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482 August 7, 2003

Property Rights
The Key to Economic Development
by Gerald P. ODriscoll Jr. and Lee Hoskins

Executive Summary

Prosperity and property rights are inextrica- economists have accepted the importance of
bly linked. The importance of having well- property rights. Throughout much of the histo-
defined and strongly protected property rights is ry of modern economics, the subject was given
now widely recognized among economists and short shrift. Even stalwart supporters of the mar-
policymakers. A private property system gives ket economy glossed over the subject. Not sur-
individuals the exclusive right to use their prisingly, much bad development policy resulted
resources as they see fit. That dominion over from that neglect. Even if policymakers in devel-
what is theirs leads property users to take full oped countries and international institutions
account of all the benefits and costs of employ- now recognize the critical role played by a system
ing those resources in a particular manner. The of private property in economic development,
process of weighing costs and benefits produces they are limited in what they can do to help
what economists call efficient outcomes. That developing countries evolve such a system.
translates into higher standards of living for all. Policymakers can, however, avoid recommend-
It is only in the last few decades, however, that ing policies that undermine private property.

Gerald P. ODriscoll Jr. is senior fellow at the Cato Institute and Lee Hoskins is senior fellow at the Pacific Research
Nations prosper In the 1930s, the Finns and Estonians
when private Why Property Rights? enjoyed a similar standard of living. The two
countries are virtually neighbors. Their lan-
property rights The excuses for development failure are guages share a common linguistic root, and
are well defined legion: lack of natural resources; insufficient they are culturally similar and share many
funding of education, culture, religion, and values. (Despite being a Baltic country geo-
and enforced. history; and, recently, geographical location. graphically, Estonians consider themselves to
As Friedrich Hayek, Nobel laureate in eco- be a Nordic people.) Depending on the mea-
nomics, taught us in another context, we sure employed, in 2000 the average Finn
cannot explain success by examining failure: earned two and a half times to more than
Before we can explain why people commit seven times what the average Estonian
mistakes, we must first explain why they earned. Fifty years of Communist rule surely
should ever be right.1 had something to do with the gap in incomes
The question that we need to ask is why that opened between the two countries.
should nations prosper? We argue that the In the past, substantial differences existed
difference between prosperity and poverty is between the standard of living in East and
property. Nations prosper when private prop- West Germanytwo countries with essential-
erty rights are well defined and enforced. ly the same resources, education, culture, lan-
guage, religion, history, and geography.5 Why
the tremendous income differences?
The Wealth of Nations Hong Kong and Singapore are city states,
almost completely lacking in natural
UCLA researchers Richard Roll and John resources. They border much larger and
Talbott provocatively titled a paper, Why poorer neighbors. Hong Kong in particular
Many Developing Countries Just Arent.2 experienced long periods of immigration
Economic development has been exceptional from its poorer neighbor, mainland China.
rather than typical. As Peruvian economist Yet both island nations sustained periods of
Hernando de Soto points out, capitalism has annual growth of real per-capita GDP at 5
been successful mainly in the West.3 The percent for a long period. Singapores real
result is incredible disparities in living stan- per-capita GDP doubled from 1962 to 1971.6
dards around the world. The real per-capita GDP of Hong Kong, a for-
Depending on the measure, real income mer colony of Great Britain, now exceeds
varies across countries by a factor of more that of the mother country ($25,153 vs.
than 100. In 2000, real per-capita GDP was $23,509 at PPP in 2000). The paradoxes
$50,061 in Luxembourg and $490 in Sierra abound. Despite its own recent economic
Leone. Those figures are measured in pur- miracle, Chinas real per-capita GDP in 2000
chasing power parity (PPP). Using 1995 con- was still just under $4,000. Taiwans is over
stant dollars produces even more extreme $17,000, more than four times Chinas. (Both
variations across countries.4 Differences measured in PPP.) Prof. Allan Meltzer has
between neighboring countries can be huge. recently commented on these near-laborato-
Depending on the income measure used, real ry experiments in development:
per-capita GDP in the United States is about
four to eight times that of Mexico. The In each of these comparisons, cul-
socioeconomic consequences of that differ- ture, language, and traditions are the
ence are huge and well-known. Conserva- same. Outcomes are markedly differ-
tively measured, South Koreans have 17 ent. The countries with capitalist
times the income of North Koreans. That dif- institutions and the market system
ference surely has something to do with the grew richer; the others faltered or
current tensions on the Korean Peninsula. went backwards. A South Korean

now lives on an average income Our paper is not intended to be a review of
about equal to average incomes in the empirical development literature. Roll
the United States in 1945. His North and Talbott do a nice job of that.12 Our focus
Korean cousin, if he manages to sur- is on what does matter for growth: private
vive, exists by eating roots and grass. property. We do take note of the empirical
My colleague Nick Eberstadt points results in Roll and Talbott, however.
out how much diet and living stan- Roll and Talbott find that nine institu-
dards matter: seven-year-old South tional variables explain over 80 percent of the
Korean boys are 8 inches taller than international variation in per-capita gross
North Korean boys.7 national income, with property rights (+) and
black market activity (-) having the highest
Actual, historical economic development levels of significance. The other variables are
of countries cannot be explained by the pres- regulation (-), inflation (-), civil liberties (+),
ence or absence of natural resources. Re- political rights (+), press freedom (+), govern-
sources are neither necessary nor sufficient for ment expenditures (+), and trade barriers (-).
development. Development has occurred in We commend their paper to the reader who
inhospitable circumstances, and lack of devel- wants more details on the empirical findings.
opment has occurred in countries rich in nat- Before turning to the conceptual case for By the middle of
ural resources. Oils curse is well known.8 property rights as the primary determinant of the 19th century,
Real per-capita income in Saudi Arabia is a economic growth and development, we ask private property
fraction of what it once was. Nigeria, an oil why property rights had come to be neglected
producer, is categorized as a highly indebted in the economic literature. We cannot simply was under
poor country. And, Argentina, rich in natural blame economists models, but must examine intellectual
resources including oil, has recently experi- their theoretical underpinning.
enced a long recession due to its bad policies
and defective institutions.9
In their empirical studies, economists cor- The Economists Oversight
relate output with investment capital,
human capital, and productivity.10 Empirical In his book on the history of property rights,
relevance aside, there is a fatal conceptual Tom Bethell examines the neglect of property
flaw in this approach. Both sides of the equa- rights in the economic literature. He concludes
tion are measuring the same thing: that the existence of private property was a pre-
sumption that underlay the work of the classical
The left side measures a flow from economists. Its absence was unthinkable, so its
wealth, while the physical and importance went undefended. As he put it, in
human capital variables on the right the Great Britain of Adam Smiths day, criticism
side measure the stock of wealth. of private property hardly ever found its way
Obviously, if one regresses wealth on into print.13 Richard Pipes agrees: If the glori-
wealth plus some true determinant fication of private property reached its apogee in
of wealth, the latter doesnt have England, where it enjoyed the support of a large
much opportunity to be detected as body of private owners, it first came under
significant.11 frontal assault in ancient regime France.14
Adam Smith did not neglect property
It is no wonder then that institutional rights in his legal work. The first lecture in his
determinants of growth have been neglected. first series of lectures on jurisprudence began:
Even when included in empirical studies,
they compete against wealth in explaining The first and chief design of every
economic growth. The modeling of the system of government is to maintain
growth process has obscured it. justice: to prevent the members of

