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Defining units in the quantum based SI

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2008 Metrologia 45 129


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Metrologia 45 (2008) 129133 doi:10.1088/0026-1394/45/2/001

Defining units in the quantum based SI

Peter J Mohr
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8420, USA

Received 1 October 2007

Published 18 February 2008
Online at

Possible changes to the International System of Units (SI) are being discussed, including a
proposal to define the units by specifying the values of a set of fundamental constants. This
note is an elementary guide to the algebra associated with unit exponents which can be used
both to display the relationships between different sets of units and to provide simple tests of
whether a particular set of constants provides combinations of units that form a complete set.

1. Introduction at least, measurement of a velocity involves measurement of

an SI length, measurement of an SI time interval, with the
Discussions are underway on how the International System quotient giving the result in the SI unit of metres per second.
of Units (SI) can be improved [15]. One objective is to The proposed redefinition of the SI considered here is that
define the units in such a way that they would be based on it would be a system of units scaled in such a way that the values
natural physical phenomena, thereby providing a stable and of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of caesium Cs , the speed
universally reproducible system. There are various ways of of light in vacuum c, the Planck constant h, the elementary
implementing such an objective; the focus of this note is on an charge e, the Boltzmann constant k, the Avogadro constant NA
approach in which the SI units are defined by specifying values and the spectral luminous efficacy of a particular frequency
of certain fundamental constants [2]. SI units defined this way of radiation would have specified values [2]. The basis for
would be based on the quantum phenomena that determine the such a system is the fact that the constants are associated with
values of the fundamental constants. physical phenomena that can be used as the references for
The idea of specifying values of fundamental constants to measurements. The results would then be expressed in terms
define units is natural and simple, although somewhat different
of the specified values of the constants.
from the traditional approach of creating an example of a unit,
For example, according to special relativity, the speed of
such as the metal artefact kilogram for mass or a sample of
light in vacuum is an invariant physical quantity, so it can be
water at the triple point for a particular temperature. However,
used as a reference for the measurement of velocity. Such
in either case, the measurement of physical quantities is often
a measurement could be made by comparing the observed
based on a direct comparison of an unknown physical quantity
to a physical quantity with the same dimension which has a frequency of light emitted in a particular transition by a rapidly
value specified in a particular system of units. Other physical moving ion to the frequency of the same transition made by an
quantities whose dimensions are not directly specified can be ion at rest. Using special relativity theory, one could deduce
expressed in terms of the specified units through theoretical the dimensionless ratio of the ions velocity to the speed of
relationships. light from the measured frequency ratio. In this case, the ions
In the SI as it is currently defined, an objects mass is velocity in SI units would be the product of this ratio and the
determined by measuring the ratio of its mass to the mass of specified speed of light c.
the artefact kilogram. Similarly, determination of a frequency Another example would be in the measurement of mass.
in SI units is made by measuring the ratio of an unknown Recent experiments have accurately determined the quotient
frequency to the frequency of a particular hyperfine transition of the Planck constant and the mass of an atom by observing
in caesium. In this case, the value of the unknown frequency the recoil frequency shift in light absorbed and emitted by
is the product of the measured ratio of the frequencies and the the atom [6, 7]. The experiments involve accurate frequency
SI specified value of the caesium hyperfine frequency. The measurements, and the results for the quotient are expressed
kilogram and caesium hyperfine frequency are associated with as a function of these frequencies and the speed of light, which
the base units of mass and time in the SI. To go beyond base enters through the theory of the recoil effect. Thus, one can
units, the SI includes derived units such as velocity. In principle write an expression for the mass of the atom in terms of the

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P J Mohr

speed of light and the Planck constant, both of which would It is evident that the correspondence is well defined in that a
have exact values in the redefined SI, and accurately measured given dimension determines a unique vector, and vice versa.
frequencies, which are determined relative to the caesium An example is the speed of light c, for which [c] = m s1 ,
hyperfine frequency. This would yield a value for the mass of corresponding to
the atom in SI units, i.e. kilograms, without making reference
to the prototype kilogram artefact as is now necessary.
Similarly, for the measurement of macroscopic masses, the
watt balance experiment [810] provides a realization of the vc =
1 . (4)

relation between the Planck constant and a mass of the order of 0
one kilogram. The experiment thereby provides a value for the 0
mass in the redefined SI kilogram unit expressed in terms of the
Planck constant, the speed of light and measured frequencies The product of two quantities, q and r, where
using the necessary theoretical relationships.
While these examples illustrate practical use of units based [q] = mp1 kgp2 sp3 Ap4 K p5 , (5)
on defined values of fundamental constants, a question which
naturally arises is whether a particular set of constants is [r] = ms1 kgs2 ss3 As4 K s5 , (6)
necessary and/or sufficient to define a system of units. It is
convenient to use linear algebra to provide a simple test of the is given by
completeness of a particular set of constants and to show the
relationships between different sets of constants and units. [qr] = [q][r] = mp1 +s1 kgp2 +s2 sp3 +s3 Ap4 +s4 K p5 +s5 , (7)

