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One word substitution

18 April 2013 15:42

1. A building where animals are killed for meat: abattoir

2. A word spoken to help magic to be successful: abracadabra
3. A school for training in a special art or skill: academy
4. A person taking very active part in a movement: activist
5. A substance that can stick or cause sticking: adhesive
6. made for a particular purpose: ad hoc
7. The science of the operation of flight of aircraft: aeronautics
8. A person with a highly developed sense of beauty: aesthete
9. A person who is employed to encourage criminals so that they can be caught: agent provocateur
10. A person who believes that nothing can be known about god: agnostic
11. Fear of open spaces: agoraphobia
12. One who is unsuitable to stop the habit of smoking: alcoholic
13. One who is habitually kind to others: altruist
14. A former student of a school or college: alumnus
15. An animal living both on land o water: amphibian
16. That which appears to be in wrong period or time (old fashioned): anachronism
17. Lawless and disorder caused by absence of control: anarchy
18. A short writing or amusing story: anecdote
19. A collection of poems or writings: anthology
20. A wise saying in few words: aphorism (maxim)
21. A medical causing sexual excitement: aphrodisiac
22. A place where bees are kept: apiary
23. A person who works under someone to learn that persons skill: apprentice
24. A glass container for fish and other water animals: aquarium
25. Those who live in trees: arboreal
26. The art of shooting arrows: archery
27. An agreement to stop fighting: armistice (ceasefire, truce)
28. One who avoids physical pleasure or comforts: ascetic
29. The art of understanding the influence of heavenly bodies: astrology
30. The scientific study dealing with heavenly bodies: astronomy
31. A place for keeping birds: aviary
32. A person who does not believe in god: atheist
33. A story in which ideas are symbolized as people: allegory
34. Lack of enough blood: anaemia
35. A person who kills somebody esp. for political reasons: assassin
36. A person who rules without consulting opinions to others: autocrat
37. Study of mankind: anthropology
38. A person who helps you to break the law: accomplice
39. A raised place on which offerings are made: altar
40. Constant effort to achieve something: attempt
41. The school or college in which one has been educated: Alma mater
42. One who deserts his religion: apostate
43. Medicine which lessens pain: anodyne
44. A pioneer (1st developer of something) of a reform movement: apostle
45. The original inhabitants of a country: aborigines
46. One desirous of getting money: avaricious
47. A person speaks for or supports an idea: advocate
48. A thing or person behind time (outdated): antiquated
49. One who plays a game for pleasure not professionally: amateur
50. That which can be interpreted in any way: ambiguous

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50. That which can be interpreted in any way: ambiguous
51. A general pardon of political offenders: amnesty
52. of unknown and unadmitted authorship: anonymous
53. To do away with a rule: abrogate
54. A person guilty of malicious setting on fire of property etc.: arsonist
55. Science of bodily structure: anatomy
56. A written declaration made on oath in presence of magistrate: affidavit
57. Yearly celebration of a date or an event: anniversary
58. Public building where weapons and ammunition are made or stored: arsenal
59. One who promotes the idea of absence of government of any kind (every man should be a law into himself) anarchist
60. One who is appointed by two parties to settle a dispute: arbiter
61. One who can use both the hands with ease: ambidextrous
62. A person who wishes to throw over all establishments: anarchist
63. Deviation or departure from common or standard: anomaly
64. A sea abounding in islands: archipelago
65. One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen: alien
66. Anything which destroys the effect of poison: antidote
67. Words used in ancient time but no longer in use now: archaic
68. A person who attracts first: aggressor
69. An expert who calculates rates of insurance: actuary
70. The place where public, govt., history of records is kept: archives
71. A short usually amusing story about some real person or event: anecdote
72. A government by nobles: aristocracy
73. Strong and settled dislike between two persons: antipathy
74. Government by a single person: autocracy
75. Practice of a married woman having extra marital relationship: adultery
76. The study of ancient societies: archeology
77. List of headings of business to be transacted at a meeting: agenda
78. Voluntarily giving up throne by the king in favour of his son: abdication
79. Commencement of words with the same letter: alliteration
80. An assembly of hearers: audience
81. A room leading into a large room or hall: anteroom
82. To break off a proceeding of a meeting for a time: adjourn
83. One who is likable: amiable
84. Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation: alimony
85. Stage between boyhood and youth: adolescence


1. A part of a river out of the main stream, where the water does not move: backwater
2. A small country that is industrially underdeveloped and politically unsteady: banana republic
3. An uncivilized person: barbarian
4. A metal frame on which meat etc. is cooked over an open fire: barbecue
5. An instrument for measuring the air pressure: barometer
6. A child of unmarried parents: bastard
7. An animal which carries things: beast of burden
8. A book that sells in very large in no.s: bestseller
9. A liquid for drinking: beverage
10. A list of writings on a subject: bibliography
11. Happening once in every two years: biennial
12. A short written account of ones education and past bio data: bio data (resume curriculum viate)
13. A camp without tents: bivouac
14. An area in outer area space into which everything near it, including light is pulled: black hole
15. Mark white or pale by means of chemicals or sunlight: bleach
16. A very successful film: blockbuster

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16. A very successful film: blockbuster
17. The quality of being a noble person by birth: blue blood
18. The art of growing a plant in a pot that is prevented from reaching its natural size: bonsai
19. One who likes good wine and food and cheerful companions: bon vivant
20. One who is too fond of reading and study: bookworm (nerd)
21. A scientific study of plants: botany
22. A broad street having trees on each side: boulevard
23. Belonging to the middle class: bourgeois
24. A place where beer is made: brewery
25. Small objects kept for decoration: bric-a-brac
26. A small booklet giving instructions or details: brochure
27. A powerful machine used for pushing heavy objects out of the way : bulldozer
28. Bars of gold and silver: bullion
29. A piece of sculpture showing a persons head, shoulders, and upper chest: bust
30. One who breaks into a house at night in order to steal: burglar
31. A nation engaged in war: belligerent
32. Shelter for cow: byre
33. Life history of a person written by another: biography
34. Part of a church in which bells hang: belfry
35. Simplest and smallest form of plant life, present in air, water and soil, essential for life but many cause diseas e: bacteria
36. A man with prejudiced views against religion: bigot
37. Contempt of god: blasphemy
38. Person holding a scholarship at a university: bursar
39. Member of a band of robbers: brigand
40. One who loves book: bibliophile
41. A thing liable to be easily broken: brittle
42. Poem in short stanzas narrating a popular story: ballad
43. One who comes from a country area and is often considered to be stupid: bumpkin
44. Clumsy or ill-bred fellow: boar
45. A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc.: boutique
46. A tumor which is not likely to spread: benign
47. To surround with armed forces: besiege