society from incroaching on one noblest triumph of humanity over itself.19
anothers property, or seizing what is By the middle of the 19th century, howev-
not their own. The design here is to er, private property was under intellectual
give each one the secure and peacable attack. The assault came from many direc-
possession of his own property.15 tions. Bethell identifies an unholy trinity of
economists: Mill, Marx, and Marshall.
Smiths statement of the purpose of gov- John Stuart Mills famous distinction
ernment is 18th century in its formulation. It between the laws of production and the laws
is as descriptive as normative. Protecting pri- of distribution was the source of much subse-
vate property is just what government did first quent mischief. The laws of production were
and foremost. As Bethell explains, economists scientific and immutable, while those of dis-
assumed a political and legal framework tribution were the product of man and
comparable to that found in eighteenth-cen- changeable through legislation. Mill included
tury Britain, but they neither insisted on the the discussion of property under distribution.
point, not did they spell it out in detail.16 In Science, not ownership, shaped production.20
France, Jean-Baptiste Say had a chapter on In a market economy, however, there is no
property in his Treatise on Political Economy. distribution separate from production and
Apparently, the experience of the French exchange. The redistributive impulse under-
Revolution motivated Smith to focus on the mines the system of private property that
importance of property rights.17 That experi- undergirds production and exchange. The
ence also profoundly affected such English production process, meant to operate by
political thinkers as Edmund Burke. The immutable laws, is undermined when private
neglect by the British political economists that property is insecure. There is no production
Bethell chronicles remains puzzling. mechanism running independently of the
According to Bethell, the phrase private system of rewards and penalties accruing to
property barely entered the language before owners of factors of production (land, labor,
the nineteenth century. The 18th century and capital) in a market.21
Scottish philosopher Adam Ferguson spoke Mills bloodless account of production
of property, but without the qualification. contrasts sharply with that of von Mises,
Bethell counted a couple of uses of private offered 100 years later:
property in The Wealth of Nations, and one in
the first edition of Malthus Principles of Ownership of the means of produc-
Political Economy. On the whole, though, it tion is not a privilege, but a social lia-
By the 20th seemed unnecessary to specify more precisely bility. Capitalists and landowners are
an institution that was not thought to have compelled to employ their property
century, we had any workable alternative.18 for the best possible satisfaction of
the paradox that, Of course, the great legal theorists were the consumers. If they are slow and
in economics, the very much concerned with property and its inept in the performance of their
protection. Blackstone defined property as duties, they are penalized by losses. If
defenders of that despotic dominion that one man they do not learn the lesson and do
markets had said claims and exercises over the external things not reform their conduct of affairs,
of the world, in total exclusion of the right of they lose their wealth. No investment
comparatively any other individual in the universe. But he is safe forever.22
little about could think of nothing which so generally
property. engages the affections of mankind, as the In Mises account, production is an active,
right to property. Jeremy Bentham, who dis- risky, and entrepreneurial venture. Produc-
agreed with Blackstone on almost all other tion is a protean process, and the only per-
issues, agreed with the jurist on property, say- manent law of production is change. Mises
ing that the law securing property is the final observation that no investment is safe

forever refutes the classical economic doc- ished. Marx believed it was in fact changing. It is the
trine of economic rent: there are no perma- So did Marshall. So their view of property was absence of legal
nent income streams. at least coherent. Today, very few people
John Stuart Mill was among the first in a believe that human nature is changing. And protection of
line of thinkers who believed they were wit- we can see that such statements as Marshalls, private property
nessing the transformation of human nature. claiming that it had already changed, were
That transformation would enable a commu- misguided.29
that has blocked
nist form of ownership to substitute for pri- The practice of 20th century communism the democratiza-
vate property. As mans nature was sponta- attempted to effect a change in human tion of both
neously transformed, everyone would learn nature. Everything the Communist Party
to feel the public interest as their own. Mill has done since the Revolution, despite property and
was certainly a good enough economist to changes and apparent departures from origi- capitalism in
understand the shirking problem when prop- nal ideas and replacement of leaders, has
erty is owned in common. In a socialist farm been directed at the transformation of
Latin America.
or manufactury, however, people would be human beings,30 explains Russian historian
working under the eye, not of one master, but Mikhail Heller. We know the consequences
of the whole community.23 of this effort.
We know how that system ends: in the By the 20th century, we had the paradox
gulag. In the mid-19th century, however, that, in economics, the defenders of markets
such ideas were progressive. And the younger had said comparatively little about property.
Mill was an immensely influential thinker When economists addressed private property,
not only in his own century but into the next it was often to criticize it. Schumpeter spoke
one. He authored the most successful and of classical liberalisms defeat, and noted
most influential treatise of that age.24 And, that on the whole, the economic professions
according to Pipes, Mill moved liberal ideol- of all countries were politically supporters of
ogy closer to socialism.25 the counter-tendencies to liberalism rather
Alfred Marshalls Principles of Economics than of the still dominating liberal ones. In
strongly influenced the course of thinking this sense, we can say the alliance between eco-
among English-speaking economists. Marshall nomics and liberalismand, with exceptions,
also believed in the idea of progress. While between economics and utilitarianismwas
Mill looked forward to the possibility of broken.31
improvement in human nature, Marshall No one focused more on private property
believed that changes in human nature had than Marx, but in the context of its denunci-
for the last fifty years been rapid. Omi- ation. The Marxian view of property tri-
nously, he believed that the need for private umphed in much of the world in the second
property doubtless reaches no deeper than half of the last century. Where were the 20th
the qualities of human nature.26 century economists in the debate?
Marshall subscribed to the idea of pro-
gressive social change. Mens collective
instincts, their sense of duty and their public Propertys Neglect in
spirit would be better developed. Legislation the 20th Century
would fortify this trend.27 With the per-
fectibility of man, private property became Today, it is a commonplace to observe
unimportant.28 that neoclassical economics neglected the
Karl Marx, who temporally bridged Mill role of property rights. What is amazing,
and Marshall, openly attacked private proper- however, is how little was written about prop-
ty. He called for its abolition. What all three erty rights by those economists recognized as
agreed on was the need for human nature to defenders of the market economy. In 1935
change if private property were to be abol- Hayek edited a collection of essays on the

