature of dealh, the migration of the soul to other you are short-sighted enough to imagine the union of
regions before its reincarnation* etc-, (he sages were your parents was also due to accident; your whole life
convinced that life should have a better destiny than a is a series of accidents and when finally the soul quits
final and hopeless extinction. The short span of life the carcass, your death is, in most cases, attributed to
here, whose problems seem beyond our ability to solve, accident."
is but a small section of our destiny and the chief value
of astrology lies in its use in deierminirtg, (he relationship As we have said above, an event like death always
which this lite bears to the whole. Man's existence here, falls within the category of dridha karma and it must
says one of the disciples ofKapila, the first evolutionist happen at the appointed time; because death here means
in the world, is a mere repetition and reproduction of birth in another plane. The position we find now in,
his other previous existences. His present existence is regarding health or disease, happiness or misery, must
but a link in (he chain of eternal existences connecting not be attributed to chance, but to our own efforts or
the past with the future. In each birth, he carries one errors in the past lives. A correct understanding of this
step forward the inceptive purpose of his creation to truth should enable us to try to minimise the evils and
its goal and consummation. absorb the shacks of misfortunes calmly.


Longevity Generally Rahu kills suddenly by drowning, poison,
The correct determination of longevity has always been a abhuhara. suicide, heart attack, and sometimes by
bard nut lo crack. Innumerable combinations have been accidents also depending upon his own disposition. Cold
given in classical works. In our humble opinion, the most diseases, colic, paralysis, suffocation, rheumatic fevers,
reliable results can be obtained on (he basis ofJnhnbU consumption, etc. are ail the prerogatives of Saturn.
Sutras and Kalachakra Dasa and (he least dependable Haemorrhage, heart failure, abortion, accidents
according to AshiaknYarga, The rinr-quaitotiora. long incidental to gunshots, explosions, etc., surgical
life is the strength of the ascendant and its lord. Venus, operation belong to Mars. Liver disease, pleurisy,
Jupiter and Mercury occupying quadrants or nines confer spasms, diabetes, impure state of blood, are caused by
a long life. Jupiter. Venus causes death by cancer, dysentery,
female diseases, fistula, diabetes, and excessive thirst.
The benefics in rhe 2nd, 3rd and 11 th indicate a medium Nervous disorders, brain fever, coughs, epilepsy, etc.,
life : in the 6th. Sth and 12di they can only give a short are indicated by Mercury. Watery diB-eascs,.diarrhoea,
life. The maximum life will be 32 years when the lord blood impurities, drowning are indicated by the Moon.
of the ascendant or the planet in whose sign the Fire, heart-failure, fever, paralysis and haemorrhage
ascendant lord is placed, is devoid of the aspects of are indicated by the Sun. The exact cause is lo be
the bencfics. ascertained by the relationship subsisting between the
Sth lord and the death-inflicting major and sub-lords.
The dicta of Satyacharya have been found to be reliable
The organ to be affected corresponds to the sign
in the matter of longevity determination. The ascendant,
(counted from Aries} which happens to be the Sth house
the lord of the ascendant, the radical Moon, and the lords
or which is influenced by the three lords above referred
of the ascendant and the Navamsa ascendant/?Zns Saturn
to. Take for instance rhe horoscope of Kennedy. The
determine the duration of life. In proportion to their strength
Sth house happens to be Aries, a malefic sign. [( is
extends one's sojourn on (his earth. MaJeftcs housed in
owned by Mars, a malefic planet. And Aries signifies
the 6tb and Sth and not retrograde or aspected by bencfics
head- The Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord is
can cause death during their periods and sub-periods. The
Sagittarius. Hence death was instantaneous and brought
end can come unexpectedly in the sub-period of a planet
about by a weapon. The 12th house has a benefie and
owning the ascendant, in the major period of a maraka,
the 12th lord Sun is in a benefie sign. And as
provided both the lords are enemies-Dasa lords occupying
Mantreswara says his death "will be a happy one free
the 3rd, Sth or 7th star from the star held by the lord of
from anguish or suffering".
Navamsa Lagna can invariably cause death.
Since life is continuous or immortal, where does (he soul
The simplest and perhaps the most dependable system
go after 'death7 and how will it fare in the other world 7
of longevity calculation is to be found in the Dhunw
Those who have led moral and virtuous fives and those
Nadi-Thc term of lifeshort, medium or longis easily
who have led sinful and vicious' fives during (heir sojourn
ascertai ned on the basis of the disposition in a cardinal,
on earth cannot go to the same world or plane of existence.
fixed or dual sign of the lords of the ascendant, the Sth
Where one goes depends upon rhe outcome of one's own
and the I2lh. By relating the three lords, the three signs
Karma Here also the doctrine of Karma finds its fullest
and whether they arc kendnr, thrikona or panapara from
application Karma, good or bad, leads to (he
lagna, the longevity can be correctly assessed.
corresponding world or plane of existence. Broadly
Western astrological principles on the subject of speaking, seven worlds or planes of existence are said to
duration of life are nol clear. Their principles are exist, to any one of which the spirits may go. But the
generally vague and therefore we need not bother about astral world is continuous with the physical world. Very
them. highly evolved souls arc said la go to distant stars or planets
like Brahma Hridaya (Capillee). Agastya {Olnopush etc.
As regards the nature of passing, what Manlreswara, Karma, good or bad, leads to the corresponding world.
Vaidyanatha Dcekshitn, etc. give are generally Therein the subject spends the allotted span of time and
dependable1* Satyacharya suggests (hat the nature of death again takes birth on earth and another instalment of
should be predicted on the basis of the eighth house, eighth mundane career commences.
lord, planets aspecting the Sth and the lord of the star
which is occupied by (he lord of (he Navamsa the Sth lord Usually, the 12th house is associated with the future
is in. state of the departed. When a benefie planet occupies


a benefic varga in the 12th, great celestial happiness is Esoteric astrology is an important subject and we shall
indicated. Planets in the (kh, 71h and 81h arc also to be recur lo it on a subsequent occasion. We should like (o
considered. If the lordship of Jupiier prevails, the subject emphasise the fact that, here is a branch of knowledge
would go to the world of Gods, perhaps rhe highest dealing with the survival of the human personality
plane. If Venus or the Moon dominates, the abode will exploration into the unknownwith a great deal of
be the world of the manes. If the Sun and Mars are (he evidence which cannot be lightly dismissed. It proves
planets primarily involved, it will be a lower plane. that behind and above the incoherent appearance of
Saturn and Mercury indicate a still lower world. If life revealed by material science, there is another abiding
Mercury is a benefic, the interpretation must be and august reality, a correct understanding of which
different. Here we have nol considered the question may change the whole basis of life and the current sense
o/Moksha or Final Emancipation which is mainly the of values held by materialists. (FOR)
province of Jupiter.
Feng Shui

Rochna Jain has been in the VSfar f4 for

ra. She advises and consults clients in
thejitidttiFeng Shvti, She is also a
college intfrucior, prxtfettikmalSpeaker, Harmony & Prosperity
designer, and an active member of the
InternationalFeng Shui Guild. RaCHNA JAIN

OUR LIVES ARE INFLUENCED by the quality of The balance of chi thus brings prosperity and harmony
energy that pervades our living and work spaces. into our life.
This affects how wc vibrate in consonance with the
rhythms of our environment. Wind and water, the literal Clutter and Energy
components of Fengshui, focus our awareness on the Clutter is a part of our everyday lives and it can clog our
invisible energy that emanates from the natural energy in the house, workplace and even within ourselves.
environment- mountains, rivers and landscapes that make This over a period of time can be very harmful to our
up the earth. wcllbeing. Slatting from the inside out, doing personal Feng
Shui is a beneficial way to s(art. One can start from eating
This living energy or the chi of the natural environment fresh fruits and vegetables, evening walks, little get
has the power to nurture or destroy us. When we have together with people we like, occasional rearranging of
succeeded in blending harmoniously with it, we have wardrobe, reorganizing the look of the room and just by
succeeded in refining an approach to Irving that enhances rearranging the home. According to the Chinese belief, at
our quality of life. This is (he practice of Fengshui - lapping the beginning of each year as a ritual one should move or
into the good Chi - The Luck of the earth. rearrange twenty seven objects in the house. It can be as
It is interesting to note that in the bagua square, it is the little as reorganizing the jar of spices, rearranging the
element earth that occupies three blocks. Other elements wardrobe or even changing the pictures of the photo
wood and metal occupy two blocks, which are supported frames. These little changes will surely make you will
by the earth element and the water and fire hold only one feel good about your surrounding and yourself, your weight
spot, where earth restricts the flow of water in the will be easier to manage, you will be healthier, and in (urn,
dominating cycle and earth diminishes fire in (he reductive more productive in your everyday tasks and in harmony
cycle. with the environment around you.

It is almost impossible to bring perfection in the living

The Bagua or The Pa Kua environmenL Thus before going deep into moving things
around and trying to make every corner of the house
according lo Fengshui principle, it is advised to create a
Sooth East South South-Wesl wishjar.
(Xun) (LI) (Kuti)
Wood Fire Earth In this wishjar, you can put
in writing all (he unfulfilled
dreams that you wish to
achieve, any relationship
East Center West
that you want to preserve
(Zhen) (Dul) and grow, any life desires
Wood Earth Metal you want fulfilled. The
more effort is put in making
one with practical and
reachable goals, it creates
North - East North North - West
much stronger and pure
(Gen) (Kan) (Qian)
intentions. Once this jar is
Earth Water Metal
made ,it is advised to wrap it with clean piece of cloth or
n* com

seal it properly. This then should be hidden from the eyes If career is of concern North direction should be
of the others. This is like clearing the clutter of mind and concentrated on and West corner increases the
making a clear vision for the furore. chance of pregnancy.
Placing plants and flowers in East and South East
Once the aspirations are set and goal is clear follow the
will enhance family relationships and wealth
Fengshui S-e~c-r-e-l
prospects. This is because these sectors are linked
S - Street to wood element. Plants with thorns, prickles and
E - Entrance which ore dead or unhealthy bring bad shar or
C - Create Space and flow
R - Room Of First Sight Aquarium would also be an enhancer since - water
nourishes wood in the productive cycle. Similarly,
E - Engage Senses
based on your life aspirations, kua number, and the
T - Transcendental - Other worldly. directions one can do some quick fixes in and around
This secret spots in the house, or office must be brought the area.
in harmony to get the fastest and best Fengshui results.
This practical science offers easy guidelines and simple
If success, recognition and promotion are on the wish solutions. Through the practice of Fengshui, anyone can
list, try to face the best directions according to the modify (he severity of misfortunes encountered, (hereby
kua calculations and activate the south corner of the lessening their impact and making problems easier lo
home and office. bear. More excitingly. Fengshui also promises (he ability
Install a bright light to enhance this area. Brighter is to enhance the magnitude of good times. In short,
better. In faci, bright lights can be placed in almos( Fengshui can be harnessed to enhance the highs and
any corner to enhance your chosen fortune. modify the lows of your life experience.

Jyothisha Cblnfe Nldbl

i r 'MlinueJfrom 6\
estimating the time in terms of Ytutma. In (he other system, will be varied in duration with those of their nocturnal
the daytime was divided into 15 Muhurthas and night into ooontcqmrtB, except on vernal and autumnal equinox days,
another 15 Muhurthas. In astrological treatises we find when (he daytime and night durations will be equal.
these Dina and Ratri Muhurthas identified with individual
For practical purposes, now. we know that the day is
divided into 24 hours, an hour into sixty minutes and a
The duration of the day and night are not equal except an minute into sixty seconds thus making a day to
the vernal and autumnal equinoctial days. Therefore the comprise of 24x60x60 "86.400 seconds. One Proliant
Mulmrtfw division for astrological purposes, of defining is equal to three hours or 7 gbatis and 30 vighatix.
the quality of time of aday, may not be exactly 48 minutes One Muhurtha is equal to 48 minutes or 2 ghalix.
every day. It can vary based on sunrise, sunset and local Thus, a Prahara is equal to three hours and a
noon. This is a non-linear concept, being cyclical and is Muiiurtha to 48 minutes.
not fixed. There are 30 Muhurthas in a nakshatra'
ahoratra (sidereal day and night reckoned from one
sunrise to the next sunrise). The period from sunrise to
local noon is divided into 7 Vi mufmorttia as is Ihc period
between local noon and sunset. In a similar manner the
period from sunset to midnight and midnight to the next
sunrise is divided into lYi\4u)iurtha each. So for a day
and night there will be IVi Mtdumrilui x 4 = 30 Muhurtltas.
These four points of lime - sunrise, local noon, sunset and
midnight are the four Gayatri poila. Each of the four
time-spans between these points measuring IVi Muhurtha
is called a Praitara. So, the four (4) Praharas make a
full day. These Praharas and Muhurthas of daytime


Samrajya Ybga


Phatdeepika tells us Bom on October 11. 1942 at I 6h 00m

Labtifxha Dhnnncxhn Dhatwxhwara/uzm at Allahabad <Uttar Pradesh)
Ekoni Chandra Kendravarti
Ekopi Rrtidravarti /
Swaputratabhadhipatih Guruschtl
A khandaxamrajyapalitwametll
If any of the lords of 2nd, .9* and 1 I* houses is placed in KfU Chart Nq. 1
Kendra from Moon and along wilh Jupiier. who should be Navamsj
rhe lord of 2,*1,5" or 11 * houses, is placed in Kendra from
Moon Akhanda Samrajya Yoga exists. D is obvious thai EijCi
this yoga can occur only with the ascendants Leo. Scorpio, Urur-w;
Aquarius and Taurus since with Leo ascendant, Jupiter Vou:
rules (he 5* ft 8^ houses while with Scorpio ascendant
Jupiter rules the 2"' & 5*' houses. Similarly, wilh Aquarius
ascendant Jupiter rules the 2** &1111 houses while with Bom on March 09, at OOh 42in al Civmlior
Taurus ascendant Jupiter rules the 8" ft 11 * houses. In (Madhyu Pmdcjih)
(his yoga five planets have been discussed - 2 " lord, Sth
lord, 9* lord, 11 * lord & S^lord. Jupiier, the lord of these
houses is the sign!ticaior for wealth and royalty and if
these planets arc in quadrant from the Moon it indicates
that one will attain wealth and money easily. Moreover, Chart No. 2
having Jupiter in a quadrant from the Moon will form Gojn Navamw
Kesari Raja Yoga. Being attached with so many positive jlhh-IF;!
aspects, this scribe has designated (his yoga as Akhanda
Samrajya Yoga where the word samrajya indicates about
high ranking raja yoga while akhanda indicates its
continuity till the end.

The presence of Akhanda Samrajya yoga in someone 's Rom on 28 Fch, 1952 ui I Ih 32iti ni N;ii<iivni,i|>all,
one's chart makes one live a long and fruitful life with Chillor Dt (Andhru Pradesh)
much affluence, wealth and properity throughout one's
life. Let us look at some charts that have this yoga.
Chart 1 belongs to Bollywood Axnilabh Bochchan. The
lord of 2" ft II house is placed in 6* house and Moon
occupies 9*' house. Thus not only one but both lords of Chad to. 3
2** ft 11*houses are placed in kendra from Moon. Since Rasi
the lord of 2" & K " houses is Jupiter thereby making
Jupiter [ in quadrant from Moon ) all conditions for the
existence of Akhanda Samrajya Yoga are fulfilled. lEsjUTi |Fjl
mr.atlrcto0c*<mgui Mwn

Importance of Homas

P. G Mohanan potty

HUMAN BODY IS MADE of the panchabhootas. 3. Mrtyunjaya Homa

Normally ailments to human body occur due to lack This is performed lo ensure success for Ihe treatment of
of harmonization between the fmchtihhtHtxas\ tridoshiti? serious ailments,
und In such cases various types of ailments
can arise to the body or mind of a person. For such 4. Graha ahanli Homa
maladies, remedy has been prescribed in our ancient icxifl This is performed to propitiate the Navagrahas. This will
in the form of performing appropriate homas. Only the be useful if performed at the time of when any person is
Fire God - Agni - has the great power of purifying anything undergoing Davmiirdhiperiod.
that comes to its proximity. The practice of performing
5. Ohanwantari Homa
propitiatory or remedial botnajk with the help of Agni, was
in vogue, since the Vedic times. Agni Deva in the agent or Useful for the abatement of illness,
representative for all the D fx (lias. Hamas can be resorted ft. Aghora Homa
lo please any Devaui. When different objects ore offered
lo the Agiti exteriorly, the Agni can purify and absorb them This can help to dispel the affliction of ghosts or evil forces.
internally. The vaideeka and fantrictexts prescribe the 7. Tila Homa
different kinds of materials lo be offered to the various This can help lo relieve the souls of the dead from miseries
types of homas. There ore extensive texts detailing the and get them solvation.
performance of the different types of /towwm.

