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[ Su r vi va l ]
Prison was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Does that sound a little far-fetched even laughable? And yet, weve lost
count of how many prisoners and ex-prisoners have told us that. While
prison first seemed about as rock-bottom as they could get, the experience
ended up being a real turning point in their livesleading to a new way
of thinking and a new purpose in life.

Such a turn-about involves making some new choices and creating some
new habits while inside. This Prison Survival Guide offers suggestions in:
How to eat right and stay fit
How to feed your mind
How to help your marriage stay together
How to parent your kids from behind bars
How to connect with the right kind of people inside
How to deal with anger and depression
How to guard against common prison diseases
How to tap into your spiritual side

Prison Fellowship:
44180 Riverside Parkway, Lansdowne, VA 20176
(703) 478-0100,

A Guide to Surviving and Thriving Behind Bars

t rodu ct i on
In to this resource
We also want to recognize another former
prisoner, Charles W. Colson. Three decades ago,
as special counsel to President Nixon, Colson got
Most prisoners survive prison. We want to help you caught up in the Watergate scandal. It pushed him
do more than that. In one of the most unlikely places, to take a hard look at his life which led him to
we believe you can thrive! nd forgiveness in Christ. And then it pushed him
into prison. But after he got out, Colson founded
Prison Fellowship in 1976. The Gospel had radically
This Prison Survival Guide is a collaborative effort. transformed his own life. And he wanted all
While the key author is former Prison Fellowship prisoners to have that same opportunity.
staff member and ex-prisoner Ron Humphrey, he Today Prison Fellowshipa ministry of PFM is
has been assisted by fellow staffers Jeff Peck, Becky one of the largest prison ministries in the world. Our
Beane, and Zoe Sandvig. In addition, several current desire, simply, is to help youand millions of other
and former prisoners and their family members have prisoners like youturn your life around. We offer you
contributed valuable insights from their rsthand this Prison Survival Guide as one small way to help.
experiences of incarceration. We extend our thanks Prison Fellowship volunteers are active in
to Jeff Andrews, Norm Askew, James French, Ritchie many U.S. federal and state prisons. Check with
The Zig Hall, Larry Keen, Jackie Kubinski, Carolyn your prison chaplain or program director to nd
LeCroy, Peg Ruggiero, Chris Russell, Otis Smith, out if PF is active in yours. For more information
Donna Varnam, Steve Varnam, Thomas Walker, you may also write to:
Roy Yamamoto, and Marty Yost. Prison Fellowship
44180 Riverside Parkway
Lansdowne, VA 20176

Please read on to learn more about how to make the most

of your time in prisonand come out a better person.

IT NOW BEGINS Real survival for me really

began on my release date from federal

[ Surviving ]ife
I hereby sentence you to prison 17 years ago. It meant finding
a place to live, a job, and a car to get
The judge rattles off some numbers, to that job. It meant learning all over
but your mind is numb and your how to file a tax return, balance a

Priso n fo r L knees are shaking. You are going

to prison, and you are scared. Your
attorney will explain to you later
what the numbers mean.
You are going to be living in a
checkbook, and follow a strict budget.
It meant learning how to be an at-
home husband and father again, with-
out trampling on the shoes and the
feelings of my wife, who had become
concrete and steel jungle, by a new set more self-sufficient during the nine
of rules and values from the ones you years I was down.
probably grew up under. A tough You will be dealing with prison
guy attitude wont help you here survival for the rest of your life. Its
prisons are full of some of the tough- a little like Alcoholics Anonymous:
est and meanest people in the world.
You will have to gain new in- Hi, Im Ron,
stincts for danger and living by your and Im a prison survivor!
wits. And you must do it quickly.
Most people survive a prison And no, its not easy. But it
sentence. They return to the outside can be done. Prison Fellowship has
world, some sooner, some later. But published many stories of former
once back outside, they must continue prisoners who are making it on the
to live by new values or join the more outside. They include Norm Askew,
than 50 percent of released prisoners Jeff Andrews, Thomas Walker, Stacy
who end up back inside. Cavender, Otis Smith, James French,
With that disheartening statistic Michael Llamas, Chris Russell, Roy
in mind, we want to take the definition Yamamoto, Jackie Kubinski, and me
of prison survival to the next level, as Ron Humphrey. These names might
they say in sports. So our new defini- mean nothing to you. I list them just
tion of prison survival means not just to show that you are not alone in your
getting through prison with body and experience. Others have gone before
soul intact, but staying out of prison you. And from the vantage point
for the rest of your life. of now doing well on the outside,
most of them look back on their
prison experience and see it as a
real turning point in their lives.


Freedom is definitely preferable writer and photographer. And I still While 95 percent of todays For the rest of you, we look
to going back to prison. I have a new play with Rubiks Cube and other puz- prisoners in America will one day forward with you to that day when
home, my wife of 30-plus years, chil- zles, just to keep dust from collecting be released, we realize that some of the prison gate swings open for you
dren, grandchildren, a fantastic job in the brain cells. you will never leave prison. For you, and the guard shouts, Dont come
that I love, and decent health. And I Finally, we will look at positive we hope you can find in this Prison back! By then, we hope you will be
can go fishing whenever I feel like it. and negative ways to become a prison Survival Guide a few gems of wisdom prepared to grant him that request!
These are truly the best years of my survivor. We will be talking mainly that will help you not only endure
life. Miss them by getting sent back attitude here, the reasons lifelong your situation, but thrive in it. Ron Humphrey
to prison? Not a chance. prison survival should be your goal. Former Senior Writer
In the following pages of this And we will consider how God fits Prison Fellowship
booklet, we are going to dig into into all this.
this new idea of prison survival. Just a few cautions about what
This guide was written with input this guide does not cover: It cannot
from many other ex-prisoners, Prison address every specific type of circum-
Fellowship writers and editors, and
experts in various fields (such as
stance that might come up in prison.
Instead, we touch on some of the H i, Im Ro n, an d Im
mental health or education). We will
talk about nutrition and exercise, not
just for your prison time, but for when
most typical circumstances and share
some broad principles on how to face
them. We could write books on par-
a pri so n su rvi vor !
you get home as well. The latest stud- enting and relationships, but this isnt
ies say more than 60 percent of Ameri- the place (though well provide some
cans are overweight. And nothing good recommendations for further
shortens life expectancy more than reading). Also, the guide does not
the problems that come with carrying address prisoners legal issues or
extra weight. give any legal advice. All cases are
We will also talk about preserving unique, and legal issues vary from
the mind as well as the body. Educa- state to state. So you should contact
tional programs, recreation, and good your lawyer with any questions or
friendship will not only get you concerns you may have.
through prison, but carry you into
the outside world as well. Now in
my early seventies, I am still taking
college classes in how to be a better
CHAPTeR 2 :: eAT, exeRCISe, AND eNDURe :: p5


Eat, Exe r cise , Surviving prison must be easy: More

than 700,000 prisoners will walk out
the front gates of U.S. prisons this
year, their sentences completed.
Lets start with food, which in prison
is never five-star. Remember,the aver-
age taxpayer is buying your dinner
tonight and every night you are behind

& [ Endure ]
But wait: Many studies show bars. Remember, too, that many of
that more than half of these them may be working long hours to
survivors will march right back put spaghetti, beans, rice, or mashed
into jail or prison within two or potatoes on the table for their own
three years of their release, having family, so they are not going to favor
caught a new beef. steak and lobster for you. With the
Apparently, we can survive state footing the food bill, you will
prison but not freedom. be fed as economically as possible.
Whats going on here? Why are You are going to see a lot of starchy
the odds stacked against us, and what carbohydrates and greasy fat and less
can we do to put them in our favor? protein. Carbs and fats cost less.
Remember, we are extending the You can survive on prison food.
definition of prison survival to mean You just need to learn to supplement
not just getting through the in-prison and control your intake of foods that
bit, but to then build a successful life both dietitians and doctors agree can
on the outside that will keep you there. harm your body over time. That usu-
We should all want to be a former ally means replacing some chow hall
prisoner for the rest of our lives. visits with home-cooking from the
This is going to be a total ap- commissary or canteen and your
proach. Not everythingeating, for locker. You have probably already
examplewill ever be the same in noticed that the all-time best-selling
prison as on the outside, but we can prepared food products in prison
talk about learning discipline and val- commissaries are ramen noodles and
ues during your imprisonment that you canned tuna. The noodles are dry; just
carry over and use in the real world. add hot water. The tuna lid has a pull-
tab so you dont need a contraband
can opener. There are many different
ways to fix the tuna: on crackers, in a
salad, or as a sandwich. And best of
all, tunapacked in water, not oil
is one of the healthiest foods you will
find on either side of prison walls.

CHAPTeR 2 :: eAT, exeRCISe, AND eNDURe :: p6

And ramen noodle packages I speak from experience; after THE TRACK AND THE PILE The third type of exercise is
are popular wherever hot water or a prison, I gained an average of three Prisoners spend much time just lying aerobic, or endurance training activi-
microwave is available to cook them. pounds a year. Doesnt seem like around. Do that in prison long enough ties. These get your heart and lungs
If the accompanying spice package much one year at a time, but it adds and you will develop a bad habit that pumping while exercising other mus-
doesnt go into the soup, it is used to up. I can see why so many others fail will carry over to your life after prison. cles. An ideal aerobic exercise will
spice up other food items. At the end in dieting. It is much easier to never The human body needs exercise, nearly raise your maximum heart rate 50
of this chapter, weve included some put on the extra pounds in the first everyone agrees. Use it or lose it, percent or more above your normal
recipes you can try in prison. And place than to try to take them off later. some say. Our bodies are strongest and heart rate and stay raised for at least
yes, weve taste-tested them all! Each time I see my doctor, he an- healthiest when we force them, through 20 minutes. Walking and jogging are
Many food-savvy inmates check ticipates my question about the effec- exercise, to work harder than at rest. aerobic exercises you can do in prison;
the posted prison menu in advance tiveness of the latest fad diet. Diet There are three different types of thats what the walking track is for.
each week and decide which meals and exercise, he chides me. We skip useful exercise, and examples of each At home, I mix treadmill (high impact
they want to replace. Ideally, you will the details; he has been over them can be done in prison as well as on putting stress on muscles and joints)
have enough canteen credit to buy the many times before with me. He wants the outside. Stretching exercises pull with lap swimming, which offers the
items needed to replace the skipped me to watch how much I eat and what the muscles, extend your various lowest impact of all and combines
prison meals. And if you just cant get I eat for the greatest nutritional value bending points for mobility and flexi- aerobic with resistance activity.
enough to eat between the mess hall with the lowest calorie count. One trick bility, lower the risk of muscle strain, At the federal prison where I did
and the commissary, then you are that works for me is to drink a glass and help with balance. my time, another inmate started a
a candidate for a job in the kitchen. or two of water just before eating. Resistance exercise involves lift- walking club. Names were posted in
Finally, many commissaries today You feel full sooner, plus you can ing, pulling, or pushing against some- the gym, and at the end of each day
sell multiple vitamin products. Consider always use the water. thing to build muscle strength. Heres we marked how many miles we had
using these daily, not just in prison, My doctor also wants me to follow where the weight pile comes in, if you walked or jogged that day around the
but on the outside as well. We seldom a varied exercise program regularly to are at a prison that still has one. But prison track. Some inmates topped
get all the needed nutrients through maintain heart and circulation, improve simpler resistance activities, such as 1,000 miles in a year! The discipline
regular eating, no matter how careful joint flexibility, and burn extra calories. calisthenics, push-ups, sit-ups, bicy- I gained through regular walking and
we are. Drink water; you can find that He never suggests special diets that cling, and even stair climbing, offer jogging around the prison yard carried
in prison. Our bodies are largely water, have caught the publics eye; just eat muscle-building opportunities. I was over to my civilian time, and I feel
and we need to replace fluids that are the right amounts of the right foods. able to find stationary bikes at my rotten if I fail to get some aerobic
lost and to flush our systems. Keep The American Cancer Society re- prison; I now have one at home to go exercise on a given day.
drinking it when released; its just cently changed its guidelines, saying with my treadmill and weight bench. Eating properly and getting regu-
a good life habit. that a third of the 500,000 cancer deaths lar exercise are two important ways to
Where eating on the inside has a year now result from poor diet and not only make it through a prison sen-
similarities with the outside is at the no physical activity. It states that eat- tence but to also build a pattern of
waistline. More than 60 percent of ing a nutritious diet, staying active, and good habits to follow on the outside.
Americans in and out of prison today limiting alcohol are the top activities
are considered above the weight that Americans should do to fight cancer.
is healthy for them. Extra weight leads
to all kinds of health problems down
the road, from diabetes to heart attack
or stroke. You tire easily, your joints
hurt, and you are spending money
constantly buying larger clothing.
CHAPTeR 2 :: eAT, exeRCISe, AND eNDURe :: p7