socialist calculation debate. Here is what he individuals can decide what to do
said about property rights in a long chapter with ourselves. If all the means of
introducing the problem: production were vested in a single
hand, whether it be nominally that
To say that partial planning of the of society as a whole or that of a
kind we are alluding to is irrational dictator, whoever exercises this con-
is, however, not equivalent to saying trol has complete power over us.34
that the only form of capitalism
which can be rationally advocated is The most important protection afforded
that of complete laissez faire in the old to the individual by law is the protection of
sense. There is no reason to assume his property. That property provides individ-
that historically given legal institu- uals a protected domain against the state.
tions are necessarily the most natur- For Pipes, property provides the key to the
al in any sense. The recognition of emergence of political and legal institutions
the principle of private property does that guarantee liberty.35 By contrast, totali-
not by any means necessarily imply tarianism has its roots in patrimonial sys-
that the particular delimitation of tems in which sovereignty and property are
German the contents of this right as deter- linked. It is no accident that totalitarianism
immigrants to mined by the existing law are the reached its consummation in the Soviet
the American most appropriate. The question as to Union, since for much of Russian history
which is the most appropriate per- there was no distinction between sovereignty
colonies had manent framework which will secure and property.36
more secure the smoothest and most efficient The rich and powerful contrive to protect
working of competition is of the their property even when a weak rule of law
property rights in greatest importance and one which fails to protect property rights for the gener-
the 18th century it must be admitted has been sadly al population. Most of Latin America Chile
than does a neglected by economists.32 being a conspicuous exceptionexemplifies
that situation. For example, ordinary
native-born Hayek was clearly on the mark in saying Venezuelans cannot title property, so they
Venezuelan in that economists had sadly neglected the build shanties on the hills surrounding
question of the most appropriate perma- Caracas. Meanwhile, the elites live in barri-
the 21st. nent framework for a competitive economy. caded villas. It is the absence of legal protec-
His chapter exemplifies that neglect, howev- tion of private property that has blocked the
er. The quoted paragraph is almost empty of democratization of both property and capi-
content. To his credit, late in life Hayek rec- talism in that region.
ognized the importance of property rights in In 1763, a group of German settlers in
economic analysis.33 Maryland reported that the law of the land
In the Road to Serfdom, a political treatise, is so constituted, that every man is secure in
Hayek made the case for private property: the enjoyment of his property, and the
meanest person is out of reach of oppression
The system of private property is the from the most powerful, nor can anything be
most important guaranty of free- taken from him without his receiving satis-
dom, not only for those who own faction for it.37 German immigrants to the
property, but scarcely less for those American colonies had more secure property
who do not. It is only because the rights in the 18th century than does a native-
control of the means of production born Venezuelan in the 21st. Is it any wonder
is divided among many people act- that the United States prospers while
ing independently that nobody has Venezuela stagnates? Venezuelan President
complete power over us, that we as Hugo Chvez, dangerous and destructive

though he may be, cannot be blamed for stand against the tide on the issue of property
Venezuelas predicament. It is a problem of rights: Ludwig von Mises. His views on prop-
institutional failure, not the character defi- erty rights anticipated many of the positions
ciencies of an individual.38 adopted by economists many years later.
The rights against both the state and the Carried through consistently, the right of
powerful were secured for early Americans, property would entitle the proprietor to claim
such as the 18th century German settlers all the advantages which the goods employ-
described above, by the protection of their per- ment may generate on the one hand and
son and property. That protection in turn made would burden him with all the disadvantages
it possible for them to invest and take risks. resulting from its employment on the other
More generally, the stronger the set of property hand.41 Rewards and costs are not internal-
rights, the stronger the incentive to work, save, ized when laws are deficient or there are loop-
and invest, and the more effective the operation holes in liability protection. In this situation,
of the economy. The more effectively an econo- the problem of external costs arises.42
my operates, the more growth it will produce Mises analyzes the process by which individ-
for any set of resources.39 uals come to establish property rights over nat-
Once stated, the intellectual argument for ural resources. He examines the costs and bene-
the importance of property rights is com- fits of establishing private property rights.
pelling. Why does an individual invest unless When land is abundant and a frontier exists, as
to gain something for himself and his family? in 19th century America, it may not pay to
How can he ensure that gains flowing from establish private property rights. In that envi-
his activity be appropriated and secured ronment, settlers cut down trees without regard
other than through a system of well-defined to replenishing them. Similarly, they hunt and
property rights? To suppose otherwise, is to fish until the stocks are depleted, then moved
suppose that human nature will change. on to unsettled areas. It was only when a coun-
That road is a dead end. try was more densely settled and unoccupied
Yet theories of economic growth still fall first class land was no longer available for
back on laws of production and relationships appropriation, that people began to consider
among things rather than interactions such predatory methods wasteful. At that time
among people governed by institutions. they consolidated the institution of property in
Economists still debate whether returns to land.43
scale are increasing, decreasing, or constant. In central and western Europe, by con-
That debate, however, deals with physical trast, no such process was observed in mod-
laws of production, not the system of incen- ern times. There was no soil erosion, no The real world
tives and rewards shaping economic growth. deforestation. Why? The institution of pri-
Within an economic model, there may be vate property had been rigidly established for
looks like one of
diminishing returns. Yet the real world looks many centuries. Forests were privately increasing
like one of increasing returns. Adam Smith owned, and the owners were impelled to returns.
believed that returns decline in the short run, conservation by their own selfish interests. In
while costs decline in the long run. The short the most densely inhabited and industrial-
run mimicked the world of diminishing ized areas up to a few years ago between a
returns associated with David Ricardo and fifth and a third of the surface was still cov-
other classical economists. In the long run, ered by first-class forests managed according
entrepreneurs innovated, capitalists invested, to the methods of scientific forestry.44
and costs declined. Smith himself thought Private property rights are only secured
the pin factory provided the rationale for this when the benefits of doing so outweigh the
pattern, while property rights theorists look costs. That approach is familiar today. Mises
elsewhere.40 analysis, however, predates Demsetzs well-
In the 20th century, one economist did known presentation.45 The modern property

