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PLUS conse Fed Ao cE ihe =o aE TE] ee ica neta NAC Presenting NEW Improved Ende Powersafe Put, Seoled Maintenance Free VRIA batteries with enhanced design faalures, which give @ higher performance & relabily, beter suted fo Indian concions Exide Powersale iso prod! of colaberoive efor of inhouse RAD of Exide Indusies Us tho largos lead-acid bapery manutacurar a India and M/s. Shinkebe Eeckic Mackinery Co, Jopon, the makers of wotld renowned Hilach bateries. No wonder is opproved by ail major OEMs ond Insfutonal customers ond ic considered fo be the Power Pock atthe hire. HIGHUGHTS OF THE NEW PRODUCTS: @ ABS Container & Lid m Babar ashes m Srongar and fee fom dition @ Brass Terminal with Lead Cooting m Bete condvciviym Free rom carrion @ Ovat Partition Welding i Free om intercell weld faire @ Thicker Separator More acid velime m Betorcopacty retention Inproved elaccal prtormance FEATURES: | New Improvad Sealed Maintenance hres Fees fer Congas | Readyio Ue Lng Service te lm Seach Discharge | High Relay | Wide Ronge APPUCATIONS. UPS System, Telacommunication Equipment, Fite Alarm & Security System, Ofce Automation Equipment, EPABX & Electronic Weighing Scale-and in many stber applications aon Contains | Eco Friendly Easy Handling ond No Instlation| colo! Charge Retenbon and Recovering Abily | Superior High Role Small and medium sized seoled led ozid battery performance choractrics conforming tS C8702. SPECIFICATIONS CHART eP9.12/ EP 1z4W EPIZI2 7 | 160] 129 | 122] tz] as | ie | ier | it | 75 | 50 erzoi2ua | 12 | 26 | 240 | 195 | 187 | 156) 130 | 179] 79 | 178 | 14 | 92 Paz? 12 | a | 385] 315 | 302] 252) 21.0) 170) 170 | 200 | 165 | 140 P7512 600 | 500 | 235 | 235 | 407 20) E 452 EP 15012 900 | 750 | 240 | 240 | 557 UndeeitsLaboatar 0 USA carbon fre prec ere voice oon epn FR Grade tres re orcs on pn, EO Tabor ont OHSAS 8001 ec secmeceieee. [ox Roar asim” | Sib Semecatarsrame Tee octane ie

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