1. A small group of people who make secret plans for political actions: cabal
2. Art of beautiful writing by hand: calligraphy
3. of a dog: cannie
4. One who eats human flesh: cannibal
5. Causing cancer: carcinogenic
6. Connected with the heart: cardiac
7. An occasion of public enjoyment and merry making: carnival
8. A flesh-eating animal: carnivore
9. A situation from which one is prevented from escaping by something that is part of situation itself: catch-22
10. Of the sky or heaven: celestial
11. Connected with brain: cerebral
12. A wooden house with a steeply shopping roof: chalet
13. One who deceives others by falsely claiming to have a skill: charlatan
14. The art of telling ones character or future by examining ones hands: chiromancy (palmistry)
15. The art of making up arranging dancing: choreography
16. A group of people who sing together: chorus
17. One who receives little attention or respect, and perhaps deserve to receive more: Cinderella
18. A very serious disease of liver: cirrhosis
19. War between opposing groups of people of the same country: civil war
20. A work of art having lasting importance: classic

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20. A work of art having lasting importance: classic
21. A small ad. placed in a newspaper: classified ad.
22. A complete victory: clean sweep
23. A place where banks exchange cheques and settle their accounts: clearing house
24. Stories that deal with adventure and exciting mystery: clock-and-dragger
25. A system which sends TV. Signals by wire to a limited number or receives: closed circuit television
26. A half-solid mass or lump formed from a liquid especially blood: clot
27. A badly-shaped foot twisted out of a portion from birth: clubfoot
28. Change from a liquid into a solid by chemical action: coagulate
29. Land on or close to the edge of the sea: coast
30. The part of a plane in which the pilot sits: cockpit
31. A large expensive book with a lot of pictures: coffee-table-book
32. One whose body temperature changes according to the temperature of the surroundings: cold-blooded
33. Severe political struggle between countries, without actual fighting: cold war
34. Language suitable for ordinary, informal, or familiar conservation: colloquial
35. A row of pillars supporting a roof of arches: colonnade
36. A state of long unnatural deep unconsciousness: coma
37. That can catch fire and burn easily: combustible (inflamable)
38. One who plays funny parts in plays or films: comedian
39. The chief officer in charge of military organization: commandant
40. An article of trade or commerce: commodity
41. A high-ranking member of a business company who deals with accounts, legal matter etc: company secretary
42. The natural colour and appearance of the skin: complexion
43. A close companion who shares difficult work: comrade
44. A performance given by a no. of musicians: concert
45. That which acts as a path for heat, electricity: conductor
46. Existing at or from ones birth: congenital
47. The feeling or ideas that are suggested by a word: connotation
48. A combination of several companies, banks etc. for a common purpose: consortium
49. A person living at the same time as other: contemporary
50. An unlucky and unexpected event, socially uncomfortable: contretemps
51. A generally accepted practice with regard to social behavior: convention
52. One who copies others in a completely unoriginal way: copycat
53. Typical of the most richly decorated style of ancient Greek building: Corinthian
54. Something to be corrected in a printed book: corrigendum
55. Made exactly like something real in order to deceive: counterfeit
56. Activity with equal force but opposite effect: countervailing
57. The business of making and selling fashionable womens clothes: couture
58. A small bed for a baby: cradle
59. The ability to produce new and original ideas: creativity
60. The scientific study of crime and criminals: criminology
61. Insincere signs of sorrow or sympathy: crocodile tears
62. A point at which an important decision must be taken: crossroads
63. A sea voyage for pleasure: cruise
64. A style of cooking: cuisine
65. Already settled and unlikely to change: cut-and-dried
66. A person appointed by a govt. to protect and help its citizens and its interests in trade in a foreign city: consul
67. A man devoid of kindly feeling and sympathy: callous
68. A person who introduces the performers, speakers etc.: compere
69. Disease which spreads by contact: contagious
70. Elderly women in charge of a girl on social occasions: chaperon
71. An extremely deep crack or opening in the ground: chasm
72. Gradual recovery from illness: convalescence
73. One who is well-versed in any subject; a critical judge of any art, particularly fine arts: connoisseur
74. An associate in an office or institution: colleague
75. A girl or woman who flirts i.e. try to attract people and make advances in love simply to satisfy her vanity: coquette
76. A person who regards the whole world as his country: cosmopolitan

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76. A person who regards the whole world as his country: cosmopolitan
77. Relationship by blood or birth: consanguinity
78. Opposed to great or sudden change: conservative
79. A small piece of potato: chip
80. A man whose wife is unfaithful to him: cuckold
81. A low area storm with high winds rotating about a centre of low atmospheric pressure: cyclone
82. Fear of going to bed: clinophobia
83. Official in charge of a museum: curator
84. One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil: cynic
85. That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence of real nature of somebody or something: camouflage
86. The caretaker of a public building: custodian
87. A person who readily believes others: credulous
88. A small, named group of fixed stars: constellation
89. Joint sovereignty exercised over a country by two or more countries: condominium
90. Unreasoning enthusiasm for the glorification of ones country: chauvinism
91. A person who is bad in spelling: cacographist
92. One who draws maps & charts: cartographer