The emergence of rights literature largely overlooked Mises ly assigned or partitioned does not affect the
a more coherent analysis. It would have benefited from it, way resources are used when there are no
since Mises had a more thorough under- transaction costs associated with voluntary
economic theory standing of the critical role of property rights exchanges of property and no policing costs.48
of property rights than did most of his 20th century contem- Since there are policing costs and transactions
poraries. costs associated with defining and protecting
is a fairly recent In sum, with some conspicuous excep- property rights, such rights will be defined
phenomenon. tions, neglect of property rights characterizes and protected only when the benefits of doing
all too much the history of economics. As so are greater than the costs.
Pipes summarized it, professional econo- It is a mistake to assume that the task of
mists have paid little attention to property assigning, defining, and protecting property
rights, being principally concerned with rights is the exclusive job of the state. Property
material factors making for economic growth, rights developed from custom and tradition
such as capital formation and technological long before we had nations. In Property and
innovation.46 The emergence of a more coher- Freedom, Richard Pipes provides an overview of
ent economic theory of property rights is a the evolution of the institutions of property
fairly recent phenomenon. from primitive times to the emergence of the
state. He noted that in most countries proper-
ty took the form of possession, claims to which
Economics, Property Rights, rested not on documented legal title but on
and Development prolonged tenure, which custom acknowl-
edged as proof of ownership.49 Only later did
Armen Alchian, Ronald Coase, and property become regularized with the emer-
Harold Demsetz founded the modern prop- gence of the state.50
erty rights school of economics. They sought Today, property rights are often worked
not only to delineate the importance of a sys- out among individuals or firms first and
tem of private property rights to the effective then recognized by law. However, govern-
functioning of an economy but to identify ments at all levels continue to weaken or
the circumstances that lead to the assign- attenuate property rights on a daily basis
ment and formation of property rights. with a barrage of regulations affecting the
Alchian stated: use of private property.
The two essential elements of property
By a system of property rights I mean rights are (1) the exclusive right of individuals
a method of assigning to particular to use their resources as they see fit as long as
individuals the authority to select, they do not violate someone elses rights and
for specific goods, any use from a (2) the ability of individuals to transfer or
nonprohibited class of uses. As sug- exchange those rights on a voluntary basis.
gested in the preceding remarks the The extent to which those elements are hon-
concepts of authority and of non- ored and enforced will determine how effec-
prohibited rely on some concept of tively prices in an economy will allocate goods
enforcement or inducement to respect and services. Both experience and theory indi-
the assignment and scope of prohibit- cate that economies with effective price sys-
ed choice. A property right for me tems are better at producing wealth. In short,
means some protection against other the stronger the private property rights sys-
peoples choosing against my will one tem, the better the economy is at efficiently
of the uses of resources said to be allocating resources and expanding wealth-
mine.47 creating opportunities.51
Individuals in all societies have conflicts of
Coase shows that the way rights are initial- interest. One way conflicts are resolved is

through competition. The property rights sys- by government. Deregulation, as a result,
tem in a society defines the permissible forms responds to the realization that strengthen-
of competition. A private property system ing of property rights ensures the best use of
gives the exclusive right to individuals to use resources.56
their resources as they see fit and to voluntari- Even though preserving property rights
ly transfer them.52 Such a system prohibits clearly enhances countries growth and devel-
force and encourages cooperation. Indeed, opment perspectives, assigning and enforc-
economic competition is a system of social ing property rights in some areas can be chal-
cooperation.53 The broader and stronger the lenging. This is particularly true with respect
protection of private property rights, the more to knowledge-based goods and economic use
effective prices are at allocating resources, and of some natural resources. In both cases, it is
the more effectively resources are allocated, very difficult to achieve a consensus across
the greater the wealth creation. nations either on how to define property
The relationship between protection of rights or on what sort of international mech-
propertydefined in terms of the trans- anism should be created to enforce them. In
parency, independence, and efficiency of the this sense, the environment and knowledge-
judicial systemand wealth, measured in based products will continue to be at the
GDP per capita for 150 countries around the heart of the biggest potential conflicts on
Property rights
world, makes the point. On average, GDP per property rights. Nevertheless, the fact developed from
capita, measured in terms of purchasing remains that effective protection of property custom and
power parity, is twice as high in nations with is the only effective means for societies to
the strongest protection of property ($23,769) make use of what they own, in the most effi- tradition long
than in those providing only fairly good pro- cient way, to promote both economic growth before we had
tection ($13,027). Once the protection of and prosperity. 57
property shows clear signs of deterioration Building strong property rights systems in
(moderate protection), even without a totally poor countries is no easy task. Establishing a
corrupt judicial environment, GDP per capi- democratic form of government is no guar-
ta drops to a fifth of that in countries with antee of a strong private property rights sys-
the strongest protection ($4,963). Countries tem. There are plenty of poor, illiberal
with a very corrupt judicial system are also democracies that violate or attenuate private
very poor on average ($2,651). 54 property rights with abandon, Argentina
Some economists raise the problem of being the most recent and flagrant exam-
external costs as an objection to a strong ple.58 Nor is it clear that democracy is a nec-
property rights system. The existence of essary condition for the protection of prop-
external costs is used to justify government erty rights since property rights have been
action to attenuate private property rights. strongly protected under dictatorships
While the existence of an externality or mar- (Chile) and by outside authority (Hong
ket failure is a necessary condition for gov- Kong). Yet the strongest systems seem to be
ernment intervention, it is not a sufficient in wealthy, established democracies. The
condition. Government actions have their source of their success stems not from strong
own costs and these should be weighed governments but from governments focused
against the potential benefits of such on protection of property and individuals
actions.55 Yet many countries impose regula- use of that property in commerce. In Hayeks
tions that weaken property rights on the words:
mere whiff of an external cost. Regulation
affects economic activity because it interferes It was not under the more powerful
with private property rights. It does so by governments, but in the towns of the
attempting to modify, supplant, or replace Italian Renaissance, of South Ger-
market outcomes with outcomes mandated many and of The Low Countries, and

