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Back in the biology department, Logan sat down at his desk, planning to prepare
some roll sheets for his new classes. He stayed there for a long time without moving. The
September sun went low behind the New Jersey Palisade, but he didn't prepare the sheets.
Suddenly he sat forward in his chair. In a surprising flash of creative thought, he had seen
how he could obtain the money. The entire plan simply burst upon him. He would rob the
bank and pin the robbery on Tritt.

Conspiracy: Secret plan Roll sheets: List of names
To go low: To set Flash: Spark, burst
Entire: Complete, whole To obtain: To get
To burst upon: To come suddenly to To pin on: To place the blame on
II. EXERCISE: Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the words defined
1. The list of dead and detained suggested that the ... against the general ran wider
than initially thought.
2. He enjoyed the brief ..... of jealousy and the home comforts.
3. Instinctively I felt it might endanger the ..... project, how everything might
collapse around me the moment I told the truth.
4. Following her arrival, she .... a temporary job as a nurse in the Hospital of Hope.
5. The appalling realization ..... him that he had failed.
1. It can be inferred from the passage that Logan is a ...

A) student B) janitor

C) cleaner D) teacher E) secretary

2. It's obvious in the passage that.................

A. he didn't plan to prepare the roll sheets before hand.
B. the evening was approaching.
C. he spent a lot of time preparing the roll sheets.
D. he finally decided to count the money at his desk.
E. Not moving for a long time made him sleepy.
3. Logan's plan to put the blame on Tritt ...........
A. had been carefully developed
B. took a period of ten months
C. worked very well
D. came to him suddenly
E. was suggested to him by his friend.

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