Experience confirms the efficacy of these homas that are Pnachubhooius" are earth - Mioomi, water - julu; fire - agni;
performed wilh utmost core and faith by giving positive air - viiyu. a*il ether - uakaia.
results almost immediately. Some years ago a Lady, in TridcftJiiu.1 are vutfia; pitiha and kapha.
America, had to undergo a major surgery for a serious Si^ptadhul<H>s, are 1 Plasma; 2. Flesh; 3. Blood; 4. Fat;
ailment. Conceding to her request and on her behalf -a Ma ha 5. Bone organ*; ft. Marrow and 7. Semen _
MrtyunjayaHoma was arranged and performed locally here.
She was cured completely of the ailment. She came here Akhanda Sainraly*IfotfA
and met me, gave metier offering*oflakshina and profusely frrut/faiW fam /wrW/wr page)
praised the efficacy of the sysiiem of remedial hama*
prescribed in our ancient texts and followed by devout Chart 2 is of the well known congress leader Madhav
Hindus. Her surgery is stated to have lasted for seven hour*. Rao Sciftdia. S1 lord Jupiter, II11 lord Mercury and 9*
It is reported itun those expert surgeons who performed lord Moon arc placed in 11 * house, 5* house and Chouse
the operation were surprised to find the amazing way in respectively thereby making kendra relationships, Jupiter
which her physical conditions responded to thai complicated being the 2* lord (also in kendra from Moon) indicates
surgery. Her doctors were surprised to learn that she had that the conditions for Akhanda Samrajya Yoga are
arranged the performance of the homa in India, to fulfilled. The native had Madhyam Ayur Yoga and died
synchronize with the liming of the surgery.
early but retained his power till his end.
Infoirnaiiun regarding some of the common homas thai Chart 3 belongs to ex Chief Minister of Aadhni Pradesh
are usually performed is given below. (1994 to 2004) Kara Chandra Babu Naidu. He has
Akimttda Samrajya Yoga in his horoscope - out of 2"1 ,
1. Ganapathy Homa
9*' and 11* lords, Ihe VHord Saturn is placed in S*' house.
This is. performed before the launch of any important endeavour
Moon is in II * house which makes the kendra relationship
or enterprise. Mainly this homa is performed to remove the
of Moon and Saturn. The 11* lord Jupiter occupies his
possible obstacles that may confront such efforts.
own (ll*> house and conjoins Moon meaning he is in
2, Sudarshana Homa Kendra from Moon. The native, apart from being a very
This is performed to alleviate and remove the Aabhichara dynamic politician is also the president of Telugu Desam
dofiha* found. Party. ^



Foreign Travels

CASSICAL ASTROLOGICAL literature give us a 1. therefore, wish to place before Die readers my limited
irtd of information on travels - short and long, earning analysis in a few out of many cases worked out by me,
livelihood in a foreign land, frequentjourneys and so on. more for discussion rather than as a piece of analytical
But the combinations and yogas given are far too many to judgement. To venture into dynamic problems of this nature
pinpoint the occurrence of the event. For e sample, Jatakn rather induces a tendency to vertigo. Since there may be
Pa rijut a lays down mat if the Ascendant is movable and others in like cases, 1 feel it is worth the attempt to clear
its lord is in movable sign aspected by planets from up some very simple problems in the hope that combined
movable signs the native of the chart has to go to a foreign efforts may be more helpful. I shall also endeavour to
land lo earn his livelihood. Such a combination is very keep my mind free so as to give up any hypothesis
frequently seen but without, the corresponding effect. however much beloved, once facts ore shown to be
Which are the cases where the above rule is to be applied, opposed lo it.
and where exactly should we clindithese ore real posers
to students of astrology. Living in a foreign land is probably There are innumerable combinations and Yogas given in
not guided merely by Ascendant, its lord, and aspects on the texts indicating foreign travels, living in foreign land,
Ascendant lord, If one tabulates the position of houses etc. My first attempt here is to bring out some of the
and planets responsible for foreign travels and living abroad broad factors and more important underlying principles
he will fmd thai practically all Ihe nine planets have signifying foreign travels, and to apply them lo a few
powers to contri-bule in one way or the other as they will practical cases of natal and horary carts. The usual rules
governing horary astrology have also been applied
be found to have something lo do with either the I St or
wherever necessary.
the 12lh or the 9th or the 71h or the 4th or the 10th or then-
lords that are concerned wilh the question or the three
1. The 9th house {and not necessarily the 9th sign) should
airy or three watery signs and also the four movable signs.
be preferably in a movable sign and movable Navamsa
Do we become wiser after such a conglomeration of all
and should possess adequate strength.
available planets, houses, etc.? Does an analysis on the
basis of the several-fold principles enunciated by old seers 2. Rahu or Ketu or any other malefic in the J2di from
the lord of the Ascendant.
really help us to synthesise and cull out the prediction
regarding foreign travel from among the scores of 3. The lord of the I2lh house from that occupied by the
probabilities ? lord of the Ascendant as the hitter's enemy or in
depression or weak,
However, in spite of such severe limitations there is a 4. Malefic in the 12th house aspected by other malcfics
silver lining. On a few occasions when confronted with and the lord of the 12lh is himself with a malefic.
the query about foreign travels, 1 took care to work out
the horary chart for the time of query besides studying 5. A benefie in the 12th house aspected by another
benefie and the 12th lord in a hencfic sign.
the natal chart and found that in a majority of cases the
horary chart gave correct supplementary indications when 6. The 12th house occupied by a malefic and the 12th
suitably supported by the birth chart. Neither the natal lord conjoined with as well aspected by a malefic.
chart nor the horary chart could exclusively be taken as 7. The planet in the 12th house owning a movable sign
final for purposes of prognostication in all the cases that also occupying a movable sign, or as lord of a dusthann
ore examined. Although in some, the horary charts alone or aspected by Saturn.
gave the verdict, it again cannot be considered as the final
8. Exchange between friendly lords of the 9th and 12th
say in the matter.
houses preferably in movable signs.


9. Dasa or Bhukti of the 9th, the I CXh or the 12th lord 21, From Lagna as well as the lOth house prediction in a
from Ascendant, the Moon or the Sun (in a movable very general way can be made, and the return from
sign) associated with a yogaksuraka, usually propitious travel from the 71h house. From the entry of a planet
for bringing about foreign travel. into the 4th house, the time of return of a traveller
10. Dasa of lord of the 12th or that of the planet placed may also be ascertained.
in the 12th or that aspecting the 12th. 22. If the Ascendant is movable and if its lord occupies
11. Fixing the time is a rather ticklish affair which every or aspects the Ascendant without the aspect of
student of astrology will vouch. The timing can be irwlefics, and if benefics associate with or aspect the
sometimes made with reference to the transit of Ascendant, the person will have a change of place.
Jupiter or his urinal aspect over the M.C, the Sun or If malcfics associate with or aspect the AscendanL,
the lord of the 9th in a movable sign. there will be no change.
12. When Jupiter makes a trinal aspect on the lord of the 25. In the case of a query regarding some one who had
7th from a movable si eh or double-bodied sign or when already gone abroad, if the Ascendant at query be
the 7th lord himself is in a movable or double-bodied fixed or common, and if it associates with benefics
sign and Jupiier makes a trinal aspect on him, then or is aspected or occupied by benefics. the person
the person will have a long journey or travel abroad. who went abroad would have come back. If on the
other hand malefics associate with or aspect or
13. Lord of the 9th in Ascendant and vice versa or
occupy the Ascendant, the person has not returned
exchange between lords of the Ascendant and the
from abroad.
9th makes the person live in foreign lands.
14. When a planet is in his depression or inimical house In the following practical examples only a few of the above
and is also retrograde the native will live in a foreign principles relevant to the cases have been applied which
land serving some one, readers may kindly note.
15. Lord of the Lagna in the 12th, a malefic planet in the Example {! ):A query about the probable time of foreign
10th and combined with Mors makes the native live visit was put by a friend who was in the administrative
in a foreign country and lead a miserable life. service and whose name had been earlier recommended
16. When three or more planets other than the luminaries for training abroad. At the time of the query he was
occupy both the 2nd and the 12lhfrom the Ascendant, expecting to leave the country in about two to three months
then the native will live in a foreign country. according to the progress of his assignment. His natal
17. If the Ascendant is movable and lord of the Ascendant horoscope is as under:
also in a movable sign aspected by a planel from a Example (1) - Natal Chart 1
movable sign, then the native will make his fortune in
Date of biilh 6-7-1926 at 4-30 Lab
a foreign place.
12" 20' N., Uri. 76n 39' E.
18. There is no specific karaka or signiflcator for foreign
travels given in the texts although the Moon and Mors
are termed for the purpose generally. Rahu and Ketu hrl f.. I I sn I an
are no less important for signifying foreign travels
unless they arc well associated with a yogakaraka Jjc'rB4!
planet and placed in a movable, the 9th or I2lh house uc
from the Ascendant or rhe Moon, Navamsa

19. Ketu in the above situation would give mediocre

effects in the beginning of his Dasa and during the
last phase of the Dasa provide for a foreign visit. tahi Sjjn '''IJ "OTiSn-
20. Other planets and Bhavns also acquire powers to ."i phi |Ri
bring about the event through such qualifications as
prescribed earlier in their respective Dasa Bhukti and Balance of the Moon's Dasa at birth : 5 years, 4 months
or transit of such planet or planets over the cusp of and 2 days.
the 9th house, the M.C. the natal Sun, the Moon and In this chart, the lord of the Ascendant is in the Ascendant
lord of the Ascendant. itself which is a fixed sign and the 9th is a movable sign
whose lord i s in Libra, another movable sign. But the cusp
of the 9th is in a fixed sign <9s 24 5'). Also the lord of the
9th aspected by Mars, lord of the lilh, is i nthe constellation
of Jupiter who is himself tenanting the 1 Oth house. Lord
of the 10th, Saturn, is in the 6th, a movable sign and in the next 10 or 12 months and in any case not earlier than the
lost Navamsa possessing very limited exaltation strength. beginning of Mars Bhukti of Jupiier Dasa by July 1969.
Nevertheless, retrograde Jupiter's limited aspect on The foreign trip for the native actually materialised around
Saturn, who is the combined lord of the 9rh and the 1 Oth, June 1969. The error of one month may probably he on
really makes him Rajayogakiiraka. of course, with certain account of the slight differences in the Dasa Bhukti
inherent limitations. Mars, lord of the 12th, is in the 11 th in calculations and also unrectified birth time. In any case
Jupiter's house and is in the constellation of Mercury who the study of the birth horoscope (even with the unrectified
is in turn in Saturn's star. These are pointers towards birth time) coupled with the horary chart gave some help
foreign trip, the significators being Mora, Jupiter and in deciphering the broad tendencies.
Saturn. Accordingly, I fixed Jupiter Dasa Mors Bhukti In another case, a Government officer who had not
for the foreign visit lo the native who bad commenced received much encouragement professionally, befitting bis
Jupiter's Dasa in November 1956. His Mars' sub-period qualifications and long years of service and consequently
started in July 1969 which looked propitious for his trip. very much disgruntled and dissatisfied with his lot,
However, to get some further insight into the matter I approached me with the question "What is in stock for
thought of the time of query also. me professionally?"
The horary chart worked out for the query time for the His birth data is 12-11-1928 at 5 a.m. Lot 38' N. and
above subject was as follows: Long. 74 52'E.
Example (2)Horary Chart Example (2) Natal Chart

Rftj Sdjn Wutuy Ux/i in i .ifiHlfRl rri,u r


Wr: cjji
Navamsa Navamsa

. i^lw I
faiu rbhi Vcfltt _Si ?jnJ Aicr
* 'A.

Four planets Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Mars are Balance of Jupiier Dasa at birth : J 4 yeans, 7 months and
Vargottama. The 9th is a movable sign occupied by the 13 days.
lord of the 7th. The 9lh lord. Mars, is in a movable sign. Note: In Bhava, the Sun and the Moon are in the 2nd and
Cancer, with an array of combinations. The 12th house, Saturn in the 3rd.
by itself a movable one, accommodates four planets of
The Ascendant is occupied by the Sun, The Moon and
which the chief is its lord, the Moon, then the Sun, lord of
Mercurylords of the 9th lo the 12th and aspected by
the Ascendant, next Mars, lord of the 4th and the 9th. and
Jupiter retrograde in Rasi and exalted in Navamsa. Lord
lastly Venus lord of the 3rd and the 10th. The Lagna lord
of the Ascendant, Venus, is in the 3rd in Jupiter's house in
is in conjunction with the lords of three movable signs, the Moola ruled by Kethu who resides wilh Saturn in the 2nd
3rd, the 9th and the 12th a real portender for a trip
from the Ascendant and 12th from Venus, Saturn in the
abroad. But there are no applying aspects between the
3rd Bhava with Venus with Jupiter's aspect may be
Sun and Saturn <lords of the I st and the 7th), the Sun and
considered generally a balancing feature of the horoscope
Mars (lords of the Island the 9th), the Sun and the Moon
although the martian aspect sometimes lends to till the
(lords of the 1st and the [2th) and the Sun and Venus
balance. At the time of the question, the native was
(lords of the 1st and the 10). This did not portray the
running Mercury Dasa Venus Bhukti. Mercury is lord
occurrence of the event in the near future. My conclusion
of the 9th and the 12th ideally suited for foreign voyage,
which was conveyed lo the person was that their was no
and is placed in the Ascendant {movable), conjoined with
chance of an immediate trip abroad for the 8-30 iLitt.,
the Moon, lord of the 10th, and the Sun, lord of the 11 th.
27lh July l%8,NcwDelhi.
and free from combustion. iFOR> (to be continued)



Planetary Evils & Remedial Measures
Jyothisha Chlnta Nidhi
Shatashloki Ramayana Magnum Opus Viewership of Video
Mars Saturn Conjunction & Indian Affairs
t Ramachandran
Planets & Foreign Travels 13
Jay Boyle
Do Gemstones Really Work? 14
Sanskrit through Ramayana - 2 17
Gajendra babu
Pancha Pakshi Shastra The Science of Five Birds 19
Why does my child Study Sanskrit ? 23
Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Endowment Lecture 2012 27
Sunrise and Sunset Timings for October 2012
The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga for October 2012
Lagna Table for October 2012
This Month for You October 2012 33
Timings for Rahukala, Gulibabala and Yamakantaka 39