Establishing a finally in lightly governed England, the position. Under that approach, there is
democratic form i.e., under the rule of the bourgeoisie an optimal amount of law-abiding behavior.
rather than warriors, that modern Economists would tend to agree even more
of government is industrialism grew. Protection of strongly with Barros position on black mar-
no guarantee of a several property, not the direction of ket activity, which he sees as an adaptation to
its use by government, laid the foun- poorly defined property rights, high tax rates,
strong private dations for the growth of the dense and oppressive regulation. By operating in
property rights network of exchange of services that the informal sector, individuals are able to
system. shaped the extended order.59 engage in economic activity that would oth-
erwise be lost to weak institutions and bad
What would most benefit less-developed policies. Still, there are recognized costs in
countries would be a focus on establishing terms of inefficiency, inability to enforce con-
and protecting property rights. Yet most aid tracts, and lost tax revenue.61
from the United Nations, International Hernando de Soto graphically outlined
Monetary Fund, and World Bank is directed the costs to the entrepreneurs operating in
toward other goals, and often undermines the black market:
property rights. Protecting property, letting
individuals pursue their own self-interest, Contrary to popular wisdom, operat-
and opening up trade offer the best chance ing in the underground economy is
for economic growth. hardly cost-free. Extralegal business-
es are taxed by the lack of good prop-
erty law and continually having to
Corruption hide their operations from the
authorities. Because they are not
Pro-growth development officials increas- incorporated, extralegal entrepre-
ingly focus on corruption as an impediment neurs cannot lure investors by selling
to development. Traditionally economists shares; they cannot secure low-inter-
have held two distinct opinions about cor- est formal credit because they do not
ruption. Robert Barro has suggested that, even have legal addresses. They can-
under some circumstances, corruption can not reduce risks by declaring limited
have beneficial effects. liability or obtaining insurance cov-
erage. The only insurance available
In some circumstances, corruption to them is that provided by their
may be preferable to honest enforce- neighbors and the protection that
ment of bad rules. For example, out- local bullies or mafias are willing to
comes may be worse if a regulation sell them. Moreover, because extrale-
that prohibits some useful economic gal entrepreneurs live in constant
activity is thoroughly enforced fear of government detection and
rather than circumvented through extortion from corrupt officials, they
bribes. However, the economy will be are forced to split and compartmen-
hampered when few legitimate activ- talize their production facilities
ities can be undertaken without between many locations, thereby
bribes. Thus, the overall impact of rarely achieving important econo-
more official corruption may be mies of scale. In Peru, 15 percent of
ambiguous.60 gross income from manufacturing
in the extralegal sector is paid out in
Many economists would agree with the bribes, ranging from free samples
cost/benefit approach to corruption, if not and special gifts of merchandise to
the moral ambiguity seemingly underlying outright cash. With one eye always

on the outlook for police, under- ond only to property rights in its influence
ground entrepreneurs cannot openly on the standard of living in a country.
advertise to build up their clientele Once corruption takes root, it is difficult
or make less costly bulk deliveries to to stamp out. The illicit payments received by
customers.62 government officials become part of their
expected compensation. Customs agencies
De Sotos research led him to conclude can become little more than schemes for col-
that, when it is possible for entrepreneurs to lecting bribes.
obtain title to their property and operate legal- One way out of this problem has been for
ly, it is worth paying taxes to avoid the costs governments to employ private firms, such as
associated with operating underground. The the Swiss Firm Societe General de Surveillance,
poor do not choose to operate illegally out of to enforce the rules or even collect customs
predisposition to lawless behavior. Speaking imposts. In Peru the Fujimori government
of the urban migration process in developing licensed several inspection companies to con-
countries, De Soto wrote that in every coun- duct pre-shipment inspection of import com-
try we investigated, we found that it is very modities, which would be used as a valid refer-
nearly as difficult to stay legal as it is to become ence for settlement of duties and clearance
legal. Inevitably, migrants do not so much charges. This private competitive scheme
If they could
break the law as the law breaks themand enhanced customs revenue collection and operate in an
they opt out of the system.63 reduced clearance delays.65 The government environment of
An increasing number of observers of establishes the tariff schedules and rules, but
developing countries decry the effects of per- the profit-seeking firm enforces them. Its rep- secure property
vasive corruption. Alejandro Chafuen and utational capital at stake, the firm will employ rights, the
Eugenio Guzmn wrote : resources to combat corruption.
Alternatively, a country can diminish the
worlds poor
Nevertheless, the same corrupt activ- incentives for bribe payments by altering would have the
ity that might enable one person to policies. Complex tariff schedules containing solution to their
avoid the burden of an unjust law large variations in rates create incentives for
might also allow someone else to importers to seek favorable treatment by cus- own plight.
avoid complying with just laws. The toms officials on the category into which a
bureaucrat who accepts a bribe to good falls. Chile introduced a flat tariff
help one person with a contract schedule for most goods, which greatly
might also accept a bribe to leave diminished rent seeking. That still left a high
someone else out of business. tariff rate of 10 percent. In 1991, the govern-
Officials who accept bribes to accel- ment announced a policy of reducing the flat
erate a regular business errand might rate by one percentage point per year until
also accept a bribe to leave someone the flat rate hit 6 percent in 2003.66
defenseless against blackmail. Execu- Although not impossible, weeding out
tives of U.S.-based corporations find corruption that has taken root challenges the
themselves frequent victims of such political system. That consideration surely
bureaucratic behavior.64 led Thomas Jefferson to argue that preven-
tion is the best cure:
There is ample evidence that Chafuen and
Guzmn were on the mark. In Roll and Human nature is the same on every
Talbotts recent study, corruption (the black side of the Atlantic, and will be alike
market factor of the Heritage Index of influenced by the same causes. The
Economic Freedom) has a large and statistically time to guard against corruption
significant negative effect on per-capita real and tyranny, is before they shall have
gross national income. That variable is sec- gotten hold of us. It is better to keep