Microwave Tex-Mex
Peanut Butter Beef Fiesta
Balls Zesty Tuna Wraps

Ingredients 1 5-oz can low-fat hot & spicy

cup honey 1 6-oz can tuna, drained (or regular beef summer sausage)

cup peanut butter 1 tbsp salsa 1 15-oz can chili with beans

1 cup dry milk (or non-dairy creamer) 1 small dill pickle, diced (or dried chili mix)

cup banana nut granola cereal tsp honey 4-oz salsa Directions
(for variety, replace the cereal with tsp low-fat mayo 1 large hot dill pickle, diced 1. Prepare soup according to package

cup or one envelope of instant 1 our tortilla 8-oz Velveeta cheese, cubed directions. Set aside.
2. Dice summer sausage, bell peppers, and
uncooked oatmeal, your favorite -oz Velveeta cheese (or cheese spread)
onions and put in microwave-safe bowl.
dry cereal, or 1 cup of crunched
2 packages Ramen Dry Noodle
If using any dehydrated ingredients, add
Directions soup, chili or beef avor
sandwich cookies) water according to package directions.
1. Combine tuna, salsa, pickle, honey, 3-oz black olives, diced (optional)
Microwave about 3 minutes, stirring once
mayo in bowl, stirring until well blended. 3 tbsp honey after 90 seconds. Set aside.
1. Place the honey, peanut butter, and
2. On clean work surface, place 1 tortilla
(the wrap) on two paper towels.
2 small jalapeo peppers, diced 3. In third microwave-safe bowl combine chili,
cereal into a microwave-safe bowl.
3. Spread cheese along one edge of wrap.
cup bell peppers, chopped diced pickle, honey, jalapeo peppers, and
2. Cook in a microwave on high power for (fresh or dehydrated) cubed cheese. Microwave 2 minutes, stir,
Place tuna lling on top of cheese.
about 1 minutes. (Microwave power
4. Roll wrap starting at the edge with the cup onions, chopped cook 2 more minutes.
power settings vary. You may need an (fresh, dehydrated, or powdered) 4. Combine the chili and summer sausage
lling. Roll half turn, fold insides inward mixtures in one bowl, mixing well.
extra minute.)
3. Remove from microwave when peanut
and nish rolling. This will close the ends. 2 tbsp low-fat sour cream chip dip
5. Drain Ramen noodles and pour chili
Tortillas can crack, but if warmed a few (optional)
butter is soft. Stir until well blended. mixture over the top. Divide into two bowls
seconds in the microwave, they will be and spread salsa evenly over each serving.
4. Mix in dry milk a little at a time (if you are
more rollable. 6. Garnish with low-fat sour cream
going with the variation, mix those ingredi-
5. Microwave wrap on paper towels chip dip and olives.
ents in now). Mix with a spoon until the
for one minute (or eat cold).
mixture will not stick to the back of your
spoon or it becomes like Play-Doh.
Note: If your commissary doesnt
5. Form the dough with your hands
sell tortillas, you can try substituting
(or spoon) into -inch round balls,
bread or spread lling on crackers.
or pat onto a at microwave bowl lid. Try replacing some chow hall visits with home cooked meals
6. Set aside for several hours in a cool
place or on ice until hardened. created from ingredients available in most prison commissaries.
Weve taste-tested all of these!
about 10 balls or 12 two-inch squares

GET OFF THE COUCH Then an ingenious prison educa-

DoYourt Lo se Five oclock whistle. Quitting time at
the prison factory (if you have a job).
But whats the plan for the rest of the
evening? Five hours in the dayroom
tion director recruited an inmate/
private pilot to teach classes in flying.
We even got FAA-approved materials,
and our instructor, Tom (I hope you

[ Mind ]
watching someone elses choice of got your wings back, buddy), kept
television fare? On the outside we us busy for 18 months learning the
call that couch potato. mysteries of weather as it applied
I read a report that says the aver- to flying, basic ground school, and
age American spends four hours a instrument flight.
day watching television. Above aver- At the end of the course, I passed
age watches more. Good grief, what a proctored FAA exam and received a
are they watching? None of my ball certificate authorizing me to move im-
games or NASCAR races last that long. mediately on to flight training. While
Could it be dull sitcoms, inane reality the certificate expired long before my
shows, or crime shows? (Crime shows? sentence did, just attending the class
Shouldnt we have some principles?) two evenings a week and doing the
Are there any alternatives to the homework Tom assigned made those
Great Tube? Can you go back to your 18 months pass a lot faster than the
cell/dorm/cube and read a good book? others. At that prison, I could have
Attend a class over at the Education also taken training leading to a long-
Department? Hang out in the lonely haul truck driver CDL license. Truck
and quiet library? drivers are in demand these days.
Remember our definition of
BRAINSTORM OR BRAIN DRAIN? prison survival? You must not merely
Your brain works like a muscle; finish your prison term, but also stay
the more you use it, the better it gets. free in the world for the rest of your
But leave it in neutral awhile and life. Otherwise, snuff your torch; no
it will gather dust and rust that wont Survivor badge for you.
come out with WD-40. A 2005 Bureau of Justice Statistics
Different correctional facilities study shows a direct link between the
provide varied opportunities to number of years of education you have
exercise your brain. Sometimes, and your ability to get a job and stay
fellow prisoners can be your best out of prison once released. It should
teachers. During my nine years in a be no surprise that the more skills or
federal facility, one inmate taught me education you have, the greater the
to juggle using tennis balls bought chance that an employer will hire you.
from the rec department. Another Yes, Congress abolished Pell
showed me card tricks; playing cards grants for prisoners in 1994, but many

were abundantly available. A third local colleges have found ways to bring
had me solving Rubiks Cube in just study programs into prison, and prison-
over two minutes. ers have found ways to pay for them.

We have letters from inmates who Most community colleges now offer tive today, told me, I never had a
completed high school in prison. some form of adult education at rea- spare minute in prison. You need to
Some went on to complete bachelor sonable prices. I regularly take classes make a life for you, both in prison and Jon Marc Taylor is the
and postgraduate degrees before their at the University of Georgia over the when you get out. I was almost as undisputed expert on
release. No, its not easy, but its not Internet. I read and do the assignments, busy in prison as now. I would create education behind bars.
easy to continue your education on I learn, I pass the tests, I get certificates projects for me. Some of it was just
Make that Dr. Jon Marc Taylor, AA,
the outside either. of successful completion, and I have busywork, but that is important, too.
BS, MA, Ph.D, and note that he earned
yet to visit the campus itself. And Im In my favorite prison movie, all of those college degrees while in
FINDING INNER STRENGTH not afraid to tell people I am age 71, Shawshank Redemption, Andy prison. At the moment, Jon is among
Many prisoners will not have the prod- having left prison at 54. Not bragging; Dufresne, the lead character, says, a handful of prisoners we know who
ding and encouragement of family and I just like to be an old-fogey inspira- Get busy living, or get busy dying. have earned a doctorate in prison.
friends to better themselves through tion for others. Its the old, I guess thats what drove me on while Jon has been in prison since he was
study or training classes. It will have in prison; I wanted to live. (Some of 19more than 25 years. But instead
to come from a deep-set determination If I can do it, so can you. you are not there yet. Keep reading, of wasting away, Jon decided to use his
to rejoin the community, get a job, because we have some serious truth sabbatical for educational purposes,
and he began attending any classes
own a home, and raise a family. JUST DOING MY JOB to change those who think dying is
he could while sending away for corre-
Politicians and corrections officials Some years back, after prison, a the way out.) When they cut that spondence courses. Based on his
are catching on. They are running out magazine interviewed me about the home monitoring device off my wrist studies and research, he has written
of bed space; they want yours. If you value of working while serving a on February 22, 1990, I just decided articles for more than 100 publications
are released and you stay out, that bed is prison stretch. Prison work comes in to stay busy. A week later, I was and has won the I. F. Stone Student
now available for someone else. And the different flavors, and I had done some working for Prison Fellowship, and Journalism Award and the Robert F.
overall cost of corrections dips a bit. computer work in the prison factory, I have been on the run ever since. Kennedy Journalism Award. A New York
Didnt know you were that important? packed inmate orders in the commis- So make your choice. Sit like a Times op-ed piece by Taylor was read
So decision makers are encourag- sary, and umpired softball games. robot before a TV or enlighten your into the Congressional Record. He is
the author of Prisoners Guerrilla Hand-
ing and bringing back educational op- I just kept busy, and I told the maga- mind with some work, study, or a
book to Correspondence Programs in
portunities for prisoners. I dont know zine that I would have gone crazy good book. Doesnt matter if you are the United States and Canada. (This
if we will see the Pell grants return, without something to do. in or out of prison; its about keeping is available at and
but educating prisoners has a higher With overtime, I could sometimes your mind as healthy as your body. other online outlets. If possible, ask a
profile today than in past years. send home $400 a month to my wife For correctional educational family member or your prison chaplain
Once you are out of prison and find and kids, and that paid their rent. I opportunities, see Appendix A. to see about getting you a copy.)
a job paying more than 11 cents an hour, felt I wasnt neglecting them even
you can start bankrolling your future though I was away from them.
by taking night or weekend classes. Jeff, a successful computer execu-
Getting Ahead Behind Bars
The struggle to educate yourself behind walls and razor wire
will be the greatest challenge most of us will ever have to endure.
It takes dedication. It takes sacrifice. Jon Marc Taylor