Lead Article
Planetary Evils

Remedial Measures


facts concerning the universe without the aid of micrometers

X if it does not provide the means to overcome the evil and telescopes. Their super-consciousness made them
indications of planets. There is absolutely no fatalism in aware of and able to comprehend, on the one hand,
astrology and the so called inevitable is an ignorant fiction infinitesimal units of time and space too small to be measured
of the half educated brain. The higher the human knowledge, by the most modem scientific instmments, on the other
the greater are the chances of material and moral advantages hand, vast spans of years and universes-spans of years
to be secured. For one to be an astrologer, a thorough guessed at only by modem geologists in search for the age
knowledge of astrology and kindred sciences is essential. of the earth-universes too remote to be found even by the
We have ourselves seen a few imposters, who not knowing largest telescope. The ancient Maharshies were never
even the fundamentals of Astrology, have been posing content to observe and catalogue facts; they applied
themselves as astrologers and prescribing remedies, and knowledge to the material and spiritual welfare of man. In a
exploiting the public. The chances for such quacks to thrive like manner they discovered the various processes to be
well have become more congenial especially after the death employed, which go under the name of remedies, to
of Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao a great adept in the art of counteract the evil indications of planets. What are remedies?
remedial measures. We warn our readers not to be carried Suppose a man abuses another person, an abuse is nothing
away by the lure of advertisements, and become easy preys but a bit of ill-adj usted form of sound vibration which irritates
to merciless exploitation. They must be very careful and the abused. It is a little bit of air which causes offence by
satisfy themselves fully before they enter into any business its irregular vibrations and an apology which is also a bit of
with any so-called specialist in remedial measures or air-cures the offence by its well-adjusted form of vibrations.
astrology. An abase is cured by the Remedy of apology. Similarly take
other instances.
Ancient Maharshis were past masters in every branch of
knowledge. Messmer, Swedenburgh, Darwin and Spencer Thermometer gives us the measure of solar heat. If it is
have but caught the glimpses of the heights of knowledge very excessive it will not only act on the physiologico-
attained by Patanjali, Sankara, Vatsayana and Siddhas. The psychological system of a person, but may also kill him by
Rishis had solved all problems of life which modem science Sun stroke or asphyxia and can we do anything against it?
with the help of its limited knowledge has been endeavouring We can understand the degree of heat or the degree of cold
to solve. It is of course true that astrological science extends by meteorological observations, by various instmments and
into deep and far-reaching metaphysical and occult domains, by our physical and mental feelings. Finding therefore the
but after all what science does not ? The mathematical degree of heat or cold on any particular day by this science
concepts of Einstein, Eddington and others have crossed we are able to resort to various mental devices or what we
the border already from the domains of fixed form and call discoveries and inventions of men of genius and what
materialistic limitation to so-called fourth dimensional do they say. The man of science says that a person subjected
territories so that the argument that astrology and the to excessive cold or heat will suffer such and such evil
remedial measures prescribed by the ancient sages are largely results. The remedy for this will be to remove to such cold
still in the realms of the metaphysical and thus not capable or hot places as would neutralise the evil effects of excessive
of rationalisation is not valid one. The modem scientist has heat or cold and thus save ourselves from the consequent
to depend for his observations on mechanical contrivances. evils attendent on the climatic conditions. When it is very
The ancient Maharshis, on the other hand, possessed a much hot we hold a nice umbrella; when it is very cold we light
more accurate, dependable, and comprehensive instrument fire and heat ourselves or cover ourselves with blankets so
with which to observe natural phenomena -their ability to as to keep the cold away. When we want money we mus1
function in what might be called, to use a modem scientific 'et money and that is the remedy for poverty. When we are
term, a fourth dimensional conciousness-Yoga-which suffering from disease the remedy is to introduce such stuffs
enabled them to note, to measure and to classify all the into our body which act against such diseases. These


questions have been clearly solved in the pages of THE fill all objects in nature and begin to do their mysterious
astrological magazine and also in the elaborate work! Therefore great efficacy is attached to the Surya
Introduction Prof. Row has written to The Astrological Self Namaskaras or prostrations before the Sun accompanied
Instructor. Similarly there are what are called oushadhas or by certain mantras fromAnma (Yajurveda) and from Ma ha
medicines monies or gems of particular virtue, mantras or saura (Rigveda) as when properly they are performed, they
incantations or certain forms of sound vibrations and danas remove evils on the three planes of man's existence viz.,
or particular kinds of charities, physical, mental and spiritual.
Maharishi Matanga observes that the human body is a bundle Maharishi Apastambha declares " All movable and
of electrical currentsVidyut-saktiand that the proper immovable objects in nature are held in their relative places
concentration of these electrical energies constitutes what by forces issuing from the Solar disc. These forces or
is called health, wealth, peace of mind, long life, prosperity energies are called collectively Vidyutsakti, which are divided
and financial success. The adjustment therefore must be into 1800 parts.
properly analysed and found out, like the proper diagnosing ^ , , . , , .
7, ^ T. . They produce a wonderful and indescribable vanetyJ byJ the
of disease. What do we find in diseases in a person / It is " ! , ,
, , ,r , .. , , , . , agencies
b sent to them throughb the solar rays,
nothing but a dislocation of the pnnciples which go to make
up health where certain elements are preponderating where In Siksha Upanishad five mysterious functions of torces
they ought not to be, or wanting where they ought to be. or energies are mentioned. 1. Adhi-lokaPrithvi. 2 Adhi
The doctor finds out these irregularities and prescribes Jyotisha Agni. 3. AdhiVidya, Ach-arya, education. 4.
remedies with a view to their proper adjustment and thus Adhi-prajaprogency. 5. Adhyatmam or divine wisdom.
restores an equilibrium where disturbance was caused by _ T T ,. ., , ,
. . , . n i i i ^
The Vedic compilers had fully developed ideas about these
want ofc certain substances. People also know that there is . , , , ,
, . . . i , .iU
mys-tenous forces called sound, heat light, magnetism
such science as Mental Therapy where without any ... , ... , , ,. A , , ,
electricity; ether and vidyushakthi One has onlyJ to read and
ostensible drugs or other obiects, wonderful cures are , , , , , , .
^ ^ understand these elaborate explanations. There are many
effected. Such cures are not fachons of heated brains but ,. . ... . , 1 , ,. , /
, , . ,, . , , .. .... , things as in medicine, so in Astrology which when properly 1
have been actually expenenced by all civilised nations as , , , , ,, , . . ,
c j, j
understood and followed would tend to minimise and
having been preformed by men of deep devotion and saintly ,. , , .
,. 7, ^ tt .u
neturahse or completely overcome the chances of evil
lives. What are curses and blessings of man/ Here the . _ , , .
^ ^ ,
mfluences indicated by the planets, lunar days, constellations,
remedies above referred to, partake of the same explanations. , , , . r . T ' , . ..
.. , , , >u . ,
solar days and the rising signs. In all these the idea seems to
In a curse the angry feelings of the holy men come as ethenal , " , ., r e
, , . . r. ,
be to avert the evil influences formed by attraction or
currents, enter into the body of the obiect of curse and , . , . . , . , , , ,
, ,. t ii ,
repulsion of obiects contained m Time and the chemical
change his nature completely destroying all good in him ,
, , ., m.- , .,
and the physical changes which arise from the conmnctions
and producing all evil. This is something like a dacoit or ,
,, . ,. . , , , .
and repulsions of the various forms of energies or torces
robber taking away all money from a rich man and reducing ' ,. , . . ,. ,
, , , ui ... ,
some of which are visible while many of which are subtle
him into abiect poverty and need. In blessing, the good , ....
and very mystenous in their nature,
ethereal currents of the person who has enough of will '
power, win enter into the object of the blessing, take away Suppose in a horoscope Saturn, Rahu and Mars are in the
all evil and introduce good. If a veritable beggar has all fifth house and it is ill-disposed with the result that loss of
monetary difficulties they could at once be removed by the children is indicated. This loss will be due to certain Evil
grant of a large sum of money by the rich man. Rays generated by the conjunction of the dark rays of Kuja,
Sani and Rahu. The evil nature has to be overcome by
Maharishi Matanga says Nakhastane Romakoopay Sand- neutralising these raysenergies by other forms of
histane Asthi Sangame Kala Chakraman Nitheum Vidyuto- energies such as sound vibrations (Mantras) chemical
chakti Pradrusyate. A liberal translation of this means that processes .(Homas) etc., so that children born may survive,
in the nails, in the hair cells, in the joints and in the bony jn actual experience, the possibility of remedial measures
conjunctions, in the eyes, rays of electric currents are haS heen fu||y realised and an adept in the line can certainly
constantly given out. Therefore the Maharshis issued strict offer suitable suggestions, when once the possibility is
injunctions to all persons not to interfere with these organs, admitted, for averting the evil and augmenting the good
Hence also the necessity for taking of hairs and shaving on jrfjuences of planets. I shah dwell upon this subject on a
auspicious days when the electric currents are least further occasion
disturbed. Cutting nails, and cracking of fingers is forbidden.
Maharishi Katyayana thus observes.The rays of the Sun The continuous formation of carbonic acid gas and water
embodying and carrying electrical and ethereal currents are within the body of the breathing animal arises, from the
distributed by the Sun through some invisible agency and urgent necessity of a constant supply of heat and energy.
when these are subjected to attractions and repulsions they


Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi*


AFTER THE AHORATRA SCHEME of Vedaanga Minutest Unit

Fyothisha times, we find evidences of more scientific It will be more interesting to note, that still smaller divisions
sub-divisions of time in the Siddhanta period. In the of time than Vipalas have been devised by our ancients,
Siddhantas, we find that the time from sunrise to next inventing a minute particle of time called 'anu'.
sunrise having been divided into 60 equal 'ghatis'or
'dandas'. Each ghati is subdivided into 60 'vighatis' or One-sixth part of a Vighati is called Prana or breadth,
'pa/as'and each vighati oipala into 60 'vipalas'. Thus making 21600 Pranas for a day. It is pertinent to note
a day consists of 3,600 palas or 216,000 vipalas, thus that this agrees with a Ghati divided into 360 parts
making one vipala equal to 0.4 of a second. In this scale, (60x360=21600) or a degree of circle of sphere into 60
7 ghatis and 30 vighatis (IVi ghatis) make one prahara parts. (360x60=21600)
and 2 ghatis one Muhoortha. One sixth part of a vighati
Other different measures of time are also seen employed,
is called prana or breath, making 21600 pranas for a
in this scheme, by our ancestors. AKshanais one-fourth
day. It is pertinent to note that this agrees with a ghati
of a Ghati. Dividing this Kshana into fifteen parts Kala
divided into 360 parts (60x360=21600) or a degree of
is derived and this Kala corresponds to the Gashaka or
circle of sphere into 60 parts. (360x60=21600)
The time unit called nimisha is the smallest humanly
The fineness of division goes further. Nimisha is one-
conceivable time frame, according to our ancient
eighth part of Prana. Dividing it further by 8 we get
scriptures. It is defined as the time taken for a 'wink of
Lava and its further eighth part is Truti. According to
an eye.' This is a fixed measure and a linear concept.
one school, a Nimisha is the time taken for a wink of
Then 15 Nimishas make 1 Kashta. However, according
eye-lid and Truti the time taken for a crack of the
to Manu 18 Nimishas only made a Kastha. Is it perhaps forefinger against the inner thumb. A further division of
that, in those times, Manu winked faster than the other Truti by 8 takes us to the smallest measure of time Anu
sages! We do not know. Then 15 Kashtas make one which is the 88,473,600th part of the day. Here, we find
Laghu and 15 Laghu make one Ghatika - also called that an Anu is about 0.00098 of a second.
Danda. Two Ghatikas or 30 Laghu make one
Muhoortha and 30 Muhoorthas make one diva-raatri It is not that there are some variations in the scheme, in
or day of 24 hours. It follows then that 4 Vighatis make different schools of thought. Further, a unit of time
a laghu. When we take 15 Nimishas as one kastha and re-presenting 0.00007 of a second is also seen employed
15 Kashtas as one Laghu, 225 Nimishas only make one by our ancients. According to this version 100 Trutis make
Laghu of four Vighatis. It follows then that a Vighati a Tatpara and 30 Tatparas one Nimisha, 15 Nimishas
consisted of 225 = 4 or 5614 nimishas. one Kastha, (3.2 seconds), 30 Kasthas one Kala and 30
Kalas one Muhoortha of 48 minutes, making a Truti
Al-Biruni has ridiculed these attempts of the Hindus to measure 0.00007 of a second.
find minute particles of time, as foolish and painstaking,
serving no purpose. Had he been alive today he would But the fact remains that such minute divisions of time
have changed his opinion now. We know that the computer have not been attempted by any other country in the world.
wizards are working with nanoseconds, which is one This was the case with large divisions of time and the
thousand-millionth of a second. outsized numbers denoting them. It must be remembered
that the Hindus had achieved this mastery over numbers,
* continued from September 2012 issue of The AeM thousands of years earlier than the period when the Greeks


were at loss to find terminologies for denominations above A Mahaayuga consists of four Yugas of 4320000 years.
myriad (1000) and the Romans above mille. The ancient It comprises of 1728000 years of Kritayuga, 1296000
Hindus were at home with no less than eighteen years of Tretayuga, 864000 years of Dwaparayuga and
denominations, of decuple terms, multiples of ten, known 432000 years ofKaliyuga. In other words, a Mahaayuga
as Dasagunothara Samjyna. This testifies their is ten times the Kaliyuga. 71 such Mahaayugas or 71 x
competence to compute the division of time in its minute 4320000 years constitute a Manwantara of 306,720,000
details and gigantic forms. years. 14 such Manwantaras or Mahaayugas is a day
of Brahma. The Surya Siddhanta states that there a
In this context it will be interesting to know that a second junction period of the length of one Kritayuga, equal to
is scientifically explained as the interval occupied by 1,728,000 years between two Manwantaras. These 14
9,192,631,770 cycles of the radiation corresponding to the Manwantaras and 15 junction periods together make up
transition of the caesium-133 atom when unaffected by one kalpa. As the junction period makes up to six
exterior fields. Mahaayugas and the 14 Manwantaras to 994
In comparatively recent times, highly developed Mahaayugas, it is 1000 Mahaayugas that constitute a
mechanical contrivances like - clocks watches and kalpa. Thus each kalpa lasts for 4.32 billion years.
chronometers -help us to measure these subdivisions of (4.32MY x 1000) One kalpa is equal to half the day of
time very minutely. But our ancients had only some Brahma. So two kalpas make, a full day of Brahma.
primitive devices of time-keeping apparatus like the That is 2000 Mahaayugas or 8640 million years.
gnomon, the sun-dial and the water-clock or clepsydra.
360 such Brahma days constitute a Brahma Varsha or a
The gnomon and the sun-dial depend on the motion of the year of Brahma. Brahmayus or the lifespan of Brahma
Sun and require correction. The water clock, used up to
is 100 such Brahma years. In fine this comes to
the time of Galileo, gave place to the invention of clocks
311,040,000,000,000 human years.
based on pendulum motion or the use of balance wheel.
These subdivisions of time are measurable by the motion A variance in the above calculation ignoring the sandhya
of any substance which repeats itself regularly. period and computing a kalpa to contain only 71 x 14 =
994 Mahaayugas is also adopted by some.
At the present time in addition to the pendulum clock,
quartz clocks and ammonia clocks are used. The latter We are now in Kaliyuga which is supposed to have started
depend on the harmonic motions within the ammonium on the midnight of the 17-18 February 3102 B.C. (Julian).
molecule giving rise to spectral lines whose frequency 5106 years of the present Kaliyuga would have elapsed
can be accurately measured. by February 2004. Over 426894 years remain in the
present Kaliyuga. But can we identify and fix this
In astronomical works like Surya Siddhanta, we find exact Kaliyuga in the Brahmayus scheme? Perhaps yes. That
similarity in divisions and sub-divisions of time and space is what our Mahaasamkalpa mantra, mentioned at the
as described below. beginning of this chapter, indicates.
Time Space
The Brahmayus is Para and its half Paraardha. Half of
60 Pala = 1 Ghatika 60 Vikalas = Ikala the ayus of Brahma is over. We are in the second half of
60 Ghatis = I day 60 Kalas = 1 amsa (degree) the first year, first month; first day, which is in the fifth Kalpa,
30 days = 1 month SOAmsas = 1 raasi Swetavaraaha, in a cycle of seven. In this Kalpa six
12 months = 1 year \2Raasis = 1 circle (360degrees) Manwantaras are over and we are in the seventh
Vaivaswatha Manwantara. 27 Mahaayugas are also over
As of these minor partitions, our ancients had also a and we are in the 28th of which the three Krita, Treta and
comprehensible idea of the major divisions of time. The Dwapara Yugas are over and we in the Kaliyuga of which
basis stems up from the assumption of the longevity of 5106 years will be over in February 2004.
the creator or Brahma. This span of time is known as
Brahmayus. It consists of 100 Brahma Varshas or years. Thus the space-time continuum has completed four Kalpas
Each Brahma Varsha consists of 360 Brahma Dinas or and is in the fifth called Swetavaraaha. The names of
days. One Brahma Dina consists of 14 Manwantaras. the seven Kalpas are:
One Manwantara consists of 71 Mahaayugas and each 1. Parthiva. 2. Koorma. 3. Pralaya. 4. Anantha.
Mahaayuga consists of four Yugas of 1320000 human 5. Swetavaraaha. (current) 6. Brahma. 7. Savitri.
years. The following is the breakup: continued on 8



... Jyothisha Chin ta Nidhi

(continuedfrom 6)
The 14 Manwantaras are: in a Mahaayuga of 4.32 million years, their proficiency
in tabulating time, in the micro and macro scales make us
Name of the Manwantara Another version
rsion , , ,
wonder whether they had any contrivances to compute
of the name
that must have failed to reach us down the ages or they
Swayambhuva. Swaayambhuva'uva had any cosmic connection of revelations that overwhelm
Swarocisha. Swaaroachisha
sha our comprehension.
Uthana. Utthana.(Othama)
Can we go back in Time? Perhaps yes, according to the
Tamasa. Thaapasa(Tamas) scientists, if we can travel faster than tight. In a sense
Raivatha. Raivatha. are not the astronomers, in their observations of stars and
Chakshusha Chaakshusha galaxies, going back in time, at least on assumptions?
When we see the star Sirius to-day, we are seeing it, as it
Vaivaswatha Vaivaswatha
(the current one) was in 2000, because it is 8.3 light years from us.
Suryasaavami Sooryasaavarnee Then can we go ahead in time? Perhaps yes. The
Indrasaavarni Dakshasaavarnee astrologers who have the ability to foresee the future are
doing so. As the great philosopher Patanjali says a hue
Brahmasaavami Brahmasaavamee
Yogi can be aware of the past, present and future, an
Rudrasaavarni Dharmasaavarnee ability to travel backward and forward in time, which
Dakshasaavami Indirasaavarnee perhaps is the very basis for the various astrological
Rouchya Daevasaavarnee principles, that grow with the past, lead the present and
Bhaitya Rudrasaavarnee unfold the future.