1. Food, water and other things necessary for life: daily bread
2. One who is prepared to take dangerous risks: daredevil
3. A day which is important operation is to begin: D-day
4. A sudden complete failure: debacle
5. A container for holding alcoholic drinks esp. wine: decanter
6. The practice of thinking in a way that shows an exceptional of being unsuccessful: defeatism
7. The amount by which sth. Is less than that needed: deficit
8. The feeling or remembering something that in fact one is experiencing for the first time: deja vu
9. The home of a large fierce wild animal: den
10. A long period of seriously reduced business activity and high unemployment: depression
11. Chosen for an office but not yet officially placed in it: designate
12. A soap less chemical product used for cleaning: detergent
13. A disease in which there is too much sugar in blood: diabetes
14. The science of diet and its effect on health: dietetics
15. A small hollow place formed in the cheek: dimple
16. The art of establishing relations between nations: diplomacy
17. Reduction of weapons by a government: disarmament
18. Treating different groups of people in different ways: discrimination
19. False information spread intentionally to give people mistaken ideas: disinformation
20. Cutting up the body of a plant or animal for studying: dissection
21. A long soft seat or bed on a base, without back or arms: divan
22. The money is divided among shareholders: dividend
23. A place where ships are built or repaired: dockyard
24. A rounded roof on a building: dome
25. A large room containing a no. of beds: dormitory
26. One who is suffering from lack of money, work etc. and is unable to change the situation: down-and-out
27. A system of connected actions and methods for catching criminals: dragnet
28. Sediments in a liquid that sinks to the bottom and is thrown away: dregs
29. A tool machine for making holes: drill
30. Hard uninteresting work: drudgery
31. A piece of music for two performers: duet
32. Of the Netherlands(Holland): Dutch
33. To cause troops etc. to spread out in readiness for battle: deploy
34. To send an unwanted person out of the country: deport
35. Mania for travel: dromomania
36. A person living permanently in certain place: domicile
37. Study of statistics of births, deaths, to show the state of community: demography

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37. Study of statistics of births, deaths, to show the state of community: demography
38. To deprive a thing of its holy character: desecrate
39. Time after twilight and before night: dusk
40. A political leader who tries to stir up people: demagogue
41. A person who pays too much attention to his clothes and personal appearance: dandy
42. Government by the representatives of the people: democracy
43. A slow-witted unimportant person: duffer
44. Person who gives written testimony for use in a law court: deponent
45. A book containing summarized information of all branches or knowledge: directory
46. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool: dotage
47. The rule of a person who is tyrant: despotism
48. Medical study of the skin and its diseases: dermatology
49. A song sung at a burial: dirge


1. Looking with very keen attention and noticing small details: eagle-eyed
2. The edges of a roof which come out beyond the walls: eaves
3. A circular movement of water, wind, dust etc.: eddy
4. Able to spring back into shape after being stretched: elastic
5. To kill by electricity through the body: electrocute
6. An official order forbidding trade with another country: embargo
7. Based on practical experience of the world we see and feel: empirical
8. The last stage in the game of chess: end game
9. That which is mysterious and very hard to understand: enigmatic
10. A scientific study of insects: entomology
11. A long narrative poem: epic
12. The study of the conditions in which people work most effectively with machines: ergonomics
13. The wide lower part or mouth of a river: estuary
14. To change into steam and disappear: evaporate
15. Gradual development from simpler forms: evolution
16. Tax on goods produced and used inside a country: excise
17. A public show of objects: exhibition
18. An often meaningless word used for swearing: expletive
19. A style of painting which expresses feelings rather than describing objects and experiences: expressionism
20. One who like to spend time with others: extrovert
21. Something that cures any evil or trouble: elixir
22. Study of environment: ecology
23. Persuasive and fluent speech: eloquence
24. Willing not to take a definite stand: evasive
25. Bringing about gentle and painless death from incurable disease: euthanasia
26. Large scale departure of people: exodus
27. A poem written on the death of someone loved and lost: elergy
28. Mental weariness for want of occupation: ennui
29. Having no beginning or end to its existence: eternal
30. Not conforming to ordinary rules of behaviour: eccentric
31. One whose attitude is eat, drink & be merry: epicurean
32. A speech by an actor at the end of a play: epilogue
33. A place of ideal piece and happiness: elysium
34. One who is honorably discharged from service: emeritus
35. A person who is very fond of sensuous enjoyments: epicure
36. A short journey made by a group of persons together: excursion
37. A man who has qualities of a woman: effeminate
38. A person who is skilled in horsemanship: equestrian
39. To atone for ones skins: expiate

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39. To atone for ones skins: expiate
40. Run away from home with lover: elope
41. Forcing out (blood etc.) from its vessel: extravasate
42. A long, serious letter on an important issue: epistle


1. Any of the many flat sides of a cut jewel: facet

2. The solid waste material passed from the bowels: faeces
3. A false idea or belief: fallacy
4. One who makes and fits shoes for horses: farrier
5. The practice of giving unfairly generous treatment to one person: favouritism
6. Of or caused by fever: febrile
7. A serious crime such as murder or armed robbery: felony
8. The person one is going to marry: fianc(fem-fiancee)
9. A thin thread: filament
10. A private school where rich young girl learn social skills: finishing school
11. An attack made on your own enemy before they can attack you: first strike
12. Of the highest standard of quality: five-star
13. A scene in a film that goes back in time: flashback
14. Server beating with a whip or stick: flogging
15. All the plants of a particular place, country, or period: flora
16. of, found in, or produced by rivers: fluvial
17. A small rather strange and stupid personnel habit: foible
18. A large size of paper, esp. writing paper: foolscap
19. A sudden rush into enemy country: foray
20. A skilled and experienced worker in charge of other workers: foreman
21. Too much obedience to rules and ceremonies: formalism
22. Two weeks: fortnight
23. Newspapers and their writers, considered with regard to their political influence: fourth estate
24. A small flat brown spot on the skin: freckle
25. A decorative edge to a piece of material: frill
26. A picture or photograph at the beginning of a book: frontispiece
27. One who understands or approve of modern ideas: fuddy-duddy
28. To clear of disease, bacteria etc. by means of chemical smoke: fumigate
29. A long narrow track cut by a plough: furrow
30. The management of large amounts of money: finance
31. Continuous fighting between families, parties: feud
32. To issue a thousands of verbal attack: fulminate
33. Counterfeit certificates and documents: forgery
34. Murder of brother: fratricide
35. An animal story with a moral: fable
36. A disease ending in death: fatal
37. One who is interested in welfare of others: feminist
38. One who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in cause: fanatic
39. A person who is very hard to please: fastidious
40. To congratulate someone in a formal manner: felicitate
41. One who believes that everything is pre determined: fatatist


