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The sun is rising.

Jellal was sitting by the large window of the

castle, overwhelmed by its beauty. From here he can almost see all of

Latiastar beauty. This is his everyday life. Hed always wake before the

sunrise and take his place at the window, waiting, watching as the skies

lightened up. I do not care how my day ends. Seeing the sun reborn and

watching its light be gone at dusk makes my day. It never failed to amaze

him. Perhaps because Morning and Dusk at Latiastar is always sunny.

Rains and murky clouds only come in the afternoon or late at night. Even

on winters.

But today, theres a slight change in his life. Her sister. Every day

in his entire life, as the sun had risen, so as his sister. Shed then mock him

for not waking her up to watch the glorious coming of the sun. Now, shes

gone west, to Arcana, the place of knowledge and power. It was yesterday

afternoon when the chariot had come to pick her. This was the first sunrise

without her then thered be more days to count. A place that is the exact

opposite of Latiastar. Here, the Sun is only thing that is sacred. The moon

is but the sun whose flames are asleep for the comfort of mankind. There,

the sun and moon are couples having the sun as god and the moon as the

goddess. He was correct. At Arcana, people believe in power greater than

man had ever imagined. The sun for them is what gives guidance to

mankind, bravery and strength to warriors, and prosperity to the world. It

is the embodiment of masculinity and physical aspects. While the moon

represents femininity, the mind, the emotion, and those beyond the senses

His stay on the window for the morning light was cut short when

he heard a horde of footsteps. He looked down by the window. Theyre

coming in. He saw the banners through the window, the fiery crown of the

sun. At the center front is Lord Amon Pyre with his white horse. Beside

him is his first-born son, Lord Yaron Pyre, in a black mount. A number of

the Knights of Sunheart followed behind. The castle gates opened for them

when the Captain of the Knights blew their horn. Its sound was loud and

one of a kind that once it is heard, it is known that the Pyres have come.

From afar, more riders are making their way to the castle. He saw

the blue flags which made him recognize it was the Falcones. Behind

them were green banners of the bloodline Krokus. All the great eastern kin

are here. The thought made him shiver but it made him curious, the real

reason why his morning sun pastime was cut short. He made his way down

to begin eavesdropping. He leaned against the pillar in the corner that

supports the staircase. The clanging of metals grew louder. Theyre finally

here, all of them. They walked pass through him yet unnoticed. Theyre

not going to upstairs. He expected them to go upstairs where meetings

usually take place. Whered they possibly go? He peeked a little, then he

knew. Ten years and a five had passed since that room had been used. The

last time that a royalty had sat foot in Latiastar. The time when the King

himself asked for peace and alliance to the Easterners. A time so dark

wherein the East was divided that two ancient houses rumbled for power.

It was father who accepted the alliance, he wanted peace. But the opposing

house, ruled by Lord Grynadiem, wanted none but the crown to rule the

lands. He believed that the easterners are more of better rulers than the
southerners. If only theres a way to eavesdrop. He thought. The sun had

already risen in all of its glory. a ray of sun came from the open windows

of the castle pointing to the ground at the corner just near the pillar where

he had hidden from the knights. How can I forget? There are tons of

underground tunnels here in the castle. I discovered them myself back then

when the king had visited this land. I was eavesdropping too, hid here in

the same pillar and fell to the tunnels accidentally.

Whats that smell? Whatever it was, the smell was too strong that

it caught Jellals attention. The smell grew stronger as he went near the

chambers where his lord father will meet the other lords and knights. He

was too close because above was the room itself. Suns Blood! Jellal was

alarmed. Who would bring Suns Blood to Latiastar? Its very sensitive

to fire. Upon ignition, a fiery wave, said to be silent but more lethal than

explosions, occurs, killing those within a specific radius which they call

as the ring of fire. When ignited on field it is said that the flames crawl to

the ground fast, even in water and air. They say that its flames are hotter

than the sun. People called it as the Tears of the Sun, sometimes the Suns

Wrath because of the destruction it could cause. Extinguishing the fire is

only possible through rain water or by a special liquid called as the Moons

Grace which is mixed to ordinary water. Its smell is as sweet as the flowers

in Gardensglove. So they say. But none smelled sweet in the castle. They

did not bring any grace of the moon. Jellal had noticed.

My Lord, a dozen barrels as promised. A man spoke as the

clanging of steels out of mens foot came. Dusts fell on Jellals head as the

barrels were laid across the floor atop.

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