It will be exciting to note that the Tamils also had an

independent time measure technique and their smallest
measure of time 'ThudV was equivalent of 13,834,000th
part of a day or 160th part of a second. They appear not
to have stopped with Brahmayus but improved the scale
to the Ay us of Vishnu, Rudra, Maheshwara and
Sadaasiva with a life span of 2.01 x IO33 years, whose
one day is a 'ThudV to ultimate Siva who is the lord of

It is not that the entire Yuga theory and the calculative

elements are not undisputed. There are arguments in
favour and against many of these contentions. THE
astrological magazine of Bangalore carried many
meaningful debates in the past, though no final conclusion
could be arrived at. Controversies apart, we must
remember that the efforts of our ancients in the
computation of these time-scales is no mean achievement
and cannot be dismissed lightly. It will be interesting to
note that the present day scientific estimation of the origin
of life of 18000 million years compares with the 17280
million years of the duration of the four Kalpas elapsed.
The scientists hold that the modern the radio metric age
determination of the earth has a relationship with the Vedic
time measurement. If our ancients could, with a high
degree of mathematical precision, compute the correct
total number of revolutions of the planets around the Sun

8 OCTOBER 2012

Mars Saturn

Conjunction &

Indian Affairs

The editorial from the astrological magazine, November 1947 is reproduced below in deference to
the wishes of a large number of our esteemed readers. The Chief Editor

PANDIT NEHRU in a recent speech in to astrological predictions in a disparaging manner,

Lucknow is reported to have said that "the for, the light thrown by astrology on the future of
glory of freedom that was visible in the eyes an individual or a nation is certainly much more
of the people in the huge gathering outside the Red reliable and trustworthy than what man thinks he is
Fort on August 16th had inspired hope in his mind capable of anticipating on the so-called
that India could now march forward on the path of commonsense factors.
peace and prosperity, but that hope proved a dream,
We have often stressed in these columns that
that the communal disturbances exposed the
astrology alone offers the device or instrument
country to outside aggression" and that "it was an
which connects the trend of today with its counter-
attempt by the reactionary elements to paralyse
part in the pastthe planetary cycle which is once
the whole administrative machinery and to usurp
more reweaving the pattern of another day and time.
political power" (italics ours). It is a pity that a
On the basis of the developments of a previous
statesman of the calibre of Pandit Nehru with such
cycle, the present can be projected into the future.
wide experience in political matters which few
could claim, could not fore-see what we, as As we write these lines, a bewildered India stands
ordinary students of astrology and history, at the cross-roads waiting to be led blind-fold into
anticipated long before the events were actually the maze of power politics. Pakisthan is being
enacted. From a perusal of the past three issues, slowly and adroitly enmeshed in the toils of British
readers would doubtless be able to appreciate that officialdom.
we gave a clear and unambiguous warning, on the The notorious Radcliffe did his job of disruption
basis of the presence of Saturn in the lower in a thorough fashion. He has completely isolated
meridian at the time of transfer of power, that even Assam from the rest of India, brought Pakisthan
an attempt to overthrow the Government would be upto the weakest spot in Behar and has drawn a
made. This was no Delphian oracle but a prediction cordon sanitaire allround the Union of India. Added
based on the simple proposition that just as a seed to these, there is the growing economic and social
contains all the potentialities of the future plant, unrest. Foreigners have already begun to feel that
so also the moment at which an activity or work is Indians, ridden with caste and communal
commenced contains in its womb qualities pecular differences and un-trained in collective
to the moment in question which would give shape responsibility, are without resources of leadership
to the idea or activity. One should no longer refer and initiative.



The grim and depressing developments in the Indian scene be significant in as much as Rahu would be almost in the
partly due to India's national Karma and partly due to the 8th house which in a national chart has reference to public
complacence of our leaders in having neglected the mortality and deaths.
elementary precaution of regulating momentous matters
in harmony with the laws of nature, have synchronised Any conjunction of Mars and Saturn is disruptive to the
with the Mars-Saturn conjunction occurring in the beginning external structures of the world and of human society, in
of Leo on 12-11-1947 at 4.25 p.m. (1ST). The point of terms of both physical structures such as buildings,
conjunction will be rather stimulated when Mars opposes factories etc. and the more real edifices of social and
it and when the Sun conjoins it, which phenomena will political values. The significance of this conjunction
happen in February 1949 and August 1948 respectively. occurring in Leo cannot be overstressed, for on looking
backward in some future history book, we shall be
Every two years, Mars conjoins Saturn as they meet in surprised to find what unexpected developments took
their orbits viewed from the earth. But their joining together place at this period and how vital they were to India's
in Leo happens only once in about 80 years. It must be future. At Delhi, the 9th degree of Aries rises while the
noted that such a conjunction of two first-rate malefics in Navamsa Lagna is Gemini. The conjunction happens in
the Royal Sign of Leo is always highly ominous especially the 5th house ruling children. In Karachi, the 24th degree
to India as it happens to fall in the 12th or house of loss. of Pisces is rising while the 19th degree of Sagittarius is
The evil gets somewhat tempered in case there exist culminating, the conjunction happening in the 6th which
simultaneously other relieving features such as the among other things rules the army, navy, workers and
presence of other malefics in Upachayas and benefics in employees.
favourable positions. It is an astrological maxim warranted
by experience that results of a conjunction would manifest We have already said above that this sensitive point will
at least two years in advance or near the period of be transited by Mars in February 1949. Therefore one
conjunction or after the conjunction depending upon the has to infer that un-expected developments would take
Drekanna involved and the relative declinations of the place in Pakisthan, involving display of violence and
bodies coming together. appalling loss of blood. Since the meridian point actually
falls in Sagittarius, a war-like sign, it denotes outbreak of
In September 1861, there was Mars-Saturn conjunction violence on a large scale and Pakistan may even attempt
in the 2nd part of Leo and we know through what turmoil, armed incursions into the Indian territory. Hence we must
strife and bloodshed the country passed through when agin emphasize that the Indian Government must look to
patriotic Indians made the last combined attempt to its frontiers. The men at Delhi should immediately devise
overthrow British rule. The last conjunction occurred in means to consolidate the Indian Union and to make
the middle of Leo in April 1919 and this was followed by adequate arrangement for the defence of the froniters at
the first civil disobedience movement which swept India a high speed. In Hyderabad Deccan, Aries rises while
from one end to the other dislocating normal life. When Mandi is placed exactly on the meridian of Deccan.
the above two conjunctions took place, Rahu was in However much we try to restrain our pen, we cannot
Sagittarius (4th from India's ruling sign) and Scorpio (3rd) help feeling that these combinations are all distressing and
respectively with the result the first conjunction was disquieting. Pakisthan and Hyderabad are only playing for
preceded by untold suffering, destruction of life and fighting time while alternately fanning up and arousing the flames
while the latter conjunction was succeeded by of strife. We are constrained to feel in view of Navamsa
comparatively less destruction and suffering. The Lagna being hemmed in between malefics, that Hyderabad
conjunction to occur on 12th November would however would be a festering sore in the body-politic of India
constituting a great menace to the future security of the
Mandi Union. The sooner this warning is taken note of the better
Mars,Moor Lagna Sir
Saturn , it would be for all concerned.
Mercuiy Ketu Of the two planets in conjunction, Saturn is by far the
Navamsa more destructive. Saturn is rigid. When the Martian action
Rahu impinges on him, he will not yield and a break is likely.
Mars is always violent. Therefore, nationally and
internationally these positions usually cause brutal and
Venus Jupiter
cruel results. People will lose self-control and take the



law into their own hands. Mars-Saturn contacts lead to The Rahu-Lagna conjunction is significant because it
strain and rupture or break-down according to the sign silences the pretensions of Messrs Jinnah and Liaquat All
affected. Here the sign being Leo, a royal one, the Khan that they care for the welfare of the minorities. On
conjunction produces serious results involving armed the contrary it denotes that more organised attempts would
conflicts. Applied to the present conditions in India, its be made to liquidate the minorities in the interests of the
means most unfortunate developments in the relations biggest Muslim State. That Pakisthan owes its origin to
between India, Pakistan and Hyderabad. Such British patronage is also evident from the fact that Aries,
conjunctions are never to be disregarded, as they indicate the sign ruling England, rises at the time the State came
the happening of things suddenly and unexpectedly. into being. The position of Mars in Chart 2 is suggestive
that Pakitan would continue to look for inspiration in alien
Astrology can give us timely warnings and it is for the influence. The 7th from Chandra Lagna is powerfully
men at the helm to take advantage of such warnings for aspected by Mars. Consequently, discontented British
the benefit of the people. The Saturn-Mars conjunction officials leaving India will find in Pakisthan good refuge
will affect every department of life represented by Leo, and scope for further disrupting Indian unity. The lower
but particularly the present position of rulers, leaders and meridian being occupied by Saturn is proof enough of the
heads of nations may be drastically reversed. Leo seriousness of the internal situation in Pakistan which is
represents the heart of Kalapurusha (Cosmic Man or Time being covered up by airing unfounded allegations against
Personified) and therefore, the emotional nature is India.
involved. Saturn has very large influence on the masses
and as such is bound to cause a change in the emotional Since the combination of planets bearing on India are in a
field of the masses. Mars tends to be aggresive, ruthless frowning mood, Mahatma Gandhi's striving hard to teach
and cyclonic and with the added feeling of Leo this may the unteachable about the virtue of Muslims and non-
attain stupendous proportions. Muslims living together as brothers, will not be effective
in bridging the gulf. Gandhi's creed can have appeal for
It may not be out of place to make a few observations on the the man who has developed the requisite cultural sympathy
horoscope of the Dominion of Pakisthan which for all practical with the ideals he stands for, and not for the rank and file
purposes came into being on 15* /14* August at mid-night swayed by emotions.
(1ST), equivalent to 10-58 p.m. (LMT) at Karachi.
In the Indian Dominion horoscope, Rahu is exalted in
Lagna. Hence the Muslim minorities in India have not
shown the slightest nervousness about their future. The
evers welling stream of non-Muslim refugees fleeing from
the Punjab, N-W.F.P. and Sind is indeed a sad contrast to
Navamsa the complete security of life and property enjoyed by the
Muslim inhabitants of India. The ball was set rolling by
Mr.Suhrawardy when he, as Prime Minister of Bengal,
Ketu Jupiter appealed to the Muslims to observe direct action day and
it is simply rebounding on the original instigators of trouble.
We have time and again pointed out that the Pakisthan
The Lagna is the 26th degree of Aries, a moveable and Resolution Horoscope lacks the inherent strength needed
fiery sign and its lord Mars is in Gemini subjected to
to make it last long. The birth of Pakisthan has taught
Papakarthari Yoga and in conjunction with Mandi. Both
many a bitter lesson and the mischief can be un-done not
Lagna and the lord have the powerful aspect of Jupiter,
by professing loyalty by the minorities but by abjuring for
lord of the 9th; while the five-planet combination actually
all time the dangerous two-nation theory, separate
falls in the 4th house. Rahu, though in the 2nd Rasi, is in
electorates and reservation of privileges, that has brought
1st Bhava having eclipsed the Lagna. No wonder that power to a few but death, economic ruin and nervous
Pakisthan has virtually started from scratch. As Lagna is
breakdown to the millions.
aspected by Jupiter, there does not seem to be any prospect
of re-union of India and the vivisected parts in the near In the Indian Dominion horoscope, Mars is in the 10th in
future though, as we have observed in September 1947 Navamsa while in that of the Pakisthan Dominion the 10th
issue of the astrological magazine when Mercury Dasa lord (in Navamsa) is aspected both by Mars and Saturn.
operates in the Dominion horoscope, conditions would so This is an affliction of the first magnitude. The result is"
develop as to render a re-union almost a certainty. the ruler and the Government suffer" ; some prominent


person in political circles dies. Rioting takes place; assaults impressing on the minds of our leaders, the urgency of
will be directed against persons in high place; and the army the problems and have commented with a certain amount
will be a source of trouble. In the Indian horoscope again, of restraint.
though Mars is in the 10th in Navamsa, he is aspected by
Astrology neither spreads despondency nor encourages
the 10th lord Jupiter while the Navamsa Lagna is highly
complacency. It serves a very useful purpose in
afflicted . The Sun here happens to be the 6th lord. This
restoring public confidence. Astrological indications give
affliction expreses itself by way of secret plots and
warning in advance of the impending troubles. The
treachery directed against the Government. Therefore,
preventive measures are, of course, in the hands of
no peace is indicated for the entire sub-continent of India
those who sit at the helm of affairs. Experience shows
for at least another two years. At the time the King gave
that no amount of proof will convince the sceptic
assent to the Indian Independence Bill, the 12th degree
whether he be honest or wilful in his disbelief. Personal
of Scorpio was rising in Karachi while the 20th degree of
investigation alone can bring real conviction to the mind.
Leo was on the meridian. Leo is a war-like sign and it is
There are invisible and very subtle forces emanating
powerfully aspected by Mars, lord or Lagna and the 6th.
from the conjunctions of planetary bodies and they are
Saturn transits this meridian point by about September -
the direct cause of the production of all earthly
October 1947.
phenomena including national crisis. Delhi must take
About this time the foreign policy of Pakisthan must be up the question of India's safety and security in all
carefully watched. seriousness and avoid idle waste of time. Astrology
helps the individual to help himself. The horoscope mirrors
Summing up, we have to observe that India has come and potentials and designates seasons for growth or for
will be coming under very un-favourable planetary democracy. Astrology does not weaken the individual or
vibrations indicating trouble within and without. Under the nation by doing or taking the initiative for the individual.
forces of Mars-Saturn conjunction, anything may happen Astrology is only as any other science: it is knowledge
that might jeopardise the safety and integrity of India. We which when rightly used, contributes to abundant living.
have been quite exhaustive in our analysis with a view to Prevention is better than cure. (FOR)