1. A large group of stars: galaxy

2. A building in which motor vehicles can be kept: garage

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2. A building in which motor vehicles can be kept: garage
3. The art and science of cooking and eating good food: gastronomy
4. A clear substance used for making jellies: gelatine
5. Having the earth as the central point: geocentric
6. A friendly informal meeting meeting for enjoyment: get-together
7. A man who is paid to be a womans lover: gigolo
8. A mass of ice moving very slowly down a mountain valley: glacier
9. One who job is to fit glass, especially into window frames: glazier
10. A larger supply than is necessary: glut
11. A little pointed beard on the bottom of the chin: goatee
12. One who is forceful, determined, and likely to succeed in getting what one wants: go-getter
13. One who helps others in trouble, without thinking of oneself: good Samaritan
14. A deep narrow valley with steep sides: gorge
15. Drawing or writing on a wall: graffiti
16. A large country house with farm building: grange
17. The place in the ground where a dead person is buried: grave
18. A stretch of land, round a town or city, where building is not allowed, so that fields, woods,etc. remain: green belt
19. Short deep round sound of a pig: grunt
20. Of a governer: gubernatorial
21. A person who is subject of some kind of test: guinea pig
22. An explosive substance in the form of a powder: gun powder
23. List of explanations of several words: glossary
24. A person who studies the formation of the earth: geologist
25. Sudden rush of wind: gust
26. International destruction of racial groups: genocide
27. A house for storing grains: granary
28. The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old: geriatrics
29. Connoisseur of choice food: gourmet
30. A person who is talkative: garrulous
31. A fixed orbit in space in relation to earth: geo-stationary


1. Good enough to be lived in: habitable

2. A condition in which one has breath: halitosis
3. A short book giving all the information about a subject: handbook
4. A big building where aircraft is kept between flights: hanger
5. Very strongly following a particular belief: hardcore
6. A spear with a long rope, used for hunting large sea animals: harpoon
7. A place of calm and safety: haven
8. A covering for head: headgear
9. Determined to do what one wants in spite of all advice: headstrong
10. Fever and weakness caused by too much heat: heatstroke
11. A valuable object passed for generations: heirloom
12. A plant eating animal: herbivore
13. An animals skin, where removed to be used for leather: hide
14. The inner part of a country behind coast or river back: hinterland
15. Behavior resembling a threatrical performance: histrionics
16. Great destruction and the loss of many lives: holocaust
17. A leather holder for a pistol: holster
18. A noisy rough person who causes trouble: hooligan
19. In a flat position, along or parallel to level ground: horizontal
20. One who does things too quickly, without thinking: hothead
21. A party given one has moved into a new house: housewarming
22. The central part of a wheel: hub

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22. The central part of a wheel: hub
23. A lump on the back of a camel: hump
24. The study and practice of how to keep good health and prevent the spreading of disease: hygiene
25. A loud talk or speech: harangue
26. Unpaid work: honorary
27. A song embedding religious and sacred emotions: hymn
28. A person who believes that pleasure is the chief good: hedonist
29. A person who is against the standards of ordinary society esp. in dressing: hippy
30. Words different in meaning but similar in sound: homonym
31. Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted: heresy
32. Line at which the earth or sea and sky seem to meet: horizon
33. Wicked to a high degree: heinous
34. One who robs smuggler of his smuggled goods after the border has been crossed: hijacker
35. Course for chariot races: hippodrome
36. A person claiming to be a superior in culture and intellect to others: highbrow
37. A man who advances on the tunes of his wife: henpecked
38. A man of lax moral: hostess
39. Creature having both male and female organs: hermaphrodite
40. The normal adobe of any animal or plant: habitat
41. Seat on elephants back: howdah
42. A perception without objective of reality: hallucination


1. A set of ideas on which a political or economic system is based: ideology

2. The worships of idol: idolatry
3. Difficult or impossible to read: illegible
4. That which will never die: immortal
5. Impossible to satisfy, change, or make less angry: implacable
6. One who does not save for the future: improvident
7. In physical form rather than in the form of a spirit or idea: incarnate
8. Without a body: incorporeal
9. Not suitable for eating: inedible
10. To fill until swelled with air or gas: inflate
11. To take food into the stomach: ingest
12. That which one is born with: innate
13. To put male seed into a female: inseminate
14. The upper surface of the foot between the toes and the ankle: instep
15. Those who are highly educated and often concern themselves with ideas and new developments: intelligentsia
16. A system by which one can talk through a machine to someone in a near place: intercom
17. One who plans and chooses colours, furnishings for rooms: interior decorator
18. Not having made a will: intestate
19. A forceful attacking speed used for blaming someone: invective
20. A list of good supplied, stating quantity and price: invoice
21. So good that no blame at all could be given: irreproachable
22. Remarks which have no order or connection: in coherent
23. Not to the point: irrelevant
24. A man who asks many questions: inquisitive
25. Internal telephonic system: intercom
26. Not to my liking: irritating
27. Incapable of being or accounted for: inexplicable
28. To examine ones own thoughts and feelings: introspection
29. A person who has no money to pay off his debts: insolvent
30. The policy of extending a countrys empire and influence: imperialism
31. One who is unrelenting and cannot be moved by entreaties: inexorable

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31. One who is unrelenting and cannot be moved by entreaties: inexorable
32. One who cannot die: immortal
33. A formal written charge against a person for some crime or offence: indictment
34. Short descriptive poem of picturesque scene or incident: idyll
35. A person who maliciously destroys by file: incendiary
36. To mediate between two parties in dispute: intercede
37. A person pretending to be somebody he is not: imposter
38. To come as a settler into another country: immigrate
39. Interested mainly in a small group, country etc.: insular
40. One who cannot be corrected: incorrigible
41. A person who enters without an invitation: intruder
42. The period between two reigns: interregnum
43. A person who speaks into a country: infiltrater
44. Interval between two events or two periods of time of different character: interlude
45. Murder of a new-born child: infanticide
46. Place which provides both board and lodging: inn
47. A statement which cannot be understood: incomprehensible
48. Incapable of being explained or accounted for: inexplicable
49. Incapable of being wounded: invulnerable
50. That which cannot be done without: indispensable
51. That which cannot be rectified or made good: irreparable
52. One who travels from one place to another: itinerant
53. A story that can hardly be believed: incredible


1. A knife with a blade that folds into the handle: jack knife
2. To cross streets in a careless and dangerous way: jay walk
3. Body decorations such as rings, necklaces etc.: jewellary
4. A serious magazine produced by a specialist society: journal
5. A very large passenger aircraft: jumbo jet
6. To place side by side or close together: juxtapose
7. Language difficult to understand because of bad form: jargon


1. A small hut for a dog: kennel

2. long loose garment made of silk: kimono
3. Something that makes failure certain: kiss of death
4. The Title SIR given by the British king or queen: knighthood
5. The joint between the finger and the hand: knuckle
6. Mania for stealing articles: kleptomania
7. A place where bricks are baked: kiln
8. A tube filled at one end with mirrors and pieces of coloured glasss which shows many coloured patterns when turned:
9. A school for infants and young children: kindergarten


