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Welcome to the Infinity Circuit. If you need me, I work overnight americlap central time, so make
a thread detailing whats up (nsfw ok with spoiler tags on pics)

File (hide): 1411048937030.jpg (158.88 KB, 615x520, 123:104, 1408509300773.jpg)

/fowg/ Flames of War Infinity Chan Edition. Lord_Viruscide New Zealand 09/18/14 (Thu)
08:02:17 ID: 95069 No.8

Flames of War SCANS database (Fully Updated):
Includes our Late War Leviathan rules!

Official Flames of War Free Briefings:

Current /tg/ fan projects - Noob Guide &FAQ, and a possible Podcast

Quick Guide on all present FOW Books:

Archive of all known Panzer Tracts PDFs:

WWII Osprey's, Other Wargames, and Reference Books

and, for Vietnam.

Guybrarian Notes:

Assembling the Open Fire Shermans -

Comrades. I will not ask you to take sides, but their conduct is worst than that of the tiniest
soldiers we push around our boards. They Censor, they belittle, they lie, they conspire. It is,
disgusting the way that their hearts and minds are so easily swayed, to put aside all rational
thought, and the ability to reason and doubt, for what? For what reason other than this, spoon
fed notion of Equality that would send us back to the dark ages? Where all men are treated as
vile disgusting rapists waiting to happen? Where all Women are treated as weak, powerless
children that cannot think for themselves? Where Mental sickness is a thing to be celebrated
rather than to be sought treatment for? Wherein the real problems affecting this world of ours,
is not the actual oppressions inequalities and Genocides that threaten people the world over,
but rather the small Nuisances of the truly privileged? Within our games, we refight the battles
that allowed these people their right to free speech, their rights to freedom of thought;
expression; worship and belief, the same rights that these people now trample upon.

In closing Comrades, I would leave you with Martin Niemller's words:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for meand there was no one left to speak for me.

Anonymous 09/19/14 (Fri) 10:17:19 ID: df6f1 No.538>>2233

File (hide): 1411143439433.jpg (1.03 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DSCF2525.JPG)

>>8 (OP)

Sandgroperfag with Italian EW here, will continue to stay on the progenitor's thread until the
end of this month, but will also lurk and post here. Hope to see some people make the move, it
would be nice to see most of the /fowg/ community come here, it has always been one of the
nicer generals.

Anonymous 09/20/14 (Sat) 02:17:29 ID: 18a81 No.1030>>2554

Haven't played for a while.

Are ROF1 Russian tanks still shit?

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 11:11:46 ID: 66948 No.2167>>2556

>>8 (OP)

Oh hey Virus, nice to see you here. What are you working on now? Excited for Barbarossa?

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 12:50:40 ID: 66948 No.2233


>gluing AA MGs on Eye-tie tanks.

>about to go outside to prime them

>It's raining

Mother fucker. At least I got all the hulls of them primed.

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:17:32 ID: f0a49 No.2554


Depends on the tank.

ISUs are alright. SU-100s are good at long range.

T-70s and IS-2s are indeed shit, though.

bartosz 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:18:11 ID: 453f7 No.2555

wow., look, a second 'chanwith a FOW general?

Lord_Viruscide 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:19:39 ID: 95069 No.2556>>2560

File: 1411352379685.jpg (159.05 KB, 320x213, 320:213, B8llXP5.jpg)


Working on? Still I'm working on Japs, but I can't be stuffed to do it. Also, /fowg/ was the eighth
post on the board.

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:25:56 ID: 66948 No.2560

File: 1411352756282.webm (2.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, L3.webm) [play once] [loop]


>moving jpg

What is this magic?

I made some progress on my Eye-ties today. I'm painting the tanks in the early German Fieldgrey
color instead of the later tan color. This is mostly because I play on European boards anyway. The
North Africa board rarely gets brought out.

bartosz 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:34:57 ID: 453f7 No.2572>>2582>>2586>>2598

File: 1411353297761.jpg (445.38 KB, 1028x1500, 257:375, all Pumas.jpg)

i can field 25 pumas.

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:40:55 ID: 66948 No.2582


You need more Pumas man.

Screaming Eagles 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:43:03 ID: 5524a No.2586


That is beyond nuts.

I'm not sure if that's brilliant, insane, or a little bit of both.

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:51:02 ID: 66948 No.2597>>2601>>2604>>2611>>2787

File: 1411354262720.jpg (1.12 MB, 1280x797, 1280:797, 2e431ac2266b1e72d7863c5e7e.jpg)

So did someone mention this thread in the podcast? I suspect that's how Eagles and bartosz
found out about this place.

Feels nice not having to feel in the captcha once again

Lord_Viruscide 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:51:14 ID: 95069 No.2598

File: 1411354274357.jpg (198.77 KB, 578x800, 289:400, 1332793551816.jpg)


Mother of God.

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:52:31 ID: 66948 No.2601


>feel in the

So it begins again.

Screaming Eagles 09/21/14 (Sun) 20:57:00 ID: 5524a No.2604>>2607>>2612


>So did someone mention this thread in the podcast?