Foreign Travels*


Lord of the Ascendant associated with Saturn, the perhaps that he is the karaka for profession and is located
yogakaraka, in Sagittarius. Lord of the 12th from Sagittarius in a movable sign.
is Mars who is the enemy of Venus and who is approaching
Example (3): A query was posed by a friend regarding the
his depression sign Cancer, and in Rahu's star without time of his foreign visit, which was under finalisation. His
strength. These roughly indicate that there are chances for horoscope was not available at that time and therefore a
foreign travel for the native. Mercury Dasa appeared quite horary chart was worked out for the time of the query,
appropriate for the travel on the basis of its own viz., 6 p.m. on 6th October 1963 at New Delhi.
quahfications but there was considerable difficulty in fixing
the sub-lord. Venus, as sub-lord, does not- lack the potential. Example (3)Horary Chart
Even though foreign travel was not even contemplated in Ascendan
the least by querist, my own inquisitiveness prompted me Jupiter (R) Moon I Rahu
to probe this aspect further. Hence, as usual, the horoscope
for the time of the query was cast as given hereunder in the
data. 7th February 1968, 11-35 a.m.. New Delhi. Navamsa
Lagna is movable with its lord Mars in the 12th with Mercury
Jupiter (R)
retrograde Mercury aspected by retrograde Jupiter. The 12th
house is tenanted by a malefic. Lagna is also aspected by
Ketu I Venus
its lord Mars, Mercury, the Sun and Venus (according to
the aspects recognised in horary astrology) and by Jupiter
powerfully. Similarly, the exalted Moon is aspected by In the above horary chart, the Ascendant and its lord are in
Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn. Of course not all a common sign. The) 9th is a fixed sign. Lord of the 6th
these aspects are applying ones. Essentially the aspect (the Sun), the 7th (Mercury), the 8th (Venus) and the 12th
between lord of the Ascendant Mars and that of the 7th (Saturn) are aspecting the Lagna. 'There are no benefics in
Venus, is an applying one with an orb of 8 1/2 degrees. frines or in movable signs. Further, although there is the
This is a satisfactory one. As far as the question put by the nominal applying aspect between the lords of the Lagna
person was concerned, a fairly satisfactory time was ahead and the 7th as required in horary practice, the orb of the
aspect is too wide being more than 16 between Jupiter
professionally although not very promising in the immediate
and Mercury to permit any event to occur. With diffidence
future. I tried to analyse the indications for a probable foreign
I pronounced that there is no likelihood of a foreign trip in
visit obtaining in the natal chart, through the horary chart
the near future. He was then surprised for he has not had
and found good supporting evidence; in it. On the basis of any chance for quite a few years.
the positive evidence, viz., 81/2 degrees of applying aspect
and others outlined above and the indications in the birth The above example of horary chart alone clinching the issue
chart, I ventured a prediction of foreign trip to the native in should not make us conclude that such solutions can always
about 81/2 months from the date of query or roughly by be found by working out horary charts only.
the latter half of November 1968. He did not agree with this Primary dependence on the birth horoscope should be
prediction as no such thing appeared to him possible in the deemed very essential and the supporting evidence, timing,
then prevailing circumstances. But later events duly etc., should be sought from horary and other methods
developed and his trip actually materiahsed in the middle of including sidereal solar progression. In other words, broad
December 1968 when transit Jupiter exactly trined the natal tendencies of foreign travels may be advanced fairly well
Jupiter. This occurred in the Sun's sub-neriod of Mercury with the help of a three-pronged drive, (i) birth horoscope
Dasa and it is not possible for me to explain from birth and directional methods; (ii) horary chart to supplement
chart alone how the Sun was able to fill up the role excepting the indication in the natal chart; and (Hi) transits and their
influences. (FOR) \
* continued from September 2012 issue of The AeM



Really Work?


Time and time again, I heard powerful stories that proved

1 times over the lasts three decades. My answer is a the benefit of these gems.
definite and qualified YES!
I remember the time well, in the fall of 1989, when the weight
I can say that now, but it took me many years to firmly of evidence coming from my clients caused me to conclude
come to this conclusion. I was quite the skeptic in my these gems probably did work. I didn't know how it worked,
early years as a gem dealer. I flat out did not see how, or but I did know from the numerous reports I received that
believe it was possible, for a gemstone to change a somehow these gems were causing important changes in
person's life simply by wearing it. the lives of my clients.

Early in my gem career, I had some As a Virgo with Mercury in the second
powerful and personal experiences with house, it was predicted that if I wore
a lovely 8.5 carat white sapphire. It an emerald I would earn more money
helped to turn me from a skeptic into a and my career would advance. I was
believer, and there were many other starting a new phase of my career and
formative experiences over the years could certainly stand to make more
that contributed to my current certainty money, so I called my best Colombian
of the power of Jyotish quality emerald supplier and asked to see some
gemstones. extra-clean emeralds.

I've often said to prospective A few days later a parcel of very clear
customers, "If you knew what I know about how Jyotish and bright Colombian emeralds arrived. They were
gemstones effectively help a person achieve their heartfelt exceptional in their flawlessness and sweetness and also
goals, or to change their life in a positive way, you would very well priced. I decided to take a leap of faith and
rush to buy your Jyotish gem immediately." bought the entire parcel of about ten emeralds, ranging
from 2 to 4 carats in size. I didn'thave the $15,000 asking
Here are a few of the milestones that convinced me that price, but I did have one credit card with a $15,000 limit.
Jyotish gemstones really do work. I paid for the emerald lot using that card.
In 1989,1 was given an opportunity to run and manage a This was a bold move at the time I had a wife and two
gem company for an experienced dealer from Thailand. very young children, no savings, no inventory, and had
It was strictly a wholesale operation that supplied just started a new job. My side business selling Jyotish
gemstones to dealers in the major markets of New York gem business was very small. I didn't know if my income
and Los Angeles. By agreement, though, I was also given was secure or if this new phase of my life would work
permission to buy and sell Jyotish gemstones. out, but I now had enough faith in the power of astrological
During this time I continued to hear feedback from clients gemstones to take this risk.
that had tried my Jyotish-quality gems. Many called to I decided to pick out a four-carat emerald for myself and
tell me how these gems had dramatically changed their a beautiful two-carat one for my wife. I estimated that it
lives. Some were healed from serious health problems as might take me 12 to 18 months to sell the remaining
predicted, some were able to finally get pregnant and have emeralds but made a deal with myself to be vigilant, and
a healthy child against all medical odds, and others had whenever I sold one of the emeralds, I would immediately
their careers turn from stagnation to remarkable success. use the money to pay off the credit card.


I gave the emeralds to my jeweler and asked him to make determine the relative astrological power of Jyotish stones
a pendant for me and a ring for my wife. A few days by holding and feeling them, and I knew that this smaller
later he delivered the new pendant, configured with my emerald was substantially more powerful than the 4.15
existing white sapphire, and I put it on with great hope carat emerald I had been wearing for several years.
and expectation. Right then a funny series of coincidences
began happening: the jeweler was so impressed with the I decided that if I didn't sell this emerald during the next
quality of the emeralds that he asked if I might find him few months, I would buy it for myself. If it was more
one too. I showed him the other emeralds from my recent powerful, I reasoned, I should make more money and have
purchase and he bought one for himself and one for his my career advance again as it had done when I put on my
wife. ("This is a good start," I thought to myself). first emerald.

Then, for the next few days, everyone that came into my Months later I was putting together another trip to the
Caribbean. This had become a regular routine trip for me
office or called looking for Jyotish gemstones seemed to
only want one thing: one of the emeralds from the parcel. especially during the long, harsh, cold Iowa winters. A
No one wanted any yellow sapphires, blue sapphires, few days before I left, I decided to trade out my 4.15
diamonds, rubies... No, everyone wanted only emeralds, carat emerald for the more powerful 3.5 carat emerald. I
had the budget for them, and wanted the exact sizes of had my jeweler replace the old stone with the new one
what I had bought just a few days before. In just a few and return it to me before I was scheduled to go on my
short days, I sold every one of the remaining emeralds!

I quickly wrote a check to my credit card company and I put my upgraded pendant on and left for the Islands the
paid off the entire sum of $15,000 before I had even next day with a shoulder bag full of gems and hope for a
received the bill from the credit card company. Plus I successful trip.
now owned two emeralds that were paid for, one for me I visited my best customer, the owner of six jewelry
and one for my wife, and even made two thousand dollars stores in the Cayman Islands. He took me aside when
profit in addition. ("Wow! This emerald sure seems to be I arrived and told me that he had been tracking how
working," I thought.) my gems were selling compared to his other suppliers.
It continued to work. It shed its divine, emerald green, He said my gems sold faster and at a greater profit
Mercury energy throughout my entire life and being. The than all of his other sources, so he announced that he
new phase of my career managing a wholesale gem was going to make me his new number-one supplier.
company began to prosper as I further educated myself He then called his six managers, telling them the news
in the intricacies of the gem business. and instructing them to buy more heavily from me on
this trip. ("This is definitely a good start for my new
Knowledge and Success emerald," I thought.)
During the next few years, my knowledge and success
Increase in Sales
continued to increase steadily. Many more customers were
telling me how the Jyotish gems they were wearing had When I calculated the total sales at the end of the week,
changed their lives for the better. My wholesale business I was shocked to see they were nearly ten times my best
and my Jyotish gem business were both growing nicely, previous results: They bought $230,000 worth of inventory!
and as my experience grew, so did my confidence. I sold every gem that I personally owned. The combined
income from my commissions and sales of personal
By 19921 was beginning to sell to the Caribbean jewelry inventory paid for my new emerald many times over; it
store market. I found new customers for my wholesale was a huge windfall profit day for me. The stone was
business by knocking on the doors of jewelers' shops. I clearly working its magic.
would borrow gems and jewelry from other dealers,
include my own gems and the gems of the company I During the next seven years I continued to mature as a
was managing, and on each trip I was able to sell between gem dealer and hone in on my expertise as a large-scale
$25,000 and $30,000 worth of stones. buyer. An increasing number of clients called or mailed
me letters of thanks for the Jyotish gems I had sold them
About this time, I had a wonderful 3.5 carat emerald in and the blessings that had come into their lives as a result.
my Jyotish gem inventory that was the best quality I had
ever owned. By this time I had discovered how to What I had experienced was the prediction of my
astrologers if I were to wear a gem for Mercury and a


gem for Venus. Whenever I'd upgrade my emerald, I'd Three days later, I received a call from the owner of a
experience an upgrade in benefits. It was like turning up small and struggling TV Shopping Network, a previous
the volume: better quality yielded better results. I worked wholesale account that I sold to. I had not done any
just as hard before wearing my gems but with very limited business with this company for some time and it had
success, but once I started to wear these gems, I been over a year since I had talked to him. He asked
experienced substantially greater fulfillment in my career me what I was doing. I told him I was heading to
and in my income. I also felt I had entered deeper into Thailand and Sri Lanka to go on a gem buying trip. To
my Dharma. my surprise, he asked me to buy gems for his company
while I was there.
It was now quite clear to me how the color and clarity,
the degree of flawlessness and symmetry, the Sattvic I had just decided to abandon all wholesale business for
essence and beauty of the gemstones were all related to the spiritual gem business and then this! He offered me a
the relative power of each gemstone. When I traveled to contract to buy a certain amount of gems for him and to
the source countries, I knew which gems to avoid and mark them up a modest amount. I quickly calculated that
which very few were the most potent. With this this would essentially pay for my trip expenses and agreed.
knowledge I continued to refine my gemstone selection I left for three weeks of gemstone hunting and had a
process. successful trip, financed by my new unsolicited buying
In early 1999 I purchased a small lot of very powerful,
Sattvic Colombian emeralds. This time there were five During the next year, I was asked to make five more
gems with a depth of color and flawlessness that I had buying trips and to double the amount of gems I was
never seen or purchased before. I sold all but one of buying on each trip. This provided much needed income
these remarkable emeralds to very fortunate clients. One and I became known as an important buyer in the source
emerald remained, a 2.68 carat beauty, that silently spoke countries. I purchased more gems that year alone than I
to me. I gave my pendant to my jeweler and had him had in the previous five years. Again, my income and
install the new smaller (but much more potent) emerald career experienced a significant boost. The new, smaller,
so I could begin to wear it. more potent emerald I was wearing had come through.

I was entering a totally new phase of my gem career at Success continued. During the next eight years, this TV
this time, deciding to effectively walk away from the Shopping Network grew to become the largest seller of
wholesale side of the business in order to pursue a career gemstones in the world! I was their only gem buyer for
in Jyotish gemstones exclusively. I liked the wholesale much of this time, and as they grew, so did my experience.
business and I had attained a degree of mastery in it, but By agreement, I kept my Jyotish gem business, where
I truly loved the spiritual gem business, discovering the my true passion remains today.
secret of what Jyotish gemstones were really about. I
knew I would most likely earn less money this way, but I In conclusion, when asked, I can enthusiastically testify
figured it would be enough to get by and knew the pleasure that Jyotish gemstones truly are effective. If your birth
of helping people with spiritual gemstones would be a time is correct, you have the right gemstones
much more satisfying experience. As the familiar saying recommended, and you have the proper quality gemstone,
goes, I followed my heart, hoping my new smaller (but then yes, they absolutely do work. In fact, after three
much more potent) emerald would help me make this decades, I've found my Sattvic, Jyotish quality gemstones
transition easily. work better than I ever dreamed possible. _

Pancha Pafeshi Mr. GajendraBabu, with a Master's degree in

Economic and a Master's degree in Astrology is
an Administrative Officer in Kamataka
Handloom Corporation, Bangalore. He is doing
Shastra research in the Science of Pancha Pakshi and
Nadi Astrology. In the recently held
lhe Science of five (Birds Dr. B. V. Raman Birth Centenary Year
Celebrations, he was in charge of
GajendraBabu Media and Publicity as its Director.

PANCHAPAKSHI SHASTRA CAN ALSO be vibrations are personalised as pakshis or birds and the
interpreted as Biorythms ofNatal Moon and is a part gradations of their faculties have 5 activities.
of Vedic Astrology covering the one's recurring cycles of
biological processes thought to affect a person's emotional, The 5 birds are:
intellectual and physical activities. This 'Science ofFive 1. Vulture
Birds' also studies any periodic change in the behaviour 2. Owl
or physiology of an organism. 3. Crow
This system was propounded by ancient Tamil Siddha 4. Cock
saints. It is based on natural laws of the five primary 5. Peacock
elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) combined with Astro
Stellar force of each individual. This can be successfully The 5 activities
applied in all matters of life in the fields of HORARY, 1. Eating
especially on NATAL Astrology.
3. Ruling
The Siddas were not only great spiritualists to the core 4. Sleeping
but also were great scientists, physicians and psychologists 5. Dying
who analysed life in its fullness both on mundane and
abstract levels and dictated scientific principles and needing Each bird performs these five activities during each day
man to success of both levels. On the gross-plane, if and in night over the week days and during waxing and
one lives in accordance with the nature, life becomes waning Moon cycles during the 5 yamas in day and 5
blessing which in the long run leads to spiritual well-being yamas in night in a stipulated order.
also. In such a seeking, the mysterious panchapakshi is
After identifying your birth bird (which is a permanent
one of the sciences which helps man progress
bird similar to your birth ascendant), you can see your
simultaneously on par, and in accordance with the nature
bird activities as provided in the following tables.
and both the planes get enduring bliss.
How does it function?
These 5 elemental vibrations act in 5 gradations of
faculties for stipulated time intervals called Yamas. Each
of them consists of a duration of of 2 hours 24 minutes
each (6 ghatikas) over the 5 yamas in the day and 5
yamas in the night (spread over 24 hours evenly). These
functional patterns vary, during waxing and waning Moon
cycles, and also during the week days. These elemental
vibrations of 5 gradations function in such a way that when
one elemental vibration is at the highest ebb, the other
four function proportionately in diminishing order, thus the
last vibration being dormant (death). These 5 elemental



Your Star Your Birth in Suklapaksha Your Birth in Krishnapaksha

1 Aswini Vulture Peacock
2 Bharani Vulture Peacock

3 Krittika Vulture Peacock

Rohini Vulture Peacock
5 Mrigasira Vulture Peacock
6 Ardra Owl Cock
7 Punarvasu Owl Cock
8 Pushya Owl Cock
9 Ashlesha Owl Cock
10 Makha Owl Cock
11 Purvaphalguni Owl Cock
12 Uttaraphalguni Crow Crow
13 Hasta Crow Crow
14 Chitra Crow Crow
15 Swati Crow Crow
16 Vishakha Crow Crow
17 Anuradha Cock Owi !
18 Jyeshta Cock Owl
19 Moola Cock Owl
20 Poorvashada Cock Owl
21 Uttarashada Cock Owl
22 Shravana Peacock Vulture
23 Dhanishta Peacock Vulture
24 Satabhisha Peacock Vulture 1
25 Poorvabhadra Peacock Vulture
26 Uttarabhadra Peacock Vulture
27 Revati Peacock Vulture

Handbook ofVastu
Rs. 175.00 US $ \%XXiForwarding charges extra
Send your remittances by Bank Draft, Money Order,
Postal Order or Bank Transfer in favour of

The Astrological eMagazine

101C, Sarathy Apartments, No. 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560 003.
Tel: +91-80-65991845, +91-80-23313260
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Pancha Pakshi Mirror
Shukla Paksha