1. One who behaves like a servant by always obeying: lackey

2. To cover with thin metal or plastic sheets: laminate

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2. To cover with thin metal or plastic sheets: laminate
3. A white mass produced by shaking a mixture of soap and water: lather
4. A base from which a missile is sent off into a sky: launching pad
5. That which causes the bowels to empty easily: laxative
6. The time taken in planning a producing a new product: lead time
7. One who continuously looks for sexual pleasure: lecher
8. Any form of money which by law must be accepted: legal tender
9. Of or like a lion: leonine
10. An official demand and collection, especially of a tax: levy
11. One who believes that people should have freedom of expression: libertarian
12. The average no. of years a person is expected to live: life expectancy
13. A humorous short poem with five lines: limerick
14. An important member which keeps the whole group together: linchpin
15. People with great knowledge of literature: literati
16. Uniform of a special type for servants: livery
17. A place where something particular happens: locale
18. One whose job is to cut down trees: logger
19. A machine on which thread is woven into cloth: loom
20. Old beliefs, not written down, about a particular subject: lore
21. One who has no interest in literature in literature, art etc.: lowbrow
22. A pleasant song used for causing children to sleep: lullaby
23. Old time gods/heros story: legend
24. A man of lax nature: licentious
25. Mania for balking: logo mania
26. Gift left by will: legacy
27. A place where a wild animal lives: lair
28. One who cuts precious stones: lapidist
29. One who compiles dictionary: lexicographer
30. Responsible according to law: legitimate
31. Cutting for stone in the bladder: lithotomy
32. Room with toilet facilities: lavatory
33. One who talks continuously: loquacious


1. A knife with a long heavy blade: machete

2. A great work of art: magnum opus
3. That which is wrong with a system: malady
4. A feeling of pain without any particular pain or appearance of disease: malaise
5. A man who believes that men are better than women: male chauvinist
6. The long hair on the back of a horses neck: mane
7. A book giving information about how to do something: manual
8. The free operation of business and trade without govt. controls: laissez faire
9. Chosen as a symbol and thought to bring good luck: mascot
10. Too great interest in money etc. rather than spiritual matters: materialism
11. Head 0f a city or town mayor
12. The science of the action of forces on objects: mechanics
13. The belief that one is more really is: megalomania
14. Of trade and business: mercantile
15. The scientific study of weather conditions: meteorology
16. The part of human body between the chest and waist: midriff
17. Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army: militia
18. A very small painting: miniature
19. The appearing of objects which are not really there: mirage

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19. The appearing of objects which are not really there: mirage
20. An object thrown as a weapon: missile
21. A simple shoe made of leather: moccasin
22. A method of doing something typical of someone: modus operandi
23. A person of very great power, wealth and importance: mogul
24. Rule by a king or queen: monarchy
25. One who keeps things of one particular idea only: monomaniac
26. Having unchanging narrow ideas about right and wrong: moralistic
27. A lock that fits into a hole cut in the edge of a door: mortise lock
28. A few words taken as the guiding practice: motto
29. Telling unpleasant stories about well-known people: muckraking
30. A company having operations in many different countries: multinational
31. A man who is employed to use his strength to protect a criminal: muscleman
32. The study of fungi: mycology
33. Figure of speech in which term are transferred to sth. it does not literally apply to: metaphor
34. First speech delivered by someone: maiden
35. Careful and particular about someone: meticulous
36. A soldier fighting for sake of money: mercenary
37. One who has suffered for a great cause: martyr
38. A person who hates woman: misogynist
39. Hatred of learning and knowledge: misologist
40. A person obessed with exclusively one idea or subject: monomaniac
41. Woman trained to help other woman in childbirth: midwife
42. A person who is always dissatisfied: malcontent
43. One who pretends illness to escape duty: malingerer
44. Informal business communication with a personal signature: memorandum
45. One who is neither intelligent nor a dull: mediocre
46. A person who makes and sells ladies hats etc.: milliner
47. A paper written in ones own handwriting: manuscript
48. People in a riot: mob
49. Of outstanding significance: monumental
50. A dramatic performance: masque
51. Part-song for several voices without instrumental accompaniment: madrigal
52. Open rebellion of soldiers and sailors against unlawful authority: mutiny
53. Policy of a political party: manifesto
54. Ridiculous use of words: malapropism


1. A person with the same name as yours: namesake

2. Of sailors, ships, or sailing: nautical
3. The practice which claims to learn about the future by talking with the dead: necromancy
4. Just and unavoidable punishment: nemesis
5. New(idea, machine etc.) but neither necessary nor better: newfangled
6. The belief that nothing has meaning or value: nihilism
7. A very slight formality: nodding acquaintance
8. A small bunch of flowers, to be carried or worn on a dress: nosegay
9. A public official who makes written statements official: notary
10. That which will end badly whichever choice one makes: no-win situation
11. A place where small children are taken care of: nursery
12. A medicine that induces sleep: narcotic
13. Wasteful longing for something one has known in the past: nostalgia
14. Using of new words: neologism
15. Giving undue favours to ones own kith & kin: nipotism
16. A loop of rope with a running knot used to hang a person: noose

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16. A loop of rope with a running knot used to hang a person: noose
17. A person who collects coins: numismatist

1. A long pole used for rowing a boat: oar

2. The branch of medicine concerned with childbirth: obstetrics
3. Having a smell, especially a pleasant tone: odoriferous
4. White with some grey or yellow: off-white
5. The art of getting an advantage over others without actually cheating: one-upmanship
6. The branch of philosophy concerned with the nature of existence: ontology
7. A soldier who attends an officer: orderly
8. The study of how best to build and use machines: operational research
9. The scientific study of birds: ornithology
10. One who is forced from ones home or without friends: outcast
11. That which is egg shaped: oval
12. Through examination and repair if necessary: overhaul
13. One who prescribes corrective lenses: optometrist
14. Stableman at the inn: ostler
15. Destroy without any trace: obliterate
16. Out of date: obsolescent
17. All powerful: omniscient
18. Child bereaved of one or both the parents: orphan
19. Through which light cannot pass: opaque
20. A person who looks the bright side of things: optimist
21. Dungeon entered by trapdoor: oubliette
22. One who is knowing everything: omniscient
23. Printed notice of somebodys death: obituary
24. A friend apart of garden where fruit trees grow: orchard
25. A word no longer in use: obsolete
26. Irrational fear of crowds: ochlophobia
27. One who eats everything: omnivorous


