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Im Commander Shepard and this is my favorite roleplaying game on the Citadel...

Back in 2007, Bioware introduced us to an amazing new sci-fi world through the eyes of
an exceptional soldier. We signed up with the crew of the SSV Normandy and embarked
on an adventure unlike anything the video game industry had ever offered in the past.
It was a cinematic experience that put us, the audience, in as the main character of the
story. Over the next six years, we followed the adventures of Commander Shepard and
the Normandys crew as they fought off and finally (in most cases) defeated the Reapers
and their genocidal pan-galactic crusade against organic life. During that long voyage,
we met a plethora of characters that made us think and more importantly made us feel.
We cared about Commander Shepard and the Normandys crew because to us fans,
theyd become friends.

Now the trip is over but we want to keep flying. The Mass Effect universe is vast and theres all
sorts of room for new characters, new voyages and new stories. Now thanks to the author and

by Joo Paulo da Vinha Santos

the fan community he found, weve the opportunity to return to the world of Mass Effect and
tell our own tales. The book you hold in your hands is a labor of love. Its a roleplaying game
for fans, made by a fan. Inside youll find rules for creating your own Mass Effect character,
be they Human or Asari, Krogan or Turian, even Volus and Vorcha. Detailed rules for cover
based combat keep the feel of the Mass Effect video game present in this paper and pencil
adaptation. In addition, theres chapters that detail all the biotic powers, tech tricks and
combat techniques youre already familar with as well as a plethora of high tech weapondry
to put at your teams command. Not to mention all the sourcebook details, monsters and
mercs aplenty and even a ship based combat system for staging your own cinematic battles.

So crack open the cover and enjoy, folks. Stealth drive is engaged and were hitting the relay in five.

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