Day Activity Night Activity

10.48 1.12
Week Days 1.12 3.36
Vulture Eat Rule Eat
Owl Move Sleep I De; Move I Sleep
Crow Rule Death Eat Death Move
Cock Sleep Rule Death
Peacock Death Move Rule Eat Rule
Owl Death Move Rule Eat Rule
Crow Eat Rule | Sleep Sleep | Eat
fc^k Move Death Move
Peacock | Rule Death I Eat Death Move
Vulture j Sleep
Crow I Sleep
Cock I Death Move Rule
Saturday Peacock I Eat Rule I Sleep Sleep Eat
Vulture Move Sleep I De; Move | Sleep
Owl Rule Death I Eat Death Move
Cock I Rule Death Eat Death Move
Peacock Sleep
Vulture Death Move Rule
Owl Eat Rule I Sleep Sleep
Crow I Move Move I Sleep
Peacock I Move | Rule mmm Death Eat Rule Death Move
Vulture | Rule j Sleep 1 Death Eat Move Eat Rule Death Move

Move Rule
Rule Sleep

Shukla Paksha
Birds Name Bird Birds Rule on Colour I Caste Direction
Letter Dies on Day
Vulture A.A.A.I Thursday Sunday Crow Peacock
O.W. Saturday Tuesday | Friday Yellow I Priest Cock Owl
Owl Sunday Peacock Vulture
EEE , FridayWednesday! Saturday White Ruler Cock Crow
Crow Vu.Vuu Monday Thursday Sunday Vulture Owl
Tuesday I Red I Merchant I West Peacock Cock
Cock EA.EAA Tuesday Friday | Monday Vulture Peacock
I Wednesday! Green j Farmer I North Owl Crow
Peacock O.OO Wednesday I | j Scheduled Owl Vulture
Saturday Thursday | Black Caste | Middle I Crow Cock
1 I S .Tribe
Pancha Pakshi Mirror
Krishna Paksha
Day Activity Night Activity
10.48 1.12 3.36 8.24 10.48 1.12
Week Days
1.12 3.36 6.00 10.48 1.12 3.36
Cock 1 Eat | Death Sleep Rule Move Move Death Rule Eat
Vulture | Move I Eat Eat Sleep Rule Eat Sleep . Move
Sunday Eat Eat
Owl | Death Sleep Rule Move Rule Sleep Move
Peacock | Sleep Rule Move Eat Death Sleep Move Death
Crow 1 Rule 1 Move Eat Death Sleep Death Rule Eat
Cock | Rule | Move Eat Death Sleep Eat Sleep Move
Vulture | Sleep Rule Move Eat Death Death Rule Eat
Monday Death Sleep Death
Owl | Move | Eat Rule Move Rule
Saturday Peacock 1 Death
Eat Rule Move Rule Eat
Crow | Death | Sleep Rule Move Eat Sleep Move Death
Cock | Sleep | Rule Move Eat Death Death Rule Eat
Vulture | Death | Sleep Rule Move Eat Sleep Move Death
Wednesday Owl j Rule | Move Eat Death Sleep Eat Sleep Move
Peacock Move | Eat Death Sleep Rule Move Death Rule Eat
Crow Eat | Death Sleep Rule Move Rule Eat Sleep Move
Cock Move I Eat Death Sleep Rule Rule Eat Sleep Move
Vulture Rule Move Eat Death Sleep Move Death Rule Eat
Owl Eat | Death Sleep Rule Move Sleep Move Death
Peacock j Death i Sleep Rule Move Eat Death Rule Eat Sleep
Crow | Sleep Rule Move Eat Death Eat Sleep Move
Cock Death | Sleep Rule Move Eat Sleep Move Death
Vulture Eat Death Sleep Rule Move Rule Eat Sleep Move Death
Friday Move Death Death Sleep Move
Owl | Sleep | Rule Eat Rule Eat
Peacock | Rule Move Eat Death Sleep Eat Sleep Move Death Rule
Crow | Move | Eat Death Sleep Rule Move Death Rule Eat Sleep

Krishna Paksha
Birds Name Bird Birds Rule on Colour Caste Direction Enemy Friend
Letter Dies on Day Night
Cock A.A.A.I Thursday Sunday 1 Monday White i Fanner Middle Crow Peacock
O.W. | Saturday Tuesday | Saturday 1 Vulture Owl
Vulture | Tuesday Friday | Sunday Black | Priest East Owl Peacock
FEE ! Tuesday 1 Cock Crow
Owl Vu.Vuu Monday Thursday Wednesday Red | Ruler North Vulture Cock
1 Peacock Crow
Peacock EA.EAA | Wednesday Monday Friday Green j Schedule West Owl Vulture
Friday | Saturday 1 1 Caste Tribe Crow Cock
Crow | O.OO i Sunday Wednesday | Thursday Yellow | Merchant South Peacock Owl
1 1 Cock Vulture
(to be continued)


notice; only articles have been kept, useless pages and
publicity have been removed


13*. li. 1!

JyothUh* Chin Lb Nidhl T

Ba rj.'v.v i\\'x<yj.4 v B wj
TEN Tjutn PolttU for your Residence 9

KefachAkra Data Syiicin 13

D*. Ai'v.'.vfVJ, G/'AXApATit;

Sanibrti through Raraayana - 4 17

R. S. Mavt-LU
Nellorc Train Fire DUaxter 11

Rt.m kt ii r VLm r V>.r.41 it/av

Yailu Seminar In Dallas 13

Rf.roKr.n Urxiv
Vaggeyafaara Celebration! at Greater Chicago SS

Sunrise and Sunset Tlinlng! for December 101 f W

Lagna Table for December id li 17

Timings for Rahuhala, GullfaaJtala and Yaraakantaka 39

The Astrological eMagaslne Panchanga for December 10 if 29

Thl!Month fdrYbu December BOH 31

Monthly Index of The Astrological eMagazine far 2011 37


wwh aunJDjcaHiaruro^m

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dr. B. v. Raman

THE MOST BAFFLING of man's problems has always by forces from outer spaceby the phases of the Moon,
been the human mind. Western science is proud that by undula-liofis in the pear-shaped electromagnetic field
it has begun to conquer nature and is talking in terms of that surrounds the earth, by showers of gamma rays,
cosmic flights though compared to the dimensions of the cosmic rays and other electro-magnetic waves emanating
cosmos, which arc inconceivable, the astronaut's orbiting from extra-terrestrial sources (italics ours) that bombard
of the earth at a height of about 200 miles seems child's the earth's atmosphere". According to Dr. Harold Burr,
play. In contrast to these achievements in the realm of emeritus professor of anatomy at Yale University School
physical science, there is a lamentable lack of development of Medicine, "what esta-blishcs the pattern of a particular
in the more important aspects of human existence, viz., human brain and "rcsulates and controls if is actual I v a
mental and moral sciences. complex magnetic field". Therefore, "in a manner not yet
discovered, earthly magnetic fields may influence human
While the ancicnl Hindu Sages had under-taken a behaviour, their rhythmic ebb and flow producing within
systematic analysis of the internal world of man on the our brains cvclical chances in fcclin.cs, alertness and
"eternal principles of human nature", the Western sensibility and perhaps even stirring the memory or inciting
scientists have mainly confined their studies to the ideas And these changes in the earth's macnctic field
exploration of the "physico-chemical mechanisms" arc affected by solar flares, which in their turn arc
under-lying mans existence. The human mind and its correlated to certain definite planetary arrangements. And
mysterious functions continue to be mysteries to the all this is astrology pure and simple but put in the jargon of
Western scientists, even though the symptoms of different Western science. Would the reaction of each individual
types of menial diseases have been well classified. In the on eardl to these cosmic bombardments be the same or
words of Dr. Carrel, "mathematics, physics and chemistry dificrent? The scientists do not yet know. But astrologers
arc indispensable but not basic sciences in the researches have already discovered that the reaction of an individual
concerning living organisms. They ore not capable of depends upon his particular pattern of the horoscope,
construct-ing concepts, specific to the human being".
It is the increasing incidence of neurosis and psychosis in
Astrology or Jyousha is indeed the science of the highest thc civilised countries of ^ ^ that sccnl lo ^
rank because it correlates the functioning of thc inner . ,, , . . ^ ^ ^ ,
,, r , , ,, , , impelled scientists there to study thc correlation of celestial
world of man to the ceaseless ebb and flow of thc cosmos. . . ,
. . , . factors to human benaviour-pattcms.
While thc materialistic science can perceive only thc gross
body, contitutcd by heredity, the subtle body Oinga Modem psychologists and medical men have not agreed
sareemt carrying thc karmic vasanas timprcssionsj of amongst themselves about thc exact causes of insanity,
previous existences, escapes its grasp. It is the karma 0ne school of thought still holds that insanity is duc t0
that conditions one's existence in this life and the nature certain organic changes in the brain According t0 another
of this karma manifesting on the physical and menial school of thought ^
majority of cases of insanity arc
1 is reflected in thc horoscope.
r .. , . . . , , , .
psychogeme in origin . Yet another school regards msamty
In on article published in a recent issue of Reader i Digest, in ibe fight of "biological or psycho-biological rcae-tions".
one Mr. Rutherford Platt suggests that man's bio- It is significant to note that Hindu astrology gives pride of
rhythmstemperature, blood pressure and moods place to thc affliction of thc Moon tmanas J and Mercury
follow regular swings and arc finked lo "fluctuations in I brain) in judging mental disorders. Observation and
barometric pressure, gravitational field and electricity in statistical study have shown that insanity in most cases is
thc air" and that these "earthly forces arc in turn affected congenital and in a few. acquired. A more careful study


wmt jsro4octccl rru ^unaccfn

of ihc issue in the light of Astrology and Karma theory Moon or Ntcrcurv some form of insanity cannot be ruled
will doubtless convince one that even the so-called out. One should he very careful in analysing horoscopes
'acquired-' type of insanity is also congenital, that is. of for this purpose. It is always advisable that such diagnosis
hereditary predisposition. Constitutional conditions of one be left to specialists in medical astrology as otherwise
or both parents may affect the child. The parents may be grave repercussions may follow. The following arc the
healthy constitutionally and the child normal till a certain assignments of planetary rulcrships for the three humours.
age and then become insane. Suppose the Moon is in The Sunbile (pittai: the Moonwind and phlegm (yuyu
conjunction with Satum and Kctu and al the time of birth and Icapha); Marsbile-: Mercuryall the three ;
Saturn's Dasa is ruling. The chi Id will exhibit abnormal or Jupiterphlegm : Venus much wind and phlegm: and
subnormal mental development and will be insane Satumwind. Mercury in the 5th afflicted by conjunction
pracli-cally from the time of its birth. Suppose a similar with Saturn is indicative of some forms of insanity
combination occurs hut the Dasa of Satum comes into appearing especially in Saturn's major period and
operation in the 25th year. Then signs of lunacy make Mercury's sub-period or vice versa.
their appearance in the 25th vcar although till the 25th
year the mental development will appear to be perfectly The cause of madness in this case is physical and therefore
normal. The physician would say that in the two cases the disease is curable. Sanskrit works describe thai insanity
referred to above the first must be congenital and the in a large number of cases is caused by certain spirits of
second, acquired. This view looks absurd for a student of departed individuals. Whilst we may nut accept this
astrology because in both the cases, insanity is statement as 'sensible', let us not condemn it as
'concc-nilal'. In the tatter instance the disease was only superstitious or dismiss it lightly as it comprehends several
in a static or resting condition. By the term * congenital", of the psychological and phycbo-analytical causes. Some
we mean, from the lime of birth If a man becomes insane insane people behave very violently while others arc
in his 30th or 35th year, it does not mean that he has harmless. Medicine can give no explanations for these
specially acquired the disease. That he would suffer from "vagaries'. On the other hand, astrology can offer a
insanity in a particular year is indicated quite in advance. reasonable explanation. Insanity caused by 'obsession' or
In the epochs of Hindu medicine the Karmaic character possession is hardly curable. It can be checked if treated
of insanity was generally admiuc-d. and it w as not until within thirteen years, otherwise it becomes incurable.
the superstitious ignorance of the orthodox and bigottcd
allopathic system had obliterated the scientific deductions From an astrological stand-ponit this disease is to be
of the early writers that any theory of its purely viewed primarily from the affliction to Lagna. the 5 th
physiological character arose. house, the Moon and Mercury. Whether mental
derangement is the resultant of 'obsession' or due to
According to Ayurveda, various causes bring about physiological causes can be easily ascertained from the
insanity chief among them being, inharmonious]],1 combined
horoscope. Rahu and Kctu determine the issue. If the
food, certain poisons, insults to gods, the pious, elders and
powerful affliction of Mercury or Lagna or the Moon has
preceptors, sudden fear or joy or grief and acts which put
the contact of Rahu. one may be certain that no medical
a severe strainupon the nervous system, excite the
treatment would be of anv avail. One has to seek remedies
doshas (three humours'! and vitiate the scat of the
other than medicines.
understanding, the heart and all those ducts by w hich the
mind communi-calcs with the organs of sense. This leads In a disease of this magnitude, the configurations and
to the disturbance of the mind causing insanity. aspects in the horoscope must necessarily be very severe.
In studying this disease, the Moon and Mercury should be
Insanity is therefore a mental disease. The mind becomes
restless and vacant and the vision becomes stable and primarily considered. If Satum be the afflictor in a day
actions become pur-posclcss and speech incoherent. birth, epilepsy is more apt to occur but in a night chart if
Insanity bom of the "faults' is said lo be curable by Rahu be the afflictor. insanity mav follow. Virco and Pisces
administering medicine. Gluttony in the absence of proper arc sensitive signs and afflictions occurring in them are
physical exercise is said to provoke Kapha I phlegm I : always undesirable. If. on the other hand. Mars be the
the excited phlegm mixes with Pitta (bile-) and produces afflictor, insanity may prevail during the day and epilepsy
w hat is called kapha-bom insanity. Each planet is said to
during the night. In insanity, the Lagna is not necessarily
rule a certain humour and when the said planet is highly
afflicted but in epilepsy, the ascendant is usually badly
afflicted and adversely situated with reference to the
aspectcd or conjoined.