the wolf out of the fold, than to trust es in the United States is a mortgage on the
to drawing his teeth and talons after entrepreneurs house.70
he shall have entered.67 De Soto and his colleagues estimated the
amount of dead capital in untitled assets
Countries that have held the wolf at bay held by the worlds poor as at least $9.3 tril-
have generally prospered. The Scandinavian lion.71 He estimated the value of savings of
countries are famous for their low level of worlds poor to be forty times all the foreign
political corruption. Despite onerous taxes, aid received throughout the world since
their citizens enjoy comparatively high real 1945.72 Haiti, the poorest Latin American
incomes. Finland and Denmark are often country, exemplifies the process:
cited as favorable places in which to conduct
business. With the exception of Norway (the In Haiti . . . the total assets of the
oil curse again), they enjoy high levels of eco- poor are more than one hundred
nomic freedom.68 fifty times greater than all the for-
As Chafuen and Guzmn analyze it, cor- eign investment received since
ruption attenuates property rights by mak- Haitis independence from France in
ing them insecure. In a politically corrupt 1804. If the United States were to
society, the ability to open a business and hike its foreign aid budget to the
continue to operate it is governed not by level recommended by the United
rules, but by bureaucratic whim. The rule of Nations0.7 percent of national
men is substituted for the rule of law. The incomeit would take the richest
greater the degree of corruption, the less country on earth more than 150
secure are property rights. One would cer- years to transfer to the worlds poor
tainly expect a negative correlation between resources equal to those they already
the security of private property and the level possess.73
of corruption.69
The informal sector is an outlet for entre- In sum, the absence of secure property
preneurial activity in repressed economies. rights is the cause of corruption, and the cre-
That sector is a safety valve for the poor and ation of private property rights would be the
economically disenfranchised. Nonetheless, cure for corruption. If they could operate in
it can itself attenuate private property rights. an environment of secure property rights, the
When knockoffsgoods violating copy- worlds poor would have the solution to their
right and trademarksare sold on the black own plight. Indeed with their already accu-
Each country market, producers of the originals suffer. mulated property secured, the worlds poor
This is not an argument for harassing entre- would be much less so.
must evolve its preneurs in the informal sector, but for
own property reforming the policies that channel entrepre-
rights system neurs onto the black market. U.S. Policy:
according to its
Such reforms will enhance the security of First, Do No Harm
private property. That in turn will bring par-
own history. ticipants in the informal sector into the for- All too often U.S. aid policy, bilateral and
mal sector. De Soto has written eloquently multilateral, has been counterproductive,
about how the poor benefit when means are resulting in the people of the recipient coun-
provided for formalizing informal activity. tries being harmed rather than helped. Direct
Once an extralegal entrepreneur becomes U.S. economic assistance, through USAID
legal and can title his assets, the whole world and other agencies, and indirect assistance
of credit opens up to him. His assets can be funneled through such institutions as the
used as collateral for credit. The single most World Bank, have failed to spark economic
important source of funds for new business- development, and have too often sustained

corrupt institutions.74 ment, therefore, lies not in its antiq- Getting from
What Melvyn Krauss has labeled the con- uity and function but in its longevi- Magna Carta to
sensus of expert opinion on development in ty, for it went from strength to
the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s has largely been strength, whereas its continental parliamentary
proven wrong.75 Development nostrums counterparts, with few exceptions supremacy in
have lead not to prosperity but to penury in (notably Poland, Sweden, and the
all too many developing countries. Private Netherlands) did not survive the era
England took
property was omitted from the development of royal absolutism.79 roughly half a
consensus.76 millennium.
The official assistance policy of the Exporting a countrys system of private
United States, and that of many multilateral property rights ultimately entails exporting its
institutions, is now directed at helping devel- history and political culture. That has not been
oping countries develop the rule of law and a done successfully, other than through colonial-
system of private property. The problem is ism, and then only effectively in the case of the
that those efforts largely ignore the history of British Empire. History does not repeat itself,
private property in the United States and and the American political culture finds colo-
other countries in which private rights are nialism alien. So the scope for effective official
strongly protected. In the Mystery of Capital, assistance in this process is limited.
Hernando de Soto looked for lessons from Following de Soto, we see the need for
U.S. history that could be applied to develop- each developing country to work out the
ing countries. The lesson he gleaned was that problem of evolving a system of private prop-
each country must evolve its own property erty in terms of its own history. The transi-
rights system according to its own history.77 tion economies of Central and Eastern
Richard Pipes focused on the history of Europe had the advantage, to different
property in two countries: England and degrees, of a pre-Soviet history of free eco-
Russia. He also presented evidence for a nomic and political institutions on which to
number of other countries, such as France, build. In some cases, such as the Baltic coun-
Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and the Nether- tries (especially Estonia), and Poland, the
lands.78 One theme emerges from all the his- transition has been truly rapid.
tories. Property and freedom emerged from a For countries without such a history of
struggle over finances between a representa- freedom, the process will necessarily be
tive body and a king or ruler. When the ruler longer. It is unlikely to be a process attractive
was compelled to rely on parliament or its to outsiders. Russia is a prime example. U.S.
equivalent for a permanent source of rev- policy is constrained in its ability to aid
enue, property was protected and liberty directly the evolution of the rule of law and
flourished. When the ruler was not so com- private property in such countries.
pelled, the converse resulted. Getting from Magna Carta to parliamen-
In Russia, sovereignty and property tary supremacy in England took roughly half
merged. Consequently, the Russian despotic a millennium. Is it reasonable to assume that
ruler had no need of a representative assem- a country such as Russia could attain the
bly for revenue. The story was mixed in other same degree of protection of private property
countries. The English king became increas- under a rule of law in less than a century?
ingly dependent on Parliament for revenue, What the Bush administration can and
and Parliament thereby gained supremacy. should do is to vigorously pursue trade liber-
The struggle was always couched in terms of alization with developing countries. Tariff
protecting property and liberty from and nontariff barriers hit the exports of
encroachment by the king: developing countries particularly heavily,
notably on agricultural, and textile and
The originality of the English parlia- apparel exports. Many of the benefits

claimed by advocates of aid, which are sel- advance the rule of law and protection of pri-
dom realized through aid, actually accrue to vate property.
international trade. Moreover, developing
countries that open their markets to trade set
in motion a process of institutional change Notes
that can lead to the establishment of the rule A version of this paper was presented at the annu-
of law. Robert Zoellick, the United States al meeting of the Association of Private
Trade Representative, has proposed a num- Enterprise Education, April 68, 2003. We thank
ber of trade initiatives to help developing the participants at our session for their com-
ments. We also thank Ian Vsquez, Richard
countries, and the Bush Administration Ebeling, Leonard Liggio, Maralene Martin, and
should pursue these.80 Walker Todd for their comments on earlier drafts.

1. Friedrich A. Hayek, Economics and Know-

ledge, in Individualism and Economic Order
Conclusion (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948), p. 34.