SAVE THE FAMILY Steve and Donna Varnam

Going to prison is a severe strain on share their thoughts on how they

Preserving Your
family ties. If you are married when kept their marriage intact while Steve
you enter prison, the odds are stacked was in prison. Their comments are
against you. Studies show that 85 given from the perspective of the

[ Marriage ]
percent of marriages collapse when husband being the one in prison
one spouse goes to prison, even for since more than 90 percent of prison-
a short stay. What can you and your ers are male. But imprisoned wives
family members do to preserve these can learn from these, too.
ties throughout your prison time and
after your release? Husbands
Before we get too far, you might Get over your self-pity and
have burned a few family relation- accept responsibility for the
ships on your way to incarceration. actions that put you in prison.
Youre responsible for some damage. Only then can you get a fresh
Before any relationship can go forward, start on life and your marriage.
youll need to call, write, or in a visit
confess, acknowledge, apologize, and Learn to communicate with
seek forgiveness. We recommend your wife honestly. Your
reading The Art of Forgiving by Lewis conviction has damaged her
Smeades, Whats So Amazing About trust and confidence in you.
Grace by Phillip Yancy, and Harsh Rebuilding your wifes trust
Grief, Gentle Hope by Mary White. will take time, and is essential
Gerard, a Pennsylvania prisoner, to saving the relationship.
says, I made a conscious choice to
keep up good contacts with family and Be sensitive to what your wife
friends, an effort to keep up as much is going through. She is forced
normalcy in my life as possible. I to assume many new responsi-
humbled myself, let people know my bilities by herself. She, too, feels
situation, and have had wonderful alone. Listen to her needs first.
contact through phone and mail and
visits. I have also written the most, and Encourage your wife with
perhaps the best, letters of my life. I letters, telephone calls, and
believe a good letter is even better than visits. Dont tear her down.
a phone call; and it is an art form well
worth cultivating. It lets me keep in Protect her feelings. Dont be
touch with positive people to deepen afraid to say something nice to
ties and to feel much like a part of the her. Disagree when necessary,
world, even while locked up and cut then forgive and forget. Look for

off physically from so much. solutions where no one loses.

Overlook the little things Time your calls. Agree that Count Your Blessings to want to reach out to your family
that irritate you. Keep talking. youll say goodbye when times Many spouses make a huge sacrifice and fix or control things. It doesnt
Silence becomes a barrier. up. This is all about costs. Until to visit their loved ones in prison. work, and you may find yourself
serious phone reform takes root, They probably have to juggle a lot running into an emotional brick wall.
Children should unite you, not the bills that come with calls can of activities to carve out this time for Statements like, I called last night but
divide you. Dont let them play sink a family budget. In many you. They may have to drive or ride you werent there; where were you?
one off against the other. Dont cases youll need to keep it brief in a bus several hours to get to the Who were you with? communicate
take the childs side against and use letters to finish up or go prisonwhich costs money. It costs distrust and jealousy, which will just
your wife even when the child deeper into areas of concern. even more if they have to pay for a drive your loved ones away.
is right. Dont let the shared re- motel room when the round trip is too
sponsibility to the children in- Plan your calls by making much to cover in one day. And after a Encourage Your Spouse to Open Up
terfere with your responsibility a list of items you want to talk long triplikely disrupted with many Ann Edenfield, author of Family
and loyalty to their mother. about. This will help you get stops if young kids are alongspouses Arrested: How to Survive the Incar-
though the important items have to put up with the hassles of ceration of Loved Ones, suggests
Tell your wife youre sorry first before time runs out. security clearance, long waits, impa- some questions you might ask:
and ask for her forgiveness. tient and condescending treatment by
It will mean so much to your When asking for books, food, some correctional staff, and embar- Are you feeling negative
wife to hear these words. money or clothes from family rassing pat downs. But its worth it to pressure because of my
members, ask different people them to see you. So please dont take incarceration? From whom?
Dont abandon your role as rather than the same person your spouses visit for granted. Let her
husband or father. Make it easy every time. This spreads the know how much you appreciate that How can I help you
for your wife to tell you about cost load around. she made sacrifices to visit you. with home life and the
what is happening at home. Dis- children/family members?
cuss family decisions with her. Consider doing the same Bible Understand Inner Turmoil
study together and discussing Certainly your life isnt easy on the What fears and concerns
Trust your wife. Do not let what you learned by phone or inside. But keep in mind that your do you have?
others plant suspicion in in letters. Its a great way to familys lives arent any picnic either.
your mind. Do not let the grow together spiritually. Try to understand the pressures they Whom can you turn
disappointing experiences of endure to survive on the outside with- to on the outside for help?
other prisoners make you doubt MAKE THE MOST OF VISITS out youincluding the stigma of hav-
your wifes faithfulness and Visits from your family can be a ing a family member in prison. You Have you found a counselor
commitment to you. wonderful time of joy and renewal. wont be able to help change other or mentor for yourself and
Or it can end up a wasted opportunity peoples reactions to them. You might the children?
Phone Calling Tips if you and your spouse dont connect. not be able to help relieve your fam-
When calling home collect, Worse, it can fall into angry battle if ilys financial burdens. But you can Are there issues you want
call different members of the you use the time simply to vent your find ways to praise, encourage, and to discuss openly with me?
family rather than always frustrations. How can you make the appreciate your spouse for all she is
calling the same person. most of your time? doing for you and the family.
Having been stripped of most
of the control of your life, its easy

ANOTHER GROUP OF VICTIMS Otherwise, here are some

If youre like most prisoners, you left tips that might help:

[ Parenting ]
behind some innocent victims. Thats
bad enough and deserves some soul Take the initiative
searching. But for prisoner parents, to stay in touch.

Fro m P riso n theres another group of victims.

Im talking about your children.
Children of prisonersmore
than two million of them across
the U.S.often pay a terrible price
when a parent goes to prison. First of
Your children might not be
able to visit you very often
perhaps even not at all. But
you can still write to them
(keep reading below for ideas
on what to write about). Keep
all, theyve just lost a mom or a dad. writing even if they dont write
And that mom or dad has been locked back. And as much as possible,
away because of a crime committed. try to talk with your kids when-
Can you imagine the emotions these ever you are able to call home.
children are suffering? Fear. Insecurity.
Abandonment. Guilt. Shame. Loneli- Find out what your children
ness. Anger. Grief. like and make a connection.
Sometimes, sad to say, the What are their favorite subjects
children may be relieved when a in school? What do they like to
parent goes to prison. At least in do in their spare time? One in-
prison Dad can no longer hurt the carcerated dad had a son who
family or hurt himself. was interested in science and
But in most cases children still biology. So the dad wrote to a
love their imprisoned parents deeply health organization and asked
and miss them terribly. So if you have for free materials on those sub-
children, please dont let your own jectsone set to be sent to him
loneliness, anger, guilt, or pain keep in prison, the other set to be
you from doing everything you can to mailed to his son. Both learned
build a strong relationship with them, a lot and shared with each other
even while separated by prison. Even what they were learning. And
if you dont think youve been a very dont you think it meant a great
good parent in the past, you can now deal to the boy, seeing how his
use this time to make a fresh start in dad took an interest in the
parenting. A caution: Do not ignore re- things that interested him?
straining orders if you have one. Youll
have to wait on events outside your
control before you can move forward.


Heres another example: Many Assure your children that One way you can show your Respect your
children are learning a new lan- they are not responsible for love is through Angel Tree, a childrens caregiver.
guage in school. Why not learn your absence. ministry of Prison Fellowship, Your children may be living
it along with them? You could Children often think they are which is available in many pris- with their other parent, grand-
even write simple letters to each somehow to blame for a par- ons across the U.S. Through parents, another relative or
other in the new language. ents imprisonment. They may Angel Tree, you can sign up for friend, or a foster parent. Its
Do you need a way to find wonder: Did I do something your children to receive Christ- hard when you cant be there
out what your children like? See wrong? Did Daddy go away be- mas gifts from you. These gifts day to day to have regular input
the Dads Totally Fun Test in cause he doesnt love me any- are actually purchased and on your childrens upbringing.
Appendix B at the back of this more? Did Mommy start using delivered by local churches, but And you may not always agree
Prison Survival Guide (easily drugs because I was bad? Reas- are given in your name. You can with what the caregiver is doing.
adaptable for Moms, too!). sure your kidsagain and again even include a personal mes- Even so, be careful to speak
Many prisoners have used this if necessarythat you are in sage to your children. For more about and treat the caregiver
with great resultsthe kids prison because of what you did, information on this wonderful respectfully in front of your
seem to love it, too! not because of anything they program, see page 14. children. Your kids are probably
did. They are not to blame. already going through a lot of
Become a long-distance Be willing to take turmoil; hearing you insult or
coach or fan. Tell your children you love and risks for your children. criticize the person taking care
Does one of your kids like accept them, no matter what. The biggest risk may be admit- of them will only add to their
basketball, football, or some Think about how you talk with ting to your kids that you have stress and confusion.
other sport? Does another your kids, either in person, on made some bad choices and
want to be the next great figure the phone, or in letters. Do you asking forgiveness for the ways Help your kids to be kids.
skater? Is one child on the spend more time criticizing you have hurt them. This may If you lived with your children
cheerleading team or in the them or complimenting them? not be easy, but by taking this before you went to prison, its
school dance club? Learn all Putting them down in some step, you will begin to rebuild likely that your absence has
you can about the sports or way or lifting them up? When strong bonds with your chil- caused a substantial change at
other physical activities that children think that a parent is dren. Also, be willing to risk home. Many children of prison-
mean the most to your children. primarily down on them, they receiving their anger or other ers have to take on more adult
What skills does someone need may start to feel unwanted or strong emotions. Accept that responsibilitiessuch as help-
to play a particular sport or inadequateand then they may their feelings are normal, and ing care for younger brothers
do a particular kind of cheer? look for other ways, not all of dont make them feel guilty and sisters, or doing more work
What are the rules of the game? them healthy, to feel loved and or ashamed for having them. around the house. When they
Who are the role models your accepted. Let them know, again Be open to letting them talk come to visit you, take time to
children look up to? When you and again, how much you love through their feelings and con- relax and play with them. Dont
stay on top of what is going on and value them. cerns with you. This helps them just leave them to entertain
in your childs sport or activity, see that you are a safe person themselves while you visit with
then you can share more in for them, someone they can your spouse or other adults
letters, in phone calls, and trust to be there for them. who brought them.
during visits. And you can
cheer on their efforts in a
more meaningful way.

