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3: Settling The Northern Colonies (1619-1700

I. The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism
A.Martin Luther protests against catholic doctrine(1517)
1.Declared the bible alone was the source gods words
2.Started the Protestant Reformation
B.Institues of the Christian Religion by John Calvin(1536)
1.Basic doctrine, elaborated ideas of Martin Luther.
2.Formed Calvinism: in support of predestination
3.Conversion: intense, identifiable, personal experience in which God revealed
to the elect their heavenly destiny.
C.Protestant church and desperate protestants Puritans: people who wanted
Catholicism out of England more quickly
D.Separatists break away from the church of England
1.King James I, head of the state and church in England fears defiance
2. He harasses the more devout Puritans out of England.
II. The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth
A.Separatists searching for Religious freedom dream in America aboard the Mayflower
1.Settled in Plymouth Bay(1620) without legal permission
2.Captain Miles Standish: Aboard of the Mayflower; indispensable service as
Indian fighter and negotiator
B.Mayflower Compact: agreement to form a crude government and to submit to the
will of the majority under the regulations agreed upon.
1.Signed by 41 adult males before disembarking
2.First attempt of gov. in America; and poor example of a constitution
C.(1620-1621) first winter: deadly 44 out of 102 people.
1.1621-first Thanksgiving Day in New England
D.William Bradford: elected 30 times as governor of the Pilgrims in annual elections.
1.Self-taught scholar read many languages
2.Feared non puritan settlers would corrupt his spiritual guided colony
III. The Bay Colony Bible wealth
A.Puritans see catastrophe in 1629, when Charles I dismissed parliament and approves
anti-puritan persecutions.
B.Massachussetts Bay Company: non separatist Puritan group; feared future royal
1.Started the colony off a larger scale, it was blessed
2.Massachusetts bay colony; separate not from the English church but of its
C. The Great English Migration 1630-1642,
1. 7,000 refugees left England for America puritans and non-puritans.
2. Destinations Massachusetts and the warm west Indies specially Barbados.
D.John Winthrop first governor of Bay Colony, who people believed had a calling from
IV. Building the Bay Colony
A.Massachusetts Bay Colony Government under Winthrop
1.Didnt think the commoners could rule; not a democracy
2.Colonys religious residents only were allowed to vote annually for governor
B.General Court: governor his assistants and a representative assembly
C.Another name for puritans visible saints
1.John Cotton devoted Puritan; enforced religious rules in the colony
2.Clergyman Michael Wigglesworth: Day of Doom; popular poem in New
V. Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
A.Anne Hutchinson(1591-1643)
1.Challenged the authority of the clergy with unorthodox views.
2.Antinomaianism. Was banished from the Bay Colony
B.Roger Williams
1.Challanged the Church of England, was an extremist separatist.
2.In 1635 the clergymen fell threatened enough and banned him out of Bay
VI. The Rhode Island Sewer
A.Roger Williams flees Massachusetts Bay Colony(1636)
1.He settles in Rhode Island, Providence
2. Creates the first Baptist Church there
3.Establishes religious freedom for all people
VI. New England Spreads Out
A.Hartford: founded in 1635 (Connecticut)
B. Reverend Thomas Hooker led a group of Puritans from Boston to Hartford.
C.(1639) settlers of Connecticut colony drafted the Fundamental Orders
1.Modern Constitution: created al regime democratically controlled by
substantial citizens.
D.New Haven(1638) another colony that arose in Connecticut
E.New Hampshire was absorbed by Massachusetts, and then was taken back and
became a royal colony
F.Sir Fernando Gorges heirs sold part of Maine to Massachusetts Bay
VII. Puritans Versus Indians
A.Massasoit, leader of the Wampanoag signed treaty with Pilgrims in 1621
1.Wampanoag helped the Plymouth Pilgrims have their first Thanksgiving
2.Friendly relations with the Indians were ruptured when more settlers arrived
B.Pequot tribe and English settlers friendship ends in 1637
1.Pequot tribe is destroyed after fighting against the allied Narragansett Indians
and English settlers
2.Metacom, Massasoits son launched a series of raids and attacks against the
colony (1675-1676).
