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Quiz 2

Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

____ 1. A primary key is a field or set of fields that uniquely identifies a record.
____ 2. One of the goals of a DBMS is to increase data redundancy thereby making it less vulnerable to hackers.
____ 3. The database approach to data management helps to reduce program-data dependence.

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 4. When a manager has an awareness and understanding of how to make information useful in supporting a task,
she has ____.
a. data
b. intelligence
c. knowledge
d. a model
____ 5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of valuable information?
a. Timeliness
b. Accuracy
c. Flexibility
d. Complexity
____ 6. A record club has a goal of retaining 100 percent of its subscribers following the completion of their trial
period. Their actual retention rate is only 62 of every 100 policies. This system is ____.
a. 62 percent efficient
b. 62 percent effective
c. 62 percent accurate
d. 62 percent precise
____ 7. Mary forecasted that will yield between $10 and $11 million in profits next quarter. Bob
forecasted that will yeild $10.5 million in profits next quarter. actually yields
$12.5 million. Which statement is most accurate?
a. Bob is more accurate than Mary
b. Mary is more precise than Bob
c. Mary is accurate and Bob is not accurate
d. Bob was more precise but they were both inaccurate
____ 8. A computer system with a knowledge base that can automatically make suggestions or decisions. This is
called ____.
a. Expert System
b. DSS
c. TPS
d. MIS
____ 9. An organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices used to provide routine
information to managers and decision makers.
a. Expert System
b. ERP System
c. TSP
d. MIS
____ 10. A system used to scan purchases at the point of sale would be considered a(n) ____ type of business
information system.
a. TPS
b. DSS
c. MIS
d. ERP System
____ 11. A(n) ____ is a set of integrated programs capable of managing a company's vital business operations for an
entire multisite, global organization.
a. TPS
b. DSS
c. workflow system
d. ERP System
____ 12. A collection of related data fields is called a ____.
a. byte
b. record
c. character
d. bit
____ 13. A DBMS is a(n) ____.
a. interface between the database and application programs
b. data repository
c. knowledge base
d. unique group of records
____ 14. A(n) ____ is a generalized class of people, places, or things for which data is collected, stored, and
a. record
b. entity
c. attribute
d. file
____ 15. Which attribute would make the best primary key?
a. Social security number
b. Last name
c. First name
d. Age
____ 16. A traditional approach to data management means that ____.
a. data files are created individually by each application
b. data files are placed into objects
c. data files are managed by the DBMS
d. no data files are used
____ 17. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the database approach to data management?
a. Reduced data redundancy
b. Data and program dependence
c. Framework for program development
d. Better overall protection of the data
____ 18. The ____ data model follows a treelike structure.
a. distributed
b. hierarchical
c. network
d. relational
____ 19. The most popular database model currently in use is the ____.
a. relational model
b. hierarchical model
c. network model
d. object model
____ 20. A ____ provides a detailed description of all data used in the database.
a. network model
b. data dictionary
c. data model
d. schema

Complete each sentence or statement.

21. In information systems, _______________________ is output that is used to make changes to input or
processing activities.
22. Draw a picture of the logical and physical access paths in a typical MIS system. Be sure to label the Data, the
DBMS, and the application programs/software.
Quiz 2
Answer Section


1. ANS: T REF: 181

2. ANS: F REF: 182
3. ANS: T REF: 183


4. ANS: C REF: 6
5. ANS: D REF: 7
6. ANS: B REF: 11
7. ANS: A
8. ANS: A REF: 15
9. ANS: D REF: 16
10. ANS: A REF: 21
11. ANS: D REF: 22
12. ANS: B REF: 180
13. ANS: A REF: 180
14. ANS: B REF: 181
15. ANS: A REF: 181
16. ANS: A REF: 182
17. ANS: B REF: 185
18. ANS: B REF: 187
19. ANS: A REF: 188
20. ANS: B REF: 194


21. ANS: feedback REF: 15

22. ANS: Picture

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