Innumerable combinations arc listed in classical works. functioning of the mind and the native is much obsessed
We shall cite a few for the information of the readers. and has always the feeling of being persecuted.
Insanity, lunacy, etc., may prevail in some form or other Symp-toms of insanity were noticed in the 21st year
under the following conditions: immediately after the commencement of Saturn's Dasa.
'Chart No. 3 is a typical case of paranoia. The mental
1. Birth in Rckha Yoga. derangement set in after delivery. The Moon, debilitated
2. Lord of Lagna in the 12th in con junction with a malefic in the constellation of Mercurv, is in association with Rahu
and Mercurv in combustion. and aspectcd by Mars. Mercury though exalted is combust
occupying the constellation of the Moon. Mars-Saturn
3. The Sun (at Saturn) in the ascendant and Mars in
aspect on the Sth house is also a factor to be noticed.
the 7th.
'Chart No. 4 illustrates mania-depressive insanity. The
4. The Moon in conjunction with Rahu and another
native often behaves violently, is gloomy and worries over
malefic occupying 5th. 8th or i2(h.
trivialities. False ideas of persecution grip the native and
5. Jupiter in the ascendant and Saturn in the 7th.
be is generally miserable in outlook. Both Mercury and
6. The Moon and Mercury in combination occupying the Moon are in the constellation of Kctu afflicted by
the ascendant. Papakarthari Yoga and in association with debilitated
7. The Moon and Mercury, in mutual quadrant, Saturn.
unassociated but afflicted by aspects.
In the following interesting horoscope Lagna is Pisces, a
8. The Moon. Venus and lord of the Sth in badhaka
sensitive sign and the lord is in the 12th with Kctu. Let
alone this combination as it made him highly social, refigious
9. The Moon in conjunction with a node and Saturn. and philosophical. The most important combinations
10. Saturn and Mars in an angle, but causing Papadhi relevant to the present discussion arc :
Yoga for the Moon and Mercurv.
L. The sixth is occupied by Rahu and aspectcd by Kctu.
11. Saturn and Rahu in conjunction in Virgo, which should
happen to be Lagna. 2. The 6th lord is further afflicted by conjunction with
Many of the above combinations have been found to be 3. The planet of nerves Mercury is in a common sign in
satisfactory. But in our own studies it has been found that conjunction with two malefics. r ro. Mars and the Sun.
certain sensitive areas (nadi amsasi should be involved in
4. In the Navamsa again. Mercury occupies the sixth
causing insanitv of a serious type.
with Rahu and the 6th lord is in conjunction with Mars.
The disposition of the Moon reveals the nature, structure
The benevolent aspect of Jupiter on the 6th is sterilised as
and functions of the mind, while the disposition of Mercurv
he is with Kctu. The Moon being aspectcd by Saturn, the
explains the nature and structure of the brain. The present
level of astrological knowledge may not enable us to
1 Quit No I. Rait: Aries Ascendant: Toums Venus: Virri)
pinpoint whether one's insanity is due to mental or brain Mars. Rahu and Mandi: Librathe Mooa: Capricom .Saturn:
disorder, though the cause can be guessed approximately. Aquarius Jupiter and Pivms Kctu the Sun an J Mercury (R
231. Balance of Mars' Dasa al birth: Years 3-1-24.
In Chart No. I. lord of the Sth and Mercury arc both
2 ChartNa. 2. Rasi: Aries- the Sun und Mercury; TuurusVenus;
afflicted in Pisces. Mercury is not only in combustion but
GeminiAscendant; LeoRahu : Virgo Mandi: Librathe
is in conjunction with Kctu in the 12lh from Lagna and Moon and Solum; Scorpio-Jupiter; CupricomMars: und
6th from the Moon aspectcd by Saturn, the birth star being Aquarius Ketu 46). iVffranija.'TaunisMundi; Gemini
China ruled by Mars. The Moon is in Libra but is subject Aiccndant. the Sun and Rahu; LeoVenus: SacitluriutKctu.
Mercury and Saturn- AquariusMars and Jupiter: and Pisces
to Anapha Yoga The native was fond of hostile criticism.
(he Moon. Balance of Rahu Dasa at birth : Years 3-10-21.
In the last part oi Rahu Dasa. the following symptoms
were noticed : showers of abuses, flying into a fury, 3 Chart No. 3. Rasi: TaurusKetu: Cancer Jupiter: LeoMan.
Venus and Saturn: Vitro- -the Sun und Mercury: Libra
incoherent language, impertinence, gloom and severe
Ascendant: and Scorpiothe Mooa and Rahu TR. 48). Balunec
depression. Rahu is in the constellation of Mars, thart al Mercury's Dusa ut birth Years I2-4-2S.
No. 2 is a clear case of schizo-phrcnia. The 51h house,
4 Chan Nix J Rasi: Ariesthe Moon. Mercury and Saturn ;
the Moon and Mcr-cury are all afflicted. The Moon and TaurusMars and Rahu: Viruo -Jupiter. ScorpioAsccodnnt,
Saturn arc in the constellation of Rahu. In the Navamsa. Mandi and Kctu: Aquarius- Venus: and Piscesthe Sun fR
the affliction is more pronounced. There is a perverted 961. Balance of Kctu Dasa at birth: Years 2-1-23.


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planet of gloom and melancholy, made the mind morbid. Kala, will have a phlegmatic constitution. When Mercury
On account of all these adverse and perverse influences, joins Lagna, the person will have an unbalanced mind. If
the poor man had been erratic, reckless and gloomy. Mark, in addition the Moon and Rahu are in conjunction in
particularly, the association of Mercury and Rahu in Anuradha. the native suffers from insanity in Rnhu's sub-
Navamsa. Rabu's situation in the 6th in Rasi and the planet period in the major period of Mercury (when Satum transits
of nerves and brain in Sagittarius with Mors and the Sun Libra). In a Pankajamsa (Taums risingj horoscope given
(lord of the 6thl and the latter two planets in exact in the Chandra Nadi (bom on 2-9-1926) mental disorders
conjunction. Mercury's Dasa commenced and the man arc predicted 2 ox 3 times in the course of Kctu's period.
was taken violently Insane and had to be confined1 in an The prediction was fully verified. Kctu's disposition is in
asvlum. the 5th from lord of Lagna. In another case (Taurus
Lagna Vaishnavamsa bom on 10-10-1903) Saturn's
Dasa. especially Mercury's sub-period was very
unfortunate, as predicted in the Nadi.

Loss of house, misunderstandings and displacc-mcnt from

Navamsa the place of residence all took place. But instead of mere
mental worry ^(mnnoTTaf/rn^thc. native suffered
derangement and was hospitalised for three, months: In
Etn actual experience it has been found that terms like "mental
Mrs Eitm
Mnrv affliction" have, to be interpreted more liberally to include
mental disorder and insanity consistent with the. nature of
At this time Saturn was transiting the exact degree the affliction. What is remarkable is the method, of timing
occupied by Mercury. This cannot be, a coincidence. So the period of attack. Hundreds of horoscopes given in
long as the person remained in the asylum, there was little Sukra Nadi and Chandra Nadi arc being studied by us,
or no improvement in regard to the mental condition. It is with a view to extracting .specific combinations which can
no doubt a hopeless case. But still Jupiter's aspect could pinpoint the.nature of mental affliction and the likely period
have been made to operate by properly conditioning the of attack and in due time we hope to place before our
environment when the first warning was given. In dealing readers the fruits of our studies.
with the question of insanity, we must always bear in mind
that it is a rupture between the. physical body and the vital Many astrologers seem to think that the mere conjunction
body. of the Moon with a malefic- planet indicates an unsound
mind. A little research will convince 'the reader of the
It occurs to us that Nadi astrologynot the so-called fallacy of this theory. Insanity, stupidity, arrested mental
Nadigranthas available in the market offering sensakmal development, idiocy and all those varying degrees of
predictionsespecially Chandra Nadi and ,Sakra abnormal and subnormal mental development arc the
Nadican furnish us with almost fool-proof methods of results of the afflictions by Satum, Rahu. Kctu and Mars
psychological diagnosis. Certain of the nadi amsaseach of certain sensitive, points in the horoscope involving the
sign is divided into 150 amsasappear to be highly Moon and Mercury having reference to the 5th house,
sensitive. For instance birth in sowmvamsa, and the ascendant and the seventh.
^horamsa seems to make one Highly predisposed to certain
types of insanity. Pisacharoga and twmadaroga arc The astrologer, professional or amateur, would be
assigned to ghoramsa. When birth is in Vrishabha Lagna rendering a distinct disservice to society if he attempts
(Taurus) Kamalamsa. and Saturn occupies a sign to predict insanity on superficial grounds. The general
represented by the, Navamsa the lord of the. 6th is in, the .strength of weakness- of the horoscope, should not he
person suffers: from mental troubles. (mannrujam}. The ignored. Let readers use astrology to help and to heal
disease will manifest when the, Dasa of the, 8th lord is- in and not to wound. Even if there, arc any indications lo
progress and Satum transits Leo. (This combination has the effect, they must not be revealed direct to the
been found correct in a number of horoscopes where the persons concerned. The nearest relatives and friends
Lagna is Taurus and the nadi amsa is either Kamala or who have the good of the, person should be. told, so that
Kala.) Mental affliction is also caused in the Dasa of the they might take, the necessary preventive measures. A
8th lord when Mercury and Rahu arc, in conjunction. A weak-willed person may become despondent andi will
person bom when Taums is rising, the nadi amsa being be surrounded by -imaginary troubles. if-'ORt


Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi*


Navagrahas Pluto was assumed to be of the same size as of the earth

but recent discoveries proved thai it was only 1/400 of
Their Role the earth or 1/5 of our Moon in mass. In 1978, the
Among ihc cclcstiaJ bodies that arc said lo exert far-reaching astronomers found a moon to the planet and named it
Chiron. Subsequently the Hubble telescope found two
and widespread influence upon the earth and its inhabitants,
more, called Nix and Hvdra.
no* only humans but also animals and plants, the Grahas -
the planets and the luminaries - arc the most significanL It will be interesting to know that the name for Pluto was
Early references and even Kalidasa take the Grahas as suggested by Venetia Bumcy. a then eleven-year old girl,
only five. The two nodes and the two luminaries came who was honoured, at the ape of 86 bv naming an
instrument - Vcnctia Bumcy Student Dust Counter - on
into the count later and we have now our Navagrahas.
Western astrologers had only ashlagruhas till 1930 They the New Horizons spacecraft, launched then, now on its
way to Pluto, after her. It is expected to reach Pluto by
arc Mercury. Venus. Earth. Mars Jupilcr. Saturn. Uranus
and Neptune. Thcv excluded the Sun. as a lumtnarv and
Moon as a satellite from the list. With the discovery of
With all the commotion created by the media and some
Pluto, they came on par with us till its recent demotion to reporting: "Indian Astrologers care two hoots" over the
a lesser grade of a KBO - Kuipcx Belt Object. This has issue, a usual pubheity crazy astrologer rushed to the press,
sent waves of shock to some of the western astrologers
to proclaim that for Vedic astrology Pluto is only an
who have been dabbling over with the predictive upagraha called "Mandi" and made it clear that he knew
propensities of ihc planet for many years. Discovered in neither of Pluto nor Mandi. leave alone astrology. To
1930, the planet has just crossed its B2nd birthday las
add to the despair, a newspaper reported thai some
reckoned by humans i and is transiting at present Sagittarius
astrologers explained to the press that Rahu was Uranus
by Nirayana count. A niamka blow has now been inflicted
and Kctu Neptune, in Indian Astrology! What to say?
on the poor planet by the more powerful International
Revolution in revelations indeed! These air the guttural
Astronomical Union for it not having filled the bill, by not groups, up in arms, to annihilate Indian Astrology. God
having sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome
alone can save Indian Astrology from such charlatans.
rigid body forces to help it to assume a nearly round shape.
The western astrologers arc at discount now hut we arc Though, earlier Pluto was considered the only object in
quite safe, as the decision our ancient seers had been the Kuipcr Belt, beyond Neptune, bigger telescopes could
more sober and sane. identify numerous bodies similar to Pluto, beyond it. Now
astronomers admit that the total number of such smaller
Earlier it was considered the only object in the Kuipcr
members of our solar system has reached a whooping
Belt. an enigmatic disc shaped zone, beyond Neptune. 20.000 or even more. There arc candid evidences to prove
However, in the 1990s bigger telescopes could identify
that our ancients were well aware of the trans-saturnine
numerous bodies similar to Pluto, beyond it and proved planets. One need not wonder why Varaahamihira
that the area is teeming with thousands of comets and declared "GrahaparamKotaxaha Mukya Sapta"
other planetary objects. However. UB313, found in 2003.
unofficiallv named Xcna. similar to Pluto became another Employment of trans-saluminc planets in our astrological
contender for planetary status. scheme was considered not useful because their periods
of orbital revolution exceeded 30 vears. Our ancients
* continued from November 2012 issue of The rtt\W thought that to study the effects of planets on human


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affairs, two or more rounds of their movements across Lord Siva through his semen signify a secret and creative
the full zodiac were necessary. In Mahabharata. there urge associated with the planet. For centuries astronomers
arc certain mentions about the positions of various planets were having a false notion about the axial revolution period
at the lime of the w ar w hen Bhishma decided to leave his of the planet, which they thought was very much like the
mortal frame. II mentions lhal Mahapata was in the star earth. Revelations brought out by the space probes to
Sraiwra and Sweta in Poon'abhadcapada. Calculating Venus during the past two decades were startling. They
backwards, wc find that, al that lime, Uranus was in revealed that the axial rotation of the planet was slower.
Srcn ana and Neptune in Ptyorx-abhadrapada! Can wc Its day is longer than its year. Further it was revolving
hold thai they arc only recent discoveries? from the cast to west, unlike the rest of the planets.
Valuable astronomical details about the planet
The significance of Surya or the Sun. in the Indian thought,
contained in our Samhitas deserve a deeper study.
is not onlv as one of the nine Grahas or even the lord of
Likewise is the attribution of eccentric qualities for
all Grahas. but identical with the supreme Vishnu. Tantrics
people, bom with a prominent Venus, in our ancient
interpret the symbol of Swastika to represent the
astrological texts.
movement of the Sun with the four arms to represent iLs
position at midnight, sunrise, noon and sunset. A vol lev of Venus has a 554-day cycle of visibility appearing as both
scientific information underlying our ancient beliefs as the morning star and the morning star. In between its
regarding our Sun is now being projected by erudite two periods of visibility, which lasts about 263 days there
scholars. One among them is the prayer to the Sun found comes two periods of invisibility during which period the
in Sayanabhasya f 14th ccnturvi that glorifies the Sun as planet is conjunct w ith the Sun. The period of invisibility
one blessing us with his rays travelling al a speed of 2202 each time is around two weeks. II is strange that the
yojwnmr per half a nimisha. A yojana being 9.0625 miles visible period of the planet of 263 days compares with the
and a nimisha 0.144286 seconds, this works out the speed human gestation period of about 265 days. Is this
of light to be 185.016.169 miles per second mostly agrcci ng mechanism of the planet and the human gestation period
with the modem value of 186.282.397 miles per second. manmade or a divine design? (to be cafitimwdt
(The earliest western assessment of the value was in 1676
AD.) Ours is the only great land where wc lit lamps lo
worship the Sun lhat gives light to the entire world. In
Kerala, on the paramocchadina, when the Sun attains
the position of Aries 10. its point deep exaltation, special
aarati is shown to the Sun. in broad daylight and poojas
arc performed lo glorify the Sun. This is called the

Mercury or Budha. as we know, is a sphere of rock and

iron, heavily cratcrcd by the hits of stellar objects, boiling
al daytime and freezing at night revolving at a distance oi
about 57 million miles from the Sun. Called Sasiputra,
Budha is considered an offspring of Moon. The story
contained in Vishmipurana is that Moon abducted Tara.
the wife of his preceptor Brahaspathi and made her
pregnant. II is said that when she was forced lo purge
the foetus. Budha came into existence. This story, only
allegorical, can remind astronomers the attrition theory,
which they believe to have caused the birth of planets by
mutual pull and tear of the matter that existed then. It is
pertinent to note that the two gaseous planets Jupiter and
Saturn are still outside the span of the rest of the four that
have only the rocky and sturdy surfaces.

Venus or Sukra is covered w ith a blanket of smothering

clouds, which prevents the view of its surface, by any
optical aid. Mythological story of Venus getting out of

8 DECEVaEH 20)2
wwti asira D^cana^uricErr


Dasa System

Raman Supeajajlvma

ASTROLOGY IS a TOOL WHICH helps indicate Kalachakra svstcm considers the position of the Moon to
the likely events in one's life. The individual is given rind out the Dasa-Bhukti patterns. The birth star and the
a blue print of his life, based on u hich he can carefully pada of the Moon arc to be considered. The stars arc
plan the steps to be taken in order to optimize it. An divided inlo Savya (right to left) and Apasavya (left to
astrological student times the events based on Dasa- right i groups. Groups of three stars each arc made and
Bhukli. transits and other hcavcnlv phenomena. Of these. numbered. Odd groups arc known as Savva and even
Dasa-Bhukti is given primary importance. groups are known as Apasavya. Effectively, we gel five
sets for Savya group and four for Apasavya group.
The Vcdic seers have given different Dasa-Bhukti patterns
based on which a student of astrology can effectively lime For Savya group, the Dasa counting is to be made in the
the events. The Yimshottari Dasa system is considered clockwise direction ic Mcsha Vrishabha. Mithuna and so
the foremost of all. Dr. B. Y. Raman tells us that it can be on. For Apasavya group, counting has to be made in the anti-
used al all limes irrespective of the nationality, cxstc. sex clockwise direction ic Vrischika Tula. Kanya and soon.
etc and is universally applicable. The next best Dasa
Order of Dasas
system thai can be adopted is Kalachakra Dasa. Certain
events which are difficult to decipher from Yimshottari In case of Savya group, the first cycle will be from Aries to
Dasa can be effectively inferred with the help of Pisces I clockwise k, second from Scorpio to Sagittarius (anti-
Kalachakra Dasa. clockwise I. third cycle will be similar lo first and so on. In
case of Apasayva stars, the first cycle will be from Sagittarius
The Fundamentals to Scorpio (clockwise I. second from Pisces to Aries (anti-
Kalachakra has two words - Kala meaning time and clockwisc i. third cycle will be similar to first and so oil Only
Chakrah meaning cvclc. Kalachakra therefore means a 9 signs arc considered for Dasa pattern. The first sign and
cycle of time. There are arguments saying that Kalachakra last sign m Savya group arc considered to be Deha and Jccva
Dasa is applicable only w hen Navamsa lord where moon Signs and the reverse in case of Apasavya group.
is situated is strong. Parasara says that we can apply the The calculation of Dasa sometimes seems confusing and
Dasa system to all charts. Experience also suggests that the ancients have given sutras which can be adopted to
it is universally applicable. easily identify the Dasa pattern.

