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My name is Yanet Marile Villanueva Diaz. I was born in Crow in 1997.

My parents are: Isabela Diaz Perez and Jose Villanueva Sanchez. I have ten
brothers, the second is higher than the third; As a girl, I was very friendly my brother
Dilmer. I liked the volleyball more than my sister luz Clarita.

I was very beautiful. I like flowers, I slept a lot. My favorite movie was Cinderella.
My house was smaller than the garden. My favorite class was math.

On vacation, my aunt and I visited Naranjillo; we loved the fruits, but we did not like
the cold weather. We bought some very important memories
When we returned to Chiclayo, we were unable to get home. My aunt had to pack
her things and order a friend.
Because there was a lot of danger in the street.
We stayed until the next day.

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