Also, dont put your kids A GREAT RESOURCE

into the role of confidante for Much of the information above is
your problems and frustrations. adapted from National Fatherhood
This can make them feel Initiatives Staying Involved with Angel Tree: A Way to Say

Yo u
responsible for your well-being Your Children While Incarcerated
and feelingswhich isnt brochure and is used by permission.
their job.

Seek help to become

a better parent.
Even in prison, you may find
specific programs and other
Visit for more
resources that promote father
involvement. Or contact:

The National
Fatherhood Initiative
Every year, hundreds of thousands of prisoners sign up to have their
children receive Christmas gifts through Angel Tree, a ministry of Prison
Fellowship. Angel Tree staff and volunteers process all of these applications
resources to help you become 101 Lake Forest Blvd
and assign them to local churches that participate in this program. These
a better parent. Perhaps your Suite 360
churches contact the caregivers of your children to ask for gift ideas. Then,
facility offers the National Gaithersburg, MD 20877 members of the church congregations purchase the gifts, wrap them, add
Fatherhood Initiatives Inside- 1-800-790-DADS any personal notes you want to include to your children, and deliver the
Out Dad program, or Great Dads gifts either through home visits or church-hosted Christmas parties. The
seminars. Prison Fellowship gifts are presented to the children as being from Dad or Mom.
conducts a Parenting from the The primary way to get involved with Angel Tree Christmas is through
Inside seminar for mothers in your chaplain. Most prisons have a chaplain and volunteers to make
prison. Check with your chaplain this happen. Sign-up usually takes place in Augustto give plenty
or prison administration staff of time to process the applications. So be sure to keep your ears open
or ask your chaplain if Angel Tree is available.
to find out whats available.
If your facility does not offer a way to sign up for Angel Tree
Christmas and you would like your children to receive a gift
Pray for your children. this Christmas in your name, please send your name,
Do this every day, several DOC#, and mailing address to: Angel Tree Christmas,
times a dayduring count, 44180 Riverside Parkway, Lansdowne, VA 20147.
as youre standing in the chow Angel Tree will then send you a Participation Form
line, while folding laundry. Dry, to ll out. Applicacion disponible en Enpanol.
mundane times in prison can There are a few restrictions: We can
become meaningful as you keep honor requests only if you are the
parent or legal guardian, the child
your children in your thoughts
is 17 years old or younger, and
and lift them up to the God there is no restraining order
who created them and loves preventing your contact with
them dearly! the child or caregiver.


Surviving prison has a lot to do with It is hard to do time alone in prison,

the company you keepthe kind of so despite the dont trust anyone
relationships you have. And that brings warning, a few trusted friends will be
us to the presence of the prison code helpful. You can celebrate together a

the[ Code ]
that outlines the rules for behavior. favorable parole ruling, or console
The code isnt written down when someone loses a family member
but is passed down to inmates year or gets the dreaded Dear John letter.
after year. It includes some common You dont need to know why your
sense that can help guide you safely friends are in prison, and if they show
through a bid. But many of its rules little interest in what got you there,
continue the cycles of hostility, dis- thats a good sign.
trust, and selfish behavior that dont Build or join a small circle of
make prison life easier and do not like-minded prisoners who share your
prepare you for life outside. interests, especially in getting through
The language may vary among a sentence with the fewest problems.
prisons, but the code typically goes Bad company corrupts good character
something like this: Dont show weak- (go ahead, chuckle). Think there isnt
ness. Dont trust anyone. Dont lose any good character in prison? Think
control. Mind your own business (or again. Its there. You need to find it.
do your own time). There might be That said, where do you start?
subsets of these rules, like dont rat
on other inmates. And there might be THE FIRST WEEKS
other rules that relate to the prisoner During your first few weeks, you will
hierarchy or the prison economy (such stick out as the new guy. Some fellow
as trading goods). prisoners might offer to help or tell
you what to do. Much of this advice
PRISON DIVERSITY is well intended and will keep you out
One of the first problems with the of trouble with both staff and inmates.
code is that it does not account for the They might tell you when to talk and
variety of prisons and jails in which when to shut up. They will show you
conditions differ. Do you think there where to line up for chow, counts,
might be some big differences between fresh clothes and linens, the chapel,
Supermax and trusty camp, between visiting room, and the commissary.
federal and state, among prisons run After a while, you will note one in-
more by inmates, others poorly run by mate or a small group of inmates
staff, and still others that are models often from your own living unit
of the correctional system? The fear looking out for you and providing
and danger are real in some places, good information.

and less so in others. So what can
we say that will help you get through
life in any of these prisons?

One key place to look for some built trust with someone. As they told It is impossible to advise anyone Prisoners have a variation of the
character is the chapel programs. At you when they read you the Miranda in a general article like this about the Golden Rule to get through difficult
least 21 states manage faith-based pods rights it may be used against you. wisdom of stand your ground with- sentences: Conduct yourself in such
or units like the InnerChange Freedom Listen more than you talk. out knowing the circumstances of a manner that you treat no single
Initiative, launched by Prison Fellow- Dont whine or complain. Everyone your particular situation. We can say prisoner better than another. The
ship, and others. There is a world of is suffering. Its part of life. Learn, the shrewdest advice is to live at book of James in the Bible urges
difference on these units, and its endure, and you can make a good peace, as far as it depends on you. readers to not show favoritism. This
worth finding out if you can access transition to prison life. The code is silent on another is a formula that will help you make
them. Chapel programs vary in quality related event: the random, powder friends and influence people.
like anything else in life. But check it DO YOUR OWN TIME keg violence common to prisons
out: See if wise counsel and possible Do your own time. How? Be slow because of an innocent or careless FROM THE INSIDE OUT
friendships are at your institution. to speak. Show a quiet confidence. comment. What would anyone do This guide is designed to help you sur-
If you cant land a bunk at a If someone confronts you, carefully when confronted with a sudden vive prison and release, too. But you
faith-based unit, youll probably be think through your answer before assault? Maybe theres a staff member wont be carrying your friends from
in GP, general population. You may responding. Dont swear or shout. or friend nearby, maybe theres an prison over to your freedom days. In
think you have little in common with Yelling, bragging, and challenging are escape route, maybe youre backed the nearly 20 years since my [Rons]
other inmates, but this will change not ways to keep a low profile. This into a corner and outnumbered. How release, I have met just one person
as close sleeping quarters overcome is not advice to live a loner lifestyle. you handle yourself is a judgment call I knew back then at FCI Danbury.
matters of race, age, and social status. Isolated, disconnected people dont none of us can make until we are in Yet many of the principles of
Those in the next cell or cubicle can have friends and resources when the moment. And it has little to do friendship on the outside are the
become the guys or gals you hang trouble comes calling. This is true with the company you keep. You same. Look for people who share
out with from day to day. In time, in Freedomsville just as it is inside. could be doing your own time just your values and your interests. Your
the relationships you build will reap Slowly build ties with others fine, while someone else isnt. In the friends will come from your family,
rewards as you support each other interested in true rehabilitation. There end, we dont think the code is worth neighborhood, work, and church.
through tough times. Everyone needs is a problem here: Plenty of folks much at all. There is a better guide Shared events, such as bowling, fish-
friends. How you choose them makes inside or outsidecant or wont do to life, which you can read about in ing, Bible study, or watching a football
a world of difference. their own time. They always want to chapter 11. game, bring you together to enjoy the
Try not to lean heavily on just get into other peoples business. company. Your outside friends will
one friend. That person may suddenly The code suggests that fish WATCH WHAT YOU SAY be different, but the skills you learned
be sent to the hole, transferred, or prove themselves (by show of force) Respect is often the trip-wire of prob- inside to select friends will continue
released. A small circle of friends will or face slavery among the predators. lems between inmates. It is the cash to serve you well.
be more stable for all of you. But is that always true? As many currency of relationships and keeping We are social creatures. We were
Be careful about owing anybody officers and inmates will agree, fight- the peace. Disrespect wounds the created to need fellow humans to do
anything. Debts (in or out of prison) ing early as a strategy to avoid it later pride. Wounded prides can be terribly life together. If you find and walk with
are future trouble. They dont add can lead to fighting often. Why? Take unpredictable. the wise, youll not only survive the
much to your respect either. The bill a look at gangs. One good takedown Be careful not to insult or disre- fears and trials of prison life, youll do
may come due at an awkward or deserves another. Some people will spect (dis) a fellow prisoner. Dont better outside, too.
unexpected time. Avoid asking for not tolerate a challenge and instead enter another inmates house (cell) or
favors from people you dont know. come back at you until someone gives sit on his or her bunk without permis-
Everything has its price. in. Hardheadedness and nothing to sion. Dont comment on family photos
Avoid volunteering information lose attitudes are in rich supply or make remarks about the woman
about your personal life until youve among prison society. you saw him with on visiting day.

BREEDING GROUND FOR ANGER family ties are strained, and youve
Anger comes quickly and easily in lost respect. You may think that hostil-

Managing prison. Youre angry with your lawyer

for not working faster on your appeal.
Youre angry with your wife or
ity gives you greater control, but it
only proves your loss of control
your feeling of powerlessness, your

Your [ Anger ]
friends because your canteen money wounded pride. Its a far greater dis-
didnt arrive. Youre angry with the play of inner control when youre able
guy who joined a friend in the chow to remain cool and unflinching under
line by cutting in front of you. Youre stress. But how can you get there?
angry the guy in front of you bought Anger often follows distress
the last of your favorite candy at the a feeling of hurt or anxiety. The
canteen. And then you get flopped by meaning we attach to that feeling
the parole board and really get angry. our interpretationis what leads to
The prison environment breeds the anger. When we feel distressed,
anger. There are more frustrations our thinking tends to become self-
than solutions, and the anger builds. centeredits all about me. Irrational
Your anger builds until the pressure thoughts can spring up automatically,
release valve blows, and then the trou- shaped by feelings and events of the
ble begins. When our anger flares up, past. Were not going to go into how
we often act in ways that are irrational these automatic thoughts come about.
and destructive. But we will look at some of the most
In prison, angry reactions will common types of irrational thinking
get you in trouble with the officers that distort the way we interpret events
robbing you of privileges and getting and feed our anger. And well briefly
you stuck in segregation. It can put look at ways to restructure our thinking.
you on the outs with other inmates
and in real danger. Inmate stabbings IRRATIONAL THINKING
and beatings happen over minor cir- Here are some common forms of
cumstances, some of them not even irrational thinking that can spark
realjust perceived offenses. Severe our anger and get us into trouble.
anger can also tear up your insides
mentally and physicallycausing Running with assumptions
headaches, digestion troubles, insom- An assumption is something
nia, high blood pressure, skin rashes, that might be true or might
depression, heart attack, and stroke. not. There might be many rea-
Do you want that? sons that something happened,
Anger may also be your steady but we hit on one reason and
reaction to what prison stands for: act as if it is true before we fully
personal failure. The hardships of check it out. We often make