Historical economic development can 2. Richard Roll and John Talbott, Why Many
only be explained by private property, the Developing Countries Just Arent, Los Angeles,
UCLA, Nov. 2001 (unpublished manuscript).
rule of law, and other key institutions.
Classical economists understood this, but 3. Hernando de Soto, The Mystery of Capital: Why
didnt emphasize what they took to be obvi- Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere
ous. As economics matured as a discipline in Else (New York: Basic Books, 2000).
the 19th century, ideas critical of property 4. See Gerald P. ODriscoll Jr., Edwin J. Feulner, and
rights began to take hold. In the 20th centu- Mary Anastasia OGrady, 2003 Index of Economic
ry, economists became enamored of macro- Freedom (Washington: The Heritage Foundation and
economics and technique over microeco- Dow Jones, 2003), see table entitled Per Capita
Income throughout the World, pp. 43235. This
nomics and institutions. table is used for the subsequent comparisons.
The rise of the omnipotent nation state in
the 20th century, accompanied by the decline 5. Official U.S. statistics missed these differences.
of classical liberal ideas, caused economists In 1989, the year the Berlin Wall fell, per-capita
income was reported to be higher in East Ger-
to lose sight of the fundamentals of develop- many ($10,330) than in West Germany ($10,320). U.S.
ment. Economists came to accept absurdities Department of Commerce, Statistical Abstract of the
as fact. Measured Soviet real GNP has United States (Washington: GPO, 1989), p. 822. Cited
grown more rapidly over the long run than in Bethell, p. 12.
have most of the major market economies, 6. World Bank, World Development Indicators
Paul Samuelson wrote in the 13th (1989) edi- Online, See also Gerald
tion of his famous textbook, even as the P. ODriscoll Jr. and Sara J. Fitzgerald, Trade
Berlin Wall was coming down.81 Promotes Prosperity and Security, Heritage
Foundation Backgrounder no. 1617, December
The lessons learned from the economics 19, 2002, Tables 1 and 2 and pp. 67.
of property rights have yet to be effectively
incorporated into policy by bilateral and 7. Allan H. Meltzer, Leadership and Progress,
multilateral aid agencies. Shifting aid The Irving Kristol Lecture of the American
Enterprise Institute, Washington, February 26,
resources away from fashionable develop- 2003, p. 5. Meltzers comparisons were the two
ment programs toward institutional arrange- Germanys, the two Koreas, and between China
ments that protect property, improve market and the Chinese diaspora in Taiwan, Hong
price systems, and reduce trade barriers may Kong, and Singapore. Richard Pipes, the distin-
give the poor a shot at a better economic guished historian of Russia, makes a similar com-
parison in Property and Freedom (New York: Alfred
future. More likely, the countries themselves A. Knopf, 1999), pp. 28687.
will need to evolve the needed institutions.
Promoting free trade is one practical way to 8. Sachs and Warner found a negative correlation

between natural resource exports and economic 23. Bethell, pp. 112.
growth. Natural resource abundance tends to lead
to higher protectionism. See Jeffrey Sachs and 24. Schumpeter, p. 531.
Andrew Warner, Natural Resource Abundance
and Economic Growth, National Bureau of 25. Pipes, p. 56. Also, see Schumpeter, p. 531.
Economic Research Working paper no. 5398, 1995.
26. Alfred Marshall, Principles of Economics (1890;
9. The Argentine economy contracted 10.9 per- reprint, New York: Macmillan, 1961), p. 764 and
cent in 2002 and has been in recession since July 72122. Quoted in Bethell, p. 117.
1998. The inflation rate peaked at 41 percent as
the value of its currency declined 70 percent 27. Bethell, p. 119.
against the U.S. dollar. The government also
defaulted on the public debt. Argentinas GDP 28. As Schumpeter observed, Marshall professed
Contraction Breaks Record, Wall Street Journal, himself in sympathy with the aims of socialism
March 20, 2003, p. A16. Since that article was and spoke without explanation and qualification
written, economic growth in Argentina has of the evil of inequality (p. 765).
apparently resumed.
29. Bethell. P. 121. According to Pipes (p. 40), it
10. This discussion follows that in Roll and was in the 18th century that philosophers began
Talbott, pp. 5-6. to reject the traditional concept of an underlying
human nature.
11. Ibid., p. 6.
30. Mikhail Heller, Cogs in the Wheel: The Formation
12. For a discussion of the technical issues of Soviet Man (New York: Knopf, 1988), p. 125.
involved in their study, see ibid., pp. 8 and 1315. Quoted in Bethell, p. 121.

13. Tom Bethell, The Noblest Triumph: Property and 31. Schumpeter, pp. 76566. The title of this section
Prosperity through the Ages (New York: St. Martins of the History of Economic Analysis is The Defeat of
Press, 1998), p. 95. Liberalism. By liberalism, Schumpeter refers to
what we now call classical liberalism.
14. Pipes, p. 39.
32. Friedrich A. Hayek , The Nature and History of
15. Adam Smith, Lectures on Jurisprudence (Oxford: the Problem, in Collectivist Economic Planning:
Clarendon Press, 1978), p. 5. Quoted in Bethell, p. Critical Studies (1935; reprint, Clifton, N.J.: Augustus
97. It is all the more odd that in his later book, M. Kelley Publishers, 1975), pp. 2122.
Smith opened with a lengthy discussion of the
pin factory. 33. Friedrich A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit (The
University of Chicago Press, 1988), p. 36.
16. Bethell, p. 98.
34. Friedrich A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (Chicago:
17. Ibid., p. 98. University of Chicago Press, 1944), pp. 1034. Once
again, Hayek is an economist who discusses prop-
18. Ibid., pp. 99100. erty in his political work, but little in his econom-
ic contributions.
19. William Blackstone in Ehrlichs Blackstone, ed. J.
W. Ehrlich (San Carlos, Calif.: Nourse Publishing 35. Pipes, p. xii.
Co., 1959), p. 113; Jeremy Bentham, Principles of
the Civil Code in Property, Mainstream and Critical 36. Ibid., pp. xii-xiii.
Positions, ed. C. B. Macpherson (Toronto: Univer-
sity of Toronto Press, 1978), p. 53. Cited in Bethell, 37. James W. Ely Jr., The Guardian of Every Other Right:
pp. 19 and 100. A Constitutional History of Property Rights, 2nd ed. (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 16.
20. Joseph A. Schumpeter, History of Economic
Analysis (New York: Oxford University Press, 38. At purchasing power parity, the average citi-
1954), p. 531. zen of oil-producing Venezuela had a real per-
capita GDP of $5.794 in 2000. By contrast, the
21. Compare with the discussion in Bethell, pp. figure in Chile, heavily dependent on non-oil
11011. commodity prices, came in at $9,417. The U.S. fig-
ure was $34,142. ODriscoll, Feulner, and
22. Ludwig von Mises, Human Action: A Treatise on OGrady, pp. 43235.
Economics, 3rd rev. ed. (Chicago: Henry Regnery
Company, 1966), pp. 31112. 39. See Lee Hoskins and Ana I. Eiras, Property