The anti-SWJ types in the podcast talked about this place.

It's so sad that the "the Horus Heresy" bullshit has devolved this far.

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 21:00:21 ID: 66948 No.2607


This place seems like it will be better for updates about long term projects and the like, with the
faster discussion still on old/tg/. We can go a few hours with no posts without falling off the
board here(especially since there are no quest threads).

Lord_Viruscide 09/21/14 (Sun) 21:02:46 ID: 95069 No.2611>>2646>>2647


I just keep my ears open and r/kotakuinaction, so I found out about this place early. Hence 8th

Screaming Eagles 09/21/14 (Sun) 21:04:49 ID: 5524a No.2612


"Horus Heresy" is not what I typed at all

Fucking word filter

But I'm sure you all know about the current nonsense
Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 21:44:45 ID: 66948 No.2646>>2664


This is the part where I go

>browsing reddit

Really though it's nice to see a thread about FoW here.

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 21:45:05 ID: 66948 No.2647


This is the part where I go

>browsing leddit

Really though it's nice to see a thread about FoW here.

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 21:56:06 ID: cdb9c No.2664>>2685


Let's keep Terra nonsense on Terra, shall we? There's no need to keep this >LEDDIT and >BAIT
nonsense. Kick it out of the moving van so we don't look like faggots, mkay?

That said, that sub is good for keeping an eye on bullshit. Better off letting other people do the

Anonymous 09/21/14 (Sun) 22:12:02 ID: 66948 No.2685>>2687


Yes yes I know.

It's been a while since I kept up on the noob guide, is that considered close to being finished yet?
Screaming Eagles 09/21/14 (Sun) 22:19:18 ID: 5524a No.2687


Not by a long shot.

A lot of stuff in the outline hasn't even been touched on yet.

Estland 09/22/14 (Mon) 00:07:57 ID: 93bd7 No.2787


I'm not anti chaos-cultist i just dislike people doing and supporting opressive bullshit.

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 00:36:07 ID: df6f1 No.2809>>2945>>2960

File: 1411367766977-0.gif (478 KB, 499x374, 499:374, 203mm Howitzer.gif)

File: 1411367766977-1.jpg (55.96 KB, 280x328, 35:41, 1408815871508.jpg)

Post em if you got em.

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 07:33:01 ID: 66948 No.2945>>2966

File: 1411392781700-0.jpg (47.82 KB, 769x558, 769:558, 1411109415526.jpg)

File: 1411392781700-1.webm (2.98 MB, 640x360, 16:9, IJN.webm) [play once] [loop]


Post interesting WWII pictures? Okay, here's some Eye-ties and an IJN video.
Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 08:10:57 ID: bdf1d No.2960>>2979>>3016


It always blew my mind that the Soviets cleared out parts of Berlin by firing howitzers
horizontally down city streets.

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 08:22:59 ID: df6f1 No.2966

File: 1411395778993-0.jpg (346.3 KB, 800x628, 200:157, 1408995185692.jpg)

File: 1411395778993-1.jpg (137.73 KB, 1280x923, 1280:923, Capping the point.jpg)


Some more

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 08:52:41 ID: 3ed6a No.2979


That particular idea was no new by then, and both the Germans and the Soviets built vehicles for
exactly that sort of thing.

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 10:35:08 ID: a14e0 No.3016>>3046

File: 1411403708012.jpg (63.77 KB, 580x408, 145:102, ISU-152r.jpg)


That's what the ISU-152 is for.

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 11:45:22 ID: df6f1 No.3046

File: 1411407922794.jpg (128.32 KB, 682x425, 682:425, TIME FOR CROMWELL.jpg)


This is a good thing, lets keep this going.

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 11:48:19 ID: 66948 No.3048

File: 1411408099942.jpg (129.62 KB, 473x731, 11:17, muh_wallet.jpg)

That money was burning holes in my clothes anyway. I never needed it.

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 17:18:54 ID: d6b81 No.3156

How do you guys like your terrain to be?

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 17:20:07 ID: d6b81 No.3159>>3160

How do you guys like your terrain?

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 17:21:00 ID: d6b81 No.3160


I swear I attached an image to that post

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 17:58:39 ID: 453f7 No.3175>>3190>>3373

the utter lack of images is disturbing

or, is it just my GUI?

Lord_Viruscide 09/22/14 (Mon) 18:30:56 ID: 95069 No.3190>>3373

File: 1411432256298.jpg (159.05 KB, 320x213, 320:213, B8llXP5.jpg)


The site's probably just still teething.

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 21:40:29 ID: 129a1 No.3373>>3377

File: 1411443629132.jpg (2.54 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_2872.JPG)



I think it was just a problem with the move to the new 2ch servers.

Post your WIPs if you have them.

Anonymous 09/22/14 (Mon) 21:43:23 ID: 129a1 No.3377

File: 1411443803700.jpg (1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 1411433305319.jpg)


Well that was the wrong picture for my post, but it's still a nice looking board I think.