prison can crack your sense of cool. assumptions about a persons
Youre stripped of your freedom, you motivations for doing some-
have little control over your life, your thingyou might call this

mind reading. Were sure a Thinking only in blacks/whites. CHANGING THE WAY WE THINK Focus on problem solving.
person intentionally bumped us, This is extremist thinking. If thinking can get us into anger, chang- Consider the other persons
when the real reason may be that Somethingor someoneis all ing our way of thinking can help get us perspective rather than just
he just wasnt paying attention. good or all bad; all right or all out of it. Consider these suggestions: your own. It gets us away from
wrong. No in-betweens, no focusing on whos right and
Claiming personal rights. shades of gray. This black-and- Wait before you act. whos wrong, who wins and
We turn wishes (I want to be white thinking spills over into Take time to evaluate your think- who loses. The husband and
respected) into rights (I have relationships and interactions: ing. Walk away if you have to. wife might decide that if one
a right to be respected!). And I am right, you are wrong. I am Count to 10. Take deep breaths. person is going to be late, he or
then we jump to fight to protect the victim, you are the offender. she should call the otherso
our rights. A grocery store Once we get an image of a per- Apply the rules of evidence. that feelings dont run wild.
shopper who barks at the woman son as bad, we will screen out Look at all the evidence, pros
in front of him may believe he anything that contradicts that and cons, related to your situa- Dont make other people
had a right to get through the image. So he gave $1,000 to tion. Especially note evidence responsible for your feelings
check-out line without waiting. charity. He did it just to get his that might contradict your of worth and security.
She violated his right, so she name in the paper. There is generalizations (always, never) This is between you and God
deserved to be punished. room only for competition, win- about someone. This will give He values you. As you grow
lose; no room for cooperation or you a more realistic picture. more secure in your relationship
Imposing rules. compromise, win-win. If you of- with God, you wont make
This might also be called the fend my rigid sense of justice, I Consider other explanations. other people responsible for
tyranny of the shoulds. We must dole out the punishment. There may be many reasons for your feelings. Your worth is not
place rigid rules on other peo- a persons behavior. Suppose a based on whether someone else
ple often without their knowl- Demonizing people. womans husband is late for treats you with respect. There-
edge. He should have listened We project onto people the dinner. She assumes this is a fore, your worth is not reduced
to me. She should be home image of Enemy, which threat- sign that he doesnt care about if someone treats you with dis-
when I call her. If they break ens our safety or interests. Often her. But suppose she considers respect. So is there really any
the rule, they must pay. such images are projected onto other explanations: Perhaps he need to punish or retaliate?
whole classes of peopleblacks, was in an accident. Perhaps an-
Overgeneralizing. whites, women, guards pris- other person had a flat tire and Be willing to forgive.
This type of thinking is reflected oners. Perhaps you have felt de- he stopped to help. Depending Forgiveness pours cool water
in words, like never or always monized by many in the outside on what she thinks, she might on wounds and begins healing.
or other terms of exaggeration. world. Arent all prisoners ani- feel afraid, sad, or even proud.
You NEVER listen to me! He mals that need to be caged? The point is, there could be Anger is like the crime that
ALWAYS picks on me. I have First we homogenize a group: many explanations, so get more put you there. A bad decision made
to do ALL the work around here! We strip them of their identities information before reacting. in haste led to your arrest, conviction,
Naturally, the more a person as unique individuals and lump and confinement. A split second of
overgeneralizes, the more upset them all together. Then we de- Change your rules and rights. angry action in prison can lead to un-
he becomes. As one doctor humanize them: We see them as Start thinking in terms of expectedly bad results. Count to 10.
explains, It is obviously far something that we dont need to desires rather than demands. Take a deep breath. Step back. Walk
more painful for a person to be care about. Finally we demonize I wish my wife would be more away. Later, you will be glad you did.
always mistreated than mis- them: They embody Evilwhich sensitive instead of she
treated on a single occasion. must be punished or destroyed. should be more sensitive.

IN THE COMPANY OF MILLIONS Situational depression is triggered

Depression can cover a multitude of by trauma or a change in life circum-

Assaulted by conditionseverything from a long

string of the blahs to actual mental
illness. Nearly everyone experiences
stances, such as the death of a loved
one, divorce, illness, a legal problem,
or imprisonment. The risk of situa-

[ Depression ]
depression at some point in his or her tional depression in prison is espe-
life. Most get over it, on their own or cially high because of overcrowding,
with help. Nearly 20 million Ameri- the threat of violence, sexual predators,
cans suffer from severe, major de- shattered parole expectations, and
pression, and the rate for prisoners boredom. Situational depression
is nearly three times that for outsiders. is part of the grieving process, said
But many depressed people dont Powitzky. In prison you have a huge
get the treatment they need to help loss of who you are and where youre
them. Its stigma, says PBS TV host going in life.
Dr. Jay Fawver. Society views depres- At other times, depression has
sion as a weakness, so many who a physical sourceneurological
need help dont seek it. unrelated to life situations. Medically
Many people on the outside dont classified as a chemical imbalance,
get treatment because their insurance this depression results from low levels
doesnt cover the cost. The few mental of neurotransmitterssubstances
hospitals still around are packed; the that send nerve signals in the brain.
overflow ends guess where? In pris- Without the correct balance of these
ons. And prison is a terrible place to chemicals, such as norepinephrine,
display weakness. serotonin, and dopamine, the brain
You might ignore or downplay cannot correctly regulate these signals.
the problem because you just think Sometimes it results from
you are going through a difficult time genetics. If you have a family history
in your life that will pass. And maybe of depression or substance abuse,
it will. But if it doesnt, then you likely you are more likely to suffer from
have real depression because down depression yourself.
in the dumps or gloominess will In certain cases, physical illness
eventually pass, but depression can trigger symptoms of depression.
seldom does on its own. Doctors stress the importance of get-
ting a thorough physical exam before
WHY AM I DEPRESSED? assuming youre depressed. It is cru-
Dr. Robert Powitzky, chief mental cial to remove other causes for feeling
health officer for Oklahomas depart- down before taking medication for de-
ment of corrections, divides most pression, although it may be difficult
cases of depression into two groups once you are already in prison.

situational and neurological.

Cocaine and marijuana can Examine the cause. Try to eat well. Do something for others.
mimic depression. And withdrawal, Were you feeling depressed Eat the vegetables and salads. By helping someone else who
especially from drugs like heroin or before you entered prison? Or is Limit caffeine and sugar, and is down, you will lift yourself.
morphine, results in restlessness, prison itself what triggered the cut down on the junk foods you
cravings, anxiety, sleep problems, depression? Becoming aware of get from the canteen. Try to do something creative.
and mood swings. Overuse of certain what affects your mood can Try your hand at writing, paint-
prescription drugs, including Valium, help you control it. Some doctors recommend ing, or drawing, for example.
for example, can create symptoms Vitamin E for depression.
of depression. Get counseling, if possible. Include it in the daily multiple Get out of the sack.
If there is no one at the prison vitamin you take. Just going to work at a prison
IM IN PRISON AND DEPRESSED. to counsel you, talk with a job you hate can help you beat
NOW WHAT? friendsomeone you trust Get outdoors. depression. Use free time for
Medication may be available to to help you see your situation Sunlight helps overcome depres- study; prepare for your release
you, even in prison. But you will realistically and rebuild your sion, but dont overdo it to the date no matter how far-off it is.
have to get to a medical or mental hope for the future. Sometimes point of sunburn or skin cancer.
health doctor who can make the just knowing you are not alone Read your Bible.
right diagnosis and prescribe the in your suffering can help Adjust your activities. Take a look at some of the
medication you need. ease the pain. Focus on activities that make psalms. You may be surprised
In prison you might have access you feel better. to discover that many of them
to a professional counselor or psychia- Exercise. were written when the writer
trist who can help you to deal with Walk or run as far as you can. Avoid being a loner. was depressedvery honestly
depressive thoughts satisfactorily. Lift weights to stress your body Have a few trusted friends to pouring out feelings of hope-
Depression is one of the most under- instead of your mind. As you share your time with. Choose lessness and confusion. But the
treated medical illness found in pris- exercise, your body will release friends who are positive, en- psalms, and other parts of the
ons. While depression often shows hormones that help relieve couraging, and uplifting. They Bible, are also full of hope and
itself by a lack of pleasure rather than stress and fight depression. will build up your spirits instead encouragement. Let God speak
a presence of pain, it is still difficult to of pushing you deeper into His words of comfort and
endure for those who suffer. Here are Cut out illegal drugs, alcohol. depression with negative talk care to you.
some things you can do to help ease They make depression worse and negative thoughts.
the suffering. mentally, physically, spiritually.

Signicant weight Difculty concentrating Feelings of guilt,

How Do I Know If Im Depressed? loss or gain Restlessness worthlessness, and

Chronic insomnia or Loss of pleasure in unattractiveness

Depression can be confusing since the symptoms can be different, even excessive tiredness activities that once Slow body movements
completely opposite, in different people. Some depressed people cant sleep; Outbursts of anger, gave you pleasure and speech
others sleep too much. One symptom alone does not mean depression, but feelings of resentment Lost interest in hobbies Dizziness
several of the following might mean you are headed in the direction. Increased anxiety, fears Lack of sex drive Suicidal thoughts

A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH suicidewarning signs we should

Suicide. Its an ugly word. And a know and steps we can take to help

Hanging depressing thought. Checking out on

your own terms and schedule. Hardly
someone through a suicidal crisis.
I learned too late, largely because the

[ Life ]
on to
anyone who has ever spent a night stigma surrounding suicide prevents
behind bars hasnt considered it. If us from talking about it.
you havent thought of it yourself,
you likely know someone who has. WHAT YOULL MISS
So this chapter has two sections. Suicide is the ultimate form of giving
The first is for those of you who up. Many times I have watched a
may have thoughts of ending your life sporting event on TV and switched
as a way of ending your pain. The sec- away when my favorite team was
ond is for those who wonder how to struggling by halftime. Later, I would
help another who might be suicidal. learn they had rallied with a dramatic
comeback to win. And I had missed it
THE ONLY WAY OUT? because I gave up when they didnt.
What brings a human being to such a I wanted to give up when I was in
stage in life that killing himself seems prison. But I realized I would hurt my
the only solution? family more by killing myself than by
We consider suicide because we hanging on. So I hung on. And heres
believe it is a simple answer to a com- what I got for it:
plex and distressing situation. End our
life and we finally find relief from the 6,300 (and counting)
crushing, crippling pain and shame beautiful sunsets that I other-
inside. End our life and we also end wise would have missed.
so we thinkthe suffering, shame,
and indignities we put our families Birthdays and Christmases with
and loved ones through. But do we? children and grandchildren.
Or does their pain only worsen when
they get the phone callWe regret Camping trips and travel.
to inform you ?
A woman whose husband Great eating. Why are my
committed suicide says, Ten years clothes too tight?
after my husband killed himself, I still
remember certain moments from his Fishing, fishing, and fishing.
last days that make me ache for an- Some got away; some didnt.
other chance. Like many suicide sur-
vivors, I struggle with feelings of guilt. The chance to love God and
I also have a growing understanding love others with my extra days.

for what people can do to prevent
Life is good. Dont hang up yet.