1. A small machine that regularizes heartbeats: pacemaker

2. Material used for packing products: packaging
3. The study of ancient writing: paleography
4. An admirably stylist manner of doing things effortlessly: panache
5. A loss of in, and control of, body muscles: paralysis
6. One who is not accepted by society: pariah
7. A last remark made at the moment of learning: parting shot
8. The breathing in of smoke from the cigarettes: passive smoking
9. The right to make or sell a new invention: patent
10. A mans fat stomach: paunch
11. Too small a sum of money: peanuts
12. One who secretly looks at others when they are undressing: peeping Tom
13. Making oneself willingly suffer for ones wrong: penance
14. Everlasting punishment after death: perdition
15. A lie told on purpose: perjury
16. One who is not accepted or welcome: persona non grata
17. The scientific study of rocks: petrology
18. The study and science of speech sounds: phonetics
19. A main division of animals or plants: phylum

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19. A main division of animals or plants: phylum
20. One who steals things from peoples pockets: pickpocket
21. The natural colouring matter of plants and animals: pigment
22. A seat for a second person on a motorbike: pillion
23. The entrance to a coalmine: pithead
24. One who brings a charge against someone in a court: plaintiff
25. A friendly, not sexual relationship between a man and an woman: platonic
26. Of the lower the social skills: plebeian
27. Someone who blocks a hole: plug
28. A writer of bad poems: poetaster
29. A face that shows nothing of what one is thinking or feeling: poker face
30. A small area of still water in a hollow place: pool
31. of or like a pig: porcine
32. Meat from a pig: pork
33. In a great hurry: post-haste
34. A book of low quality produced quickly to get money: potboiler
35. Something that might explode: powder keg
36. A shortened form of piece or writing: prcis
37. Having an unborn young in the body: pregnant
38. Able to imagine or guess what will probably happen: prescient
39. The ability to act calmy, quickly and wisely in extraordinary conditions: presence of mind
40. An animal that is hunted and eaten by other: prey
41. The main woman dances in a bullet company: prima ballerina
42. The main woman singer in an opera company: prime Donna
43. Printed information produced by a computer: printout
44. The long movable nose of certain animals: proboscis
45. A side view of someones head: profile
46. Something that sticks out from a surface: projection
47. An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket: propellant
48. The rules by which the patterns of sounds are arranged in poetry: prosody
49. A note added at the end of a letter: postscript
50. A building where alcohol may be bought & drunk: pub
51. Of or having an effect on the lungs: pulmonary
52. One who makes a bet on horserace results: punter
53. A thick yellowish liquid produced in an infected wound: pus
54. A sudden secretly planned attempt to remove a govt. by force: putsch
55. One who knows many arts and sciences: polymath
56. A man who attempts to pay for more than what he worth: pretentious
57. One who is very exact in his behavior: punctilious
58. Mental disorder marked by fixed delusions: paranoia
59. Government by all: pantisocracy
60. Looking forward to: predicting
61. Biological entity living on another organism: parasite
62. Doctors for children and infants: pediatrician
63. After ones death: posthumous
64. The practice of borrowing ideas and words from others and using them as his own: palagiarism
65. Land so surrounded by water as to be almost an island: peninsula
66. A person who does not believe in any religion: pagan
67. A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc.: pen
68. Anything written in a letter after it is signed: postscript
69. A person who fits pipes & repair it: plumber
70. Person believes that God is everything is God: pantheist
71. A person who love without serious intentions: philanderer
72. A child of unusual or remarkable talent: prodigy
73. One who loves mankind: philanthropist
74. A common place remark: platitude
75. A person with full discretionary powers to act on behalf of a country: plenipotentiary

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75. A person with full discretionary powers to act on behalf of a country: plenipotentiary
76. Mania for setting fires: pyromania
77. One who does not care for literature or art: philistine
78. Use of more words than are needed to express the meaning: pleonasm
79. The science of judging a persons character, capabilities etc. from an examination of the shape of his skull: phrenology
80. Custom of having many wives: polygyny
81. To bring peace and end violence: pacify
82. Be the embodiment or perfect example of: personify
83. A name adopted by an author in his writings: pseudonym
84. A person concerned with practical results & values: pragmatist
85. A funny imitation of a poem: parody
86. Decision made upon a political question by votes of all qualified persons: plebiscite
87. A person who travels to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion: pilgrim
88. food which agrees with ones taste: palatable
89. Equal in rank, merit or quality: peer
90. Books, pictures, etc. intended to arouse sexual desire: pornography
91. Careful in performing duties: punctilious
92. Property inherited from ones father or ancestors: patrimony
93. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge: pedantic
94. One who has suddenly gained new wealth, power or prestige: parvenu
95. Things that can be felt or touched: palpable
96. Code for diplomatic etiquette and precedence: protocol
97. That which can be carried: portable
98. To remove the skin of a potato or an orange: peel
99. One who speaks or understands many languages: polyglot
100. Explicit understanding to do sth.: promise
101. Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth: parable
102. A ride on someones back or soldiers: piggyback
103. A cure for all diseases: panacea
104. Something that can be taken for granted: postulate

1. A figure with four straight sides: quadrilateral

2. Four singers or musicians performing together: quartet
3. A line of people waiting for something: queue
4. Trying to do the impossible, often so as to help others, while getting oneself into danger: quixotic


1. One who is good at telling stories in an interesting way: reconteur

2. Friendly joking at someones weakness: raillery
3. The keeper of forest: ranger
4. The relationship between two amounts: ratio
5. Property in the form of land and houses: real estate
6. Politics based on practical facts rather on moral aims: realpolitik
7. The pause for rest during the working day or year: recess
8. Lying down on the back or side: recumbent
9. In the act of doing something wrong: red-handed
10. A govt. policy of increasing the amount no money: reflation
11. A book containing an official record or list: register
12. Something old that reminds us of the past: relic
13. A renewal of interest in some particular kind of art, literature, etc.: renaissance
14. Of the kidneys: reneal
15. The act or process of producing young: reproduction