Anonymous 09/23/14 (Tue) 01:57:36 ID: df6f1 No.3565

File: 1411459056802-0.jpg (51.27 KB, 651x461, 651:461, 1408039550926.jpg)

File: 1411459056802-1.jpg (70.33 KB, 640x436, 160:109, 1408039758632.jpg)

About to go to work, but have some air support for tonight.

Anonymous 09/23/14 (Tue) 09:47:09 ID: 2572b No.3857>>4058

So when is the first podcast going to be made available for download, does anyone know?

Panzer Lehr 09/23/14 (Tue) 15:00:03 ID: 21bd2 No.4058>>4083


It needs to happen first! But there's gathering momentum, and a rough topic list.

I've not yet been online at the same time as any of the Aus/NZ/Asia-Pacific crew, so I don't know
what their thinking is. But so far, between Europe and US, we're pretty positive. Maybe an
Episode Zero "soon" (TM) to test the idea, and then an Episode One to follow.

Anonymous 09/23/14 (Tue) 15:39:38 ID: 129a1 No.4083>>4093


Oh, for some reason I thought the teamspeak stuff on sunday was being recorded as a
"podcast". I probably would have thought different if I was there.

Panzer Lehr 09/23/14 (Tue) 15:46:06 ID: 21bd2 No.4093>>4113


I think we recorded a segment of it in order to check sound quality etc, but I wasn't under the
impression that we were intending to use that.

Screaming Eagles 09/23/14 (Tue) 17:14:29 ID: 5524a No.4113>>5573


Yeah, That was only a test recording done by one of our European members.

Damn, matching voices to screen names is going to be difficult for a while until I start to learn
who everybody is

But yeah, the chat the other day went really well. And many of us were on there for WAAAAY too
many hours

Anonymous 09/24/14 (Wed) 20:20:03 ID: f5012 No.5573>>5612


Well hopefully this will go well.

Kinda strange to think this started because of a comment you made in a thread.

Screaming Eagles 09/24/14 (Wed) 21:11:30 ID: 717e7 No.5612>>5830


It was one of those half-assed boasts, ("/FoWtg/ could host a better historical games discussion
than this!") that I didn't expect to be taken seriously at all.

And then a funny thing happened

FoWtg took my half-assed boast completely seriously. And set out to prove it.

And now we're seriously working on getting a podcast together.

Anonymous 09/25/14 (Thu) 05:43:38 ID: f5012 No.5830>>5863>>9771


Does anyone know what names we'll be using for the podcast?

Will it be real names or online names?

Lord_Viruscide 09/25/14 (Thu) 08:01:46 ID: 92930 No.5863>>5872


Knowing what the the Warp's like, I'd say leaving real names out of it and just going by screen

Screaming Eagles 09/25/14 (Thu) 08:31:39 ID: 717e7 No.5872


I could maybe see using our first names, but not our full names.

That being said, screen names is probably the best bet. Especially since our other home base has
been tarred by a lot of pointless bad press lately due to /b/-tard stupidity.

Lord_Viruscide 09/27/14 (Sat) 18:21:08 No.7794

Speaking of the Podcast.

Hungariboo 09/30/14 (Tue) 20:35:40 No.9771>>9775


Probably a good idea to keep it to the "namefag" names.

Nobody is going to recognize Bill or Dave or Jonjinglefuckingheimerschmidt on the thread, but
they can look up posts by Eagles, Viruscide, or Hungariboo.

Last I saw in the emails, they're still hammering out the "rules" for how we'll do the podcast,
basically just nailing down structure and shit. One cool idea was just recording several hours
worth of material in a day as segments of varying length, and using them to make several
episodes with. That way people could log on at times that worked for them, and pitch in.

which leads to the other idea, basically saying something like "we're recording on Saturday the
25th, start 2000 GMT and going until we're bored."

In this way, itd a lot like a /tg/ thread. A few guys are on, someone posts a question, then
whoever is on discusses it.

Also, we need an intro bit where we say our forum name or something so listeners can tell who's
talking. That was something we didn't think about for the test recording.

Hungariboo 09/30/14 (Tue) 20:39:08 No.9775


accidentally'd a few sentences, what I meant to type

>which leads to the other idea, basically saying something like "we're recording on Saturday the
25th, start 2000 GMT and going until we're bored." So maybe there's say, 4 guys when we start
recording, others show up throughout the day to replace others as they have to leave for
whatever reasons, and you end up with lots of varied topics and viewpoints.

In this way, itd a lot like a /tg/ thread. A few guys are on, someone posts a question, then
whoever is on discusses it.

Anonymous 10/01/14 (Wed) 00:19:37 No.9849

Well, I'm glad to see one micro-community survived transplant.

Anonymous 10/04/14 (Sat) 15:21:10 No.11448>>11468

So, has there been any update/progress on the podcast?

Anonymous 10/04/14 (Sat) 16:13:02 No.11468


The recording for the first real one got completed recently, but still has to be edited. Should be
done soon.

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