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WILMINGTON UNIVERSITY, AHS PROGRAM. STUDENT EVALUATION OF THE SITE SUPERVISOR suuden Name: Sewer Le Peawer Date sie supervisor Pucrend Vende(San, Aesneyistersane: Hori Dorn House rc, Check Practicum/Capstone Project Period: __ Fall (Sept-Dec.)__ Spring (Jan.-April) S< Summer (May-Aug,) Please Rate the Site Supervisor: 1 Poor 2 Average 3 Above Average 4 Excellent T- Provided adequate oentation To site and agency personnel tablished good rapport and maintained @ good working relationship with student 3. Was available to address specifi academic noeds oF student (Le, signing weekly logs, providing necessary evaluations) = Feeback and suggestions to enhance wudent performance [ 5. Provided flexibility of working hours 6, Facilitated relationships with other agency personnel and outs contacts Was available to abserve student's work 9. Overall quality oF the site supervision TO. Overall evaluation of this sitefagency Le commend, As to unck Qe, Later am ToL 55

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