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15. The act or process of producing young: reproduction
16. An official demand or request: requisition
17. Sound produced in one object by sound waves from another: resonance
18. Connected with breathing: respiratory
19. An act of filming or recording something again: retake
20. A server deserved punishment: retribution
21. The question of the main beliefs of an already existing political system: revisionism
22. To end with the same sound, including a vowel: rhyme
23. Ones most useful and valuable helper: right-hand man
24. One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble: ringleader
25. A warm stretch of coast, popular with holidaymakers: riviera
26. A small herbivore with strong sharp long front teeth: rodent
27. One who travels around a lot and has no fixed address or responsibilities: rolling stone
28. A string of beads used for counting prayers: rosary
29. Sexual interests that pass quickly from one person to another: roving eye
30. One who acts only to make official the decisions already made by another: rubber stmp
31. An official decision of a court: ruling
32. Any of the cross bars that forms the steps of a ladder: rung
33. An animal with four complete digestive cavities or stomachs: ruminant
34. Ladys purse: raticule
35. Too much official formality: red tapism
36. youthful vigour and appearance: rejuvenate
37. A lottery in which an article is assigned by lot to one of those buying tickets: raffles
38. Wiffy, clever retort: repartee
39. A person who is reserved in talks: reticent
40. To take one to task: rebuke
41. Atonement for ones sins: repentance
42. A person who forsakes religion: renegade
43. A person without manners or polish: rustic
44. Shining, brilliant, and magnificent: resplendent
45. One who talks very little: reserved
46. Present opposing arguments or evidence: rebut
47. A person who lives by himself: recluse
48. People in a rowdy scene: rabble
49. A person who lives alone and avoids other people: recluse
50. Murder of a king: regicide
51. An expression of mild disapproval: reproof


1. One who practices sabotage: saboteur
2. A leader seat over the back of an animal for the rider: saddle
3. A traveler on the water: sailor
4. Any oily substance for putting on a cut, wound etc.: salve(ointment)
5. Wise and full of deep knowledge: sapient
6. A structure built up from poles & boards for workmen to stand on: scaffold
7. The skin on the top of the human head: scalp
8. Unwilling to believe a claim or promise: skeptical
9. Pieces of food not eaten at a meal, thrown away: scraps
10. A surface on which a film is shown: screen
11. An instrument used for breathing while swimming under water: scuba
12. A line of stitches joining two pieces of cloth, leather etc. seam
13. Done while sitting down: sedentary
14. One who can see into the future: seer
15. Of or caused by earthquakes: seismic
16. Where there are not many goods for sale: sellers market

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16. Where there are not many goods for sale: sellers market
17. The intentional producing of excitement or shock: sensationalism
18. Infected with disease bacteria: septic
19. One who is between 60 & 90 yrs. age: sexagenarian
20. The belief that one sex is not as good as other: sexism
21. Darkness caused by the blocking of light: shadow
22. A priest believed to have magical powers and cure people: shaman
23. A bunch of grain plants tied together: sheaf
24. A once-important custom which no longer has much meaning: shibboleth
25. A new growth from a plant: shoot
26. To give back less than what actually should be given back: short change
27. The job of those who work in television, films, theatre etc: showbiz(show business)
28. Those joined together from birth at some part of their bodies: Siamese twins
29. An unwanted effect happening in addition to the intended one: side effect
30. Any of those who sign an agreement: signatory
31. The flat piece at the base of a window: sill
32. A repeated rising and falling of the voice in speaking: singsong
33. A loosely wound length of thread or yarn: skein
34. The structure consisting of all the bones: skeleton
35. A very tall modern city building: skyscraper
36. A partner in a business who takes no active part: sleeping partner
37. A slight unintentional mistake: slip-up
38. A young and unimportant person: small-fry
39. The tall chimney of a factory or a ship: smokestack
40. A short piece from sth. spoken or written: snippet
41. A person well known for going to fashionable parties: socialite
42. The scientific study of societies and human behavior in groups: sociology
43. Loyal agreement of interests, aims, or principles among a group: solidarity
44. The habit of walking about while asleep: somnambulism
45. An urgent message from someone in trouble: SOS
46. An object kept as a remainder of something: souvenir
47. Of or connected with space: spatial
48. A grand public show or scene: spectacle
49. A machine part round which something turns: spindle
50. A small sharp-pointed piece of wood broken off something: splinter
51. A spirit of honest fair play: sportsmanship
52. A small end of a stem or branch with leaves: sprig
53. An apparatus that presses the juice from fruit: squeezer
54. A building for keeping and feeding horses in: stable
55. A fully-grown male horse kept for breeding: stallion
56. Of the stars: stellar
57. An important leader in a moral argument or movement: standard-bearer
58. A political leader who is respected as being wise, honorable, fair-minded: statesman
59. On boiling, water get converted into: steam
60. Something that prevents an agreements an agreement: sticking point
61. One whose job is buying and selling shares and debentures for others: stockbroker
62. One who habitually does what another persons wants: stooge
63. A trick to deceive an enemy: stratagem
64. A person skilled in planning, especially of military movements: strategist
65. A long step in walking: stride
66. A light which goes on and off very quickly: strobe light
67. Beneath the skin: subcutaneous
68. A legal case being considered in court: sub judice
69. Money paid by the govt. to make prices lower: subsidy
70. A female devil supposed to have sex with a sleeping man: succubus
71. A short account giving the main points: summary
72. One who takes responsibility for the behavior of someone: surety

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72. One who takes responsibility for the behavior of someone: surety
73. Having a strange dreamlike unreal quality: surrear
74. A large group of insects moving in a mass: swarm
75. A liking for sweat and surgery things: sweet tooth
76. Something bad that may happen any time: sword of Damocles
77. Too old for work: superannuated
78. Person who doubts the truth of a particular claim: sceptic
79. Person who practices unnatural sexual intercourse esp. between two males: sodomite
80. The firing of a no. of guns together as a salute: salvo
81. To cut into pieces: shredding
82. Below the surface: subterranean
83. Music sung or played at night below a persons window: serenade
84. A short remaining end of a cigarette: stub
85. One who despises persons of lower social position: snob
86. An office or post with no work but high pay: sinecure
87. Person who is indifferent to both pleasure and pain: stoic
88. Acutely affected by external impressions: sensitive
89. To slap with a flat object: swat
90. One who takes delight in excessive cruelty: sadist
91. A short stay at a place: sojourn
92. Deriving pleasure from inflicting plain on others: sadis
93. A person who operates sick people: surgeon
94. A person who is made to bear the blame due to others: scapegoat
95. Act of killing ones life: suicide
96. A heavy unnatural slumber: stupor
97. Something which is not thorough or profound: superficial
98. Indifference to pleasure or pain: stoicism
99. The act of violating the sanctity of church: sacrilege
100. An old unmarried woman: spinster
101. One man who does not know how how to save money: spendthrift
102. A person 70 to 79 yrs. of age: septuagenarian
103. Walk in a vain, self-imposed way: strut
104. A place of good climate for invalids: sanatorium
105. A place adjourning kitchen, for washing dishes: scullery
106. A person who is property of another and bound to serve him: slave
107. A short walk for pleasure or exercise: stroll


