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Homemade Lasagna Recipe

This Lasagna Recipe is delicious and rich.This is made with alternate layers of pasta, cheeses, and ragu.
This rich Italian food has captivated the hearts and taste buds of everyone in the world.This Lasagna
Recipe is like no other. We all know that this dish has hundreds of versions; this one belongs to the top 5,
at least. Now is the right time to open our minds to different possibilities. Let us move out of our comfort
zones by trying to do or make dishes that are more than ordinary. After all, we all deserve to enjoy the
best. This pasta recipe will speak for itself.
People think that Lasagna is too complicated to make. It might look intimidating, but anyone can do it.
All it takes is for you to be familiar with the ingredients and a little practice. Being optimistic will also
help you to successfully make lasagna for yourself.
Still not convinced that you can easily make Lasagna? All you have to do is follow this step by step
recipe. If you still think that you will need more coaching, our cooking video will definitely help you.
Try this delicious and rich Lasagna Recipe and let me know what you think.

Lasagna Recipe
1 lb mozzarella cheese
1 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1 lb lasagna
Meat Sauce:
1 lb ground beef
1/2 cup chopped onions
2 cloves garlic, chopped
28 ounces crushed tomatoes
16 ounces tomato sauce
6 ounces tomato paste
1/2 cup Water
2 tbsp cooking oil
2 tbsp white sugar
3 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
3 tbsp fresh Basil leaves, chopped
1 tsp salt
1 tsp Italian Seasoning
1/2 tsp ground pepper
White Sauce:
2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
1 1/2 lb ricotta cheese
1 piece raw egg

Cooking Procedure
1. Soak the Lasagna in water for 15 to 20 minutes
2. Make the meat sauce by heating a cooking pot and pouring-in the cooking oil.
3. Saut the garlic and onions
4. Put-in the ground beef and cook until color turns brown (about 7 to 8 minutes)
5. Add the crushed tomato, tomato sauce, and tomato paste then stir.
6. Put-in the fresh parsley, fresh basil leaves, sugar, salt, and Italian seasoning. Stir and simmer for 60
7. Add the ground black pepper and then set aside.
8. Make the white sauce by combining the ricotta cheese, parsley, and egg in a mixing bowl.
9. Mix the combined ingredients then set aside.
10. Arrange the Lasagna layers by pouring-in 2 cups of meat sauce in a baking tray. Evenly distribute
it on the trays flat surface
11. Lay the Lasagna Noodles over the layer of meat sauce (about 6 to 7 pieces per layer)
12. Put half of the white sauce on top of the Lasagna Noodle layer then spread evenly
13. Put a layer of mozzarella cheese over the white sauce (use half of the total mozzarella cheese)
14. Sprinkle half of the parmesan cheese over the mozzarella cheese layer
15. Spread 2 cups of meat sauce over the parmesan cheese
16. Lay the another layer of Lasagna Noodles over the meat sauce
17. Put and spread the remaining white sauce (ricotta mixture) over the Lasagna Noodles
18. Put the mozzarella cheese over the white sauce and spread again (save some for the final topping)
19. Sprinkle the rest of the parmesan cheese over the mozzarella cheese layer
20. Pour-in all the remaining meat sauce and spread evenly
21. Put-in the remaining mozzarella cheese on top of the meat sauce
22. Cover the baking tray with Aluminum foil and bake in 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes
23. Remove the Aluminum foil on top of the tray and bake for 20 minutes in 350 degrees Fahrenheit
24. Serve Hot. Share and Enjoy

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