THINKING ABOUT SUICIDE? FIVE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT 5: Find Coping Resources Prisoners have a suicide rate
READ THIS FIRST (Adapted from a statement prepared Suicidal feelings are traumatic. After 10 times higher than the non-
If you are feeling suicidal now, please by the University of Notre Dame as a they subside, you need to continue prison American population.
stop and read this. I am not a therapist resource for its students.) caring for yourself. But dont give
or other mental health professional yourself the extra burden of trying to Death-row prisoners have
only someone who knows what it is 1: Youll Make It deal with this alone. Just talking about a suicide rate six times that
like to be in pain. You need to understand that people how you got to where you are releases for other prisoners. Each year,
I dont know who you are, but I do get through this. Statistically, much of the pressure, maybe enough nearly as many death-row
assume you are reading this because you there is a strong chance that you to regain your balance. Continue creat- prisoners end their lives by
are troubled and thinking about end- are going to live. ing coping resources until they out- suicide as are executed.
ing your life. I would prefer to be there number your sources of pain.
with you, but since that is not possible, 2: Wait 24 The nations 3,300 jails have a
we will have to make do with this. Give yourself some distance. Say, Maybe this material gives you suicide rate three times that of
I have known many people who I will wait 24 hours before I do any- some small relief, but remember that state or federal prisons. Half of
wanted to kill themselves, so I have thing. Or a week. Just because you the best coping tool is another human. all jail suicides occur during the
some small idea of what you might be feel like killing yourself doesnt mean Find someone who will listen, and tell first week of custody.
feeling. I have five simple, practical you have to actually do it this minute. him or her how you are feeling and
items to share with you. I wont argue Put some distance between your suici- how you got there. White inmates have a suicide
with you about whether you should kill dal feelings and suicidal action. Finally, but most importantly, talk rate three times that of Hispan-
yourself, but I assume that if you are to Jesus. This isnt cheap God talk. ics; six times that of African-
thinking about it, you feel truly bad. 3: Live for Relief He knows your pain, and He wants to American prisoners.
Consider this: Suicide is not People often turn to suicide because help. So please read the box in this
chosen; it happens when pain exceeds they are seeking relief from pain. chapter called Holding On. Suicide rates increase with
the resources for coping with pain. Remember that relief is a feeling and the age of the prisoner.
Thats it. You are not a bad per- you have to be alive to feel it. If you HOW YOU MAY HELP SAVE A LIFE
son, crazy, or weak because you feel take your own life, you will not feel Even if suicide never crosses your mind, More than 80 percent of all
suicidal. It doesnt even mean that you the relief you so desperately seek. you can be sure that if you stay in prison prison suicides happen in the
really want to dieit means only that a while, someone you know will con- inmates cell. Nearly all the rest
you have more pain than you can bear. 4: Tell Someone sider the idea of killing himselfand take place in secure lockup or
There are many kinds of pain that may Some people may react badly to your perhaps even act on those thoughts. segregation.
lead to suicide. Whether the pain is suicidal feelings and increase your Public Law 106-297 requires
bearable differs from one person to pain instead of helping you, by saying U.S. jails and prisons to report regu- Women prisoners attempt suicide
the next. The point at which the pain or doing thoughtless things. But there larly to the Department of Justice on more often than men but dont
becomes unbearable depends on what are people who can be with you dur- deaths in custody. The Bureau of complete the act. The actual
kinds of coping resources you have. ing this desperate time. And they will Justice Statistics collects and publishes death-by-suicide rate for men is
When pain exceeds pain-coping re- not judge you or argue with you. Nor the data. Their latest analysis, much higher than for women.
sources, suicidal feelings result. Suicide will they try to talk you out of how Suicide and Homicide in Prisons
is not a defect of character; it is simply badly you feel. Find one of them. Use and Jails, was published in August, Hanging by the bed sheet is the
an imbalance of pain versus coping your 24 hours, or your week, and tell 2005 and contains data from 1980 most common form of prisoner
resources. Find a way to reduce your someone whats going on with you. It through 2003. Their findings point suicidean extremely agonizing
pain, or find a way to increase your is all right to ask for help. to the high risk of prison suicide: and slow form of death.
coping resources.


Suicide crisis clinics note several ver- Get involved. Be available. Show
bal and nonverbal warning signs that interest and support. Ask if he
may let you know that your cellmate or she is thinking about suicide.
or friend is crying for help. Be direct. Talk openly and freely I just dont want to live anymore.
Many of these warning signs are about suicide. Contrary to what
signs of depression. Depression does many people think, talking about Where do we nd hope when all hope seems extinguishedswallowed
not necessarily mean that a person is suicide does not increase the up in the heavy, dark, suffocating hole of depression and sorrow?
considering suicide, but depressed risk that a person will commit Even coming to Christ does not promise an automatic reprieve from
such suffering. Sadly, Christians are just as likely to kill themselves as
people often think of suicide.
nonbelievers when there seems to be no other way out
of unbearable pain.
Nonverbal warning signs:

But if Jesus does not promise to protect us from suffer-
Giving away personal ing and sorrow, what, then, does He promise? To be there
or prized possessions. with us. And to carry us through.
Sleeping too much or too little. Even before Jesus came to earth, the prophet Isaiah
Lack of interest in told us He would be a man of sorrows, and famil-
personal appearance. iar with suffering (Isaiah 53:3). Jesus torture and

Lack of interest in friends. brutal crucixion show the extent of what Isaiah
foretold: But he was pierced for our transgres-
Lack of interest in activities
sions, he was crushed for our iniquities (53:5).
that were formerly of interest. suicide. Rather, talking about it But it was not just horrible physical suffering
Boredom, restlessness, can help ease the pain that un- that Jesus endured. Hanging on the Cross, in a
and loss of concentration. derlies the suicidal thoughts. way that none of us can even hope to imagine,
Be willing to listen. Allow the Jesus was completely cut off from His beloved
Verbal warning signs: person to express his or her Father. My God, my God, why have you forsaken
No one cares about me. feelings. Accept the feelings. me? He cried. He knows the anguish of distress and isolation.
Life isnt worthwhile. Offer empathy, not just sympathy. That is why, in our own despair and emptiness, we can come
People are better off Seek to understand what he or to Him. He understands. He is with us. And He will not leave us
there. The Father did not leave Jesus in the tomb after His death,
without me. she is feeling and thinking.
but raised Him up to a new and glorious life. So too will He
Everything seems to be Offer hope that alternatives raise us from the tomb of our hopelessness and sorrow if
going wrong. are available. we hold on and trust Him.
I dont need this any more. Take action! Seek support!

Please know that if a friend in DONT

I am st ill co nf id en t
prison does commit suicide, you are Be judgmental or debate whether of th is: I wi ll see
not responsible! No matter what steps
you took to try to prevent it, no matter
suicide is right or wrong, or if
ones feelings are good or bad.
th e go od ness of th e Lo rd
what signs you might have missed,
the final choicewhich is ultimately
Dare the person to do it.
Make decisions for the person.
in th e la nd of th e livin g.
outside your controlalways lies Tell the person to act differently.
with the person. Act shocked (creates distance).
Wait for the Lord; Be strong
Be sworn to secrecy. and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:13-14

HEPATITIS CTHE SILENT KILLER All hepatitis is inflammation

If youre not very careful while in of the liver. Liver testing will reveal

Guarding prison, by the time you leave, you

might be taking along some hitchhik-
ers: the virus bugs that make up
hepatitis infection and usually identify
the strain. Long-term Hepatitis C not
only leads to liver cancer but can also

Your [ Health ]
Hepatitis C (HCV). Nobody knows cause cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver,
just how many of Americas 2.3 as normal liver cells are replaced by
million jail and prison inmates have connective tissue.
Hep C, the most dangerous and Twenty percent of people who
deadly of the alphabet soup that get Hepatitis C will clear it out of
makes up Hepatitis (A, B, C, a little their body naturally, probably without
D, E, a discredited F, and G). But ac- even knowing they had it. But, with-
cording to a January 2006 newsletter out treatment, 25 percent of patients
of the National HCV Prison Coalition diagnosed with Hepatitis C will suffer
(, it is estimated liver failure or liver cancer. In 2006,
that between 15 and 30 percent of all liver cancer was the only one of the
Americas prisoners may be infected major cancers that saw an increase
(and as high as 42 percent in some in the death rate. Nearly 10 percent
states), compared with only 2 percent of those with chronic Hepatitis C will
of the general population. Thats why die of it or its complications. There
were talking about it. is no cure, although early treatment
The most dangerous aspect of can contain it.
Hepatitis C is that more than half of
the infected prisoners dont know they How Hepatitis C is Spread
have it, giving it nicknames like the Hepatitis C is a blood-borne infection.
silent killer or the silent epidemic. According to the Hepatitis C Informa-
Hepatitis C can lie dormant as long tion Packet distributed by the national
as 20 to 30 years before symptoms HCV Prison Coalition, it is most
start showing. Symptoms include commonly spread by:
joint aches, loss of appetite, dark Sharing personal care items
urine, fever, yellowing of the eyes such as razors, toothbrushes,
and skin (jaundice), stomach pain, fingernail files or clippers, and
and vomiting. But once Hepatitis C pierced earrings.
settles in and becomes chronic, many Sharing drug paraphernalia.
of these warning signs go away. Using shared, unsterilized tattoo
equipment, including the ink.
Having unprotected sex.
Having received a blood
transfusion or organ

transplant before July 1992.