Savva Stars

Conslcllalion Paramavus

P o h r n 5 a a ve> /1 ttici llmaxaitodii i

Ar. 7h, Cm, Or, Lf. V/; /.r, Sc. Sg
Aswiai, Puaarvasa
Hasta, MooLa. .Xiris/iii/nJciausevc/uTryana^iiJi
Poorvabhadra, Krittika, Cp, Aq, Ps. Sc. Li Vr, Or, U. Cm
Aslwha Swathi,
H i r/wi h ra GJiitr/iidh ay r/ m
Utlarashada. Revati
Tct, Ar, Pj. Aiy. Cp, Ar: Ta, Cm
Van nii clmxtJtam rfhacilun a Jb/i a I m) n
Or. Lc, Vr. Li, Sc. Sy, Cp, Aq, Pi


jstctocic a nu giziHccni

Cons'lellaticm Pada Sutra 1 Paramayus

Sc, Li, Vt. Cn. Lc, Gin. Ta, Ar, Ps \
Kiituinnaaleekara^obhcntaa cha
Bharani. Pushyami. 2 85
China, Aq, Cp, Sg.Ar, Ta. Gm. CA, Lc, Vf
Poorvashadlia. SaditaJitijakxh a I ran \A sect itait 1
LUlarabhadra 3 83
Li. Sc, Sg. Cp, Aq. Ps, Sc. Li, Vt
Vaanuaarako Tra kiir urmiiiiih
4 86
Cn, Lc, Gm. Ta. Ar, Ps, Aq. Cp, Sg

Apasavya Stars

Conslcllatjon Sutra Paramayus

DJta/iafah cl raprtutgami ra
Cp. Aq.Pi. Ar. Ta. Gn\ Le. Cn
ThasaAa t rak h un irdhidaasaa
Rohini. Makha. Vt, Li, Sc. Ps, Aq, Cp, S^.Sc, Li
Msakha. Sravana
Vr. Le. Cn. Gm. Ta. Ar. St;, Cp. Aq
Ps, Ar, Ta. Gm, Le,, Cn, Vi, U, Sc

ConslclhtiDn Sutra Paramayus

Ps, Aq, Cp. Sjj. Sc. Li. Vr. Ijc.Cn
Mricasira.. Pubba. G irr raay u clh a n a ksitat rapa ra /i
Anuradha. Dhaaisbla. Gm, Ta, Ar, Sg, Cp. Aq, Ps. Ar, Ta
Aridra. lltiara,
Jycihta, Salabbisha
Gm, Le, Cn, Vt Li. Sc, Ps. Aq, Cp
Dit ija s i tit am i raa a gaa r iJtn
Sg, Sc, Li. VE Lc. Cn, Gm. To. Ar

One might notice that the order of Dasa is quite irregular aji -Mandooka (frog's Jump)
sometimes. For eg., in ,Savya group. Aswini 2nd pada has Movement from Cancer to Libra or Gemini to
the Dasa order as Cp. Aq. Ps. Sc. Li. Vr. Cn, Lc. Gm. Leo where one sign is skipped
After Virgo, the next sign fin anti-clockwise direction f is
b) Markati (monkey's Jump)
Leo, but wc have Cancer. These are not irregularities but
Reversal movement between Cancer and Leo
special movements.
c) Simhavalokana (Lion's Glance)
Special movements
Jump by five signs cither between Sagittarius and
There arc three types of movements or jumps. They arc Aries or Pisces and Scorpio


wwti asira ajirani^urs'iir;

The period of Dasa is as much as those contributed by In the above example, lei us calculate the Bhuktis for
their respective rulers. Taurus Mahadasa. The first Bhukti will be Taurus-Taurus
starting on 25-Aug-!965. The duration of Bhukti will be
Planet Years contributed
16 flaurus span I
Moon Cancer * 16 (Mahadasa Duration) = 3 Years 1 month
S3 (Panmayas i
Mars Aries and Scorpio
Mercury Gemini and Virgo Taurus-Taurus is from 25-Aug-]965 to 24-Scp-l968
Jupiter Sagittarius and Pisces
Venus I Taurus and 'Libra The Bhukti table for Taurus Mahadasa is as follows

Saturn Capricorn and Aquarius Start Date End Date

Dasa Calculation: Taurus Madadasa 25-Aug-65 25-Aug-81

Let us consider a native bom on June 17, 1957 at 7:10:00 Taurus Bhukti 25-AUD-65 24-Scp-6S
am at Calcutta. India. Raman Ayanamsa: 21-48-39.24. Aries Bhukti 24-Scp-68 3D-Jiin-7Q
Longitude of the. Moon is 29605T'SS" which falls in Sagittarius Bhukti 30-Jan-70 04-Jan-72
Dhanishta 2nd Pada. Dhnni&hta belongs to the Apasavya
Capricorn' Bhukti 04-Jan-72 12-QCL-72
group. From the table, the Dasa pattern is Gm, Ta, Ar. Sg.
Cp, Aq. Ps. Ar. Ta and Paramayus ig S3 vcars. The length Aquarius Bhukli 12-Oct-72 2l-Jul-73
of first Mahadasa will be equal to the unexpired portion Pisces Bhukti ll-Jul-73 25-Jmt-75 )
of Moon's longitude in that Pada. Each pada has duration Aries Bhukti 25-Jun-75 3Q-Qct-76
of 200 minutes. In the aboye example, the 2nd Pada of jQ-Oct-76
Taurus Bhukti 30-Nt>>-79
Dhanishta starts from 296040'' to 3000. Since, the Moon
Gemini Bhukti 30-Nov-79 25-Aiig-81
is only I T'SSHas expired ior in other words
there is still ISZ^T'lo go. The, unexpired portion is 91 %.
The first Mahadasa is Gemini and the duration will be While judging the chart based on Kalachakra Dasa System.
91 % of O^vcars which works out to 8 years 2 months and uSc following points should be considered:
8 days. The Mahadasa table will be'as follows
1. The houses pertaining to Dasa and Bhukti
Bom on 17-Jiin-1957 2. Lords of these houses
Bal anoe of Gemini Dasa (8.19 years! Up to 25-Aug-1965 3. Planets present in these houses
Taurus f 16 years) Up ta25-Aug-l9Sl 4. Planets which aspect the sign and Sign lords
Aries 17 years i Up to 24-Aug.-1988 5. Navamsa placements of Dasa and Bhukti lords
Sagittarius (10 yeanQ Up to 25-Aug-1998 6. Ascendant lord or Moon lord whichever is stronger
Capricorn f4 years j Up to 25-Aug-2QQ2
When bencfic planets'arc present in the house pertaining
Aquarius' <4 years) Up to 25-Aug-2006
to the Dasa or Bhukti. favorable results may be predicted.
Pisces f,10 years i Up ta24-Aug-2QI6 In case of malefic planets, negative results should! be
Aries 17 years t Upto25-Aug-2Q23 predicted. If the sign contains both inniefic and bencfic
Taurus (16 years) Up to 25-Aug-2Q39 planets, the stronger of the two is applicable. If in case of
doubt, the bencfic or malefic nature of the lord of the sign
Bhukti or Antard&sa Calculations has to be taken into consideration. It is necessary that the
predictions are made based on adaptive principle rather
Different methods-arc used to calculate Bhukti order and
than literal rendering.
duration. The Rasikrama and Vakyakrama have different
approaches. In the present paper. Vakyakrama method is When the Dasa rasi belongs to either Jccva or Dcha
followed. The first Bhuktii in a Mahadasa will be the same negative happenings are likely. In case of ascendant, good
as the Mahadasa and the order will be as per the Sutra events are likely to occur. Negative happenings are likely
The duration of each Bhukti will he equal to the proportion lo take place during Simhavalona Dasa. They can be
of Bhukti to Paramayus.


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related to accidents, death if extremely afflicted, loss of Moon's expired Portion

honor etc. The expired portion (100 - unexpired portion I of the Moon
in a given Nakshatrapada is a valuable mathematical asset
Jeeva and Doha Rasis
while giv ing predictions. The percentage can be multiplied
They are special signs which govern the entire Dasa to a given Dasa-Bhukti and the timing can he done with
pattern. They arc the two end signs of the Dasa pattern.
remarkable accuracy. The events relate to the Sign under
Benefics in these signs give auspicious results. If the lord
of Dcha or Jeeva rasi is exalted, auspicious results arc
likely to take place. If the lords are in an inimical sign, Conclusion
negative results prevail, [f the lords of Dcha or Jccva The Various Dasa-Bhukti results arc not included in this
rasis arc ill-placed in Rasi chart but have gained article. While the general principles of Vimshottari Dasa
considerably in the Navamsa. they do good during the arc applicable, certain modifications with respect lo Jccva
course of the Bhukti. The lord of the sign occupied by the and Dcha Signs have to be made. Readers may refer to
lord oi Jccva and Dcha rasis. in Navamsa. give important revered grandfather. Dr. Raman's book on Kalachakra
clues. Dasa system. Results of various Dasa-Bhuktis arc also
[riven in classics like Parashara Hora Shastra.
Jccva rasi (and its lordl indicates events related to non-
Phaladccpika and Jatakaparijatha. The Kalachakra Dasa
tangible aspects of man like spirituality, emotional
system unravels a particular pattern of its own which when
breakdown, enmitv etc and Dcha rasi (and its lord i
used gives accurate insight on the likely events of a person.
indicates events related to tangible aspects like accidents,
disease etc. On\ Tal Sal
wwh auraniiranacarra ibt

Nellore Train

Fire Disaster

R. s. Maniam
Hi/Ji a jfr/iip of fitfcs an./ Girurrfs jiivriT hv iJiife/mt fiivups for his prvficieny m arlroloiiy, Mr. Miirium is a .WrrfinrJ Ofjhrr fry
profisn'o.ii. He fiui been fimoure d by Bhiiynrtin Sri Sathra jDabo anrf frccjj (he winser of (he iVostrai/amur Awni in 2010. He fiiir
hoiihis .ipin'/r/ii/ (roinoifi louterSMM Bmoima Sri Situnundn Maharaj, I'osjin.i.iiomw/i)!, Pul/ndoflsi Of. iiiricl. SoitJh fndia,
Mr. Manicon, in'/h an s.rperieucc of vser 25 invr; rji the Aifiirfv ofaslrolo^y, has conlributrd omny ortides (o ioriouz jowmah on
different aipcds of fzwriiicne aslrniopy. He (itlrihuteshii irdliul iearniny fa Dr. B. t! Ra/nat: j Amtr, Inter Jmrino, studied under
Mr. Midkurnlinn Bharcifri.
Occurrence Date : 3<l/7/2()l2 3. Saturn aspects the ascendant with its 10th aspect.
Place : Nellore (79:58 E). 34:26N) 4. The fatal accident occurred exactly when Moon
Time: 4:20am ingress in to fiery sign. Moon was just 00:47 dcg.min.
In Sagittarius, is
5. It is interesting to note that the Moon in the I st quarter
of Moola and in Navamsa, Moon is situated in fiery
sign Aries. The Moon carries more element of fire.
6. The 4th aspect of Mars falls on Moon in fiery sign.
7. Jupiter is in an unfavourable position both from
ascendant and Moon. Jupiter is 6th from Moon sign
and Moon is 8th from Jupiter, forming Sakata yoga
which in ccnerallv indicates misfortune and hindrance.
8. In Navamsa, Mars is again posited in the 4th house.
r/cDeg Rjsi Diga Nakshatn P Ld/SLTini Mars is in his debilitated sign of Cancer
LB 21:15 Gemn- Punarvasu 1 Ju/Ju 7
9. Three planets arc in debilitation - Sun in Libra. Venus
Su 13:09 Cince N PUihya 3 Sa/Ra 8
in Virgo, Mars in Cancer.
Mo <Xhi6 Stgii E Muta 1 Ke/Vc 1
Ma 20:45 Virgo N Hua 4 Mo/Ve 4 10. The fourth in Rasi is Virgo. This sign in Navamsa is
Mc ORll:17 Cancc GE Puihya 3 Sa/Mo 8 afflicted having Venus. Saturn and Rahu in it.
Ju 15:52 Taura GE Rohint 2 Mo/Sa 4 11. In bhava chart (creeled for the time of disaster). Moon
V 28:40 Tauru OH Mrigasira 2 Ma/Sa 5 is associated with Rahu and occupies the 6th place
Sa 29:41 Virgo GF Qiitra 2 Ma/Sa 5 from ascendant with him in Scorpio.
Ra 0904 Seorp - Anuradha 2 Si/Ve 8
12. Venus, the karaka for vehicles is in the 12th house
Ke 094)4 Tauru Krillika 4 Su/Vc 3
from ascendant and occupies the constellation of
This bizarre incident occurcd in the early morning hours Mrigasira 2nd quarter, the constellation of the 6th lord.
when passengers were asleep consuming 32 innocent 13. Saturn is in the constellation of Chitta 2nd quarter,
lives. As students of astrology the following points of belonging to Mars, the owner of the 6th lord in the
analysts will give us a wealth of much information on the rising chart.
planetary play at the time of the incident. 14. Vis- a-vis stellar astrology the position of the
ascendant rising al that moment is not favourable as
1. The 41h house which rules transportation, is afflicted
it falls in the 7th constellation. The risinc ascendant
bv Saturn and Mars, both bcinc malefic. This
J D falls in Punarvasu I st pada.
association generally indicates disaster. 15. Analyzing from Jaimini way. the Atmakaraka in this
2. The lord of the 4th house Mercurv is in a state of chart is Saturn. 29:41 degree, attaining Virgo


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Navamsa. Jaimini tells us that when Atmaaraka is 20. The coach the caught fire is S11 which amounts to
posited in Virgo Navamsa. one will be afflicted bv 31 1=5. This is product number of the year
"FIRE" 21. Very much interesting fact elicited through Chaldean
numerology for Tamil Nadu Express 41413 5146
Mrilhyuvajjayognikaitascha \
5582533=60=6. The number 6 is the total of all digits
If At makara ka is in K(nr\'a Navamsa, the native on the day the incident occurcd.
will suffer from Ore, itches, and corpulence. The Railway employee Krishna Murthy was the man
who first reported the incident of fire in the coach.
Dhanushkaschou vrascha
His name number adds up lo
jangtiUkalohayantrinascha rahow I
221313551362451=48=12=3. The date number is
If Rahu joins the Atmakaraka in Navamsa, the 30=3.
person will live by the skilful use of warlike The total pictorial of numbers association is given below
instruments, he will earn bread as thief and in the diagram for readers to contemplate.
dacoit: he becomes a doctor dealing i/t poisons,
manufacturer of gold, silver, copper and other
metallic machinery.

16. Both Atmakaraka i Saturn : 29:41) and Amatyakaraka

(Vcnus:28:40) planets occupy the constellation ruled
by Mars. Saturn is in the constellation Chitta and
Venus in the constellation of Mngasira.
17. The numerology analysis of the incident reveals
interesting findings.
The combination of number derived for 30-07-2012
arc 3 and 6. The date 30=3. the year 2012=5, The
total of date, month and year adds up to 15=6. Conclusion:

18. Let us analyze the town of NcHorc=5533725=30=3. The significant point is the karaka for transport, the 4th
As per Chaldean numerology the product number house affliction by malefic, the current transit of Jupiter
from radical Moon - all these give a clue to the incident.
adds upto to 3.
The drckana rising is the 3rd drckana of Gemini. The lord
19. Let us analyze the pincodc of Nellorc=524001 = 12=3.
of this ayudha drckana is Saturn indicating disaster.


i f s n 1 _r r/

I 'Lick: Expr+tt
a & t ' *1411 S14& 33-1itS53-*tL-*

l V-
iHl filitetSI llJHiM F:lt iCCrSfchT

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