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As alike as two peas in a pod (meaning identical

As blind as a bat (can't see very well at all)
As busy as a bee (very busy)
As cold as a fish (unemotional)
As clean as a whistle (very clean)
As clear as mud (ironic, meaning not clear at all)
As cool as a cucumber (someone who stays calm)
As delicate as a flower (fragile)
As easy as ABC (very simple)
Fit as a fiddle (very healthy)
Free as a bird (free to go anywhere)
Fresh as a daisy (clean and fresh)
As gentle as a lamb (very gentle)
Good as gold (very good)
Red as a beet (embarrassed)
To Leak like a sieve (full of holes)
As light as a feather (light in weight)
As plain as day (clear to see)
As quick as a wink (happens in a short amount of time)
Sleep like a baby (sleeping soundly)
As silly as a goose (very foolish)
As hard as nails (a person who is very tough)
As slow as molasses (moves very slowly)
As old as the hills (very old)
Pure as driven snow (innocent, chaste)
Run like the wind (run very quickly)
Sick as a dog (very sick)
As slippery as a fish (a person who is not trustworthy)
Sly as a fox (a person who is clever and tricky)
As smooth as silk (very smooth)
Snug as a bug in a rug (comfortable and warm)
Strong as an ox (very strong)
Sturdy as an oak tree (very strong)
As stubborn as a mule (very obstinate)
Sweet as honey (very sweet)
Tall as a tree (very tall)
Thick as a brick (not very smart)
As tough as nails (very tough)
As wise as an owl (very wise)
as clear as mud
as strong as an ox
as nutty as a fruitcake
as pretty as a picture
as good as gold
as quiet as a mouse
as clear as a bell
as bright as day
as light as a feather
as dry as a bone
as slow as molasses
as deep as the ocean

The early bird gets the worm.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
As happy as a lark.
Turn over a new leaf.
Rome was not built in a day.
Tomorrow is another day.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Better late than never.

Dont judge a book by its cover.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
It's no use crying over spilt milk.
It's never too late to mend.

Blood is thicker than water.

Still waters run deep.

Logical / sequential order
Firstly, secondly, thirdly ..
Next, last, finally
Last but not least
In addition
Other than that
At present / presently

Order of importance
Most / more importantly
Most significantly
Above all
It is essential / essentially

As a result
As a consequence

On the other hand
On the contrary
By (in) comparison
In contrast

The cause of
The reason for


Adjectives Synonyms
Big large
Blank empty
Broad wide
Centre middle
Cunning clever
Dangerous risky
Eatable edible
False untrue
Fertile fruitful
Gay cheerful
Glad happy
Hard difficult
High tall
Huge enormous
Intelligent clever
Lazy indolent
Little small
Loving fond
Loyal faithful
Mad crazy
New modern
Nice kind
Noisy rowdy
Old ancient
Oral verbal
Polite courteous
Poor destitute
Quick rapid/fast
Rare scarce
Ready alert
Real genuine
Rich wealthy
Rude impolite
Sad unhappy
Safe secure
Sleepy drowsy
Slim slender
Thin lean
Usual normal
Vacant empty
Weak feeble
well-known famous

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