Hepatitis C is NOT spread by: Even if prisons test for DONT GET CAUGHT WITH HIV/AIDS TB STILL MAKING THE ROUNDS
Sneezing or coughing. disease, they may not offer treatment. Although HCV is four times more Another common prison disease
Kissing or hugging. Although The National HCV Prison Coalition common in prisons than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosiscauses two million deaths
Hepatitis C has been found in points out that, the latter still infects many in the worldwide each year. The prison pop-
saliva, it is not transmitted that criminal justice system. As of 2001, ulation most likely accounts for 25
way. It is transmitted only by many prison ofcials believe the costs approximately 24,000 inmates in the percent of those with the disease.
having blood-to-blood contact. associated with treatment could bank- United States were HIV-positive, and Defined as a disease caused
Casual contact (handshakes). rupt the prison healthcare budget. the HIV/AIDS rate in prison is six by bacteria that usually attacks the
Eating prepared food. Even if times higher than that of the general lungs, tuberculosis spreads from one
someone who has Hepatitis C A years worth of antiviral drugs population. person to another through the air. A
cuts himself and drips blood could cost $10,000 or more for one The disease slowly destroys the simple cough or sneeze from an in-
into the food, it is unlikely that prisoner. And many prison officials immune system by killing or damag- fected inmate can spread the disease
anyone eating the food will get assume that many drug users will ing immune cells. The major symp- to his cell mate.
infected. The enzymes in the simply reinfect themselves if treated. toms are drastic weight loss, a dry TB symptoms include weight loss,
digestive track will destroy or Nevertheless, the cost for treating cough, a recurring fever, profound fever, night sweats, chest pain, cough-
deactivate the virus. prisoners for Hepatitis C could be a fatigue, swollen lymph glands, long- ing up blood, and a cough that lasts
Sharing eating utensils or eating bargain compared to future medical lasting diarrhea, white spots on for more than two weeks. Many peo-
the same food. Hepatitis C is bills for untreated cases. tongue or mouth, and pneumonia. ple never contract the actual disease,
transmitted by contaminated Like hepatitis, HIV/AIDS but carry a latent variation. Only 10
blood entering your blood- So, What Can I Do? most commonly spreads through percent of those with latent TB even-
stream, not your stomach. Remember that most Hepatitis C unprotected sex, infected needles, tually develop the symptoms. Treat-
comes from dirty drug needles or contact with infected blood, and from ment for TB involves taking a series
Do yourself a favor and kill two syringes, getting tattoos, sex that in- a mother to her child during preg- of drugs for more than six months.
birds with one stone: Stay on good volves mixing blood, and drinking nancy. Approximately 25 percent of Several factors increase a persons
terms with DOC rules and cut down too much alcohol. Its not just about all women who are HIV-positive will chance of contracting the disease from
on your risk of contracting Hepatitis C avoiding some horrible disease; there pass the disease on to their children. latent TB: intravenous drug use, poor
by completely avoiding drugs, tattoos, are many benefits to clean living. Read While its theoretically possible to nutrition, and physical and emotional
and body piercings. If you think your the chapter 11 find out why. contract HIV/AIDS from a dirty tattoo stress. An HIV/AIDS-positive person
past behaviors have already put you at Everyone released from prison needle, to date no such cases have is also at great risk of contracting the
high risk for having contracted the dis- should seek a thorough medical been documented in the United States. disease. In fact, TB is the leading cause
ease, you may be able to get tested by evaluation. Sure, you might be short While 20 drugs exist to treat HIV/AIDS, of death for those with HIV/AIDS.
your prisons medical staff. The Bureau on funds, but if you can land a job fewer than half of inmates with While certain situations cannot
of Justice Statistics reported in 2004 with health benefits, get the physical HIV/AIDS receive treatment. be avoided, such as catching a cough
that 80 percent of state prisons tested and specifically ask to be tested for from someone with TB, many precau-
inmates for Hepatitis C, although Hepatitis C. tions can prevent the spread of these
many only routinely targeted high diseases. Choices to stay clean from
risk groups. drugs, abstain from sex in prison, or
forego getting a tattoo could make the
difference between life and death.

Statistics taken from

Center for Disease Control,
CHAPTeR 11 :: ReLeASeD FOR GOOD :: p26

THE ONE CALLED JESUS The remainder of this chapter

He was innocent but taken away in isnt going to make much sense unless

[ Released ]
shackles. He received no probation, you have first done business with
pardon, or DNA exoneration. He was God. We cannot fix any of the broken-
executed in the manner of the day: ness of life before we get to the root

For Good
a torturous, agonizingly slow death, causesinful hearts. If the heart is
hanging on a cross between two bad, well, its not hard to see why
thieves. He had said, Ill be back, bad behavior keeps happening. We
and meant it. From the dead, He all need a heart transplant. Jesus
arose three days later. does that, forgiving all your sins
Jesus knows about doing time. past, present, future. He will change
You think you know about suffering? the way you think, serve, lead and
Hes been there, done that. And if you live. See the sidebar for more on this
need help doing your hard time, Hes crucial life decision.
available. In fact, He would like to
transform your entire life. No one was HELLO, GOD? ITS ME.
imprisoned for aggravated kindness Attention Christians: After accepting
or self-control in the third degree. Jesus as your Lord and Savior comes
Following Jesus is the best way the growth part we call discipleship.
through and away from prison and Yes, there are the chapel hangers,
to an entirely new life. guys who spend all their free time at
Theres an old joke about I the chapel, but who swiftly return to
found Jesus. The punch line is, I prison on a new beef once released.
didnt know He was lost. Well, the So how can you be a genuine believer
joke ends there. When you go to in an environment so loaded with
prison, Jesus sees an opportunity to phonies and immature Christians?
get your attention, to set you aside for We can live a genuine Christian
a while to consider your ways. life behind prison walls, and it begins
More than one former prisoner has with getting to know God in a personal
told me, There was a purpose in me and honest way. No relationship can
going to prison, or I would already develop well between two individuals
be dead if it werent for my time in until there is solid communication.
prison. What they are saying is that As raunchy and despicable as
through a new beginning in Christ, our crimes and sins may be, if we
they have changed their values, changed have turned to Christ for forgiveness
their life patterns, and learned to live and salvation, we are now purified
a full and meaningful life. through Him. Anybody, anywhere,
On the other hand, neither God anytime, can connect with God
nor the parole board is fooled by because of Jesus death and resurrec-

someone who claims to have found tionthe event that validates every-
Jesus in prison only in the hope of thing the Bible says. In prison, we
a favorable parole decision.
CHAPTeR 11 :: ReLeASeD FOR GOOD :: p27

have plenty of personal time, a lack it this way: If one falls down, his what it means to be both. If your LIVING WITH GOD IN PRISON
of obligations, and the strict solitude friend can help him up. But pity the volunteers are coming at you with Prison is another form of school
of prison life. This provides a setting man who falls and has no one to help the same material, ask them or ask that is, a chance to learn something.
in which we can develop a practical, him up! (Ecclesiastes 4:10). So get through your chaplain if it would be If we learn how to live with God while
personal communication with God. active in prison church programs and possible to bring in a study series that in prison, theres a good chance we
read your Bible regularly, seeking to will take you beyond the basics of can do it in Freedomsville, where we
GETTING TO KNOW GOD apply its words to your own life and getting saved into a growing under- will enjoy great churches, pastors,
Start with your Bible. If you dont relationships. standing of your new identity in Christ and mentors.
have one, have someone send you one Several volunteer-based Christian and how His teachings impact every And Jesus Christ wants to be
or visit the chaplain. Prisons provide organizations go into prisons to help area of your lifefrom family relation- your centerpiece in learning a new
chaplains and chapel services that can inmates learn about God and grow in ships to employment issues, from lifestyle based on respect for others
help open your eyes to what the Bible their faith. These include Prison Fel- breaking free of addictions to handling those who believe and those who
means and what God can do in your lowship (the publisher of this Prison money wisely. If you dont have many dont. Jesus brought with Him a new
life. But no matter where you are Survival Guide), Billy Grahams Insti- Christian programs inside your prison, idea to live bylove. To paraphrase
in the library, the rec yard, your cell tute for Prison Ministries, Good News you can get some great Bible studies His Great Commandment from
you can open the Bible and privately Jail & Prison Ministry, Kairos Min- and correspondence courses through Matthew 22:36-40: Love the Lord
discover some of Gods truth for your istries, and many others. In addition, the mail. One excellent resource is with everything youve got, and love
life. And you dont have to be in the volunteers from local churches may Crossroad Bible Institute (specifically others as well as you love yourself.
chapel to pray. visit regularly to lead worship services created to help prisoners grow in their In another passage of the Bible
Some of the strongest Christians and Bible studies. Ask your chaplain faith) at P.O. Box 900, Grand Rapids, John 15:12Jesus gives an even
in prison seldom visit the chapel ex- or program director what is available. Michigan 49509-0900. greater standard for loving others:
cept on Sunday morning. They read Most prisoners have a release Love each other as I have loved you
their Bibles, pray, and gently minister DONT GET STUCK IN ONE SPOT date, a day when we will walk through (emphasis added). Thats a sacrificial,
to others elsewhere within the prison. Be discerning about the programs the prison gate to freedom. But dont serving kind of love.
They are honest in their relationship you attend. Sometimes youll meet just focus longingly on your future It doesnt matter whether you
with God and willing to share with well-intentioned volunteers from the freedom. What is important is learn- are in prison or outside; walls and
others. And when they go home, they outside who think all prisoners are ingthrough prayer, Bible study, and wire cannot keep God out of your
dont come back. Instead, they con- nonbelievers, mired in sin. Conse- friendship with other Christian prison- lifeonly you can do that. But as
tinue the new path that God has set quently, their programs may repeat- ers or an outside mentorto be a gen- you trust Him and follow His lead,
before them, resisting old temptations edly focus on coming to Christ for uine Christian now, within a prison you will find yourself becoming truly
with His strength and grace. salvation. Yet many of us have already environment. And when released? Its transformed. If anyone is in Christ,
Find a small-group Bible study taken that first step of accepting Christ like the Frank Sinatra song, If I can he is a new creation (2 Corinthians
in your prison. A key skill for survival as Savior, and we need now to nurture make it here, I can make it anywhere. 5:17). And as you join with other
in or out of prison is finding a com- our faith and develop positive Chris- Christians in supportive relationships,
munity of like-minded folks, especially tian virtues inside the madhouse of you will find that you can not only
ones who share a Christian faith and the prison. Confused, we may answer survive your prison experience, but
worldview. Hollywood loves to glorify every altar call, accepting Christ as also thrive in it!
the tough loner who doesnt need any- our Savior over and over. Instead of
one. But for those of us living real life, growing as a Christian, we may be
we must have friends. The Bible puts spinning our wheels.
We are prisoners and we are
Christians, and we gradually learn
CHAPTeR 11 :: ReLeASeD FOR GOOD :: p28

DECISION TIME? A scholar asked Jesus what it

A lot of folks have an opinion about meant to be born again. Jesus ex-
Jesus. For many their opinion is based plained famously, For God so loved
Responding to Gods on some preacher they saw on TV,
or people who claimed to be born
the world, that he gave his one and
only Son, that whosoever believes in

You can pray something like this:
Yo u again. But the most important deci-
sion in your life centers on getting the
facts straight about Jesus and then
making a decision.
The Bible tells us several things
about Jesus. He was born of a virgin,
fully God and fully man. He taught
him shall not perish but have everlast-
ing life. To others he said, I am the
way, the truth, and the life. No one
comes to the Father but through me.
And again, If you do not believe that
I am the one I claim to be, you will
indeed die in your sins.
God, Im a sinner and I am sorry with authority. He healed people God loves you and does not
miraculously. He invited desire to see you perish and be
for my sins. Please forgive all I have people to believe in eternally separated from Him. He
done. Thank You for loving me so much Him as the one true wants to make your life a joy-filled
Son of God and as example of His goodness and grace.
that You sent Jesus to die on the the only way to If you have never asked God through
cross for me. I ask Jesus to come into heaven and the Jesus to forgive you and become
only way to the Lord and Savior of your life,
my heart and cleanse it. I want to avoid hell. you can do it now. Jesus paid the
start overa new personwith Jesus penalty for your sins. Your salvation
cost Him His life. Its not enough
as my Lord and Guide. Thank You for to say that know that; you have
hearing me and showing me mercy. to believe it and act upon it.