which corresponds to the sum of the associated vectors

2. On units and algebra
vqr = vq + vr . (8)
The seven units and their symbols adopted in the SI
are the metre m (length), kilogram kg (mass), second s For a quantity raised to a power a, we have
(time), ampere A (electric current), kelvin K (thermodynamic
temperature), mole mol (amount of substance) and candela [q a ] = [q]a = map1 kgap2 sap3 Aap4 K ap5 (9)
cd (luminous intensity). However, in order to simplify the
discussion, our attention will be restricted to the units of length, and
mass, time, electric current and thermodynamic temperature.
vq a = avq . (10)
In the following, we consider properties of these units in terms
of a vector space of the powers of dimensions. Other algebraic Equations (8) and (10) suggest that the powers associated with
formulations of properties of units and their relation to the units constitute a vector space, where multiplication of units
present approach are summarized at the end of this section. corresponds to addition of the associated vectors, and raising
In a frequently used notation, the value of a physical a unit to a power corresponds to scalar multiplication of the
quantity q is written as associated vector by the power. It can readily be confirmed (by
checking for commutativity, etc) that this is indeed the case.
q = {q}[q], (1)
The vectors associated with the base units form a basis for this
where {q} is the numerical value of q expressed in the unit [q]. vector space with
The general form of [q] for the units under consideration is
1 0 0

[q] = mp1 kgp2 sp3 Ap4 K p5 , (2) 0
1 0

vm = 0 ,
vkg =
0 , vs =
1 ,
where the pi are powers of the base units that give the
dimension of the quantity q. The powers may be any real 0 0 0
numbers, but they are usually integer, or possibly rational 0 0 0

numbers. It is well known that the units follow the standard 0 0
rules of multiplication and division in the same way as the

0 0
physical quantities themselves.
A correspondence with linear algebra can be made by vA =
0 , vK =
0 . (11)

associating a vector vq with the exponents in the unit of q: 1 0
0 1
One of the questions that can be asked about units based
on fundamental constants is whether the units associated with
vq =
p3 . (3)
the specified set of constants form a complete set in the space
p4 of dimensions under consideration. Stated in terms of this five-
p5 dimensional vector space, the question is whether the vectors

130 Metrologia, 45 (2008) 129133

Defining units in the quantum based SI

associated with the units of the selected constants form a basis. and vci j is the ith component of the vector vcj . For the basis
This set of five vectors is (c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 ) = (Cs , c, h, e, k) given in equation (12), the

0 1 2 relationship between the sets of exponents for any quantity q is

0 0 1
p1 0 1 2 0 2 s1
vCs = 1 , v = 1 , v = 1 ,
c h
p2 0 1 0 2
0 0 0
p3 = 1 1 1 1 2 s3 . (19)
0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
p4 s4
0 2 p5 0 0 0 0 1 s5

0 1

ve = 1

, vk = 2 ,
(12) For the case s3 = 1, s1 = s2 = s4 = s5 = 0, equation (19)
1 0
0 1 [h] = m2 kg s1 . (20)

which form an alternative basis if they are linearly independent. Since the set of units associated with the constants is complete,
In fact, they are, because for this set, the test for linear equation (19) can be inverted to yield
independence is whether the equation

s1 1 1 1 1 1 p1
a1 vCs + a2 vc + a3 vh + a4 ve + a5 vk = 0, (13) 1
s2 2 0 0 0 p2

s3 = 0 1 0 0 1 p3 . (21)
can only be satisfied if all the coefficients are zero:
0 0 0 1 0
s4 p4
a1 = a2 = a3 = a4 = a5 = 0, (14) s5 0 0 0 0 1 p5
and equation (14) does follow by explicit calculation from
It follows by inspection of the second column that
equations (12) and (13). This means that the base units can
be expressed in terms of the units of the set of constants under
consideration, and so the constants constitute what can be kg = [Cs ] [c]2 [h], (22)
called a complete set.
It is useful to take the correspondence between the units for example. A less direct example is the newton, the
and the associated vector space a step further in order to derived unit of force, for which (p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 ) =
explicitly show the relationship between different basis sets. (1, 1, 2, 0, 0) and
The dimension of q can be expressed in terms of units
associated with an arbitrary complete set of constants or N = [Cs ]2 [c]1 [h]. (23)
combinations of units denoted by c1 , c2 , . . ., by writing
An alternative set of constants of possible interest for
[q] = [c1 ]s1 [c2 ]s2 [c3 ]s3 [c4 ]s4 [c5 ]s5 , (15) a redefinition of the SI would be obtained by using the
Rydberg constant R , which provides a unit of inverse length,
with an associated vector w given by instead of Cs in the new system [2]. This choice, for which
(c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 ) = (R , c, h, e, k), would yield

s2 p1 1 1 2 0 2 s1
wq =
s3 . (16) p2 0 1 0 1

s4 p3 = 0 1 1 1 2 s3 , (24)

0 0 0 1 0
s5 p4 s4
p5 0 0 0 0 1 s5
The question being considered can be posed as what is the
relationship between the exponents in equation (15) and those
which can be inverted to obtain
in equation (2). From equations (8) and (10), we have

s1 1 1 1 1 1 p1

vq = sj vcj = Mwq , (17) s2 1 1 1 1

j =1 s3 = 0 1 0 0 1 p3 . (25)