3.Metacom was nicknamed King Philip by the English
VIII . Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence
A.New England Confederation(1643): 4 colonies together to defend against enemies
1. Confederation included only Puritan colonies
2.Massachusetts Bay Colony, Plymouth, New Haven, scattered valley
B.When Charles II reign; puritan hopes of purifying English church withered
1.Charles gave Massachusetts rival Connecticut a charter to legalize squatter
colonies 1662
2.Royal orders had no more effect seen more clearly in Massachusetts
C.1663- Rhode Island was given a charter for most religiously tolerant government in
D.1684-Massachusetts Bay Colonys charter was revoked
IX. Andros Promotes the First American Revolution
A.Dominion of New England(1686) created by Royal authority
1.imposed from London
2.Embraced all of New England till 1688 when they added New York, and Jersey.
B.Sir Edmund Andros: English military man, leader of the Dominion
1.Established headquarters in Puritanical Boston
2.Induced heavy restrictions on the courts, the press, and schools, revoked land
C.1688-1699: bloodless revolution when they dethroned catholic (James II) and put
protestant rulers(William II and Mary) on throne.
D.Massachusetts made a royal colony in 1691
E.Salutary neglect was introduced after unrest in Maryland and New York
1.Semblance of order until newly appointed governors
2.Colonial trade and navigation laws
X. Old Netherlanders at New Netherland
A.Netherlands independent from Spain by the 16th century with Englands help
B.Golden Age: 17th century, fought three great Anglo-Dutch Naval Battles
1.Dutch Republic leading power in the East Indies
2.Major commercial and naval power, soon became Englands enemy.
C.The Dutch East India Company was a state within a state; enormous and profitable
1.supported an army of 10,000 men, 190 ships, and 40 of them men of war
2.Employed an English explorer, Henry Hudson
a.Sailed into Delaware Bay and New York Bay, and Hudson River 1609
b.Hired in order to seek great riches,
D.The Dutch West India Company, less power than East India Company
1.Based in the Caribbean more interested in fighting than trading goods
a.raided Spanish treasure ships and stole money in 1628 created outposts in Africa, and a sugar industry in Brazil
E.New Netherland establishment in Hudson River
1.Made for fur trade quick profit
2.Founders secondary interest, Manhattan was their first
F.Manhattan Founders first interest 22,000 acres; present day most expensive real
1. Former New York City started off as New Amsterdam company town
2.Runned by stockholders, and Dutch Company
a.Quakers abused, because people showed no interest for religion etc
b.Highly aristocratic colony
G.Patroonships: Feudal estates in front of Hudson river; Albany patroonship was larger
than present day Rhode Island
XI. Friction with English and Swedish Neighbors
A.Dutch Company Colony attacked by infuriated Indians as a response settlers build a
wall *Wall Street
B.New Sweden-Swedes trespassed Dutch settlement, started this colony in the
Delaware River
1.Golden Age of Sweden during 30 Years War
2.resentful Dutch fight Swedes; Swedish rule falls and its absorbed by New
Netherlands 1655.
XII. Dutch Residues in New York
A.English regarded Dutch intruders and in 1664 Dutch surrendered and it was claimed
all English land
1.English squadron through the Hudson River, led by the Duke of York
2. New Amsterdam changed name to New York in honor of, The Duke of York
XIII. Penns Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
A.Quakers: a group of dissenters that arose in England mid 1600s
1.Religious society of Friends, quaked under deep religion
2.Offensive to authorities, refused to support the taxes of English Church
B.William Penn: in 1660 when just 16 he was interested in the Quaker faith
1.True fighter in 1681 was able to receive a land grant in the New World from
the king and named it Pennsylvania.
2.Most advertised colony, liberal land policy encouraged a huge flow of
XIV. Quaker Pennsylvania and its neighbors
A.Good relationship with Indians, religious freedom
B.Blue Laws: prevented staging plays, playing cards dice, games and hilarity.
Pennsylvania-Most populous and wealthy colony
C. William Penn was never liked completely by colonists.
1.He was arrested three times for treason
2. Disliked because of friendship with James II
D.1664: Turn point when New Netherland was taken by the English divided the region
into East and West New Jersey
1. West New Jersey was given to Berkeley and East New Jersey was given to Sir
George Carteret
2.In 1674 Berkeley sold west New Jersey to William Penn and Quakers.
3.In 1681 Penn bought East Jersey from Carteret
4.England combined East and West Jersey into one colony in 1702 when their
governments surrendered to English crown.
XV. The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies
A.Bread Colonies- Middle colonies(New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania
1.Heavy export of grains, more religious tolerance than anywhere else, a lot of
2. Most ethnically mixed settlement, Midway to south plantations
B.Benjamin Franklin moved to Philadelphia at 17 and change began

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