If you have sincerely confessed your sin and asked
for the gift of Christs salvation, Gods Spirit has now entered
your life and will be your constant companion. He promised
to never leave you nor abandon you even if you lose
heart along the way. During your most difcult times, He
will be working in you, strengthening and encouraging you.
When you get out, He will go with you. Trust Him; follow
Him closely. It is a tough world, both inside and out,
and you will need all the help you can get.

State Correctional Educational Opportunities

For information on correctional Arkansas Florida Indiana
Correctional Education Division Bureau of Institutional Programs Correctional Education Division
educational opportunities in your Corrections School System Education Program State Department of Correction
specific state, refer to the information 8000 Correction Circle 2601 Blair Stone Road E329 Indiana Government Center South
below. This was provided by the Pine Bluff, AR 71603 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2500 302 West Washington Street
website of the Office of Correctional Phone: (870) 267-6725 Phone: (850) 410-4412 Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 233-3111
Education, U.S. Department of
California Georgia
Education, and is up to date as Correctional Education Division No state information given. Contact: Iowa
of September 2007. Office of Correctional Education Office of Correctional Education Correctional Education Division
P.O. Box 942883 U.S. Department of Education State Department of Corrections
Alabama Sacramento, CA 94283-0001 400 Maryland Ave. SW Suite 4
Correctional Education Division Phone: (916) 445-8035 MES 4527 510 East 12th Street
J.F. Ingram State Technical College Washington, DC 20202-7242 Des Moines, IA 50319
P.O. Box 220350 Colorado Phone: (515) 725-5728
Deatsville, AL 36022-0350 Correctional Education Division Hawaii
Phone: (334) 285-5177 Colorado Department of Corrections Correctional Education Division Kansas
2862 South Circle Drive Department of Public Safety, Room 405 Correctional Education Division
Alaska Colorado Springs, CO 80906-4195 919 Ala Moana Boulevard Department of Corrections
Department of Corrections, Phone: (719) 226-4416 Honolulu, HI 96814 Landon State Office Building, 4th Floor
Inmate Programs Phone: (808) 587-1279 900 SW Jackson Street
Suite 601 Connecticut Topeka, KS 66612-1284
550 West Seventh Avenue Correctional Education Division Idaho Phone: (785) 296-3317
Anchorage, AK 99501 State Department of Correction Correctional Education Division
Phone: (907) 269-7434 Unified School District #1 Suite 110 Kentucky
24 Wolcott Hill Road 1299 North Orchard Street Correctional Education Division
Arizona Wethersfield, CT 06109-1152 Boise, ID 83706 Department of Corrections
Correctional Education Division Phone: (860) 692-7536 Phone: (208) 658-2000 Health Services Building
Mail Code 860 275 East Main Street
3701 West Cambridge Avenue Delaware Illinois P.O. Box 2400
Phoenix, AZ 85009 Correctional Education Division Office of Adult Education Frankfort, KY 40602-2400
Phone: (602) 272-7600 ext.256 Department of Corrections and Vocational Education Phone: (502) 564-4795 ext.229
Bureau of Prisons 1301 Concordia Court
245 McKee Road Springfield, IL 62794
Dover, DE 19904 Phone: (217) 522-2666 ext.3601
Phone: (302) 739-5601 Fax: (217) 522-9518


Louisiana Michigan Montana New Mexico

Correctional Education Division Correctional Education Division Correctional Education Division New Mexico Adult
Technical College System Department of Corrections State Department of Corrections Correctional Education
P.O. Drawer EM Prisoner Education Programs 1539 11th Avenue State Corrections Department
Oakdale, LA 71463 P.O. Box 30003 P.O. Box 201301 4101 Pan American Freeway, NE
Phone: (318) 335-3944 ext.111 Lansing, MI 48909 Helena, MT 59620-1301 Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone: (517) 241-7308 Phone: (406) 444-3930 Phone: (505) 841-4289
Adult Correctional Education Minnesota Nebraska New York
State Department of Corrections Correctional Education Division Correctional Education Division Correctional Education Division
State House Station #111 State Department of Corrections Department of Corrections State Department of Correctional Services
Augusta, ME 04333-0111 Facility Services Division - Education P.O. Box 94661 Harriman State Campus, Building 2
Phone: (207) 287-4342 1450 Energy Park Drive Lincoln, NE 68509 1220 Washington Avenue
Suite 200 Phone: (402) 479-5723 Albany, NY 12226-2050
Maryland St. Paul, MN 55108-5210 Phone: (518) 457-8142
Correctional Education Program Phone: (651) 361-7244 Nevada
State Department of Education Nevada Department of Corrections North Carolina
200 West Baltimore Street Mississippi P.O. Box 7011 Correctional Education Division
Baltimore, MD 21201 Department of Corrections Carson City, NV 89702 Department of Corrections,
Phone: (410) 767-0500 723 North President Street Phone: (775) 887-3237 Division of Prisons
Jackson, MS 39202 4264 MSC
Massachusetts Phone: (601) 359-5600 New Hampshire 831 West Morgan Street
Correctional Education Division Correctional Education Division Raleigh, NC 27669-4264
State Department of Correction Missouri State Department of Corrections Phone: (919) 838-3642
Hodder House Correctional Education Division Special School District
P.O. Box 71 Division of Offender Rehabilitation P.O. Box 14 North Dakota
Two Merchant Road P.O. Box 236 Concord, NH 03302-0014 Correctional Education Division
Framingham, MA 01704 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Phone: (603) 271-7357 State Penitentiary
Phone: (508) 935-0901 Phone: (573) 526-6533 P.O. Box 5521
New Jersey 3100 Railroad Avenue
Office of Educational Services Bismarck, ND 58506-5521
State Department of Corrections Phone: (701) 328-6100
P.O. Box 863
Trenton, NJ 08625-0863
Phone: (609) 292-8054

State Correctional Educational Opportunities


Ohio Rhode Island Texas Washington

Correctional Education Division Correctional Education Division Correctional Education Division Correctional Education Division
Ohio Central School System Rhode Island Department of Corrections State Department of Criminal Justice State Department of Corrections
1050 Freeway Drive North Educational Services, Bernadette Building Windham School District, Instl Division Educational Services Unit
Columbus, OH 43229 15 Fleming Road P.O. Box 40 7345 Linderson Way, MS-41129
Phone: (614) 752-0311 Cranston, RI 02920 Huntsville, TX 77342-0040 Tumwater, WA 98501
Phone: (401) 462-2507 Phone: (936) 291-5300 Phone: (360) 725-8211
Correctional Education Division South Carolina Utah West Virginia
State Department of Corrections Correctional Education Division Correctional Education Division Office of Institutional
Suite 200 State Department of Corrections State Office of Education Education Programs
2901 North Classen Palmetto Unified School District #1 250 East 500 South State Department of Education
Oklahoma City, OK 73106 4444 Broad River Road P.O. Box 144200 Building 6, Room 728
Phone: (405) 962-6109 P.O. Box 21787 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Columbia, SC 29221-1787 Phone: (801) 538-7989 Charleston, WV 25305-0330
Oregon Phone: (803) 896-1568 Phone: (304) 957-9833
Correctional Education Division Vermont
State Department of Corrections South Dakota Correctional Education Division Wisconsin
Workforce Development Division Correctional Education Division Community High School of Vermont Correctional Education Division
1793 13th Street, SE State Department of Corrections 103 South Main Street State Department of Corrections
Salem, OR 97302 Suite 4 Waterbury, VT 05671-1001 P.O. Box 7925
Phone: (503) 934-1007 4101 South Westport Avenue Phone: (802) 241-2273 3099 East Washington Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Madison, WI 53707-7925
Pennsylvania Phone: (605) 773-3478 Virginia Phone: (608) 240-5000
Bureau of Correction Education Virginia Department of
Department of Corrections Tennessee Correctional Education Wyoming
Suite 103 Correctional Education Division James Monroe Building, 7th Floor Correctional Education Division
75 Utley Drive State Department of Corrections 101 North 14th Street Department Of Corrections
Camp Hill, PA 17011 Rachel Jackson Building, 4th Floor Richmond, VA 23219-3678 700 West 21st Street
Phone: (717) 731-7823 320 Sixth Avenue, North Phone: (804) 225-3314 Cheyenne, WY 82002
Nashville, TN 37243-0465 Phone: (307) 777-6104
Phone: (615) 741-1000 ext.8176

State Correctional Educational Opportunities


Dads (and Moms) Totally Fun Test

Could you use some help in knowing
how to connect and communicate with 01. Whats your favorite TV show? 13. Do you still like dolls (action gures)?
______________________________ 07. What do you want to be A) Yes
your children while youre in prison? when you grow up? B) No
At right is a sampling of ______________________________
02. Whats your pets favorite TV show? (Questions like this help you keep pace
questions from Dwight Twilleys ______________________________ ______________________________ with your childs changing interests as he
Questions from Dad (the book is ______________________________ or she grows older)
regrettably out of print) to help you 03. You should never eat anything bigger ______________________________
think creatively about how to reach than your own head. 14. Write your name the best you can.
into your childrens hearts and show A) True 08. Would you like to ride an elephant? ______________________________
B) False A) Yes
them you care. The approach centers
B) No 15. Now write it the worst you can.
around a Dads Testonly this test C) Id be scared
04. What does your room look like? ______________________________
is fun! It includes funny, entertaining
A) Neat and clean
questions as well as a few serious 09. What is the scariest thing
B) Not too bad 16. Are you glad this test is almost over?
ones that help you learn more about C) Disaster area you can think of? A) Yes
your kids and their interests. D) Bio-hazard area ______________________________ B) No
You can use these questions ______________________________
and/or invent some of your own. 05. Do you like school? 17. Do you want dad to send more tests?
You can make up a different test for A) Yes 10. Who is your best friend? A) Yes
B) No ______________________________ B) No
each child, geared to his or her age.
At holidays you can make up a test C) A little
D) A lot 11. What level can you get to in Mario III 18. Your dad thinks you are
with a holiday theme. (or insert whatever game your child A) OK
Most kids love to draw. So might play)?
06. Which is best? B) kinda likes you
you might draw an empty box and A) Hamburger ______________________________ C) loves you
ask your child to draw something B) Hot dog D) love love loves you
such as the family pet or an alien 12. Name all the video games you have. E) love love love love love love loves you
from Mars. ______________________________
If you can afford it, include a self- ______________________________
addressed, stamped envelope. That will
boost your chance of getting a reply!


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