1. A lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group of people who do not move or speak: tableau
2. A large spoon for serving food: tablespoon
3. Of the sense and touch: tactile
4. Wages after all taxes, pension payments etc. have been paid: take-home pay
5. A place where animal skin is made into leather: tannery
6. A set of 22 cards used for telling the future: tarot
7. The system of putting animals and plants into various classes: taxonomy
8. A highly skilled specialist in charge of organization: technocrat
9. A person who is employed to receive and pay out money in a bank: teller
10. The act, right, or period of holding land or a job: tenure
11. The sea near a countrys coast over which it has legal control: territorial waters
12. Of or done according to a will: testamentary
13. Roof covering of straw, reeds etc.: thatch
14. The subject of a talk, piece of writing etc.: theme
15. Of heat: thermal
16. Rough treatment of a person in order to obtain information: third degree

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16. Rough treatment of a person in order to obtain information: third degree
17. The part between the neck and the abdomen: thorax
18. Having a clot in a blood tube or the heat: thrombosis
19. The loud explosive noise that follows a flash of lightning: thunder
20. Wood for building: timber
21. Respected because of age or long use: time honored
22. The chief part in a play, after which, the play is named: title role
23. A game in which tickets are chosen by chance to win prizes: tombola
24. A word or phrase difficult to speak quickly or correctly: tongue twisted
25. The art of cutting trees into decorative shapes: topiary
26. Something used as a test or standard: touchstone
27. A short piece dealing with a religious or moral subject: tract
28. One who is disloyal to ones country: traitor
29. To change complexity as if by magic: transmogrify
30. A serious book or article that examines a particular subject: treatise
31. A court of people officially appointed to deal with special matters: tribunal
32. One who lives in cave: troglodyte
33. The personal possessions that a woman brings with her when she marries: trousseau
34. A man-made underground passage: tunnel
35. A condition in which one can see only straight ahead: tunnel vision
36. A surface made up of earth and a thick covering of glass: turf
37. A ruler with complete power, who rules currently and unjustly: tyrant
38. One who is easily led: tractable
39. One who passes through the gate without permission: trespassers
40. The foolish belief that one is god: theomania
41. One who always run away from danger: timid
42. To change shape, nature or substance of: transmute
43. A child who stays away from school without any good reason: truant
44. Government by the gods: threarchy
45. One who uses fear as a weapon of power: terrorist
46. A group of three novels/plays each completion itself: trilogy
47. Science of printing: typography
48. The power of reading the thoughts of other: telepathy
49. One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks: teetotaler
50. Plain or self-evident truth: truism
51. The doctrine that human-souls pass from one body to another at the time of death: transmigration
52. A drawing on transparent paper: transparency
53. A person who betrays a friend: traitor
54. That which is predictable by touch: tangible


1. The organ of a cow from which milk is produced: udder

2. A person of low rank in relation to another: underling
3. Not having enough workers: undermanned
4. A thick oily substance used on the skin: unguent
5. Of one type, used by both male and female: unisex
6. A comfortable covering and filling for a seat: upholstery
7. In a petition with the top turned to the bottom: upside down
8. Of a town or city: urban
9. A turning movement which takes one back in the direction one come from: u-turn
10. The act of killing ones wife: uxoricide
11. One who lends money at high rate of interest: usurer
12. That which cannot be understood: unintelligible

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1. A small bag used while traveling: valise

2. A decorative container used to put flowers in it: vase
3. A seller of small articles that can be carried about: vendor
4. A living creatures which have a backbone: vertebrate
5. One who watches television: viewer
6. Of wine: vinous
7. The study and science of the growing of grapes: viticulture
8. Done willingly without any force: voluntary
9. One who is determined to exact full of vengeance for wrong things done to him: vindictive
10. A person who has long experience: veteran
11. Changing ones mind too quickly: vacillation
12. A fault that may be forgiven: venial
13. Person who gives himself up to luxury and sexual pleasures: voluptuary
14. A violent and bad-tempered woman: virago
15. Interested in and clever at many things: versatile
16. Word for word reproduction: verbatim


1. To walk through water: wade

2. Leaving a meeting as an expression of disapproval: walkout
3. A large cupboard in which one hangs up clothes: wardrobe
4. Empty, unproductive, usually ugly land: wasteland
5. A serve defeat after a time of unusual success: waterloo
6. One who lacks physical strength or strength of character: weakling
7. Marked or damaged by the force of wind, rain etc.: weather beaten
8. A sexually exciting dream resulting in a male orgasm: wet dream
9. A woman employed to give breast milk to another baby: wet nurse
10. One who is skilled at making profitable or successful deals: wheeler-dealer
11. A place with circular currents of water, which can be pull objects into it: whirlphool
12. The business of selling goods to shopkeeper: wholesale
13. A bluish moving light seen at night over wet ground: will-o-the whip
14. A single whole piece of a glass window: windowpane
15. The ability to say clever and amusing things: wit
16. One who has magic powers: wizard
17. Difficulty in seeing the difference between letter shapes: word blindness(dyslexia)
18. One who likes to work too hard: workaholic
19. Enough practical knowledge to do something: working knowledge
20. The broken parts of a destroyed thing: wreckage
21. An unfortunate or unhappy person: wretch
22. An unexpected stroke of good luck: windfall
23. A person sharing responsibility for a political partys discipline and tactics: whip
24. To move along with quick, short twistings: wriggle


1. Fear of strange or foreign people, customs etc.: xenophobia

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1. Great and loyal service, help, or support: yeoman service

2. A young person in a professional job with a high income: yuppie
3. A light sailing boat especially made for racing: yacht


1. The study of animals: zoology

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