0 0 0 1 0
where s4 p4
Mij = vci j , (18) s5 0 0 0 0 1 p5

Metrologia, 45 (2008) 129133 131

P J Mohr

In principle this system would provide a complete set of units, 3. The role of base units
but at the present time, the theory needed to make the Rydberg
constant a practical measurement standard is not sufficiently Some remarks can be made on the role of base units in a
accurate [11]. system of units. In equation (2), the dimension of a quantity
If a set of five constants proposed to define a unit is expressed in powers of the base units of the current form
system did not provide a complete set of units in the of the SI. However, the analysis of relationships between
subspace under consideration, the vectors corresponding to different sets of units can start from an arbitrary basis set. In
those given in equation (12) would fail the test for linear particular, the combinations of units [c1 ], [c2 ], . . . can be used
independence, allowing a non-trivial solution of equation (13), as the starting point, with the relation between exponents and
and the determinant of the square matrix that would be the associated vector given by equations (15) and (16). The
the analogue of the matrix in equation (19) would be zero. connection to the expression for the dimension of q in terms of
It is easily confirmed that the sets {Cs , c, h, 0 , k}, where a new set of unit combinations denoted by d1 , d2 , . . . is made
from the definitions
0 is the magnetic constant and {me , c, h, e, k}, where me
is the mass of the electron, are complete, whereas the [q] = [d1 ]t1 [d2 ]t2 [d3 ]t3 [d4 ]t4 [d5 ]t5 (28)
set {Cs , c, e , 0 , k}, where e is the reduced Compton
wavelength of the electron, is not. and
In a related approach, although the notation is quite t1

different, Remillard [12] introduces matrices to the application t2

of dimensional analysis. Equation (3) of [12] is equivalent to xq =
t3 . (29)
a 3 3 version of equation (19), and Remillard notes that if
the transformation in that equation is to produce a usable set
of dimensions, the determinant of the square matrix must be t5
non-zero. It follows that
A somewhat different formulation by Subramanian
et al in [13] represents dimensions as basis vectors in a 
wq = tj wdj = N xq , (30)
three-dimensional space that resembles coordinate space. j =1
Subramanian et al define a matrix that transforms a 3 1
dimensional matrix, where each element is a basis vector, to a where
31 dimensional matrix consisting of alternative basis vectors. Nij = wdi j , (31)
Although these authors do not consider the vector space of the
as in the previous discussion. However, here no reference to
unit exponents, they show that under a change of basis, the
the base units is made.
exponents are transformed by the transpose of the inverse of Even though this relationship is independent of the base
the square matix that transforms the matrix of vectors [13]. units, it can still be useful to use the base units to make contact
A connection can also be made between the  theorem of between the two sets of constants. This is the case if the
dimensional analysis [1416] and the vector space considered constants d1 , d2 , . . ., are not known in terms of the constants
here. If a phenomenon is described by a set of n c1 , c2 , . . ., but are known in terms of the base units. Then the
quantities, q1 , q2 , . . . , qn , where k of the associated vectors matrix M  , where
vq1 , vq2 , . . . , vqn are linearly independent, then the linearly vq = M  xq , (32)
independent set forms a basis that may be regarded as
determining the scale of the units, and the n k remaining can be written directly, and N would be given by
vectors can be expressed as linear combinations of the vectors N = M 1 M  . (33)
in the basis set. For example, if {vq1 , vq2 , . . . , vqk } is selected
as the linearly independent set, then the equation Here the base units play a useful, but not essential, role.
They would play a similar role in the SI system if it were defined
a1 vq1 + a2 vq2 , + + ak vqk + ai vqi = 0, (26) in terms of fundamental constants. Inspection of the columns
of the square matrix in equation (21), which correspond to
for k + 1  i  n, will have a non-trivial solution for the the base units of the current form of the SI in terms of the
coefficients, because the set of vectors is linearly dependent. constants of the redefined SI, reveals that all but one of the
This corresponds to the relation current base units is expressed in terms of the units of two or
more of the defining constants. Therefore in formulating a
q1a1 q2a2 qkak qiai = i , (27) possible redefinition of the SI, associating one particular base
unit with one particular defining constant would be somewhat
where i is a dimensionless constant. The utility of the arbitrary and not necessary.
theorem is that the theoretical description of a phenomenon Setting the scale of the units of the SI by fixing values of
should only depend on the n k dimensionless variables i , certain constants sets the scale of the combination of base units
because it will be independent of the scale of the relevant units associated with each constant. It is sufficient to set the scales
which is set by the values of the k quantities q1 , q2 , , qk . of a complete set of such combinations to define the system

132 Metrologia, 45 (2008) 129133

Defining units in the quantum based SI

of units. The scales of the base units in the current form of Acknowledgment
the SI can be derived from this set, but one could just as easily
consider these to be derived units in the new system. In fact, I am grateful to Professor Ian Mills and Dr Eite Tiesinga for
for an SI system defined in terms of values of fundamental helpful comments.
constants, the distinction between base units and derived units
is not necessary.
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