Rights: The Key to Economic Growth, in Gerald 53. Mises, pp. 14345.
P. ODriscoll Jr., Kim R. Holmes, and Mary
Anastasia OGrady, 2002 Index of Economic Freedom 54. Hoskins and Eiras, p. 40.
(Washington: The Heritage Foundation and Dow
Jones, 2002), pp. 3738. 55. This is the essential lesson of Public Choice
Theory. James Buchanan and Gordan Tullock, The
40. In the Wealth of Nations, marginal costs are an Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Consti-tution-
increasing function of output. Innovation pro- al Democracy (Ann Arbor, Mich: University of
duces outward shifts in the cost function and the Michigan Press, 1962), see also
appearance of declining costs (increasing library/Buchanan/buchCv3c1.html. This spawned
returns). At each moment in time, however, there a vast literature on market failure and political
are diminishing returns. Adam Smith, An Inquiry failure. In 1986, Buchanan won the Nobel Prize in
into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations economics partly for that contribution.
(New York: The Modern Library, 1937 [1776]).
56. Hoskins and Eiras, p. 40.
41. Mises, Human Action, p. 655.
57. Ibid., p. 46.
42. Ibid. 65556.
58. Fareed Zakaria, The Rise of Illiberal Democra-
43. Ibid., p. 656. cy, Foreign Affairs (November/December, 1967),
pp. 2243. See also Fareed Zakaria, The Future of
44. Ibid., p. 657. Freedom (New York: W. W. Norton, 2003).

45. Harold Demsetz, Toward a Theory of 59. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p. 33.
Property Rights, American Economic Review 57
(May 1967): 34759. According to Professor 60. Robert J. Barro, Rule of Law, Democracy, and
Richard Ebeling of Hillsdale College, the discus- Economic Performance, in Gerald P. ODriscoll, Jr.,
sion of externalities, property rights, and the Kim R. Holmes, and Melanie Kirkpatrick, 2000 Index
tragedy of the commons in the 3rd edition (1966) of Economic Freedom (Washington: The Heritage
of Mises Human Action is the same in the first edi- Foundation and Dow Jones, 2000), p. 36. Compare
tion (1949) and, indeed, in Nationalokonomie David Osterfield, Prosperity versus Planning: How
(1940). Private communication, March 25, 2003. Government Stifles Economic Growth (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1992), pp. 20418.
46. Pipes, p. 61.
61. Barro, p. 32. Compare Enrique Ghersi, Teora de
47. Armen A. Alchian, Economic Forces at Work la Corrupcin (Lima: Cecosami Editores, 2003); and
(Liberty Press, 1977), p. 130. Enrique Ghersi, Economa de la Corrupcin,
Centro de Divulgacin del Conocimiento Eco-
48. Ronald Coase, The Problem of Social Costs, nmico, Caracas, Monografa 73, no date, www.
Journal of Law and Economics (1960), pp. 15.

49. Pipes, p. 65. 62. De Soto, p. 155.

50. Ibid., pp. 97-98. Possession, inheritance and cus- 63. Ibid., p. 21.
tomary law precede the state. This view is consistent
with Hayeks. See, for instance, F. A. Hayek, Law, 64. Alejandro Chafuen and Eugenio Guzmn, in
Legislation and Liberty: Volume I: Rules and Order Driscoll, Holmes and Kirkpatrick, p. 61. Compare
(Chicago: University of Chicago press, 1973). De John Mukum Mbaku, Bureaucratic Corruption
Soto focuses on the absence of legal title to property in Africa: The Futility of Cleanups, Cato Journal
in developing countries, despite the presence of well- 16, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 1996).
developed states. He concludes that the only way to
find the extralegal social contract on property in a 65. Roberto Abusada Salah, Javier Illescas
particular area is by contacting those who live and Mucha, Sara Taboada Pea, Integrando el Per al
work by it. That is, look to who possesses it and is Mundo, (Lima, Peru: Centro de Investigacin de la
accepted as customary owner. De Soto, p. 182. Universidad del Pacfico e Instituto Peruano de
Economa, 1st. ed., 2001), p. 93; Richard
51. See James Gwartney and Robert Lawson, Eco- Webb, quoted in Mar de Fondo, Caretas May 25,
nomic Freedom of the World: 2002 Annual Report 1995, Lima, Peru; Congreso Elimin Rgimen de
(Vancouver, B.C.: The Fraser Institute), pp. 67. Supervisin de Importaciones in Diario Gestin
May 21, 2003, Lima, Peru. We thank Alejandro
52. Alchian, pp. 12729. Caballero Aste for his research help on this point.

The Peruvian Congress has recently decided to 74. See the relevant discussions in the Report of the
renationalize import supervision. International Financial Institution Advisory Commis-
sion, Allan H. Meltzer, chairman, submitted to the
66. Jos Piera and Aaron Lukas, Chile Takes a U.S. Congress and the U.S. Department of the
Bold Step Toward Freer Trade, Wall Street Journal, Treasury, March 8, 2000. Also, David Dollar and
January 15, 1999. Lant Pritchett, Assessing Aid: What Works, What
Doesnt and Why, World Bank Policy Research
67. Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, Notes on Report, 1998; and William Easterly, The Elusive
the State of Virginia, Public and Private Papers, Quest for Growth: Economists Adventures and
Addresses, Letters (New York: Literary Classics of Misadventures in the Tropics (Cambridge, Mass.:
the United States, 1984), p. 671. Quoted in MIT Press, 2001).
Chafuen and Guzmn, p. 61.
75. Melvyn Krauss, How Nations Grow Rich: The
68. Sara J. Fitzgerald, Scandinavias Changing Case for Free Trade (New York: Oxford University
Political and Economic Landscape, in ODriscoll, Press, 1997), p. 86.
Feulner, and OGrady, pp. 3947. Compare
Gwartney and Lawson. 76. Krauss, p. 94.

69. Chafuen and Guzmn (pp. 5561) found a 77. De Soto, pp. 10551.
strong negative correlation between economic
freedom and corruption. 78. See Pipes, pp. 15158.

70. De Soto, p. 6. 79. Pipes, p. 151.

71. Ibid., p. 35. 80. Gerald P. ODriscoll Jr. and Sara J. Fitzgerald,
Trade, Aid and Economic Growth, forthcom-
72. Ibid, p. 5. ing.

73. Ibid., p. 5. 81. Bethell, p. 28.

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